#31doa: day three
"You lied to me." for Bechloe? If you're up to it?
Have a lovely day :)
Hi anon!! I can absolutely do this one, sorry it took me so long to get to this dkfgjfdklg but we’re here now, and we have some angst to go with today’s prompt so I’m sorry about that 😅 anywayyy I hope you enjoy this and have a lovely day yourself!! 🥰💖
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(31) “You lied to me.”
Beca grunted as she hit the floor, wincing as the pain flared in her ribs again. How had she gotten here? Beca had been running for years, she’d been hiding and fighting so damn well, so how had they found her? Her parents had been a part of this world, but she hadn’t wanted that for herself, she didn’t want to spend her life hurting other people. They were good people her parents, they weren’t hurting people because they wanted to, they were doing it for the greater good but still... Beca didn’t want to be like that.
So when she had wanted to leave they helped her. They respected that she didn’t want to do this so they’d done everything that they could to get her out. But the people chasing her hadn’t respected that, and when they had taken out her parents they had set their sights firmly on her. Beca hadn’t even been able to go to their funerals, hadn’t been able to grieve properly because she was running from them.
“You’re weak...” A voice snarled in her ear as Beca’s head was wrenched back by her hair, “We’ll find out where you’ve hidden it eventually, and when we do... well then we’ll have no use for you then will we?”
“Fuck you!” Beca spat as her head the cold concreate floor, hearing the clatter of the door to her cell as it slammed shut, locking behind her, “You’ll never get it out of me!”
What they were after was a small wooden box, one that Beca’s mom had pressed into her hands as she had left and told her that she had to protect with her life. It was the last promise she had ever made her, the last conversation they had ever had. And Beca intended to keep its location to herself, to take it to her grave. She didn’t know what was in it and she didn’t care. All that mattered was that she had to keep it safe.
Beca winced as she pushed herself into a sitting position, her arms trapped behind her back by the painfully chaffing cable tie they had put on her once they dragged her from the room back to her cell. She ached all over, her ribs, her face, her legs and arms... but they were wrong about her. She wasn’t weak, far from it. She’d never tell them where she’d hidden it.
Beca’s head snapped towards the bars of her cell, a white hot ball of rage in her stomach as she glared at the owner of the voice that so softly called her name.
“I brought you something to eat, some water too. And- and I have some bandages for your-”
“You lied to me.” Beca growled, cutting off the woman whose blue eyes glittered with guilt and sadness, “You lied to me Chloe, and look at me! You did this to me!”
“I’m sorry...” Chloe whispered, a tear slipping down her cheek, “I’m so sorry Becs, I wanted to tell you but- I couldn’t.”
“Like hell you couldn’t.” Beca snarled, tucking her knees up to her chest as she moved further away from Chloe, “You had so many opportunities Chlo, so many! Like our first date, or the morning after we slept together for the first time, or I don’t know, the night I told you I loved you?!”
Chloe pursed her lips as her head rested against the bars separating them, tears rolling down her cheeks as Beca’s eyes continued to burn into her.
“At any point, you could have turned around and said ‘hey by the way, my dad is the one who killed your parents and he sent me to spy on you, win your trust, and bring you here to be tortured and eventually killed’!” 
“I didn’t-” Chloe shook her head, “I didn’t mean to hurt you... I thought- they told me you were a bad person Beca, that you stole from us and you hurt people, that you deserved everything you had coming to you and I- this was my chance to prove myself, for him to love me like he loves my brothers... but then I met you and... you weren’t the only one who fell in love Becs...”
“Why should I believe you?” Beca grunted, looking away from Chloe as she leant against the wall, “Everything you ever told me was a lie... just leave me alone.”
“Just go away!” Beca yelled, Chloe flinching away as Beca glared at her again, eyes full of hate, “Leave me the fuck alone, you did this to me, I never want to see you again!”
Chloe swallowed hard, turning on her heel and leaving Beca alone again. Beca was crying softly as she closed her eyes again, trembling against the cold and the isolation as she clenched her jaw tightly. She hated her, she hated Chloe more than she had ever hated anyone in her whole life, except... she didn’t. She loved her, despite all of this, despite everything that she had done to her, Beca still loved Chloe. And that... that was what she hated.
Beca was awoken by the feeling of the cable tie around her wrists giving way, a hand under her arm as it tried to guide her to her feet.
