#4x13 the lighthouse
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Haven parallels: Nathan & Duke +taking back their Troubles (2x2 Fear and Loathing / 4x12 When the Bough Breaks/ 4x13 The Lighthouse)
Nathan Wuornos: My affliction's tough to live with, but Jackie's is impossible. I mean, I can live a normal life mostly. She'd never be able to. Still Troubles went away before. They'll go away again. I can wait.
Audrey Parker: Are we doing this?
Duke Crocker: Yeah, we’re doing this.-- Just like riding a bike for us Crockers.
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Audrey Parker's Day Off (2x06): Audrey is forced to relive a day, and watch various people get killed as she changes her routine in an attempt to figure out the cause.
The Lighthouse (4x13): As attempts are made to stop William, things only get worse. A search begins to find the fourth key person for opening the gateway. Audrey continues the fight to remain Audrey.
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oocstephenkingtv · 2 years
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Haven 4x13 The Lighthouse (Original air date December 13th, 2013) Written by Gabrielle Stanton & Matt McGuinness Directed by Shawn Pillar
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lvcygraybaird · 2 years
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– there is a lighthouse in the middle of the deep end, i'm still standing on the shore line and nobody hears me scream
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
You’re The One I Need
Another MacRiley fic! All you die-hard MacRiley shippers are hungry for content. I see you.  
Set shortly after 4x13. Riley still lives in Mac’s house. 
They were in the burning warehouse again. 
He and Riley survived the explosion by hiding in the tractor scoop, shielding themselves with a sheet of metal. Mac didn’t think twice about whether anyone else survived. Considering the building was full of barrels of gasoline, their chances were slim to none. 
He needed to get them out. 
He needed to get her out. 
“Let’s go!” he screamed. The pair stood and turned, using the sheet metal to block the flames as they backed toward safety. The rags they’d grabbed did little to protect their hands from the hot metal. God, his hands were burning. Mac glanced at Riley. Her face twisted in pain but she held the metal high above their heads. Fierce and unwavering. 
Mac snapped his head in the other direction. The flames to his right reached closer, licking his jacket. The burning sheet metal became too much. “Drop it! It’s too hot,” he commanded. Riley let go a split second after he did. He knew that if he hadn’t told her to drop it, she would’ve carried that burning sheet metal across the whole warehouse, destroying her hands in the process, if that was what it took to get them out alive. 
They bolted toward the door choking on smoke and fumes. Riley was right on his heels.
Until she wasn’t. 
Twenty feet from the door, Mac looked over his shoulder to find Riley on her knees. “RILES!” He spun, wrapped his arms around her, and hauled her to her feet. “I need you to keep walking,” he pleaded. He slung her arm around his shoulders and gripped her waist, half carrying her as they staggered forward. 
They closed the distance to the door. To safety. 
Riley reached for the doorknob. 
A second explosion slammed them against the still-closed door. Mac clutched Riley’s limp body, and the world went dark. 
Mac bolted upright, gasping. He took in his surroundings. Moonlight slipped through a gap in the curtains, illuminating a strip of the hardwood floor. The sheets were in a twisted mess at his feet. The angry red numbers on his alarm clock read 4:04 am. 
He relaxed a fraction. Just a dream, he reassured himself. Mac checked his hands. No burns. Another sigh of relief. And then--
“Riles,” he whispered to himself. He needed to see her. To convince his brain she was okay. 
Mac crawled out of bed and tiptoed across the hall to her room. He knew living with him and Desi was awkward at times, but he’d never been more grateful to have her there. Her door was partially open. He peeked in. Her sheets were in a rumpled mess at the foot of her empty bed. Where was she? Mac started to panic until the soft thud of a closing cabinet gave her location away. He tipped his head back and leaned against the doorframe, letting out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He felt like Russ, letting paranoia get to him so quickly. 
A floorboard squeaked as he walked down the hall, alerting Riley to his presence. She leaned against the counter holding a glass of water to her lips. “There you are,” Mac said in a low voice. His eyes flicked to her hands, checking for burns he knew weren’t actually there. She looked him over, taking in his tense posture and messy hair. Riley made a face like she was staring at a kicked puppy. 
She set down her glass. “Come here.” Her tone was soft but insistent. 
Mac didn’t need to be told twice. He closed the distance between them in three steps, pulling her into his chest. A thought crossed his mind. If Desi was here tonight, we couldn’t be hugging like this. She’d have questions he wasn’t sure he knew how to answer. 
Mac decided he didn’t care. He readjusted so one hand splayed across Riley’s back while the other cradled her head. Riley rested her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. 
“I got you,” she murmured. 
Traces of her perfume lingered on her skin. He couldn’t name the scent, but it didn’t smell cheap. To him, it just smelled like Riley. Like...safety. The more the world fell apart around him, the more he felt that inexplicable tug toward her. As if she was a lighthouse guiding him to shore. He didn’t want to think about the implications of that. 
