wombywoo · 1 month
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cleaned up
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ioniansunsets · 3 months
Hello! :3
Sorry if I found this too late. But..
💘- 3 ways to win your heart with Heartsteel Ezreal? ^^
1. Respect him. Ezreal has worked hard to get to where he is, he knows that people look up to him and that people also look down on him. He knows he looks like a casual, fun loving guy that might seem like a pushover at times but he is not. He needs someone who would respect him for who he is and treat him like a person. He laughs, he lets things go and doesn’t hold grudges but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve the same respect as anyone else.
2. Have fun with him. Ez loves having fun, going to parties, shopping, gaming, travelling. He doesn’t need you to go all out and befriend all his friends per say or go with him to all his little influencer events or try all the weird sports he finds but he needs someone who won’t hold him back if he wants to try something out. Let him be him, let him have fun with you and show you all the joys and experiences he wants to share with you.
3. Let him love you. He is outwardly affectionate, he wants someone who would let him hold them, kiss them, love them. Sure he isn’t as touch starved as some others, he hugs all his friends, but its different. He needs someone he can hold onto when he’s sad, he needs someone who would hold onto him when he’s angry and he needs someone who would ground him by just letting him feel like he exists with a tight hold (be it a suffocating hug or a good squeeze of the hand.)
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 2 months
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//floorplan for the main floor of the Plasma Driftveil safehouse. made in floorplanner with room labels put on in firealpaca bc floorplanner's label font was painfully small.
//i also made a basement but i need to rearrange some of the rooms down there and also figure out what the heck people put in their basements.
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duckduckquackity · 10 days
[ Nightmare and nightmare-like themes. ]
Nightmares aren’t a new thing for Quackity. Not at all. What was new was desperately trying to avoid sleep to evade the nightmares.
After that whole sleep incident on Tumblr she really did try to sleep. The thought was simply too off-putting to actually lull her into any sleep, good or bad. However, napping with a way to wake up helped. Enough to keep her going for a day anyway.
It was late. Exactly how late wasn’t any of Quackity’s problem. She opted to focus on making something small in Luzu’s kitchen.
Their kitchen? Details were rough.
Groggily Quackity threw together a couple of ingredients. Avocado toast sounded nice, as she gently peeled the rough green skin off the flesh. From behind her feathers lightly shook, a call to go to bed.
Maybe tonight she will join Luzu?
[ - @blackbearbureau ]
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voxiiferous · 1 month
Three reasons Vox could end up supporting the hotel, from least to most unhinged:
It becomes a useful business proposition. Sure, Vox thinks part of the Princess’s ideas are… naive, but that’s fine. Maybe she asks for a commercial, maybe he offers, there’s multiple ulterior motives, including economic and political. A fun thread to explore their theoretically complementary but divergent ideas.
Vox and Alastor end up (working) together, of course he’ll help. He still has some questions regarding Charlie’s ideas, but they’re sort of secondary. He’s mostly signing the cheques.
He marries Lucifer, Charlie has a new step-father to everyone’s confusion and bafflement. Yes of course he’s going to support her, that’s now his daughter. This is as sufficiently weird for them as it is for everyone else around.
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yellowfingcr · 7 months
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yeonban · 8 months
This has been a long-time coming post, so here it is finally! A list of my current affiliates, exclusives & mains, along with an explanation for what each term entails. ALSO: if you're on this list and you would like to be moved to another category than the one I wrote your url in (i.e: from mains to exclusives) you can ask and we'll go from there! Same goes if we've interacted and/or plotted a lot with our muses and you'd like to be listed somewhere on this post as well!
AFFILIATES = These portrayals are so deeply intertwined with my characters and they've affected my muses' canons in such a way that you simply can't separate them from my muse in their main verse (and sometimes in AUs too). My muses will bring these characters up in interactions with other people as easily as breathing, and any relevant headcanons + backstory posts will mention these portrayals as part of my muses' canons. (This applies to every sort of bond, btw - romantic, platonic, familial and enemy dynamics have been listed here.).
@deathfavor's SEIROKU, for Soma. (also exclusive)
@ofdraiocht's KANETATSU, for Naotora. (also exclusive)
@shinanai's FEITAN, for Shalnark. (also main, considering -> exclusive)
@planetarii's WILLIAM, for Langris. (also exclusive)
@ascendedstar's CYNO, for Heizou. (also exclusive)
@beastincidents's HII, for Mihai.
@valkyrrhic's TAKEHIKO, for Tomo, Enzo & Shuusei. (also exclusive)
@inhaunts's AKANE, for Shuusei.
@chiheru's CHIHIRO, for Ezekiel. (also exclusive)
@lunargifted's EDWARD, for Ango (also exclusive).
@isolov's HUXLEY, for Eric (also exclusive).
EXCLUSIVES = I will only interact with ONE portrayal of the characters listed below (namely, with the portrayal mentioned here) in these specific match-ups. I will, however, interact with other people rping these characters with other muses of mine - just not with the muses I've specified below.
