Hey friends. My health is a nightmare this week and I hope everything will get better this WE. My mom traveled here to take care of me and take me back home, so that's a silver lining. You know I only post updates when I really lack the time and energy to chat and write, so please don't feel ignored on purpose. I have to sort this out first and see what happens.
Hope everyone will have a nice weekend ❤️
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Yeah she's cute but does she get turned on by violence?
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abhyang-95 · 2 years
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blipintiime · 5 years
in which jacklynn is having a crisis of timelines
; so what yvonne did at the end of god among us: a mother’s son cemented the timeline for the office of never was, for me, considering it was almost EXACTLY how ianto handled the situation originally. so, i believe that the original incident in the office of never was happened while ianto was at torchwood one then the actual drama takes place post-cyberwoman series one. wrenches in this plan: the original incident was caused by the committee and well why would torchwood one stop something done by the committee? why would torchwood one handle a problem in cardiff? if it’s torchwood three’s doing, it couldn’t have been pre-cyberwoman bc why would ianto be out in the field (unless it was just because he could speak welsh therefore perfect for the cover) and he wasn’t trying to impress the team then, just trying to save lisa? so if it happened post-cyberwoman, would the team still be retconning so many people to fix a problem they accidentally created? the office of never was is such a problem to me. but also?? i guess it literally does not matter because he doesn’t remember any of it. so jacklynn, why are you fixated on trying to figure out the timeline?
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atatakami · 8 years
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IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ON MY DUDES... I got hit by the depressions n they were like “no more rp for u” and i was like “ok” but dw im not abandoning my blog for a year again like i did last time oops
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heartxshaped-bruises · 8 months
With blink-182 being back together and making new music, adulting is only half as scary.
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heartxshaped-bruises · 2 months
Just a little heads-up, I've had massive internet problems for a while and I dunno when I can get it fixed. My best friend is visiting next week in addition, so I will be busy as well. But if you need something, feel free to message me and I try to get back to you ASAP. Sorry for being quiet for so long.
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heartxshaped-bruises · 6 months
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                                   ✧・゚ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒...
       Alrighty, I am in the last stages of moving back to my country, now that uni is done. My flight leaves on Tuesday and I still have a bunch of stuff to do and I'm sad that I have to leave -- but on the bright side, guess who finished at the top of their class in their favourite course !! My lecturer even wrote me a nice e-mail to congratulate me xD I feel super excited since it's the most prestigeous uni in the country. Watch me print his mail out and nail it over my bed for positive self-affirmations.
       Anyway, I know I have been much slower than usual the past months and I appreciate every single one of you who encouraged me to hang in there for the pay off and who were so patient with me <3
       Don't know how quickly I will get back on here once I am back at home with the jetlag, but we'll see. Christmas and holidays are coming up and I want to write.
       Hope everyone is having a good weekend <3
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heartxshaped-bruises · 7 months
You ever contemplate about changing a muse's name after starting to write them ?? Mine usually choose their own names, violently so, but sometimes even that results in a miss? I am at a point where I am genuinely thinking about it. It's like the Casper situation all over again and now I have to appease one of my few girls xD
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heartxshaped-bruises · 8 months
Being known as the tough bitch in your friend group and yet here I am, scared of getting my first tattoo and running away isn't an option anymore now 😅😂😭
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heartxshaped-bruises · 5 months
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       Since all the holidays etc. are over now I will be traveling back to my own apartment tomorrow, but my activity will probably drop significantly during the next 14 days. I have to unpack all of my boxes again and move my stuff back, my best friend and I also teamed up for our first big creative project that will hopefully get us somewhere and I will have a bunch of sessions with my team for our graduation movie.
       With that being said, I don't have a single unanswered thread left. That's right. This gremlin over here replied, posted or queued everything I owe and they should be slowly pushed out, you know the game =)
       I'll definitely be lurking here in the evenings I suppose, as usual for chatting, plotting and all fun things. But I'm not sure how much I will engage in actual writing besides that. Being at my own place after such a long time raised so much stuff to do, so I have to be gentle with myself for once so I won't burn out. I can't stand my city, on top of all, but I am trying to make the best out of it this year - before I leave again xD I hope everyone is taking good care of themselves and having a nice weekend !!
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heartxshaped-bruises · 6 months
Okay, but does anyone have any horror book or short story recs that isn't Steven King or crime investigation related?? I wanna dip my toes into a new genre for a change. Maybe bc I wanna learn how to write horror for personal reasons and projects this winter.
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heartxshaped-bruises · 7 months
GOOD NEWS !! I finally handed in the two biggest assignments and got that off my plate. Only one left and incidentally, also more time to work on my drafts before I get to travel. I feel very content and achieved right now. This was so much work, but it paid off -- especially the short film.
Hope everyone is doing fine and has a nice Halloween tomorrow !! <3
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heartxshaped-bruises · 9 months
Babe, prepare to go to war... the pornbots are back.
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heartxshaped-bruises · 10 months
I was wondering if some of my mutuals would like to have their muse added as a connection or ship to my muse page? I already added some and everything is treated as multiverse ofc, but I figured since I am currently modifying the whole thing so I can delete old pages and have everything in one place, I'd ask if someone wants to hop on an official connection train 😊
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heartxshaped-bruises · 11 months
ALRIGHTY, I've reached my destination yesterday, but I'd be lying if I said that I am feeling well.
I dunno how I will be online the upcoming days; working on drafts and holding a conversation probably won't be a thing. At best, I'll be lurking. I know I am currently in the middle of plotting with a few of you, so I hope you can forgive me while I fight this jet lag from hell.
Mind you, it took me like 30 minutes watching the Simple Plan ft. Montreal Symphony Orchestra Concert to remember that Pierre Bouvier and Tobias Forge aren't the same Person, nor are they in the same bands, that's how out of it I am.
On a brighter note, only after 3 hours here I discovered THIS (below) and it made a little bit up for it xD
I hope everyone else is having a better start of the week than me !!
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