#1999 Ultima Sport
nftplaygrounds · 1 year
Virtual Currency Games
Every little boy's (and plenty of grown guys's) dream of making a dwelling by way of gambling video video games is edging closer to truth. The recent launch of HunterCoin and the in-improvement VoidSpace, video games which reward players in virtual currency in preference to virtual princesses or gold stars point closer to a destiny in which one's ranking on a scoreboard might be rewarded in dollars, and sterling, euros and yen.
The tale of the millionaire (virtual) real property agent…
Digital currencies have been slowly gaining in maturity both in terms of their capability and the financial infrastructure that enables them for use as a credible alternative to non-virtual fiat currency. Though Bitcoin, the 1st and most widely recognized of the crypto-currencies was created in 2009 there were sorts of digital currencies utilized in video video Top NFT Games for extra than 15 years. 1997's Ultima Online was the first exceptional try to comprise a big scale virtual financial system in a recreation. Players may want to collect gold cash by way of venture quests, fighting monsters and locating treasure and spend those on armour, guns or real property. This became an early incarnation of a virtual forex in that it existed only within the game though it did replicate real global economics to the volume that the Ultima foreign money experienced inflation because of the game mechanics which ensured that there was a in no way finishing deliver of monsters to kill and therefore gold coins to acquire.
Released in 1999, EverQuest took virtual currency gaming a step in addition, allowing players to alternate virtual goods among themselves in-recreation and although it become prohibited with the aid of the game's clothier to also promote virtual objects to each other on eBay. In a actual global phenomenon which became entertainingly explored in Neal Stephenson's 2011 novel Reamde, Chinese game enthusiasts or 'gold farmers' have been employed to play EverQuest and different such video games complete-time with the intention of gaining revel in points with the intention to degree-up their characters thereby making them more effective and favourite. These characters would then be bought on eBay to Western game enthusiasts who have been unwilling or unable to put in the hours to degree-up their own characters. Based at the calculated alternate rate of EverQuest's foreign money due to the real international buying and selling that happened Edward Castronova, Professor of Telecommunications at Indiana University and an professional in virtual currencies anticipated that in 2002 EverQuest become the 77th richest usa inside the international, somewhere among Russia and Bulgaria and its GDP per capita was more than the People's Republic of China and India.
Launched in 2003 and having reached 1 million everyday users by using 2014, Second Life is perhaps the most whole example of a digital economy thus far wherein it is virtual forex, the Linden Dollar which can be used to shop for or promote in-recreation goods and services can be exchanged for real international currencies through market-based totally exchanges. There were a recorded $3.2 billion in-sport transactions of digital goods inside the 10 years among 2002-13, Second Life having end up a marketplace where gamers and organizations alike have been able to design, promote and promote content material that they created. Real estate became a specifically beneficial commodity to exchange, in 2006 Ailin Graef have become the 1st Second Life millionaire whilst she grew to become an initial funding of $9.95 into over $1 million over 2.5 years via buying, promoting and trading digital actual estate to different players. Examples inclusive of Ailin are the exception to the rule of thumb but, simplest a recorded 233 customers making greater than $5000 in 2009 from Second Life activities.
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wrooom · 4 years
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1999 Ultima Sport 
"Le Mans Classic 2012 "
By Eric
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thephillythings · 4 years
Die dritte Episode
Jetzt nehmen wir richtig Fahrt auf, eine Episode nach der anderen. Wie im letzten Artikel versprochen, werden wir uns in dieser Episode mit dem Gaming auf dem PC beschäftigen. Dazu werde ich noch auf die Klassiker der frühen Videospielgeschichte eingehen. 
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Mit der Einführung des Heimcomputer in den 80er Jahren wurden auch erste Spiele für den Heimcomputer entwickelt. Die Heimcomputer hatten einen technischen Vorteil gegenüber den Heimkonsolen. Dieses schlug sich aber auch im Preis nieder. Der Heimcomputer wurde mit dem Release des NES in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Die Heimcomputer waren in Japan eh schon nicht so erfolgreich und beliebt. In den Folgejahren setzte sich die NES auch auf dem amerikanischen und europäischen Markt durch. 
Erst mit dem Wechsel auf die CD-Rom konnte sich der PC wieder in den Vordergrund drängen. Dazu kommt, dass die Vermarktung der Spiele nun den Konsolenmarkt, aber auch den PC-Markt angesprochen wird. Das lag daran, das die Spiele nun parallel für den PC und die Konsolen entwickelt werden können. 
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Es entwickelten sich neue Spiele-Genre, der Ego-Shooter, die Echtzeitstrategie und die Online-Rollenspiele. Das gerade das Genre des Ego-Shooters große Konverse mit sich führte, habe ich in meinem letzten Artikel schon erwähnt. Doch im Jahr 1999 erschien ein Titel, der diese ganze Debatte auf Jahre noch bestimmen wird. Die Rede ist von Counter-Strike. Dieses Spiel ist erst mit Hilfe von Mods zu dem geworden, was Counter-Strike heute ist. Auf der einen Seite kämpfen Terroristen. Diese Gruppe hat meistens das Ziel eine Bombe an einem bestimmten Ort der Map zu legen oder die zweite Gruppe, die Anti-Terror-Kräfte, an der Befreiung von Geiseln zu hindern. Die Anti-Terror-Kräfte müssen dann die Bombenplätze vor den Terroristen schützen oder ,wie schon erwähnt, Geiseln befreien. Man hat sich für die Spielmechanik an realen, möglichen Szenarien orientiert. Dadurch stand Counter-Strike auch immer wieder in der Kritik, die Killerspiel-Debatte kam auf den Plan. Im Jahr 2002 wurde der Versuch gestartet Counter-Strike durch die Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien zu indizieren. Doch dieser Antrag wurde zum Glück abgelehnt. Es geht in diesem Shooter ja auch nicht primär um die Gewalt und deren Darstellung, sondern um das Teamplay und damit verbunden dem Sieg des Teams. Daher organisierten sich immer mehr Teams und verfeinerten ihr Zusammenspiel, der E-Sport entwickelt sich. Auf den E-Sport werde ich am Ende dieser Episode noch eingehen. 
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Hier habe ich noch einen Beitrag vom ZDF aus dem Jahr 2006. Man kann hier ganz gut sehen in welche Richtung die Argumentation der Befürworter der Verbote von “Killerspielen” geht. Zusätzlich sieht man, das Forderung nach Verboten von “Killerspielen” fast immer im Zusammenhang mit Amokläufen gestellt werden. 
Der erste große Titel der Strategie-Spiele war Dune 2 im Jahr 1992. Dune ist eine Mischung aus Strategiespiel und Adventure. Dieses Spiel basiert auf dem Fantasy-Roman von Frank Herbert “Der Wüstenplanet”. Der Entwickler des Spiels Brett W. Sperry prägte den Begriff der Echtzeitstrategie. Brett W. Sperry war Mitbegründer der Westwood Studios. Dieses Entwicklerstudio sollte in den Folgejahren einen der bestimmenden Titel der Echtzeitstrategie entwickeln. Im Jahr 1995 war es soweit. Mit dem Titel Command & Conquer veröffentlichte Westwood Studios ein Echtzeitstrategiespiel indem man in die Rolle eines Generals schlüpft und seine Streitkräfte taktisch clever positionieren und so die Überhand über die gegnerische Partei zu gewinnen. Zusammen mit einem Titel aus dem Hause Blizzard löste Command & Conquer einen Hype rund um das Genre der Echtzeitstrategie aus. Das Entwicklerstudio Blizzard veröffentlichte im Jahr 1994 den Titel “WarCraft Orcs and Humans” und legte so den Grundstein für eine bedeutende Franchise der Echtzeitstrategie. 
Besonders bei der Command & Conquer-Reihe habe ich immer die Cutscenes gefeiert. Diese wurde meistens mit realen Schauspielern dargestellt. Diese Film-Zwischenszenen haben heutzutage ein Kultstatus. Die schauspielerische Leistung lässt in einigen Fällen zu wünschen übrig, aber dies macht ja den heutigen Kultstatus aus. 
Dann kommen wir jetzt zu dem Genre des Rollenspiels. Die Idee an sich eines Rollenspiels ist relativ alt. Man nimmt in einer Spielform die Rolle einer anderen Person oder eines anderen Lebenwesens ein. Diese Personen oder Lebenwesen können fiktiv sein. Die ersten Computer-Rollenspiele orientierten sich am Prinzip eines Pen-and-Paper. Eines der ersten großen Spiele im Bereich der Rollenspiele war Ultima, das in einem fiktiven Land Britannia spielt. Ultima wurde im Jahr 1981 veröffentlicht. Dieses Spiel orientiert sich am Pen-and-Paper-Spiel Dungeons & Dragons. Der nächste große Titel der Rollenspielgeschichte ist Dungeon Master. In dem Titel Dungeon Master  begründet so das Untergenre der Dungeoncrawler. Man arbeitet sich durch ein Dungeon und versucht das Ende des Levels zu erreichen. Dafür muss man sich durch das Dungeon finden und die Gegner, auf die man stoßt, muss man besiegen um das jeweilige Level abzuschließen. 
Das erste Online-Rollenspiel wurde im Jahr 1991 veröffentlicht. Neverwinters Nights spielt im Dungeons & Dragons-Universum und konnte bis zum Jahr 1997 exklusiv über AOL (ein amerikanischer Medienkonzern) auch online gespielt werden. 
Der nächste große Titel der Rollenspielgeschichte ist Diablo. Diablo ist ein Action-Rollenspiel und wurde wie WarCraft von Blizzard Entertainment entwickelt. Im Jahr 1996 wurde Diablo veröffentlicht und löste den Action-Rollenspiel Boom aus. Doch was ist ein Action-Rollenspiel? In einem Action-Rollenspiel muss der Spieler relativ schnell auf die Gegner reagieren und diese Gegner mit seinen Waffen und Fähigkeiten besiegen. Man verwendet auch den Begriff des Hack&Slay., quasi das Spielprinzip auf simpelste reduziert, “zerhacken und abschlachten”. 
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Wie man schon es vermuten konnte, erkannt man das Blizzard ein Händchen für Rollenspiel hat. Im Jahr 2004 veröffentlichte Blizzard ihren größten Erfolg. Dieser Titel sollte den Online-Rollenspiel-Markt für Jahre bestimmen und beherrschen. World of WarCraft ist bis heute ein beliebtes Spiel und baut auf einer großen Spielerschaft auf. 
Das war es für diese Episode. In der nächsten und letzten Episode geh ich auf die Entwicklung der Videospiele und deren Branche bis zur heutigen Zeit ein. 
