#digimon omegaverse
Considering my reawakening obsession with Digimon and my current obsession with Omegaverse - I've decided to just join those two together.
As my love for digimon will always stem from the original, I'll just do the original casts dynamics.
Tai is an Omega
Matt is an Alpha
Joe is a Beta
Sora is a Beta
Mimi is an Omega
Izzy ends up an Omega
TK is a Beta
Kari ends up an Alpha
Tai, Matt and Sora end up in a poly relationship
Joe and Mimi get together
TK and Kari are in a QPR
Matt and Sora, at one point we're so confused about Tai's mixed signals, that they just decided to wait together to see when he'd confess.
Joe and Mimi confessed at the same time and everyone was teasing them.
TK and Kari didn't understand the big deal and just kinda chilled together.
They're all just one big pack and I love them <3
In 02, there's a running joke that TK will be "The Matt of the relationship" in reference to David and Kari, and TK refuses to allow that to happen.
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universal-ren-kin · 6 hours
About Me
Figured it's several years past time I make one of these but here we are.
Hi, I'm Ren. I'm over 30, afab, genderfluid and prefer masculine pronouns. I'm disabled and unemployed without any marketable skills, so my mental health fluctuates despite meds. I used to be @renmaxwell but I got tired of switching accounts so here I am.
I am otherkin, sharing a kintype with Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing, Renamon and Antylamon from Digimon Tamers, MetalGarurumon from Digimon Adventure, and Mewtwo from Pokemon. Huh, never realized how many there were... Does that make me less of an Otherkin? Actually asking here.
I am a therian and my theriotype is a red fox. I stg you quote that song at me and I'm peeing in your shoe.
I hardcore fuck with A/B/O and am entirely an omega. No alpha or pack and let me tell you I am *lonely* aha.
My askbox is WIDE open and I welcome friends. I'm happy to talk about my aspects (other/fictionkin, therianthropy, a/b/o, etc).
DNI- I hate making these but some things need to be said. Minors, TERFS, Nazis/sympathizers, antis. This can and will be updated at will.
My tags: "omega" for things that either remind me of or are directly related to omegaverse. "fox home" for things that remind me of my, well, fox home. "husband" for Heero Yuy things for reasons.
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xinhua-jun · 3 days
[CRYING SHAKING SCREAMING] who do I have to kill around here for a bamf omega!taichi still suffering from the misogynistic tendencies of the omegaverse au? [THROWING UP]
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mimatoweek · 2 years
Eres mi Omega y yo tú Alfa.
Eres mi Omega y yo tú Alfa. by cotyhadler En un mundo paralelo, dónde las relaciones se basan en el olfato y en los instintos más primitivos, se encuentra Mimi, una frágil Omega huérfana, obligada a la prostitución  por su tío Michael, un alcohólico que la  vende al mejor postor, solo que no contaban con un Alfa, que la sacaría de la mísera y la haría su pareja.
read on wattpad
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ifeelgeek · 3 months
Novedades foreras
Foros Nuevos
• One Piece Grand Adverture abrió sus puertas - Link
• El pájaro azul un foro sobre Grandblue Fantasy inicia su partida - Link
Novedades de foros
• Arcanum Legio cumplió medio año ¡Felicidades! - Link
• Days Gone cumplió su primer mes ¡Que las tramas no paren! - Link
• One Piece New Order tiene nueva guía de maestros - Link
• Sugar Rush ha tenido un mantenimiento pero vuelve a la carga - Link
• Digimon New Age tiene nuevos sistemas y abierta la inscripción a una trama - Link
• Wicked Hearts cambio de skin - Link
Proyectos próximos
• Empyrean Fantasía medieval oscura esta en proceso de reservas - Link
• Halesía foro fantástico medieval - Link
• Enzo un foro de yaoi y omegaverse - Link
• Like an Angel Foro contemporáneo tiene abiertas las reservas - Link
• Days of War un foro de Avatar parece estarse formando.
¿Conoces alguna otra novedad en el mundillo rolero? Compártela con nosotros y la añadimos ;)
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eisa96 · 7 months
Rewatching back Digimon Adventure Psi and wow..The more I watch it, the more I can easily see the universe in an omegaverse setting 🧎🏻‍♀️Yamato fits the lone wolf so well with him being the one going solo to protect the people he cares for and Taichi just fits—The leader of the pack but in twist—-
He’s the omega, Yamato is the alpha 😩👍🏻 I cannot see it any other way. There were so many really good moments in this series that highlights their dynamic but instead of following the traditional a/b/o setting, yamatai here are equals with Yamato having, especially a soft spot for Taichi. They’re the “sun and the moon”. The “you’re my first important friend”. The “I’ll be the sword to your shield”.
