jinnidokyo · 3 months
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"Welcome to my blog! Today, I'm going to share my experiences from our school's intramurals. From the anticipation and excitement before the event, to the thrill and camaraderie during the games, up to the closing ceremony, this event was truly a roller coaster of emotions and unforgettable moments. Join me as I recount the highlights and personal insights from this remarkable event."
"On the first day, we held a parade where each team showcased their team spirit through their unique yells. Everyone was trying their best to outshine each other, making the atmosphere even more electrifying. By the time we arrived at our school, everyone's faces were filled with joy and excitement."
"This was followed by a competition where each team showcased their yells. Every team put in a lot of effort into their performances, making the competition even more intense and exciting."
"On the second day, all the ball games and other events were held. Everyone was excited because this was the day that they had been eagerly waiting for. Everyone had prepared for the games that were about to take place."
"The second day was filled with joy as the games were held. Everyone was able to play smoothly and had a great time."
"But it's not over yet, because there's still a third day of competition to look forward to."
"The third day of the competition could be the most important day for both the participants and the spectators. This is the day when the winners of the games will be determined. All the hard work, perseverance, and preparation of the participants will finally pay off. For the spectators, this is the most exciting part as they will see who will emerge victorious."
"The third day was filled with excitement, especially with the ball games taking place. But above all, the basketball game was particularly intense. There was a team that was hot-headed, and their match was heated. This was not what everyone expected from their game."
"The challenges that may come on the third day of the competition can vary depending on the game. These could be physical, mental, or emotional. Participants might face intense competition, pressure, and stress.
To prepare themselves, participants should:
1. Rest and eat properly before the game to prepare their bodies.
2. Think positively and stay calm to reduce stress and pressure.
3. Practice and prepare for any situation that might occur in the game.
4. Support each other as a team to build their confidence and camaraderie."
"The ball games didn't end on the third day because each team had an equal number of wins, so the games were extended to the fourth day. And this day was filled with so much excitement."
"On the fourth day, the highly anticipated games couldn't continue due to bad weather. However, an important event still took place - the Ms. and Mr. Showdown. This fourth day became even more enjoyable because of this event. Despite the unfavorable weather, everyone continued to prepare and support their respective candidates for the Ms. and Mr. Showdown. Whether they win or lose, the event was still carried out smoothly."
"Since the ball games were not continued on the fourth day, they were moved to the final day of the intramurals. Everyone was nervous and the day was filled with extreme excitement because this was the day when the championship battle took place. Everyone prepared well for it. What made it even more joyful was that our team won the volleyball championship and our basketball team, the Legendary Lions, did well too, securing the first runner-up position!"
"This was also the day when the awarding took place. Everyone was extremely happy because we would finally find out who the winners of the competitions were. The most joyful part was that we were the overall first runner-up. We endlessly cheered for our team, and even though we weren't the overall champions, we were still happy with the award we received."
"We are thankful for the experiences we had during our first participation in the GFI in the intramurals event."
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bloodwhet · 1 year
i don't want 2blogs because it seems like a hassle but ive found myself wanting to use two layout / urls at the same time. tumblr should have like a 50/50 post option where you choose two blogs to randomly post to
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warmcork98 · 2 years
Pointers For Finding A Temp Agency
Not just do you need to keep a positive mindset throughout your task hunting but you require to comprehend, although you require a task the prospective company has equal or higher needs. They work to fill, challenges to be gotten rid of, and clients to be looked after. Your marketing effort is to encourage the employer that employing you will fix his issue and, if you actually focus your task hunting technique, supply him with fringe benefits. A Self-Starter- Much of the things you work on in the broadcasting injury are not dealt with in the workplace. You will be operating in various locations of the United States (especially in Sport) you will cover events all over. Therefore, you will reveal your company that you are a fantastic employee if you are able to accomplish your projects if you are on the roadway, and have the ability to do things outside the workplace. In addition to the 2blog sites, I'm writing find a job fast a novel, a film script and a few e-books that will see the light of the day at some pointsoon. I expect to self publisha small guide to be complimentary to the workshop too.I have been taking a couple of writing workshops to improve my abilities since of all this writing.
