baylardo · 2 years
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Did I mention I fucking hate Chakotay btw... I don't know what it is, but in five seasons I have not warmed up to him AT ALL. I see him as a mildly annoying man at best. But urghhh.
Also, wtf are they trying to pull with him suddenly speaking to Seven, he hasn't spoken five friendly words with her since she joined the crew, and the dialogue in S6Ep2 was clearly written for Janeway and Seven. It's literally how Janeway would talk and how Seven would react to her. It does not FUCKING work with Planky. Urgh. Do I seriously have to sit through two seasons of the writers trying to force this completely non-compatible ship.....
Fuck homophobia, J7 is canon and I will ignore everything I choose to ignore
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isagrimorie · 10 months
Out of pure shenanigans and hilarity— What if Tal Celes was assigned to Enterprise-G.
And since XO's are in charge of personnel, Raffi was the one who vetted Tal Celes.
Seven didn't know until she entered the Astromech lab created for Enterprise-G and then the moment she entered, there Tal Celes is.
Suddenly Seven has a vivid flashback when Tal Celes used to work in her department:
Harry Kim: What about Astrometrics? Looks like you could use some improvement yourself, Seven. Seven: You are correct, unfortunately. Tal Celes, sensor analyst grade three. Her work must be constantly double-checked.
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The way Seven's voice just drips with irritation just saying Tal Celes's name.
Seven took it as a personal affront that Astrometrics didn't get a perfect score and that she has to constantly double-check Celes's work.
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And then, Seven had the cheeky nerve trying to pawn Celes off to B'Elanna.
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B'Elanna is having none of this:
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Tal Celes is Seven's Patrice (Robin's co-worker in HIMYM) and Jerry (Parks and Rec) except in this case it's kind of warranted.
Chakotay: Harren never volunteers. Celes can't get past the proficiency requirements. And Telfer always seems to get a note from his doctor. Janeway: Something's got to be done about this. Chakotay: What can we do? There are always a few who don't make it past their first year on a starship. Normally, they're reassigned. But in our case, maybe we should relieve them of duty and let them pursue their own interests. It certainly wouldn't hurt general efficiency.
TBH, Chakotay's the XO, so he's in charge of personnel and staffing and this should've been Chakotay's problem. In The Good Shephard episode, Chakotay should've done the team-building exercise with the three “lost sheep” and not Janeway.
(The perennial problem in Star Trek where the Captain is doing the job of the First Officer).
Also, Herren back-talked Janeway too much to be believable.
But also, fast forward to 25 years later, you can see how good of an XO Seven of Nine was in Titan because she knew the capabilities of her crew.
Yes, the dude was a cook who didn't finish his flight test but we know the Seven of Nine we all know and love would have dug deeper and actually looked up how he did in his Lunar class flight training, just in case.
Because Seven grew up in Voyager and sometimes a cook can pull things off in a pinch, and Seven was right. Also, I bet Seven day-dreamed how to take over Titan if she needed to, it was practically Seven of Nine's hobby back in Voyager -- the fastest way she can commandeer Voyager. She shaved off time, each time she did that.
Janeway and Tuvok were Not Happy.
Anyway back to the point:
Captain Seven of Nine enters the Astrometrics Lab/Stellar Cartography, her favorite section of her brand new (ish) ship, and there she sees Lieutenant Tal Celes.
Oh no. Seven thinks.
Oh no. Tal Celes thinks and wonders why she thought it was a good idea to volunteer for the new Enterprise. But that was only because she didn't know who the new Captain of Enterprise would be.
But it has been 25 years since they last worked together, Seven has changed and Celes has actually improved! A lot! Funnily enough, because of Seven when Celes was assigned to a different ship, it was Celes's turn to realize how inefficient her department colleagues were and actually started using Seven's methods.
Still, there's a moment or three where Seven of Nine and Tal Celes stare at each other across 25 years of time and had equal feelings of dread.
Until Raffi enters and (re)-introduced Seven and Celes.
They both get over it although sometimes Seven covertly re-checks Celes's work but Celes is actually doing good, if not better work. And they began to work smoothly but for a couple of weeks, there's a fantastic comedy of errors going on.
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kira-nerys-rocks · 15 days
Fandom asks: 4, 12 and 23
Thanks for the ask :)
4 Is there a popular pairing you don't necessarily dislike but aren't too invested in?
Yeah, many. JC for example. I get why people ship Janeway with Chakotay but I just really don't care xD
12 What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
I don't think my AUs so far haven't been very funny or crazy... hm... since many of my fics are Cornweir they're crossover AUs by the nature of the ship. I did write a fairytale AU with Elizabeth as the sleeping beauty, princess of Atlantis, and Kat as a princess from a far away realm who comes to save her. Maybe that qualifies?