Although, Yamato was solo in the beginning. In the middle of the series he starts to be more open with the kids. And especially Taichi, whom is the first one he calls by their first name 😭 He’s the first person that warms his heart. Taichi on the otherhand, may be the one that extends his hand to Yamato and to others. But towards the boy, he especially showed a great deal in worrying over Yamato and cares for the boy so much 🥺 I can see the a/b/o setting with 01! yamatai as well but the reboot! yamatai is so good, it’s so easy to see elements of it here and there
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mostlikelytofangirl · 7 months
20 Questions Writer Meme
Tagged by @unfortunatelycake, thanks girl!
How many works do you have on AO3? 28 written by me and one I'm credited as co-author but didn't really wrote.
What's your total AO3 word count? 928,907.
What fandoms do you write for? Currently only for MDZS, but I've also written for Boueibu.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? "All men are the same" MDZS nieyao. A comedy of errors where JGS tries to get NMJ and JGY married but it's all a misunderstanding with each one having his own version of what's going on. "Strong roots for a pine" MDZS nieyao. Accidental baby acquisition by MY keeping the baby he found during the war and changing his decisions and priorities. "Brother, don't preach" MDZS sangcheng, 3zun. Modern omegaverse with NHS getting accidentally pregnant during one of JC's visits and 3zun caring for him until JC returns from studing in another city. "To hold your hand and let it guide me" MDZS nieyao. Extra scene of 'All men are the same' where JGY is back in Qinghe and the dumbasses finally confess their feelings. "When the fire plays with you" MDZS ruoyao. After some tabloid headlines, CEO WRH convinces his temporary assistant MY to troll the entire city via a fake relationship. MY gets much more than he bargained for.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I do! Bc if the reader has gone out of their way to let me know that they appreciate my story, the least I can do is letting them know in turn that I appreciate their support ^^.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Whoo, this took me down some memory lanes lol. That'd be "Say you love me like you mean it", a Boueibu akorima vampire AU where one doesn't remember their past lives as lovers.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? That's a very good question bc most my stuff has a happy, or at least a hopeful ending. I don't really think there's one that's particularly happier than the rest :P.
Do you get hate on fics? Not yet, which I'm very grateful for.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Technically, the answer is yes, but this far it has only been in convos with very close friends and just one tame-ish scene. I do have fics that will be E tho.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I don't really write crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Luckily, no. That I know of, at least.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, actually! - "All men are the same" to Brazilian Portuguese (wattpad) - "Strong roots for a pine" to Spanish
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I'm credited as co-author in "Going digital", a Boueibu Digimon AU, but it was @magiccatprincess doing the actual writing, I just helped plot it ^^;.
What's your all-time favorite ship? I can't say I have an all-time fave bc my level of how much I love it changes every time I change hyperfixations. But in my current fandom I'd say nieyao, bc it was one of the first ships I fell for and it is still one I'm hella into, like a default.
What's a wip that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Ooh boy. I have lots of wips that I do intent on finishing one day, but tbh I fear that I'll get obsessed with another thing before I can get to them orz.
What are your writing strenghts? I guess that when I am inspired and very obsessed I can write a lot in a relatively short time, and I can adapt and improvise as I go. I've made plot critical changes in the middle of a story that was already getting posted without it showing too much lol.
What are your writing weaknesses? My aforementioned dependence on my level of obsession for a fic to get completed. If another fandom catches my eye and heart while I have unfinished fics, those are done for. My motivation for a previous fandom is pretty much non-existent when I'm neck deep into another thing, all my energy is now poured into new fandom with new fics and ideas.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Not a big fan of it and I don't really do it beyond names or expressions ('et tu', 'touché', etc.)
First fandom you wrote for? Boueibu.
Favorite fic you've ever written? This answer also changes depending on what fandom I'm in at the moment. But rn I'd say "Black hole sun", a MDZS alternative Guanyin temple scene with fierce corpse WRH bc I like the instrospection I do in JGY's character and choices (and also him getting to live :')))).
Tagging: @jgydidnothingwrong, @thebiscuiteternal, @wishthefish and whoever else wants to do this!