He pulled away, that little voice in the back of his mind reminding him that they’d hugged for far longer than “just friends” probably should. Whatever. For a second he thought Riley was reluctant to let him go, but he probably imagined it. 
Riley’s voice mercifully snapped him back to the present. “Mac, are you okay?” Her eyes searched his face. 
“Yeah, I uhh--” he rubbed his neck-- “had a bad dream.” She stayed silent, waiting for him to continue. “We were in the warehouse again, but this time...we didn’t make it out.” He couldn’t bring himself to explain the rest: Riley’s burnt hands, his hyper-focus on getting her out alive and not considering anyone else, the way he’d held her right before they died. Mac shuddered. 
Riley seemed to be at a loss for words. After a moment, she finally said, “We’re alright. We made it.” She gripped his bicep. “You got us out, Mac.” 
Her words repeated in his head. We’re alright. We made it. Mac tried not to think about those who didn’t make it. The survivor’s guilt would devour him if he let it, and they both knew it. The best he could do now was hope Scarlett and the rest of Gwen’s team were incinerated in the initial explosion. No one deserved the slow, painful death of being burned alive. 
You got us out.
I couldn’t have done it without you, Riles. 
He focused on his best friend once more. “Thank you. I know I haven’t said it nearly enough, but I’m really grateful...for you and your trust.” 
Riley’s lips curved in a small smile. “I wouldn’t want to cheat death with anyone else.” 
He smirked. “Likewise, Riles.” 
Mac studied an old photo of them taped to the fridge. Jack had taken it on Riley’s first mission in Cuba. She sat in the driver’s seat of the pastel pink convertible they’d stolen, feet propped up next to the steering wheel. Mac sat in the passenger seat, pretending to smoke a cigar. He missed doing stupid stuff like that. 
He turned back to Riley. “Why are you awake at four in the morning?” 
“Those damn raccoons knocked the trash cans over again and woke me up!” Mac barely stifled his amusement, earning a small shove. “It’s not funny, Mac!” He raised his hands in defeat. 
“Are you tired?” he asked, changing the subject. There was no way he’d be falling back asleep any time soon. 
“No, not really. Why?” 
“Do you want to make pancakes and rewatch Star Wars?” She raised her eyebrows. 
“It’s four am.” 
Riley smirked. “Alright. You start the pancakes, and I’ll start the movie.” She left to dig through the movie cabinet. 
Grabbing a mixing bowl, Mac called after her. “The first one!” 
“Obviously!” she shot back. 
This is why you’re my best friend. Mac smiled to himself as he carefully measured the flour. 
Desi let herself in at dawn, hoping to sneak in and out while Mac and Riley were still asleep. She just needed to grab the spare boots she’d stashed under Mac’s bed, and she’d be on her way. 
The Star Wars theme echoed throughout the house. Desi followed the sound to the living room and stopped dead in her tracks. 
She’d expected one of them to be passed out on the couch, but not both. And certainly not for them to be cuddling on said couch with plates and utensils covered in maple syrup at their feet. Desi’s eyes studied the way those talented--in more ways than one--hands held Riley against his chest. Their bodies intertwined as if they’d fallen asleep like this a hundred times before. She couldn’t help but notice how peaceful they both looked. They didn’t have a thing for each other...did they?
Desi was pretty sure she and Mac never looked like that. 
She wanted nothing more than to interrogate her boyfriend about why he and his very attractive roommate had eaten pancakes in the middle of the night and were now cuddling on the couch, but she knew how rare sleep was for him--both of them, actually--these days. If this was the only way he’d finally get rest, then so be it. As long as it didn’t become a habit. 
Deciding to keep her observations to herself, she quietly retrieved her boots and left. She pitied whoever got stuck with scrubbing those plates when they finally woke up. 
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travllingbunny · 4 years
The 100 (re-)rewatch: 4x13 Praimfaya
What do I say about this episode that hasn’t been said already? It is for The 100 what Through the Looking Glass was for Lost: a game changer, arguably marking the end of the first half of the show (though 4x05 was technically the 50th episode) and re-defining it.
This time, instead of making notes about the timeline at the end, I need to start with it: The largest chunk of the episode takes place over less than 3 hours, and is a race against time and against the upcoming death wave – just 90 minutes to make the pod intended for two people functional for 8 people and get the air recycler from the lighthouse bunker, then an hour to get to the Ring and for Raven to open the hangar door manually so they could enter before their air goes out… And then there’s time jump of 6 years and one week, or 2199 days. If feels insane, but this period was 11 times longer everything that happened in seasons 1-4 from the Pilot to Praimfaya (around 6.5 months, or 200 days).
To be fair, the season 5 finale was another game changer, and the only episode that may have had a timeline even weirder than this one – but the second time-jump, even though it lasted 125 years, did not have any of the same weight and meaning for anyone other than Monty, Harper and Jordan, since everyone else was cryo-frozen and practically continued their lives as if they had just gone to sleep a few hours before. But the time jump revealed in those last few minutes of the season 4 finale affected all the characters. They all lived through these 6 years that the show skipped, and only showed in about 2-episode worth of flashbacks (or not at all, in the case of Spacekru), profoundly changing their lives, relationships and arcs.
