theunstuffedpepper · 10 months
Man oh man, this baby is the opposite of Linc.
Side note: I’ve become tired of using tumblr nicknames and I think I might just switch to using the kids’ actual names. I feel like when people use the first initial, I personally have a hard time keeping track of who is whom - that’s a me problem. Sooo, I’m just gonna start using their names? Feels weird, but I dunno what I’m protecting against by using nicknames, really, either.
So. Pep, my first babe and current 2.5 year old best buddy, is Holden. Those of you who know me off-tumblr know that. Our second sweet angel is Lincoln.
Now that that’s cleared up.. I’ve been having contractions on and off for over a week now - since last Wednesday - and yesterday B and I finally went down to the hospital. It’s an hour drive, so the stress level was high. Has been high for the past week. My MIL just finally moved into our second home here in town on Sunday, so thankfully we now have a close-by childcare solution in place. We got to the hospital, contractions were at 3 minutes apart, 3cm dilated, and everybody was thinking we would be meeting our third baby boy soon.
Aaaaaand then… the contractions slowed down. Six hours later after bouncing on the ball and doing all the things, I was still at 3cm. They sent us home. So disappointed. I was not dealing well.
Thank goodness I had therapy this morning. I was able to talk some things out, and with the help of my therapist, reframe and get some perspective. I’m doing better today. Aside from the fact that I stepped outside after therapy and immediately got stung by a bee. Universe, I won’t take that one personally, but really. Come on sis.
My parents are coming up tonight; MIL has an obligation Friday-Saturday, so they’re gonna relieve her. I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning, so B and I will both go for that. Then I have an induction scheduled for Saturday morning.
I’ve got mixed feelings about being induced, but I know inevitably my body will be more “ready” to be induced this time around than when I was induced with Holden. That gives me some relief. It’s good to have a light at the end of the tunnel. For today, it’s just resting, spending time with my best boy, and keeping myself mentally & emotionally balanced. I’m gonna try a guided meditation later on - my therapist has been recommending them. Can’t hurt, right?
All the good vibes welcome & appreciated. Xx
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Well that was...a midwife appointment.
First of all, I’m pretty sure this lady just walked into the (non-hospital!!) office with her husband and toddler and gave birth shortly afterwards?? I was in the waiting room and the 3 of them walked in. Heard the woman say she was having contractions and the receptionist ask if a midwife had told her to come in. The woman said she was having strong contractions 4 minutes apart. They took her to the back and I was left waiting. When I asked at the half hour mark after my scheduled appointment if they knew how much longer it would be, they told me that a woman in labor (that one, obviously) had come in and needed to go before me. A couple minutes later I was called back, and the medical assistant took my weight and blood pressure and then left the room. A few minutes after that I heard what sounded like a VERY young baby crying somewhere else in the office. There were no other babies in sight as of when I left the waiting room after sitting there for half an hour, soooo.....
Super confused why they weren’t sent to L&D, because the hospital is literally just a few minutes from the office. But ok. Exciting times, I guess.
Anyway, I finally got to see a midwife. Things are mostly looking good except that baby is currently posterior (which I strongly suspected, given the number of limbs I seem to feel moving around in the front as opposed to a butt) and she said that its head, while down, was at a slightly funny angle, which she tried to gently correct with her hands. Still time for that to correct itself though, it’ll be fine, just as long as the kid isn’t breech/transverse I’m happy.
And then came the big WHAM moment...”Would you like to schedule your induction today in case baby doesn’t come by 41 weeks? We can wait til next week if you want, but appointments can tend to fill up.” 😳 I knew that 41 weeks wasn’t that far away, and I knew that they schedule these things in advance, but omgsh, was not actually expecting to hear that question and get that concrete date today. Things are suddenly very, very real.
Also, this child had better get its butt in gear here because I am simply not having an induction. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My husband’s last exam of the semester is 9:45-11:45am on Wednesday. No labor whatsoever allowed before then, but 11:46 (ok maybe more like 12:15 to give my husband time to get home first), let’s GO, kiddo.
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complete-turnover · 2 years
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きなこ☺︎👶11m←39w1dさんのツイート 絵本読んでもらうときは正座スタイル https://t.co/3iOoy3CbTX)
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berdiaria · 7 months
‎بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Alhamdulillah biidzinillah telah lahir putra kami yg ke-2, secara normal (VBAC) di UK 39w2d (perhitungan menurut HPHT)
Semoga Allah menjadikannya anak Sholehah.
