#【💊🩸bloody marie】
astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
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Top: Marie, Ana Bottom: Rockette, Shakti
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astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
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Kurie Marie is one of the twin medics in Mira's crew and a blood manipulator. She studied medicine as a child through dissecting, reading, watching surgeries, and human experimentation. She enjoys the occasional tea and biscuits.
(Trigun au: She is a Plant that somehow creates blood and manipulates it. She dislikes humans and prefers to experiment with them, study and observe them than help them. The only humans she and her brother like are Mira and her pirate crew.)
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astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
Bissha Bissha no Mi
Under a read more for blood and some body horror.
Is a special fruit that shares known traits of the Paramecia and Logia fruit. It allows the user to control and manipulate blood, whether already spilled blood or the user's blood. When awakened, the devil fruit eater of this fruit is able to manipulate other people's blood at will. Unawakened, the user needs to bite a person and get a taste of blood.
In One Piece, the blood types are referred to as X, S, and F (and I believe one more). You can see the list of blood types here. There is a horoscope centered around blood type. Since Marie is a certain blood type, she will have mastery over that blood type. Whatever she is not compatible with will be the hardest and will take a lot of stamina for her to control. What she is compatible with will be easier.
In Short:
S is Type O
XF is Type AB
X is Type A
F is Type B.
Marie's blood type is F (B).
Bissha Bissha is one of the onomatopoeia for blood splatter in Japanese manga.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 7 months
thank you for taking care of me. (Lami @ Marie)
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Pale eyes widened as Marie's back was turned from Lami, who sat up in one of the sick beds. Marie finished washing her hands thoroughly after taking off her gloves. The redhead could feel her cheeks warm, as this was one of the rare times she had ever heard this.
The blood manipulator pulled a paper towel and dried her hands off as she turned to Lami.
"No problem, I'm happy to help," she said. "The stitches I made with your blood were a quick fix until we got to the ship's E.R. We later switched it when we had the right thread. Your brother is on his way. In the meantime, Nerissa's made tea, toast, and eggs. Would you like some?"
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astrcthesiai-archived · 9 months
Lamy smiled and handed over a stuffed toy for the twins to dissect. Maybe they'd enjoy the experience of taking apart a toy bear with makeshift organs as a learning tool. "This is Landon, play nicely with him."
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At first, the twins stared at Landon and Landon stared back.
They stared at Landon and Landon stared back.
After what seemed like ten minutes, Marie took Landon from Lamy's hands and inspected the stuffed toy bear. Her pale eyes glanced over the multiple stitching. She blushed.
"No one's ever given us a gift from outside of our crew before," she said. "It'll be perfect for when we want to dissect," she said. She glanced over at Marquis, who nodded at his sister.
She smiled. She held Landon, gingerly. "Thank you, Mx. Trafalgar," she continued. Marquis nodded at Lamy, as they quietly turned among each other to discuss what sort of procedure they can conduct on Landon.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
RP Wishlist
I would like Marquis and Marie to have friends. It will be a very slow process since they're both mad scientists going through rehabilitation. They can be creepy, but when they like someone they are protective of that person for some reason they still can't quite explain.
Medical journal exchange. If your character/muse is a doctor, chances are you have a subscription to medical journals. These two love to learn and want to read as much as they can.
Someone to teach Marie not to rely too heavily on her devil fruit ability. I need to give Marie a weapon at some point. Preferably pre-time skip.
Love is not quite in the picture for these two at the time of pre-time skip. They are on the aroace spectrum. They need to truly bond with someone. (No smut whatsoever.) Post-time skip, I can see these two being able to be shipped romantically at least.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
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Despite being more empathetic of the twins, Marquis and Marie, Marie had to also come to understand the importance of life and that of others. She was raised on her parents' work as researchers at a jail, not unlike Impeldown. She learned what failed and what worked according to previous researcher's notes and dissection of cadavers.
And then she found a portion of Vegapunk's notes, but that's for another headcanon.
Marie was taught to only care for the prisoners as specimens. However, Mira explained that they had lives too. Some of the prisoners were arrested falsely, and it was up to the twins to make up for that by saving more lives than they destroyed. There would be people who will not forgive them for what they had done to them. There would be people who would be disgusted with them. And most shockingly, there would be people who will forgive them but never want to see them again.
"How are people able to forgive us for what we've done?" Marie asked Mira.
"I don't know, they just do. They don't condone the crime done to them, though." Mira explained. "As for the people who want revenge, it never solves anything."
"Then why do you want revenge on the World Government?" Marie asked.
"Because they need to feel my despair," Mira explained. "And there are more people like me who feel the same."
"And if they don't?" Marie asked.
"Man, you ask too many questions," Mira stated with a smile.
Marie begins talking to Mira a few days after the talk after a long week of the twins being on the ship. She is the only one of the twins that vocalized her concerns and her questions about Mira's intentions for the world as well as for them.
"Do you have respect for life? You seem to not mind killing either," Marie says.
"I do, it comes from living and it also comes from studying the dead," Mira said. "There are ways to tell if a body was a surgeon or a doctor. Why? Do you not know where to start?"
Marie shakes her head. "How come you ... made a deal with that marine?"