Apart from the radio talk between Bellamy and Octavia at the start of the episode, and two short scenes in the bunker, which are there to round up their story for this season, and the short appearance of Madi in the last couple of minutes, the entire episode involves just 8 people – Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, Murphy, Emori, Monty, Harper and Echo.
Octavia was well aware that she wasn’t ready to be a leader: “All I did was win a fight”. Bellamy tries to give her some confidence, saying she also gave people hope. But his comparison to – Prometheus – wasn’t the greatest, because, as Octavia points out, Prometheus got punished by the gods by being chained to a rock while a bird plucked his entrails. Dark foreshadowing for Octavia’s future?
The radio dies, so Clarke doesn’t get the chance to say goodbye to her mother. It’s an understatement to say that this is not the last time a radio dies and Clarke isn’t able to get through to someone.
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Eh, about that…
Octavia tells Bellamy “I love you, big brother”. Bellamy tells her “I love you” back, for the second time (after he’s said it for the first time, to anyone, in 4x11). They have both made the point that it takes the end of the world for them to say it. These final episodes of season 4 are the time when several of the characters are expressing their true feelings to each other. Monty said it to Harper in 4x11, but she wouldn’t say it back at first, and lied that she didn’t love him, to make him let her die. Jasper tried to make Monty say it to him before he died, but Monty said it too late. Harper admitted to Monty that she did love him, after she had decided to live. Monty said “I love you” to Harper again in 4x12 while they were in the rover. And Murphy now talks to Monty about his relationship with Emori and Monty’s relationship with Harper, telling him that he’s experienced how love changes you, and asks him if he has told Harper he loves her.
And – totally unrelated, I’m sure – Clarke and Bellamy have deep conversations about their relationship, where Clarke wants to tell him something important, because she thinks she is dying of the radiation she got in 4x12 after she took off her helmet for a while and before Monty and Harper arrived and gave her Jasper’s. A large part of why she believes that is due to Abby’s vision. But because she implies she may die (“If anything happens to me…” – “Nothing is happening to you”), he interrupts her, because he can’t stand that idea – the same way she interrupted him when he wanted to tell her something before they separated in 4x06 (“If I don’t see you again…” – “You will!”). Interesting how those two always keep having interrupted conversations where one of them seems to want to say something important. I don’t know what that could be. They end up talking about their relationship, the leadership, Head and Heart, as Clarke is praising Bellamy for his big heart (something she always found appealing in him was his ability for love and devotion – which she saw in his feelings for his sister, even early on in season 1) and advising Bellamy to use his “Head” more, to be a more rounded leader. In the context, she is not criticizing him, she is trying to tell him he would have to be the sole leader, without her, because she thinks she’s probably about to die. She won’t, but he’ll indeed find himself in a situation where leaving her behind will really be his “only choice” – at least one that makes any sense, as staying and waiting would have only killed him and the other 6 people with him, while Clarke would have still died (or lived) regardless.
But I’m sure nothing in that conversation was deeply personal or intimate…
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And later, when Bellamy is about to leave with Murphy to save Monty, and Clarke is about to go on her own to align the satellite dish so they could dock at the Ring – which will prove to be the last time they see each other in 6 years – Clarke stops Bellamy briefly to tell him something (even though they’re in a hurry, and Raven and Murphy are also present), and he interrupts her again, expecting another talk about leadership and using his head (he obviously didn’t realize the weight of that talk the first time), and she says she just wanted to say…”Hurry”. That doesn’t really seem like something you’d stop a person to tell them, when they’re already in a hurry. It’s almost like the episode was teasing that she had something else to tell him there. Now what could that have possibly been, hmm…
To be honest, I’m sometimes not sure how I feel about the Head and Heart phrase, because the fandom tends to take it too far and simplify both Clarke and Bellamy as characters and not really do either justice, making it seem as if Bellamy can’t or has never been calculating (like manipulating the Delinquents into taking off their wristbands, or pretending to be manic and self-harming while in a cell, in order to hurt himself enough so Abby would have a reason to come and set him free) or offered the more rational options (like not telling people that the knife Wells was killed with was Murphy’s, or not telling them immediately about Praimfaya until they have an idea what to do about it), or as if Clarke hasn’t acted purely on emotion so many times. I’ve seen people make contrived arguments why some of the things Clarke did (like desperately going into Mount Weather without any plan and doing everything to save the people she loves, or mercy killing Finn to spare him torture – after having done everything to save him, including offering her own life) were supposedly so cold and logical they would make a Vulcan proud, or people complaining why Clarke, who is “supposed to be a logical character”, did unwise things because she was emotional when, for instance, her best friend got murdered, or when her daughter seemed to be in danger. Both of them are, in fact, much more complex characters, and, as most people, many of their actions are a combination of reason and emotion. And it certainly doesn’t mean that one of them is more able to love than the other, or that the other has lost that ability after having to be a sole leader and assume both roles. The Head and Heart works better as a description of how they usually/typically approach leadership and decision-making at this point, where Bellamy can rouse the crowds with emotional speeches, give more successful pep talks to the others (although Clarke does great pep talks to Bellamy) and usually has a better feeling for the emotional state of the crowd, while Clarke is more likely to appeal to people with pragmatic arguments, try to forge alliances with outside forces, and look at the big picture. And I don’t think that makes their relationship codependent: they can both function on their own – and have – but they function much better together.
