#*slaps roof of car* ​the reach on this baby is insane
chatonnoir · 2 years
And it went even wilder when some of them started calling people who defended Marinette "misogynistic" because Adrien was female coded and Marinette was "literally male coded" djshsjhshs like sure it is not like she is, you know, a Girl lmao thes people have the wildest takes .
Anyway your post is spitting facts thank you
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curvynerdfan · 4 years
Bookkeeper and the Biker
Thank you @xx—day-dreamer—xx for requesting and being patient! This piece was a lot of fun to write but took forever, sorry about that. I hope you like it! 💕
Also sorry for the overload of samcro gifs lol! I just love when you find gifs that fit the storyline
Jax x Reader
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Y/N felt like her heart was gonna jump out of her chest. She was headed home. Well, her hometown, she hadn’t been “home” in over ten years. Her dad was killed on a run when she was sixteen and her mom used the opportunity to get her out of Charming. Not that Y/N wanted to leave. She always saw the club as her family but her mom despised SAMCRO after her dad passed. Y/N thought her mom blamed the MC for her dad’s death.
Y/N had flourished in her time away from Charming but still felt like something was missing. So she was going back. Over the past ten years, Y/N had grown her skills and felt confident in her decision to come back.
She loved growing up in Charming. She could remember running around the autoshop with Jax and Opie, driving Gemma insane because it wasn’t exactly safe. The clubhouse took hide-n-seek to a whole nother level and family dinners were her favorite club activity.
She called Gemma about a year ago and the mama bear of the club was ecstatic. At that point Y/N had no plans to move back. She just missed the rest of her family. They reminisced and caught up on each other’s lives. Gemma let her know how the club was doing and Y/N kept her second mom up-to-date on her life.
At some point, Y/N mentioned that her dream life consisted of running her own eclectic bookshop and living above it. She never thought her dream would become reality but Gemma had other plans. A two story shop in downtown Charming popped up on the market and momma Gemma called Y/N before a sign was outside the building. Once Gemma sent her all of the pictures and told her the price, Y/N snatched it up. While she had some savings, the purchase price was being covered by money her dad had left her in his will.Plus, her association with the clube convinced the owner to lower the asking price. She was given access to the fund when she turned 25 and she couldn't think of a better way to spend her money than to pursue her dreams. She even had money left over to purchase books and some furniture for her new place without dipping into her own savings.
Gemma told her she could stay in a clubhouse dorm until her apartment was set up. She pulled into the lot of Teller-Morrow and parked her car. Y/N felt the anxiety build and took a few deep breaths to settle her nerves.
“There is no reason to be nervous. It isn’t like you abandoned Jax or Ope. Hell, they may not even remember me, no biggie, no pressure”, she mumbled to herself, “Gemma invited you. No one goes against Gemma, right? And it’ll be nice to see my SAMCRO family. It’ll be great!” Y/N said, but she didn’t feel as confident as she sounded.
She opened the door and quickly stepped out before she could change her mind. Once completely out of the truck, she stretched her arm up high and arched her back. She grabbed her backpack and her duffle bag and locked up her truck before heading to the office to look for Gemma.
“Can I help you lassie?” A dark-haired Scotsman asked.
“Umm, yes please. I’m looking for Gemma.” she said.
“Ah, is she expecting you?” he questioned.
“Yes, you can just tell her Y/N is here.”, she clarified.
The Scotsman disappeared around the corner and Y/N took the time to take in her surroundings. Very little had changed. The Teller-Morrow signage was rusted and worn in some places, there was newer equipment It also looked there were members in SAMCRO than before based on the number of bikes parked in front of the clubhouse.
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“Y/N! There you are baby!”, Gemma shouted as soon as she walked into the office.
Y/N couldn’t help but squeal when she launched herself at Gemma. They had always been close as she was growing up. Gemma taught Y/N how being a nerdy, tomboy didn’t mean that she wasn’t a beautiful badass too.
“Hey, momma.” she said when Gemma squeezed her tight.
Gemma leaned back to look her over and then kissed her cheeks in greeting before pulling Y/N out of the office and across the parking lot, ranting and raving about how great it will be to have a powerful woman back in Charming. Y/N just giggled and let herself be dragged around.
The momma bear had cleaned up a dorm for Y/N to have for however long she needed. While it still looked like a typical clubhouse dorm, there weren’t any posters of naked women or trash scattered around the room. There was also a gift basket of goodies on the bed for her.
Y/N hugged Gemma, “Thank you for going through all this trouble for me. I am happy to be home.”
“Not any trouble at all sweetheart. You’re not the only one happy that you’re back in Charming.I know Jax has been asking about you for a while!” Gemma said, nudging Y/N with an eyebrow raise.
Y/N’s face flushed, “Don’t start with that Gem! Neither one of us should get our hopes up.”, she mumbled.
Y/N has always been close to Jax and Opie but Jackson never fall into the brotherly category. She didn’t want to get excited about the idea of a relationship with Jax and possibly ruin the amazing friendship they have. Plus, she didn’t think she was his type. Gemma said he dated Tara for several years and was really hung up on her when she left. From what Y/N remembered, Tara was always snooty, looked down on the club, and had no desire to live a small town life.
“Baby, you know me, I wouldn’t lie to you. Jax has been head over heels for you from the get go. He kept asking if you remembered him, how you were doing, how he can help you find your place here. Hell, he stocked that top drawer over there with Reaper and SAMCRO shirts so anyone new knows you are important to us. I would wear one of those tonight if I were you!”, Gemma suggested, “Give him a chance before you close yourself off again”
Y/N nodded and decided not to argue when Gemma gave her that all knowing look. Gemma helped her unpack your bags before leaving the dorm. Y/N used the hours before the party to lay on the bed and order more materials for her shop. When she had about an hour before the party’s start time she decided to take a shower and get dolled up before joining the excitement.
After her shower, she rummaged through the drawer that was handpicked by Jax. Y/N ended up grabbing a black “fear the reaper” t-shirt, a pair of her ripped jeans and some old sneakers. Y/N knew better than to wear nice shoes to a SAMCRO party. Y/N decided to tie the t-shirt up so it showed a little bit of her mid-riff and enhanced her natural curves. She dried her hair and applied basic makeup before heading to the party.
Y/N weaved her way in and out of the crowd of club members, their old lady’s, croweaters, and wannabe bikers. She made it to the bar and ordered a double before making her way to Gemma. She was starving and knew the momma bear could direct her to the food.
“Damn babygirl! You are just trying to give these boys a run for their money huh?”, Gemma said approvingly, “Atta girl!”
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Gemma fixed her up with a full plate and got her settled in with Tig and Piney. Y/N caught up with the guys and dug in on the delicious food Gemma cooked. All of the sudden to mammoth arms wrapped around her from behind and lifted her into the air.
“What in the world!”, Y/N squealed.
A hefty laugh was the only response she received before she was dropped back down onto her feet. She spun around quickly and then gasped.
“Opie!” her shout pierced his ears and he flinched.
“Damn, you still have pipes!”Ope exclaimed as he wrapped Y/N up in a hug.
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Y/N and Opie spent the next thirty minutes talking about life and joking around. Opie knew she was moving back so it wasn’t a surprise, but it was finally true now that she was in front of him. He was going to get married soon and wanted her to be there on his special day. Y/N and Opie had always agreed on the simpler things in life. They wanted to find their person, fall in love, get married, have kids, and live in Charming surrounded by friends and family.
Y/N gave Opie a hug and promised to visit more. The noise was getting to her though, after such a long drive the party wasn’t really her scene. She made a quick stop at the ladies room before getting a refill at the bar.
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Jax made his way through the party, greeting members and partygoers as he made his way to Opie. His friend had a massive grin on his face and Jax couldn’t help but laugh. It was rare for the giant man he thought of as a brother to look like a silly puppy.
“What has you smiling so big, brother?” he asked, looking over.
“Y/N” was Opie’s one word response.
“Where?”, Jax couldn’t hold back his excitement.
Opie laughed and reached out to physically turn Jax around. His best friend laughed even harder when Jax’s jaw dropped. She was stunning. Y/N was still the beautiful girl he grew up with but he could tell she was more confident and her curves had developed even more. She was wearing one of the shirts he had picked out for him. That caused an odd sense of satisfaction. Y/N got her drink from the bartender and made her way down the hall and away from the party, more importantly away from him.
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Opie slapped his back, “What are you waiting for man? Go get your girl!”
Jax felt his cheek warm and shook his head before swaggering after her. At some point she drifted out of his sight. Jax wracked his brain for where she could have snuck off too. After checking her dorm and finding it empty, he realized where she was. He climbed the stairs but paused before opening the hatch to the roof. What was he going to say to her? He hadn’t seen her in almost ten years. His mom assured him that she would reciprocate his feelings but how do you tell your childhood friend you want to be more.
