dokyeomini · 1 year
i do not understand where all my money has gone
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insanefemme · 13 hours
I'm going to my friend's kid's baptism. I had no idea what to get them
Well 😂
A different friend asked (in a friends discord seever) what she should get for a baptism for a cousin's kid and my friend is like 'hey we are organising a baptism this is how much our party cost per person and here are gift ideas'
I. Am. Taking. Notes.
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ifidiedinadream · 1 year
Just wanted to add something to the sex toy talk. The BC fandom and mainly one of your stories made me realise how big my hand kink really is…👀 And maybe I've got myself a vibrator that’s shaped like a finger just because of that 😌
is it only looking for a chance to cross the line? cause it sure is loud about hands and you know what. i was very right when i wrote that
also!!!! i fully support your purchase. and maybe i'll follow your lead 😳😳
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pigeonneaux · 2 years
People should commission me to finish my w.i.ps, is that even a thing
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datura21 · 11 days
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« Lou dans la loggia faisant l'éloge de l'ombre ❤ (à 50euros/m) »… ce sont ses propres termes.
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francesca-fra-70 · 9 months
Ma l'orologio da 500mila euro segna le ore come il mio da 50euro? Chiedo eh...
Forse le segna 500 mila volte meglio.😏
E come sempre mi chiedo perché un uomo che “gioca” a pallone , oppure guidi macchine sportive (girando intorno a una pista come un deficiente) guadagni molto di più, rispetto ad un uomo che “lavora” salvando vite umane? Butto un lavoro a caso? Esempio, il vigile del fuoco!🙄
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callmebabygirll0 · 8 days
How much for snapchat? Is it a monthly or one-time fee?
It's 50euro one time 🥰 if you're interested DM me
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sirislayer · 2 years
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Ethersea Book Give Away!
2 "The Sea Provides" Artbooks to give away!
The Sea Provides is a hardcover print edition of my digital free Ethersea Zine.
Aye yo, remember that Ethersea Fan Artbook I made as a fun little thing mid of the year? Well, the printshop sent more copies than I ordered (no complaining here) and I have 2 copies I could part with!
- Like or Reblog or Comment this post. There are no double entries. Everyone has one chance to get it.
- There will be 2 winners (unless only one person participates, then you get both, lol)
- Each person will be sent 1 hardcover Edition of "The Sea Provides"
- Deadline to join in for this is December 7th 2022 (6PM CET)
- I will contact the winners via tumblr Private Message. Please leave your DMs open if you wish to participate.
- I will need an adress/PO Box.
- Shipping is possible to any EU/European Country (Including UK) and the US/Canada. (I don't have any experience with shipping to other locations)
- If the winners do not respond to their winning-message within 5 days, they loose their win. I will draw a new winner in their stead.
I am located in Europe, I can ship to the US, but there will be no tracking number.(Tracking yeets the price up to 50Euros/USD and that is a bit too much)
Based on experience it takes about 3-4 weeks for an untracked package to arrive (might take longer during holiday season).
Some more images from the inside!
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anderwater · 6 months
the face/hair dysphoria i just induced myself to is making me feel insane. i look at myself and i don’t see myself. i don’t know what came i imagined…. it’s so pretty but it’s making me want to tear off my skin and hide my entire being into a big hoodie. at this to grab a scissors and savage a 50euros 4h long cut
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dokyeomini · 1 year
well in my dream i was about to fight over a manga edition but when i saw it was 50euros me and the guy both gave up algjslj
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teredo-navalis · 2 years
Ok raga sì bello trovare 50euro però volete mettere trovare un assegno di €427 di cui ti eri dimenticata? lol, lmao
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howabhwmwn · 2 years
Theres a 60% chance that my 50euro package was ✨️stolen✨️. Theres a 60% chance that i will murder everyone in the goddamn student home.
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debgall · 2 years
Does someone know how to buy a cable 3 in 1 for the Cintiq 13HD in Europe?
I think the cable is  ACK40706... Just bought the wrong one... everything is fine except the part that must be plugged to the sector... It already cost me 50euros... 
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desperately0seeking · 2 years
I was beseeched by a multitude of people to visit an apparently raucous hostel in the otherwise sleepy town of Bratislava. As it was on the way to Poland, my next destination, I booked a night with a mate and we headed there via bus/train/bus due to a landslide shutting some of the track from Budapest. Bratislava is a quaint little place with cute labyrinthine lanes and alleys. The walk to the hostel was very pleasant as all the street performers were playing jazzy stuff and the restaurants were getting busy in the late arvo. We entered the infamous hostel and as soon as I did so I knew i’d fucked up. The room was draped in Tebetan prayer flags and backyard/bender style filthy couches for seating. The man running the place was either very stoned or he is lighter than helium as he took almost 35 minutes to check us in, wherein he told us it’s cash only no card, even though I left a deposit using my card, and then having a meltdown when I gave him a 50euro note and threatening to not check me in at all in his stoner drawl. We left to go and get smaller cash notes for his cash only duplicity and I confessed to my fellow patron that I was filled with rage and hate and would be going to another hostel. He very kindly said that’s okay and walked for 10 mins with me to find another hostel but in the time I realised I was being very annoying to him so I turned around and said fine we’ll get some change and go. I have nothing to write or photos to post about it; I need to forget I ever went.
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babyawacs · 2 months
@markuslanz #wieblindevonderfarbe #mit #arbeitsreligion alle im buergergeld hungern da wird gehungert die not ist gross nicht die hoehe ist das problem und die sockelarbeitslosigkeit blieb seit 2001 gleich ihr habt neue fuhren sklaven indas system geschoben und tut so als seien alle schnorrer
@markuslanz #wieblindevonderfarbe #mit #arbeitsreligion alle im buergergeld hungern da wird gehungert die not ist gross nicht die hoehe ist das problem und die sockelarbeitslosigkeit blieb seit 2001 gleich ihr habt neue fuhren sklaven indas system geschoben und tut so als seien alle schnorrer immer zu spaet im nachhhinein immer zu wenig wenndie 50euro kriegen fehlte das brennend ein ganzes jahr…
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sunjoys · 5 months
sometimes being a waitress is about having an envelope with 50euros' worth of 1 and 2 euro coins
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