akampana · 3 years
Anime asks 19 and 26
Hi!!!! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰
edit: i forgot to say i answered 26 recently so ill just answer 19 huhu
19. Favorite Anime Ships
oh god okay here we go. I'll do 5 cause there's no way I can discuss them all. Non-Fate since you already know my opinion on that. (harem au go brrrrrrrrr)
1. C.C. and Lelouch from Code Geass
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I'd like to start off my list with my favorite Witch and Warlock. Lelouch's little harem was a pretty cool sideplot to one of the best animes I've ever watched and I've always liked how each of his heroines liked an aspect of him. (Kallen liked Zero, Shirley liked Lamperouge, while C.C. liked the real him without either mask, Lelouch Vi Brittania)
But the connection between him and his green-haired partner in crime was just divine. Their fateful encounter began a powerful alliance that could floor entire nations. She gave him the power he needed in the hour of his greatest need and he found out her true wish. I always like pairings with strong themes and they do that for me. I cant word out everything i feel for these two rn but god, I will never be over them.
2. Gajeel and Levy from Fairy Tail
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I don't think there's ever been a shounen manga that had me scouring through pages just to find the tiniest clues about a ship. That's what Gajevy did to me. These two had the best enemies to lovers arc because step-by-step you get to watch Gajeel's redemption and Levy's struggle to be stronger side-by-side. Even if they weren't the main focus of Fairy Tail, just seeing these two slowly go from being awkward, to developing a friendship, to catching feelings, to BEING SEEN IN MANGA PANELS WITH THE TINIEST GLIMPSE OF A BLANKET WITH THE SAME PATTERN, to confessing, to that blushy whisper in the final chapter. Yeah. They're great. Best ship in Fairy Tail.
3. Shion and Yayoi from Psycho-Pass
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I really like when relationships are just you know, running in the background like its nobody's business and I have to claw for crumbs and this is that. Like, when the bed scene dropped showing the two hottest women of 2012 with EACH OTHER my jaw dropped along with it. *inhales* *exhales* Psycho-Pass just delivers on bloody every aspect, I swear.
4. Hyuga x Riko x Teppei from Kuroko no Basuke
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And again with the ships running in the background like its nobody's business, my GOD I went down a rabbit hole with this one. I was really enjoying Riko's dynamic with Hyuga I thought they were kind of great together parenting the rest of the team and then boom Teppei arrives and she's the only one that calls him by his first name and OHOHHOHOHO what is this that I sense is it HISTORY??? and yes it is, they used to date. So while I was crying relating to the athlete angst (i was a swimmer, not a basketball-er but yknow) going on I was also checking to see glimpses of the interactions of these three, like full on looking in backgrounds and stuff. Off the top of my head S1 EP21 dropped a TON of shipping fuel for me, with the way both Hyuga and Teppei's reactions to her cooking. Look me in the eye and tell me they don't love her. I dare ya. plus Teppei and Hyuga have a healthy relationship with each other too. It's a very subdued love triangle and it lasts the whole time, I love it.
5. Vi and Cait from Arcane
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Wanted to add something more recent, so guess what I just watched. HAHAHAHAwheeee. Brainrot. You ever see two characters whose eyes connect ONCE and sparks fly. Yep, that's exactly how I felt when I saw these two. Every second of screentime delivered. Every interaction was with purpose. Arcane didn't have that many episodes, so to showcase a relationship so strongly in essentially the latter half, was great. Watching them was a joy, and for anyone who hasn't checked this out yet, yáll should watch Arcane, even if you don't play League. (I don't, but my friends pushed me to watch and yep. Loved it.)
Thank you for the ask! :D
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sugary-shot · 7 years
Beautiful Liar, a Kuroko no Basuke fanfiction
Summary: What happens when the person you cherish so much leaves you in the darkness? You’re falling down, no one to catch you down there and no one to hold your hand to prevent you from falling down the endless dark pit. You’re sinking in quick sand, drowning in the darkest place in the sea. And that’s what happened to Kuroko Tetsuya.He loved each and every one of the Generation of Miracles, and yet they treated him like garbage- playing him for their own sick amusement. After realising that he wasn’t meant to be by their side anymore, he broke. He turned, walked away;And committed suicide.The Generation of Miracles knew they were wrong. Heck, they wanted to rewind time and slap their past selves for being so inconsiderate for their beloved phantom’s feelings. But no one can rewind time, no matter how many times you beg; the clock won’t tick backwards.Five years later, their former manager drags all of them to a boy band concert. As the concert starts, they all see their precious former teammate on stage, singing. Kuroko Tetsuya was still alive, but what happens when he doesn’t remember any of them? 