At the beginning of season 4, Raven arc seemed to be about leadership and having to make tough choices – she had a mini-arc in 4x03 where she started off telling Clarke that, while Raven was in charge of rations, choosing who lives or dies was Clarke’s specialty (!) when she told Clarke to make the list, but then went on to practically choose who lives or dies by denying medicine to Luna’s people. That did not end up having any consequences, but the rest of her arc this season was instead about her relationship with herself, her pain, confidence, her mind and will to live. This was beautifully resolved in 4x11, but in the subsequent two seasons, the show hasn’t seemed to know what to do with her. (It would be great if that arc about having to be the one to make the tough decisions and decide on life and death happened for her in season 7.) In this finale, she has another moment of self-doubt and regression, worrying that she is not smart enough without ALIE’s code in her brain. But after getting pep talks first from Clarke and then from Bellamy, telling her basically the same thing she had told herself in 4x11 through her vision of Sinclair, she finds the solution exactly by remembering what ALIE did in season 3 when she uploaded herself to the Ring. Something that was a moment of defeat for Raven against ALIE back then, now helped her find a way to save herself and others.
Murphy’s season 4 arc was mostly about him forging real friendships and being accepted into the group of people he antagonized and was exiled from season 1, showing that he changed during the time he was away from them and was not the same douchebag, now that he knew how to love  another person. But out of the core group, someone he’s had the least amount of interaction with was Monty. This was their first serious interaction, and in fact, the first time they’ve even been in the same place since early season 1. That means that Murphy didn’t expect hostility from Monty because the latter wasn’t among the people he had seriously hurt (he had already been kidnapped by the Mountain Men by the time Murphy’s murder of Connor became known and by the time he murdered Myles, tried to kill Bellamy and shot Raven), but he had forgotten the fact that Monty only remembered his jerkass persona and behavior from the early days on Earth, and the way he kept wishing for wounded Jasper to die – and that Monty has not seen any of Murphy’s development. Of course he hates him, I hated Murphy in season 1, too! But this relationship gets a big leap forward when Murphy brings the machine and goes back for Monty together with Bellamy, and even gets a hug.
Monty’s line “Eight people in space, and one of them is John Murphy” has the same energy as Clarke’s “The last two people on Earth, and one of them is a child from hell” from 5x01.
Jasper is, understandably, a very sensitive topic for Monty. And Murphy’s ill-thought line about “coward’s way out” (which I don’t think was malicious, as he had just praised Jasper for being stronger than he seemed) probably upset him even more because he had had similar thoughts: a few episodes ago, he called Harper a coward for wanting to commit suicide.
As for the Grounders in Space, Emori and Echo, due to their completely different backgrounds and histories, have the opposite reactions to all the new things they are encountering: spaceship, lack of gravity, seeing Raven spacewalk… Emori is excited and takes to everything new easily. She was an outcast, she never had an opportunity to be tied to one place or belong to a group of people, and has no reason to feel nostalgia for the Earth she’s leaving; and she’s used to adventure and adjusting to new circumstances. Echo is confused, somewhat scared, and lost without the things she knows, and without her clan to be loyal to and work for. (Maybe my biggest problem with the writing for Echo is that the show insists calling her a spy, which doesn’t fit with anything we’ve seen of her job, her actions or personality. By all accounts, she was a soldier/captain of the guards/assassin for Azgeda, who prefers to use direct methods, brute force and violence, while being subtle, perceptive, keeping a low profile or adjusting herself easily to new circumstances are really not her strengths.) These last few episodes of season 4 probably contain the best characterization Echo ever got in the show, and it’s certainly Tasya Teles’ best acting, particularly during her suicide attempt.
While Emori finds in Spacekru a family she’s never had, Echo finds a new clan, new group of people and leader to give her loyalty to. You can already see the change in Emori – she’s starting to care about people other than John, when she asks to give Clarke more time before they leave her. Emori and Murphy joining forces to give Raven the necessary oxygen seems to be setting up that trio as a close friendship on the Ring.