“Fuck off...” Beca grumbled, starting to woozily and weakly fight back against them, “I won’t tell you where it is.”
“Becs you have to get up, there isn’t a lot of time, come on.” 
Beca’s eyes focused as she stared at Chloe in a mix of anger and confusion, “What, they have you taking me to and from my torture sessions now?!”
“No.” Chloe’s voice was an urgent whisper as she got Beca to her feet, guiding her arm over her shoulders as she supported her weak and limp frame against her, “No, I’m getting you out of here. You’re going to be okay, I’m going to get you out of here.”
“What?” Beca’s face fell into an expression of shock, frowning at Chloe, “Why... why are you helping me?”
“Because...” Chloe swallowed the lump in her throat as she started to move them out of the cell they were in, “Because you were right. This is my fault, I did this to you, so now I’m fixing it.”
“Your family...” Beca mumbled, leaning into Chloe a little as she felt her heart begin to flutter a little in hope, “What about your family?”
“They’re not who I thought they were.” Chloe shook her head, “Anyone who could hurt you like this isn’t someone I want to be around, I don’t... I know this doesn’t even begin to make up for what I did, but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, and it starts with me getting you somewhere safe. Can you trust me long enough to do that?”
Beca hesitated for a moment, her inside in knots at the thought of trusting Chloe again. What if this was just a ruse to get her to tell them where the box was? But still... the way Chloe was looking at her, the deep sincerity that shone in her eyes...
“Okay.” Beca nodded a little, “I guess...”
“Let’s get out of here.” Chloe grinned at her, arm around her waist tightening as much as she dared as she helped Beca limp through the corridors, turning them down a narrow walkway as she looked around them.
“Not far now Becs. We’re almost there. I know a place where we can rest up until you’re healed, and then... then we’ll figure out a plan.”
Beca nodded softly, feeling her strength leave her body as pain drowned out any rational thought she had right now. She just wanted to sleep...
“It’s okay.” Chloe gave her another gentle squeeze, “Almost there Beca. I’m getting you out of here I promise.”
Beca felt cold air on her face as they stepped out of a side door, wincing as it stung the cuts there. Chloe swallowed as she looked around them, making sure no-one was there to catch them as she guided Beca to a shed. She leant her against the wood as she went inside, returning within seconds with a motorbike and two helmets.
“Here.” Chloe gently pushed one of the helmets into Beca’s hands, “Get this on, quick as you can.”
“You ride a motorbike?” Beca quirked her eyebrow a little as she fumbled with the helmet.
“Yeah.” Chloe grinned, shrugging a little, “It’s the coolest thing about me. Now put that on.”
Beca managed to get the helmet over her head, but her hands fumbled with the strap, aching from their treatment. Chloe had already secured her helmet, and turned to help her, gently moving her hands away so she could clip it into place.
“You’re going to need to hold onto my waist Beca, are you going to be able to do that?” Chloe’s voice was a little muffled as she placed her hands on Beca’s shoulders, but Beca could still hear her concerned tone.
“I-” Beca was swaying slightly as she tried to keep her eyes open, pain her consuming thought, “I’m so tired...”
“Okay.” Chloe nodded, guiding her to the bike, “Sit here, right at the back okay?”
Beca managed a small nod, leaning heavily against Chloe as she got onto the bike in front of her.
“I’m going to tie your wrists together Becs. That way if you pass out, you’re still secure and you’ll stay on the bike. I’ll be so gentle, I promise.”
Beca whimpered softly as she felt a soft fabric wrap around the wrists that had settled around Chloe’s waist, her wrists throbbing again.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” Chloe gently stroked Beca’s arms before starting the bike, “We’re getting out of here Beca. I got you. Just rest.”
Beca blacked out as the bike revved and they set off down the dirt path laid before Chloe, her head resting between her shoulders as she tried to push away the unsettling feeling of distrust in her chest.
She’d rescued her. Chloe had rescued her. Maybe things weren’t as fucked up as she thought.
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Regularly scheduled angst for you now I’m caught up klhgfddg and maybe some other fics too because I’ve barely written anything this month 😅
Also I know I said that the au that started with ‘Revenge’ would have three parts but I’m changing it to four because I had an idea for today kfgjdflkgfd it’s only short but maybe I can get other fic stuff done today to then 
Part One: Day 13 - Revenge || Part Two: Day 15 - Helplessness
Also on AO3!!!