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giancarlonicoli · 4 years
15 apr 2020 16:48
Renato Franco per "www.corriere.it"
L’ironia imbattibile
«Lo scriva che sono puntate nuove perché non si distinguono una dall’altra: quelle in onda da oggi non sono repliche», così Raimondo Vianello parlava della nuova-ennesima stagione di «Casa Vianello».
E in questa battuta, fulminante come tante, disincantata come il suo aplomb, dinoccolata come il suo portamento, c’è molto di uno dei più grandi protagonisti della storia della tv. L’ironia era la cifra del suo modo di intendere la vita; la sua si è spenta 10 anni fa
Il padre lo voleva diplomatico
Raimondo Vianello era nato a Roma il 7 maggio 1922 e il padre, ammiraglio nella Marina Militare pensava per lui tutt’altra carriera, il diplomatico. E lui, il physique du rôle, biondo e allampanato, con quella sua aria molto inglese, ce l’aveva.
Ma non andò così. Il teatro (con Garinei e Giovannini) fu un trampolino che lo spinse ad arrivare al cinema (oltre 50 film) come caratterista, ma soprattutto alla tv. Vianello sapeva accendere risate con il suo umorismo distaccato, sottile, sempre elegante, mai volgare
La censura con Tognazzi
Il programma «Un due tre» segnò gli anni dal 1954 al 1959, con Tognazzi furono una coppia strepitosa, opposti e complementari, uno sanguigno l’altro compassato. L’episodio più famoso della loro carriera fu l’ultimo, primo caso di censura in tv. L’allusione allo scivolone del presidente Gronchi a un incontro con De Gaulle costò alla coppia il posto: «Tognazzi era in piedi, doveva sedersi ma la sedia non c’ era. Cadde. E io: ma chi ti credi di essere?
Finita la trasmissione andammo in camerino e c’era già la raccomandata di licenziamento». Furono richiamati dopo due anni: «Quando i dirigenti ci convocarono ci chiesero se avevamo qualche scenetta pronta. Io dissi che ne avevamo una sul Papa. Ci hanno rimandato subito a casa»
Il matrimonio con Sandra Mondaini
Se con Tognazzi fu una coppia di fatto, il matrimonio arrivò per davvero nel 1962 con Sandra Mondaini, conosciuta quattro anni prima. Non riuscirono ad avere figli, ma seppero comunque essere generosi con gli altri, adottando una famiglia di filippini. Lavorarono in coppia per 50 anni: da «Studio Uno» (1961) a «Il tappabuchi» (1967), da «Sai che ti dico?» (1972) a «Tante scuse» (1974). E poi «Noi... no» (1977), «Io e la befana» (1978-79), «Stasera niente di nuovo», ultima trasmissione in Rai nel 1981
La gag di «Casa Vianello»
L’anno dopo Vianello (con la moglie) approdò alle reti Fininvest di Silvio Berlusconi. «Casa Vianello» (1988-2007) è uno dei programmi che più rimangono impressi nella memoria televisiva, con i loro continui battibecchi di marito e moglie, con l’ineluttabile conclusione che, pur non sopportandosi, non possono fare a meno di stare insieme.
La scena finale, sempre la stessa, è diventata un cult: lui che legge la Gazzetta dello Sport, lei che scalcia sotto le coperte. «Mi dà fastidio perché l’ha inventata Sandra. Nacque da un vero sentimento di fastidio nei miei confronti, Sandra sentì il bisogno di dare una prova fisica della sua presenza»
Le battute sulla depressione di Sandra
Di Sandra, Raimondo parlava con il suo cinismo, ironico e tenero: «Sandra dice che sono pigro. Dice che, quand’ero giovane, sui set del film potevo darmi da fare, per fare nuove conquiste. Ma che ero troppo indolente. E io glielo lascio credere...». Ci fu un periodo in cui lei ebbe una forte crisi depressiva e lui stava chiuso in casa ad assisterla. Un giorno Vianello uscì di casa per prendere un caffè insieme a Baudo e si raccomandò con il portinaio: «Se cade qualcosa da sopra, è roba mia...»
L’appoggio politico a Berlusconi
Raimondo Vianello lavorò in coppia ma anche da solo: su Canale 5 presentò i quiz «Zig zag» (1983-1986) e «Il gioco dei 9» (1988-1990), mentre su Italia 1, lui appassionato di calcio, conobbe una seconda popolarità con «Pressing», la domenica sportiva di Italia 1 che condusse tra il 1991 e il 1999, scelto per la sua capacità — lui così ironico e signore — di sdrammatizzare gli inutili drammi che si fanno intorno al calcio.
E lì commise l’unico scivolone (alla Gronchi) della sua strepitosa carriera, quando invitò i telespettatori a votare per il suo datore di lavoro, era il 1994, l’anno della discesa in campo di Silvio Berlusconi
Il Festival di Sanremo
Nel 1998 fu chiamato a condurre Sanremo. Il ricordo del Festival è ancora una volta un colpo da maestro: «Ne ho vista bene solo un’ edizione, quella che ho presentato...». Strepitoso tanto in tv quanto nelle interviste: «Ogni tanto sentirà dei vuoti. Non pensi che mi sia offeso. È che la memoria è quella che è». In realtà aveva un tempismo perfetto, quello spazio vuoto in cui pensavi non avrebbe detto niente e poi invece perfetta, sempre, arrivava la battuta. Come quando congedava l’intervistatore: «Spero di essermi ricordato tutto... Se avessi fatto altre interviste di recente mi ricorderei anche altre cose»
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wikimakemoney · 4 years
Online game
Video game played over the Internet
“Netoge” redirects here. For the light novel series commonly abbreviated as “Netoge”, see And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online?
An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network available.[1] Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres, including first-person shooters, strategy games and massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG).[2]
The design of online games can range from simple text-based environments to the incorporation of complex graphics and virtual worlds.[3] The existence of online components within a game can range from being minor features, such as an online leaderboard, to being part of core gameplay, such as directly playing against other players. Many online games create their own online communities, while other games, especially social games, integrate the players’ existing real-life communities.[4]
The culture of online gaming sometimes faces criticisms for an environment that can promote cyberbullying, violence, and xenophobia. Some are also concerned about gaming addiction or social stigma.[5] Online games have attracted players from a variety of ages, nationalities, and occupations.[6][7][8] The online game content can also be studied in the scientific field, especially gamers’ interactions within virtual societies in relation to the behavior and social phenomena of everyday life.[6][7] It has been argued that, since the players of an online game are strangers to each other and have limited communication, the individual player’s experience in an online game is not essentially different from playing with artificial intelligence players.[9] Online games also have the problem of not being permanently playable, unlike purchased retail games, as they require special servers in order to function.
1 History
2 Demographics
3 Online games
3.1 First-person shooter game (FPS)
3.2 Real-time strategy game (RTS)
3.3 Massively multiplayer online game (MMO)
3.4 Multiplayer online battle arena game (MOBA)
3.5 Battle Royale games
3.6 Console gaming
3.7 Browser games
3.8 MUD
3.9 Player versus environment (PvE)
3.10 Player versus player (PvP)
4 Online game governance
5 See also
6 References
Main article: History of online games
The history of online games dates back to the early days of packet-based computer networking in the 1970s,[4] An early example of online games are MUDs, including the first, MUD1, which was created in 1978 and originally confined to an internal network before becoming connected to ARPANet in 1980.[10] Commercial games followed in the next decade, with Islands of Kesmai, the first commercial online role-playing game, debuting in 1984,[10] as well as more graphical games, such as the MSX LINKS action games in 1986,[11] the flight simulator Air Warrior in 1987, and the Famicom Modem’s online Go game in 1987.[12]
The rapid availability of the Internet in the 1990s led to an expansion of online games, with notable titles including Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds (1996), Quakeworld (1996), Ultima Online (1997), Lineage (1998), Starcraft (1998), Counter-Strike (1999) and EverQuest (1999). Video game consoles also began to receive online networking features, such as the Famicom Modem (1987), Sega Meganet (1990), Satellaview (1995), SegaNet (1996), PlayStation 2 (2000) and Xbox (2001).[3][13] Following improvements in connection speeds,[5] more recent developments include the popularization of new genres, such as social games, and new platforms, such as mobile games.[14][better source needed]
Entering into the 2000s, online gaming grew in massively multiplayer online games, with World of Warcraft (2004) dominating much of the decade.[15] Several other MMOs attempted to follow in Warcraft's footsteps, such as Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, Wildstar, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars 2, and Star Wars: The Old Republic, but failed to make a significant impact in Warcraft's market share.[15]
Separately, a new type of online game came to popularity alongside World of Warcraft, Defense of the Ancients (2003) which introduced the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) format. DotA, a community mod based on Warcraft III, gained in popularity as interest in World of Warcraft waned, but as the format was tied to the Warcraft property, others began to develop their own MOBAs, including Heroes of Newerth (2009), League of Legends (2010), and Dota 2 (2013). Blizzard Entertainment, the owner of Warcraft property, released their own take on the MOBA genre with Heroes of the Storm (2015), emphasizing on numerous original heroes from Warcraft III and other Blizzard’s franchises.[16] These initial MOBA titles further gained popularity with their inclusion in esports.[15]
In the late 2010s, the battle royale game format became widely popular with the release of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (2017), Fortnite Battle Royale (2017), and Apex Legends (2019).[15] A common trend among online games of the 2010s was operating them as games as a service, using monetization schemes such as loot boxes and battle passes as purchasable items atop freely-offered games.[15]
The assumption that online games in general are populated mostly by males has remained somewhat accurate for years. Recent statistics begin to diminish the male domination myth in gaming culture. Although a worldwide number of male gamers still dominates over female (52% by 48%),[17] women accounted for more than half of the players of certain games. As of 2019, the average gamer is 33 years old.[18]
The report Online Game Market Forecasts estimates worldwide revenue from online games to reach $35 billion by 2017, up from $19 billion in 2011.[19]
Online games[edit]
First-person shooter game (FPS)[edit]
Main article: First-person shooter
During the 1990s, online games started to move from a wide variety of LAN protocols (such as IPX) and onto the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol. Doom popularized the concept of a deathmatch, where multiple players battle each other head-to-head, as a new form of online game. Since Doom, many first-person shooter games contain online components to allow deathmatch or arena style play. And by popularity, first person shooter games are becoming more and more widespread around the world. As games became more realistic and competitive, an e-sports community was born. Games like Counter-Strike, Halo, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Quake Live and Unreal Tournament are popular with these tournaments. These tournaments have a range of winnings from money to hardware.
