#(which gets overlooked!) so really she’s closer to izzy
lesbianapplejack · 7 months
The other day I saw a comic cover w the mane 5 w the elements of harmony + the corresponding mane 6 and I don’t really agree with most of em?
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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@smokedanced asked: Send me ❝I don’t like the way they’re looking at you ❞ for my muse’s reaction to yours saying this while feeling jealous/possessive. / garrus for izzy but make it hierarchy verse. is it within established ship? is it pre-ship and garrus just having a crush and yet still feeling possessive? i do not know-
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Ever since she was first allowed back off of Palaven other than to visit the Migrant Fleet to be fitted for new envirosuits, Isabela has grown accustomed to people giving her a variety of looks, so much so that she hardly pays them any attention any longer.
However, hearing the rumble of her closest friend's subvocals certainly piques her interest as emerald green eyes turn toward him, one brow raised high as she tilts her head curiously while making a quiet noise of her own in question before following his gaze to the group of humans eyeing her with far more interest than she's accustomed to.
A small frown tugs at her lips then, as she carefully scoots herself closer to Garrus on the bench where they both sit overlooking the lake on the Presidium. She's learned, courtesy of the Alliance, just how quickly those looks of interest can turn to hatred once they learn that she's a proper citizen of the Hierarchy, and that when it comes to any returned interest, she has none for other humans, who are nearly as alien to her as turians are to most of them.
"I think I might have been better off keeping my hood up," she murmurs quietly, glancing up at him with a wry smile. "Let's just hope they don't get the bright idea to try to 'rescue' me like that drunk asshole down in the Wards… I don't need another lecture from your father over 'proper conduct of a member of turian society'."
Granted, it didn't help that half the time she's ended up in C-Sec, it was over one xenophobic dispute or another, and somehow she always ended up in Castis Vakarian's office as a result, even when she wasn't the one who started any of it - though she was often the one to finish it, much to Castis's chagrin, given her rather obvious ties to his family through her close friendship with his son.
Which, apparently, after he had finally realised that neither she nor Garrus were going to ever listen and give up on their friendship, meant that he instead turned his attention to lecturing her in an attempt to ensure she wouldn't be an embarrassment to the Vakarian clan, Palaven, or turian society on a whole.
Really, he was worse than her own guardians, who at least were actually responsible for her for all these years. But even they knew she wasn't destined to rise in the ranks of the meritocracy, given her unique situation, and so really they weren't necessarily as strict with her as some other families might have preferred - especially Castis…
"What do you say we hit that new cafe that opened up in Kithoi?" Casting a quick glance over the park, taking note that the humans still linger, she switches from Galactic to Palaven Standard, knowing it will glitch out the translators of anyone trying to eavesdrop as she notes, "I think I'd rather be where I don't have to speak in Galactic to avoid odd looks anyway."
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lavenderhyrdrangea · 4 years
Leap: Part 2
As we ate on the porch and surveyed torrid surroundings that were once vibrant the future was brought up.  
“This is just the beginning. There’s so many places I’ve gone with out you,” Asra said.
Such odd wording.
“Places you’ve gone without me?”
��Places we haven’t gone together, yet,” he rectified.
After we finished our pudding, we went to the parched basin to clean our bowls. Asra saw it as an opportunity to hone my magic. I was encouraged to turn sand into water. No easy task but with Asra’s gentle guidance I was certain I would get it. First I tried on my own using a tip he’d given me: seeds in desperate need of water. The visual was enough to get a spurt of dirt and then to fill the basin with a pretty convincing thing that looked liked water yet was still sand. Magic was so tricky. He figured I needed another element to learn the lesson. Hands over mine, he gingerly snaked his magic along my skin and allowed it to thrum deep within my veins.
“Somebody is coming this way,” The beast said suddenly.
The aura withdrew. Asra scanned the horizon. “Coming this way? Weird...”
I spotted a figure approaching from a dirt path. The closer it came the more apparent it was   that It was a man. He cast about every which way, eyes darting and brows furrowed.
“Excuse me? Are you lost?” I asked.
He noticed Asra immediately. “Oh, great wizard Asra! You’re back! Do you remember me?”