HPL  : 26 Oktober 2023
Lahir : Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2023
Tempat : RS Siaga Medika Purbalingga
BB : 3,410 kg (lebih besar dari mas-nya)
PJ : 48cm
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Lahir pukul : 21.45 WIB
Mas حبان (lahir pertama)
BB : 3,050 kg
Panjang : 51 cm
Jenis kelamin: Laki-laki
Jarak lahir 3 tahun 2 bulan
* Riwayat SC : pembukaan dibilang lama, diduga panggulnya sempit
Niat VBAC :
- Ingin menjalankan fitrah kelahiran
- Ingin ada kesempatan untuk punya anak banyak
- Ingin agar proses kehamilan dan persalinan tidak melibatkan laki-laki non mahram
Birth Story :
Sebelumnya kami rutin periksakan kandungan dengan salah seorang bidan disini. Bidan tsb memang tidak sepenuhnya pro VBAC, dan tetap menyuruh untuk lahiran di Rumah Sakit. Namun bidan tsb juga men-spill ikhtiar-ikhtiar untuk lahiran normal, dan berdoa biar hasilnya diserahkan kepada Allah. Hal ini membuat harapan semakin besar meski bidan tsb tidak menerima VBAC di kliniknya.
Untuk dokter kami periksakan 2x USG saja di UK 24w dan 37w, dengan dokter perempuan yang kurang/tidak pro VBAC. Sebenarnya kabarnya ada dokter pro VBAC di daerah kami, namun sayangnya dokter tsb laki-laki.
Saat USG ke-dua, Bu dokter sudah ingin menjadwalkan sesar. Pertama karena menduga panggul sempit dgn TB hanya 144cm, tapi saat dicek kata beliau sebenarnya tidak terlalu sempit. Lalu beliau memaparkan risiko rahim robek (ruptur uteri) jika lahiran normal. Namun, kami menolak untuk dijadwalkan sesar saat itu.
Kronologi :
Kamis, 19 Oktober (39w) sore sudah mulai ada kontraksi teratur namun jarak masih lama sekitar 30 menit sekali.
Jumat, 20 Oktober (39w1d) kontraksi makin intens tapi masih di atas 10 menit sekali.
Sabtu, 21 Okt (39w2d)
- Pagi hari, kontraksi sudah 7 menit-an sekali.
- Habis ashar, kontraksi makin intens, dicek aplikasi 3-5 menit sekali.
- 16.30 ke rumah sakit, ternyata baru pembukaan 2 tipis. Disini agak nyesel kayak kegasiken ke rumah sakit, karena setelah itu langsung dipasang infus jadi susah bergerak.
- Sebelum magrib, tiba-tiba ditanya, makan terakhir kapan?
Dokter (saat itu belum di tempat), lewat telepon dgn bidan jaga ternyata menawarkan operasi Sesar pukul 18.15 karena jarak lahir <5 tahun dan risiko rahim robek.
Saat itu suami bimbang. Sedangkan saya, ingin normal, tapi mengutamakan keridhoan suami. Suami sempat ingin operasi saja, hingga akhirnya meminta waktu untuk shalat magrib dulu.
Saat suami shalat magrib, saya tiba-tiba dipasang keteter dan disiapkan baju operasi.
- Setelah pulang shalat, suami berdiskusi sedikit dengan saya lagi, dan katanya lebih condong untuk lahiran normal dengan pertimbangan; janin masih sejahtera, kontraksi adekuat, serta jahitan sesar sudah diikhtiarkan untuk elastis dan memang tidak ada keluhan.
Akhirnya suami menandatangani surat penolakan tindakan sesar.
Keteter pun dilepas dan saya kembali fokus ke kontraksi.. Bismillah..