"Because you lived in a prison. That's home to you. Just like the coliseum is home to me. We both hate those homes. I figured it'd be better to attempt to rehabilitate you. Besides, you're just as fucked up as I am. I'll take off the chains eventually, Marie, but you got to show me what you learned about life."
Marie nods. "You promise?"
Mira nods. "Promise." She offered her pinkie for a pinkie promise.
Marie's first order from Mira is to enjoy the sunset on the deck. Marquis is also allowed to experience it, but they need to stay within the line of sight of their future captain.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
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Mira: Piano/Keyboard/Synthesizer/Harpisicord
Jasper: Saxophones
Crimson: Electric Guitar/Guitar
Nerissa: Cello/Electric Bass Guitar/ Symphonic Bass
Marie: Flute
Marquis: Clarinet
Miyuki: Violin
Ana: Trumpet
Rockette: Trombone
Shakti: Vocals/Conductor/Harp
Feiyu: Drums/Percussion
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
Ancient Names (FFXIV)
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Miranda Raven (Mira): Hecate
Jaspe (Jasper is essentially Mira's Chocobo): Kukulkan (Aether in Amaurot)
Sarangerel Tergel (Miyuki): Selene
Narantuyaa Tergel (Crimson): Helios
Naia (Nerissa) : Amphitrite
Anastasia Crane (Ana): Iris
Marqih'a Kalikoh (Marquis): Asclepios
Mauhri Kalikoh (Marie): Panacea
Rachina Roda (Rockette): Tempestas
Shabina Sjasaris (Shakti): Terpsichore
Raikou Kintoki (Feiyu): Aoguang (Eurus in Amaurot)
Hecate is my A.zem and the rest are her Navigators. (canon divergence)
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
👕  — the old blue tee!      a headcanon about a comfortable, or comforting, piece of clothing my muse wears. for Japser, Marie or Vivi
I'mma do all three of these. Jasper doesn't have an image yet So I'mma do him first.
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Jasper likes to wear sweatpants when he's asleep in the winter or fall. They must be loose so they don't catch onto his metal limb if he chooses to wear the prosthetic to bed. The sweatpants are a gradient of orange to gold with some bits of red. It is reminiscent of his feathered snake form.
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Marie has a simple, favorite dress she wears in the summertime when it's time to relax under the parasol on the deck. It is tea length, and reminiscent of Gothic Lolita, but instead of it being deep tones, it's pale indigo and white. It keeps her cool in the summertime. As a doctor, she does not get much of those, as there is always something to research, operate on, or check on. She has a matching dress for her plush backpack/cooler.
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Vivi has a favorite dress she likes wearing that she feels really cool from the high temperatures of Alabasta. It is quite simple in comparison to her other dresses, but I'd like to think it's a soft sky blue.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 10 months
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A mysterious woman slid a vial of the glowing blue liquid with her shoe toward the two men. However, this vial had a greener shade.
"If you don't want to die, I suggest you drink up..."
Her pale eyes regarded the two men on the ground. "...Humans."
She turned to leave.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
🌌+ Trigun (Marie and Marquis)
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Marie and Marquis are twins who grew up experimenting on other humans. In Trigun, I would have them do the same, interested in the experiments done in the same vein of Dr. William Conrad. They are Independents researched by another team of humans. Destined for a fate like Tesla, a caregiver hired a pirate to take Marie and Marquis. That pirate is Mira.
Mira, Marie, and Marquis are stuck figuring out what happened to the caregiver.
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Name -- Shipping Preference -- Usual Age Range -- Preference
Mira-- Multi-Ship -- 22-24yo -- Pansexual/Panromantic
Jasper -- Multi-Ship -- 23-25yo --Pansexual/Panromantic
Crimson --Multi-Ship --20-22yo --Demiromantic/Bisexual
Miyuki --Multi-Ship -- 19-21yo -- Panromantic/Bisexual
Nerissa--Multi-Ship -- 30-32yo --Heterosexual/Heteromantic
Marie--Multi-Ship -- 18-20yo -- Demiromantic/Demisexual
Marquis -- Multi-Ship -- 18-20yo --Demiromantic/Graysexual
Ana -- Multi-Ship -- 26-28yo --Biromantic/Bisexual
Shakti -- Multi-Ship -- 20-22yo --Biromantic/Bisexual
Rockette -- Multi-Ship -- 22-24yo --Biromantic/Bisexual
Feiyu -- Multi--Ship -- 21-23yo --Panromantic/Pansexual
Higanbana--Multi-ship--Immortal (looks 20s)--Neptunic
Sabrina Nivian--Multi-ship--19-21,20s--Panromantic/Pansexual
Fuyu Boreal--Multi-ship--Biromantic/Bisexual
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Marie Tags
Marie Tag
【💊🩸bloody marie】
RP Threads
【💊🩸sick bay ambience】
【💊🩸tea at three】
【💊🩸bloody laboratory】
【💊🩸about the blood manipulator】
【💊🩸visereal beauty】
【💊🩸late tea time】
【💊🩸speaking over spilled tea】
【💊🩸tea room ambience bgm】
Marie One Piece Version Tag
【💊🩸bissha bissha fruit user】
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