sezja · 8 months
...How do I not have any alts on Malboro.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years
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NAME. Archibald Macmillan AGE: 27 ALUMNI HOUSE. Slytherin BLOOD STATUS. Pureblood ORDER RANK. Mid-level FACECLAIM. Freddie Stroma
Archibald grew-up knowing that a life like his required certain standards - and certain sacrifices. It wasn’t that he wasn’t allowed to “be himself”; simply that the “self” he presented to the world had to meet certain requirements: good manners, good breeding (that at least was easy: the Macmillans were eighth-generation Wizarding even by the most strident standards), good grades, good job... good wife. The latter was no problem either, even though Archie figured out he was queer as a sixteen-sickle Galleon by the time he was twelve. That was common; there were a myriad of ways to handle it. For Archie, it was even easier than most: he was best friends with a witch of suitable lineage who didn’t want to marry anyone - but like Archie, she had standards to uphold. It was the simplest thing in the world to join their family interests in matrimony - and if surmounting the less-than-pleasant process of procuring an heir was somewhat trickier, well, it could have been worse. (He’d seen some of his friends’ marriages, after all...)  Isla was no simpering feather-brain at least, even if she was decidedly not the sort of person he would have taken to bed by choice. For that, Archie preferred the company of the Ganymede Gentlemen’s Club - a less exclusive establishment than it had been in his grandfather’s time, true, but still charming. And while Archie wasn’t the sort to turn up his nose at a proper lineage, he also wasn’t some hotheaded extremist. Most half-bloods these days were so civilized you could hardly tell them apart from a pureblood without a family tree - and some muggleborns were so well-behaved, you’d practically think they’d been raised magical! Really, modern times were astounding.
Life was going well enough for Archie, overall. He’d checked all those requisite boxes of societal standards - a clever wife, enough of an eye for fashion to not embarrass himself, a respectable job that he largely enjoyed... even if it did get a bit tiring, having to re-hash the same arguments all the time. (Yes, Mr. Bogrod, you really do have to let them access their family vault even though they aren’t the generation who founded it... No, Gornuk, you don’t get to take that necklace back just because the owner died and yes it would be very bad form to go to the funeral and ask them to hand it over before they bury her...) Still, Junior Ministry Liaison to Gringotts Wizarding Bank was a prestigious position even if it did involve working with, well, goblins. Not that Archie was prejudiced, of course - but they did wear on a fellow after a while, goblins. They weren’t the only thing dragging down his spirits: Archie had thought that a marriage and the eventual inevitable heir thus entailed would mean he’d reached the finish line - that society would stop demanding things of him. But it seemed he still had a façade to uphold. Still wasn’t allowed to talk openly about certain subjects. No one expected a husband and wife to sleep in the same bedroom, yet somehow saying it sent lips all a-flutter (as if any of those gossips shared rooms with their spouses?). Archie was sick of the old-fashioned illusions - so he decided to change the world. Why not? It had happened before. And if most of the people involved in this little “Order of the Phoenix” weren’t exactly his sort of people - well, neither were goblins. And he did all right there.
BRANWEN YAXLEY. A part of him is only slightly jealous that Yaxley can live the life that he cannot. Branwen isn’t necessarily out and free, no one in their position was free, but he could still remember her confession in her fifth year. He can still remember the words he was too afraid to speak out loud. The jealousy wasn’t quite that after all. It was awe, and a bit of panic. They ran in the same circles, after all. What would happen if Branwen were to find him somewhere she shouldn’t? ISLA SELWYN-MACMILLAN. Archie loves his wife - he’s just not in love with her. They’re best friends - and she’s the first person he really opened up to about his fear of having to marry a woman. She hated the idea of marrying all together - so it worked out! With Isla on his arm at both Ministry and pureblood functions alike, no one bats an eye. And because she loves him in the exact same platonic way he loves her, she doesn’t think anything of his extracurricular activities. He might just be able to share anything with her, which can be a dangerous slope for a pureblood.  HESTIA JONES. Is it wrong to want to adopt a girl less than five years your junior? Archie can’t help himself, her boundless energy and curiosity are just adorable. The fact that she’s got such a powerful wand-arm to back up that bounce just makes her more fun to be around. He’s not old enough to say that she makes him feel young again, but... all right, that’s exactly how she makes him feel.
Alternate FC Suggestions: Hunter Parrish, Lucas Till, Taron Egerton  
**Note: It will be up to the players applying for Archibald and Isla to decide whether or not they are Ernie’s parents (in which case, they have at least one child) or his uncle and aunt (in which case, they are free to have as many or few children as you like, including none).
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