Y/N jumped when the hatch creeped behind her. She didn’t think anyone would find her up here, but if anyone could it would be Jax or Opie. To her surprise, it was Jax. ‘Dear lordy, he is even hotter now,ah and that clenched jaw oof’, Y/N shook her head to clear her mind.
“Jax, you found me.” She whispered in awe.
It was real now, she was really in front of him “Y/N… of course I found you.”, he said with a sigh.
“Wow! I mean, you look really good, umm, not that you have ever looked bad. Well i guess you look bad in the baddass biker MC VP kinda way, congrats by the way. You don’t look bad ugly, not that you have ever looked ugly, you still take my breath away. I am not some flustered sixteen year old anymore and,” Y/N paused awkwardly, “ Oh my god, that is not how I wanted this to go. It’s been such a long time.I’ve missed you and your mom said you missed me to but now I’m not sure because all you’ve done is stare at me so far, so maybe your mom was wron-” Y/N paused when lips were on hers.
She could feel Jax’s lips smirking against hers, “I missed you too”, he whispered before kissing her again.
Y/N hummed, pulling away from him, “That is the best way anyone has ever made me shut up”
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She leaned against his chest before looking up at him again, “What does this mean, Jax?”
“Are you really staying this time?”, he asked.
Y/N nodded, smiling at the sheepish look on his face.
“Then, I want to make you my old lady someday. For now, we can just see how things go. I always pictured us ending up together, but I don’t want to force anything. Biker and a bookkeeper, who would’ve thought?” He smiled.
“I did”, Y/N grinned.
She pulled on Jax and had him join her on ‘their ledge’. He chuckled gently in her ear as he wrapped an arm around her. He couldn’t wait to see where this was going to go. The idea of the bookkeeper and the biker felt good.
Taglist: @justahopelessssromantic
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impala-dreamer · 4 years
Rules Be Damned
SPN FanFic
~Look, in this line of work, something's always getting thrown at someone. There have to be rules. Rules that have to be followed. Unless, ya know, you need to break them...~
Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader, OFC
6,780 Words
Warnings: NSFW. Sex Pollen. DubCon-ish. Established Relationships. Fuck or Die. All the Smut.
A/N: This was based off an anonymous prompt from my One Day Only request line. Hope you all enjoy!
My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon ~ Find My Original Works on Amazon
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Twigs broke under boots, branches gave way to waving arms.
The forest was loud that evening; wildlife screamed as they scrambled away from rushing bodies, birds overhead chirped in warning.
Three hunters with guns on the ready took on the woods like an invading army, stomping down grass, destroying bushes, kicking over habitats, unaware of the ecosystems dying around them. They were on a mission and they would not be stopped. People were dying, children disappearing. It was up to them to bring the terror that had befallen Silver Ridge to an end.
Y/N broke away from Dean and Sam, following her gut deep into the forest. She could have sworn she saw something move in the corner of her eye, and veered right when the guys went left. Now, even if she tried, she couldn’t see them through the trees; flannel and canvas was hidden by late summer greens.
The light was dying, sky turning golden ahead. Sun pulsed through the treeline like a strobe as she ran, trying to catch up with the phantom she’d seen.
Somewhere in the background, Dean yelled her name and she turned, nearly spraining her ankle as she stopped short, body moving towards his voice automatically.
“Dean?” she called back, but there was no answer, only an echo slapping her in the face. “Sam!”
The air shifted behind her and Y/N spun back around, catching a glimpse of the being she’d been chasing. The bastard was screwing with her. She was getting close.
“You wanna play games?” she asked under her breath, drawing up her pistol and taking a step. “We can play.”
She ran again, desperate to catch up with the monster. Every time she felt close, the fiend jumped further away. It was as if they were playing with a different set of rules; Y/N bound by earthly physics, and the target able to magically get around at will.
“Fuckin’ faeries.” Y/N stopped, out of breath and done with the chase. It was pointless anyway. “Coward!” She yelled, trying to incite the creature’s wrath. “Come out and fight me like a man!”
“Now, why would I do that?”
Y/N spun around in a full circle, eyes scanning the forest for the source of the comment. She held her breath as the air stilled around her, warming gently like the heat was finally coming up in an old house.
“Where are you!” she yelled, and finally, a figure appeared.
Awkwardly tall and too thin, with an alien yet beautiful face, the fae presented herself to Y/N. She wore no clothes that could be seen, but long golden hair covered her icy pale skin.
“Why would I want to fight like a man?” she asked, voice like a lullaby. “Men are not nearly as powerful as we women. It would be a disgrace to us both, to the fight itself, were we to act like men.”
Y/N couldn’t tear her eyes from the creature, enraptured by the halo of sunset that outlined her gentle curves; caught in the magic flowing from her pale pink lips, tranced by a voice too melodic and lovely to be real.
Somehow, she managed to blink enough to clear her mind. She raised her arm and took aim; gun trained on the fae’s head. “Why are you stealing the children!” she shouted, hoping her yell would bring the Winchesters to her aid.
The faerie smiled sadly. “We’re not stealing them,” she explained. “We’re giving them a new, better life. They want to be with us.”
Y/N grit her teeth and tried not to be pulling in by her sweet voice again. “You’re murdering their parents!”
“We do what we have to do.”
“So do I.” Y/N’s index finger pulsed on the trigger and she exhaled slowly, ready to shoot.
Before the muscles in her hand could contract, the fae struck in defense, shooting a single bolt of bright white lightning passed Y/N’s shoulder. It struck the tree behind her and Y/N looked up just as the canopy above came to life. Hundreds of pink flowers suddenly bloomed on the tree, aglow with sunset and magical dew. As she looked on, the flowers were illuminated in hot pink and blinding white light and the wind picked up, blowing the petals from their branches, raining down upon Y/N with a force that knocked her to the ground.
Her vision exploded in bright pink and red; the edges cut in snowy white. She felt the ground beneath her back, heard the rustle of leaves and petals, smelled the sweet perfume of exotic flora as she slipped into a warm dream.
A shot rang out, its loud boom echoing through the forest.
“Son of a bitch! Y/N!” Dean’s voice truly called out this time, but Y/N was nowhere to be seen. He’d clipped the fairy bitch, he was sure of it. A trickle of sparkling purple tainted the leaves where he’d last seen it. He ran a finger through the goo and grimaced. “What the hell is this? Blood? Come on. Next we’ll be hunting unicorns.”
Wiping the glittery blood on his jeans, Dean turned with his gun raised, squinting into the trees looking for the wounded fae. “Where’d you go, you stupid bitch!”
In response, Dean heard nothing but a faint moan from the forest floor a few paces away. Green eyes turned to a blanket of pink petals covering the ground, and a hand rose from the flowers.
He grabbed her hand and yanked, pulling Y/N up out of the thick mess of millions of pink flowers. She sat up and gasped, eyes wide and empty, lips parted and begging for air.
He nodded and tucked his gun in his jeans, freeing up a hand to help her stand. “Yeah, Y/N/N. You OK? What the hell happened?”
She was covered head to toe in a faint dusting of gold and Dean wiped a bit from her cheek with his fingertips. She shivered at his touch and sighed. “Mmm. I don’t know,” she said, eyes rolling as if still stuck in a dream. “I...found the fairy and she...poof!” Y/N laughed at herself and looked up at Dean, patting his cheek with a glittery hand. “You shoot her?”
Dean sighed. “No. I clipped her. Bleeds purple, by the way. Like a freakin troll doll or something.”
Y/N giggled and pulled her hand away, leaving gilded fingerprints on his cheekbones. “Dean?” she smiled, licking her lips.
“I’m gonna pass out now.”
He caught her as she fell, guiding her gently back down to the ground. “Well, crap. Sam!”
The younger, taller Winchester skidding to a halt a yard or so behind Dean. He scanned the perimeter quickly before rushing over to his brother.
“What happened?” Sam knelt and pressed his fingers to Y/N’s pulse.
“She’s not dead!” Dean snapped, shifting her carefully in his arms. “Just passed out. I found her buried under all these flowers.”
Sam pulled his hand back and rubbed his fingers together, looking at the golden dust inquisitively. “What’s all over her?”
“I have no idea- shit.”
As they looked on, the golden mist clinging to Y/N’s skin disappeared, pulled in deep through every pore until nothing remained. When the last bit was gone,Y/N’s eyes fluttered and she moaned happily, waking up with two handsome men looking down at her.
“Hello there,” she teased, voice dripping with honey.
Dean dropped his chin to look her in the eye. “You alright?”
Y/N smiled and dragged her hand slowly down his chest. “Yeah…” Her gaze dropped to the flannel under her fingertips as she rubbed it gently. “Wow, this is so soft.”
The brothers exchanged a silently worried look and Dean cleared his throat.
