#Alpha Hikari Yagami
Considering my reawakening obsession with Digimon and my current obsession with Omegaverse - I've decided to just join those two together.
As my love for digimon will always stem from the original, I'll just do the original casts dynamics.
Tai is an Omega
Matt is an Alpha
Joe is a Beta
Sora is a Beta
Mimi is an Omega
Izzy ends up an Omega
TK is a Beta
Kari ends up an Alpha
Tai, Matt and Sora end up in a poly relationship
Joe and Mimi get together
TK and Kari are in a QPR
Matt and Sora, at one point we're so confused about Tai's mixed signals, that they just decided to wait together to see when he'd confess.
Joe and Mimi confessed at the same time and everyone was teasing them.
TK and Kari didn't understand the big deal and just kinda chilled together.
They're all just one big pack and I love them <3
In 02, there's a running joke that TK will be "The Matt of the relationship" in reference to David and Kari, and TK refuses to allow that to happen.
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audioslavedragon13 · 4 years
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And here is the star dragon that represents Lloyd. He is called "Balancer" or "Dragon of Balance" by the natives of Balancer or "Peacekeeper" by the Paratopians and the Chaosians on Paratopia Max and Chaosan respectively. This guardian is from a rare lineage of star dragons able to surpass the normal 10 levels and reach level 20, the highest level that any star dragon can reach naturally. He is still currently a baby at level 1, but has already shown his immense power at his age by defending his star against The Abomination, which is normally a death sentence for star dragons.
Notable planets in Balancer Prime (The Balanced Star)
Balancer: home to Hikari and Yami dragons
Paratopia Max: A light-element planet home to the Paratopians and other light elementals. This does not mean everyone is good on this planet. There are regular fights against those with a warped sense of justice, which the Paratopians are vulnerable to developing ( think of Anikan Skywalker's view of the jedi, but he is absolutely right and the threat needs to be eliminated. Also think of a bunch of Light Yagamis running around killing the "wicked" and "unpure"). Hikari and Yami dragons are sent regularly to deal with the warped Paratopians and put them on prison planets.
Chaosan: A dark-element planet home to the Chaosians and other dark elementals. This does not mean that they are evil (think of Shade, he is not evil, but is the elemental master of shadows). Chaosians are rarely violent and are actually sustain a more peaceful society than the Paratopians. The most common threats on Chaosan is the environment, which will eat visitors and even natives alive with chaotic and dark power or something just downright eats them. Chaos dragons will be among the most tame of the wildlife.
Guardian Alpha and Beta: prison and training planets, home to the worst criminals. (Imagine both planets being worldwide Kryptarium prisons but Sensei Wu also though it would be a good place to train. You have many sparring partners, but Ninja, there is something I have told you, I forgot to fuel up the spacecraft before we left, so we have to stay here for a while.)
I just did a rant about how much I hate when Wu does something like that and I don't care if it relevant or not. Seriously, he should tell the gang more about the people trying to kill him, them, or ninjago's citizens. Seriously.
Anyway, I will address the other planets I didn't mention another time since they are either lifeless or not greatly important to the story. (Aka I still don't know what to do with them other than describe them in pointless details).
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thetaikamiya · 7 years
DigiOTP Week: 08/24 & 08/25: Supernatural: “One Miracle, Comin’ Up”
Disclaimer: Minor language, and anything else you’d find in an average Supernatural episode.
The grumble of the Chevy Impala’s engine was soothing and powerful sound. For some, only silence could soothe a sleepless night, or quiet, yet purposeful repetitive noises. For Takeru, it was the Impala.  One thing he loved, even when he was still back in Japan was to take the car and drive for hours, as far north as Aomori and as far south as Yamaguchi. Today, he was on the road with his long time girlfriend, longer time friend, and recently made his fiance Hikari Yagami.  Used to be himself and his brother Yamato, saving people, hunting things. It wasn’t any family business, what with their mother being lost to an Alpha Vampire, and their father to an Ōkami. Takeru was still reeling over his brother’s last run in with demons. 