- 20.30 ketuban pecah karena saya gagal atur nafas dan malah mengejan >< (PR buat kehamilan selanjutnya)
- 21.00 dicek sudah keliatan rambutnya
- 21.45 Alhamdulillaah bayi lahir selamat sehat bonus jahitan luar dalam
(untuk waktunya hanya perkiraan. intinya sekitar itu)
Ikhtiar :
- Cat and cow pose
- Gymball
- Powerwalk
- Butterfly pose
- Ngepel jongkok
- Latihan nafas perut
- Gamat 2kapsul/hari
- Air rendaman kurma
- Madu angkak 2 SDM/hari (karena HB rendah)
- Telur rebus 2 butir per hari mulai TM3
- Minyak zaitun 2 SDM per hari mulai 37wk
- Minum minimal 2L
- HB 2 hari sekali mulai 37w
- Pijat endorphin mulai 37w
Ikhtiar langit :
- Sholar istikharah minta yang terbaik
- Sholat tahajud (tidak rutin)
- Afirmasi :
- 📝 Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya (jika bisa hamil insyaallah bisa melahirkan),
- 📝 Allah menciptakan manusia dalam bentuk sebaik-baiknya (wanita sudah dirancang utk bisa melahirkan),
- 📝 Tidak ada kemudahan kecuali yang Allah buat mudah (tidak ada yang tidak mungkin bagi Allah)
Ingin mengucapkan jazakumullahu khairan
- kepada suami yang sudah ikut mengikhtiarkan.
- kepada keluarga yang sudah mendoakan
- Kepada Ibu Bidan Ayu atas segala arahan dan bidan-bidan di RS Siaga Medika Purbalingga yang sudah menolong persalinan
- Kepada channel Ceritavbac dan Teman Bumil- VBAC untuk saling support dan berbagai informasi yang diberikan.
Namun di lahiran ini masih menyisakan PR untuk kelahiran selanjutnya: lebih serius lagi latihan nafas dan maksimalkan pijat perineum agar perineum utuh. Namun begitu tetap bersyukur atas segala kemudahan yang Allah berikan.
‎الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِى بِنِعْمَتِهِ تَتِمُّ الصَّالِحَاتُ
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snhmar · 8 months
39w1d まだ外に出たくない
もしかして、まだ産まれたくなかった? 夫に事の顛末を連絡すると「引きこもりしてるのね。明日は心の準備ができるかもしれないね」と返ってきた。
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codaiii · 8 months
Tối nay, e bé cử động thúc xuống xương chậu nhiều, gò đau. Mình phải đi nằm thì mới đỡ. Mà nằm thì hơi khó thở😅
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Còn 5 ngày nữa.
Sd, 15.9.23
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faridawardhani · 2 years
HPL Minggu Depan
Halo Tumblr! lama banget ya ga nulis cerita-cerita.. yah karena sibuk aja, walaupun kantor WFH tapi tiap hari rasanya padet terus. Nah mulai 31 Oktober kemarin, aku udah ambil cuti melahirkan 3 bulan...
Sekarang tanggal 2 November, kalau berdasrkan HPHT (haid pertama haid terakhir) udah 39w1d, kalau USG pas TM1 udah 38w3d tapiiii belum ada kontraksi asli. Dari kemarin dan beberapa hari sebelumnya kayanya udah kontraksi palsu (rasanya kayak sakit perut mau mens, trus perut kenceng banget). Kalau munculnya siang sore okelah, kalau malem/dini hari ga bisa tidur. Tapi yaa mau gimana lagi kan, pokoknya tetep tenang. Selain itu, tiba-tiba pula muncul stretch marks di bulan ke 9 ini :')
So far berat badan udah naik 14 kg sejak hamil (kalau menurut buku KIA masih dalam range normal). Setiap kali ditanya kapan lahiran yaa aku jawab HPL 13 november (HPL itu di 40weeks ya, fyi). Kata dokter kalau tanggal 8 (40w berdasar HPHT) belum ada tanda-tanda, harus ke dokter buat diperiksa detak jantung dllnya karena dek bayik ada lilitan tali pusar 1x dan tepat (ga kencang ga longgar). Dek bayik aktif banget! waktu itu kelilit 1x, usg selanjutnya kelilit 2x, trus sempet lepas, dan sekarang kelilit 1x lagi. Tapi aku yakin bisa dilepas lagi karena dia kayanya seneng aja main-main di dalem (bosen kali ya ga ada hiburan wkwk).
