#[ lilo pelekai intro ]
thetorturedmusesdept · 3 months
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Was that [AULI'I CRAVALHO]? Oh no no, that was just [LILO PELEKAI], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [DISNEY’S LILO AND STITCH]. They are [TWENTY] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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FULL NAME: Lilo Kailani Pelekai AGE: 20 SPECIES: Human FANDOM: Disney’s Lilo and Stitch GENDER IDENTITY: Non-binary; she/they SEXUALITY:  Pansexual NATIONALITY:  Hawaiian ETHNICITY: Native Hawaiian HOW LONG HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN HERE?: One Week JOB: Barista at The Roost WHERE HAS YOUR CHARACTER BEEN PULLED FROM IN THEIR FANDOM?: Roughly 13 years after the events of Lilo and Stitch. HAS ANY MAGIC AFFECTED YOUR CHARACTER?: Yes, Lilo currently believes she has lived in Washington DC her whole life, though something about that doesn’t feel quite right.
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SIBLING(S): Nani Pelekai PARTNER(S): None atm. CHILDREN: None atm. PARENT(S): Alani Pelekai [deceased] and Koa Pelekai [deceased]
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- Lilo loves arts and crafts! She made her favorite childhood doll, Scrump, completely herself! She loves making things, whether it’s art or jewelry or dolls - anything creative is a great outlet for her! - Photography is one of Lilo’s great loves. She enjoys taking candids of people when they least suspect it, she likes capturing the humanity in others. She still uses an old fashioned camera where she has to get the film developed, but she also has an instagram dedicated to her work. - Music is an important part of Lilo’s life. She’s obviously a huge Elvis fan, but just in general she feels like music has saved her life a bunch of times. She loves to listen to records and she loves to dance. She also plays the ukulele. - Lilo is a huge fan of anime and loves to cosplay! She even sometimes makes TikToks in character. She enjoys putting together a costume and playing pretend for a while. - Things like Voodoo have always been intriguing to Lilo. She’s constantly reading books and consuming media about witchcraft and similar things. She just finds it fascinating! - Lilo is not a fan of storms. (TW: death) Her parents died in a car accident because of a very bad storm late one night. It’s why feeding Pudge the fish his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches is very important to her, since he controls the weather. - She enjoys helping people find what they’re good at. She likes getting to know someone and if she can be of help to them should they need it, that makes her extremely happy! - Lilo is not afraid to get her hands dirty. If you come after her, or especially if you come after her family, be prepared to endure her rage. She will go absolutely feral on your ass.
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platonic connections: Friends! Stitch has been Lilo’s only friend for most of her life. Most people tend to find her weird. She’d love some genuine friends!! more platonic connections: Bring me anyone from Lilo and Stitch or the t.v. series but especially bring me Nani please!!! Lilo needs her big sister! colleagues: Does your character also work at The Roost? Then they work with Lilo! They can get along or just be colleagues, it’s up to you! models/fellow photographers: Lilo loves photography, and especially taking candid shots of people when they least expect it. You could be a model for her (knowingly or unknowingly) or a fellow photographer would be fun too! water buddies: Lilo loves the water, she loves to swim and surf! So fellow water buddies are always welcome! non-human friends: When it comes to things like vampires, mermaids, werewolves, fairies, etc - Lilo believes in them all, and she always has and always will. I would LOVE some non-human friends for her! She’d be so stoked and have a million questions and comments for them, so be prepared. potential romantic connection: Lilo doesn’t do hook-ups but she does want to find love one day. She develops crushes very easily, to be honest. I think a slow-burn could be cute for her!
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Hello and welcome to the second Found Family Face-off! This time it's siblings! As mentioned in the intro post, this is for siblings of different genders, as there will future tournaments for brothers and sisters respectively to give as many found siblings as possible to be included! Anyway, please meet your contestants and round 1 match ups below:
*Please don't clown on this post and argue against why certain characters can't be found siblings (aside from if they're in an explicitly canon romantic relationship that I missed while trying to vet them). Please respect that these are people's headcanons and they might not align with yours (heck, some of these even I don't agree with but again, that's just my opinion) and that this is just for fun etc.