He wasn’t sure how many of his friends had made it to America in time to stand a fighting chance against the monsters and demons, but he at least knew the likes of Mimi, Taichi, Iori and Sora had made it.
“Hey Hikari, you still asleep?”
Hikari had rested her head on his shoulder for nearly five hours, and had to be getting a neck cramp, but wouldn’t say a word about it. 
She had to take down several of their demonized friends, and had to leave the life she had far, far behind her.
“Mhm, what? I’m...I’m awake, I promise.”
“Hikari, we’re still on the road, you don’t need to be wide awake out here.” Hikari said nothing, doing her best to not let on her insomnia and her feeling of never being comfortable anywhere but beside Takeru. She had to think about her brother and her parents, who may, or may not still be alive, even taking into account last night’s call. This was a world where you never relied on much lasting beyond the moment, but her pick was this.
Herself, Takeru, their bond, their love, and the drive through the Midwest.
She had become a lover of the Midwest since as many of their group had made it to America. Rather than constantly feeling paranoid that any number of the countless people in cities could be monsters, demons or just jerks, the flat, nearly endless landscapes of farm fields, empty fields, and the occasional farmhouse, diner, and gas station. 
“So, we’re supposed to meet up at Iori’s place? How in the world did he bu...he didn’t buy it did he.” Hikari said with enthusiasm, then became deadpan when she remembered the general situation, and that  frankly waiting for a real estate agent and the bank to file paperwork was overly-tedious for an off the grid home base.
“Yeah. Last time I checked in he said Mimi and Taichi were there, but Sora’s off on a case, with...and I quote “A ton of backup”.”
“Takeru, what exactly is a ton of backup these days?”
“I’ll be honest with you Hikari, I don’t wanna know. At this point, I could sheeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE”
Takeru’s now colorful language was cut short by his last ditch effort to avoid hitting a woman in the road, but his effort was far too late. The Impala’s rythmic engine, and Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Bad Moon Rising” both filled the silence once Takeru put the car in park.
The two panicked fiances  walked out, and as they closed their doors, they realized maybe they should have left the doors open for a quick getaway.
The woman had long, dark black hair, with bangs on her forehead in an even cut, though her bangs largely fell to the left side of her face. Her square-red frame glasses had a few specks of dirt on them, and with no care in the world, she took them off to clean off the specs.
“Wait...how are you still standing? How are you still breathing?! HIKARI DEMON GO!”
Hikari fired off a round of salt pellets, but to their collective horror, the woman was unphased, and frankly appeared to be even less amused than before.
“I am no demon. Please, put your weapons away.”
Takeru brandished another weapon, but before he could move his arm, the woman made a swift movement with her hand, and flung the weapon away, all without physically touching either Takeru or his weapon.
“You did not listen, so I have made sure you will not waste all of our time trying to destroy me. Please listen to me. I am an Ang...”
Hikari’s eyes went wide.
“Are you telling me...you’re an ANGEL?!”
The woman turned around to Hikari, and dusted her immaculate and formal outfit off.
“You would be correct. I am an Angel of the Lord, here to deliver news to you.”
“Great. And I’m supposed to believe you...whoever you are?”
The woman tilted her head on her side, as if trying to carefully look at every detail of Takeru as if he were a slide on a microscope.
“My name is...You cannot understand my name, but this vessel’s name is Meiko Mochizuki, so I will go by Meiko.”
“Vessel...Is she awake in there?!” Hikari asked with a terrified look on her face.
“Yes, she is awake and aware, but do not panic. She is glad to be helping others, with and without recognition.”
Takeru began a wordless exchange with Hikari, largely consisting of overly-dramatic facial expressions. She in turn, also gave him over the top facial reactions, neither noticing the very puzzled Meiko looking slowly back and forth from one to the other.