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zonedelicious · 2 months
There's only 2 good isekai
Digimon and the omegaverse
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digimonloving · 6 months
Same guy who asked what Omegaverse is here. Just read the thing and I don't know what I was expecting but it wasnt this. I'm quite suprised to say the least. Not disgusted just suprised
The whole verse is like. I don't exactly have a HUGE problem w/ it, I just don't wanna write for it
which you'd figure it'd b a bit different considering, of course, a lot of Digimon are animal-based.
But I like to think that it's different when it comes to Digimon themselves and all since they don't... rEALLY need to do that to make more Digimon, since they form eggs from data and whatnot. So they just.... Have "fun" to have fun, it's literally nothing other than that when it comes to them dfhsdfdhs
But yEAH...
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peachpowderstories · 9 months
Being in Writing Mode has made my brain so ridiculous lately, I'm getting ideas from absolutely everything. Some are really simple, some are really hyper specific. I'll share a few from my notebook...
Hustle Cat fanfic
The Room fanfic that takes place after the movie, very serious, very dramatic
Do something with the vibes of Pocket Frogs and Zen Koi
Dragon children (from that one dream I had)
Pokemon slice of life? Pokemon gijinka slice of life? Pokemon Mystery Dungeon gijinkas? Digimon??
Kemonomimi worldbuilding stuff
Personalized omegaverse worldbuilding and drama, with wholesome polyamory
Bees and wasps as characters
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hollynutmeg · 2 years
holly ~ 31 ~ she/they ~ pan ~ pro ship ~ fanwriter ~ fanartist ~ i have adhd ~ italian
i love: cats, music (basically any genre), pasta, bright colours, cauliflowers, countryside, bare feet on grass, the smell of rain on dry soil, the sound of waves, pine trees, nuts, socialism, communism, anarchy
i hate: loud noises, big crowds, fireworks, fluo colours, onions, celery, cucumber, the texture of fruit, bigotry, hair removal, billionaires, capitalism, fascists
ships and otps listed by [fandom]
[harry potter] drarry, scorbus, romione, linny, ron/pansy, blaise/seamus, blaise/hermione, james/sirius, pansy/ginny, grindeldore, fred/george
[stranger things] byler, jancy, stancy, steddie, lumax, stonathan, jonathan/nancy/steve
[digimon] taito, yamaken, takari, mishirou, jyouyako
[x-men] cherik, wolverine/jean grey, wolverine/cyclops
[kimetsu no yaiba] tanjiro/zenitsu, tanjiro/inosuke, zenitsu/inosuke, tanjiro/zenitsu/inosuke
[jujutsu kaisen] yuji/megumi, gojo/yuji, gojo/megumi, gojo/yuji/megumi
[hunter x hunter] gon/killua, kurapica/gon, killua/kurapica, gon/killua/kurapica, leorio/kurapica, meruem/komugi
[death note] l/light
[sailor moon] haruka/michiru, haruka/makoto, michiru/makoto, haruka/michiru/makoto, usagi/rei, minako/makoto, makoto/ami, makoto/rei, hotaru/chibiusa, setsuna/hotaru
[kodomo no omocha] akito/sana, naotsumi/brad, akito/shinichi, sana/fuka
[fullmetal alchemist] edo/aru, roy/riza, roy/havoc, havoc/riza, roy/riza/havoc
[the sandman] dreasire, dreamling
[shingeki no kyojin] erwin/levi, eren/mikasa, eren/armin, armin/mikasa, eren/armin/mikasa, jean/sasha, connie/sasha, jean/connie, jean/connie/sasha, reiner/bertold, ymir/historia, annie/mikasa
[the witcher] geralt/yennefer, geralt/jaskier
[lord of the rings + the rings of power] legolas/gimli, frodo/sam, aragorn/boromir, boromir/faramir, faramir/eowyn, elrond/durin, durin/disa, elrond/durin/disa, sauron!halbrand/galadriel, nori/poppy
[a song of ice and fire + game of thrones + house of the dragon] jon/ygritte, jon/samwell, jon/robb, robb/theon, jon/tyrion, young!robert/young!eddard, rhaegar/lyanna, sansa/jeyne, littlefinger/sansa, drogo/daenerys, renly/loras, jaime/brienne, daemon/rhaenyra, rhaenyra/alicent
[merlin (bbc)] merthur
[13 reasons why] winston/alex, winston/monty, alex/charlie, alex/zach, clay/justin
[rpf] jamie c. bower/joseph quinn, foah, james mcavoy/micheal fassbender, bradley james/colin morgan
likes: fluff, smut, fluff&smut, hurt/comfort, vers characters, song!fic, happy ending, angst with happy ending
dislikes: non-con, omegaverse, soulmates, bdsm, bestial, creature!fic, death, crossovers
i surely forgot something, i’m probably going to update this at some point
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
4 & 5 for Lesser Evil, 14 in general 😄
Alright, let me answer this! :D
4. What detail in [The lesser Evil] are you really proud of?
Alright, to be absolutely honest, there is two things I am really proud of. For one... Well, we are not there yet with uploading, but those two flashback chapters for Bluebeard are just one of the favorites things I have ever written, tbh. And be it just because I got to write about Jeanne d'Arc!