Group A
Ahsoka Tano & Rex VS Ahsoka Tano & Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Garrazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger VS Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso & Bodhi Rook (Star Wars)
Kilindi Matako & Maul VS Cal Kestis & Merrin (Star Wars)
Michael Burnham & Saru (Star Trek: Discovery) VS Mako Mori & Raleigh Beckett (Pacific Rim)
Tegan Jovanka & Vislor Turlough VS 10th Doctor & Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Luke Smith & Sky Smith VS Luke Smith & Maria Jackson (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Aidan Waite, Josh Levison & Sally Malik (Being Human U.S.) VS Steve Jinks & Claudia Donovan (Warehouse 13)
Amanda Brotzman & Vogel (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) VS Wednesday Addams & Eugene Ottinger (Wednesday)
Group B
Parker & Eliot Spencer (Leverage) VS Inej Ghafa & Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone)
Duke Thomas & Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) VS Will Byers & Jane "El" Hopper (Stranger Things)
Angus MacGyver, Wilt Bozer, Riley Davis & Sam Cage (MacGyver 2016) VS Josh Lyman, Toby Ziegler, CJ Cregg, Sam Seaborn & Charlie Young (The West Wing)
Malcolm Bright, J.T. Tarmell & Dani Powell (Prodigal Son) VS Kate Beckett, Javier Esposito & Kevin Ryan (Castle)
Jake Peralta + Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) VS Meredith Grey + Alex Karev (Grey's Anatomy)
Fig Faeth, Adaine Abernant, Fabian Aramais Seacaster, Gorgug Thistlespring, Riz Gukgak & Kristen Applebees (Dimension 20: Fantasy High) VS Travis Killian & The Doctor (The Game of Rassilon)
Meriadoc Brandybuck & Eowyn (The Lord of the Rings) VS Lester Papadopoulos & Meg McCaffrey (Trials of Apollo)
Alanna of Trebond, Gareth of Naxen & Raoul of Goldenlake (Song of the Lioness) VS Keladry of Mindelan, Neal of Queenscove (Protector of the Small) VS Sandry fa Toren, Tris Chandler, Daja Kisubo & Briar Moss (Circle of Magic)
Group C
Katara & Zuko VS Toph & Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Sokka & Toph VS Aang & Toph (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Korra & the Air kids (The Legend of Korra) VS April O'Neil + the Ninja Turtles (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sprig Plantar & Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) VS Hiccup Haddock & Heather (How to Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge)
Luz Noceda & Hunter VS Luz Noceda & Gus Porter & Willow Park (The Owl House)
Luz Noceda & King Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS Rayla & Ezran (The Dragon Prince)
Lilo Pelekai & Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) VS Luca Paguro, Giulia Marcovaldo & Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Claire Nuñez VS Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Nari (Tales of Arcadia)
Group D
Roronoa Zoro & Nami VS Roronoa Zoro & Perona (One Piece)
Kyōka Izumi & Atsushi Nakajima (Bungo Stray Dogs) VS Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Miles Edgeworth & Franziska Von Karma VS Miles Edgeworth & Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney)
Sento Kiryu & Misora Isurugi (Kamen Rider Build) VS Mikasa Ackermann and Armin Arlett (Attack on Titan)
Shadow the Hedgehog & Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Lucas, Kumatora & Duster (MOTHER 3)
Junpei Iori & Female protagonist/Kotone Shiomi (Persona 3) VS Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu & Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Sombra & Cassidy VS Baptist & Sombra (Overwatch)
Beauregard Lionett & Fjord VS Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)
Also! To help me out and get the brackets done and published sooner, here's a list of contestants that I haven't found picture for and would super appreciate help in tracking them down. Massive shout out to those who sent in pics with their submissions, yall are MVPs.
(Need the ones that aren't highlighted)
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Feel free to submit them via ask, submission or by reblogging and adding them to this post. Thanks in advance!
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Task Eleven → Intro & Connections
Nani Pelekai // Thirty // Owner of Ohana Dance Studios // She/Her [Biography]
+ Hard-Working, Devoted, Feisty - Sarcastic, Stern, Irritable
Quick Facts:
Moved to Redwood Hollow from Hawai’i when she was 14 because of her dad’s job. They were supposed to move back when dad’s 5-year contract ended, but they didn’t get that far. The Pelekai’s still live in the house that their parents bought when they moved to Redwood Hollow.
#Disaster Bisexual - has for sure had the hots for all of her best friends at some point, and the only person that knows this is her Super Secret Diary.