“Let’s get you back to the motel, huh?”
Y/N bit her lip and rubbed her forehead against his shoulder. “Mkay.”
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The walk back to the car was nearly impossible. Y/N had to stop every few minutes to touch something. Trees, grass, flowers, rocks- nothing was safe from her hands and she was safe from none of it. Every new texture entranced her, every touch was electric. She was floating through darkening forest, high and in love with the universe, guided by a firm but careful hand.
When they got to the car, Y/N was nearly whimpering. It wasn’t just the firm pressure of Dean’s hand at the small of her back, or the luscious and oddly sensual textures of the world around her, but every step made her jeans rub against her inner thighs and it was driving her insane. By the time they reached the Impala, her pussy was throbbing.
Dean pulled open her door and nodded to the seat. “Why don’t you lay down? You look stoned.”
Y/N could barely hear him, her entire focus was drawn to the car. She ran her hands slowly across the curve of the roof and down to the trunk, biting her lip as the cool metal made her skin dimple.
“Y/N?” Dean watched her stop by the left taillight and rub herself against the car. She moaned as the hard steel pushed against her hips. “Y/N/N?” Her eyes rolled closed and her lip disappeared between a firm bite as she rocked forward again. “Hey!” He rushed towards her and pulled her from his Baby. “Are you… humping my car?”
Y/N laughed and slapped his shoulder hard. “You’re insane.” Her hand lingered on his arm and her eyes grew huge as the muscles beneath the fabric tensed. “You’re...so strong…”
Her chest heaved and Dean looked at Sam who simply shrugged and got in the car.
“Yeah...thanks. Get in.”
Inside was no better. The leather, the windows, the upholstered roof; Y/N’s touch was immune to none of it and every pass of her fingers made her body quiver. Everything felt so good.
Dean turned the engine and glanced in the rearview. Y/N was in the middle of the seat, head back, hands trailing down her extended neck. She hummed and chewed her lip, let her eyes roll back as the pleasure took over.
He swallowed hard as a wave of heat flooded his senses. “Shit.”
Sam turned to look at him. “You OK?” His turn continued and the sight of Y/N massaging her breasts behind him made his heart skip. “Oh.”
Dean nodded, practically drooling as he watched her reflection. “Yeah.”
“We should get back,” Sam suggested, hazel eyes desperate to stay locked on her lustful expression while his brain told him to look away.
Dean squirmed in his seat, hands suddenly caressing the steering wheel as Y/N dropped a hand down her stomach. “Yeah…”
When the zipper of her jeans fell, both men shook themselves awake.
“You OK to drive?” Sam asked, cheeks red and flushed.
“I’m always OK to drive.” Dean sneered at Sam but swooned as he looked away, feeling so aroused that it was almost painful.
From the backseat, Y/N moaned loudly and Dean accidentally looked back to see her right hand disappear into her blue cotton panties.
Sam snuck a peek too and regretted it instantly. He cleared his throat. “Drive.”
The twenty mile ride back to the motel was rather intense. Y/N had somehow stripped enough to slip two fingers into her cunt and the sound of her fucking herself was made Dean so hard his cock could drive if he unzipped.
Sam was deep into the lore on his tablet, but not immune to the wet slide behind him or the pitiful whimper as Y/N tugged on her nipples. She’d hiked her bra up above her tits so she could reach, and twisted hard until each side was sensitive and ruddy.
“God, I...fuck!” She could barely speak when they pulled into the parking lot, riding the edge with her feet spread and heels dug into the leather seat.
Sam hurried to his room, unable to sit in the car any longer listening to her symphony of ecstasy.
Dean refused to look back, knowing he’d never make it out of the car if he did. His hand kept creeping closer to his cock; every touch of his fingers on his thighs making his blood sing.
“Come on, Y/N,” he said, painfully sauntering to the back door. “Let’s get inside.” He pulled open the door and gasped.
Y/N’s fingers were knuckle deep, her wrist slick and shining, her mouth open in a silent cry.
“Fuck.” He pushed down on his erection, hoping to relieve it a bit, but all it did was make his ears ring. “Come on, baby, inside.” He reached for her but Y/N couldn’t stop the rhythmic pumping of her hand.
“Can’t...stop,” she whimpered, turning her lust-darkened eyes to Dean. “Feels too good. Too good...too good…”
Dean swallowed hard and took her free hand, noticing instantly how soft her skin was, how warm. “OK,” he said gently. “Just...um…suck on your fingers while we walk, OK? That will feel good, won’t it? You like doing that.”
Y/N grinned and nodded absently as she pulled her hand from her cunt, giving her clit one more tap before letting go. “Yeah. I like to suck,” she agreed.
Dean whistled. “I know you do, babygirl. OK, come on.”
He helped her stand, trying not to brush his hand across her firm nipples as he lowered her shirt; screaming internally as he tugged her jeans back up.
Y/N sucked on her fingers, rolling her tongue around and between, making the most obscene noises Dean had ever heard outside of a Skinemax pay per view. “‘M so ot, De,” she mumbled around her hand, spit leaking from the corners of her mouth.
Dean managed to get the key in the lock and shove the door open. “What?”
“I’m so hot!” she exclaimed, pulling her fingers away as she stumbled into the room. She tugged at her shirt.
“Yeah,” Dean sighed lustfully, watching her rip the clothes from her sweat-covered body as he shut the door. “You really fucking are.”
Once naked, Y/N sighed loudly, her entire body shivering as the air conditioner spit slightly cool air through the room. “I feel...so… good,” she slurred, fingertips plucking at her bottom lip. She ran a hand down her body and back up, squeezing her breasts as Dean watched on in awe.
His dick was painfully full, aching, crushed against his tight jeans. “Jesus.” He pushed his palm down against it and his jaw shook as a wave of pleasure hit his system.
“So...soft...so...hot.” Y/N turned and looked at Dean with crazed eyes, her mind flooded with lust. “You wanna touch?” she asked, slipping her right hand down between her thighs.
Dean’s tongue tried to escape, but he pulled it back as he cleared his throat. “You’re killing me, Y/N/N.” He looked away, falling down onto the ratty old sofa, hoping to catch his breath.
“Touch me, Dean,” she cooed, dipping her fingers inside her slick pussy. “Need you…” Her brows twitched and she pouted, spreading her knees just a bit so she could slide her hand in deeper. Every movement made her gasp in tiny breaths until her chest was heaving and Dean’s mind was reeling.
“I…fuck.” Unconsciously, he’d been rubbing his cock through his jeans, consumed with how good the simple touch felt. If he felt this good, she must feel even better. “No. No. Just… you’ve been cursed with something. Just ride it out, baby.”
Y/N bit her lip and growled. “Mmm...I could ride you.” She smirked and pinched her nipple hard, pulling it out as far as she could, watching Dean’s reaction.
He let out a heavy breath through puckered lips, almost in pain as she showed off for him. “Just lay down, will you? Shit.”
Still touching herself, Y/N backed up slowly until the bed caught her at the knees. She fell backwards, landing with a puff of blankets, and spread her legs wide. “Curse or not,” she sang, “this is...amazing.” She crooked her wrist and dug her fingers in deep, slowly petting her g spot as everything trembled. “God, I feel like… like… it’s so… mmm.”
Dean’s left hand was traveling upwards, gliding over his own stomach as he watched her thrash on the bed. His mind was clouded but his resolve was true. She was under a spell. There were strict rules about these sorts of things; there had to be. One or more of them were constantly getting hit with strange spells or picking up the wrong object at a crime scene. Something was always happening and without rules, there would be trouble.
“Dean…” She called to him, moaning his name again and again as her cunt clenched.
He bit his tongue and tugged at his nipples, only then realizing that he’d torn his layers away.
“Dean, I need you.” Her hips rocked.
His throat tightened. “Sam’s looking for a cure, I’m sorry, baby.”
Impossibly, she spread her legs even wider and rubbed furiously at her clit. “Please…”
“We…” Dean was panting around his words, fingers closing firmly around his dick. “We have rules, Y/N/N…”
"Screw...your...rules…" Her voice was weak, high and full of frustration. Her arms were growing heavy, tired from their work, but her arousal was only growing stronger. "Not like...we haven't…" Y/N choked on her words as a rush of bliss washed through her. "Fuck!"
Dean sank deep into the dusty couch cushions as he jerked his cock in time with her movements. He tried to stop, to pull himself out of it, but logic could only fight so hard. "I know, but… this isn't...there's…"
Y/N sat up suddenly, her eyes locked on his fat erection, lips wet with drool. "If you say rules again so help me." Her pupils dilated fully, her skin flushed. Y/N watched as his fist slid up and down, up...and...down…
She was on him before he could respond, and he blinked up at her in awe as she ran a pair of boiling fingers down his chest.