“I do not understand...Why are you communicating by facial expression? You are clearly capable of speaking human languages, so I do not see why you must..”
Meiko’s confused face turned to serious concern, and she grabbed on to both Takeru and Hikari.
“I was hoping we would have more time to discuss this, but I need you two to stay safe.”
“Well, we were heading to a safehouse before you showed up in the middle of the road.”
“Why come all this way to ask us to be safe?” Hikari wisely asked, well aware an angel would not make such a long journey for nothing.
“You two are...special. Each of you has been carefully monitored for what’s to come. I am not allowed to say much more, but you must protect one another no matter the sacrifice of anyone, or anything else aside from your own selves.”
Takeru and Hikari both had several concerns, but had no time to ask thanks to the mob of demons, led by two of their old friends, came in to attack.
“I can handle them myself, you must go!”
Takeru and Hikari were set on not leaving their new ally Meiko behind, and began to fight off the horde.
Takeru thought he would be prepared for an attack like this, but he soon realized he was out of ammo. 
“Tch, a rookie mistake.” he cursed himself, digging desperately for ammunition.
To his horror, he spotted his brother Yamato, walking towards him in a fast sprint. Hikari, having done significantly better at holding off two times the amount of demons Takeru had, and Meiko, being dogpiled by demons, both did their best to make their way to save Takeru.
All they could do is watch as “Yamato” pierced Takeru with a blade, and then crudely dropping him onto the pavement. Meiko did her best to hold off the horde, giving Hikari the chance to cradle her fiance.
With tears in her eyes, and his body going colder by the second, she prayed.
“God, angels, whoever is listening up there...Please...bring him back! I’ll do anything!”
A gentle feminine voice responded.
“Allow me in. That is all I need, and I will heal your beloved.”
“Like...Meiko?” she whispered, just loud enough that Meiko picked it up, and caused her to start charging towards Hikari.
“Yes. I ask you to accept now, and to accept when the day comes.”
“Can I know what that day is?”
“You will know soon enough. But I assure you, your fiance must survive for that day as well.”
“You had me at ‘heal your beloved’. Yes.”
A blinding white light poured down from the night sky onto Hikari, and with the force of an explosion, landed at her position. Half of the horde was smited on the spot, whilst Yamato and his group started to run away as quickly as they could, and vanished into thin air.
“You...It’s too soon.” Meiko said, in awe and fear of the powerful being before her using Hikari.
“Perhaps. But this is the best outcome. Takeru must survive for his time as a vessel for him. I will not abide by Hikari suffering needlessly.”
Meiko nodded, and stood still to watch as the light flowed from Hikari, casting four wings in shadow behind her, and her eyes shining a bright blue. The light then entered Takeru, and his eyes briefly glowed before he sat up, coughing loudly.
“What...what did you...”
“Relax, Takeru Takashi. She is safe.”
“Who...what are you!? GET OUT OF MY WIFE!”
Hikari smiled lightly, and placed a reassuring, yet firm grasp on Takeru’s left shoulder.
“You were gone. She would not accept your loss, so I came to help. And now that I have helped, I will leave. Be aware, you are watched over by angels, Takeru. We will forever guard your hope and light. This world has desperate need of both of you. As such, I have assigned...”
Hikari looked over at Meiko, who mouthed her vessel’s name so Hikari could identify her.
“...Meiko, to watch over you two.”
“Wait, but what are supposed to...”
Takeru turned away just long enough for Hikari to be freed, and she collapsed into his arms.
“Hikari! Please be okay, please be okay...”
Hikari smiled, and kissed Takeru’s lips, even though she was obviously exhausted.
“I...couldn’t do this alone Takeru.”
Takeru thought about yelling at her about her poor decision making, but decided against it, knowing he would be willing to make a deal with even a crossroads demon for Hikari’s sake.
“I know. I couldn’t do this without you either.”