After Bellamy has helped Echo with her helmet in a small moment in 4x12 and then talked her down from suicide in this episode, the show is really not subtle in trying to foreshadow Bellamy and Echo’s relationship with this:
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(Oh look - the old “just falling on each other” trope that TV shows do when they want to foreshadow something will be a thing, without actually bothering to develop it! ..Wait a moment, Monty and Harper fall next to each other, Bellamy and Echo fall next to each other, and Murphy and Emori and... Raven fall next to each other? Was the episode trying to tell me something about those three on the Ring, hmmm? J/k)
I guess they thought that was enough? Which is weird, since these are merely the first steps, where these two stop being enemies trying to kill each other or their loved ones, and become almost-friendly allies by circumstance, who may, for starters, become friends after a certain period. (Three years?) And Bellamy talking Echo down from suicide, just like Echo hearing him give a speech about war and violence in 4x05, can serve as a decent setup for Echo falling in love with Bellamy. However, there’s been absolutely nothing to set up or show why Bellamy would fall in love with Echo. On the other hand… it’s debatable whether anything in seasons 5 and 6 suggests that he is in love with her. In the next two seasons, we see that she looks up to him as her leader, he cares for her and considers her one of his people (his “family”), and they are boyfriend and girlfriend (as seen in a physical relationship and occasional PDA), because they were stuck together for 6 years with just 5 other people. The show never makes that relationship look like a real romance story. And in those terms, one can argue that this is all the setup we need. This is a general tendency with Bellamy’s relationships – it wasn’t very different with Gina: while most of the other characters are at least occasionally shown to be in love with people they’re involved with, he gets these relationships that start off-screen, get little screentime, where he cares about the woman and likes her, but doesn’t really look like someone in love, especially not compared to how he interacts with his…platonic (?) partner, Clarke.
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Oh Bellamy, you had no idea when you joked with Clarke back in 4x01!
It is such an interesting and heartbreaking end to the Clarke and Bellamy’s arcs in season 4 that she – after trying to be the Big Picture leader and save the human race for most of the season – ends up saving her friends, while Bellamy – who has tried to save any individual he could save today – was forced to leave one of the two most important people in his life to die.
Clarke never even knew for sure if they managed to open the hangar door and if they were alive. But while she thought she was sure to die (“My fight is over”) and was still putting all her efforts into saving her friends, no matter how difficult it was, she still has her survival instinct - after she had managed to align the satellite dish and finish her mission, she runs from the death wave into the lab.
Passing the Baton: I see what the show did there. Too bad the bottle was empty, as Jaha drank all of it in the season 1 finale. It’s also a sad reminder that Clarke and Bellamy never got to have that drink she was asking him to share in 1x09 and that he was offering her in 2z1x6. Will they have one in S7?
And the time jump is here. This scene is beautiful visually and thanks to Tree Adams’s music. I can even forgive the fact that Clarke’s lines are a bit too expositiony: she’s telling Bellamy about the bunker going silent and Eden being the only green spot on Earth, on the 2199 day that she radios him. But I guess she may be telling him the same every day, just in case it’s the first time he finally manages to hear her.
There are a lot of people who think that this was the best – or even the last moment when the show should have had Bellamy and Clarke get together. Many are really, really angry that it did not happen and that the show separated them instead. And this is where I completely disagree with a huge chunk of the Bellarke fandom. If they had both gone to space and started a relationship, that wouldn’t have been such a great resolution to this slow burn, wonderfully developed dynamic. But getting separated by a tragic twist of fate? Bellamy mourning Clarke and believing her dead for six years, while trying to honor her memory, while she is almost all alone and calls him every day without answer, for 2199 days? Bellamy learning she is alive and coming back, only for Clarke to learn he has a girlfriend now? Love triangle and a bunch of misunderstandings and a terrible conflict as a result of their separation? Coming back from it even stronger? Clarke “dying” again just a month after Bellamy got her back, and Bellamy forgetting everything else in his desperate quest to save her, brings her back with his love and faith in her? That’s a truly epic story, with the potential to be one of the best love stories ever seen on TV. Scratch that – it already is. I don’t even need to see them make out or say ILY for that to be true. I much prefer the story we got to the story that a lot of fans think they wanted.
Body count: Thousands of people, possibly millions, died all over the Earth – the majority of people who had survived the first apocalypse. Some in this episode – like everyone who was left out of the bunker. Others had already died before the timeline of this episode, as the death wave was hitting different places in the world at a different rate (as we saw in 4x01 with the people who died in Egypt). Among them were certainly the 365 Arkers who were left outside of the bunker, hundreds (thousands?) of Grounders, including Madi’s family and a lot of people from her community, and, no doubt, the wandering outcast Grounders (such as Zoran and Sienna from season 2). The show may have killed many people in seasons 1-3, but it really outdid itself here. At this point, as far as we know, only 1202 people are left alive on Earth, and 7 more at the Ring. We will later learn that 300 more humans are alive, in cryo sleep, on Eligius 4, and many others on Alpha.