The other parts are just bits and pieces of medieval lore. Like in the newest chapter there is this bit about a noble dying of syphillis because his wife was "very Catholic" (meaning: She took the rules about not having sex for fun rather seriously and since she had entered menopause, her husband was "forced" to go to the brothels).
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [The lesser Evil]? Answer it now!
The question would be: "What's up with all those spells!" To which the answers would be: There are two kinds of magic - outside of Sypha's elemental magic - thrown around here. The one is Phoenician magic cast by Hector and the other is a variation of Alchemical clerical magic, based a lot in the grimoire "The lesser Key Of Solomon". Which is like just an awesome book to have around - and was rather inspiring, given that the book was also once used as a major inspiration for Digimon lore xD
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
Generally a turn-off but I would read it if written by certain friends.
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rockabelle · 5 years
I’m disappointed, fam.
I looked up omegaverse fics for Yamato/Taichi on ao3 and I got one. One!
Think of it! It’s perfect! Yamato’s digimon is literally a wolf! His band is (or was) the “Teenage Werewolves!” Yamato himself was often acting like a “lone wolf,” wandering off alone. He also challenged Taichi constantly. It was a clear theme.
Taichi is the leader, acknowledged by all. He is caring and protective but also strong and aggressive when needed. He is perfectly willing to throw down. He needs Yamato’s challenges to make him think his decisions through, and to push him to be an ever-better leader.
Obviously, they are a pair. It’s not hard to see why they are the most popular ship.
But just think about it- it’s the perfect case of, “Wait, it turns out that the leader is an omega? Whaaa??” I love the non-traditional abo dynamics trope, and this just fits that so well. Taichi, the bearer of the crest of Courage, the very masculine athlete and role model who is protective of his little sister, as an omega. Yamato as the alpha with the crest of Friendship who dotes on his younger sibling, cooks for his dad and is a musician. I love it.
Jeez, I might have to write this myself at some point. But everyone would probably be disappointed, because I don’t write sex scenes...
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kitakashi · 2 years
Hi, I’m Val
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✨ Basics 25+, USA, she/her, INTP, Leo, Slytherin...
✨ Husbands Kuroo Tetsurō, Kita Shinsuke, Suna Rintarō, Iwaizumi Hajime // Akashi Seijūrō, Kasamatsu Yukio // Takami Keigo, Bakugō Katsuki, Amajiki Tamaki // Mycroft Holmes, Sebastian Moran // Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Obito, Gaara, Yamato, Sasori, Hoshigaki Kisame, Senju Tobirama, Momochi Zabuza, Shiranui Genma // Gojō Satoru // Sanada Shunpei, Yūki Tetsuya, Hongō Masamune // Urahara Kisuke, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, Ulquiora Cifer, Hisagi Shūhei, Kira Izuru, Hitsugaya Tōshirō // Aza Chōbei // Kunigami Rensuke, Michael Kaiser, Nagi Seishirō, Itoshi Sae // Sampo Koski, Jin Yuan, Gepard Landau // Zora Ideale, Sukehiro Yami, Zenon Zogratis, Mars // Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Fyodor Dostoyevsky // Kirishima Natsuya // Wriothesley, Dainsleif, Thoma, Kaveh, Xiao, Tartaglia, Al-Haitham, Zhongli // L Lawliet // Ban, Hendrickson // Alistair Theirin, Fenris, Cullen Rutherford // Bickslow, Erik, Mest, Dreyar Laxus // Kaiba Seto, Bakura, Yami Bakura, Bandit King Bakura // Tsunashi Ryunosuke, Yaotome Gaku…
✨ Thots when will Kita lemme smash…
✨ Currently reading manga - Moriarty the Patriot, Yona of the Dawn, Blue Lock, Loving Yamada at lvl999, Hell’s Paradise, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen…
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✨ Fav. AUs soulmates, Hogwarts, post-apocalyptic/dystopian, college, sci-fi, monsters/teratophilia, Omegaverse...