Potential employers prefer those who have an unique career course over those who appear to have a chain of apparently unrelated jobs. Sit down and have yourself examine your profession course up until now. What did you finish in school? What were your extra-curricular activities? What are the important things you utilized to do on the side however never expertly? If you do have an apparently unpredictable job history, you can search for the typical denominator in all the tasks you've had, and explain it during the interview. Understanding what you can do and what interests you will conserve you a lot of time in your job search. Sure there's a boom in the oil and gas service. People are drilling right and left. Take a walk through eastern Colorado or throughout Nebraska and you will stumble over wells drilled, drilling and capped. Viadeo is another business professional social media that began in Europe and uses profiles in multiple languages. UJober 's stated to be more organized and easier to use than LinkedIn. But it gets a great deal simpler if you have aid. Having the assistance of somebody who enjoys you and desires the best for you provides a boost unlike anything else. You will be more stimulated, more motivated and more positive.
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akca · 8 months
2blog kullanmak zormuş he ikidir diğer tarafa post gönderiyorum...
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boundprince · 1 year
me qnd the 2blogs i check ✅
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joydelynjabiensblog · 2 years
So this week we talked and discuss about the perfect group of an entrepreneur because in making a project it should have a proper position and also can help to improve the project. Our instructor instruct us to interview 8people by group. Because we have 4members in a group so by 2. Especially discussed about the understanding of a problem of each person.
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swashbucklingsblog · 4 years
In my previous blog I talked about suicide. As we all know suicide among teenagers and youth continue to be a serious problem. To find out about my questions I carried out a program to find out the frequencies about- how many times they thought of committing suicide? How many times they tried? How many times they succeeded?
The program is as follows-
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 In output I got the frequencies table of how many times –
* Thought of committing suicide
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* tried to commit
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* ties you succeeded
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Frequency Missing = 204
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julianodamas · 5 years
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Comandantes e comandado da Sessão de armamento pesado de 95. Sd. 551 Damas, 3° Stg. Tayar, Cabo Giovani. 18° Encontro de Antigos Integrantes do 2° Blog. #exercito #2blog #antigosintegrantes (em 11ª Bda Inf L - Brigada Anhanguera) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz1Av1sjC45QYshWY5eE-itOxx7qq0Wv_1Tgi00/?igshid=h7czvnasq18y
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gojy · 3 years
🪐 use the translator / usa el traductor . . . "serei ê maior estudiose do universo" disse elu; 2blog, archive & reblog!
🧙🏼 maga azazy . . . ZAZY % ELA!ELU, e CARRD!
🌌 encantamentos . . . moods e bios, 'POR FAVOR' e 'OBRIGADE' pra me pedir, e ask de interação são bem vindas!
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taehykun · 4 years
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hi!! i am the 2blog (just reblogs) of @joyhs.
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gamerzcourt · 5 years
Blog: Historians discuss Far Cry 2Blog: Historians discuss Far Cry 2game's
New Post has been published on https://www.gamerzcourt.com/blog-historians-discuss-far-cry-2blog-historians-discuss-far-cry-2games/
Blog: Historians discuss Far Cry 2Blog: Historians discuss Far Cry 2game's
Historians Bob Whitaker and Charlie Thomas discuss Far Cry 2. Topics include the game’s setting, postcolonial wars in Africa, Cold War ideologies, the African environment, and more. …
Gamasutra News
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janjan23-blog1 · 7 years
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Goal? eat lots of food and don't get fat 😂😋👌🏻
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I Media : Social vs Tradizionali
La parola social media oramai fa parte del nostro lessico e spesso la usiamo senza rendercene conto del suo significato. Cosa sono i social media? E cosa c’era prima di questa tecnologia?
