#(the post = the masterpost thing lmao. this is why you shouldn’t queue posts at 2am </3)
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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bujo-ie · 6 years
Hi!!!! Congrats on 5/6k💞 I hope you don't mind me asking what your tips are for newer Studyblrs/gaining followers?
hi anon! i’m currently answering this question under very dire circumstances-i have a nine page essay due for my harshest teacher tomorrow that i haven’t started and i’m going to bed in about twenty minutes! but it’s okay nbd lmao
this ask! it’s really not up my alley, because, as i’ve said before, i have no clue at all how i’ve reached this high of a milestone. i literally have THREE posts right now that are actually relevant to my studyblr and one that has 150+ notes for being #aesthetic. my posts with the highest notes aren’t even relevant to the studyblr community, but rather the figure skating obsession that i’m trying (see: failing) to get over. so honestly? no idea.
i will, however, tell you what you can do to gain more popularity (almost everything that i don’t do). this is under the cut because of how long this is (don’t let that deter you from reading this though ;D)
how to gain followers
post regularly, regardless of how “shitty” your posts may be (plot twist: no studyblr post is shitty ok!!)
learn how to use the schedule function. i have no clue how to use it tbh but it really keeps you on track if you have a lot of content that’s done and edited and all but you just lose track of posting time (this unfortunately, doesn’t work for me, someone who has zero content)
learn how to tag well! i know people put me in their tags (which is soooo flattering thank you so much!) but i typically don’t check it that often (for some reason my tag hasn’t been working when you search tumblr? someone halP) so i would suggest people who, of course, have a big following, check often and, most importantly, are willing to reblog posts from smaller studyblrs (sad to say not many, but i know @studyblr does)
as much as pictures are very aesthetically pleasing, i highly suggest writing masterposts or lists of tips and other stuff! i know that’s the type of content that i’m both interested in actually reading and putting on my blog, so that’s a definite reblog on my part. i will typically even save these in my drafts for future reference since i am hopeless at tags.
pictures are great, but are easy posts for insta (studygrams), and i find that tumblr is more useful than insta for the exact purpose of finding resources and tips instead of just aesthetics
langblrs: lists of vocab. think outside the box for this too; recently i reblogged a list of spanish vocabulary for the cafe. i can’t even tell you how interested i was in it, it was nice to see the words i knew being grouped differently and also have the opportunity to learn newer words
be active. don’t worry so much about how good your content is, or even how much-i think the fact that you are promoting and spreading any type of content is enough to keep the studyblr community going. often times i see a lot of studyblrs posting that their dash is dead and that they’re trying to go on a following spree. follow those posts, follow more people, and reblog more things. 
QUEUE THINGS. the queue function saves my dumb ass during the weeks where i really need to get to work and cannot afford to go on tumblr at all and also when i’m not on studyblr content. unfortunately i still find ways to procrastinate on tumblr though so whoops
get yourself involved in the community. this can be done in a number of ways:
be open to friends and new studyblrs! continuing on with the “getting involved with the community” note, it’s both an act of kindness and also a huge boost to new, small studyblrs for reblogging their introduction post. 
actually interacting with other studyblrs. i know the pain of having to interact, but i have seen the effect of my interactions with others, and it really pays off. i would say that the greatest increase in followers i had (while i was active starting christmas 2017 until now) was when i put out a post tagging over a hundred blogs to come and tALK TO ME and people did!!! and now i’m glad to say not only do i have tumblr friends, but people know that they’re always open to my ask box and are not reluctant to send me asks
doing tags and ask memes. i find this to be one of the best things of having a tumblr, i absolutely love the tags and ask memes. i actually have a bunch of ask memes saved for a time when i am not swamped with work and also my celebration requests. as for tags, it’s a way to get to present yourself to people, so why not?
reminder to always be careful with what kind of information you put on the internet though
challenges. one of the best ways, imho, to put yourself in the heart of the studyblr community. i, for one, absolutely adore looking at peoples challenges, it’s a good way to see progress in their work, expose yourself to more posts, and even motivate yourself to do challenges. although i haven’t caught on with this yet, i do hope to.
put effort in your posts. i know i’m very attracted visually, so i love posts with headers (you can use canva like me and em (@nichestudyblr) do :>)
be patient. results take some time :))
most importantly
remind yourself why you made a studyblr. in all honestly, if the answer to this is for more followers, i highly advise you to just…stop. that’s not the core motivation nor the purpose of a studyblr, and it shouldn’t be for anybody. followers are very insignificant in the long run, as popularity typically is. as much as i love all my followers, i do not-and should not-be losing sleep over whether or not you enjoy the content i post.
that’s all i have! in all honesty i would take everything you just read (if you made it down here) with a grain of salt because i am the exception to a lot of what i just said; i don’t know how i have so many followers in such a short time, but i’m very thankful and love you all! thank you for your utmost support!
back to my essay
p.s. to the anon who sent me this-send me a msg off anon and i’ll follow you! i’m also doing shout-outs for people who give me really good music recommendations so there’s that
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