Never sits down. Runs on caffeine. Tries to cook but is fucking awful at it. Sleep, whomst?
Has worked just about every single job going in Redwood Hollow at some point in the past 12 years.
Was a surfing champion in Hawai’i in her teens, and often went back during the summer to compete after moving to Redwood Hollow.
Was accepted to Redwood College for Dance & Sports Sciences on a sports scholarship, and had started her first year before ultimately dropping out to look after Lilo.
Fought tooth and nail to keep her family together, and will absolutely fight anyone who gets in the way of that. (To be fair, she’ll fight you for less. Don’t piss her off unless you want to be absolutely roasted to death.)
Drives an absolutely ancient car that only has a cassette player. She saved up for it as a teen through odd jobs and competition earnings, and finally had enough to buy her first car the year after her parents died. She hasn’t been able to afford another since.
Nani is super friendly and can talk to just about anyone, but be warned, she is also extremely sarcastic and takes no bullshit from anybody. She will call you out.
Taken Connections
Ohana - Lilo Pelekai (Sister) @imsorryibityoux, Stephen Pelekai (Adopted Brother)
Housemates - Gwen Pleakley @gwen-pleakley, Javi Jookiba @javi-jookiba
Besties - David Kawena (See Below), Babette Dust @babettedust, Becky Detweiler @beckydetweiler, Victor Lumier @victorlumiere
What Are We? Boyfriend - Paxton Patterson @paxtonpatterson​
Nani and Paxton are one giant question mark, and one big avoided answer. They’re totally dating, but they’re both also totally stupid and in denial about. Everyone can see it. Paxton makes Nani feel all sorts of ways -happy being the main one- and she’s absolutely terrified she’s going to fuck it up by putting a label on it. She’s also scared that if she lets herself focus too much on herself and a relationship, she’ll miss something with Lilo. She will come out with the excuse that she’s “too busy” for all that mushy romance shit, but let’s be real, one look at Paxton’s puppy dog-eyes and floppy hair and she’s swooning. Plus, he’s a great cook, prime roasting fodder, and makes for a very comfortable napping location.
Ex-Boyfriend - Freddie “Flash” Slothmore @flash-hundredyarddash
They dated for a while waaaay back in the day. Nani thought she was ready for dating again but it was this relationship that made her realise that there was no room for that in her life when looking after her kid sister, and working 3 jobs. Freddie wanted them to go off into the world on some chill adventures, which sounded great in theory, but wouldn’t work in practice. The relationship ended amicably and they’re still friends.
Other Connections:
TJ Detweiler @tj-detweiler - Becky’s Brother. Pain in the ass. Would like to be paid for babysitting him, thanks.
Patrick Patterson @patrickpattersxn - Paxton’s Brother. They’ve bonded over absolutely roasting Paxton, and each other, apparently.
Elsa Arendelle @magicalelsaarendelle
Mrs Hasagawa - Nani worked at her Fruit Stall. She is now the bane of her and Paxton’s life. Ring-Leader of the Yoga Ladies.
Mary Gibbs @itsmarygibbs & Adam Legrand @magicaladamlegrand​
Persephone Kore @itspersephxne​ - The apparent mastermind behind setting up her and Paxton.
Hayden Bodaway @haydenbodaway​ - Paxton’s “Dad”/ Boss. Nani is stupidly intimidated by him though she would like to think otherwise, and makes an arse of herself every time she’s in the same room as him.
Wanted Connections:
The Yoga Ladies - Anyone can be a Yoga Lady. They have all banded together to give Nani shit about her love life, and honestly probably do that with half the town. Generally all older people in town, but basically anyone that attends the Yoga Class can fall under this category.
Lilo’s Friends (and enemies)
People that attend dance classes at her studio, or have kids/ siblings etc. that go.
Past Employers & Past Colleagues - Until Nani took over running the dance studio, she had to work every job she could get to keep her house, car, and siblings well-fed. If your character owns a business or is a manager, there’s a high chance that Nani has worked for them at some point. Whether she was fired, or quit, is all up for discussion. And she definitely knows a ton of people from having worked with them too.
Enemies - Nani needs someone that just really grinds her gears in the worst possible way.
Surf Buddies - Either current surf buddies or old surf buddies from her competition days
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas
Watch Where You’re Going, Stupid Head! - Someone gets on Nani’s bad side for one reason or another. Maybe they almost hit her with their car and she proceeds to stick a boot in their bumper and she has to pay for the damages, or someone just catches her on a really bad day.