✨ Fav. Tropes best friends to lovers, allies to lovers, mutual pinning, roommates, neighbors, soulmates, childhood friends…
✨ Fav. Anime Haikyū!!, Kuroko’s Basketball, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Naruto, Black Clover, Moriarty the Patriot, Rising of the Shield Hero, Ace of Diamond, Fairy Tail, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Yu-Gi-Oh! (og series), Bungou Stray Dogs, Free!, Death Note, Dragon Ball Z, Yona of the Dawn, Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist, 7 Deadly Sins, Ouran High School Host Club, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Kora, Noblesse, In/Spectre, Akame ga Kill!, My Next Life as a Villainess, Love Live!, The Ancient Magus Bride, Sword Art Online, The Misfit of Demon King Academy, Fruits Basket, Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits, Record of Grancrest War, Hellsing, Sengoku Night Blood, Hell’s Paradise, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Digimon (og series), Demon Slayer, Kenka Bancho Otome, Ao Ashi, Kamisama Hajimemashita, IDOLiSH7, The Black Summoner, Blue Lock, Bleach, The Apothecary Diaries, A Returner’s Magic should be Special, The Faraway Paladin, The Great Cleric, Horimiya, Why Raeliana ended up at the Duke’s Mansion, Tomo-chan is a girl!, Classroom of the Elite, Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, How a Realist Hero rebuilt a Kingdom, Psychic Princess…
✨ Fav. Games Dragon Age (1-2 + Inquisition), Diablo (1-3 + Immortal), World of Warcraft, Genshin Impact, Injustice (Gods Among Us), Final Fantasy (3 + 7-8 + X + X-2), Kingdom Hearts (1-3), Baldur’s Gate (+ Dark Alliance), SSX (Tricky + 3), Mario Kart, Pokémon, Honkai: Star Rail, Skylanders…
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Genshin Impact [NA] 654887160
Honkai: Star Rail [NA] 600544385
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polyxreader · 7 years
Polyamory x Reader-chan
Multifandom Scenarios
Hi there! I am Anne and this is a new blog for scenarios/imagines/headcanons. I would write mostly polyamory request, but also if you want I could write some special monogamous request. My main goal is to write a lot and to help somehow to normalize polyamory even is if it’s just by writing fanfiction.
I hope you like it and please be welcome. Send me your requests without fear❤️
Right now I do not have specific rules and I am open to whatever you want. 
Don’t be shy to send me your poly!requests. 
I can also write for omegaverse, maybe some AUs. 
Of course, scenarios, headcanons, pairings and submissions are welcome. 
I accept SFW and NSFW of course ;) 
Shingeki no kyojin
Bungou Stray Dogs
Yuri!!! On ice
Dragon Ball 
And if your fandom is not on the list Just ask ❤️
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sixknight · 2 years
Info and Masterlists
Hey, I'm Lias/Liss. I've been writing for Transformers for years but wanted to expand into more fandoms so I made this and another blog I run with an irl friend!
Things you'll find here:
Fluff, Angst, Horror, LGBT+ and poly content, Digimon x Human, Monsters x Human, Demons x Human, Robots x Human, Aliens x Human, Fae x Humans, Slightly suggestive content from time to time
Things you will not find here: incest/beastiality/pedophilia (if you enjoy these things leave), transphobia/homphobia/te.rf shit/tran.smed shit/racism/sexism (bigotry will be blocked on sight), pregnancy stuff (just a personal squick), watersports/scat/vomit/similar fetishes, omegaverse, vore, hardcore NSFW (decided I'll keep that separate from here)
If you need anything tagged let me know! I usually try to tag all my content with what they are and I trigger tag like this #violence #violence cw so people can blacklist things easily.
My headcanons and fics masterlists are under the cut!
My tags: My writing, Lias does art sometimes My OCs
Fandom Master Lists
A Villain's Twisted Heart
Akudama Drive
Demon Slayer
Donkey Kong Country
Court Of Darkness
Lullaby of Demonia
Obey Me
Security Breach
Soul of Yokai
Spirits of the Shrine
The Vampire Dies In No Time
Twisted Wonderland
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-Kun!
Other Blogs I run
@wingwaver (My main)
@liaswritesrobots (sfw Transformers blog)
@writers-friend (Writing refs, tips, and advice)
@artists-friend (Art refs, tips, and advice)
@prompts-collection (A bunch of writing/art prompts and ask games)
@selfship-monster-lover (selfshipping blog)
This list of Transformers blogs
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