The two then looked over at Meiko.
“...and apparently her too.”
Meiko seemingly vanished, but they spotted her nearly thirteen feet away at the backseat car door.
“May I ride with you? I have not had the chance to ride in one of these before.”
“..S-..sh-sure.” Takeru stammered, feeling incredibly awkward being the equivalent of an uninvited angel’s Uber driver.
Once all three were in the car, and back on the road, Takeru called Iori.
“Where the hell are you guys!? Taichi is nearly out the door to get you!”
“Iori, call everyone in. We have uh...We have a lot to catch you up on.”
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50cyg · 7 years
Digimon Confession: I don’t like Takeru and Sora
This is in response to someone asking me why I don’t like Sora and also just for me to get my thoughts out into the open because I am curious about the feedback that will come of it. This post will be more Sora related than Takeru related.
Please no hate, I know many people love Sora and Takeru and that’s totally okay. I still sometimes like Sora… but only when I see her through the eyes of a Taiorato fan.  
First off I want to preface this by saying that I do not hate Sora or Takeru. It’s not like everytime they are on screen I get annoyed and want them gone, I just don’t care about them. If I could, I’d just eliminate them from the series.
When it comes to the 8 original Chosen Children (or Digidestined), I only like 6 as some people may have already noticed. Those 6 are Taichi, Yamato, Mimi, Joe, Hikari and Koushiro. I like Mimi, Taichi, Yamato, Joe and Koushiro about equally (if I have to choose a favourite it would be Taichi at the moment but it changes all the time). Hikari I like aspects of but I do think she is a little too perfect, I absolutely love the Yagami siblings together though. Actually, my favourite moments with Hikari are in the two movies directed by Momoru Hosoda, I find she has more personality in those movies than she does in the series and she is honestly just adorable. This is sooooo off topic…
Getting back on track… this wasn’t always the case. Actually, as a child, Takeru and Yamato were tied for my favourite characters (one of my fondest memories as a child was drawing Takeru at the kitchen table while trying to explain to my Grandmother what the show was about). And the characters I related to most were Sora and Takeru. Takeru because he was the same age as I was while watching the show and so he acted very similarly to how I might react in the same situation (or how I’d perceive I’d react cause let’s face it pretty sure we’d all be dead if we went through what the chosen kids went through). And Sora I related to because she was a Tomboy like me. I was that girl who would get a new pair of pants and have them grass stained by the end of the day. You could not keep my feet on the ground, I was always climbing everything from trees to the side of my house onto the roof, and I enjoyed being dirty and adventurous. Also, as a child I shipped her with Taichi to a certain extent. Not to the extent of many fans who were horribly disappointed they didn’t get together. Honestly, I didn’t care very much and soon forgot about the ending entirely (02 as a whole didn’t leave any kind of impact on me until years later when I re-watched it).
Although, there were always subtle changes in how I viewed characters as a re-watched the series throughout my adolescence and as I watched the Japanese version (the Japanese version made me fall in love with Mimi), I’m going to just jump ahead to when things really changed. Things really started to change when I re-watched the series in preparation for Tri and then began to watch Tri.
First off I started relating less to both Takeru and Sora.
Takeru for obvious reasons, I was no longer a child and started finding him to be a bit annoying or just boring… I didn’t find him to be interesting because compared to the others his character was pretty one dimensional, just your classic small child character. However, I did still find his relationship with his brother compelling enough but nothing to write home about. I was more interested in Yamato’s struggle than Takeru, mainly I think because more emphases was placed on Yamato’s struggles. Actually, sometimes I think Takeru was just created by the writers partially to have a young character and partially to round out Yamato’s character, rather than with plans to really give him his own development. In 02 I just found him really boring… I found him boring in this season as a child too.