@truethes' ASH, for Gear.
@truethes' LICHT, for Lawless.
@destinywoven's GIYU, for Toshiro.
@ahlite's LUMINE, for Tarquin.
MAINS = The PRIMARY portrayal I'll refer to when my muse talks about a character, and the portrayal I'll most likely reply to the fastest. This is a slightly downgraded version of exclusives, in that I will interact with other portrayals of these muses in these same match-ups, but the people mentioned here will generally be my go-to for plots etc anyway. I may eventually also take more than one main per muse, IF the chemistry & required development is there.
@deathfavor's CHROLLO & KALLUTO, for Shalnark.
deathfavor's KUROKO, for Naotora.
@dragonflyhouse's SHIRO, for Aijiro.
dragonflyhouse's KOJIRO, for Soma & Naotora.
@dangaer's SHIN, for Toma.
@destinywoven's TOGE, for Yuta.
destinywoven's YAMI, for Langris.
@ascendedstar's AKIVILI, for Aha.
ascendedstar's LUMINE & LYNETTE, for Lyney.
@lifesliced's BEYOND, for A.
lifesliced's GEVANNI, for Tobias.
@beastincidents' NOBIMARU & INARI, for Mihai.
beastincidents' IMARI & NANAO, for Aijiro & Mikito.
@rotjoy's SAMPO, for Nikolai.
@isolov's KENJI, for Marin.
@inhaunts's CLARICE, for A.
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glacialswordsman · 27 days
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saw a few people do this so i wanted to do one for my kaeya too... ermmm hee hee!
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sendinganew · 5 months
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A joke post about anew joining the event featuring Athena from @ask-a-wooper-n-mew
They have not made a good impression of themself to her if you’ve seen the asks on that blog :3
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lambfated · 1 month
// YELLING SHOUTING SCREAMING ETC ETC...spoilers for the graphic novel under the cut but. ya know how it is around here by now.
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forgive the doodoo ass quality i got these in an email but i am YELLING!!!!!!! THAT'S MY LITTLE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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surprised they actually provided some semblance of backstory, dunno if i'll be using it for this blog or not yet but i will be taking it into consideration...
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man. stuck in some guy's hay pile at the cost of having to sell their own wool as the price of survival, only to get sold out for 30 fckin' coins...tough life. ties in kinda nicely with the whole "they used their wool for tactile crafts before everyone was wiped out" headcanon and the "they grew up on a farm and hid out in piles of hay to avoid their chores" stuff i had going on in their mortal verse, but man. man!!!!!
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yewwantstobattle · 8 months
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@hisuiansliggoo @twilight-rose-pokemon
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retrograderesemblance · 3 months
RP Tierlist
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tagged by: @smiletimeisrunningout <33 tagging: @timeguardians , @anoseforrottenapples , @widowshill , @noiranamnesis , @richardxoliverxmayhew , @laviexenrose , @brooklynislandgirl , @apurekindness , and anyone else who wants to do this!
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stillsolo · 3 months
ROLEPLAY HISTORY post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back.
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han s. — star wars ( canon/eu )
anakin s. / vader — star wars ( canon/eu )
luke s. — star wars ( canon/eu )
obi-wan k. — star wars ( canon/eu | discord only )
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it takes… a lot for me to pick up a primary muse lol
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PAST CANON MUSES ( primary )
john shepard — mass effect ( ot canon )
kaidan alenko — mass effect ( ot canon )
kurosaki ichigo — bleach ( canon )
grimmjow jaegerjaquez — bleach ( canon )
PAST CANON MUSES ( secondary / casual )
dr. henry walton / "indy" — indiana jones ( ot canon )
elka solo — star wars ( fc | canon/eu )
astri solo — star wars ( fc | canon/eu )
chewbacca — star wars ( canon/eu )
leia organa — star wars ( canon/eu )
lando calrissian — star wars ( canon/eu )
padmé amidala — star wars ( canon/eu )
assaj ventress — star wars ( canon/eu )
wedge antilles — star wars ( canon/eu )
biggs darklighter — star wars ( canon/eu )
ARC/CT-8080 / liner — star wars ( oc | canon/eu )
urahara kisuke — bleach ( ss canon )
kuchiki rukia — bleach ( ss canon )
david anderson — mass effect ( ot canon )
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primary muses never leave me! e.g: han harassing me for like 10 fuckin' yrs
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TAGGED BY: @valorums omg thank you for thinking of me!! TAGGING: @techniiciian @sgterso @desiccation @jedibattlemaster @strcngered @fcalty @debelltio @vibraea @red-flight @reawakcn @cnlyluck & anyone else who wants to do this! pls link me if you've already done it 👀
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prerodinu · 3 months
With my muses, it's who gets handcuffed to the bed and who does the handcuffing to the bed.
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darabeatha · 4 months
/ This is how my muses are when u take them to f.arm for materials
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alchemistdetective · 6 months
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((It's the end of the year, and I haven't done this in a while :D
Template here for those who want to do it!))
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