“Maybe I do. Who’s asking?”
“You don’t remember? Saguaro!  We met at the painted daisy festival?”
His dialogue had an untold story woven around it. One if Asra’s, reaction had been any indication, would be an interesting one if he had any intents on sharing it in the future.
“Ooooooh Saguaro? Wow, it’s uh...it’s been a while. How have you been?”
“I’m getting by. Shriveled up. Been coming by every now and again, hoping you’d be around.”
Huh. An old friend. Possibly more? The conversation required me to take the empty spaces and fill them in with my   assumptions.  I’d been doing that for some time anyhow.
“Great wizard, you are our  last hope. The spring has gone dry. We won’t last much longer… Times are tough, so we don’t have a lot to spare. All I can offer is a hot meal and a night of music.”
“Well, that all sounds good but we did have plans. It’s up to my companion here.”
I felt their gazes fall upon me.
“What do you think? What do you want to do?” Asra asked, expectant.
I was surprised this was even a question.  
“Come on. Let’s go up out the village.”
Saguaro's face lit up, while Asra shed the anticipation once rife within his frame .
His eyes were tender. “Oh, Izzy. Always with your head on straight.”
“One of us has to be the voice of reason,” I said with mock superiority.
Asra looked at Saguaro. “Sounds like you’re in luck, friend.”
“Woah, really? Such kind Wizards. I totally thought it was gonna be harder than that! You guys are something else. Both of you. I get some really powerful vibes off you.”
“No need to flatter us. We’re already helping.” I reminded him.
“It’s not so much flattering as it is calling it how I see it, Dear wizard.”
“You're perspective. I’ll be right back,” Asra said.
After Asra retrieved his satchel, Saguaro quickly led us to town. Like the surrounding areas of our cabin, much of the ground had been long dried out and any soil that once offered vegetation was dead. How could a town survive this long without water? I peeked at some of the townsfolk, as we passed through. A man stuck his head far out his window in hopes of catching a cold draft. Children tried to play a game of marbles in the diminishing shade. A woman mindlessly and sluggishly ran her hand over her cow’s coat, the aforementioned animal  laid on it’s side and stared off into the distance.
We stopped in the town square, in front of where the spring once was.
Asra asked, “This is where it was? The spring?”
Saguaro nodded. “Yup. You wouldn’t know it, but it used to bubble up from the middle there.”
“Wow and now it’s just...” I said.
Asra carefully stepped into the empty pool, and beckoned me over. We crouched at the center of the pool.
“Is it the same deal as the basin? Search for the water? Draw it up?”
“This spring is dry as bone.” Asra tilted his head and tried to figure out how to tackle the problem.” Not sure if we can draw anything up this time around.”
“I’ll try.” I declared.
The ground felt cracked beneath my  fingers. No water. Was my magic searching deep enough?   Visualization was the key. I thought of waterfalls, and rivers and ponds. I closed my eyes and all I saw was red. The more I tried to put a hold on it the more red everything got. Soon the red bled over the entirety of my vision. Dread’s icy touch sent a shiver down my spine.  Forcing my magic deeper, I pushed through it.  However, the frantic squirming told me it couldn’t be water.
Asra’s voice pulled me out.
“...drawing a crowd. I have a bad feeling about this. I’d rather you left this one to me.”
“You can join in if you want but I’m not letting this one go. I’m already so close. Let me help.”
He hesitantly laid his hands next to mine. I feel his aura ease into the earth.
“There!” I said “That movement. it’s definitely not water. Right?”
“Keep going.”
I nodded. Perhaps the water was further down.
The ground suddenly tremored. Asra and I looked into each others eyes to steel ourselves  as red spewed from the ground  and poured up into the sky. Had I drawn fire instead of water somehow? I fell back. I hoped I hadn’t summoned something far beyond our expertise. Cacophonous clicks  grated upon my chilled nerves.
They smothered the sky in droves. Once the ground spouted the last of them, they fanned out and scattered.
Asra gripped my shoulders in a flash. Our eyes met as the gravity of the situation dawned on us: Lucio was up to something. I read something else in his eyes.  Something almost pleading.