Secara fisik, aku yoga ringan dan jalan kaki. Walau yoga udah agak engap karena perut udah gede kan. Stetch to the max rasanya perut ini. Main pake gym ball juga, selain jadi proses induksi alami, agak meredakan sakit di tulang ekor, punggung, pinggang, panggul, mantap! Tidur udah rada sulit juga pindah-pindah posisi karena perut makin besar, berat, dan sering sakit ga jelas wkwk tapi.. I will miss this moment for sure.
Secara mental (salah satu hal yang penting banget), bismillah harus siap. Takut sesekali ya wajar, tapi yang harus dilakukan adalah afirmasi positif dan belajar (kalau tahu nanti prosesnya bakal gimana, rasanya lebih tenang). Belajar apa itu kontraksi asli vs palsu, gimana proses pembukaan 1-10, apa yang harus dilakukan saat pembukaan, ke RS sebaiknya saat kapan, apa saja hospital bag yang harus dipersiapkan, dan berdoa.
Mau cerita deh, kemarin itu sempet baca tulisan di buku Abi Quraish Shihab, dan kata-kata ini membantu menenangkan aku banget. Aku ga hafal persis kata-katanya tapi misalnya kita (anak kecil) lagi mau berantem sama orang, tentu ada perasaan takut, cemas dll, tapi kalau di tempat itu ada Ayah dan Kakakmu nungguin dan dukung kamu bahkan back up kamu, tentu kamu lebih tenang dan PD kan?
Setelah baca itu aku langsung "Oh iya juga ya, kan ada Allah yang selalu ada, Allah yang bantu prosesnya, Allah yang nemenin dan "back up" kalau ada apa-apa, jadi tenang aja!" Alhamdulillah diingetin Allah dengan cara nggak sengaja baca kalimat tersebut.
Sekarang menunggu HPL di tengah cuti, punya banyak waktu luang, bisa bangun siang, bersih-bersih rumah, menenangkan diri... sebentar lagi Insyaallah ada bayi, mulai adaptasi lagi menjadi ibu baru, belajar menyusui, merawat dan mendidik bayi. Di satu sisi rasanya ngga sabar! di satu sisi rasanya yaa enjoy the moment because my life will change in a week (maybe?).
Intinya mah, percaya aja sama Allah. Alhamdulillah suami juga belajar how to be a good dad dan belajar menemani selama proses persalinan. Doa-doa mengalir dari seluruh keluarga, teman, rekan kerja, dan banyak orang. Insyaallah lancar, kontraksi sakitnya bisa dimanage dan tetap tenang, perjalanan ke RS ga macet dianter suami, bisa langsung masuk kamar inap (RS kamar tersedia, administrasi lancar), pembukaan lancar cepat optimal, lahir secara pervaginam dengan lancar dan proses cepat, perineum utuh tanpa robekan tanpa jahitan, bayi dan ibu selamat sehat walafiat, plasenta lahir secara spontan, tidak ada pendarahan, IMD dan ASI lancar, bayi bisa menyusui tanpa diberi sufor, bisa pulang dengan cepat karena pemulihan baik dan optimal. Aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin.
Mohon doanya semuanya! nanti cerita lagi setelah menjadi Ibuk baru dengan bayik <3
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losingitinjersey · 3 years
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Induction scheduled for this Wednesday at 7am 😬!!!
I was 3cm dilated this morning at my appointment and she stripped my membranes (ewr). Kind of regret that decision because I've been EXTRA uncomfortable all day.
Reeeaaallllyy hope I can hold out until Wednesday so my little planner heart can be so happy to be able to keep the scheduled appointment.
Guess I'm having a baby in the next few days!!
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non2tones · 5 years
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食べたい物食べ納めする✔️ 行ってみたかったシチノカフェに連れてってもらいました🥞 パスタもパンケーキも美味しい💕😋 パンケーキめっちゃふわふわで何個でもいけそうな感じよ💕 #まだ産まれない #シチノカフェ #名取 #39w1d #マタニティ #pregnant #マタニティライフ #妊婦生活 #日々の暮らし #日々のこと #陣痛待ち #パンケーキ #ボロネーゼ #パスタ #夫婦 #食べ納め (Natori, Miyagi) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzDFfjQhCSo/?igshid=h3puao3bj4dd
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ravenclaw-momma · 6 years
1cm dilated, 70% effaced. Had the sweep done, fucking ow. Super crampy now; headed to the beach to do some walking!