Two Left Feet - Nani has been tasked with teaching someone to dance, either because they want to build their confidence, or because they want to surprise someone, or anything really, but it turns out they have the coordination of a shopping cart.
Green Eyes - Would an Are-They-Dating? plot be complete without a little jealousy added into the mix to spice things up a little? Either Nani is jealous of someone who had been eyeing Paxton up at the bar, or she misconstrued a look from Paxton to someone else as potential flirting and honed in on that poor person instead of calling Paxton out, because she’s totally not jealous or anything.
Someone brings in David Kawena (see below) for the drama lmfao
Honestly, I don’t have too many wanted plot ideas for Nani that wouldn’t be heavily connection driven, so feel free to message me to spitball anything you want from Nani!
Wanted Characters
Characters I would love to see taken/ an OC for (in relation to Nani) that one day might get bios:
DAVID KAWENA my beloved! - Nani’s all-time best friend. They grew up together, and David was there for Nani and Lilo when their parents died. David was always Nani’s rock, her voice of reason, and her shoulder to cry on. At some point there were mutual feelings, and they almost dated multiple times, but Nani never acted on her feelings because she was afraid of ruining their friendship. (David was too important to her to lose him over something as stupid as dating.)
Honestly, would love to say they were best friends in Hawai’i and he came here to start college with Nani, and then tragedy struck, but can totally work with anything here. He either has been here this whole time, or had to move back to The Island a few years ago but Nani still keeps him updated on everything.
(And honestly who doesn’t love a bit of almost-lovers drama? Especially now that Nani is almost-kinda-sorta dating Paxton amarite???)
MOSES PULOKI - In the movie, this is Lilo’s Hula Teacher. Totally up for spitballing ideas on this one, but either he was Nani & Lilo’s childhood Hula Teacher, now in Redwood Hollow as a trainer or retiree, or he’s the person Nani took over the studio from.
With Bios: Stephen Pelakai & Cobra Bubbles
Stephen Pelakai - Nani & Lilo’s Adopted Brother. Honestly, as if social work wasn’t complicated enough they had to go and adopt Stephen into the family. Nani is listed as his guardian, as she is with Lilo, but she calls him little brother.
Cobra Bubbles - The Pelekai family social worker. Nani couldn’t see it at the time, but Bubbles really was looking out for Nani to make sure she did what was best for Lilo. I just think it would be really fun to see their dynamic now that Nani isn’t fighting against him all the time, and the risk of Lilo being taken away is now 0 because she’s not a minor anymore.
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gwen-pleakley · 1 year
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Task 11: Intro & Connections
Name: Dr. Gwendolyn Pleakley Age: 30 Gender: Trans woman (she/her) Occupation: Ecology Professor at Redwood College Sexuality: Heterosexual Birthplace: New Jersey, USA Redwood Hollow Residency: One and a half years
Gwen was born as Wendell Plummer and grew up as a golden child and science prodigy, heavily pressured by her mother to succeed in everything she did.
After her extensive education, she was hired by the US government to act as a consultant on climate change and endangered species. She was disheartened to learn that her advice was rarely taken and nobody took her seriously.
Met Mateo Jimenez (Javi Jookiba), a government scientist who was using his grant money for under the table experiments. However, he greatly valued her input and the two together continued their illicit activities.
Eventually they were discovered by the government, so they made a run for it. They changed their names to Gwen Pleakley and Javi Jookiba and are acting as a married couple who just moved to town.
While having gender feelings for a very long time, it is only through her Gwen “disguise” that she’s allowed herself to live fully as a woman, and she loves it.
Renting a room from Nani Pelekai and living in the Pelekai home as quirky roommates.
While her marriage is fake, Gwen is starting to develop real feelings for Javi and has no idea what to do with it.
Neurotic, nosy, and not-at-all high maintenance, Gwen can be a lot to be around. While friendly, she also has a tendency to talk too much, brag, and generally be annoying.
Self-righteous and always believing herself to be in the right, Gwen can go full Karen mode at any given time. She is especially protective of bugs, animals, and the environment, but can also extend to frivolous matters such as holidays and diet.