“I’m fine if that’s what you’re silently driving yourself mad about.”
Saying nothing, he pulled me into the  strongest embrace I’d ever been in. I gave him a squeeze back just as strong. It would tell him everything would be alright. I just knew it.
“I don’t believe it! Magicians the spring!”
“The spring...” Asra said, bewildered.
Fresh water bubbled at our feet. We’d done it!
“Thank you, great wizard! We won’t forget this! Please, let us cook you up a feast like you wouldn’t believe.”
A vivacious burst of joy  fluttered around the town. It was as if they were cocooned in trepidation and now they were free.  They cooked up a feast while we looked over an artist’s display. We had an assortment of clay figurines to chose from. I couldn’t really find anything that drew me in entirely. Asra on the other hand, surprisingly chose a sly purple fox rather a snake. He told me he identified with it better. It surely did seem to have his bearing somehow. The celebration intensified  once food and dance  were introduced. Asra opted to feast under an aloe tree overlooking the festivities. I mangled amongst the townsfolk.
Saguaro leaned in to speak to me. “Say,Izzy, Do you dance like your companion? I’ve feasted with Asra before. He can dance all night. “
Oh, that I had to see. Asra was zoned out when I got to him. The dilapidated sunlight cast a gentle glow about him.
“I’ve been told you’re quite the party goer. ”When he remained deep in his own head space, I tried again. “You can dance all night?” Still nothing. “I’m not sure I should take his word for it. How about you show me, me? Want to dance? I know I do. I need to dance some of the cactus off. Who knew it could be so heavy?”
His unseeing eyes came to. “Sorry what? Nadia’s wondering about us to Portia at the palace. Who’s Portia?”
“She’s… I don’t really have time to explain. “Asra popped up his brow. I veered back to my original question. “Do you want to dance or are you chicken?”
“That really is what you said. I thought I imagined it. You want to dance? I’d love to.”
I jumped up and pulled him by wrist towards the dancing crowd. Music blaring, he wrapped his arms around me and swayed for a bit.  “Heh. I didn’t know this something you wanted to see so badly.”
“You’re already such a captivating individual. You excel in magic. You’re charismatic and handsome.”
Pulling back and making sure our were  fingers interlocking, I looked into his eyes and said,“Since the universe had to be fair. I was hoping Saguaro was lying for your sake and  that this was  actually your biggest flaw.”
He chuckled. His blush became more apparent. “My biggest flaw?”
“Everybody has one. Or two. Or three. Even more.”
He spun me around. “I hope I’ve been a disappointment  in that regard then.
“Oh, shush. I’ll get you one day.”
After the dance ends, our host thanked us for our assistance.
“Well I am most delighted with his food. It wasn’t any trouble, Saguaro.” Asra replied. Although, I won’t speak for Izzy. Beetles were a surprise.”
Saguaro turned a ghastly shade of white as he went on to explain the beetles presence. The town had known that they were there, and had an understandable fear of the Vesuvians that put them there. They were offered protection in exchange for one third of their cactus crop. The offer was declined and suspiciously, a great red beetle showed up that evening. The same Vesuvians stepped up to help and handled it in exchange for two thirds of their cactus crop. An increase from their last offer. Lucio dealt the last blow. Asra laid a comforting hand on my shoulder when this part came up. The larger beetle shattered into many and they burrowed into the ground.
“And the spring’s been dry ever since? For that long?”
“That’s insane.” I said.
“But now it’s come back. The count is gone, and things are finally turning around!”
We made it away from the festivities unnoticed. Our friend the beast was already waiting for us.
I said after Asra helped me onto his back, “He seemed happy about the fact that Lucio was gone.”
The beast  sprang into action.
“I mean, most people would be. He wasn’t the nicest  guy.”
He purposefully missed my point but I was flexible. I could drive it back.
“They’re going to be so crushed when they find out that’s he’s back.”
“We don’t know that yet.”
“Magicians trust that their gut, right? Mine says he is. Plus, I told you what I saw back at the palace and you were there with me in the forest.”
“It was an apparition.”