Per social media si riferisce alle tecnologie, le pratiche e piattaforme on-line che le persone usano per condividere testi, foto, video, ma anche grafiche e audio. In altre parole, i social media sono un insieme di applicazioni web che sfruttano il palcoscenico del Web 2.0, cioè tutto ciò che consente agli utenti del web di creare e scambiare contenuti online.
Premesso ciò, molto spesso ci si chiede, cosa differisce dai media tradizionali: la stampa, la radio o la televisione ecc..?
Vediamo insieme le principali differenze:
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• I media tradizionali fanno una comunicazione di tipo broadcasting: da uno verso molti. I social media fanno invece una comunicazione da molti a molti;
• Nella comunicazione broadcasting dei media tradizionali, l’utente non può intervenire sui contenuti. Invece, con i social media, l’interazione c’è. Infatti sui contenuti si possono esprimere opinioni di piacere (vedi i like), commentati, criticati oppure condividi.
• I social media non richiedono grandi investimenti di denaro, serve uno smartphone e una connessione internet. I media tradizionali, invece, richiedono investimenti di denaro cospicui.
• Produrre contenuti con i media tradizionali richiede competenze tecniche specifiche. Per esempio, basti pensare quanto siano specializzati la maggior parte degli operatori televisivi e i responsabili dell’immagine pubblicitaria. I social media non richiedono queste competenze, infatti non serve infatti essere programmatori per creare un profilo e comunicare sul web.
• La pubblicazione dei contenuti sui social media avviene in tempo reale. Con i media tradizionali, occorre una preparazione lunga e articolata per terminare con una pianificazione delle uscite.
• Una volta creati, i contenuti dei media tradizionali non si possono più modificare, infatti un articolo di giornale una volta pubblicato non è modificabile, bisogna attendere molto tempo prima dell’editing. Invece, i contenuti dei social media possono essere modificati, più o meno in tempo reale, dall’autore o dai commenti degli utenti web.
• Lo stile di comunicazione nei media tradizionali è piuttosto distaccato e autoreferenziale. Lo stile di comunicazione dei social media è al contrario personale e informale.
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purpledragonrp · 5 years
Do They Have Me Blocked?
So - Tumblr has implemented a new feature(maybe?) that I think is kind of interesting, and I wanted to share.  I honestly don’t know if it’s just a side effect to something else they’ve done, or if they did it intentionally, but you can now see really easily if someone you’ve got blocked also has you blocked in return.
Now - I haven’t had a chance to play around with this too much, but due to some fantastic drama with some really unfantastic people a little over a year ago, I’ve got several blogs where I could test things a little bit.  Here are examples from three blogs (names blurred to prevent additional drama.)
Blog #1
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Blog #2
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Blog # 3
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In all three of these, I think you’ll notice an image that stands out.  It’s essentially the same on every blog, although the colors and pattern seem to vary slightly.  But in all three cases, having one of these images show up (instead of a pixelated version of whatever icon the person is using) seems to mean that person has you blocked in return.
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I even tested it by blocking myself on two different blogs and the result was instantaneous.  So there’s no wait time on this.  You can know immediately without ever having to go to a person’s blog to see if they’ve got you blocked (or to see if they’ve unblocked you.)  All you have to do is check your own block list (if you’ve got them blocked, too.)  OR - you can very quickly block them and see if one of these icons (or something similar) pops up instead of their normal one.
Will this be useful to people?  *shrugs*  I honestly have no clue.  Some people might just find it curiously amusing.  Others may be bothered by it because they’d rather not know.  Others may take comfort in knowing.  It’s also a way to potentially prove that someone is blocking you when they say that they aren’t.  Just make yourself a video as proof.  (I don’t recommend a simple screencap because they’re SO easy to fake.)
Anyway, it’s a feature(?) that I hadn’t noticed before and (whether intentional or a byproduct of another coding change) I thought it deserved to be talked about because others might not realize this is a thing, and they might find it useful.  I should note that this DOES NOT work with the app (I tested that, as well.)  It only works with the browser-based Tumblr.
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