Despite all this, if you give her the time of day, she will be undyingly loyal and a very good friend. The kind who brings you food when you’re sick, drives you to the airport, and supports you in whatever way you need.
She really enjoys her job as a professor and always does her best to support her students, particularly the ones that are invested in her class.
College professors/Students: She teaches at Redwood College and is always trying to make friends with her coworkers and help her students. She even helps Javi’s students, as he’s not as...supportive of a professor as she is.
Girl friends: Not girlfriends as in dating, but friends who are girls. Gwen is still fairly early in her transition and is desperate to connect with other women.
Gossip: Gwen is nosy af and loves gossiping about the people around town.
Farmer’s market buds: She is a vegan and frequents the farmer’s market.
Bowling buds: Gwen joined Redwood Hollow’s bowling team and although she has little skill in the sport, she is passionate and competitive. Most likely someone needs to teach her how to play.
Bug-lovers/haters: Whether you love or hate them, Gwen is passionate about bugs and wants to connect, whether to gush or to scold you.
NJ/DC Peeps: Gwen grew up in New Jersey, but went to college and spent her 20′s in Washington, DC. If your characters were in either place during those time, definitely open for connections!
Holiday Rivals: Gwen prides herself on being the most spirited celebrator of holidays that she knows. She takes great care to have the best decorations for all occasions. But then...a foe?! Someone who goes even harder with their decorating? Their rivalry would shake the foundations of the town.
A Secret Revealed: One way or another, your character finds out the truth about Javi and Gwen being wanted by the government. Whatever they do with that information, whether it be blackmailing, attempting to turn them in, etc. would make for an excellent plot.
Pelekai Household Drama: Whether a mutual friend of Nani or Lilo, your character comes over to hang out but instead gets stuck dealing with Gwen as they wait for their friend to return.
Making Javi Jealous: Okay, so Gwen is fake married. But she has a real crush on Javi. She needs to hang around a man to make Javi jealous and fall for her too. Gwen will not approach your character with the intent of “cheating”, and instead just act very close. However, as time goes on, feelings become complicated and it’s a genuine messy love triangle.
Karen: You’re just trying to run your business and here comes Karen Gwen wanting to speak to the manager.
Fake Husband: Javi Jookiba @javi-jookiba
Roommates: Nani Pelekai @themanagerisavampirex, Lilo Pelekai @imsorryibityoux, (unofficially) Paxton Patterson @paxtonpatterson
Friends: Fawn Weathers @fawn-weathers, Lucius Best @iceice-best
Students: Sofia Bach @sofia-bach
Would love a Stephen (Stitch) to complete the Pelekai household! All other Lilo and Stitch bios are wanted as well!
Could be fun to have more alien characters in the roleplay--other Lilo and Stitch experiments, the little green men from Toy Story, etc.
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hiddenwashington · 7 months
anonymous said : mw from: stranger things, scream, harry potter & disney? i've always wanted to join but i've always been a bit nervous because of how large the group is... do you have any tips for new members joining at all?
well first of all, for advice-- know that we're a super welcoming group and would love to have you around. we would encourage you to be proactive about plotting, and try to give a decent amount of info in your intros so people have something to work with (tell us where your character works, where they might hang out in the city, what kind of friendship or other relationship dynamics you're looking to plot for, for example!). also don't be afraid to request starters in the discord when people post starter calls, and know that participating in meme days usually gives you a lot of good material for you to start new threads with characters yours might not have interacted with yet. and if you have anything you're specifically concerned about, or have questions about, definitely shoot us a dm and we'd love to help you out! and then admin aria put a list of recent most wanted characters from those fandoms for you: the rest of the ' numbers ' , martin brenner , victor creel , eddie munson , mike wheeler , lucas & erica sinclair , dustin henderson , & jonathan byers from stranger things ; richie kirsch , ethan landry , quinn bailey , kirby reed , olivia morris , mindy meeks martin , liv mckenzie , leslie macher , & randy meeks from scream ; peter pettigrew , arthur weasley , percy weasley , rodolphus lestrange , travers , the carrow twins , barty crouch jr, bellatrix lestrange , antonin dolohov , lucius malfoy , leta lestrange , evan rosier , fenrir greyback , the bloody baron , the prewett twins , edgar bones , caradoc dearborn , & benjy fenwick from harry potter ; anamaria , tia dalma , syrena , philip swift , davy jones , hector barbossa , armando salazar , & gibbs from pirates of the caribbean ; toulouse , edgar & madame adelaide , & thomas o'malley from the aristocats ; the rest of the madrigals from encanto ; queen elsa , olaf , sven , hans , & honeymaren from frozen ; king triton & the rest of his daughters , ursula , & prince eric from the little mermaid ; mother gothel from tangled ; lilo & nani pelekai , pleakley , & jumba jookiba from lilo & stitch ; as well as princess tiana , prince naveen , & charlotte la bouff from princess & the frog !