“He could be just as dangerous as a ghost as he would be with a body...”
“Something’s wrong.” Asra concluded slowly. “I can’t deny that but we can’t jump to conclsuions.”
“You don’t want to believe he’s back.  Denying his return won’t stall whatever he has coming.”
“It’s not about what I want. You’re right though. We can’t stay in limbo about this. We need answers. It’s  why we have to go back to the source.”
“Back to the palace?”
Asra nodded. By the time we made it back our tension receded and the beast had been/was thirsty when we arrived to the little cabin. He groaned for water.
Asra happily obliged, walking over to the dry basin.
“Mind if I try to draw water again?” I asked, trailing his steps.
“We should do it differently this time.”
“What will be so different about it?”
“I’m always giving you words to think about, but obviously the strongest spells are words of your own. So this time, try to empty your mind. The will words will come.”
I knelt in front of the basin and hovered splayed hands over it. I try to bring my thoughts back to the helpful streams, rivers and waterfalls. Clean, clear waters. I imagined the sounds, the splashing, sloshing, and feel. The water would be cold between my toes and lap at my ankles. Upon opening my eyes I see water...or something like it. A closer look revealed to be red.
“But I tried not to see the blood.” I murmured.
“What were you thinking, Izzy?”
“I thought of water surrounding me.”
He pointed out the beetles had also surrounded us.
I shuddered. “They were red too. I might be stuck on that for a few weeks.”
“You’re not the only one.”
He waved his hand over the water and like that it was  red no longer The beast beast fell to upon the water, slurping it up greedily with his tongue.  Silently. Asra walked into the cabin. I followed.
Trying to find  the right words, Asra sputtered. “The beetles are sign.”
“Makes sense.”
He gulped, nodded  and went on  reluctantly, “I haven’t seen one in years, not before...”
“They used to be a real problem in Vesuvia”
He dodged yet another question.
“How bad of a problem?”
“ They’re not of this world, but they can pass through it. And they cause a lot of  damage when they do. There’s no saying what we’ll be walking into when we had back to the city.
“If there’s a chance of this becoming bigger than the both of us... You’d know I rather die than hide away until everything’s over.”
“Don’t say that. That will never happen.”
“You’ve also told me that Lucio couldn’t reach us here and look-- now we’ve got beetles.”
“I’m sorry.”
I closed the space between us so that I was next to where he was near the bed. I wanted to hold him.
“Don’t be. The cards or no, you can’t account for the hiccups in our path anymore than I or anyone else can.”
He reached out to me and I fell into his touch. His  caress upon my cheek  was gentle and fervent.
“None of this would’ve happened if I stayed. I should’ve.”
“What did I just say? You don’t know that. The only thing different would’ve been that you would’ve been at the palace with me.”
“It would’ve been better that way.”
“Not really. We would’ve still had Lucio running amok. Besides you crazy magic man: You. Don’t. Know. that.”
The way he stared at me looked like he did. Like he was hiding something. He dropped his gaze and though he lowered  my hands, he held them  tight.
“Izzy...wait. Faust hasn’t said anything yet. We could stay a little longer, at least to get a good night’s sleep.”
“That’d be nice but you know we can’t.”
“Right, we need to get there before the beetles. Now’s the best time to leave. But if I bring you back and something happens to you, how can I forgive myself?”
“What happened to that would never happen?” I joked but it was obvious he wasn’t in the mood.  I fixed to reassure him, to tell him that I wouldn’t die. I really did. However, morbid as it was  to realize, with Luccio was becoming more and more of the bogeyman I’d imagined him to be neither he nor I could make those type of promises .  I shoved the thought  to the back to my mind. Nonsense. There was no room for two fatalistic nail biters. He brought me comfort whenever I felt lost and overwhelmed, and endeavored to do the same. I kissed him.
“Thank you.”  He took a sharp intake of breath. “ I’m crying over things that haven’t happened yet”
“It’s nothing.”  
“Guess we should wake the beast.”
He’d been really apologetic about waking the beast again but, great sport he was, the beast was roaring and ready to go. Asra  gently ushered me onto the boar.