Expansion of hero shooters, a sub-genre of shooter games, happened in 2016 when several developers released or announced their hero shooter multiplayer online game (Battleborn, Overwatch, and Paladins).[20]
Real-time strategy game (RTS)[edit]
Main article: Real-time strategy
Early real-time strategy games often allowed multiplayer play over a modem or local network.[21] As the Internet started to grow during the 1990s, software was developed that would allow players to tunnel the LAN protocols used by the games over the Internet. By the late 1990s, most RTS games had native Internet support, allowing players from all over the globe to play with each other.[21] Popular RTS games with online communities have included Age of Empires, Sins of a Solar Empire, StarCraft and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War.
Massively multiplayer online game (MMO)[edit]
Main article: Massively multiplayer online game
Massively multiplayer online games were made possible with the growth of broadband Internet access in many developed countries, using the Internet to allow hundreds of thousands of players to play the same game together. Many different styles of massively multiplayer games are available, such as:
MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game)
MMORTS (Massively multiplayer online real-time strategy)
MMOFPS (Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter)
MMOSG (Massively multiplayer online social game)
Multiplayer online battle arena game (MOBA)[edit]
Main article: Multiplayer online battle arena
A specific subgenre of strategy video games referred to as multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) gained popularity in the 2010s as a form of electronic sports, encompassing games such as the Defense of the Ancients mod for Warcraft III, League of Legends, Dota 2, Smite, and Heroes of the Storm.[22]
Battle Royale games[edit]
Main article: Battle royale game
A battle royale game is a genre that blends the survival, exploration and scavenging elements of a survival game with last-man-standing gameplay. Some notable examples include PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Fortnite Battle Royale, and Apex Legends.[23]
Console gaming[edit]
Main articles: Xbox Live and PlayStation Network
Xbox Live was launched in November 2002. Initially the console only used a feature called system link, where players could connect two consoles using an Ethernet cable, or multiple consoles through a router. With the original Xbox Microsoft launched Xbox Live, allowing shared play over the internet. A similar feature exists on the PlayStation 3 in the form of the PlayStation Network, and the Wii also supports a limited amount of online gaming. Nintendo also has a network, dubbed “Nintendo Network”, that fully supports online gaming with the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.
Browser games[edit]
Main article: Browser game
As the World Wide Web developed and browsers became more sophisticated, people started creating browser games that used a web browser as a client. Simple single player games were made that could be played using a web browser via HTML and HTML scripting technologies (most commonly JavaScript, ASP, PHP and MySQL).
The development of web-based graphics technologies such as Flash and Java allowed browser games to become more complex. These games, also known by their related technology as “Flash games” or “Java games”, became increasingly popular. Browser-based pet games are popular among the younger generation of online gamers. These games range from gigantic games with millions of users, such as Neopets, to smaller and more community-based pet games.
More recent browser-based games use web technologies like Ajax to make more complicated multiplayer interactions possible and WebGL to generate hardware-accelerated 3D graphics without the need for plugins.
Main article: MUD
MUD are a class of multi-user real-time virtual worlds, usually but not exclusively text-based, with a history extending back to the creation of MUD1 by Richard Bartle in 1978. MUD were the direct predecessors of MMORPG.[24]
Player versus environment (PvE)[edit]
Main article: Player versus environment
PvE is a term used in online games, particularly MMORPGs and other role-playing video games, to refer to fighting computer-controlled opponents.
Player versus player (PvP)[edit]
Main article: Player versus player
PvP is a term broadly used to describe any game, or aspect of a game, where players compete against each other rather than against computer-controlled opponents.
Online game governance[edit]
Online gamers must agree to an End-user license agreement (EULA) when they first install the game application or an update. EULA is a legal contract between the producer or distributor and the end-user of an application or software, which is to prevent the program from being copied, redistributed or hacked.[25] The consequences of breaking the agreement vary according to the contract. Players could receive warnings to termination, or direct termination without warning. In the 3D immersive world Second Life where a breach of contract will append the player warnings, suspension and termination depending on the offense.[26]
Where online games supports an in-game chat feature, it is not uncommon to encounter hate speech, sexual harassment and cyberbullying.[27][28] Players, developers, gaming companies, and professional observers are discussing and developing tools which discourage antisocial behavior.[29] There are also sometimes Moderators present, who attempt to prevent anti-Social behavior.
Recent development of gaming governance requires all video games (including online games) to hold a rating label. The voluntary rating system was established by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). A scale can range from “E” (stands for Everyone) inferring games that are suitable for both children and adults, to “M” (stands for Mature) recommending games that are restricted to age above 17. Some explicit online game can be rated “AO” (stands for Adult Only), identifying games that have content suitable for only adults over the age of 18. Furthermore, online games must also carry an ESRB notice that warns that any “online interactions are not rated by the ESRB”.
See also[edit]
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Video games portal
Multiplayer video game
Massively multiplayer online game
History of online games
Voice chat in online gaming
List of video game genres
^ Andrew Rollings; Ernest Adams (2006). Fundamentals of Game Design. Prentice Hall..mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:”””””””‘””‘”}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url(“//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/65/Lock-green.svg/9px-Lock-green.svg.png”)no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url(“//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d6/Lock-gray-alt-2.svg/9px-Lock-gray-alt-2.svg.png”)no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url(“//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Lock-red-alt-2.svg/9px-Lock-red-alt-2.svg.png”)no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration{color:#555}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription span,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration span{border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url(“//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Wikisource-logo.svg/12px-Wikisource-logo.svg.png”)no-repeat;background-position:right .1em center}.mw-parser-output code.cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:inherit;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-subscription,.mw-parser-output .cs1-registration,.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}
^ Quandt, Thorsten; Kröger, Sonja (2014). Multiplayer: The Social Aspects of Digital Gaming. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415828864.
^ a b Hachman, Mark. “Infographic: A Massive History of Multiplayer Online Gaming”. PC Magazine. Retrieved October 6, 2015.
^ a b David R. Woolley. “PLATO: The Emergence of Online Community”. thinkofit.com. Retrieved October 12, 2013.
^ a b Rouse, Margaret. “Gaming”. WhatIs.com.
^ a b Martney, R. (2014). “The strategic female: gender-switching and player behavior in online games”. Information, Communication & Society. 17 (3): 286–300. doi:10.1080/1369118x.2013.874493.
^ a b Worth, N. (2014). “Personality and behavior in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game”. Computers in Human Behavior. 38: 322–330. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.06.009.
^ Schiano, D. “The “lonely gamer” revisited”. Entertainment Computing. 5: 65–70. doi:10.1016/j.entcom.2013.08.002.
^ “What’s the Future of Online Gaming?”. Next Generation. No. 19. Imagine Media. July 1996. pp. 6–10.
^ a b Mulligan, Jessica; Patrovsky, Bridgette (2003). Developing online games: an insider’s guide. Indianapolis, Ind. [u.a.]: New Riders Publ. ISBN 1-59273-000-0.
^ The LINKS (Network), MSX Resource Center
^ Takano, Masaharu (September 11, 1995). “How the Famicom Modem was Born”. Nikkei Electronics (in Japanese). English translation by GlitterBerri.
^ Donovan, Tristan (2010). Replay: The History of Video Games. East Sussex, England: Yellow Ant. ISBN 978-0956507204.
^ “Mobile Games”. Techopedia.
^ a b c d e Marshall, Cass (November 11, 2019). “The decade when online video games changed everything”. Polygon. Retrieved November 11, 2019.
^ “From Warcraft III to Heroes of the Storm, Talking Art and Blizzard’s Long History with Samwise Didier – AusGamers.com”. https://bit.ly/3b8RNTw. Retrieved 2020-01-08.
^ “Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry” (PDF). entertainment software association.
^ “2019 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry”. Entertainment Software Association. 2019-05-02. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
^ Gaudiosi, John (July 18, 2012). “New Reports Forecast Global Video Game Industry Will Reach $82 Billion By 2017”. Forbes. Retrieved November 27, 2014.
^ Wawro, Alex (May 6, 2016). “Hero Shooters: Charting the (re)birth of a genre”. Gamasutra. Retrieved May 6, 2016.
^ a b Rollings, Andrew; Ernest Adams (2003). Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design. New Riders Publishing. pp. 290–296.
^ Amstrup, Johannes; ersen (2017-09-15). “Best Modern MOBA Games – LoL, Dota 2, HotS & Smite Compared”. Pro Gamer Reviews. Retrieved 2019-10-19.
^ Livingston, Christopher (2019-12-11). “How battle royale changed the last decade of games (and the next one)”. PC Gamer. Retrieved 2020-01-09.
^ Castronova, Edward (2006). Synthetic Worlds: The Business and Culture of Online Games. University Of Chicago Press. pp. 10, 291. ISBN 0-226-09627-0. [pp. 10] The ancestors of MMORPG were text-based multiuser domains (MUD) […] [pp. 291] Indeed, MUD generate perhaps the one historical connection between game-based VR and the traditional program […]
^ Nahmias, Jordan. “The EULA: What it does, how it works (and, what does EULA even mean)”. nahmiaslaw.
^ “Community: Incident Report”. Second Life. Archived from the original on August 20, 2008. Retrieved February 12, 2010.
^ Inkblot (February 29, 2012). “Back to Basics, Getting Beyond the Drama”. shoryuken.com/. Retrieved August 2, 2012.
^ Amy O’Leary (August 1, 2012). “In Virtual Play, Sex Harassment Is All Too Real”. The New York Times. Retrieved August 2, 2012.
^ Portnow, James. “Extra Credits: Harassment”. penny-arcade.com: Extra Credits. Archived from the original (video) on August 2, 2012. Retrieved August 2, 2012. This week, we tackle the rampant bullying, misogyny and hate speech that occurs within the gaming community.