Sora, I related less too not because I stopped being tomboyish, in fact I’d say I’m more tomboyish than ever. I stopped relating to her because as an adult I was able to notice more of her character than just the tomboy part and realized we have nothing else in common.  I’m not motherly, I love children but in the sense that I love playing with them, not that I am very good at taking care of them. I don’t bottle my emotions because I’m too worried about everyone else or because I don’t understand them. I’m not afraid of hurting other people’s feelings and I am the last person you want to come to when you need comforting…
In addition, I do not like Takeru in Tri. I don’t find his flirting funny. I don’t like playboy characters, they are just annoying to me, I actually think it makes him kinda one dimensional. I don’t find his relationship with Yamato very interesting (except when he points out that Yamato fights with everyone). There isn’t the struggle between them that there used to be, they seem to have adjusted very well to their circumstances. I didn’t find his struggle with Patamon interesting (I was far more interested in Koushiro’s struggle), I actually love the concept of the Digimon becoming infected and how the children respond but Takeru and Patamon did nothing for me… I think it’s because I had already lost interest in them at that point and I’m beyond the recovery line.
That’s about all I have to say about Takeru, on to Sora... lots to say about Sora...
So it really comes down to me feeling like she is pointless because every role her character has can be filled by someone else.
Basically, her primary roles are as follows:
Mediator: this role has been filled by other character’s in the series like Mimi and Joe, so could have been filled by them at other points as well or in some cases even by the Digimon.
Mother: It’s established that Joe is the Paternal one of the group, I don’t understand why we needed two parent figures in this rag tag team.
Person who is always making sure everyone else is okay: First off, Yamato fills this role a lot of the time, this aspect of him plays into his rivalry with Taichi who is more mission oriented than feeling oriented. Secondly, the digimon are meant to fill this role. They are the creature’s that always know when you are upset and will try their best to make you feel better again, it’s one of their primary roles next to beating the crap out of things.
Love interest: So much BS! First off, I feel like this is starting to become her primary role especially within the fan base and it’s annoying as hell.  I will get to how I feel about her relationships with the two boys later. 
I could literally take you through every line of her dialogue and tell you who I would have given the line to instead or why I would just get rid of it altogether.
Final thoughts on Sora is that ultimately, next to Takeru, I find her to be the least compelling character. I think Joe is more of a badass than Sora when he fills the Paternal role (like when he jumps on top of Unimon, or when he is attacking Gennai). I also prefer Joe’s way of mediating, Sora basically tells the boys to stop being stupid while Joe actually tried to solve the conflict and although it doesn’t always work, when it does it’s a more permanent solution. Examples of this are in the 3rd episode when he tells both Taichi and Yamato they would make great guards and suggests they share the burden, which not only makes sense but also satisfies both Taichi and Yamato’s need to be alphas. Example of it not working is him trying to decide in episode 7 who has the better plan regarding the mountain and although Sora is the one who ends the fight by telling them all to sleep on it, it is a temporary fix and Joe is the one who continues to try to permanently fix the problem. I also find her problem in season 1 pretty boring by comparison to the other chosen children problems, it also doesn’t offer anything new to the cliché of child and parent not understanding one another. As an adult, I find her relationship with Taichi boring unless they are fighting, when they are fighting I love it, I feel like it’s a really good representation of female on male relationships. I know a lot of people disagree with me on this but I love that she gets pissed at him over a hairclip in the movie, I think that argument is real AF. I’ve totally done that to my boyfriends and have also been the one mediating arguments like that between friends of mine who are a couple. Actually, their arguments are the one thing I don’t think could be filled by anyone else, even Mimi. However if they became a couple I feel like those arguments would be the dominant component of their relationship and then it would become cliche and boring as well. I don’t like her relationship with Yamato, I never have. I wasn’t angry when they got together I just thought it was dumb. I get why they could make a good couple but I don’t find it at all compelling, it actually feels like it would be too perfect… they are almost too perfect for each other.
Anyway, I think that’s it for now. This could get interesting depending on the response I get.
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