dkniade · 4 months
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Though these seeds must take flight, aren’t they still beautiful?
I sketched this a while ago using a section I wrote in this Datsugoku snippet (?) I wrote a few years ago called “Beyond the Grassland”
Anyway check out Jailbreak/Datsugoku by Neru
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A little AU I’ve been working on
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(Based off of this MV, which I’m still obsessing over.)
This is an interpretation/AU of Jailbreak’s ending, made mainly so I can A) stop being so devastated by it and B) stick my own ocs in the Jailbreak world.
I’m not fully satisfied with the ‘after crash/rescue’ design, but it’s a start.
WORLD: A post apocalyptic version of Earth. The animals have been mutated into strange creatures, and the plant life has had… varying reactions to the fallout.
The place Kawasemi and Kuina are in is part of a stretch of grasslands. It’s a bit similar to the American Great Plains.
On another part of the continent is a highly toxic jungle.
A lot of inspiration from Miyazaki fantasy landscapes.
CIVILIZATION: The dome cities are each under the control of a tyrannical police force. There are multiple ones scattered around the landscape. The cities occasionally trade with each other for things like weaponry or metals.
Raw supplies from the “other place” arrive in guarded shipments. Civilians and most officers are not allowed to leave the city, but a certain few are assigned to ensure the shipments come and go smoothly.
Skyler, 15 - a young scout for the scavenger group that rescued Kawasemi. She’s not very physically strong, but her endurance and agility make her useful for scouting areas. Skyler is serious, levelheaded and somewhat curious about the dome cities.
No one knows where she came from. She just showed up one day with almost no memories about herself.
Uses a blade as a weapon and has excellent eyesight.
Often the only braincell holder in the room.
Julian “Jet”, 16 - the grandson of the architect who built much of the dome city’s current infrastructure. Both his parents are dead of a “mechanical accident”. An aspiring mechanic who fixes and modifies the weapons of the police force, as well as designs new ones. He’s cheerful, brash, and makes friends easily.
Due to his orange hair, he somewhat resembles Kawasemi.
Jet isn’t actually loyal to the police. He just does his job because he likes being a mechanic.
He does not wear a blindfold because it’s generally a bad idea to fix delicate machinery blindfolded.
I honestly don’t have coherent plans for this AU. If you’ve got any suggestions, questions, etc or would like to discuss this, feel free to message me or send an ask!
Also tagging @dkniade , thought you might be interested!
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ichitaso · 1 year
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RegionChanger - iPhoneのシステムリージョンを変更してマナーモードでカメラ音などを無効にするアプリ | Will feel Tips
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utaitemusic · 2 years
Back then, we used to talk about our dream From atop of this cage, we would look down upon this garbage town So now, I’m gonna press down on this rusty throttle with all the strength I can muster and break through this reality.
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hosakakyodai · 7 months
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2-kamikou-1 · 6 months
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(from this post)
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orustaksoft · 11 months
濡れ衣を着せられた男が兵器奪還の密命を受ける! ガトリングガンをめぐり欲望渦巻くマカロニウエスタン! 「西部の無頼人」などのパオロ・ビアンキ監督が描く、派手なガンアクションや爆破シーン満載の痛快マカロニウエスタン。 出演は、ロバート・ウッズ、ジョン・アイアランド、イヴリン・スチュワート。イタリア映画音楽界を代表する作曲家ピエロ・ピッチオーニの音楽も秀逸。 STORY 南北戦争の真っ只中、秘密裏に開発された新兵器“ガトリング・ガン”とその発明家が、極悪人タルパスの手下よって連れ去られた。タルパスは南北両方に取引を持ちかけ、大金を奪おうと画策していたのだ。一方、裏切り者の濡れ衣を着せられ投獄されたタナー大尉は、彼の無実を信じる上司ピンカートンの手引きで脱獄し、兵器の捜索・奪還の任務に就く…。
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gmchk · 1 year
脱獄ごっこPRO/[最新Ver更新] 本日Ver3.1.1を公開いたしました。 お手数をおかけしま【23年5月18日15時】
こんにちは。【2023年5月18日15時】の「脱獄ごっこPRO」最新情報をお知らせします。 【最新Ver更新】 本日Ver3.1.1を公開いたしました。 お手数をおかけしますが、ストアより更新をお願いいたします。 ■iOS リンク ■Android リンク 脱獄ごっこPRO
View On WordPress
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refreshdaemon · 1 year
After 3 episodes of nonsense, "One Chance to Breakout" presents the first good episode of Lupin the 3rd, playing on the actual concept of the characters with plenty of comedy and an amusing twist.
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theatres-classics · 2 years
≪テアトル・クラシックス ACT.2 名優ポール・ニューマン特集 ~碧い瞳の反逆児~≫ついに本日公開!
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テアトル・クラシックス ACT.2 名優ポール・ニューマン特集 ~碧い瞳の反逆児~がついに本日、10月21日(金)に公開!!
映画公開にあたって 日本でも著名人より熱いコメントが続々到着!