He hissed at her touch. "Jesus, why does that feel so good?"
Y/N's eyes sparkled with golden light and she sank to her knees in front of him. "Need your cock, Dean." Her voice was steady, monotone yet certain. He could hear how heavy her breaths were, feel their heat fan across his belly.
"We should wait...fuck."
He melted instantly, letting go of the rules when her lips brushed over his cock. She kissed the tip and looked up with eerily bright eyes, so happy that he was finally giving in.
"Need your cock," she said again, taking a longer taste. "Need to suck."
Dean dropped a hand to the nape of her neck and squeezed gently. "So...suck."
Again, a flash of gold lit her eyes, but Dean didn't notice. He was too lost in the push of her lips as they moved down his shaft, the hot slide of her tongue against his pulsing vein, the slight scrape of her top teeth over his head.
Y/N moaned as she worked; her legs spread, pussy dripping onto the ugly carpet. Every pass of her lips made her cunt hungrier, every satisfied groan from Dean made her suck harder. Her head was empty, thoughts drifting far into the background. Her vision swirled with gold and pink; everything was warm and delicious. Everything came back to sex.
"Need to fuck," she hummed, pulling away from Dean's cock with a loud pop of perfectly locked lips. She pumped him fast with both hands, licking at the tip like a lollipop. "Need to fuck...now."
Dean licked his lips and opened his eyes, looking down at Y/N with fully blown pupils. "Get up here," he growled, tugging at her arms to help her up.
He lost his breath as she sank down into his lap. Her body was so hot, skin so smooth, cunt so slick. Her thighs laid gracefully atop his, her hands curled around the nape of his neck. She kissed him slowly, tongue penetrating his hushed lips.
His eyes flew open; green rimmed in gold. "Move." His teeth were clenched tight; his fingertips dug into her waist. "Now."
Y/N sucked at his bottom lip and rode him hard, using all of her strength to fuck herself on his thick cock. He clung to her back, holding her close, helping her move, utterly lost in the sensations that flooded his system.
Hot, sweet, wet, firm, soft.
"Need your cum," she cried; voice deafening against his ear.
Dean locked his arms around her and stood up, managing to turn towards the bed before stumbling forward. They fell together in a heap of sweat and lust; lips reaching, fingers clawing.
He slammed inside of her, pumping in languid strokes until she shifted beneath him, arching her back and lifting her hips just an inch. She spasmed around him, cumming hard, eyes gilded and wide, mouth a perfect circle of cherry red.
Dean's jaw twitched as he came, holding back a wild howl. Every muscle contracted, every nerve ending exploded with feeling. He doubled over, kissing her madly before rolling away, out of breath and exhausted.
The light dimmed from his green eyes and he smiled, drunk on the afterglow. “That was...wow.” He chuckled and scrounged around for the pillow, bunching it up beneath his cheek. “Rules be damned. Ha!”
Y/N was still squirming. Her fingers ran slowly up and down her sides, in between her thighs, over each breast. Her breath was steady but deep; chest rising and falling with dramatic dips that Dean missed entirely as his eyes fell closed.
“You OK?” he mumbled absently before letting out a snore. “I just gotta...take five…”
The heat was rising again and Y/N whined as she tugged on her nipples, forcefully rubbing her thighs together for a hint of friction. “Need cock...need to fuck.” Her words were crisp and pathetic, but Dean was well passed hearing her pleas.
Desperation brought her back to the sofa and Y/N climbed onto the arm, straddling the upholstered corner. Her thighs closed tight and she bent forward; bare tits grazing the old fabric. She moaned as her nipples responded, bit her lip as her clit rubbed hard against the arm.
“Need to fuck!”
Sam knocked but didn’t wait for an answer, walking in with his head down, his eyes glued to his phone. He scrolled upwards with his thumb as he spoke, making sure he was accurately relaying his findings.
“So get this, if I’m looking at this correctly…”
Y/N froze as soon as Sam began to speak, his deep voice churning inside of her and grabbing every ounce of attention. She stilled her rocking against the sofa and stood up, turning towards Sam as he shut the door behind him.
“...this tribe of faerie are mostly tricksters, and I think…”
Y/N licked her lips as her eyes flashed; golden and bright. She crossed the room quickly and was pressed up against Sam before he even looked up.
“...this curse was just a...oh!”
Her hand slipped up beneath his flannel, fingertips rolling over the hard lines of his abdomen. “Sam.” She whispered his name like a song, pushing her nakedness up against him.
Sam gasped, holding his breath as her hand dipped between his waist and his jeans. Her skin was hot, her touch soft and inviting. He suddenly felt… good.
“Y/N, stop." His tone was as weak as his resolve, and logic waned as her fingers brushed the base of his swiftly stiffening cock. "We...you're under a spell. Shit." Her palm pressed into him and Sam sucked his teeth. "Oh, god."
"Need you, Sam," she begged with a pout; firm tits rubbing against his arm. "Need to fuck."
A hand wrapped around the back of his neck. Y/N pushed up on her tiptoes, desperate to drag his lips down to hers. Sam gave in to the moment and looked down into her eyes, ready to let go just once and live in the moment.
Her fingers pulsed around his dick.
He bent down to her lips.
Her eyes glowed with golden light.
"Stop!" Sam pushed her away as gently as he could, forced back into reality by her preternatural gaze. "Y/N, we have to wait it out, OK?" He looked at the bed for the first time since arriving and saw that Dean had not had the same fortitude to hold back. "Shit."
Y/N cocked her head and poured. "Don't you want me?" she asked, presenting her hard nipples for him. She pushed her tits together from beneath, holding them up for his inspection. "Touch me, Sam." Her voice was strange to his ears, empty but rhythmic and for a moment, logic seemed a waste.
Sam stared at her breasts, his jaw slack, jeans tight.
Y/N took a step towards him. "Please, Sam. Need to feel you. All of you."
He lifted his right hand and she held her breath as it hovered over her chest.
"Need to fuck." The gold returned to her eyes. "Need to...cum."
"Shit!" Sam turned away, forcing himself to stay calm. His cock was aching already; laying long and hard against his thigh. His skin was tingling, begging to touch and be touched, but he pushed it all away with a steady breath. "You had been put under a love spell," he said, to her as much to himself. "It was just a distraction so the fae could get away. It will wear off, we just have to…" Y/N pressed herself against his back, hands sneaking around to have their way with him. "...we just have to…" Hot fingers reached up to brush across his nipples and Sam shivered. "...have to stay…" A small but determined hand curved over his erection, rubbing through the denim. "...strong."
Sam's eyes glazed over and his head tipped back as Y/N ran her hands over him. Like magic, she managed to pry the flannel from his shoulders, pull the gray tee up and over his head. She ran her lips across his skin; tongue tracing every line like it was her own. She felt so good, hitting every spot like he had given her a map to his arousal.
"Y/N…" His breath curled into her name.
Her mouth was wet on his hip bones; fingers tugging at his belt.
"Need your cock."
The monstrously mindless tone struck his ears and Sam snapped out of it again, immediately backing away. "No."
She rushed at him, pathetic and needy, yet filled with unnatural strength. "Need to fuck!" She grabbed at him, but Sam was stronger, grabbing both of her wrists to try and subdue her. "Need to fuck!"
"You need to calm down!" he countered, spinning her so that her hands were pinned behind her back.
Y/N let out a cry that nearly broke his heart. She thrashed in his grip, pulling so hard that Sam was afraid her shoulder would dislocate. "Please!"
He let her go and Y/N spun around.
"Sam. Please." Wide eyes went soft as she called to him, and suddenly, Y/N's entire frame began to crumble. Her shoulders slumped, her knees went weak, the ground began to rise.
Sam scooped her up before she fell and held her close. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he whispered gently into her hair. "It'll be over soon."
"Sam?" Her whisper snuck upwards from the cave of his arms, and Y/N slid a hand with it.
The hand closed around the firm muscles of his shoulder, massaging with salacious intent.
"Need you, Sam. So bad."
He inhaled deeply; the smell of forest and sweat in her hair making his eyes roll gently. Her head turned, cheek on his chest replaced by lips, and Y/N kissed her way across the broad expanse, enjoying every twitch of tanned flesh.
"Fuck me, Sam," she sang. "Need to fuck."
When she popped the buckle of his belt, Sam growled in annoyance, mad at himself for falling again.
It wasn't easy to tie her up, but he made it sound like a game.
Sam sat her down and lovingly drew his hands across her bare arms until he could cuff her wrists to the chair. She hummed in aroused excitement as he knelt before her and carefully tied each ankle, spreading her naked pussy wide, but taking away all ability for her to move. She moaned happily as he stood back up, her mouth watering as his open zipper came back into view.
"Kinky Sam," she teased, lips reaching for him as he made sure the restraints weren't too tight. "Needs to tie a girl up before they fuck. I can get into that."
