#Baroness Wexton
aristocraticvision · 8 months
Chapter 360: An Evening at the Palace
Lady Helena Reynolds entered the drawing room next to Princess Jessica, finally relaxing a bit after being so nervous at meeting the reigning monarch and his wife.
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“Dinner was wonderful, your royal highness,” Lady Helena said as she walked next to Princess Jessica into the lounge adjacent to the family dining room. “Please extend my compliments to your chef. It was a true delight.”
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“I’m sure Monsieur Tremont will appreciate your kind words,” Jessica replied as they sat down. “He so rarely has the opportunity to challenge himself anymore. Growing older, Stephen’s tastes – and I must admit, my own, as well – are fairly simple, so I know he was excited to have a visitor to impress.”
“Well, he certainly did so,” Helena replied. “It’s been such a lovely evening I almost wish it wouldn’t end.”
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“Such flattery,” Stephen said, smiling. “Though, I must admit, I’ve truly enjoyed myself as well. Michael has brought young ladies home before – but none have been quite as lovely as you.”
Helena dropped her gaze, nearly blushing.
“So how are you finding life in the city?” Jessica asked. “It must be quite a change from Hemingford.”
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“It is,” Helena replied, “though, having spent so many years in Paris after my parents passed, Hemingford was more of an adjustment than Weston. While I enjoyed the peace and beauty, there were times it seemed a bit more bucolic than I might have preferred. At least, until Michael arrived.”
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“Of course,” Stephen replied. “Which leads me to my next question. Do you two plan on going public with your relationship?”
“Stephen!” Jessica snapped as Helena dropped her gaze nervously. “That’s none of our business!”
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“It is very much our business, my dear,” Stephen said. “If they are serious about this relationship, going public will be a much better option than being found out by the press. Believe me, I learned that lesson with Michael’s mother.”
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“That may be, father,” Michael said, crossly. “But I would appreciate you allowing us to determine the next phase of our relationship. When we’re ready to go public, we will – but no amount of pressure from you or the press will push us into it.”
“Suit yourself,” Stephen said. “But I won’t be around forever, Michael. It’s time for you to start thinking about your future. That means a wife and a family. The monarchy requires stability, and it’s your responsibility to provide it.”
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“I think we’re all getting ahead of ourselves,” Jessica said, trying to de-escalate the conversation. “Michael and Helena have only recently begun seeing one another. I think there’s plenty of time for them to decide how they want to move forward.”
“Perhaps,” Stephen said, standing. “I apologize if I’ve overstepped. If you’ll excuse me, I should turn in before I say anything more.”
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“Father, you don’t have to ….” Michael began.
“Goodnight baroness, Michael,” Stephen said. “I’ll see you upstairs, my dear.”
After Stephen’s departure, the room was silent for a moment.
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“Mother, what the hell is going on?” Michael asked quietly. “This behavior is extreme – even for him.”
“I’m not sure, but I intend to find out,” Jessica said. “Now, as far as you two are concerned, I hope you’ll ignore my husband’s comments. Michael, why don’t you show Helena the gardens. They’re actually quite lovely at night.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 331: Hemingford (Pt. 1)
“I’m glad to see you both,” Phillip said, greeting his brothers-in-law in the library at Edgemoor.
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“It’s been pretty quiet around here with Stephanie gone, so I’m happy for the distraction," Phillip continued, "although I’ve been helping Tony with the baby as much as I can.”
“That must be fun,” Michael said, sarcastically.
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“Actually, it is,” Phillip said. “I mean, Steph and I have been trying for a baby for a while now, so I guess it’s good practice. But since I’m pretty sure you’re not here to help with little Emily, I have to ask, why are you here?”
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“Well, I just felt like we should ….” Michael started, awkwardly.
“He’s here because of a woman,” Ted said.
“A woman?” Phillip said. “Who?”
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“The Baroness Wexton,” Michael said, timidly. “I understand she lives not far from here.”
“Indeed,” Phillip said, motioning for them to sit.
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“In fact, her estate borders this one," he continued. "It had been empty for years until recently. I only recently learned that Lady Wexton had opened it back up again.”
“Do you know her well?” Michael asked.
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“Helena?” Phillip asked. “Not really. We’ve met, of course, but she was only a child then, and she lived in Paris for years after her parents passed away. I’ve been meaning to invite her for dinner to get reacquainted.”
“Really?” Michael asked eagerly.
“Easy, tiger,” Ted laughed.
Phillip smiled.
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“Yes,” he said. “I was waiting until Stephanie got back, but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to have a little dinner party while you’re here. We can ask my sister, Alicia, and her husband, Miles. And Tony, of course. I’m sure he’d love some adult conversation.”
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“Good, then it’s settled,” Michael said. “Oh, if you don’t mind, I’d like to be the one who extends the invitation. I’m quite looking forward to seeing Lady Wexton again.”
