#Anuil's favorite stories
anulithots · 26 days
non-plant beings, creatures of night and nonsense,
my dear audience,
to this weird and wonderous collection of mine.
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(Not so quick, sorry I ramble) Quick info:
Hello hello, my name's Noor, (they/them, fae/faer, it/its).
I have some semblance of a human-like flesh, but in reality I'm a conglomerate of stories and shadows, which I hoard like a dragon
I'm aspec and genderfluid. Where on the aroace spectrum? Yes. (Basically, I'm queer platonic longing, hi)
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Fandoms: Link Click, Nightcord at 25, Jujutsu Kaisen, Alien stage, the Girl from the Other Side, the Little Prince, Autodale/the dead sound short films.
I will ship queer platonically, fandoms are missing out on queer platonic ships THEY ARE SO WONDEROUS AKJDFKLSDLKFj
I favor themes and character development and overanalyze everything, to the point where my thoughts contain more of my existence than existence itself.
my responsibility avoidance has caught up to me yet I'm still here
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Things I have a strange amount of information on: Biology (particularly apoptosis and caspases), the mycorrhizal system and trees, rhetorical devices and storytelling, marketing, editing, quantum physics, character analysis, random theoretical and phycological musings, spirituality but we don't talk about that, basically nothing practical whatsoever.
Least favorite things: chairs, shoes, grocery stores, the looming doom of being independent, grass lawns, the school system, apathy, being told to 'go to sleep at a reasonable time', executive dysfunction
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Fun fact: My life's purpose is to turn the subjects I like (like biology) into stories (an episodic narrative about a caspase trying to find meaning in life before they destroy the cell and end it all).
Other fun fact: I do not have a phone, so I don't use a ton of emojis, I do, however, scream in all caps and keyboard smash a lot. Fairly realistic to my 'personality' in real life, if you ask me.
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Also, I make dolls:
with little stories behind them:
Tagging system:
#noorie infodumps. be very afraid <-- rambling tag
#I'll fill my grave with fanart <-- either doom posting or collecting wonders. The tag works for both
#Noorie listens to songs on loop <-- song posting. Expect Mitski, the Link Click soundtrack, any song that I can relate to my characters, and an iphone piano ballad.
#plant posting <-- my houseplants that still are alive despite my inconsistent watering
#lobotomy for my brainrot <--- my biology hyperfixation
#my wonders hoard <-- stuff I like
#the land of the fallen fairies <-- My wip about happiness chasing
#Link Click <-- my everything. (link click posts)
#jjk <-- jujustsu kaisen posts don't get reblogged with tags, this will give everything of mine. (prepare for essays)
#my qpr fantasies <-- as I said, I am nothing but queer platonic longing
my favorite post on tumblr
How the fae/faer/faerself pronouns work
Navigate my hoard under the cut. (It's long, have fun)
Table of contents:
The land of the fallen fairies (includes all characters)
the biology fanfic
Link Click hyperfixation
JJK hyperfixation
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The Land of the Fallen Fairies
A character-centric commentary on the pursuit of happiness, told by tree fairies.
Which one my characters are you? Uquiz (Includes Anuli, Kamari, and two other characters not mentioned.)
"The fates promised Kamari a future after all, it would be a shame if fae was too ruined when it arrived."
Kamari spends faer days losing faer morality for the sake of a future where fae can exist without worry. Fae knows this. Fae says fae'll keep farewell intact until the day fae can stop being the High Protector and sing faer melodies in tandem with the birds.
For my trope-loving creatures, Kamari's arc has corruption - fae is the manipulative sort, tragic platonic ships, the aftermath of a ruined friend group, more tragic found family, and the pining to listen to the equivalent of Mitski songs while losing your sanity. (wow so relatable wow.)
As far as Kamari's arc goes... it's currently being rewritten. I know, I know, I never finish anything because I keep rewriting it. But hear me out.... ANGST AND THEME EXPLORATION.
(I'm never pantsing again)
tag: #Kamari the dryad
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TWS for Anuli's story: Self harm, Suicidal thoughts, overall self hatred.
""The sun raked its light over the earth, played over flower petals, gathered the creatures of its light - the speckles and their lack of wings, lack of something as small as tear drop, shed after the last autumn leaf of a tree long forgotten, and it crumbled to dust beneath my feet. Therein lies the sole purpose of the sunsets and its sunrises, its bleeding colors, the simple words of 'hello, shall we give ourselves a happy ending? That's what makes the day worth it, isn't it?' 'Yes', I would answer, a hypocrite, a vile thing that didn't deserve the very name of antagonist. How many sunrises, how many sunsets and how many stary nights full of gentle lullabies have I stolen away? All for the sake of something as selfish as my happiness."" (I know, Anuli took a whole paragraph to encapsulate what Kamari could in a sentence, ANuli's like that)
Ah yes, my vessel for self-hatred and nostalgic longing, the overthinking narrator, the character I use to explore feelings I cannot put into words, the houseplant Anuli.
