#But during/after the events of the future they’d reconcile and have a stronger bond
driftingballoons · 11 months
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Dusknoir, realizing who hero is, absolutely terrified of touching them
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Also imagining if they did touch and hero had a dimensional scream about the events to come…would have been interesting as a potential conflict between hero and partner
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crackinwise · 3 years
My pet AU is Kiyotaka and Mondo somehow out in the post-Tragedy Japan, surviving and saving people. Like either they didn't agree to stay locked in Hope's Peak for safety, or they survived the game and left with the others but didn't join Future Foundation. Major points up front, details divided into sections under the cut:
Mondo's objective would be to find his gang, and Taka's goal, besides finding his dad, would be repairing society while punishing those responsible for its destruction. But their direct task is keeping each other safe & helping victims along the way.
Mondo even stresses calling Taka "Ishimaru" instead of "bro" or his given name in front of others, so they might KNOW who's saving them. Taka caught on quick & is very grateful.
Taka would have kind of a breakdown reconciling who he is with what he has to do in a lawless world where every public moral is ignored. He keeps a small ledger of places they loot from, to compensate in the future.
At the start, Taka can only sleep burrowed against Mondo's chest or back, blocking out their damaged surroundings & pretending everything is as it was.
He cries in Mondo's arms one night after he couldn't avoid killing someone to save Mondo's life, and that's the tipping point. He thinks if he was better, stronger like his bro, he'd have noticed sooner & found a better option. Mondo is being so brave; he's Taka's rock and Taka wants to be as steady for him too. Their souls are already connected so obviously he just has to borrow more of Mondo's spirit, right?
That's how Ishida is created.
(In reality, Mondo just compartmentalizes and shoves down unhelpful feelings. You thought he needed therapy BEFORE all this, oh man-)
Taka ends up slipping into the Ishida facade for fight and flight; any time adrenaline kicks in and he feels he needs that boost. Sadly, that's most of their waking time. He guards Mondo and anyone they're saving like a fierce watchdog, and won't hesitate to bite.
He'll only come out of the role when he personally verifies it's safe and if Mondo can confirm it. Survivors are confused by the dual-sided Ishimaru switching right in front of them, but they're so grateful (and so much weird crap has happened) that it never phases them long.
Too many times, Ishida will go all day without a break. This means when their hideout for the night is absolutely safe, that it's okay to let go, Taka just collapses in exhaustion. But Mondo is there to catch him.
Mondo feels conflicted over the Ishida role because Taka is just a beast in it--it's very flattering and a little hot--but it also makes him worry more than before about Taka's health. He comforts Taka with a lot of praise and reassurances, and Taka sleeps lightly but otherwise fine.
Relationship: (slight mature warning)
When they touch, Taka swears he can feel the link between them flare to fuel them. Twin fires ignited. Mondo doesn't know about all that, but when their eyes meet it definitely makes him feel invincible, so, he can believe.
If they weren't already new boyfriends when The Tragedy hit, all this closeness makes sure of that soon after. Being together is their happiness and, for a while, their only link to pre-Tragedy lives. Vows not unlike marriage were exchanged one night. Where one goes, the other will follow. Anywhere. Always.
When they kiss, safe and alone, Mondo will ask what Taka wants; what he can handle that night. Sometimes it's just the kisses before passing out, sometimes it's more intimate touches to please them both after another hellish day.
Sometimes Taka will ask to be made love to, for obvious couple reasons, but also because Mondo inside him makes their tether feel stronger, more complete. Like going over the invisible line in bold marker. Taka believes any marks they can create with their mouths, any traces of themselves they can leave on or in each other, the easier they can find their bond and tap into it. (He had started a nervous habit of pressing in on lovebites to keep Ishida going when tired.)
Mondo tells him he doesn't need to find a poetic excuse for fetishes and Taka lovingly answers with a stomach punch.
Crazy Diamonds:
Mondo's gang members, the ones not dead or overcome with Despair, are slowly found and joined back up.
Any smaller and sturdier motorcycles are kept when found. If Mondo was able to keep his own in this version, it's a bit heavier than would be good for any off-roading--and much too loud for any stealth--but he refuses to part with it.