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experimentkc · 3 years
🌺👽Happy 18th anniversary to Lilo & Stitch: The Series!👽🌺
The show debuted eighteen years ago with the episode “Richter” airing on ABC Kids!
Here’s (one variant of) the show’s opening and the full version of its theme song, “Aloha, E Komo Mai”!
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stitchandani · 3 years
I see that carmen has a different headdress and no maraca's. I guess those were things she picked up from around the island? Also, She and Sample are together? When and how did that happen?
Yes, Carmen and Sample are together! That happened some time just before Lilo left for college. I’m going to write a nice big long post about it, ya ready?
Carmen was feeling dull and unfulfilled in her One True Place. Trainer tried to help her find new reasons to love dance instructing, but Carmen was noticing Lilo bouncing around town, getting ready to move to Honolulu and a whole new future ahead of her. The dancing alien thought that was wonderful and exciting. Trainer tried letting her work her rhythms at the Kokaua Town Gym for dance-workouts; intro to hula classes with tourists; school dance planning…but none of it really worked for Carmen. Nothing made her feel excited like she did any time she considered how prominent members of the Ohana, like Rueben, got to travel the stars, or Pleakley was prepping to go off-planet, and most importantly, Lilo was leaving the island.
After poor Trainer’s most recent idea for Carmen’s new One True Place blew up in her face, she ran to the Pelekai house. In a sort of desperate way, she climbed into Lilo’s window and offered to help her pack for college. Sample was there, getting ready for a graduation dance he was supposed to DJ for. When Carmen arrived, Sample was trying to mix sounds that Lilo liked, but his usual mojo wasn’t there. He kept playing broken up clips of some humans arguing, and sounds from his band, but slowed down and dismal. In reality, poor Sample‘s band had broken up the week before. Lilo noticed Carmen had dropped in, said they should take a break, and accepted her offer to help pack. Sample listened while Carmen talked about how confused and dull she felt, and how she wanted something new, like what Lilo had. Lilo explained that Carmen just needed to figure out what it was about helping people learn to dance that she loved most, and do it in a new way.
This inspired Sample, who had been quietly sitting in a little glum slouch near the door. And he seemed to have an epiphany. He jumped up and started a brand-new jam playing from his ears, and it had bits and pieces of Lilo’s inspiring speech remixed with Carmen’s excited musings about “something new.” Think motivational loFi with a sick beat drop.
Neither Lilo nor Carmen really understood that he was trying to communicate. Lilo just started toe-tapping and bobbing to the beat while she packed, commenting on how good Sample sounded. But then Carmen got into it and started dancing, and Lilo actually stopped packing to sit and watch her bounce around the furniture. Eventually Drowsy, Pleakley, and David all wandered in to watch the fun (not Stitch, because he avoided the rooftop dome any time Lilo was prepping stuff for college.) Once Carmen saw she had a small audience, she even started singing along to Sample’s jam and really working the tiny crowd in the dome. When they finished the song, Lilo burst out that they should perform together for the graduation dance, and that performing was what Carmen really liked. Carmen and Sample liked the idea. Pleakley was inspired enough to create Carmen’s new look, because when is Pleakley not down to create a new look?
When Sample and Carmen did perform at the graduation dance, that was when Carmen suddenly took notice of Sample and realized that even though he doesn’t speak, she understands him through his music. And he relates to her. So they’re an item from that moment onward, and their One True Places are together as a band. A few other Experiments join them, including Roadie and Blooz.