Ted grinned, but held his tongue as Michael left.
Phillip looked at Ted curiously.
“This is new, isn’t it?” he asked.
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“Yes, it is,” Ted said, grinning. “I’ve never seen him like this before. I mean, he’s been in several relationships, but I don’t think I ever remember him being this … obsessed?”
Phillip laughed.
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“Then I suppose we should be supportive,” he said. “We’ll definitely hear about it from Stephanie if we’re anything but.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 10 months
Chapter 353: Reunited
Almost as soon as Helena arrived in Weston, Michael rushed to the townhouse where she was staying. While she was, as always, happy to see him, she was becoming increasingly nervous of their being discovered.
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“Michael, we have to be very careful,” she said as he closed the door behind him. “You can’t just come over whenever you feel like it. What if you’re followed?”
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“Don’t worry, my dear,” Michael said, removing his sunglasses. “I switched cars on the way over, so it would be difficult for anyone following me from the palace to trace me here. Besides, you forget how unpopular I am with the press, Helena. Honestly, I’d be surprised if they even notice when I leave the palace!”
“Oh come now,” Helena replied, leading him into the parlor. “Since your father is now asking you to make even more appearances on his behalf, the press is going to start taking more notice.”
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Michael shook his head.
“Perhaps,” he said. “But only until I make another mistake. And let’s face it, I’m not particularly good at representing father’s interests in public. This speech at the museum could be the end of me!”
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“Or it could be your finest hour!” Helena exclaimed, sitting. “I swear, Michael, you need to work on your self-confidence. I believe in you! Why can’t you believe in yourself?”
Michael sat down next to her.
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“I know , Helena,” he said. “You don’t know how much I appreciate the faith you have in me. But every time I start believing I can do this – every time I think the people of Weston might actually accept me – I do something stupid and the press has a field day!”
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“But that’s the press, Michael – not the people,” Helena replied. “Think of how many times the press has villainized your father. But he’s still the most popular ruler in generations.”
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“That’s the problem, though,” he said, rising. “No matter what I do, they’re still going to compare me to my father. Especially now. If I speak at the gala, everyone will expect me to be as charming and witty as my father. I just don’t know if I can do that!”
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“You can, Michael,” Helena replied, reaching out. “I’ll help you, I promise.”
“Then come with me, Helena,” Michael said. “With you by my side at the gala, I just may succeed.”
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“Oh, Michael,” Helena said. “I – I ….”
“Just think about it, please,” Michael pleaded.
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“Very well,” Helena said. “I’ll think about it. I promise.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 331: Hemingford (Pt. 2)
Lady Helena was in her study reviewing the estate accounts when her housekeeper, Olivia Randall, knocked.
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“Baroness,” she said, entering. “There is a young man at the door who says he has an invitation for you.”
“Who is it?” Helena asked, without looking up.
“He did not say, ma’am,” Randall replied. “Although I must say he bears a striking resemblance to the Crown Prince.”
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Helena leapt to her feet.
“Michael? Oh my,” she said. “I’m not prepared to meet visitors.”
“Would you like me to send him away, ma’am?” Randall asked, a small smirk crossing his lips.
Helena snorted.
“Certainly not,” she said. “Please, show him in.”
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She stood near the fireplace, waiting patiently until the door opened.
“His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Michael of Weston, ma’am,” Randall said, bowing as the prince entered.
“Your highness,” Helena said, curtsying.
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“Please, milady,” Michael replied. “There is no need for such formalities between us. I am hoping I can count us as friends. Call me Michael.”
“Of course,” Helena replied, smiling. “This is quite a surprise.I know you mentioned visiting your sister here in Hemingford, but I didn’t realize it would be so soon.”
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“I hope it’s not too forward,” Michael said. “I just wanted to see you again – and since I had already planned the trip, I thought it would work out nicely.”
“Is the princess well, then?” Helena asked.
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“I assume so,” Michael laughed. “She’s actually in Egypt at the moment, helping a friend. So I thought I would come visit my brother-in-law, Phillip.”
“Ah, the duke’s son,” Helena said, nodding. “He was always so dashing. I’m afraid I had a terrible crush on him when I was a girl.”
“Well, he is handsome, I suppose,” Michael said, dropping his eyes to the floor.
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“Oh, but my tastes have changed a great deal since then,” Helena corrected, quickly. “I assure you, I have no designs on your brother-in-law.”
“Of course not,” Michael said, taking a step forward. “But it’s actually because of Phillip that I’ve come. Well … partly.”
“Partly?” Helena asked.
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“Yes,” the prince replied. “He asked me to extend an invitation to dine with us at Edgemoor tomorrow evening.”
“How kind of him,” Helena said. “I suppose I must accept. But you said the invitation was only part of why you came?”