Chapter 6: A New Me
Have you ever been in a situation where you're forced to sit back and watch some kind of shitty movie that you question how it was even approved by the producers or how it even got it actors and/or actresses? Right now, you are going to witness something similar- or in this case, imagine it.
A boy was kneeling down on the floor, in front of him was a cinema-like screen; showing him what he felt like traumatising memories repeatedly. The boy was clueless; why on earth was he watching this, and why was he hurting so much because of it? He was tired of crying, of screaming; but he didn't stop. He wanted to stop so badly but, something wouldn't let him.
"You're completely nothing to me."
Just what do you mean by that?
"You've moved on anyway, right?"
I don't even know you!
"It's useless to keep something like this."
But why does this hurt so much?
"It's not important, right?"
Why does my heart ache every time I see you?
"It's your fault too, isn't it?"
What was?
I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand, I–
"Do you realise your mistakes now? Do you realise how utterly foolish were your decisions before? Do you realise how you made everyone else unhappy?" A shadow appeared before the sobbing bluenette, his eyes staring back at him; as if they were piercing through his body and soul.
No, I don't! Who are you?
"Asking me such a question," the phantom clicked its tongue, "you should be ashamed of yourself."
Ashamed for what?!
Slowly, the shadow knelt in front of him, his hands cupping both of his cheeks and caressing it. The boy who was a sobbing mess flinched at the ice cold touch, a shudder running down his spine. He didn't know, he didn't understand, but he did knew one thing;
He was scared.
"Are you tired?"
"Do you want this endless loop to stop?"
I do.
"Then tell me; who are you?"
..Eh?  Eyes widened as realisation hit him.
That's right.. His head tilted downwards, looking at his for some reason bloodied hands with wide eyes.
Who am I?
Slowly opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was the white ceiling. The first thing he heard was the monotone beeping that came from his side that was soon followed by some kind of muffled sobbing. He slowly turned his head – with much difficulty, surprisingly, – to find a blond figure who was on his knees, face buried in the white sheets and both of the male's hands clutched the bed sheets as tightly as he could, his nails digging into them; almost tearing the fabric as he did. Slowly, the patient moved his hand to place it on top of the crying blond's head, who stopped abruptly and raised his head, meeting the light blue hues he came to adore so much.
Tetsuya shook his head as if telling him he was fine, that he was alright; smiled and raised his hand to wipe the tears that the elder male had shed just a moment ago. Almost immediately, Seiji launched himself on the bluenette and wrapped his arms around the other. "I was so worried, Tetsuya! We were so scared that you'd leave us; that you'd suddenly go away without saying anything! I, we–!" Kuroko pat the blond hair, looking into those topaz eyes and smiling at the other, gesturing him once again that it was alright. Seiji slowly let go of the other and called the doctor, and was then ushered outside by the nurses.
The blond now stood outside of the room, holding his phone between his two palms tightly. It was just so sudden; a few months ago, he was just playing some video games with his younger brothers after dinner when he got a call from Haruko who had informed him that Tetsuya had jumped off the school building. Tetsuya was fortunate enough that he landed on some bushes, but the fall was still high and he ended up getting in a coma.
The group of boys had taken turns in looking after Tetsuya in the hospital due to school. The headmaster was kind enough to let them take leaves and visited the comatosed male himself during the weekends, when it was Takumi's turn to look after his younger brother. The group of five boys were put into the same class so things like notes and homeworks were always passed by the one who was absent.
Today, on the 24th of April, Kuroko Tetsuya woke up.
Slowly unlocking his phone, he dialed a certain female's number, bringing his phone close to his ear and hearing the same monotone beeping sound thrice before a confused hello. "Ah, Satsuki? I have something to tell you; Tetsuya.. he woke up."
Momoi Satsuki was the only former Teiko student that knew Kuroko Tetsuya is still alive. In all honesty, she was rather close with Kuroko, and was also the only one who knew Kuroko was going to be an idol. Tetsuya had introduced her to Takumi and the others and they got along fairly quickly, and she was later given the name Tsuki; which meant Moon by Shiro. She was once offered a job as an A&R and/or a manager, but she had requested time to think about it. She decided to accept the offer after graduating from Teiko but since she didn't want any suspicion going on with her middle school friends, she didn't attend Seirin Private High and instead attended Tōō High together with her childhood friend, Aomine Daiki.
Satsuki was the person Kuroko confronted his problems with the most, since she was a good listener and a good friend. She, too, had opposed the idea of him dating each Miracles and had been a keeping an eye out for the tealnette, so the day he disappeared after the game made her severely anxious. She along with Yuki who was supposed to drive him to the studio for dance lessons went to search for him for hours, only to find out he had jumped off the school rooftop. She of course had her ways and found out he didn't want to jump and was about to go back home, but apparently caught off guard when a security guard had scared him and he fell. Long story short, it didn't end well for the security guard.