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growingahuman · 7 years
39 weeks 1 day
Some times it's the little things.
Like checking your pay slip and seeing maternity pay was more than you budgeted for it to be.
Like waking up to a fridge full of cookies home made by your partner.
Like knowing every bit of pain I'm currently going through brings me one step closer to having a baby in my arms, no matter how long it takes.
Like seeing your pay come through several hours earlier than it normally does.
Like knowing you can go and do the shopping tonight, and that you won't have to worry about making food when you get home because you spent all day slow cooking a chicken soup.
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Tomorrow I’ll be 38w6d.
When I was 39w1d with my son, I told our Shabbos day meal hostess not to wait for us if we didn’t show up on time because I was 39 weeks pregnant so it  might mean I was in labor. She thought it was hilariously naive of me to bother warning her, because “first babies are always late.” We did make it to the meal, but the first contractions started the next evening.
It’s getting real here.
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theivfdiaries · 3 years
My grandpa passed away earlier this week, when I was 38w5d. Just a couple weeks away from meeting his great grandson, and namesake. I’m not ok and it’s just too much to deal with this all at once.
Midwife appointment a couple days ago at 39w1d. We had an ultrasound and baby stuck his tongue out, was eating his foot, then started licking his cord, and then started sucking his thumb voraciously. I’m not dilated at all but my midwife said my cervix is very thin and his head is very low, and she’d put money on him coming within the week. I really wanted to schedule an induction for sometime between 40 weeks and 41 weeks, but every time I see a different midwife she tells me a different thing than the other midwife told me, and now this one told me I can’t induce until 41 weeks at the earliest. So I’m feeling super discouraged, even though she said she thinks he’s coming this week, I truly don’t feel like he is, and I’m just getting anxious about it.
I feel super ungrateful but I’m starting to get to the point where I’m genuinely feeling depressed about still being pregnant and having no signs of going into labor soon and my midwives refusing to set an induction date yet. Every time I see someone post about having their babies, it's feeling like the same sort of trigger as when I saw pregnancy announcements when we were struggling to get pregnant. Of course I want baby to be fully baked and I'm grateful that he's healthy and I know he'll be here soon. It's just hard when I'm having such a tough time already, to add in the discomfort of being THIS pregnant, the uncertainty about when he's coming, and the anxiety over giving birth. I'm so physically and emotionally drained and I hate that I have absolutely no control over this.
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madumode · 6 years
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#39w1d  39週の検診終わり〜。 検診補助券が全て終了しました😂  わたしの体重は前回より-200g(妊娠前+9.6kg)。 まめりんは約2600gで前回より+40gほど。  内診をしていただきましたが、先週と同じ1cm程度の開き。  わたしが不安な顔をしていたのか、先生から「大丈夫。必ず産まれますから!」と励ましの言葉をいただきました〜。  #39w2d の今日も微々たる出血があって、内診による出血が続いているということだよなぁ〜。先週は全然出血しなかったので、おしるし?!とトイレ行って焦りました😅  お腹の主様との生活も残りわずかかと思うと、毎日お風呂前にお腹の写真を撮ってしまう…。 ご対面いつかなぁ〜。  pic1枚目 産婦人科の化粧台の前で。今回で最後かもと思うと腹をめくって写真を撮らずにはいられなかった笑。  pic2枚目 またしても旦那さんと先週と同じカレー屋さんに。今回はナンをおかわり。ナン単体で何枚でもいけるー!ほんのり甘くて美味しい✨  pic3枚目 散歩の途中に出会った竹林がある公園。風で葉の揺れるサラサラ音か心地よかった。歩くと色んな景色と音の発見があって楽しいな。   #2018_winter_baby部 #初マタ #妊娠39週 #妊婦さんと繋がりたい #ワーキングプレママ #体重管理に苦しむ妊婦 #カウントダウン #産休中
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conniemimiey · 6 years
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Today|14.01.18|CPSKK #mansauselagimampu #typicalme #momtobeinblack #39w1d
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ainatiqaa-blog · 6 years
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Last makan nasi kenduri, Last santai tepi pantai, Sebelum baby keluaq , Sebelum berpantang. #39w1d (at Pulau Betong)
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