Though it looked like our leap ended up with us falling flat on our faces. I was ready to start anew. This time we wouldn’t run. We would do it in Vesuvia.
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radiant-flutterbun · 7 years
Previously: The Proposal 
Isra hugged his fiance, Amaranthine.
“Please don’t be gone long,” Amaranthine said.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back in time for the wedding.”
“And don’t get hurt! Stay safe!”
He nuzzled her head with his muzzle “I’ll be safe. I promise.”
“Well… Alright then. I’m going to miss you so much!”
“Me too, but hopefully this will only be a short trip and then we get to have our wedding!”
“I know! I’m so excited! I’ll make preparations for it while you’re gone!”
“Ok, but don’t strain yourself too much. You’re still recovering.”
Amaranthine nodded “I’ll take care of myself.”
“I love you Ammy.”
“I love you too Izzy.”
Muerto paced. He was impatient. He had waited long enough to go on this journey. He needed this. He needed to meet Naomi, the Goddess of Death. She was his only hope of finding out what happened to Sepulchral’s soul.
And maybe… Just maybe she could revive him.
Muerto shook his head.
“Shut up!” He snapped at himself “Don’t let yourself even think that. Hope will only make this worse…”
She might not even know where Sepulchral’s soul is, or she may not even tell him.
“Muerto?” He looked up to see his girlfriend, Niossa staring at him “I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck.”
She walked up to him and gave him a hug.
Although the hug was nice and comforting, he did not hug back. He just couldn’t bring himself to. Showing affection was still new to him, and his mind was too wrapped in grief to even try to be affectionate.
Niossa seemed to understand this and let go of him. At least he no longer flinched from her hugs. He trusted her.
“I’ll be honest, you going on this trip makes me nervous, but I won’t get in your way. I can tell this is something you need to do. I hope you get the answers you’re looking for, and if not… Well I hope this does you some good.”
“Thank you, Niossa.”
Niossa grinned “Anyway! I’ll miss you while you’re gone, and I love you!”
“I… I love you too.” Those words still felt odd in his mouth. Love was a difficult concept for him, but he was learning.
Muerto met with Isra in the lobby. One of the clan healers, Hecate found them and handed both dragons a package. Isra’s was much larger than Muerto’s being the larger dragon.
“Here are some emergency supplies like a first aid kit, food and water. Good luck on your journey, and Isra?”
“Please remind Muerto to eat.”
“Of course.”
“Master wait!” The grey guardian, Bubonic ran into the lobby “I’m coming too!”
“Well ok if you want.” Muerto said.
“I feel I would be a bad Guardian if I didn’t.”
“You’re never a bad Guardian, Boo. But do I think it would be best for you to join us too.”
Bubonic grinned “Hooray!” She purred and bumped her head against Muerto as a sign of affection.
Muerto smiled, a rare sight.
The trio left the clan as dragons wished them good luck and waved goodbye.
“Alright, lead the way, Isra.” Muerto said.
Isra nodded “We’re heading the the Starfall Isles, which means we must cross  the Sea of a thousand Currents. It’ll be a long flight, but if you get tired you can rest on my back.”
“Ok. Can we walk until we’re out of the Sunbeam Ruins?”
“Yes. I suppose that makes sense. Let’s conserve our flying energy for the Sea.”
It took a few days for the trio to reach the edge of the Ruins. It was a quiet journey. Neither of them were very talkative.
“Well. Time to fly,” Isra said. He spread his wings and leaped off of the cliff overlooking the Sea of a Thousand Currents. Muerto and Bubonic joined him a moment later.
Flying for so long was an interesting feeling to Muerto. He already hated flying, but he had nowhere to go except on Isra or Bubonic’s backs. Below was only water, water and more water.
The thought of falling into the sea terrified him. He wasn’t a very strong swimmer.
The longer he flew the more he started to hear singing. It was faint at first, hardly noticeable, but soon it grew overwhelming.
The singing was beautiful, but Muerto found he was having trouble flying because of it.
Don’t you want to be loved?
The thought caught him off guard. It came from nowhere.
Come join us. Join us and you’ll be loved.
“But I’m already loved.”
The voice laughed. You know that’s a lie.