「明日に向かって撃て」のなんてことない佇まい、 「熱いトタン屋根の猫」の痛ましい表情、 「ハスラー」の美しいたくましさ、 「暴力脱獄」の笑ってしまうほどの迫力、 全てにポールニューマンという人間の圧力と引力があり、 映画そのものをずっとひっぱり続けていてイカしてます。 エディみたいな男どこにおんねんとため息ついてしまいます。
「これはポール・ニューマンの不動の傑作です。困った邦題に惑わされることなく、ぼくに騙されたと思って絶対に見てください。あの魔法の笑顔に惚れ込むことを保証します。」 (『暴力脱獄』)
ピーター・バラカン 【ブロードキャスター】 
 「『ショーシャンクの空に』はよく「映画史上最高の映画」にランキングされるけど、その上があるんだよ!『暴力脱獄』! 邦題はアレだけど、観た人の生き方を変える、聖書のような映画がこれだ! 」
町山智浩 【映画評論家】 
よしひろまさみち 【映画ライター】
ライムスター宇多丸 【ラッパー、ラジオパーソナリティ】 
LiLiCo 【映画コメンテーター】 
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lazy-reiji · 2 years
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7月が終わり。 去年の9月末日に札幌来てからちょうど10ヶ月。 今の仕事、採用してくれた上司がもうすぐ東京に異動。いいところ全然見せられなかったな。ここから東京にも伝わるぐらいやりますよ!刮目。 数日前の宣言通り、明日からは公私、姿勢を正して生活します。 意志薄弱なので、小さくここで宣言。 有言実行の男に 七月最後の週末は暑かった。 土曜、運転の練習がてら、ちょっとお仕事しに花川、今日は明日からに備えて部屋を片付け、美味しい昼ごはんを食べ、散髪してまた、#脱獄王白石 になりました。断捨離して余白を作る。 言語化能力がやばい、特に話す力、言葉足らずすぎて。練習あるのみ。 隔週でお世話になってます。近かったら週1+だったなー。 スコーン! ジャムはさくらんぼ🍒の出来立て。銘柄失念。😅 美味しかった。 気がついたら、色々な角度から撮っていた。 #すすきの祭り にも、出店されるそうです! お酒はもちろん、焼きそばとか、串カツとか夏っぽいメニュー揃ってるそうです! と言っても友人、知人はみな道外。 夏休みお越しくださいー。 車あるのでお出迎えも可能です。 #きいろい種 #札幌 #札幌グルメ #ゴールデンカムイ https://www.instagram.com/p/CgrYR8vpNBR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dkniade · 3 months
Hey, hi, look what I've drawn, I know you adore Datsugoku, and for the last six months I've been doing nothing but drawing these two :D (Please talk to me, I have found all the people in my country who love datsugoku and I want more)
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Six months— such dedication whoa
That sure is a drawing of Kuina leaning very close to Kawasemi wow. The sketches of the two referenced from their concept art… the folds and details on Kawasemi’s clothes especially are so nice. Feels like I could get a sense of how tight or loose the clothes might be. Also the vibrant orange colours stand out against the blue in the fourth artwork. It feels like they’re trying to rest during an intense moment.
May I ask what the Russian handwriting says?
For the last sketch, it’s like his blindfold’s movement is suddenly stopped by how stiff his pose is, in a momentary feeling. The perspective and the intense expression really adds to it.
I miss thinking about them sometimes; thank you so much for showing me your art. Do you have any headcanons about them, or thoughts about the song/music video in general?
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tadatika773 · 2 years
Juego divertido juego de miedo
Alles Lügen Alle geeignet
ninja japonais Très cool
Comme c'est gentil Je vous aime Tout adapté Tous mensonges
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ichitaso · 1 month
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【New Entry】 zshのmacOS 14 Sonomaにtheosをインストールする方法 | Will feel Tips https://ichitaso.com/ios-development/mac-install-theos/
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yoga-onion · 5 months
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Buddha to his disciples, mini-series (20)
Samsara (Reincarnation)
“When something disappears, something is born. In Buddhism, life and death are the same thing.”
“Samsara” is a Pali & Sanskrit word that literally means "wandering through, flowing on", wherein the term connotes "cyclic change" or, less formally, "running around in circles." It is therefore also translated as 'reincarnation'. 
Ancient Indians believed in reincarnation, or rather took it for granted. Therefore, the Buddha also thought it was natural and taught on the premise of reincarnation. And the purpose of the Buddha's teaching is for us to escape from this world of samsara (namely, liberation/enlightenment: Ref).
There are six realms of samsara as conceived by the ancient Indians. They are listed in order of increasing suffering as follows:
World of Hell (naraka), the world of the most suffering. Hell means 'underground prison'.
World of hungry ghosts (preta), a world suffering from hunger pangs. Becomes a demon with a swollen belly. A world where those who have committed the sin of greed are reborn.
World of animals (tiryagyoni), including birds, beasts, fish and insects. There are about 3.4 billion species.
World of warlike demigods (asura), Asura is a demonic species. A world where asuras live and fight all the time, causing constant suffering and anger.
World of human beings (manushya), in which human beings live. It is plagued by the fundamental sufferings, the four and eight afflictions, which are unavoidable in human life.
World of gods or celestial beings (deva), Heavenly beings can fly, and the world is full of pleasures, but here too there is the suffering of old age and death.
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ブッダから弟子たちへ、ミニシリーズ (20)
輪廻 〜 “何かが無くなれば、何かが生まれる。仏教では生と死は同じものである。” 
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buttbii2 · 1 month
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