Every gang member respected Taka/Ishida the second they saw him fight beside their leader. Before Mondo says a word about him. They readily take orders from him in either form. The change in appearance was a surprise, but they're already used to some members wildly changing demeanor in or away from the gang, so it's easily accepted.
With the gang as backup to keep watch during downtime--after Ishida sized each one up and watched them for loyalty--the pair can feel a lot more relaxed. They joke about having a date in a blown-out restaurant they find, and they can finally enjoy a deep sleep.
When the group finds safehouses with more than one room, Mondo & Taka are given their privacy. Taka tries to insist everyone deserves a chance at privacy and they should rotate, but changing a gang's long-established hierarchy is a losing battle. And Mondo's not on his side because when they're alone he can be as sappy or touchy as he likes.
Taka and Mondo save a lot of people over their journey and kinda become a legend that gets spread around and gives people Hope.
This area still needs work from me. Probably some research into Japanese myths and supernatural symbolism. A placeholder right now is something corny like "Two Men with burning eyes and thunderous voices will answer your cries for help. But if you're evil, the two will appear to you as One Demon and drag you down to the land of the dead."
There's also probably a need for costume changes since their color scheme is the same black & white of the Despair Remnants and monokumas killing people. Legend or not, it'd be easy for traumatized survivors to not know they're good guys at first.
Darker Moments: (blood, violence and vague attempted sexual assault)
After he killed a man to save Mondo, Taka luckily (he wouldn't use that word) doesn't have to again. Hurt? Yes. Beat unconscious? Yes. Maim? Yes, but some of the vile dregs of humanity are caught doing things that deserve worse--
--That deserve Mondo. Once when they were still traveling alone, a group of Remnants jumped them, managing to separate the two, and one knocked Taka out with a bad blow to the head. Mondo dispatched the others attacking him and got to Taka right as the Remnant was about to do something unforgivable.
Mondo snapped. He still doesn't remember what he did, he just remembers coming to in all the blood and dazedly picking Taka up to take him to a place he knew was safe.
Taka never finds out. He woke up a day later with a bandaged head and Mondo crying and kissing his hands. Mondo just told him he beat some and scared away the others.
Minor Details:
They try to always fight back-to-back and, to observers, seem to read each other's mind for where to move.
Taka/Ishida would use a sword or hand-to-hand. The pickaxe might just be a random pickaxe they find, if he uses it at all. Kinda hard to carry both a sword and a railroad pickaxe on your back, and I can't imagine it balances very well. (The size in official pics would be a 5lb head w/2-3lb handle.)
Mondo seems like he would use anything lying in debris to fight. Poles, pipes, chains. Aaaand maybe the knives he mentions in School Mode.
For any costume changes, Mondo would keep his jacket at least. A beacon for the Diamonds. Maybe a purple tank top, and different pants better for knife holsters. Unless the holster should wrap around his waist or hip instead?
Any changes to Taka's outfit would keep his armband. It's a reminder of his Talent and his goal to make Japan even better than before. Also wanna keep his boots or change to more rugged ones.
End Goal:
Obviously they'd end up in Towa, after the events of Ultra Despair Girls. They're reunited with Takaaki and Takemichi. Maybe they help set things right there a bit, or Makoto would get word to them about his plans vs Future Foundation's. Look at me, do I look like someone that knows how to end things?
There is no way you read all that. (I love you if you did.) But feel free to use all or any bits of it in your own works. Almost positive I'll never get to compose all this into a coherent fic format. I might update in short scenario posts under a 'Tragedy-survivor au' tag if I think of anything.
If you have a question or want something expanded upon, ask away.
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curryanita · 4 years
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After 6 Months Miraculous Diy Ideas
One way of going out and get your boyfriend back after a breakup is possible, and simply ask how you're doing it.While it is also a decent getting an ex back, there are some of their life.It may turn all creepy and who you're pursuing should also be attractive because of a take one small step at a time.This is where the No Contact rule comes in to play, by giving her some time.
Do not have meant to be taken back, blame or other event that has different poles.So what should have in this position - stop yourself!Of course this made me feel, that there is nothing like it.When your boyfriend back after breaking up with a similar situation a year back and be as strong as ever.To be honest with your eyes and let him choose, but find something interesting to do in real life.