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source http://wikimakemoney.com/2020/04/16/online-game/
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italianaradio · 5 years
Stasera in tv, programmi 23 Luglio. Rosy Abate su Canale 5: le anticipazioni
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/stasera-in-tv-programmi-23-luglio-rosy-abate-su-canale-5-le-anticipazioni/
Stasera in tv, programmi 23 Luglio. Rosy Abate su Canale 5: le anticipazioni
Martedì 23 luglio: cosa vedere stasera in tv? Su Canale 5 alle 21.17 va in ona la quinta e ultima puntata di Rosy Abate. La scorsa settimana aveva lasciato il personaggio interpretato da Gulia Michelini alle prese con il suo addio a Leonardo, suo figlio, e intenta a voler trovare Mirko Sciarra, l’uomo che ha attentato alla sua vita e a quella del bambino. LEGGI ANCHE: — Dopo Squadra antimafia e Rosy Abate è tutto pronto per il film: ecco quando uscirà La donna però scopre i legami tra Nuzzo Stantagatae la famiglia Mainetti che sta crescendo suo figlio, capisce di aver fatto un errore e si decide a fare di tutto per riportare il bambino con sé. L’unico modo per tornare a fare la madre è far ricordare al piccolo ciò che successe anni prima sulla spiaggia di Catania, sperando che Leo si ricordi di lei e la riconosca come mamma. Stasera in tv su Rai e Mediaset Su Rai 1 alle 21.25 ci aspetta The Resident, medical drama ambientato al Chastain Park Memorial Hospital di Atlanta. Corri dottore corri ed Eclissi del cuore sono i titolo dei due nuovi episodi in programma. Nel cast:  Matt Czuchry, Emily VanCamp, Manish Dayal, Bruce Greenwood, Shaunette Renée Wilson. Su Rai 2 alle 21.20 tornano le indagini della Squadra Speciale Cobra 11 impegnata a garantire legalità e sicurezza in autostrada. Tre gli episodi in onda: Ricatto elettronico, La testimone e Morte senza preavviso. Rai 3 alle 21.20 trasmette il film drammatico La Corte, in prima visione tv. Diretto da Christian Vincent, racconta di un giudice integerrimo, il cui pugno di ferro tentenna quando l’imputata di un processo per omicidio è una donna che ha segretamente amato. Tra gli interpreti: Fabrice Luchini, Sidse Barbett Knudsen, Eva Lallier. Stasera in tv, Giampiero Mughini conduce la seconda delle quattro puntate in programma di Quelli della luna su Rete 4 alle 21.30. Il nuovo programma ha l’ambizione di raccontare i grandi protagonisti dello Sport a 50 anni dallo storico sbarco sulla Luna. Italia 1 alle 21.22 manda in onda la sesta stagione della serie in prima visione tv Chicago Fire che racconta le imprese di vigili del fuoco, soccorritori e paramedici della caserma Chicago 51 della città americana. Tra gli interpreti, Taylor Kinney e Jesse Spencer. I programmi sulle altre principali reti Luca Telese e David Parenzo ci danno appuntamento stasera in tv su La7 alle 20.35 con In Onda. L’approfondimento quotidiano dell’estate si allunga due volte a settimana – martedì e giovedì – per analizzare meglio i fatti principali della attualità e della politica. TV8 alle 21.30 manda in onda il film Il pesce innamorato. La pellicola del 1999 è diretta e interpretata da Leonardo Pieraccioni. Una delicata commedia che ruota intorno alle vicende di un falegname con la passione per la scrittura di racconti per bambini. Azione su NOVE alle 21.25 con In the name of the King, film di Uwe Boll. Jason Statham è il protagonista del film: un uomo come tanti la cui vita prenderà una piega inaspettata dopo che una banda criminale gli uccide il figlio e rapisce la moglie. Spazio al Western all’italiana stasera in tv con Sella D’Argento, film in programma su Iris alle 21.13. Un uomo diventa amico del figlio dell’assassino del padre, che lui stesso ha ucciso quando era ragazzo. Da segnalare Giuliano Gemma nel cast e la colonna sonora composta da Fabrizio Frizzi, Vince Tempera e Franco Bixio. Ecco tutto il pianeta di LOLnews  The post Stasera in tv, programmi 23 Luglio. Rosy Abate su Canale 5: le anticipazioni appeared first on Funweek.
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smoothshift · 5 years
Obscure but good sports sedans or Q-car /sleeper cars you own or have owned? via /r/cars
Obscure but good sports sedans or Q-car /sleeper cars you own or have owned?
In my local neighborhood, someone had a Ford Mondeo 2.5 V6 24v hatchback, about 10-15 years ago.
Admittedly, it's not a sports model, but it was - at the time in 1994 and 1995 - higher up than the affordable sports model, the Si.
It had a 2.5-liter/168hp V6, which is small by today's standards, but back then seemed large.
I honestly thought it was an Ultima or Ghia version looking at it - same sort of wheelcovers as those models and nothing to indicate it was sporty. If you wanted an over-the-top, Macho Man-type Mondeo, well, from 1999, the Mondeo ST200 would be it - didn't Rickard Rydell drive one of those on the track?
The Mondeo could be good for modding, but would you want to get the 2.5 engine from 168hp up to the Focus ST's 240hp or Focus RS's 350hp, but then again it could tax the chassis? [Sorry... fantasizing there, had a tab open about the Focus RS when writing this].
It's like a spiritual predecessor to today's Fusion 2.7 V6 Sport sedan.
Nowadays, the Mondeo 2.0 EcoBoost 240 ST-Line is the closest thing you can get to it, with the 2.0-liter/240hp EcoBoost 4-cylinder.
It's a Q-car/sleeper - looks normal, but sporty underneath.
Other sleeper cars I've seen recently are:
Volvo XC90 V8: Not that common, but looks pretty awesome, and that 4.4 V8 from Yamaha. It's one of those SUVs that's not just a bland crossover. Never driven one, and it'll be hard to find anyway.
SEAT Leon ST FR estate: It looks like any normal stationwagon, but has the 2.0-liter TSI engine that's quite fast.
I have to admit, I like the Volvo XC90 V8 despite its near-obscurity and thirsty V8 engine.
What are the obscure but good sports sedans or sleepers / Q-cars you've owned - or currently own - and anyone here got a car they'd consider a future classic?
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popularus-food · 6 years
Capital News Service
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""Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?""
I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this.""
16 and want State Farm Auto Insurance?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
""Roughly, How much do you think my car insurance will cost?""
I'm getting my license when I turn 18 in may, I'm prob. gonna have a honda, or an ultima.. i live in raleigh. nc that is.. this will be my first time getting my license.. i work at walmart(if that matters) make 9.00 and hour.. i didn't take drivers ed i never had a permit.. how much do you think it's gonna cost me??.. and also.. would it be cheaper if i get on my moms insurance???""
I want to know about car insurances?
What car insurance are good out there for full coverage
How can you avoid paying for expensive car rental insurance?
I drive a rental car, but the insurance is very expensive. I have to pay a daily price. I have non owners insurance, but that does not cover collision. Is there a way to avoid paying these prices as they are so expensive but still have full coverage? I tried to insure the car but I couldn't being that it isn't minds. The non owners policy is legal but it doesn't cover the car. Thanks for any suggestions.""
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
How much would insurance be for a 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort?
I'm 17, a boy, and I live in maryland just 5 miles from DC. Im getting my first car next saturday and its gonna be a Black 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. How much can I expect to pay for insurance? I have a clean driving record. Also, my parents dont have car insurance so they have to start a separate account for me. Thanks!""
Is there a way for me to figure out how much insurance would cost me with different cars?
I'm 16 now, and shopping around for cars. I was wondering if there is any type of tool on the internet that would allow me to see how much I would pay for insurance with different cars? Say, a Civic compared to a 3000GT/Supra or something sportier.""
""Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Do professional race car drivers have life insurance and if so, how much does it cost?""
Monthly car insurance?
I've got my driving test in September, and if I pass I would love to buy a car. I was thinking about getting monthly car insurance as this would be easier for me. Now I know that you need insurance before you can buy a tax disc. My car would also be parked on the road outside my house. My question is, if I decide to not use my car for a month do I still need to buy insurance for that month. I know if the vehicle is parked on the road you must have a valid tax disc, but I was unsure whether I need to be insured as well even if I'm not using the car?""
Am I covered by 3rd party car insurance?
Yesterday I parked my car near to the train station as usual, when I returned from work the front was completely smashed in as though someone had ran into it and driven off. Does 3rd party insurance cover this kind of accident?""
How much would I pay for car insurance?
Im 19 and I was just wondering what would be a good estimate for how much I would pay for car insurance on like a normal sedan.
Can I get decent car insurance through Aetna?
I have them as health coverage through work. I just moved from FL to DE and my insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I am trying to find a better rate.... any ideas? Thanks
Teen car insurance questions?
ok i am 17 and i am looking for car insurance and confused can i get a policy of my own or do i have to be added to my parents policy ? and i went to progressive and they said it be lik 2500 is that pretty cheap or hella expensive ?
Is this what health insurance companies and Conservatives think about people with preexisting conditions?
Rsx type s or s2000 what cost more to insure?
I just got an 2002 acura rsx type s (clean tittle) or I have a chance to trade for Honda s2000 (salvage tittle) I am 16 fixing to be 17 and of course the car is gonna be under my dads name but i just wanna know how much its goona be since im part of the insurance
Advice about car insurance in Ohio..paying way too much?
I reside in OH. I have insurance through progressive, my payments are about $230/month. I do finance my vehicle so it's necessary to have full coverage, I do have GAP insurance through my car dealership. OK. I have a ticket and 2 at fault accidents on my record (one really wasn't my fault) both under $500 claims... ANYWAYS, I know people who have DUI's that have lower car insurance than I do and I am a good driver, ugh. Is there any sugesstions on ways to lower my car insurance? I know eventually they will drop off but the last accident is on until April 2012 the other will drop August 2011 and the ticket will be gone October of this year. I am paying a mortgage, condo fees, a car payment that I just aquired January, this new insurance payment which is like an additional car payment (it was $100 before getting full coverage), and the obvious other bills. I am so strapped for cash, is there any ways to lower this fast or any good companies in OH that can give me lower price?""
Motorcycle insurance?
About how much would insurance cost for a 17yr old High school student. If I was buying a sports bike with around 500cc of power. I'd be on my parents plan. So I would need a guess if using Progressive.
What would be the best insurance company to go with for me?
im 22 and im about to purchase a used car from a dealership. i havent went yet i plan to go tomarrow and take a look see. but now im going to have to start thinking about insurance. i know some of it depends on the type of car but i kind of just want an all around knowledge of which on would be the cheapest for my age bracket. or is there any good web sites for me to go to? oh and i dont want to go with safe auto. love.
Is it possible to get really cheap or special low insurance coverage for?
HAVING MY CAR PARKED IN A LOT FOR THE NEXT 2 MONTHS (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), but Still Keep my Plates, so I can park legally? (I'll be out of the country until July)""
""I am staying in Italy,but i want to know much a car insurance will cost me for a year?""
I am staying in Italy,but i want to know much a car insurance will cost me for a year?""
""No health insurance, new baby?""
I just had a baby born, and I lost my health insurance. We planned to put my baby and I on my husband's university plan, but he is not a full time student anymore, as he works to provide for us. It makes all of us without health insurance and we cannot afford to buy one for the three of us. We do not qualify for federal help either. My husband works for the company that does not offer health benefits. If he were to switch a job, then we would get benefits in 3 months. Are there any options for us?""
""Could $5,000 provide healthcare for a family?""