23 Has your favourite character/ship changed over time?
For sure! Roughly 10 years ago I shipped sparky a lot and while I still see where its popularity is coming from etc I don't ship Elizabeth that much with Sheppard anymore, but funnily enough since otp is Cornweir now, my otp is still with Elizabeth!
Fandom Asks
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
Thoughts on Resolutions-based angst over who gets custody of the kids when Janeway is stuck on a random planet and Paris stays on Voyager?
Many thoughts!!! I'm kinda rewatching Voyager right now with Alice for this reason 'cause timelining season two out from Threshold to Resolutions is interesting to me. :)
I think over the span of multiple conversations on it with multiple people, my mind more concretely falls on the idea that neither parent at that point in time would really want the kiddies. I think early on we'd discussed that the decision to keep the lil Threshold babies fell on Chakotay and that he'd choose to keep them despite everyone's predispositions (For one reason or another, i.e. Them being Kathryn's and him wanting to keep them for that reason... abandoning super evolved human babies seemed a little immoral... Finding it a little Not Starfleet Core™ to introduce new lifeforms to an ecosystem in which they didn't naturally belong... etc. etc.).
Season 2 Tom reads as a little too immature for me to imagine he'd accept fatherhood willingly at that point in time. His own daddy issues I'd think would hinder him immensely in his decision-making regarding his freak babies. He's also still super like, in the frat boy lifestyle in season two, not even really pursuing B'Elanna at all. So I think acknowledging in addition to other people knowing that he's a single dad would negatively effect the life he enjoys living at that point in time. I also just really like the angle in season 2 surrounding the Voyager double agent spy, edgy Tom Paris leaving the ship arc to be quite tasty given Chakotay's very apparent disdain for Tom during it. I like to think in Threshold AU this has the extra feature of Chakotay not liking Tom for abandoning his fatherly responsibilities. :3c
I read Janeway from Threshold to Resolutions as being a lot more conflicted about what she wants regarding her kids. As far as her crew can tell from her exterior, she's oddly standoffish to the thought of being around or even perceiving them. I think Janeway would see a lot of the idealized future for herself kinda devastatingly crumbling before her in a very visual way that is her little superhuman children. They're not Mark's; and I think that act of unfaithfulness to her fiance out in the Delta Quadrant is now out in the wide open for everyone to see and she's the captain of their ship so it's an even more yikes thing to witness since she feels the need to be Extra Strong/Stoic as all crew eyes are on her. Prior to Wildman there had been so much intended restrain on intimate relationships and conceiving children too which she was now at fault for doing herself (Funnily enough she'd now had her children before Wildman even had hers). All of this being said though like I think deep down Kathryn craves motherhood, but she has a lot of internal barriers to overcome before she allows herself to take on that role with these kids; she's a captain first.
So in a long roundabout way I think the decision to leave or take the kids down to New Earth would fall on Chakotay as I'd imagine he's really the only one who's taken care of them at that point in time. I don't think Tom would really have minded either way (Maybe deep down he'd feel a little odd about abandoning them but I don't think he's all that great at processing his own internal conflicts at this point in time). And I think Janeway would actually be a little upset over the prospect of Chakotay bringing them down to a wild planet (Kinda like she caaaaaares and worries about them or something, but she won't admit it). But Resolutions is definitely a little ignition of some internal conflict for Janeway over her feelings toward her kiddies.
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traccigaryn · 3 years
AH! Sorry, I'm the latest of all to the WIP game! Hehe, I want to know about ALLL YOUR STORIES @traccigaryn, but, since I'm only allowed one ... can you tell me a little about your mysterious 'Untitled Document'?
Funnily enough, that one also happens to be a Chakotay and B’Elanna story (though not a Chakotay/B’Elanna story) -- a dialogue-only take on them discussing her burgeoning relationship with Tom.
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sarahlovesstartrek · 5 years
I was tagged by @holy-shit-its-wolfstar (lmao you saw my deep dive of your blog didn’t you)
Tag 9 people you want to know better and answer the questions:
Relationship status: so single it’s sad hilarious
Favorite color: orange, which funnily enough is also my favourite fruit
Top 3 OTPs: Paris/Torres (ST Voyager), Harry/Ginny (HP), and a battle royale between Janeway/Chakotay and James/Lily depending on the day.