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farklelucas · 5 years
oh descendants ocs? 👀 i'm listening...
oooh boy buckle up bc… they have slides in my slideshow but i don’t have a full intro for them yet so this is just gonna be some rambling thoughts… but they basically mirror the rotten four (nicknamed them the royal four because i literally do what i want) as far as their personalities, very much that hogwarts house dichotomy, four very different people who kind of banded together out of lack of other options, and following true to disney’s Bonkers rules they’re all gks that end up with vks!! (also these are their pinterest boards for some aesthetic Teas)
frost white (son of snow white and prince florian) - frost is… the most handsome man in all the land. don’t tell chad that bc he gets pissed. but yeah, frost (he fucking hates his name thx for asking) is like… very kind, very smart, and very handsome. everyone within a three mile radius just fuckin SWOONS any time he’s around, and validly so, because he’s a snack. however, he never, like, took an interest in anyone until the vks arrive, so he’s kind of the guy who everybody wants but nobody can get, so he’s like a “mystery” who hangs out with these three batshit kids and everyone is like “… why.” he’s also the voice of reason and the most reserved of the four, and tries to keep everyone in line, keyword tries.
primrose “prim” petra pan (daughter of peter pan and wendy darling) - prim is… insane. do you know that post where the girl throws the lemonade at the guy that cuts her off in traffic and is like “you think you get to kill me?? im fucking CRAZY ILL EAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND” like that’s her. that’s full on her. lito and leinani often get picked on bc they’re fucking weird and if prim ever hears that, she loses her Shit. everyone knows not to mess with her (or any of them) anymore because she will beat the shit out of you. detention was invented for her in auradon. she’ll go bc she beat someone up, lito will go bc he pulled the senior prank (only bc he wanted to get caught…. otherwise no one would have known), leinani…. just hangs out there sometimes, and frost is just there studying. anywho she and frost have mal and evie parallels wherein they are VERY close and definitely platonic soulmates, and when their romance plots come in there is a ton of friction. also prim is a dreamer, not like leinani who never knows what’s going on, but more like she wants to escape and be free and get away from the expectations of her…… i wuv her
lito thatch (son of milo thatch) - lito is…. a BITCH. like he’s great, i adore him, but like… okay maybe he’s more That Bitch. he’s super intelligent, yes in a kind of bookish way much like frost but also like very clever and ambitious (can you tell what house he reps hajksdjndjks). but he’s very much the mastermind behind the royal four, like any time they get up to some hijinks (which they do a lot), lito is most definitely the mastermind. he is always willing to go along with anyone’s bonkers ideas, and definitely willing to come up with them too. he can be kind but only to people very close with him, otherwise he’s mostly cold and detached. he’s kind of a bad bitch and we really do stan.
leinani pelekai (daughter of lilo pelekai) - WHAT A WEIRDO. like she’s just STRANGE. think of a luna lovegood or a phoebe buffay. she kind of keeps the whole group together and is very close with each of them individually. plus she always has an alien with her, either on her shoulder or on a leash, and she’s super kind and nice to everyone especially the vks bc everyone is so fuckin rude to them at first. prim protects her, lito ADORES her, and frost listens to every weird thing she has to say with incredible interest.
love my whole idiots!
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morganajcnes · 5 years
「 lindsey morgan. cis female. 」have you seen morgana jones around yet? i hear she decided to be in PEREGRINIS for their JUNIOR year as a PSYCHOLOGY major. the 24 year old SHEEP is known to be fearless, optimistic, immature & eccentric.
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its like 1am rn and i’m usually used to staying up past 3am, but uhhhh i’ve been sleeping around this time, so i pretty much copied & paste 97% of this intro bc i’m so sleepy. also, i probably won’t be around a lot later today/tomorrow since i’m celebrating my mom’s bday uwu
i. about
with parents who weren’t able to afford having another child, they sadly didn’t have any other option, but to give her up. after talking among mom’s siblings and dad’s siblings, it was soon decided that her dad’s brother would take her in. soon, she changed her name morgana jones. however, if you look at the family picture, some wonder why a family of four would want to add another? especially when they weren’t well off? well, mr. and mrs. jones just couldn’t say no to adding another baby to the family. and that wasn’t the end of the family’s story. as years passed, the family continued to grow and sooner than later, the jones’ family had ten children in total. as for morgana’s biological parents, they moved out of new york and lived somewhere else in california.