Rating: 10/10 (because the problems I have with the episode are not big enough to compare to all that’s good about it)
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
Here is a list of things to do before next episodes 
4x07 Go with the Flo(rence) 
There is a past episode of “Scorpion” that you could re-watch for prep, but naming the ep would give away a little surprise element, so I’m not going to do it. Instead be prepared to see a familiar face in the “previously on...” section... as I really hope they’ll add a clip from that past ep... before they introduce Gemma ETA: Monday, Nov 6th: The secret’s out! So...go re-watch ep 2x09 “US vs UN vs UK” 
4x08 Faire is Foul 
Knowing a bit about world history (especially related to England), and literature wouldn’t hurt.  -- Know the difference between fact and fiction (stories like Robin Hood)
4x09 It’s Raining Men (O’War)
Read up on ocean (plastic) pollution 
4x10 Crime Every Mountain 
Check out the words/lyrics of the Rogers & Hammerstein  song “Climb Every Mountain from the famous musical film “Sound of Music” 
There is a YT vid that would be fun/useful to watch as a prep. But.. I’m only gonna post it after the ep... to not spoil things. So it’ll be a fun “recognize” moment instead 
4x11 Who Let the Dog Out 
Read up on “coping mechanisms” #psychology 
4x12 It’s a Walterful Life 
Watch the 1946 classic Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, or just read the synopsis 
Also... read Charles Dickens “Christmas Carol”  read it online for free
Watch “AU” & “what if...” episodes  of other TV shows. Like “Castle” 4x14 “Blue Butterfly” &  7x06 “Time of Our Lives”, The X-Files 6x03 “Triangle” & 7x17 “All Things”, “Friends” 6x15 & 6x16 "The One That Could Have Been”, pt 1 & pt 2,, Bones ep 4x26 “The Beginning in the End”  
4x13 Apocalypse Nerd
There are a few past episodes you should re-watch as a prep for the ep...to refresh your memory..on things..in more detail than the “previously on...” clip at the beginning of the episode will  include. But revealing the episodes before the press release is officially out would be too spoilery, so I will add the episode list after it’s posted. ETA: Re-watch episode 1x02, 2x11, 2x13 for Amy/Quincy references & ep 2x06 
Also...you should watch  Elementary ep 4x18 “Ready or Not” as prep - Holmes & Watson might reveal something worth knowing... 
4x14 Lighthouse of the Rising Sun
You should re-watch the early S4 episodes that focus on Sly & Patty trying to save the (West Altedenia) Science Club!
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alwaysaprille · 7 years
I'm sort of torn on Raven's "She saved us again"? It's like from a character standpoint, I get it. Their friend just "died", so of course they would elevate her. But it still sort of feels like the writers hitting me over the head with "Clarke is THE hero always". When the reality is that Raven has been the one to save their asses in basically every finale. I don't know, it just felt sort of eye-rolly and like JRoth's "Clarke single-handedly took down the mountain" during S2 hiatus.
Alright, Nonny. Let’s get down to business (to defeat….the Huns!).
The actual reality is that there has never been ONE hero in ANY season and no this isn’t me trying to downplay Raven to boost up Clarke because I “hate WOC”. Let me explain the Bravenlarke of it all:
We talk about the Core Four all the time, but in reality the actual core of our show rests on Bellamy, Clarke and Raven (Octavia is usually included in the Core Four, but for the most part her story is almost always separate from the main cast until the very end of the Season). Let’s begin our exploration with Season 1:
We know how the Season 1 finale ends, with the Delinquents closing the Dropship door and “blasting off”, but who actually made it happen? Lots of us would say Raven because, well…she is the genius, but when did the actual idea come into play?
Clarke: “It can’t be that simple. You said there’s fuel in those rockets, right?”
Raven: “Enough to build 100 bombs. I also said we’ve got no gunpowder left.”
Clarke: “I don’t want to build a bomb. I want to blast off.”
Raven: “Draw them in close. Fire the rockets. A ring of fire.”
Bellamy: “Barbecued grounders. I like it.” 
Finn: “Will it work?”
Raven: “The wiring’s a mess down there, but yeah. You give me enough time, I’ll cook them real good.”Clarke has the idea. If she’d never had the idea would they ever have been able to stop the Grounders?
Bellamy runs the physical side of things as the leader of the gunners to get Raven the time she needs to wire up the Dropship. 
Raven implements the idea by walking Clarke through the steps (because she is too wounded to do it herself). Jasper does have to complete the job because Raven has passed out, but Raven does most of the setup. 
The Season 1 finale was a 3 part save. It’s not Raven who saves their asses, it’s all three of them.
On to Season 2:
The plan to take down the Mountain once again utilized Bravenlarke (with some Monty actually). This might have been harder to recognize because it happened over the course of several episodes. The plan goes into action in 2x09 when Clarke reverses her original refusal to let Bellamy go into the Mountain and decides “It’s worth the risk”, although at the time, we don’t see it that way:
Bellamy: “We need to do this now. You’ve got the alliance. Now is the time to use it.”
Clarke: “First, we need an inside man. You were right. Without someone on the inside to lower their defenses, turn off the acid fog, an army is useless. You should go.”