Muerto bit his lip.
Come into the water Muerto. Join us. We’ll love you.
“You will?” Muerto’s voice was soft, as if spoken from a dream.
Yes Muerto. We will give you the love you deserve.
Muerto found himself getting closer and closer to the water.
Something jerked him back before he could touch it. Isra clutched Muerto’s cape.
“Muerto whatever the sirens are telling you, they’re lies! They only want to drown you.”
Muerto shook his head “Wha-”
“You’re hearing the siren’s song. You must ignore them.”
“But… they said…”
“They always lie.”
“Master? Master are you alright?” Bubonic asked.
The singing faded and Muerto’s head cleared “Yeah… Yeah. I’m ok. Uh. Thanks Isra.”
“Oh you’re a clever dragon! Isra, right? You’re one of those demigods running about, huh?” A dragon popped her head out of the water. She was a black mirror with bar patterns and a white underside. Her eyes were a milky white and unseeing and she wore a blue crown on her head.
“I dislike sirens,” Isra said.
“We’re just having some fun dear.”
“Drowning dragons is not a good past time.”
The mirror shrugged. A few other dragons popped their heads out of the water to see what was going on.
“Well come on dears, break time is over. We should go back to hunting for my monster.”
“Yes Queen Megalodon!”
“But before I do, if you need any directions I’ll be happy to help. Really. I know these waters well.”
“I don’t trust sirens,” Isra said.
Megalodon shrugged “I prefer ‘merdragons’, but alright that’s fine! Just if you’re heading to the Starfall Isles, be careful around a clan called ‘Nihil’. That is all.” Together the dragons went back underwater.
Bubonic growled “I should go after them and kill them for trying to hurt Master!”
“No Boo. Leave them. It’s ok.”
But he didn’t feel ok.
It was scary how easily he believed them.
“Muerto, would you like to rest on my back?” Isra asked “You look tired.”
He didn’t realize how heavy his wings felt.
“Yeah,” Muerto said “Thanks.” He curled up on the imperial’s back and fell asleep.
The next few days were mostly a blur. Muerto mostly stayed on Isra’s or Bubonic’s backs. Seeing the water below day after day was a little nauseating. But luckily they encountered no more sirens.
They saw a few ships go by, but were left alone. It rained for a day or two, but other than that the weather was nice.
When land was finally in sight it was such a relief to see.
Until Muerto took a good look at the shore.
Some sort of ooze was bubbling into the water and the land was red and barren, like a scar. Bones scattered the shore and scraggly looking plants looked like they were barely hanging on.
“Isra, what is this hellish place? I thought we were going to the Starfall Isles!” Muerto said.
“We are,” The imperial said “But we must cross the Scarred Wasteland first.”
Bubonic’s eyes lit up “The Scarred Wasteland? Then these are the fabled Plague lands I’ve heard about! The land of my children!”
“Uh… your children?”
“Bubonic is the goddess of Plagues and Parasites in our world.” Muerto explained.
“I want my children back. The Plaguebringer stole them from me!”
“Boo, remember this isn’t our world. Those aren't your children here.”
“Considering you’ve never been exposed to the plagues of this land and you’re a mortal here you’ll probably get sick if you try to interact with them too,” Isra said.
“But I don’t get sick.”
“You can here. So… I was going to take a break here, but now that I think about it it’ll be safer to just fly overhead here too. I don’t want to risk any of you getting ill.”
“Are you sure?” Muerto asked “You look exhausted. So do you Boo.”
“I will be fine Master.”
“As will I,” Isra said.
They continued to fly deeper into the Wasteland.
Muerto was used to bad smells, being the God of Death, but the smells of this place were on an entirely different level.
“Does anyone actually live here?” He asked with a wrinkled snout.
“Hmm?” Isra took a moment to respond and yawned “Oh yes. Many dragons do.”
“...How? I mean. I lived in a place that smelled like Death for sixty thousand years and I can’t stand this.”
Isra shrugged “Guess they get used to it…” He felt his eyelids growing heavy.
“Hey… Hey! Isra? Isra! You’re falling!” Muerto shouted.