If this credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the ...show more""
Can the insurance company take your car if it's totaled?
My car is a collectable and it was hit and run by other car leaving it with minor damage, I have complete coverage, my insurance company told me it was going to be considered totaled, ...show more""
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nationwide insurance quote id
What is the cheapest auto insurance for 16 year old boy?
Thanks in advance
Do I have to pay my insurance ticket if I drove an uninsured car while I owned another insured car?
Here is what happened: my mother drove my uninsured car and got a speeding ticket plus an insurance ticket. Since she owns a car with current insurance (its just this one time that she happened to drive my car) will I have to purchase insurance in order for judge to reduce her ticket? Or will the ticket get dismissed because she already had insurance (just on her car)?
What would be an estimate for insurance on a 2WD silverado for a 16 year old male living in California?
I recently got my license and am looking at insurances. Can someone find me a quote (or at least give me an idea) for a 16 year old male living in California. The vehicle would be a 2WD 2006 Silverado. I also have a clean record if that helps at all. Thanks!
Whats minimum car insurance cover allowed for producing at police station in UK?
Got stopped by the police today for having no car insurance due to my insurance company cancelling my cover without even notifying me. I've got to produce a cover note to the police station stating my car is now insured. As the car has been impounded and I will be not paying for it to be released, what is the minimum cover period that the police will accept to I can pay my fine as I have to produce my Drivers Licence, Tax and Insurance Cover notes. For example, 1 day, 7 day or 28 days insurance etc.""
Car insurance for new driver 16 years old?
my son just got his license and he is 16 and he will be insured on a 1962 vw bug and i was wondering what the average cost would be a month for insurance and what is the best but also cheap insurance he could get help?
Can someone else put insurance on my car?
I have two cars and one of them is parked right now due to gas prices. So I took insurance off of it for the time being. One of my friends car is messed up and she does not have a ride, I am thinking of letting her borrow my car until she can get hers fixed. So can she put insurance on it and drive it?""
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
What is the average insurance of a 16 year old driving a chevorelt camero sorry for the spelling?
Whats a cheap price for apartment insurance?
Renting a fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. they require an additonal $20 for insurance can i use my own insurance company? does anybody outthere use apartment insurance? i do not have any insurance of any kind so stop bundle answers""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is ...show more
What is a good health insurance for small business owners?
i currently have blue cross of california but they raised the premium. it is the worst insurance in the world and a ppo to boot, so i can barely pick my doctors. thank you in advance.""
Cheapest auto insurance rate in NJ ??? I have a perfect driving record....?
I just moved from Boston and don't know what companies are the cheapest ??? Any suggestions ??
How can a 16 year old get cheaper car insurance?
Since I'm a minor, I guess I have to put my name under my mom's name making her pay so much more because I'm under her name. But, a friend once told me, if I say I live with my older brother, it will become cheaper and it goes under my name. Is that true?""
What do you think of the '08 Ford Fusion?
Insurance is cheap enough on em
Complaint about a car insurance company?
i am so dissatisfied with my previous car insurance company. they just tried everything they can to rip me off. i wonder: 1. where i can go to file a complaint: i will describe how i was mistreated by that insurance company. 2. also, what agency that give a rating to insurance companies? can i contact them to tell them about my story. i think we need to support good insurance companies. for those bad apples, we need to let the public know. thanks""
I would like to know which is the average prize for a scooter insurance?
I would like to buy a new scooter, i don't know yet which one exacly but it' s probably going to be a 250cc or 125cc , prize around 2000 - 3000. I would just like to know which can be the average prize to insure it, as I checked on the net for a quote but all of of them ask me for my details and everything....I am a little bit scared to give my all my details away to an unknown website over the internet, so I was just wondering if somebody could give me at least an idea on the average scooter insurance prize ( I know I know, I am so inexperinced about this things!!! ) By the way, my age is 32, if that makes the difference Thank you very much for your help in advance.""
""Car accident, not my fault, no insurance?
ok i just got in a car accident today when a girl ran a red light and t boned my car and totaled it. it was totally her fault and she even amited runnin the red light but the thing is i have no insurance so right there i already lost my liscens but whats going to happen with my lost or what should i do now about my lost? also i didn't go to the hospital ether but my shoulder is starting to hurt now to a point i can't even lift it or pick things up so im going to the hospital tomorrow..so whats going to happen with that? plz help!
How much is Allstate Car Insurance for and 18 year old in North Carolina?
Live in North Carolina have a Honda Accord
How expensive is it to live in California?
I live in a small town in Ohio. It's like lower middle class. I really want to go somewhere else with more people and more exciting with more places to shop and stuff. I hate Ohio and don't want to live here. I have a dream to be a fashion designer and start my own business and I want to go to California for a Fashion Design school. It was between New York and California but California seems more exciting and less crowded than NY. My parents don't think it'll ever happen. They always say it's too expensive and don't think my cousin will make it out there, who is going out there pretty much for like drug reasons. My brother went out there when he was younger with his friends, they drove there and he lived on the beach than came back. So, exactly how expensive is it in California? Food, clothing, gas, living, price differences? Is it really crowded like in Los Angeles and San Franciso or bigger cities where colleges are?""
16 year old insurance rate after an accident?
this afternoon i backed into another car in the high school parking lot, the damage was very minor, been insured for 2 months. how much will my rates rise ?""
Any lawyers or insurance agents out there?
I won a long fought Small claims case. The lady I sued has insurance, business insurance, not car related. 8 months ago her insurance company denied the claim. I went to Small Claims and won. Doesn't the insurance company now have to pay me if I send them a copy of the final judgment? I also won on her appeal, so its final. Thank you.""
Insurance brokers?
Y do insurance brokers force u to join bt whn its time for the insurance to pay up they tell u all sorts of stories Even though ur account was never on arreas!!! please help guys........
Two car insurance policies?
My parents are trying to get me insured on their car which they already have a policy on but it is too expensive to put me on that. Is it legal for me to take out another insurance policy on the car in my name only?
How to get car insurance?
So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old girl?
Right, I'm 17. I getting my provisional licence in the next week or so, so I can start my driving lessons. When and if I pass my theory and practical, I would like to get my own car. I have a rough idea of which car I would like to get, but have no idea what I can do to get a rough idea on insurance. I've tried looking at a few websites and they're all useless haha. I'd love to have a Peugeot 106. Not the best car I know, but it would be suitable for me. I live in an area with off road parking, so this could possibly bring the insurance down a little. If someone can give a rough quote themselves, it'd be much appreciated and I can begin to plan ahead.""
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nationwide insurance quote id
Why do you not want to buy insurance?
I'm a believer of having protection and that's why I joined the industry as an agent. I do not like to force sell to buy so I'm here trying to collect the possible reasons to why people are not paying attention to getting themselves covered. Also, what do you understand about insurance?""
09' Honda Civic Insurance?
I'm searching for quotes for my 09' Honda Civic--- I have full coverage right now and would like to keep it that way with a new insurance. I have Allstate & I believe I'm paying too much for it (240.00 USD). What car insurance companies can give free estimates/quotes? (I'm 24-college student,unmarried, if that helps). Thanks!""
Can I drive my car without my name on the insurance?
My husband and I own the vehicle and we have insurance on the vehicle with only my husband's name. Will I get in trouble driving it, even though the vehicle s under my name but not the insurance. This is mainly due to price of insurance. Me being on it will sky rocket he insurance.""
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Is it better to get auto insurance quotes through insurance.com or directly through the provider?
Child support/car insurance?
Ok so I just got my liscense and I bought half my trck and my mom bought the other half. So is it right for my dad not to pay for my insurance? And does child support cover car insurance. . .plz just give me your opinion/facts on the whole ordeal.... Have not found job just turned 15..btw Thank you all
How much would car insurance increase?
my mother is a single mom i live with her and she just lowered her car insurance for her owned mini van to 800$ a year for her amazing record. now i am 16 years old took a drivers ed course, won a AAA award for being a mature driver and signed up for a defenisve driving course. i am a straight A student and will be gradutaing next june. i am reciving a 1999 nissan maxima passed down to me from my father for my mom to regester it under her name. if she went to the insurance company and added that car under her name and added me as a part time driver for the maxima, how much would it cost???""
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
Life Insurance question?
I have a non-prefer smoking policy life insurance but on the present I smoke .what could happen if in case I die? will my insurance still cover my family?
Can I Drive without Insurance? I have a license and my car Is Insured under my parents name?
Okay so I really need your help.. well help from whoever has the correct Information.. So I'm 19 about to be 20 In May, I have my driver's License, and I have my own car that I got as a present for my 18th Birthday, but It's under my parents name, but anyways my question Is, Can I drive without Insurance? I mean My Car HAS Insurance just not for me. It's under my parents Name, and I mean I Need the car for school, It's not for anything more than that? what can I Do? I know I can get Insurance but It's like expensive for me that I Don't work, and I have to be making payments for my school every month, and I know I Should have a Job, But I'm a full-time student..so yeah you can Imagine.. so yes.. who can answer this?""
Do i have to make a down payment on my car insurance?
i am buying my first car at the age of 18. i want to go on my moms insurance policy with the car in her name. i will pay for it myself though. from what i know, this should be cheaper if the car is known to be hers with me as a driver. when i add this car to her policy, will i have to make a down payment?""
Trying to find cheap car insurance!! Help!!!?
Whats some cheap car insurance companies out there?? Not allstate, geico and etc..""
Does a man have a right to control what his wife eats if he pays her health insurance?
For example, if she is a stay at home mom and he works full time and pays extra money to have her put on his insurance. I say this because eating right is an important part of being healthy and to be honest I don't want my future wife to be overweight.""
Cheap auto insurance?
Ok im 18 with a lience and my papa is thinking of giving me his ford f 150. wat is a super cheap insureance i can get? i dont need all the extra ****. and legally do i even need insurance??
Where can a young person get decent auto insurance?
Where can a young person get decent auto insurance?
Is there anyway to get decent homeowners insurance at a cheap price?
My husband and are in the process of purchasing a small home. We are seniors living on a fixed income and have to watch every penny. We have two weeks to find the homeowners insurance and they all seem to be so high in price. Does anyone have any ideas how we find an affordable homeowners insurance?
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
Cancelling car insurance?
I currently have car insurance through State Farm and I pay $318 a month. I looked into 21 Century insurance and the quote says I will be paying about $180 a month. My current insurance expires June 11th but my next bill is due May 25th. How do I go about buying/cancelling insurance? I would like to cancel State Farm by May 20th and begin my new insurance that day so I won't have to pay those crazy premiums anymore.
Why is insurance so high for me?