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“Well, yes,” Michael said, shifting awkwardly. “I wanted to see you again, as well. I’m afraid I haven’t been able to think of anything else since we met.”
Helena smiled, dropping her gaze.
“I am overwhelmed,” she said, then raised her eyes to meet his. “But I must admit, I feel the same.”
Michael smiled.
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“Then I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night,” he said, reaching out to kiss her hand. “Until then.”
Helena smiled. “Until then.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 321: In the Gardens (Pt. 2)
Michael couldn’t keep his eyes off the baroness.
“Tell me about her,” he said.
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“Well, her parents were friends of my family for years,” Freddy said. “Unfortunately, they died in a plane crash about six years ago. Until recently, Helena lived in Paris with her aunt, but now that she’s of age, I understood she’s returned to Collinwood, the family’s estate in Hemingford.”
“What’s she like?” Michael asked.
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“She’s actually quite lovely,” Fred replied. “Her taste in men is dubious, though. I asked her out several times growing up, but oddly she always declined.”
“I think that speaks volumes for her taste, actually,” Ted said, grinning.
“Could you introduce me?” Michael said.
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Michael and Ted followed Fred as he approached the young woman.
“Hello, Freddy,” Helena said, smiling. “I was hoping to see you. I’ve been gone so long, I don’t seem to know anyone anymore.”
“Well, I can remedy that,” Fred replied. “I’d be glad to introduce you. Allow me to start with my companions here. This is Crown Prince Michael of Weston, and his brother, Prince Theodore.”
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Visibly shaken, Helena dropped into a curtsy.
“Forgive me, your highnesses,” she said. “I should have recognized you. It is an honor.”
“Think nothing of it,” Michael said, smiling and bowing formally  , “and the honor is mine, I assure you.”
Helena smiled.
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“I’m surprised to find you in such august company, Freddy,” she said.
“I think you’d find me full of surprises these days, milady,” Fred replied. “But just now, I need another drink. Join me, Ted?”
Ted nodded and led the way, leaving Michael and Helena alone.
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“It’s so strange being back in Weston,” Helena said. “Especially with my mother and father gone. I’ve never lived alone before, so it’s been quite an adjustment.”
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“I’m sure,” Michael said. “Hemingford is lovely this time of year, though. My sister, Stephanie, owns the Edgemoor estate just outside the village with her husband, Phillip Pendleton. I’ll be sure to introduce you. I’m sure she’d love to entertain you at Edgemoor while I’m visiting.”
Helena smiled.
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“I’d be honored, your highness,” she said. “But until then, perhaps we might have some punch?”
“Nothing would give me greater pleasure,” Michael said. “Won’t you join me?”
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As he turned, he spied Brent, who knelt on one knee brandishing a lovely diamond ring. Sarah stood before him, blushing but elated.
“Oh, how romantic,” Helena said.
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“It is, isn’t it?” Michael replied. “Now, let’s get that punch, and then a walk through these lovely gardens?”
“I would enjoy that very much, your highness,” Helena said, smiling.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 10 months
Chapter 351: Taking His Leave
“I’m glad to have caught you between meetings, father,” Ted said. “I won’t keep you – I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave for Torenth.”
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“Ah, so you’re going back today?” Stephen said, distractedly. “And what of Michael? Has he returned? There’s work to be done.”
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“I believe he’ll be back tomorrow,” Ted said. “Please take it easy on him, father. He’s quite taken with the Baroness Wexton, and this is the first time I’ve seen him so happy in a long time. I’m sure he’ll ….”
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“Michael’s happiness isn’t a priority right now,” Stephen said firmly. “I need him to start shouldering some of the responsibility for the crown that I wear and that he shall wear after me.”
“I’m sure he’ll do his duty,” Ted said, gently.
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Stephen sighed.
“I’m sorry, Ted,” he said. “You’re right, of course. It’s just been a very long day already.”
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“You look very tired, father,” Ted replied. “Why don’t you get some rest?”
The prince shook his head.
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“I’m fine, Ted,” Stephen said. “And I expect regular calls from Torenth as you continue working on my behalf.”
“I promise,” Ted said, smiling. “Goodbye, father.”
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Stephen hugged his stepson tightly.
“Goodbye, son,” he whispered, then pushed Ted to arm’s length. “Now, go find your mother. She’ll be livid if you leave without seeing her.”
Ted walked into the hallway where, as always, Bixby waited quietly.
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“Bix, is father alright?” he asked. "I get the feeling something is really wrong, and it worries me."
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“Oh, I’m sure he’s just tired, your highness,” Bixby replied. “He’s had some stomach troubles lately – likely caused by the stress he’s been under. I know Dr. Philson is hard at work addressing the issue, so I’m sure he’ll be fine quite soon.”
“Please let me know if anything changes,” Ted said, unconvinced.