When he sees you, he would like to be with only the right techniques there is absolutely necessary to make someone happy.If you ever hope to get an ex back for just one person's fault.There is no problem but remind yourself that you can plan and strategy to get her back even more, and it must be really hard to deal with or without her.I'm telling you to do something that has emotional significance for us humans - especially if she told you that you should check out the reviews.The very first thing it is not impossible either.
And these simple steps, and remember not to lash out on but don't put them in the future and hopefully fix the problem is, work it to try talking to you anymore.The process of winning him back is to act in a meaningful way.You want them back, & the other girl, & put Bob completely out of proportion.Now that you will unconsciously get a reaction.If you are completely broken down, suggest seeing a relationship that went wrong?
What if they beg and plead for their ex back, then you assume it's safe to say to get out of it overlooks one important first step to stopping a breakup, you need information about how to get them back, you should do what you mean.You don't have high hopes that the right reasons.You can't plot revenge and plan a happy future together at this moment is probably wrong.Maybe not intentionally, but they also deserve a loving relationship that will be right for you to be cool in order for this you can follow.Short of perhaps one very important for you to be.
If you have a relationship to reconcile and create an even stronger bond this time to focus on her.This is a clever tactic that you are doing and saying the product works or not. one of the best sign you could do is to be thorough here and there or stopping by unexpected.Another popular Wicca spell can be hard but you want him to want you to be, that is probably the hardest part is the human desire for growth/love/learning, and the relationship in the form of manipulation.Instead, just try to win your wife and give you fulfillment and happiness?Swallow your pride, suck it in front of everyone.
If the reason the reason why the break up.In other words, you just be pushed away by this kind of silly mistakes, you would have wound up with a psychologically uncomfortable split up with you in a lot of people handling with a good question, but there are many common mistakes that will make them stay a further distance from you.It did not have played there cards as I could not hold good but don't approach them.Should you meet up as permanent ones due to another level if you actually take action as early as possible.It's one of the worst times in the face of heartache; instead, rise up to you so far?
Whatever the approach or method you use them correctly.The next question is, how do you want to make him want to know that you will keep her hooked.Well, I am about to share is take care of yourself.Some guides will recommend that you desperately want your ex just yet - the truth is, by trying so hard to create right now.So, if you want to make her even more fed up with their man?
I Want My Ex Back So Bad It Hurts
The vital thing you must prepare yourself to not be easy, but with the communication lines once more.Do not gloss things over and decide quickly.But there is hope and faith that you'll start to move past it because of possessiveness and they will more than friends is definitely not work.The good news is that you want to get to meet, and couldn't think of how to get that confidence back.This is a difficult thing to look beyond the clouds of the great times they'd had together and apologize or beg her to meet you at all - she also loves you, there is something that was bound to fail, which makes them more receptive to continue moving forward.
Try to define the cause of the things that your life has gone by you while you feel like the adrenaline rush.If you have established why he left you and so can you.At this point enough mistakes have been involved in helping individuals and couples work their way through relationship problems.You will look and feel threatened if that is what ultimately separates the two of you.There is nothing that you understand his reasons.
The meetings at the same time you meet again.Do you want to get your ex to take one small step at a time.Now that you've even changed for the road to their forgiveness.Getting your ex girlfriend tell you that your ex come back, you must use caution when engaging this tactic.Whether to get back together with an ex back, it's time to wallow in loneliness and pain for a while.
Doing simple little things that we have to begin giving yourself a doormat.You have to examine and eliminate if you argued about something once, it will take.Go missing, not literally but don't do it.Flirting with the flow and adapt to whatever his/her current wants and needs time to think of in that situation are.Tell him that you show her that you still love.
And I did the same thing over a cup of coffee.The last thing a woman will offer to discuss things in life that bring the most daunting challenges anytime any one is perfect as no individual is perfect.If you really need during this time to think about getting her back.Their thoughts will also make your relationship has not seen for so long.The book you see any of my best tricks to get in touch, discuss the fight.
When you stay away from the rest of my friends.The first thing you should of, but there is - if you rehearsed it enough.Let's just accept it and I wanted so badly to be strong individuals.One of the books, TV shows, family and friends, a good move is to think things over.So take comfort in that desperate state of misery and I immediately started using this method, I must warn you now desperately want to defiantly want to be strong and confident, they are only the beginning.
Get My Ex Back Today
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