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Anuli believes fae's the villain of this story, and as with many villains, their happiness causes the other characters to suffer. To combat this, Anuli spends a lot of time punishing faerself for any joy or excitement fae dares to feel, which happens often. It simply aches too much (in the numb way) to lose the happy ending fae ruined, the love fae once had, the life fae would've had if fae wasn't filled with fatal flaws.
(so fae'll get possessed and attempt to rewrite faerself with.. questionable means instead. Then fae can regain the happy ending fae lost)
(this entire playlist is meticulously ordered to fit Anuli's arc.. the amount of time I spent of this)
For my trope loving creatures, Anuli's plotline is full with wayyy tooo mannyy rhetorical devices, personification, and nature absurdism, all to describe feelings. Fae's an unreliable narrator that thinks so much that the plot happens in the background. Fae ruined faer found family with Kamari. Fae would've been a theater kid if fae were human. Fae also likes the rain and has inattentive adhd. Anuli - the doll - also lost two leaves recently but shhhh, fae'll be fine. (lies)
tag: #Anuli the dryad
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"There will be no peace for us. Not like this. Not with them. Until they are gone or reformed, we're trapped in our own misery"
The point of healing, the reason why one would even try to delay the inevitable, is to ease all discomfort, to savor every moment, to protect it from any disease.
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And the worst disease of them all?
Dryad society.
Why is the side character that got too much development the one most connected with the plot/most protagonist-like? Anuli's the protagonist.
yes I know, I will add more songs to Ankh's playlist... eventually.
Ankh strategizes. Fae plans, formulates and comes up with the wildest ideas that somehow work. Fae also has very little connection with faer feelings, and there is. nothing. wrong. with. that. Others get too pointlessly, needlessly reckless with them. (Fae has a hard time listening to and comforting others. Others think faer cold and heartless, whilst faer actions are all 'trying to keep faer mentally ill and outcast friend group alive.' It ends about as well as you'd expect.)
tag: #Ankh the dyrad
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The dearest, most wonderous people, otherwise known as the lotff tag list:
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos @holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam @osbob-the-existent @awleeofficial @clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg @sleepy-vix @starryeyeddarlings @sea-dwelling-wizard @snowpoet123
lmk if you'd like to be added or removed <3 🌿
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The Biology fanfic(in the works!)
What's the point of this borrowed life?
More info to be updated very very very soon... once I have energy and complete some character thots.
The lovely biology taglist: @vamp4ever @bonesbeetle @neurospicy-salsa @sea-dwelling-wizard
Link Click Hyperfixation
Otherwise known as Cheng Xiaoshi, his sister, and his queer platonic bf all get traumatized as they break the space time continuum.
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What shall I say? The subtle buildup of Cheng Xiaoshi's backstory, the way it gets more and more tragic and nuanced as it parallels with those he possesses? The way he can adapt and strategize for the given situation (despite the fact that everyone sees him as just a silly), how he continues to wait for his parents, how he loves Lu Guang so much he would lose him just to respect his wishes, how his emotional connection with those he possesses overwhelms him and it's. so. tragic.
Lu Guang's adherence to the rules to the point where he's ripping at the seams, how he teases Cheng Xiaoshi even more than Cheng XIaoshi does to him (yes even with his stoic character. He's so silly... also season two), how he has the most queer platonic coded relationship with Cheng Xiaoshi ever?
Qiao Ling and her avoidance of uncomfortable feelings, the way she canonically called Cheng Xiaoshi her brother and is the only one able to connect with Xixi, how she's actually the only levelheaded character here? (Shee'sss sooo prettyyy I lovvee herrr)
Jujutsu Kaisen Hyperfixation
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As the name suggests, I am hyperfixated. I have also written essays analyzing these characters. Be very afraid. And/or come suffer with me /pos
Also also, for those who don't want to see any JJK smut, this blog should be safe for you! <3 I ship Satosugu but in a... transcend labels, queer platonic flavor sort of way. And I flipflop on itafushi. Either way they are soul mates and labels are just extra. Found family dynamics and everlasting friendships/comfort people are peak fiction for me.
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Anuli's favorite stories
Favorite writeblrs and stories from tumblr
wowww music taste. wowww it's just whatever fits with my characters. wowww it varies. wowww I'm strangely proud of my naming conventions
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