Sam sighed. "No. We're going to wait this out."
Arousal turned to fear. "What? No." She tugged at her cuffs. "Sam. No. Need to fuck. Please!"
He shook his head sadly and backed away. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Why!” she begged, squirming as much as she could to break free. “Don’t you want me? I want you so bad, Sam. So bad. I need you.”
He turned away; he had to. There were rules.
Dean was still passed out on the bed, somehow sleeping through all of Y/N's yelling, so Sam sat on the sofa, out of her sight. He hoped being quiet and out of view would calm her down, but she only thrashed harder, screamed more desperately.
"It'll be over soon," he assured her again and again, holding his head up with a tired hand. "It'll be OK."
Eventually, she called, flailing lessening to a mild twitch every few seconds. Her entire body would jerk violently and then settle; her head would roll from side to side. When her moans softened to weak murmurs, Sam relaxed, sitting back against the couch.
"You're gonna be fine, Y/N/N. We're all gonna be fine."
Y/N's head dropped, chin resting on her chest, and Sam closed his eyes for a blessed second of peace.
"What's going on?" A groggy Dean sat up in bed and twisted at the waist to see Y/N tied to a chair. "What the hell, Sam!"
Sam looked up and then away quickly as Dean's naked ass met his eyes. "Dude. Pants."
Dean rolled his eyes but grabbed his boxers before rushing over to Y/N. "What did you do to her?"
"Me?" Sam sat forward. "Nothing. She came at me- well, kept coming at me. I- she's under a spell. I had to."
Dean looked her over carefully, green eyes growing wide with concern. "Sam, she's not breathing." Panic rose. "Y/N!" He slapped her cheek and she came back, sucking in a heavy breath. "Fuck."
Her eyes fluttered. "Fuck? Please."
Dean let out a brief sigh of relief then looked to Sam. "What'd you do?"
"I wouldn't touch her and she kept coming at me. I don't know." He rushed to her side and her entire body began to tremble.
"Need...to…" Y/N's eyes rolled to white and she panted, unable to draw in another normal breath. "Please…"
Dean's forehead creased down the middle as worry flooded his mind. "What's happening?" His hands hovered over her body, afraid to land and hurt her.
Sam pressed to finger to her throat and closed his eyes, counting. "Her pulse is weak. I…fuck, she's cold." He pulled away and Y/N screamed at the loss of his touch. Tears ran down her cheeks as she choked for lack of air.
"She's dying, Sam!" Dean dropped to the floor and set to untying her left ankle. "Y/N! Come on, baby, wake up." He placed a hand on her thigh and the trembling stopped.
Y/N's head rolled. "Please."
Sam felt her pulse again and looked at Dean, confused. "It's helping...keep touching her."
"What?" Dean sat back, his hand slipping from her skin.
Y/N whined painfully. Her pulse dropped.
Sam clenched his jaw and reached for her breast, closing his palm over the quickly cooling flesh. Her pulse picked up and her breathing slowed. She moaned happily and Sam shook his head.
"We need to fuck her," he said softly, rubbing her tit gently.
Dean hesitated. "Excuse me?"
Y/N's trembling turned to squirming as Sam rolled her nipple between two large fingers. "It's the curse," he told Dean. "We fuck her or…"
"Please, Sam," she moaned, chewing her lip. "Please."
Sam squeezed her. "Or she dies."
Dean's face ran the gambit of emotions, settling on amused concern. "You know... I just did. Why-"
"Maybe it wasn't enough?"
"It was more than adequate!"
Sam rolled his eyes. "For the curse, Dean."
"Oh." He cleared his throat. "Yeah. Well. Ok, then." He dropped his hand back to her thigh and Y/N hummed gratefully. Her hips lifted a bit and Dean's eyes were drawn to the wet flesh of her exposed cunt; juices flowing, lips swelling. His mouth watered. "Maybe she just needs to cum real bad."
Y/N's stomach tensed. She tugged at her cuffs. "Yes. Cum. Need to cum. Please!"
Gingerly, Dean ran his hand upwards and her skin warmed to the touch.
Sam’s fingers on her pulse registered the change and he nodded at Dean. “Do it.”
“Please, Dean,” Y/N whispered desperately. “Make me cum, please. Need to cum...so bad.”
His fingers slid into the crease of her thigh and Dean ran his thumb across her swollen slit. It was slick and Y/N moaned enthusiastically.
“Yeah. Please. Please!”
Dean pushed his thumb into her cunt and Y/N took in a deep breath, her eyes glowing bright as she looked down at the elder Winchester.
“Fuck me, Dean.”
He rocked forward on his knees and pressed his lips to her clit in a suckling kiss that made her hips shake.
“Yes. Please! Need to fuck. Need to cum!”
Sam felt her come back to life; saw the color flood back through her veins. As Dean rolled his tongue through her wetness, Sam let her go and slowly took a step back.
Y/N let out a painful whine. “Sam, no.” She struggled to reach for him, wrists tight against the cuffs. She turned her head towards him, lips puckering, eyes locked on his jeans. “Please!”
His cock swelled but he hesitated; the golden hue in her eyes the only thing reminding him that they were operating under magical circumstances. If it weren’t for her failing vitals, the entire scene might have been out of one of Y/N’s midnight, whiskey-fueled confessions, but it was all wrong.
A single tear escaped and trailed down Y/N’s cheek. Golden or no, her pretty eyes begged for him. “Don’t let me die, Sam…” Her strength ebbed and her head rolled; the tight in her shoulders and arms was fading, she was fading.
Sam took a breath. “I won’t, babygirl.”
The moment his cock passed between her lips, Y/N came back to life. She licked him until hard then sucked down everything he had to give her. Sam couldn’t deny the extreme sensation; there was something warmer, something softer, something more amazing about her tonight than ever before, and it wasn’t long before he was fucking into her mouth without regret.
Dean crooked his fingers deep inside her pussy and Y/N came, clenching around his knuckles. She stilled for a moment, but the whimpering returned; she needed it from both ends, needed to be so filled she couldn’t breathe.
With his right hand still massaging her cunt, Dean untied her ankles, distracting her with kisses and tiny bites on her inner thighs as Sam pulled away to open her cuffs.
They were careful to keep their hands on her at all times, at least one man doing something to her as they moved to the bed. If they were gone at the same time, she crumbled, blood pressure dropping, heart rate falling. They needed to keep her going just a little while longer.
“Need your cum,” she moaned, weak limbs thrashing on the bed as Sam helped her to her knees. “Need it so bad.” Her eyes rolled back painfully and Sam grit his teeth, gently shaking her back awake.
“Hey! Hey, hang on,” he told her, kissing her eyes back open. “Stay with us.”
Behind her, Dean gave his brother a grave look. “How much longer?”
Sam shrugged and lay back, pulling Y/N with him, safe in his arms. “I don’t know, just...just do it.”
Y/N sagged against Sam's chest, barely breathing. "Please. Need to fuck. Need your cum."
Brushing her cheek, Sam guided her eyes up to his. "Just hang on, you hear me?"
She nodded as best she could, and Sam shoved his tongue between her lips, revving her back up as if his kiss were electro shock. She breathed deeply and sat up on her own, clawing at his chest and moaning into his mouth.
Dean snuck up from behind and ran his hand firmly down her spine. "Come here, baby. I want that sweet pussy. Now." He slapped her ass gently and Y/N responded, walking backwards on her knees until Dean could take what he wanted. He plunged two fingers into her cunt and pumped slowly, covering his hand in her hot slick.
Sam's cock stood tall before her gilded eyes and Y/N took a taste, flicking at him with the tip of her tongue. With a smirk, Sam scooted down a bit and let her have it all, laying back as she closed her lips around him.
Dean fucked her steadily, his hands locked on her hips, thighs slamming firmly into her ass. Every thrust pushed her down onto Sam and every buck of Sam's hips in retaliation sent her deeper into Dean's thick cock.
She was in heaven, she was lost in the feeling; so full, so happy, so utterly and undeniably distracted. She screamed around Sam's cock as she came again, flooding Dean's cock and the stiff sheets below. Her cunt pushed and pulled at him until he couldn't hold back, and his head flew back as he came, adding to the mess at his knees.
Sam felt them both go and watched carefully as the gold dimmed in Y/N's eyes. He pushed a hand through her hair and held her in place, taking over as he reached his end. He jerked his hips hard, fucking into her tiny, hot mouth. Y/N moaned when he came, barely able to swallow him all down. It dribbled with her spit from the corners of her mouth, sliding less than gracefully down her naked body, pooling on the bed below.
She looked up as Sam pulled back and gasped, the golden light vanishing totally from her eyes.
"Fuck!" She held her breath as the room grew dark around her and collapsed into a heap between the brothers.