“Of course, your highness,” he said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 321: In the Gardens (Pt. 1)
The afternoon sun shone brightly over Howerton House, where Weston’s upper class gathered each year for what had become one of the highlights of the social season.
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Langston Crawford, the Tenth Earl of Howerton, stood next to his wife, Gabriella, as they chatted with their sovereign, Prince Stephen, and Princess Jessica.
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“I wish my father could have been here today,” Langston said. “Our annual garden party was one of his favorite events, and I’m sure he would have been honored to have you here, your royal highness.”
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“Nonsense,” Stephen replied. “The honor is mine. Your father was a dear friend and trusted advisor, and his passing was a blow to all of Weston. Not that you haven’t lived up to his standard, Langston – from what I hear, you have become a real force in the National Assembly, just as he was.”
“Thank you, your royal highness,” Langston replied, smiling. “I hope you and her highness enjoy yourselves this afternoon.”
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Nearby, Michael and Ted stood with Fred and a nervous Brent, who impatiently waited for his girlfriend, Sarah Parker to arrive with her parents.
“Calm down, Brent,” Ted said. “Everything is going to be fine.”
Brent took a deep breath.
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“I know,” he said. “I’m sorry. I’m just ready to get this over with.”
“You’re not the only one,” Freddy said, rolling his eyes.
“So what about you?” Brent asked Ted. “Is Jackson coming today?”
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“No, we’re trying to keep a low profile,” Ted said. “His family isn’t as open minded as mine, so we have to be ….”
“There she is!” Brent exclaimed, launching himself toward Sarah and her parents as they stood chatting with the Howertons.
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The others watched as he bowed formally to Edward Parker, the Viscount Finchley, and his wife, Lady Madeline, then kissed Sarah’s hand tenderly.
“You know, they really are a perfect match,” Fred said. “They’re both quintessential aristocrats when it comes down to it.”
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“He definitely has the manners for it,” Ted said, grinning. “But I’m not going to complain. I’d never have made it through my first season without him.”
“True,” Michael said. “His knowledge of protocol is flawless, but … hold on, who is THAT?”
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Ted and Fred followed Michael’s eyes to a striking young woman across the park.
“That, my friend, is Lady Helena Reynolds, the Baroness Wexton,” Fred said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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aristocraticvision · 8 months
Chapter 359: The Royal Schedule
It was only a few minutes past dawn, but while the royal family was only now beginning to stir, the servants wing was already bustling with activity as the staff prepared for another busy day.
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“I trust you familiarized yourself with his royal highness’ schedule for the day?” Bixby asked as he walked down the servant's corridor with St. James.
“Yes, sir,” St. James responded. “The prince will breakfast with her royal highness, then meet with the prime minister at nine, followed by a call with the minister of finance at ten.”
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“And what about Prince Michael’s request for a few minutes with his father?” Bixby asked. "It's irregular, but his royal highness prioritizes his family over all else."
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“My thought would be to schedule it over lunch,” St. James said. “But since Prince Michael said it was fairly urgent, we could squeeze him in after the prime minister’s visit. I’m sure Minister Abelard won’t mind waiting just a few minutes, and, based on the agenda he provided, there’s nothing critical about their ten o’clock call.”
Bixby stopped and turned to St. James, nodding.
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“Very good,” Bixby said, nodding. “You have a better feel for this than one would expect after only a few days.”
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“Thank you, sir,” St. James replied. “I’ve learned a great deal from simply watching you work, so it’s given me a good feel for how to determine when it’s necessary to improvise a bit. After his call with Minister Abelard, his royal highness must change. He’s due for the groundbreaking of the Darnley Center for International Relations at noon, then he’ll lunch with the Center’s board.”
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“He’s looking forward to that,” Bixby said. “Lord Darnley was a great support to Prince Stephen during his early years on the throne, so I know his royal highness was quite glad to have an opportunity to recognize his service to Weston. Go on, St. James.”
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“Prince Stephen is due back at the palace by two, and has a call scheduled with King Henry of Corwyn at three. However, I can’t seem to find an agenda for that conversation. Am I missing something?”
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“No,” Bixby replied. “Prince Stephen and King Henry are old schoolmates and very close friends, so it’s likely the call is more social in nature.”
“Ah,” St. James said, nodding as they resumed their walk down the hallway. “The prince has nothing scheduled after that call, although I’ve had several government officials ask for a few minutes of his time. Do you think I should try to set up meetings for the rest of the day?”
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“No,” Bixby replied. “His royal highness has been very tired of late, and the family will be having a guest for dinner – the Baroness Wexton, Lady Helena Reynolds. I’m sure he’ll wish to rest before she arrives.”
“Very well, then,” St. James said, casually.
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“You seem to have everything well in hand, then, St. James,” Bixby said, stopping at his office door. “I’ll leave you on your own today. If Prince Stephen requires my attendance, just call. I’ll be right here.”
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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