#....after my ass sleeps fft. gnight. naptime
fairymint · 7 months
alright, I met the boobie doctor™️;
exact date's to be scheduled, but we're looking at sometime around Feb-March ish for the next semi-hiatus. I'm probably gonna spend my month off catching up on shows tbh!
beforehand, I'll probably focus on video games and bigger plots in RP; though will still be focusing on mutuals for the sake of my mental health, rather than 'events'. I'll ease back into RP post-op at my own discretion; between being conked out early on and a chance of temporary hormonal depression, I'm gonna have to ease up until reality sinks in then just to be on the safe side, before or parallel to any retcons I decide to make for Felix. We're also easing back into the multifandom shit with the animal crossing/etc. muses, just because it's time, my hyperfixations are back to jumping around ADHD style, totally unrelated. I'm shooting for more 'balance' this time around instead of pokemon or nopokemon, lmfao-
I'm about to crash and take a nap, after all that, so I'll be on once I'm refreshed, got plenty of time off until Friday~
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