"Y/N!" Dean grabbed at her, carefully spinning her onto her back. "Y/N!"
Sam grabbed her wrist and sighed in relief. "She's fine. Pulse is steady." He turned away to grab his shorts and shook his head. "Ya know, we have rules for a reason, Dean."
Green eyes looked up from the bed. "I know the rules. She was dying!"
"She wasn't until you touched her."
"Excuse me?" Dean shot up from the bed, ready to fight. "I didn't do this. I was dosed too, if you don't remember."
"Yeah," Sam agreed. "So was I."
"So maybe it was your fault for touching her!"
"You flat out fucked her ten minutes after getting back here."
Y/N sat up on her elbows and groaned at the boys. "You both fucked up!" she interjected, pulling the feuding hunters apart. "Now you're both gonna get over here and give me some goddamned aftercare!"
Dean laughed and Sam blushed.
"Yes, ma'am," Dean sang, hopping to get back into bed.
Y/N stopped him with a reprimanding hand. "Oh, no. You," she said pointing at Sam, "get me a wet towel. And you-" her eyes flew back to Dean, "are gonna go get me some food."
Dean pouted. "But...cuddles?"
Y/N laughed. "After pizza."
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2020 Forever Tags:
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431 notes · View notes
aliasimagines · 4 years
face down // j.t.
warnings: abusive relationship, abuse, beating, strong language
Jason and Y/N were best friends since day 1. They were always there for each other. Y/N could always run to Jason if she had a problem and he would always come up with a solution (or if words didn't work Jay would beat anyone who made his best friend sad). Jason could always count on Y/N; if he was sad or angry she could always make him feel better, no matter what.
Y/N was there when Jason found his mother; when Bruce took him in, when he became the new Robin. When he died and when he come back to life. Everything that happened to Jason, Y/N knew about it. She knew about the Outlaws, she was even friends with Roy and Kori. Y/N even helped them out a few times during missions, as much as Jason disagreed with the idea of his best friend running around in a supersuit with them. He doesn't want Y/N to get hurt, or worse. He couldn't forgive himself. And he couldn't live without her; without her voice as she comforted him; without her fingers playing with his hair when they were having movie nights or without her beautiful smile... Because, the thing is, that Jason is hopelessly in love with Y/N.
But she had a boyfriend, his name is Zack and as far as Jason knows he made her happy.
And Jay knows Y/N. So when Jason sees her walk towards the table he is sitting at, in front of the café, he instantly knows that something is not right.
It was the middle of summer but Y/N is wearing a long sleeved shirt with a red scarf that Jason got her for last christmas.
"You freezing or what?" Jason heard himself saying before got up to hug the girl.
"Jeez, good morning to you too, Mr. I Wear Leather Jacket and Boots All The Fucking Time." Y/N quietly chuckled as she carefully hugged back the vigilante, trying not to hiss when Jason wrapped his muscular arms around her, touching her hidden bruises. "Can't I wear a nice outfit for once?"
"You always look nice ,princess." 'Beautiful, even' he tought to himself than gestured towards the two iced coffees on the table. "I already ordered us drinks"
"Hmm my favorite! You know me so well Jaybird!" the girl sat down and instantly took a sip of the coffee. "Gosh this has caramel in it?! I love you!"
Jason grabbed his cup too and brought it to his lips. "Yeah, yeah I know you do. But what's up Y/N? I haven't seen you for a whole month!"
"Don't look at me like that! I'm not the one who went away for a top secret mission!" Y/N whisper shouted than continued "But I'm fine... Tell me about the mission!"
Jason raised his eyebrows. She only said 'I'm fine' and then moved on. Something is totally wrong.
"I can't, sorry. It's top secret. Buuut you could tell me what's wrong. Cause something is wrong. I can see"
Y/N opened her mouth than closed it not knowing how to respond. Jason leaned forward and put his large hand on Y/N's.
"You know you can tell me everything, N/N."
"I know Jay....it's just.." she took a deep breath before continuing "I just had a small fight with Zack but that's all."
"What? Why? Are you okay? You can stay at my place if you want."
A nervous laughter left her lips as she shook her head.
"No it's fine. It was just a silly argument. I don't even know why we started it. But don't worry it will be fine, we always make up. I just couldn't really sleep because of it." Y/N lifted her coffe to her mouth again.
"What do you mean by 'we always make up'. Do you fight often?"
"Fuck" Y/N cursed quietly for letting that information slip that she indeed had a few fights in the past. "I.. Yeah. But it's fine. We always make up in a few hours."
Jason couldn't believe his ears. When did this happen? When did Y/N started to hide these kind of things from him?
"For how long?" was the only thing he could say.
Y/N looked at her glass, the table, at her shoes, everywhere except for the beautiful blue eyes of Jason.
"For... A few months." Y/N hoped that Jason wouldn't hear from the noise of the few passing cars but when she saw his face fall, she knew Jason heard her clearly.
She closed her eyes, expecting Jason to shout at her but instead she felt his arms wrapping around her.
"Why didn't you tell me, princess?" Y/N hugged back Jay while fighting the tears in her eyes.
"I... I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could handle it on my own."
"And you could?"
"I..." No. There's no way she will Jason about how Zack... How he hurt her. That would only cause unnecessary problems. "Kinda. I think I need to talk to him but... Yeah. Everything will be fine. I can handle it"
"Are you sure? I can help if you want me to." he smoothed her hair away from her face. Jason wasn't really convinced but he is not going to push her, she doesn't need more stress. Y/N shook her head.
"Thank you Jay but it's better if I do it alone." she finally looked in his eyes. "Seriously Jay. Thank you for being here for me."
"Of course, you do the same for me. Now, do you wanna go somewhere else? To get your mind off of it."
"Yes, that would be nice."
Jason pulled you to your feet and held out his hand for you.
"I know just the place. Please follow me, M'lady." laughing at his adorable attempt of a british accent Y/N linked their arms together and followed him.
(a few hours later)
Y/N pushed the front door open with her free hand. She put down her paperbag full of books and closed the front door. Just when she turned the keys in the lock she heard a voice from behind her.
"Where were you?"
Even though the voice was quite calm and gentle, it took Y/N by surprise making her jump a little.
"Holy shit Zach you scared the living shit out of me!" the girl snaped as she finally turn around to find his boyfriend. The man looked down at his feet, ashamed and clearly feeling guilty.
"I'm sorry baby... What I did last night... I went too far. I know and I want to apologize" he reached out, his eyes finally raised to meer Y/N's, and tried to brush away a lock of hair but she flinched away. Pictures of yesterday popped in to her head and she drew in a sharp breath.
Zack stood above her, shouting about how she was a bitch because of the way she dressed. He went on and on about how a guy was checking her out and how Y/N flirted with him even though she didn't even acknowledged the guy but Zach didn't want to hear about it. He raised his hand and... Y/N shook his head trying to forget it.
"Look Zach I... I really don't want to talk about it."
"It won't happen again baby." he leaned down to kiss the girl but Y/N backed away.
"Yeah. But how many times have you promised?" the words just seemed to slip out on there own against the girl's will. Even though it was a quiet whisper Zach must have heard it cause he tilted his head in curiosity.
"What was that?"
Y/N looked at him with a sudden confidence.
"I... you say that all the time. I'm getting sick of always believing your lies"
Y/N truly believed that Zach was going to hit her so she shut her eyes close. So when she felt his fingers caressing her cheeks she froze on the spot.
"Is that so, princess?" Zach leaned so close that his lips brushed against her  (skin color) skin. His voice sounded so sweet. Too sweet. "You say you're sick of my lies? Hmm? Than tell me where were you baby."
"You know that I was out with Jason"
"Of course I know you were with him but who is he to you?"
"What? I don't..."
"Just answer the damn question!" his mellifluous tone sounding angrier with each sentence.
"He is my best friend, Zack."
"Ahaa!" Zack screamed excitedly making Y/N jump. "There it is! Our first lie."
"I know he is more than that! Hell even that lady tought that he was your boyfriend when we were at the cinema!"
"Only because you were tying your shoelaces and the lady only saw Jason standing next to me! Jesus Zack! This happened months ago, don't start this shit again!"
Zack straight up ignored Y/N and continued.
"And you didn't even try to correct her! You just stood there, laughing nervously, glancing at that bastard. If I wouldn't have been there you would have agreed,wouldn't, you? Maybe even grab his hand, hmm? Lay your head on his shoulder and giggle? Like the little bitch you are... "
" Holly shit, Zack! Do you hear yourself?! Are you insane? I. Have. Never. Cheated. On. You. Can you understand? I fucking loved you! How can even say these things?"
Zack step back a little, so Y/N didn't feel so trapped. She couldn't read anything off of his face. He just stared at her blankly. A few seconds passed like this making a terrible tension, and just when Y/N was about to say something, Zack's quiet voice broke the silence.