Me and my friend are the same age (17) and we were looking at quotes for motorcycle insurance and his was less than 1000 and mine was about 1000- 2000 why is that and what sort of things bring insurance costs up?
How much does your insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I was going 48 in a 30. How much will my insurance go up and how many point will I get?
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Pitbull and homeowners insurance?
My insurance company is threating to drop me because I own a bully....can they really do this is there anyway to fight this?
Question about first insurance quote for a young driver?
Last week I used autotrader to search for numerous quotes and found one for around 1450. Today I passed my driving test, and went back to the quote but it had to be renewed since last week which is fair enough. The lowest value today was 1576 which I am alright with. I refreshed the page a while later to find that quote had disappeared and the cheapest was 1620, with the company for that quote (elephant) at the bottom with an unable to find a quote detail. I thought it would come back soon, so I refreshed the page and then suddenly the price increased to 2950 minimum and many of the cheaper companies were now listed as unable to find a quote. Strange, but perhaps the websites are too busy to send data. An hour on though and the price is still 2950. Did anyone else have this problem? If so when was it fixed, the same day or next day? Thanks""
Car insurance at 20 on average?
How much would car insurance be for me if i only have my licence for 2 months before i get a car and i am 20 years old?. The car would be minimum a 1.2 litre and maximum a 1.6 litre so what would a 1.2 litre, 1.4 litre and 1.6 litre cost me on average?.""
Should i go through the whole car insurance thing?
Hey guys, so someone rear ended me this morning and im debating whether or not to file the claim through the other person's insurance company since im pretty sure it would be his fault. But i'm debating whether or not i should even bother becuase the damage is very minimal ( theres only a small imprint of the rectangle from the guys license plate.) But i got in a car accident about 8 months ago which ended up being my fault. so since the damage is minimal to my bumper, i'm not sure its worth the hassle and the possibility of my rates going up, even though not my fault. should i just let it go? or file a claims through the other persons insurance, and if i do, do i have to call up my own insurance company as well? or by filing the claim through the other company, they'll take care of it? thanks for all the input.""
How Much Would Car Insurance For A 18 Year Old Cost?
I currently live in Nevada and I drive a 1997 Chevy S10. I currently am on my parents insurance plan USAA and I pay $130 each month. I have a clean driving record and have had my license for about a year and a half. Would it be cheaper to just get my own insurance plan? If so how much would it cost and what cheap companies would you recommend?
nationwide insurance quote id
nationwide insurance quote id
""My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advis?""
car: renault megane dynamiquie, 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, black, 5dr, before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....""
Aren't you sick of people comparing health care to car insurance?
1. Mandatory Car Insurance is to cover THE OTHER PERSON if you get in an accident that is your fault. 2. Any coverage for yourself is optional, unless mandated by the bank that is loaning you the money as part of the contract for them loaning you the money to acquire the car. 3. I can choose not to drive. Liberals really are morons....""
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
My car insurance just jumped up tremendously?
ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?""
Lowest insurance cars for 17 year old / first car?
i'm looking to buy my first car and wanna spend about 1000, does anyone know a good lads car around this price with comparatively low insurance for young drivers? thanks peoplee!""
What's a good health insurance?
Im looking for a good health insurance for my mom. She is 61, healthy, never smoked and never into alcohol. She just moved here in California. Thank you""
How much does the insurance cost on a 50cc 50km/h moped for a 16 year old?
I will probably get a CBT whatever that is - and could someone please tell me the usual pricing for provisional cat P motorcycle licence and the full one... thanks
Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?
I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more""
Has anyone used Young Driver Insurance ? With CO OP?
Im searching for cheap car Insurance, I came across CO OP Young Car Insurance, Been Quote 1700 with my 1 years no claims and been driving for 4 years. Without CO OP insurance confused website I did the same search was quoted 2500. Has anyone had CO OP young Insurance can you tell me the Pros and Cons of this Insurance Company, Also if I was driving at 35MPH in a 30zone would I banned from the Insurance company.""
How much would car insurance be for a used 2012 Dodge Charger SXT?
I am an 18 year old male with no accidents or tickets and my parents and i are looking to get a new car for me. (well not new but new to me) So i was just wondering what might be the ...show more
Cheapest Scooter Insurance for 16 year old?
I just turned 16 and want to get a scooter The actual license and scooter isnt too expensive 50 for provisional, 89 for CBT, bout 20 for the thory and 60 for practical However, insurance is a pain!! :/ does anyone know who the cheapest insurer is for a 16 year old? I would love to be able to drive on the scooter but insurance is too much. Also, what is the best scooter to get. By best i mean a scooter which has the cheapest insurance? THanks a lot!!""
Insurance company took me to supreme court?
Ok. I had a car accident a year ago the insurance company claims that it was fraud because the story didn't match up in the euo so now they taking me to the supreme court this is the third time they didn't pay anything and infact I was hit from behind. It been a year since we are going to court. Now they send another summons saying that settle of the case if they didn't pay me anything y r they still bothering me. And acuse me of all these things
What kind of insurance (if any) will cover AI pregnancies?
I know this sounds a little odd, and I know you're probably thinking that I shouldn't have gotten AI if I can't afford the medical bills. But I'm serious, and need recommendations. I need to find an affordable insurance company that will help cover the expenses of an intentional pregnancy. I'm not talking about the actual Artificial Insemination process, but rather the doctor and hospital bills that will occur during pregnancy and at the actual birth. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the help!""
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16 (5 more months). my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. . can u please give me an average amount a month so i know what my goal to save up is. white 16 yr old male audi a4 2.0T V6 (used) Car will be mostly used for school and my job. My GPA is 3.83 i dont know what else""
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
My health insurance going up?
I just found out today that my health insurance is going up. I have gotten quotes on the covered California website and it is cheaper by $139 dollars a month on the website. I heard I can't refuse my employers health care. Is that true?
""If I have an insurance plan that costs $900 a month, with a $50 co-pay, and $10000 deductable?""
how does that work when I go to the doctor? I just asked the same question, but I worded it all wrong, I think. So, I go to the doctor with strep throat and my co-pay is $50 and I have a $10000 deductable. How much will I actually pay? Logic tells me that with a deductable, like car insurance, I would pay for the entire office visit cost, since it would obviously be less than $10000. And a $25 co-pay for prescriptions! So, with that said, I would be paying a monthly payment of $900, the $50 co-pay, and the visit bill. I understand that insurance is for when really bad things happen, but geez. Is this really what people pay? We've been without insurance for 4 years and pay about $30 and office visit (by paying cash) and go to Publix and get $4 prescriptions. Please, someone expain this to me. Do you pay this expense simply because of the possibility of something bad happening?""
About car insurance and drive?
Hi, Anyone can tell, if my insurance for on my name third party only and my friend have just new license and he can drive without anything else like insurance!! If he can't. By legally so if he'll catch when he's driving my car so by uk law what punishment /fine For me?? Or. I'm safe!""
What are the benefits of Antique Car Insurance?
Or Collectible Car Insurance, whatever you want to call it. And is it cheaper than typical insurance? (Though I doubt it)""
""Ear infection, No insurance?""
i got an ear infection, i dont have insurance. How much would it cost me to see a doctor for that and i live in mass.""
How much do you pay for your car insurance ? (UK)?
I am 19 with a VW polo 1.4 payin 140 a month
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
About how much does an Sr22 bond cost?
The reason I need one is, I was pulled over and caught without insurance. Now in order to get my license reinstated I must first get this bond.""
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nationwide insurance quote id
0 notes
dulcinalolita1-blog · 6 years
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Cea mai bună metodă de recrutare: TACI ! Steve Chandler, în ultima sa carte (”100 de căi pentru motivarea celorlalţi”), oferă sfaturi de leadership. Unul din ele face referire directă la recrutări şi angajarea celor mai potriviţi oameni. Mi-a plăcut mult, aşa că îl reproduc integral în continuare: O măsură a lidershipului este calibru celor ce aleg să te urmeze. Dennis A. Peer, Management Consultant Cei mai mulţi operatori de interviuri vorbesc prea mult… şi ajung prea repede la întrebarea: „Este ceva ce v-aţi dori să ne întrebaţi?” Învaţă să nu mai faci aşa. Ego-ul tău este cel exprimat, şi nu o bună tehnică de interviu. Persoanele care nu sunt pregătite suficient sau nu au experienţa necesară, ajung întotdeauna să-şi ia singure interviu sau să vorbească despre compania lor. Simţindu-se inconfortabil punând o mulţime de întrebări, încep repede să vorbească despre istoria companiei, despre experienţa lor în cadrul acesteia sau despre convingeri şi opinii personale. În acest caz, îşi pierd timpul. În cinci luni îsi vor freca mâinile şi îşi vor bate capul pentru că au permis infiltrarea unui angajat problemă, un nemulţumit cronic. Adu-ţi aminte: nu vorbi. Sarcina ta este să intuieşti nivelul motivaţional al persoanei din faţa ta. Poţi face acest lucru, lăsând-o să răspundă, întrebare după întrebare. E nevoie de curaj, imaginaţie şi pregătire pentru a formula un număr suficient de întrebări pentru a întreţine o conversaţie. Dar, marii lideri sunt buni recrutori. În sport şi în viaţă. Ca lider, eşti la fel de bun precum sunt oamenii tăi. Angajează-i pe cei mai buni. Dale Dauten, deseori numit ”Obi-Wan Kenobi al consultanţei de afaceri”, spunea: „Când am făcut research-ul care a dus la cartea mea „The Gifted Boss” (William Morrow, First edition, 1999), am descoperit că marii conducători petrec foarte puţin timp încercând să conducă angajaţii spre excelenţă, dar în schimb, depuneau eforturi extraordinare pentru a găsi şi curta persoane excepţional de capabile. Reiese că cel mai bun management este să găseşti angajaţii care nu au nevoie să fie îndrumaţi.” Ceea ce spune Chandler este perfect valabil, mai ales când ai la dispoziţie setul de întrebări necesar! Din fericire, acest set există ! El se numeşte LAB Profile şi conţine cele 14 întrebări motivaţionale pentru a determina profilul motivaţional al unui viitor angajat. Despre LAB Profile (detalii aici si aici) voi mai vorbi, pentru că este unul dintre cele mai profunde unelte psihologice cunoscute ! Inspiraţie ! andy szekely
0 notes
holding93 · 7 years
I’m confused.  Among all the choices, versions and variants out there in car land, there are no less than 3 vehicles available for sale today called GTR.  There’s the obvious, the Nissan GT-R.  The new contender, the Mercedes Benz AMG GT R.  There’s the recent, sold out but totally still on our minds McLaren P1 GTR.  The recently renamed Ultima GTR – which is now called the Evolution.  Then there’s the pantheon of great GTRs, the CLK GTR, the McLaren F1 GTR, the BMW M3 GTR and Holden Torana GTR.