Isra shook his head and quickly pulled himself back up “S-sorry…. I drifted off there.”
“Yeah. I saw. Maybe you should really take a break.”
Isra sighed “Yes… I suppose you’re right. But please be careful. This land is teeming with illnesses none of you are immune to.”
“We’ll be fine.”
“Very well,” Isra landed and curled up. It wasn’t long before he was sound asleep.
“Aren't you tired too Boo?’ Muerto asked “Uh… Boo?”
The massive guardian had disappeared.
“Well shit.”
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andiestories · 3 years
Chapter 3A - Izzie
Aimee rides her cousin's bicycle, following her instructions to precision, to find the route to Eva Forsythe's home. Eva's phone call enquiring if she would still be meeting her and her daughter, was unexpected given the events that unfolded the night before. 
The road is uphill which causes Aimee to strain her legs. She curses, under her breath, the decision to take the pedal vehicle, rather than the car. The closer she gets to the road the more greenery surrounds her. In the backdrop is the beach where she met Liam and in front of her eyes the most beautiful set of green she's ever seen.
The white mansion is on top of a hill that overlooks the bay in all its glory. She rings the bell at the grey gates and is greeted by an English voice on the other side, "Hello?" 
She clears her throat, "Hi. I'm here to see Eva. I'm Aimee." 
The buzzer makes the distinct unlocking sound and the gates open. A tall gentleman, in his mid-fifties, greets her at the entrance and frowns at her choice of transportation mode. "Good morning, Ma'am" Aimee chuckles, no one has ever called her a ma'am before, "May I take your vehicle?" 
Aimee looks down at the bicycle and the fact the pompous man just referred to it as a vehicle. "Sure.", she climbs from the bike amusedly. The gentleman passes the cycle to someone else and indicates her in a silent gesture to follow him.
The house is as magnificent on the inside as it is on the outside. There's a grand hall that leads to a massive courtyard garden that doubles as a lounge area. The room is minimalistic in style but luxurious in its opulence. The walls are adorned with paintings and at the center of the room lays in black and gold, a model O, Steinway grand piano. Aimee's eyes widen in anticipation of playing a Steinway once again. "Wait here" the gentleman announces before disappearing. Aimee's legs draw her to the piano and instinctively she grazes its features. She starts playing with its keyboards, taunting the beast with each note.
"Aimee, I'm so glad you made it." Eva's voice startles her. "Oh, I'm so sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
Aimee takes two steps back away from the piano. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be playing around."
"If a piano is not meant to play, then what is?" Eva's smile is warm and comforting. "Isabella is coming down shortly. How are you?"
Aimee gulps. "I'm terribly sorry about last night."
Eva places her right hand over Aimee's clasping her slender fingers in between her palms. "Jack told us all about it. He shouldn't have pushed you, and if I was in your situation, I would have done exactly the same. Probably worst." The two women chuckle. Aimee relaxes in Eva's warm presence.
"Who is us?" Aimee's curiosity indicates she wants to know if the blonde-haired rebel is also included in her sorrowful backstory.
Eva points to the white sofa on the right. "Just me, and Chris, we are old friends, your uncle and us." Aimee sits down and Eva sits just across her. "Would you like something to drink?" Aimee shakes her head. "Please, don't be so formal. What about some iced tea?" Eva rings a little bell and a woman in her late-forties appears, "Sarah, will you be a dear and get us some iced tea, please?" 
Aimee observes Eva's poise and grace. You can tell that she comes from a wealthy background by the way she holds herself. "May I ask, do you play?"
"Oh, I used to when I was small. My daddy imposed it on me but he knew I had absolutely no talent for the thing." She smiles, "The piano actually belonged to him. He was the musician of the family. Maybe you've heard of him, Devon Stidolph?" 
Aimee's eyes widen, "Your father was Devon Stidolph? I had one masterclass with him during my second year. He was amazing.", her face falters, "I'm really sorry to hear of his passing." 
"Thank you", Eva's right-hand lands on her lips while she observes Aimee, "Did he hear you play?" 
"No, he was teaching us some piano variations he used to play. He didn't listen to anyone playing."