"... loved...
            LOVED?!" by the end he was shouting at her, screaming like a maniac. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'LOVED'?! you don't love me anymore?"
"... How can I, Zack? How can I love you after the things you have done to me? I refused to say this for so long, because I still had some hope... But now I know that you're not the man I fell in love with. Zack. I'm breaking up with you. "
What came after is blurred, Y/N didn't know what happened first. Zack pushing her against the door or him grabbing her by the neck making her gasp out for air in pain.
" You are not breaking up with me" he tossed her on the floor and kicked her toward the couch. "You hear me you bitch? You're not breaking up with me!!" he hovered over her, slowly raising his hand to slap him.
After saying his goodbyes to Y/N, the smile slowly froze off Jason's face. Something's not right. Something's not fucking right.
That's all he could think of as he went up on top of the building. There's more to it.
Thoughts like this crossed his mind as he sat done on the edge of the roof, next to his favorite gargoyle. He reached in his pocked for a box of cigarettes, pulled one out and placed it in his mouth. Looking down at the city, Jason took a drag from his cigarette and slowly exhaled. Looking down he saw cars passing by and tiny silhouettes of humans crossing the road.
He always loved to sit here. Back then when he was younger, when he was Robin, he like to come up because he always felt like he is in control. Like he is on top of everything and noone can tell him what to do. And now he is here because he doesn't know what to do.
Sighing he run his free hand through his hair and then grabbed his phone. Unlocking it he opened the contacts and scrolled down to the letter 'R' and clicked on the name Roy. As the archer picked up, Jason put him on speaker and placed his phone on his thigh.
"Hey man, whats up?" Roy asked holding his phone with his shoulder so he could stir the boiling pasta.
"Hi Roy. I..uhm met Y/N today."
"Uuuu! How is the little N/N?"
Jay shook his head, even though he knew Roy couldn't see him. He quickly exhaled some smoke before speaking.
"Honestly? I don't know."
"What? You always know what's going on with her!"
"I thought so too. But it seems like I was wrong."
"Okay, tell me everything bud. I'm listening." the ginger haired man walked over to the fridge to get some cheese.
"It's about her boyfriend. She said that they are fighting. And she was...so wierd, man. I think she is not telling me everything."
"Well shit. I wasn't expecting that. Hmm... I don't know Jaybird. You 100% sure it her boyfriend? You're not jealous or anything?"
"What!? No! You know that I love her, and all I want is her to be happy but she is not Roy! I'm telling ya, something's fucked up."
"Than I think you should pay her another visit. Just to check everything's cool and maxbe we could all get together for the weekend. Maybe she'll open up if we are all there for her."
"Yeah that's a good idea. I'm gonna check in if she's fine. Thanks, bud!"
" 'f course. Call me if you need me Jay."
" 'kay. Bye!"
Jason hang up and finished his cigarette. He got up and decided that jumping from building to building will be faster that walking to Y/N's apartment. Not that it's that far away but Jay wanted to hurry for some reason.
Just as Zack raised his hand to slap Y/N, the sound of breaking glass rang through their home, making Zack stop and look up in suprise.
"What the fucking hell is...." but he couldn't finish cause a very angry Jason jumped on him causing both of them to end up on the floor. Jason sat on top of Zack as he started to beat him up.
Y/N layed there still scared and shocked, silently crying as she listened to the terrible yet satisfying sound of Jason's fist meeting with Zack's face, over and over again.
Lost track of time, the girl slowly sat up trying to catch her breath. After that she crawled next to Jason and put her hand on his.
"Jay.. Stop. He is not worth it..."
Jason looked at his best friend and he felt his heart skipping a beat as he saw the bruises on her neck which was no longer covered by the scarf, as it fell down as Zack pushed her on the floor.
Jason stood up and grabbed his gun so quickly that Y/N couldn't even process his movements for a second. But when she did, she jumped to her feet too. Jason had the gun aimed at the bastards head but Y/N grabbed his hand.
"No, Jay. Please don't."
"You can't be protecting him after this!"
"I am not protecting him, Jay. But I don't want you to have this on your conscience too. No, the police will take care of him."
"Can we leave now? Please?"
Jason's eyes softened as he lowered his gun. He nodded and gestured towards the door. Y/N slowly walked towards it but Jason leaned down and whispered in Zack ear before moving away from his half conscious body.
"You're lucky she is here. Otherwise I would have gutted you. And don't worry, I'll make sure you rot some place terrible. Like... Arkham? A sick bastard like you would fit just right in with the rest of the freaks." he finished his little speech with a good kick in his stomach and ran to catch up with Y/N.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[MF] Misc Fiction
Homeless rider
My phone dinged. A rider. My very first rider. I grabbed the keys and was out the door and on the road in the blink of an eye. The perfect tunes were playing and the air conditioner was blasting. I was prepared. Ready to become the best uber driver this town has ever seen. My attitude changed as I realized what the the pickup location was. The soup kitchen. I threw my car in park and waited for my rider. Praying he or she would be a volunteer. Suddenly the doors to the homeless person haven burst open. Well fed hobos and nicely dressed volunteers flooded the stairs. One large man broke from the crowd and made his way over to my car. The door ripped open and a musty stench filled my nostrils. ¨Hi is this for Ricky?” I nodded at the dirty man entering my car. His graphic t shirt was much too small and his pants many sizes too big. His peppered white hair brushed the roof of the car, sprinkling dirt onto the center console. I pretended not to notice. ¨Where we heading?¨ He smiled a toothless grin. ¨The poker room down the street. I want to beat the heat today you know what I mean¨ I let out a short convincing laugh. ¨I know exactly what you mean sir.¨ Though I did not. A homeless man taking an uber from the soup kitchen to the casino. Was this some sort of joke? Multiple of questions raced through my head but I somehow managed to speak the one of least offense. ¨Is there a poker tournament going on today?¨ He nodded and grumbled scratching his chin. ¨Yes there is. And I am going to win it all. You see I volunteered today and that got me good with the lord. Also I completed my mandated service hours so Im good with the government. And in addition to that. I got a free breakfast which makes me good on the entry fee if you know what I mean.¨ This time I did know what he meant. I nodded. ¨You any good at cards uber driver?¨ I nodded again. In fact I was very good at cards once upon a time. But those days are over. I inhaled a long, slow breath, pushing back the memories. The excitement. ¨I used to be. I don´t exactly gamble anymore¨ I added. ¨Why don´t you gamble anymore¨ Because I don’t want to end up like you. ¨Because you don´t want to end up like me¨? Did he just read my mind? ¨Ha I just read your mind I can see it on your face. Tricky Ricky strikes again!¨ ¨Can you read minds?¨ I asked falsely He shrugged. ¨Its happened before.¨
We pulled up to the poker room and Ricky reached for the door. ¨Hey what do you say you come in there and play a few hands. If my mind reading thing kicks back in, shit we could take it all!¨ I forced a smile, ¨No thank you Ricky. But it was nice getting to chat. Good luck in there.¨ And I pushed the smelly homeless man from my car. I drove home and cleaned my car before returning to the patrol. What a strange first ride. Luckily it is over and chances are, I will never see him again. Thats the life of an uber driver I suppose.
Suddenly my phone dinged. Another ride request.
I took a left and a right then another left until I found myself sitting infront of the old tall hotel in the heart of downtown. Out the revolving glass door walk three gorgeous young women. Each of them supporting their own university with a different sweatshirt. Make up applied and shorts worn high, the three coeds walked up to my car. I rolled down my window and all three poked their heads in at once. ¨Is this for Stacy¨ ¨No I ordered it.¨ ¨Why does it smell like hobo in here¨
I managed to resist letting my eyes roll. As the three girls crawled into my car
¨Where are we headed?¨ I asked.
¨Uhm Im pretty sure the app tells you where to go?¨ Two of the girls giggled as the third shook her head smiling.
¨Don´t be so rude. We are headed to the poker tournament thanks for asking” She added kindly.
More tournament participants. Maybe the tournament is more popular than I expected.
“So what are you ladies studying in school” I asked, trying to make conversation. “Education! Stacy and I are going to be teachers!!” “Most important job in America. Good for you two.” Two of the girls beamed. “What about you” I asked the third girl, our eyes meeting again in my rear view mirror. “Psychology and Philosophy. I like it a lot so far.” “She is the smart one if you can’t tell. She’s going to be a psychiatrist one day.” I chuckled. “Very cool”
Moments later we found ourselves infront of the poker room. The three girls started to get out of my car when the nice one turned back and asked me if I would like to join them. Flattered. I smiled. ¨No thanks¨ and the door closed as the three girls raced into the poker room. My phone dinged. Another rider.