She now works as an A&R under the Seirin Agency whilst being a full-time student and a manager for Too's basketball team. Her schedule was often full even during the weekends, but since her job was just talent scouting and overseeing the artistic developments of Takumi's group, she still had some free time unlike the other boys. Another reason why she didn't attend Seirin was because she didn't want to leave her childhood friend who was still in the process of mourning alone. Although Aomine told her he was fine and joined the school's basketball team, he played games by himself in frustration and still skipped practice every now and then. However, during Kuroko's "funeral", he had thrown away the egoistical mask he had and broke down, apologising dozens of times to the "dead" boy. Satsuki had slowly learned to forgive him, and he slowly began to change the way he'd treat people; actually knowing when to stop and not cross the line. Momoi guessed it was because he didn't want something like that to happen once again.
"Seiji-kun? It's been a while. I'm actually in a club meeting, so could you call later?" Momoi turned around and tried ignoring the stares she was receiving from the male players. Her smile soon faded as she heard the news the teen on the other line told her. Her breath hitched as the words that she awaited for months came out of the male from the other line. She took her bag from the bench and excused herself, tears rolling down her cheeks as she ran out of the room, ignoring the shouts from others. The meeting continued after a few disagreements.
Making her way to Tokyo Medical Center, she went to room 2031 and stopped in front of the group of males she was working with. "Seiji-kun," she panted, walking towards him and gripping on his shirt, her eyes clearly reflecting all sorts of emotion; desperation, worry, hopefulness. "Is it true? Tetsu-kun's awake?" Seiji smiled and nodded, pointing inside the room that had Tetsuya on the bed with Takumi beside him, reading some sort of children's story book to the younger. "He has amnesia, though," he uttered and the girl's eyes widened, "He doesn't remember how to sing and dance, nor does he remember how to read or write. It'll take some time, but I think we can manage now that he's finally awake." Shiro butted in, his eyes casted to the floor as his lips curled into a small smile. "Tsuki, go talk to him. He's looking at you, y'know?" The youngest male in the group laughed at how the girl's cheeks turned to a bright shade of pink. Satsuki hit his side before walking inside the room, an awkward smile on her face. "H-Hi.." Tetsuya stared at the girl and then at his brother, who just smiled and nodded. "Hello," the two greeted back in unison.
It was the most awkward conversation Momoi ever had.
After a few months, Tetsuya was able to sing and dance like he used to and was surprisingly better than before, but the way he acted was slightly different. He was more quiet, he was sort of a mischievous and mysterious type and he didn't trust people as much but the fact that he would still smile and act as if something wasn't wrong in front of them proved his acting skills. He would constantly ignore Seiji and Haruko's words and sometimes even Takumi's. He was a bit rude and Haruko said he was going through his "it's not a phase, mom" phase. Miraculously, everything stopped when he was introduced to Kagami Taiga; his future duet partner who was debuting as a solo artist. They didn't get along at first, but after a while of getting to know each other, they were inseparable. Tetsuya was more willing to be with Kagami rather than the others, and this made Takumi slightly annoyed. Although Kuroko had labeled him as the "ultimate mom" due to the fact that he could cook, and how he was a bigger mom friend than Takumi. Sometimes he wouldn't even deny he was a mom and admit it.
Crazy tiger.
Now, they were getting ready for their debut and was currently in a meeting. Tetsuya stared at the ceiling, then put his hand up, blocking half of the light and then closed his eyes before sighing. "Tetsuya, you okay?" Takumi called, putting the papers aside on the table, waiting for the response he knew he won't get. "Tetsuya?" He called once again, and the tealnette finally looked at him. "Y'know, I've been thinking about this for some time now; can you stop calling me Tetsuya?" He stared at the leader in the eyes with a bored look in his face.
"What?" Takumi emphasised the question and furrowed his brows, staring at the tealnette as if he had gone crazy. Tetsuya began to explain; "You said that I jumped off that rooftop and my personality changed ever since I woke up, so I'm no longer Kuroko Tetsuya. I don't know who he is. You can tell me that's me, but I don't know him. I don't remember my childhood or what happened before I woke up and every single one of you can blame the amnesia, but I personally feel like I'm being someone I'm not."
"I'd say that's bullshit, but--" Yuki's words were cut off by Takumi. "Sure. It'll be as your stage name then." Cue the disagreements. "Takumi, are you sure about this?" Seiji looked at the leader then at the twin. "Yeah, I get your reason, but don't you think it's too sudden?" Shiro added. "Better late than never," was Takumi's reply. "What are the names then?" Haruko questioned. Takumi crossed his arms and hummed, trying to think of some good names.