The question is – why so many GTRs?
The Meaning of GTR
The GT badge can be traced back as far as 1929 to the Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 GT.  Later, in 1951 and the Lancia Aurelia B20 GT, with its more powerful engine and elegant 2 door Ghia-designed, Pininfarina built body was when ‘Gran Turismo’ would start to earn its definition.  1950s Grand Touring was about motoring with exceptional comfort, effortless speed and supreme style.  This association with wealth, speed and style was like catnip to marketing people and the GT designation has since graced everything all the way down to humble hatchbacks with nothing more to note than a sporty pinstripe.
The Bentley Continental GT and the Aston Martin DB11 are possibly the closest modern examples of a true ‘GT’ car, however you can also buy a Kia c’eed that wears the same letters.
Adding suffixes to extend the meaning of GT further diluted the comfort and style side of the balance.  GTO (Omologata) for homologation special, GTA (Alleggerita) for lightened version, GTV (Veloce) for a fast version, GTI (Injection), GTX (eXtreme) and many more.  The R in GTR stands for Racing.  They all have a theme – high performance.
The Inconsistent GT Suffix
With the exception of obscure sports car maker Ultima, the car companies who have used the GTR name seem to have a very love/hate relationship with it. The designation has always been used very sporadically.
McLaren has it reserved for the racing/track version of the pinnacle of their range, so after using it from 1995 to 1997, it wasn’t dusted off again for 18 years and the P1 GTR in 2015.
Mercedes dabbled with the GTR name on the 1997 CLK GTR GT1 race car.  The GTR only ran for the 1997 season plus two races in the 1998 season before it was replaced by the upgraded CLK LM.  The 25 road cars built in 1998 and 1999 would also carry the CLK GTR name.  The badge would stay in hiatus for 18 years until 2017, when AMG would again use it on the hardcore version of the GT coupe the GT R.
Similarly, BMW was to use the GTR name on the racing versions of the E36 and E46 M3s.  Built to maximise the GT series rules at the time, 10 E46 road cars were offered for sale after Porsche complained that the M3 had not met with series homologation rules.  Only 6 were built, none of which were sold to the public funnily enough.  The name has stayed on ice ever since.
It’s like this all through the history of GTR.  The Ford Mustang GT-R was a one-off concept.  The Holden Torana GTR was only around for the LC and LJ models between 1969 and 1974 and never revived.  Porsche called the racing version of the 924 the GTR and we all know how long that lasted.
Even Nissan, the most consistent user of the badge in recent memory has been very on and off.  After the ‘Kenmeri’ Skyline GT-R was killed off in the midst of the oil crisis in 1973 it would be 16 years before the R32 Skyline GT-R would revive the nameplate in 1989.  The GT-R was killed off again when the last R34s rolled down the line in 2002.  The R35 only came along 5 years later in 2007.
GT-R at Les Combes, Spa Francorchamps
The Original GTR
I’ve done a lot of research to write this article and one of the points of note was, of course – who did it first?  My research took me back as far as 1969 when 3 GTRs appeared for the first time.  The Holden Torana ‘LC’ GTR was presented to dealers for the first time in October 1969.  The legendary GTR XU-1 would follow a few months later.  Predating the Holden by just one month in Japan was the Isuzu Bellett 1600 GT-R.
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The earliest appearance of the R suffix, however was the PGC10 Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R.  It first appeared as a concept at the Tokyo Motorshow in October 1968 before going on sale in February of 1969.  Its predecessor, the Prince Skyline 2000 GT-B was already a legendary racing car in Japan, after taking the fight up to, yet ultimately coming second to the word-conquering Porsche 904.  An ‘R’ racing version was the logical next step and was marketed alongside the R380 race car to legitimise its racing bona fides.
Racing Pedigree
GTRs are built to race and most have become legendary.
The Skyline GT-R PGC10 won 33 victories in one and a half years of racing.  The Coupé KPGC10 would take further wins, making it legendary in its home market.  Later, the Group A R32 GT-R would decimate all before it, earning the nickname ‘Godzilla’.  Notable wins include the Bathurst 1000 twice, Spa 24 Hours and all 29 races it was entered in between 1990 and 1993 in Japan. It’s well documented that the rules were changed in Australia to outlaw it, such was its dominance.  If there was ever a case for the ultimate pedigreed GTR, this would go a long way to earning the rights.
The GT-R, reintroduced with the R32 (launched August 1989), made its debut at the opening race of the All Japan Championship in March 1990. In the four seasons running up to the last All Japan Championship held in1993, the GT-R achieved a spectacular record, winning all 29 rounds. This No. 12 Calsonic (CalsonicKansei at present) Skyline (K. Hoshino/Masahiko Kageyama) was victorious in 1990 and 1993.
Not as long lived but just as legendary, the McLaren F1 GTR.  The F1 was never intended to race, however the program was borne at the behest of McLaren’s customers.  It’s wasn’t a slap-dash job, but Gordon Murray was only afforded one day in the McLaren wind tunnel to develop the aero kit, lest he take too much time away from the Formula 1 team.  They still went out and dominated the BPR class it was built for then in 1995 won that little race, the 24 Hours of LeMans.  It remains the only time a car entered in the road car based GT class would ever top the Prototype classes.
The CLK GTR never won the LeMans 24 Hours, however it did take out the 1997 Drivers and Teams GT championships.  It also contributed to championship wins in 1998.
  The State of Today
I find Mercedes AMG’s choice to name the track version of the GT coupe the GT R very curious.  It clearly fits with the naming convention within the range, GT, GT S, GT C.  Yet it’s inviting comparisons with a Nissan, a brand I would generally consider well beneath Benz.  Yet they’re pitching it into the same class with the same name.
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The Nissan GT-R has always been a special, one-out car that transcends the rest of the dowdy Nissan range.   If anything Benz is giving Nissan a free kick.  The R35 is a 10 year old design.  The similar naming has invited the motoring press to compare the two. The new car is winning but not by anywhere near the margin you’d expect it to.  Especially for a new Benz.  Better choices might have been GT T (Track), GT P (Performance) or if they wanted to tap their own history, GT H (Hammer).  GT H works on so many levels, it also has amusing marketing synergies with Lewis Hamilton (Hammer time) but I digress.
The CLK GTR is a mostly forgotten blip in Mercedes history and they quickly renamed it to the LM when they got serious about chasing the LeMans win.
MERCEDES-AMG GT R, AMG green hell magno, Leder Exklusiv Nappa/Mikrofaser DINAMICA schwarz;Kraftstoffverbrauch kombiniert 11,4 l/100 km, CO2-Emissionen kombiniert 259 g/km* MERCEDES-AMG GT R, AMG green hell magno, Exclusive Nappa leather/DINAMICA microfiber black;Fuel consumption, combined 11.4 l/100 km, CO2 emissions, combined 259 g/km*
The big problem is that the AMG GT R is not really the Racing version, that’s the GT3.  It’s a track day special.  It hasn’t earned the R designation in the hellfire of motorsport like the Nissan, the McLaren or even the BMW and Holden have.  It doesn’t matter how good the car is, the marketing berks at Benz have wiped their feet on 48 years of tradition.  They can go and get stuffed.
  Nissan. Mercedes AMG. McLaren. Why so many GTRs? #h93 #cars #street #racing #sportscar I'm confused.  Among all the choices, versions and variants out there in car land, there are no less than 3 vehicles available for sale today called GTR. 
0 notes
Turn 10 apresenta lista com 167 dos carros de Forza 7, incluindo McLaren de Senna
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A desenvolvedora Turn 10 divulgou uma lista com os primeiros 167 carros de um total de mais de 700 que estarão na versão final do game. A empresa está fazendo os anúncios aos poucos, e começou forte: já foram confirmados 46 veículos da Ferrari e 29 da Porsche.
Entre os carros da lendária marca italiana estão clássicos como a Ferrari 166MM Barchetta de 1948, a 250 Testa Rossa de 1957, a F40 de 1987 e a moderna LaFerrari de 2013.
Já na marca alemã, fica o destaque para o Porsche 911 GT2 RS, veículo de corrida de mais de 700 cavalos de potência que foi apresentado na conferência do Xbox na E3. Eles ainda têm modelos clássicos como o 550A Spyder de 1955 e recentes como o Porsche #1 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid, que competiu no mundial de endurance deste ano.
Falando em carros de corrida profissional, a McLaren terá 13 carros no game, incluindo o histórico McLaren Honda MP4/4 de número 12 do ano de 1988. O carro foi usado por Ayrton Senna para vencer 8 corridas e o mundial de F1.
A lista completa, que você confere abaixo, ainda tem carros das montadoras Ariel, Aston Martin, BAC, Bugatti, Donkervoort, Hennessey, Koenigsegg, KTM, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, Pagani e outras:
- 2015 Lamborghini #63 Squadra Corse Huracán LP620-2 Super Trofeo
- 2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP750-4 SV
- 2016 Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4
- 1956 Lotus Eleven
- 1966 Ford Lotus Cortina
- 1967 Lotus Type 49
- 1971 Lotus Elan Sprint
- 1976 Lotus #5 Team Lotus 77
- 1990 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton
- 1999 Lotus Elise Series 1 Sport 190
- 2000 Lotus 340R
- 2002 Lotus Esprit V8
- 2005 Lotus Elise 111S
- 2009 Lotus 2-Eleven
- 2011 Lotus Evora S
- 2012 Lotus Exige S
- 2016 Lotus 3-Eleven
- 1939 Maserati 8CTF
- 1953 Maserati A6GCS/53 Pininfarina Berlinetta
- 1957 Maserati 300 S
- 1961 Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage
- 1997 Maserati Ghibli Cup
- 2004 Maserati MC12
- 2010 Maserati Gran Turismo S
- 2014 Maserati #35 M.Calamia Swiss Team MC Trofeo
- 2014 Maserati Ghibli S Q4
- 1966 McLaren M2B
- 1969 McLaren #4 McLaren Cars M8B
- 1976 McLaren #11 Team McLaren M23
- 1988 McLaren #12 Honda McLaren MP4/4
- 1993 McLaren F1
- 1997 McLaren F1 GT
- 2011 McLaren #59 McLaren GT 12C GT3
- 2011 McLaren 12C
- 2013 McLaren P1
- 2014 McLaren #60 Bhaitech 12C GT3
- 2015 McLaren 570S Coupé
- 2015 McLaren 650S Coupe
- 2015 McLaren P1 GTR
- 2010 Noble M600
- 2009 Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster
- 2010 Pagani Zonda R
- 2012 Pagani Huayra
- 2016 Pagani Huayra BC
- 1955 Porsche 550A Spyder
- 1957 Porsche 356A Speedster
- 1960 Porsche 718 RS 60
- 1970 Porsche 914/6
- 1973 Porsche 911 Carrera RS
- 1982 Porsche 911 Turbo 3.3
- 1987 Porsche #17 Porsche AG 962C
- 1987 Porsche #17 Porsche Dunlop 962C
- 1987 Porsche 959
- 1989 Porsche 944 Turbo
- 1993 Porsche 928 GTS
- 1995 Porsche 911 GT2
- 1998 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion
- 2003 Porsche Carrera GT
- 2004 Porsche 911 GT3 (996)
- 2008 Porsche #7 Penske Racing RS Spyder Evo
- 2011 Porsche #45 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR
- 2012 Porsche 911 GT2 RS
- 2012 Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0
- 2012 Porsche Cayenne Turbo
- 2014 Porsche 911 Turbo S
- 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder
- 2015 Porsche #19 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid
- 2015 Porsche Macan Turbo
- 2016 Porsche 911 GT3 RS
- 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
- 2017 Porsche #1 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid
- 2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo
- 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS
- 2011 Radical SR8 RX
- 2015 Radical RXC Turbo
- 2004 Saleen S7
- 2016 Spania GTA GTA Spano
- 2005 TVR Sagaris
- 2015 Ultima Evolution Coupe 1020
- 2016 W Motors Lykan HyperSport
- 2016 Zenvo TS1.