Last song: I was singing “How Could I Know” from the Secret Garden musical to myself in the car last night does that count? I have no idea what I listened to before that lol
Last movie: ??? I literally have no idea??? We watched a terrible made-for-students-learning-Spanish movie in lecture at the end of last quarter? I watched a Daniel Sloss comedy special the other day and that’s kinda a movie?? Movie theaters make me anxious so I haven’t been to one in ages and I’ve been binge watching ST Voy and Disco for the past couple weeks.
Tagging: @laney1728, @angrywarrior69, @captacorn, @mia-cooper @confunded-gryffindor, and literally everybody I’m a nosy b!tch plz don’t hate me
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baylardo · 2 years
Did u create the threshold au?? Could you give me a synopsis for it? :O
Yes I did!!! Alongside sweet baby @maliciousalice who'd not only introduced me to Voyager but funnily enough got me utterly ENTRANCED by the concept of Threshold before I'd even seen it. There's a portion of my art for the AU I'd made before I'd even watched the ep haha.
The Threshold AU is essentially a "what if" of:
Chakotay kept the evolved babies (Reasons may vary)
Kathryn and Tom were successfully devolved back to their normal selves, but the treatment they'd undergone was inevitably a quick fix and ended up failing to retain their form, leaving them in this reverted half-evolved state
And then the rest is just us working around canon, trying to bend and change as little as possible, and having fun working with the idea that they now have three little super evolved human babies they're stuck having to take care of.
Depending on what you're looking at regarding the AU, there's different interpretations of how involved Kathryn and Tom are in raising their kids, generally speaking the headcanon is that Chakotay is the one raising them for the most part because Tom and Kathryn are a bit checked out over the whole ordeal and putting child rearing on top of it was a bit overwhelming for them, at least at the start. Kathryn eventually warms up to the idea of motherhood, but it's a slow and stubborn process for Chakotay, luckily he has the patience of a saint, but Kathryn sometimes even manages to test those limits.
As far as the sallymander kiddies go, we named them Amelia, Edward, and Philippa, it's kinda been interpreted as to who names them and why they get named that in a variety of ways. Though as far as our personal reasoning goes, Edward is obviously after Kathryn's father, we went with Amelia 'cause Janeway idolizes Amelia Earhart and also humored the idea that that's what her cringe frozen ova daughter is called in The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway so we decided to use it, and then Philippa was quite honestly a joke on "Pepperoni" originally in nicknaming her Peppa, I remember there being a uQuiz with a question voting on names for the Threshold babies and "Pepperoni" being one of them and then we heckin DERAILED.
We have a blog where I tend to funnel all of the content into for everyone to see, fics, rambles, art, etc. on @voyagerihardlyknowher
I also have all of our ART content for the AU uploaded on my Toyhouse of the various characters: HEEHOO PEANUT
And all of the ficcies are in a lil collection on Ao3: YEEHAW
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baylardo · 1 year
In talking about like First Splinter timeline (beyerverse) with tardi LIKE particularly regarding phoebe and everything I was thinking about how Kathryn in our au would 5000% NOT tell Phoebe she’s pregnant while she’s on Earth during protectors, Gretchen knows but kinda out of necessity for Kathryn. But like Kathryn’s fighting with Phoebe for like the entirety of her stay and they don’t make up by the time she leaves and they don’t say goodbye to each other,,,, and with Phoebe being so anti starfleet and against kathryn going back out into the DQ when her family is on earth and everything, kathryn like SUPER WOULDNT trust Phoebe with that little secret she’s been keeping for fourth months,,,,,,,
WHICH,,,,,, new thought I’d had was that like l, when Phoebe reconciles and sends Kathryn a painting at the end of atonement, also funnily enough Liam would be born by that time, makes me wonder if she’d send kathryn a lil gift for her baby as well heehee. :3 like a lil teddy bear or something more alien and sci-fi idk!!!!
AAAAAAND in the middle of that, there’s a scene where Phoebe meets Tom at a starfleet party or something that Julia paris is putting on I FORGET HONESTLY but she asks Tom about her sister and what her life’s like. And I think by that point, phoebes feeling guilty havig left things as she did, this would be before she’d have sent kathryn her painting, and I bet she’d be like “did you know she’s pregnant” with Tom and he’d be like “omg no???” (Because he’s been on earth dealing with his OWN family squabbles.) and internally is just like MY BOY CHAKOTAY WASTIN NO TIME YEOOOWWWWW hahaha
It’d be cute if Tom kinda winky hassled it out of chakotay before they’d publicly announced it heehee
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