"Since we're twins and that's absolutely obvious, I'll change mine too. Our grandparents called us a different name, right? Mine was Mitsuru while yours was Minoru. Wanna use that?" Tetsuya smiled and nodded in agreement.
They had their debut five months later, on September 9th as MYST. They had sung their first song which was entitled "Loser" and it was a huge hit. Seiji, Yuki and Shiro had kept their real names whilst the twins used their stage names, in which Takumi was known as "Mitsuru" and Tetsuya as "Minoru". Shortly after they released their first album, the agency divided them to two sub units, which consisted Seiji, Yuki and Shiro as one group and the twins as the other. Seiji, Yuki and Shiro's group was known as SYS and the twins were known as M&M. Kagami had debuted later after he came back from America and was known as Light.
Keeping their identity was a pain in the neck, to be honest. Whenever they were in talk shows or were interviewed, they would always get questioned to why the twins didn't use their real name, but Takumi would always tell them that they wanted to use the names their deceased grandfather had gave them. After a few "I'm sorry for your lost" and "My condolences", they would soon go back to the topic in hand.
Momoi worked as their A&R and at the same time was learning under Haruko who was their Manager. After MYST's debut, Haruko had introduced her to Aida Riko, their producer who welcomed her with open arms, albeit having an obvious jealousy over her chest size. Riko had shown her the ropes about being an A&R and told her that if she couldn't go to the work place, she could instead go and check out the soon-to-be-idols and idols-in-training or scout those who she thinks has the potential of being a idol and report to her afterwards. Satsuki realised it was extremely tiring to juggle two things at once; her being MYST's A&R and Tōō basketball team's manager. However, despite having her hands full, she was happy.
After high school, Aomine had stopped playing basketball competitively due to him aiming to become a policeman. Momoi had forgotten that he actually wanted to become one ever since he was a kid due to an incident she didn't remember about, but remembered that occurrence made the latter start respecting policemen.
Kise had told her that he was going to quit being a model and instead be a pilot because he wanted to travel. "Besides, I have Kurokocchi up there to keep me safe. Or at least, I hope." He told her and chuckled afterwards. Momoi noticed how forced the laugh was and had to bite her tongue in order not to spill out the secret.
Midorima had informed her that he was going to continue study medicine to become a doctor and take over his father's hospital. "I want and need to cleanse my sins. Just going to pray at the shrine isn't going to be enough; I want to be someone who saves instead of someone who kills." A surgeon, Momoi guessed. Midorima was going to dirty his hands more, but with the intent of saving the person under the knife.
Murasakibara had called her during Christmas, saying that he was going to be a pastry chef and open a cafe in Akita. "Kuro-chin really liked vanilla and sweet stuff, so I'm going to name the shop Vanilla Cafe." She laughed, telling him the name was just too bland. Murasakibara hummed, and then said that it didn't matter, since it was like Kuro-chin. "My pastries are going to be super yummy, so it wouldn't be so bland. Like Kuro-chin, he was kinda boring but when you get to know him, he isn't that boring." Satsuki smiled at how childish he still was.
Akashi had announced that he was going to Tokyo University and take the business course as expected seeing that he had to take over his father's company as well. "My father has already given 25% of the heritage to me, so my hands are going to be full. I still have the deal that he leaves me alone on every 31st January, so don't worry." Momoi smiled at his words.
All of them were going their own ways, but they still would contact one another. She was grateful. And if the old Kuroko Tetsuya heard this, she was sure that he would be happy as well. Even after five years since then, they all were still laughing, but there was this void that they couldn't fill in, and even Momoi felt it despite knowing that person was alive and well.
One day, just before they went home for the day, Takumi had came up to her. Momoi was puzzled; after all, Takumi never looked so serious before. She had asked if he was alright, and the leader had reassured her that everything was fine. "So, what did you want to discuss about?"
Takumi grinned before uttering the long awaited words; "It's time."
~ MYST is read as mist ~ MYST is based on their names (Minoru/Mitsuru, Yuki, Shiro/Seiji, Takumi/Tetsuya) ~ SYS is S x S (not sure how but I always see that spanish(?) always use the letter "y" instead of "x" when referring two people.. I'm not good at explaining things ok so if you don't understand I'm sorry;;; ) ~ M&M in Minoru/Mitsuru and also because I'm a Mamoru Miyano trash orz ~ The five years thingy is AFTER they graduate from High School, so they meet the group during their mid-twenties (24-25).
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