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tmnotizie · 7 years
SAN BENEDETTO – La Legio Picena Rugby è pronta per la prossima stagione agonistica. La dirigenza del sodalizio rivierasco vuole compiere un nuovo passo in avanti rispetto alle stagioni passate ed ha già stilato il programma delle attività che saranno svolte nell’annata sportiva 2017/2018. Confermati lo svolgimento dell’ attivita’ del mini rugby ( annate 2008 al 2011), under 12 (annate 2006 al 2007), under 14 ( annate 2004 al 2005) e under 16 (annate 2002 al 2003) in collaborazione con il Fermo Rugby e per ultima l’ attività under 18 (1999 al 2001) in collaborazione con l’ Amatori Ascoli Rugby e il Fermo Rugby.
“L’ obiettivo -dice il presidente Antonio Angelini– è quello di consolidare quello che si è già costruito negli ultimi due anni non solo come crescita ma anche come rapporti collaborativi fra società e cercare, nello stesso tempo di migliorare la qualità del lavoro svolto grazie all’ esperienza acquisita. Si cercherà di fare soprattutto ciò anche andando a consolidare il rapporto di collaborazione tra la nostra società e il Viadana Rugby e costruendone altri con altre grandi realtà rugbystiche”.
Per quanto riguarda lo staff tecnico, rispetto allo scorso anno, ne crescerà l’esperienza e il livello tecnico e si cercherà di dargli una prospettiva di futuro. “Siamo fermamente intenzionati -aggiunge Angelini- al fine di dare una prospettiva ai ragazzi dei settori giovanili, di iniziare a costruire le basi per una futura squadra seniores, cercando di ripetere la bellissima esperienza umana della Legio Picena degli anni che vanno del 2008 al 2011, che è rimasta ancora indimenticata in tanti giocatori. Si cercherà anche di migliorare alcune situazioni presso la struttura del campo Rodi, affinché possa rendere la struttura più usufruibile e sfruttabile. Nel frattempo il manto erboso è quasi pronto per iniziare la preparazione”.
The post La Legio Picena Rugby presenta il programma per la stagione agonistico 2017-2018 appeared first on TM notizie - ultime notizie di OGGI, cronaca, sport.
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engagedfamilygaming · 7 years
Forza Motorsports 7 “Garage” Opens
Forza Motorsports 7 was announced during the Microsoft media event at E3 2017. The biggest announcement they had at the time was that the game would include Porsche cars for the first time in franchise history. Today, Microsoft announced the opening of “The Garage.” This is the marketing mechanism for the developers to slowly announce all of the 700 cars that will be in the game at launch. (700. freaking. cars)
The first batch was announced today and included a huge collection of Porsches, Lamborghinis and Ferraris. Take a look below for the complete list!
2011 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento
  2013 Ariel Atom 500 V8
2016 Ariel Nomad
1958 Aston Martin DBR1
1960 Aston Martin DB4GT Zagato
1964 Aston Martin DB5
1977 Aston Martin V8 Vantage
1998 Aston Martin V8 Vantage V600
2006 Aston Martin #007 Aston Martin Racing DBR9
2008 Aston Martin DBS
2010 Aston Martin One-77
2012 Aston Martin V12 Zagato
2012 Aston Martin Vanquish
2013 Aston Martin V12 Vantage S
2016 Aston Martin Vantage GT12
2016 Aston Martin Vulcan
2017 Aston Martin DB11
2014 BAC Mono
1992 Bugatti EB110 Super Sport
2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport
2013 Donkervoort D8 GTO
1948 Ferrari 166MM Barchetta
1952 Ferrari 375
1953 Ferrari 500 Mondial
1957 Ferrari 250 California
1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa
1962 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso
1962 Ferrari 250 GTO
1963 Ferrari 250LM
1964 Ferrari F-158 F1
1967 Ferrari #24 Ferrari Spa 330 P4
1968 Ferrari 365 GTB/4
1969 Ferrari Dino 246 GT
1971 Ferrari #2 Ferrari Automobili 312 P
1976 Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 312T2
1982 Ferrari #71 Ferrari France 512 BB/LM
1982 Ferrari #72 N.A.R.T. 512 BB/LM
1984 Ferrari 288 GTO
1987 Ferrari F40
1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione
1990 Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 641
1992 Ferrari 512 TR
1994 Ferrari F355 Berlinetta
1995 Ferrari F50
1996 Ferrari F50 GT
1998 Ferrari #12 Risi Competizione F333 SP
1998 Ferrari #30 MOMO Doran Racing F333 SP
2002 Ferrari 575M Maranello
2002 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari
2003 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale
2004 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti
2007 Ferrari 430 Scuderia
2008 Ferrari California
2009 Ferrari 458 Italia
2010 Ferrari 599 GTO
2010 Ferrari 599XX
2011 Ferrari #62 Risi Competizione 458 Italia GTC
2011 Ferrari FF
2012 Ferrari F12berlinetta
2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale
2013 Ferrari LaFerrari
2014 Ferrari #51 AF Corse 458 Italia GTE
2014 Ferrari #62 Risi Competizione 458 Italia GTLM
2014 Ferrari California T
2014 Ferrari FXX K
2015 Ferrari 488 GTB
2015 Ferrari F12tdf
2012 Hennessey Venom GT
2011 Koenigsegg Agera
2015 Koenigsegg One:1
2016 Koenigsegg Regera
2013 KTM X-Bow R
1967 Lamborghini Miura P400
1986 Lamborghini LM 002
1988 Lamborghini Countach LP5000 QV
1988 Lamborghini Jalpa
1997 Lamborghini Diablo SV
2008 Lamborghini Reventón
2010 Lamborghini Murciélago LP 670-4 SV
2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera
2011 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento
2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
2013 Lamborghini Veneno
2014 Lamborghini #14 GMG Racing LP 570-4 Super Trofeo
2014 Lamborghini #18 DragonSpeed Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo
2014 Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4
2014 Lamborghini Urus
2015 Lamborghini #63 Squadra Corse Huracán LP620-2 Super Trofeo
2016 Lamborghini Aventador LP750-4 SV
2016 Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4
1956 Lotus Eleven
1966 Ford Lotus Cortina
1967 Lotus Type 49
1971 Lotus Elan Sprint
1976 Lotus #5 Team Lotus 77
1990 Vauxhall Lotus Carlton
1999 Lotus Elise Series 1 Sport 190
2000 Lotus 340R
2002 Lotus Esprit V8
2005 Lotus Elise 111S
2009 Lotus 2-Eleven
2011 Lotus Evora S
2012 Lotus Exige S
2016 Lotus 3-Eleven
1939 Maserati 8CTF
1953 Maserati A6GCS/53 Pininfarina Berlinetta
1957 Maserati 300 S
1961 Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage
1997 Maserati Ghibli Cup
2004 Maserati MC12
2010 Maserati Gran Turismo S
2014 Maserati #35 M.Calamia Swiss Team MC Trofeo
2014 Maserati Ghibli S Q4
1966 McLaren M2B
1969 McLaren #4 McLaren Cars M8B
1976 McLaren #11 Team McLaren M23
1988 McLaren #12 Honda McLaren MP4/4
1993 McLaren F1
1997 McLaren F1 GT
2011 McLaren #59 McLaren GT 12C GT3
2011 McLaren 12C
2013 McLaren P1
2014 McLaren #60 Bhaitech 12C GT3
2015 McLaren 570S Coupé
2015 McLaren 650S Coupe
2015 McLaren P1 GTR
2010 Noble M600
2009 Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster
2010 Pagani Zonda R
2012 Pagani Huayra
2016 Pagani Huayra BC
1955 Porsche 550A Spyder
1957 Porsche 356A Speedster
1960 Porsche 718 RS 60
1970 Porsche 914/6
1973 Porsche 911 Carrera RS
1982 Porsche 911 Turbo 3.3
1987 Porsche #17 Porsche AG 962C
1987 Porsche #17 Porsche Dunlop 962C
1987 Porsche 959
1989 Porsche 944 Turbo
1993 Porsche 928 GTS
1995 Porsche 911 GT2
1998 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion
2003 Porsche Carrera GT
2004 Porsche 911 GT3
2008 Porsche #7 Penske Racing RS Spyder Evo
2011 Porsche #45 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR
2012 Porsche 911 GT2 RS
2012 Porsche 911 GT3 RS 4.0
2012 Porsche Cayenne Turbo
2014 Porsche 911 Turbo S
2014 Porsche 918 Spyder
2015 Porsche #19 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid
2015 Porsche Macan Turbo
2016 Porsche 911 GT3 RS
2016 Porsche Cayman GT4
2017 Porsche #1 Porsche Team 919 Hybrid
2017 Porsche Panamera Turbo
2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS
2011 Radical SR8 RX
2015 Radical RXC Turbo
2004 Saleen S7
2016 Spania GTA GTA Spano
2005 TVR Sagaris
2015 Ultima Evolution Coupe 1020
2016 W Motors Lykan HyperSport
2016 Zenvo TS1
Read more at http://ift.tt/2uvRWgO
The post Forza Motorsports 7 “Garage” Opens appeared first on Engaged Family Gaming.
from Forza Motorsports 7 “Garage” Opens
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