Bellamy: “I thought you hated that plan, that I would get myself killed.”
Clarke: “I was being weak. It’s worth the risk. My map of Mount Weather. Find a way to get on that radio and talk to us. Good luck.”
The idea to shut down the Acid Fog is initially Clarke’s, but is accomplished with help from Raven(Wick) and Bellamy in 2x14:
Raven: “Wait. Corrosion. The protective oxide film would have to be restored in tanks this old. They’d need to be cleaned.”
Wick: “And neutralized. Bellamy, go to that subdirectory. See if there’s anything there that says “passivation."”
Bellamy: “Ok. I’m on it. Got it. Says, uh, "aqueous sodium hydroxide bath."”
Wick: “That’s a base. That’ll neutralize the acid. Select that.”
Bellamy: “It’s doing something.”
Raven: “You should be able to hear the pump.”
 Bellamy: “I can hear them. Needle’s moving. pH is rising. It’s working.  Passivation success.”
 Raven and Wick: “Yes!”
As we know, the Mountain discovers the tampering and reverse the Passivation so Bellamy winds up having to blow up the acid, but the initial plan was Clarke’s idea, Bellamy doing the work, Raven(and Wick) walking Bellamy through implementing the idea. 
In the end, the final save actually comes down to Bellamy, Clarke and Monty (because Raven is being harvested). I actually think Monty temporarily replacing Raven in the Season 2 finale is because they were originally going to develop Wicken in such a way that they needed the extra development that the harvesting scene gave them.
Clarke: “Monty, can you do it? Can you irradiate the level?”
Monty: “I can do it.”
A bit later:Clarke: “Why are you stopping?”
Monty: “Because I did it. All we have to do… is pull this. Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air”
Bellamy: “He’s gonna blow the door. Clarke, we’re out of time.”
Bellamy: “My sister. My responsibility.”
Clarke: “I have to save them.”
Bellamy: “Together.”
So again, a 3 part save, not just Raven.
Clarke has the idea to irradiate the Mountain and pulls the lever.
Bellamy spends the Season as the inside man, disables the acid fog and helps pull the lever.
Monty implements the idea by setting up the Mountain for irradiation. 
Let’s discuss Season 3:
The Season 3 save was, again, a Bravenlarke combo. Let’s break down why:
Clarke: “Good. Then we have time.”
Murphy: “What we don't have is a way down.”
Bellamy: “Time for what?”
Clarke: “An Ascension ceremony.”
Murphy:  “Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Besides, she's still chipped, and we no longer have an EMP.”
 Clarke: “We're not putting the Flame in Ontari's head. We're putting it in mine.”
Bellamy: “Clarke, that thing killed Emerson in seconds, liquefied his brain.”
Clarke: “Emerson wasn't connected to a Nightblood.”
 Pike: “Transfusion?”
Clarke: “Not exactly.”
Abby: “Connected like Mount Weather.”
Clarke: “Yes. Everything we need is in your med kit”
Abby:.”No. It's too dangerous, and there are too many variables.”
Clarke: “But no options.”
Then, after Clarke has taken the Flame:
Bellamy: “I believe you.”
Abby: “Do you even know what you're looking for?”
Clarke: “I'll know when I find it.”
Abby: “May we meet again.”
Clarke: “We will.”
Bellamy: “We'll keep you safe.”
And, in the City of Light:
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It’s Raven who reveals the door to the kill switch and, when Clarke doesn’t open it immediately, paints her raven across it. 
So once again, this is not just Raven at work
Clarke has the idea to take the Flame herself (and even the how-Mt. Weather blood recycling), and taking the Flame is how she knows she needs to take the Chip.
Bellamy leads the guard for Clarke’s physical form, giving her time to complete her mission, with Abby as the last line of defense.
Raven uses her ALIE super brain to read the code, discover that Clarke is inside the City of Light, where she is and that she needs help, then provides that help to her. 
And we’re on to our latest Season, 4! And, as I’m sure you’ve picked up on the pattern, Bravenlarke is back at it again, we arrive in 4x12 to:
Bellamy: “Clarke, unless I am missing something, there is no other way for all of us to survive.”
Clarke: “What if there is?”
Skip forward to the Space Squad Seven (Plus Clarke) arriving on Science Island:
Raven: “But there’s no time to go back.”
Clarke: “We’re not going back. We’re going up.”
Murphy: “Ah, don’t look so surprised. It was all your idea to begin with.” (Speaking of Raven’s desire to commit suicide by space, however Clarke is still the person who has the idea to actually live on the Ring).
Raven: “Space? We don’t have enough fuel to get down.”
Harper: “Sounds like a 5-year problem to me.”
Raven: “You’re (said to Clarke) talking about the Ring.”
Bellamy: “Seems like a shame to let a good rocket go to waste.”
Raven: “How do we live?”
Clarke: “They left a water reclamator up there and we know that Go-Sci has an algae farm. We just get those two things up and running and we have food and water.”