"I think he would have enjoyed hearing you play." 
Aimee smiles shyly at the compliment. "I'm not that good."
"But, you are." The lady re-enters the room and puts down the lemonades before leaving the room again. Eva gets up, "Would you like to play something while I check on Isabella?"
Aimee's eyes widen, "You don't mind?"
Eva gestures to the piano, "It's all yours.", she says and climbs the stairs. 
Aimee gets up and sits at the piano. She glances around the room. The room is full of natural light that shines through the garden and lays on the grand piano. Unlike the piano, everything in that room is white in its decor, minimalistic, simple, and elegant as its owner. Aimee smiles at a picture of Eva and Charlie on the coffee table. Charlie with a navy blue suit, and Eva wearing a white dress. Eva's charm and poise inspire Aimee and she plays Clair de Lune to her graceful host. 
Each note brings her closer to London, where Justin would sit across her, with a glass of brandy, listening to her for hours. Her hands were playing Clair de Lune, but her heart was playing the longing for her absent father, and the revived memory of him with each stroke in the piano. Her composition is flawless and her form is exemplary. Aimee's focus makes her omit her surroundings and she neglects the footsteps that came back inside the living room. 
Eva glances at Aimee playing, her hands cover her mouth, her eyes prickled with tears, while she stands mesmerized at her talent. Besides her stands a girl, thirteen years old, that has the same crystal blue eyes as her father but has long light brown hair. She holds a book to her chest as if she is holding a treasure. The last few notes bring Aimee back to the land of the living and her eyes take sight of the two occupants that observe her intently. Aimee gets up and smiles warmly at the girl in front of her. "This is Aimee, she's going to be your piano tutor.", Eva says. "That was beautiful. Clair de Lune was one of my favorite compositions growing up." 
"My pleasure", Aimee stands closer to Isabella. " Wonderful to meet you, Isabella. That is a great book you are reading there." Aimee points to the book Isabella holds dearly in her hands. 
"You've read it?" 
Aimee smiles warmly, "How could I not? Those women were the reason we went to space in the first place." Isabella's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "So you like the piano?"
"Grandpa used to teach me.", she says. 
Aimee's eyes jump to Eva that smiles sadly at the mention of his name. "Well, I hope I'll be able to do him some justice." 
"I'm sure you will do.", Eva says. "Do you want to show what you know to Aimee?", she asks Isabella that jumps in excitement and runs to the instrument. "She doesn't remember much, just a heads up.", Eva whispers to Aimee. 
"That is fine. She has time to learn." and remembers when Justin bought her own piano as a Christmas present. It was nothing compared with the one she played thereafter, but the small synthesizer was still her favorite thing in the world. Aimee spent the rest of the afternoon getting acquainted with her new tutee. Within the first twenty minutes, she announced that she preferred to be called Izzie. In the next forty minutes, she spent most of the time talking about space exploration. Aimee liked her immediately, and that was a sentiment that was returned in kind by Izzie. The sunset on the horizon advised Aimee to make her way back home. "I should really get going."
Izzie gets up and embraces Aimee. "Nice to meet you, and I can't wait for our next lesson."
"Me too."
Eva gets up from the sofa and walks Aimee out of the house. "Thank you. She seems to have taken a liking to you. That's exactly what she needs, a positive youthful presence in her life. Do you want to come by tomorrow in the morning? I can show you around the house, introduce you to everyone and we can discuss Izzie's schedule and your pay?" 
"Yes, of course."
"Great, shall we say around 8 am?"
"I'll see you then.", Aimee says and exits the main door. 
Outside, the gentleman is already standing with her bicycle waiting for her departure from the house as if he had any insight into what was happening behind the closed doors.  "Thank you." The man bows slightly. "You're from England?" 
He straightens his cufflinks, "Liverpool, Ma'am." 
Aimee climbs on her cycle, "London."
"I could tell, Ma'am."
"What's your name?"
He stands upright and presents her with his hand, "Potter, Benjamin."
Aimee shakes his hand in return. "Pleasure, Mr. Benjamin Potter. I'll see you tomorrow." and she pedals away returning to the farmhouse. 
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