morgana lived a pretty average life. she went to school, got good grades, had friends, joined clubs at high school, and went to school events. the only things that were quite different were having to share basically anything with her siblings. a bedroom, food, the bathroom, the tv, etc. it certainly irritated her at times, but she loves her family no matter what and thinks all of it is worth it.--
tl;dr a girl who grew up in rochester all her life with 9 siblings and is quite energetic, optimistic, & extroverted, but can be self-righteous & inconsiderate at times
ii. details
character inspo
mabel pines (gravity falls), star butterfly (star vs the forces of evil), kyoko toshino (yuru yuri), usagi tsukino (sailor moon), the loud family (the loud house), lilo pelekai (lilo & stitch)
bedhead hair, pouring milk into a bowl of cereal at 3am, making 5 alarms to wake up in the morning, bath bombs that smell like vanilla, pastel star stickers, socks with animals on them, make up tutorial videos, fairy wands, colorful sweaters, hot cocoa with mini marshmallows, posters of boy bands, clothes laying all over the floor
definitely a lot of pastel colors. she has multiple oversized, comfy hoodies and sweaters. as well as pleated skirts, dresses, patterned tops, anything with peter pan collars, etc. she also just has a bunch of girly-type outfits. and a few different types of overalls
she cares about animals so much that she volunteers at pet stores once in a while and she owns a brown holland lop named fluffy
she has her license, but tends to prefer riding her pink bike
for hobbies, she enjoys drawing, jogging, yoga, playing video games, watching cartoons
her favorite food is basically anything sweet
she doesn’t have any tattoos, but wants at least one or two in the future
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milnliablr-blog · 7 years
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— ✧ Introducing LIANA PELEKAI the 18 year old who lives in Auradon with their parents LILO PELEKAI. They are known to be HONEST & SWEET and SARCASTIC & LOUD. In another universe they’d be known as DINAH JANE.
Okay hey everyone so this is my lil intro I’m rose hey. So this is Liana she’s the daughter of Lilo. She loves dancing and she isn’t judgy at all like she doesn’t judge anyone. She is very smart and very crazy and outgoing. Just like her mom she can be a bit sensitive and short tempered. But overall she’s just very sweet and helpful and just a very outgoing and loving person. So yeah if anyone wants to plot send me a message or boop that lil heart.
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thetorturedmusesdept · 4 months
Pinned Muse and Link Post
Below will be a list of links to my character's intros, threads, and tasks! The intros have helpful details and wanted connections! Here is also my generic plotting/shipping doc!
Megara (Disney's Hercules) Threads || Tasks Jim Hawkins (Disney's Treasure Planet) Threads || Tasks Lilo Pelekai (Disney's Lilo and Stitch) Threads || Tasks Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers) Threads || Tasks Vanessa Shelly/Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) Threads || Tasks Alice Kingsleigh (Disney's Alice in Wonderland) Threads || Tasks Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man) Threads || Tasks Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body) Threads || Tasks Abigail (Stardew Valley) Threads || Tasks Hans Westergaard (Disney's Frozen) Threads || Tasks Misa Amane (Death Note) Threads || Tasks Melody (Disney's TLM 2: Return to the Sea) Threads || Tasks Evelyn Serpeni (Twilight) Threads || Tasks Marie (Disney's The Aristocats) Threads || Tasks Violet Bridgerton (Bridgerton) Threads || Tasks Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) Threads || Tasks Miu Iruma (Danganronpa) Threads || Tasks Inuyasha (Inuyasha) Threads || Tasks Woody Pride (Disney's Toy Story) Threads || Tasks Millie (Helluva Boss) Threads || Tasks Dash Parr (Disney's The Incredibles) Threads || Tasks Angel (Disney's TLATT 2: Scamp's Adventure) Threads || Tasks Milo Thatch (Disney's Atlantis) Threads || Tasks Connor RK800 (Detroit: Become Human) Threads || Tasks Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) Threads || Tasks Bernadetta Von Varley (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Threads || Tasks Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) Threads || Tasks Zeldaborn (Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas) Threads || Tasks Jane Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) Threads || Tasks Rosie (Hazbin Hotel) Threads || Tasks Kim Possible (Disney's Kim Possible) Threads || Tasks Gareth Parry (Howl's Moving Castle) Threads || Tasks Thorn/Sally McKnight (Scooby Doo) Threads || Tasks Mittens (Disney's Bolt) Threads || Tasks Prudence Featherington (Bridgerton) Threads || Tasks Pam Beesly (The Office) Threads || Tasks Anastasia "Anya" (Anastasia) Threads || Tasks
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