Murphy: “Algae salads and recycle urine. Sign me up.”
Emori: “Better than dying.”
Murphy: “Yeah, you say that now.”
Raven: “All right. Slow down. Breathing’s important, too. What’s the plan for oxygen?”
Monty: “Based on what Murphy says about the Lighthouse Bunker, I’m guessing-make that praying-there’s an oxygenator there. We take it with us. You hook it up. Bob’s your uncle.”
Raven: “You’re an engineer, Monty. You do know there’s about a thousand things wrong with that plan, right?”
Monty: “Yes, and every one of them kills us. Of course, staying here will kill us, too, so-”
Bellamy: “Raven, we need you to get us off the ground before the death wave hits. What do you say? Can you do it?”
Raven: “What do I say? I say that death wave can kiss my ass.”
Clarke: “Good. It’s settled then. We’re going back to the Ark.”
Now we’re going to finish this bit of evidence up with 4x13, I’m not going to pull quotes on this one, because the finale should be fresh in our minds as it wasn’t even two weeks ago, I’m just going to do the wrap up:
Clarke has the idea to return to space and even figures out how they’ll supply themselves with food and water once they make it up there and makes sure that the uplink is ready for the rocket when they arrive. 
Bellamy is responsible for inspiring the masses (Raven and Echo specifically this episode) and ultimately making the hard call and choosing to close the door on Clarke instead of waiting. 
Raven uses her non-ALIE powered but still super brain to figure out how to turn a 2-seater into an 8-seater, run the flight check, pilot them to the ring and get them into the hanger bay. 
So when Raven says “She saved us again.” She’s not wrong. If Clarke had not had the idea to go to Space in the first place, everyone except for her would have died. If she hadn’t chosen to make the sacrifice and stay behind, physically moving that satellite dish to make sure the Ark was up, the ones who did manage to make it into space would have died.
Consistently, every Season, the finale save has always been a combination of Head (Clarke), Heart (Bellamy) and Guts (Raven) saving the day, but so many of y’all would rather look at it as Clarke being elevated, or a fandom being racist against a WOC (Raven), or (if you’re a Br/ven) the Bellarke fandom being unable to accept Br/ven as a romantic pairing without putting Clarke in it as well, when Bravenlarke is truly a platonic ship, lmao. 
I’d bet you anything that in Season 5, Bravenlarke team work is once again what saves the day (even though 6 years and space has changed their relationship). 
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Audrey Parker(s) The 4400 4x3 Audrey Parker’s Come and Gone (2007)/ Haven (2010-2015)
old!Audrey Parker (Constance Towers)
young!Audrey Parker (Laura Mennell)
real!Audrey Parker (Kathleen Munroe) 1x13 Spiral; 2x1 A Tale of Two Audrey 2x2 Fear and Loathing 2x3 Love Machine
real!Audrey +amnesia 2x3 Love Machine
Audrey Parker (Emily Rose) 
1x1 Welcome to Haven; 1x12 Resurfacing; 1x13 Spiral; 2x1 A Tale of Two Audreys; 3x7 Magic Hour (acting as Sarah); 3x13 Thanks for the Memories; 4x4 Lost and Found; 4x5 The New Girl; 4x13 The Lighthouse; 5x2 Speak No Evil; 5x6 The Old Switcheroo Part 2; 5x13 Chosen 5x26 Forever
copy!Audrey Parker 5x25 Now-5x26 Forever
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Haven parallels: Women dying for Duke’s development part 1/ 2 [love interests]
Vanessa Kirby 1x10 The Hand You’re Dealt (2010)
Evidence ‘Evi’ Crocker neé Ryan 2x9 Lockdown (2011)
Jennifer Mason 4x13 The Lighthouse/ 5x2 Speak No Evil
Mara [Cross] 5x13 Chosen (2014) 
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Galentine’s Day 2023 Audrey Parker + (2/ 2)
Claire Callahan (3x4 Over My Head)
Jordan McKee (3x8 Magic Hour Part 2)
Jennifer Mason (4x13 The Lighthouse)
Gloria Verrano (4x13 The Lighthouse)
Mara (5x9 Morbidity/ 5x13 Chosen)
Charlotte Cross (5x13 Chosen/ 5x15 Power/ 5x17 Enter Sandman; 5x19 Perditus)
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oocstephenkingtv · 2 years
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Haven 4x13 The Lighthouse (2013)
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oocstephenkingtv · 2 years
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Haven 4x13 The Lighthouse (2013)
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Haven parallels: shotguns 
Audrey Parker 3x5 Double Jeopardy
Nathan Wuornos 4x13 The Lighthouse
Jess Minion 1x7 Sketchy
Duke Crocker 1x13 Spiral
Jordan McKee 4x1 Fallout
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oocstephenkingtv · 2 years
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Haven 4x13 The Lighthouse (2013)
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Haven parallels William & Mara/Lexie (4x13 The Lighthouse; 4x1 Fallout 4x3 Bad Blood)
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