I pulled up to the same hotel as before, and waited for my rider. In front of the revolving door stood a lone man in a blue suit, sporting a leather briefcase in one hand, and a cell phone in the other. his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses. He let out a wave, and I returned his signal. ¨The poker room on the east side please¨ Another poker player? ¨Sounds good. We will be there shortly.¨ Without request the businessman to proceeded to inform me of each and every dollar value attributed to the accounts he manages. He was a big financial manager in LA. I was surprised with how many of his clients I was familiar with. As well as how much golf he apparently played. But not one part of me cared about any of the haughty words leaving his mouth. ¨Very cool sir¨ I said carelessly as we pulled up to the stop. ¨Incase you ever make it big¨ I turned to see the man handing me his business card. And he was gone.
So it was back to patrol for me. I cruised the town, desperate for more riders, but My phone did not ding once again. So I returned home. Kicked off my shoes, and began making dinner. I cracked open a can of coconut milk and began stewing a curry as I flipped on the TV. Not a bad first day of uber driving. I thought. I wonder how that poker tournament went for everyone. To my surprise, the answer to my question appeared on the screen infront of me. ¨Well it looks like this is going to be the final hand tonight. The final three players are all in.¨ On the tv sat three characters at a round green table littered with paper anplastic. One was a well dressed business man with a girl under his arm. The other a ragged vagabond with a fem sitting upon his lap. And finally, in the third seat sat a beautiful young woman, draped in a university sweatshirt. I reached for the remote and turned up the volume. ¨This is the first time ever that no professional players made it into the final 3. But tonight one of these amateurs is going to walk away with it all. Stay tuned, right after this commercial break.¨ My keys were in the ignition before they cut to the advertisements and I was in the back of the poker room, standing out of site, just as the coverage returned. ¨And we are back. Thanks for sticking with us folks. Well it looks like all three players have laid down their chips. The only thing left to do is see what lies on the other side of their cards.¨ One by one each player revealed their cards. The business man sat straight, forcing his face to appear relaxed but the only emotion he portrayed was fear. The double major coed chuckled to herself, knowing her defeat was eminent. And Ricky slumped in his chair, inhaling his cigerette, truly calm and at peace, as if he had foreseen the outcome. The room erupted as the results were realized across the room. The ragged, scruffy, stinky man who had been in my uber only hours before had just won more money than he had ever seen. ¨I did it! I won.¨ His head spun around, his eyes looking for someone to share this moment with until they met mine. ¨Uber driver! It’s me Ricky. Come over here man¨ I walked towards the center of the room and reached out my hand for a congratulatory handshake only to have it slapped away as Ricky wrapped his long hairy arms around me and pulled me close. I returned his embrace then pulled away, dusting the newly attained dirt from my clothes. ¨I guess the mind reading trick worked for ya eh¨ I joked. His eyes widened and he looked over his shoulder before lowering his voice. ¨Your shit right it worked. I knew what cards everyone had that entire game. It was like taking candy from a bunch of babies¨ and two of the girls buried their faces into the phone while the third sat quietly, her eyes out the window.
I didn´t know whether to believe him or call him crazy. I decided to do neither. ¨So what are you going to do now.¨ ¨Celebrate!”
What followed can only be explained as insanity. Ricky and I hit every bar, strip club, and casino in town until our lustful desires had been satisfied and we were too drunk to find our way home. I somehow resisted the urge to gamble and didn’t spend a dime, While Ricky threw away hundred dollar bills as if it were chump change. But he continued to win and win until we found ourselves outside the bar, standing in the alley. “What a night. Im gunna be rich ya know. Im gunna be a even more rich than I am right now once I get all this shit invested. Ya before the tournament started some business type guy handed out his card to every player. Told us if we win he can turn our winnings into even more money. Imagine what he’s gunna be able to do with all this!!” Ricky fanned out hundred dollars bills infront of my face. ”Hey are you even listening to me.” I was, or I was at least trying to. My head was resting against the outer brick wall of some bar and my eyes were closed in an attempt to cease the spinning of the world around me. I managed to string a few letters together into a word, but failed to create a full sentence. “Home” Then I slid down to a sitting position, my head in my hands with my back propping me up against the cool brick wall. The street lights were dim, and the sidewalks all but empty. The bars were closing down and the night was coming to an end. Suddenly a voice that broke through my drunken jumbled existence. “Hey its our uber driver from earlier! “Hey Mr. Uber driver its us! Remember us!! I raised my head from my hands to see a blurry vision of two young girls wrapping there arms around Ricky, dollar signs where their pupils should have been. A third girl moved out from behind the greedy two and towards me, a soft smile on her face It was the sweet one, the smart one from before. She knelt down beside me and started to rub my back. “How you feeling mr. uber driver.” Her calm words soothed my stupor. “I’ve been better. But I think I’m ready to walk home. My apartment is just down the street.” She nodded and relayed it to her friends who were now attached to Ricky. He smiled a toothless grin and reached out a hand to pull me up. Before long we were back at my place. Ricky took the girls to my bedroom, and the philosophy major joined me in the bathroom, talking to me about whatever she pleased as I emptied my guts into the toilet. “I love your apartment. You did such a nice job decorating it. The amount of house plants in here probably does wonders for your stress levels.” I nodded. “I just like having something to take care of.” “It’s nice taking care of things.” She chuckled and started rubbing my back again. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by sounds of snores from the next room. She went to check on her friends and found them sleeping, cuddled up next to Ricky. “Well it seems like the other guests are enjoying their stay at the uber driver hotel. How are you feeling though.” I raised my head from toilet bowl and looked at my caretaker for the first time since we left the bars. Her smile was warming and her eyes deep with blue and grey colors swimming around each other. Small infrequent freckles dotted her face, and her rosy cheeks dimpled as she grinned. “What are you staring at. Never seen a girl before?” I opened my mouth to respond but before I could she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “I’m just joking. Say is there a roof on this building? If your feeling up for it, maybe we could get some fresh air, the smell of vomit isn’t really doing it for me anymore.” I nodded in agreement and she pulled my by the hand until we were standing on the rooftop under the starless sky, looking over the small city surrounding us. She walked over to the wall, preventing us from falling to our untimely death. Without a second of hesitation, she hopped up, and began walking back and forth on the wall as if it were a balance beam in a gymnasium. She sensed my uneasiness. “Don’t worry dad I know what I know what I am doing.” With elegance and grace she walked across the railing encircling the entire roof until she bored, and took a seat on the wall, feet dangling into the abyss below. She motioned for me to join her. “I think Im good on this side. Thank you though.” I made my way over to her and leaned against the barrier. ”Today feels like a dream” I mumbled. “Maybe it was. Maybe I’m not actually here. Wooooo” She wiggled her fingers, at me jokingly. “That homelesss man, I mean Ricky, his life has taken a one 180 today. This morning he was getting breakfast at the soup kitchen and now he has more money than he has ever seen in his life. You know he was claiming that the reason he won was because he could read minds.” “Maybe he can.” “You actually believe that is possible? What are they teaching you in college these days anyways?” “Lots of things.” She smiled changing the subject. “I can’t believe my friends were about to sleep with a homeless man just because of how much money he won.” “It was a lot of money though.” She laughed and nodded in agreement. Then she looked at me and put her hand in mine, “This has been a pretty exciting day. You know I had a feeling I was going to see you again after you dropped us off earlier today. And I was right.” “Im glad your feeling was correct. But im not sure I believe in feelings or premonitions either.” “Ricky would believe me.” This got both of us laughing. “What do you think he’s gunna do with his money.” “Probably gamble it all away.” She slapped me on the arm giggling. “I think he’s gunna pay off whatever debt he had and then give the rest to his family and favorite charities.” She thought for a moment tapping her chin. “Whatever he does with it, his life has been changed forever. And good for him. He seems like a decent guy. He deserves it.” Suddenly the door to the stairs burst open. Two girls appeared in the doorway, their faces white with terror. The philosophy major was to them before I understood what was happening. I began to feel dizzy as the reality of the situation dawned on me. “Did you do CPR?” “No we panicked. We thought you would know what to do.” No time passed and I found myself staring at a shirtless homeless man lying on my floor, a young girl seated near him, pounding on his chest. Her efforts were futile but the later paramedics would thank her for trying. The ambulance took him away, and I stood in front of the apartment, with three young tormented girls. It started to rain. Before long their ride was here, and I stood staring into the grey blue eyes from before, knowing I would never see them again. “Im sorry” she said, and then she disapeared into the back of the car with her friends and they were gone.
submitted by /u/thetreeandtheroots [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2m2ftVy
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chatonnoir · 2 years
you're so right about ppl inventing a vendetta the writers have against their favs like i saw those ppl hating on Penalteam because of Adrien not knowing how to play soccer and the joke w Chloe calling a thigh an elbow because they were "dumbing down the abused kids" I???????? 😭
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