Chloe lifted her head groggily as she heard the door open, wincing as pain shot through her battered and abused body. How long had she been here? Why had no-one come to find her yet? 
Her ‘training’ had been getting more and more visceral, hours spent in that chair with more and more violent images flashed in front of her eyes, her ears almost constantly assaulted with more of their rhetoric, of ideas for toppling governments and revolutions, of her part in a silent war. Phase Three had begun and Chloe was starting to... understand wasn’t the right word for it... her place here.
They were making her a soldier, a contract killer that could move unseen in the most highly protected of places to get to her target. They would tell her where to go, who she had to kill, how she should do it, all Chloe had to do was get the job done without getting caught. If she did get caught, they’d abandon her to the wolves and she wasn’t to say a word about them.
It seemed so simple really, but Chloe knew it wasn’t. It involved her being broken down, conditioned into violent ways of thinking and being, ripping all the good from her and cramming nothing but evil back in. She was trying to fight them, trying to shut out their propaganda and their tricks, but they were so strong and so relentless and Chloe... she was a middle school music teacher, she wasn’t built for this, to withstand something like this, she couldn’t do it.
“Good morning Chloe.”
Chloe knew her tormentor as ‘Komisar’, that’s what everyone called her but Chloe doubted it was her actual name.
“Are you ready for Phase Four?”
“Please...” Chloe mumbled, shaking her head a little, “I don’t want anymore... I’ll do whatever you want, just stop hurting me...”
“Oh Red...” Komisar knelt next to her, brushing Chloe’s hair from her face, her tone dripping with fake sympathy, “You’re as weak as a newborn... you aren’t ready to give me what I want, not yet. That’s what Phase Four is about.”
“Will it hurt?” Chloe whispered, shrinking back away from the comforting gestures that were so strange and alien to her now.
“No kitten.” Komisar smirked, “You’ll like Phase Four. But you know I still need to hear something from you before I can start it.”
Chloe whimpered as tears rolled down her cheek. She did know what she wanted to hear. The pictures had changed in her last sessions in the chair; the comforting images that she was shocked whilst viewing went from being generic to pictures of her family. Her friends. Of Beca. Every time she saw them her chest would explode with pain, her skin would burn, she would scream and writhe and try and get away from it.
They wanted her to renounce them, to disown all of them, to give herself up to them and only them. Chloe would never see any of them again, would never contact them, she’d never be able to even explain why. She’d simply vanish off the face of the earth and none of them would ever know that she didn’t have a choice about it.
Chloe didn’t want that, she didn’t want to lose them, she wanted to go home... her parents would never think that she’d just disappeared, it would destroy them when she never came home. Her dad... he had a bad heart, if Chloe vanished, if they had no closure... it could kill him, the stress and the worry of it all could kill him. How could Chloe do that to him?
And then there was Beca... her dear, sweet, funny Beca... Chloe knew that she was somehow connected to all of this, but she couldn’t believe that she was like them. What if they had done this to her too? What if they had hurt her like this? It would break her to know that they had done the same thing to Chloe, that Chloe hadn’t been strong enough to fight them off, that Chloe had forsaken all of them. She didn’t want Beca to feel like that, she didn’t want Beca to be looking for her and looking for her whilst Chloe was doing awful, unspeakable things for the sake of not being hurt anymore...
Was she really that weak? Was Chloe really so pathetic that she’d cave to what they wanted because they were hurting her? Wasn’t it worth dying to protect the person she was rather that living as something they made her?
But yet, as Komisar’s hand rested on her shoulder, the pressure reminding Chloe of the bruises there, of the bruises all over her body, Chloe could feel the last of her resolve crumbling. She didn’t want this anymore, she didn’t want to be in pain anymore, to be tied up, to be beaten, starved, half-drowned... she didn’t want any of this.
Chloe’s voice was barely audible as she squeezed her eyes shut, tears running down her cheeks.
“I- I have no family. No friends. I have no-one, I am no-one... I am yours to mold.”
“Good girl.” Komisar purred, Chloe sobbing silently as she felt the ropes binding her arms fall away, dragged carelessly to her feet, “Time for Phase Four. Come on.” 
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