#Cobra guppy
sepiamestus · 9 months
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Fucking feeshies
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Ephyra!reader and fry!reader need to become besties because they both grew up as outcasts
Agreed! @sensei-venus
They'd get along so well too! They'd be so enamored by their similarities because they both have tentacles. They dance around and swish their tentacles around. They don't get too close while they are dancing because ephyra!Reader doesn't want to sting fry!Reader by accident.
Omg! They'll sit together and play, do each other's hair, dress up and sp much more. They talk quietly to each other and share ideas and giggle. As they get older, they might even shit talk all the people who think wrongly of them, who judge them and so on.
!!!! What if they are buddies! Because their swimming patterns are similar!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
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bonsai-babies · 2 years
I love Samantha's little smile at Miguel in the beginning of S1 in the cafeteria, they were young and soft 🥰
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cryptidkoi · 1 year
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Shitty pic of the fish in my 10 gallon
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glassboxdiaries · 4 months
One Of My New Blue Cobra Guppies!
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One of my new Blue Cobra Guppies, I guess it could pass for a Black Cobra Guppy too.
I really like the pattern on the body of cobra guppies and have had some yellow cobras for months now but since I got them, I wanted more, in other colors, and now I have them.
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shwoo · 8 months
Looks like Metazooa got an update a few days ago. It now has two annelids (earthworm and leech), and two myriapods (centipede and millipede), among other things. There's also now enough snakes that the puzzle no longer feels as much like it's about trying to think of every snake in existence until one finally comes up as a possibility. The amount of fish has improved, too.
But a few answers were also removed, for some reason. One of them was "lizard", which I'm in favour of, but the others included more specific stuff like brown crab and whale shark. Maybe whale shark was removed because its closest shared group in this system (Galeoidea) doesn't have a Wikipedia page? You can still get it to come up, though, because the remaining sharks are all in it.
Also, they removed two birds, and added zero. Maybe because the classification they're using splits Neognathae, the clade that most modern birds are in, into twenty-eight direct subgroups? The game only has birds from eleven of those (twelve before the current changes), but that's still enough to justify using a hint if it's not a passerine or fowl.
This game is a cool idea, which is why I just spent so much time rambling about some fairly minor changes, but I still think it could use a lot of improvement.
Actually, here's a probably full list of what was added and removed, just in case anyone else cares! I got the names from the page source, which lists them so they can pop up as suggestion. I had a list to compare from for reasons. In total, unless I missed something, there were thirty-two additions, and eight removals.
Added: Earthworm (annelid) Leech (annelid) Mussel (bivalve) Nautilus (cephalapod) Giant octopus (cephalapod) Bigfin squid (cephalopod) Centipede (myriapod) Millipede (myriapod) Barnacle (crustracean) Pillbug (crustacean) Mantis shrimp (crustacean) Prawn (crustacean) Mayfly (insect) Hercules beetle (insect) Sea cucumber (echinoderm) Sand dollar (echinoderm) Goblin shark (cartilaginous fish) Tiger shark (cartilaginous fish) Tuna (ray-finned fish) Guppy (ray-finned fish) Anglerfish (ray-finned fish) Boa constrictor (lepidosauran reptile) Rattlesnake (lepidosauran reptile) Viper (lepidosauran reptile) King cobra (lepidosauran reptile) Tortoise (archelosaurian reptile) Snapping turtle (archelosaurian reptile) Caiman (archelosaurian reptile) Opossum (mammal) Possum (mammal) Chipmunk (mammal) Moose (mammal) Yak (mammal)
Removed: Brown crab (crustacean) Shrimp (crustracean) Whale shark (cartilaginous fish) Lizard (lepidosauran reptile) Albatross (bird) Rockhopper penguin (bird) Naked mole-rat (mammal) Snow leopard (mammal)
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savedgame · 11 days
how are your fish doing
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They’re doing well!! I have a cobra enders guppy and blue dragon guppy I haven’t named yet tho, the others r marimo, pinto bean and kirin 😎
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total-fandom-tr45h · 1 year
So the notes at the end of chapter 5 for Your Beauty Never Ever Scared  mentioned that the siren is a type of guppy.
Have you ever come across cobra guppies before?
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I thought you might like them.
Also, great story! Very good job!
I have indeed come across them, and they are beautiful! However I will admit that when writing I envisioned the siren being a Moscow Green Guppy.
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Obviously the siren can be whatever species of Guppy the reader wants to be, but that's what I envisioned while writing!
And thank you so much, it's quite the emotional Rollercoaster of a story and it'sunfinished, but I do plan on continuing it!
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"Leopard cobra guppy" is kind of a stupid idea for the name of a fish like bestie that's just a list of 3 totally different animals <3
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kyeabove · 2 years
My decades old Edward Nygma fixation combined with my Guppy fixation demands that I absolutely must either find a way to acquire green cobra guppies in Canada or develop green guppies (which are much harder to do in guppies) and squiggly patterns out of pure spite with the guppies I can get my hands on. Annoyed and upset that I actually have to pay attention to guppy genetics now 😔
Riddler Fish! Riddler Fish!
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jok3rgg · 10 days
 Jenis Ikan Guppy yang Paling Banyak Dicari.
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Jenis ikan guppy lokal yang ada di Indonesia bisa dijadikan sebagai salah satu pilihan jika anda ingin memelihara ikan hias yang indah dengan harga terjangkau. Bentuk tubuhnya yang kecil, dengan sirip yang berwarna-warni membuat banyak orang menyukainya.
Spesies ikan hias air tawar satu ini merupakan anggota suku Poecilidae yang berukuran kecil dan sangat populer. Banyak orang suka memelihara ikan guppy karena memiliki warna yang cantik. Tak heran jika para kolektor ikan berlomba-lomba berburu ikan guppy dengan corak yang cantik.
Ikan Guppy Cobra
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Ikan guppy cobra memiliki ciri khas corak tubuh seperti kulit ular dengan dominasi warna merah pada ekor dan siripnya. pada bagian seluruh tubuh guppy jantan yang mempunyai kombinasi warna seperti hitam, putih atau kuning. Sangat banyak ikan guppy yang bercorak seperti kulit ular, karena corak inilah yang pertama kali sudah bisa diidentifikasi.
Guppy Green Red Dragon
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Jenis ikan guppy satu ini sangat diminati oleh para kolektor ikan hias di Indonesia.  Ikan guppy jenis red dragon mempunyai bentuk sirip yang melebar kearah samping dan dikenal dengan ekor delta. Coraknya juga sangat unik dengan perpaduan warna yang beragam. Tak heran, jika jenis ikan guppy ini dibanderol dengan harga yang mahal. Tiga ekor ikan guppy jenis red dragon ini bisa terjual dengan harga satu jutaan rupiah.
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colorfulfishbreeds · 4 months
Blue Snakeskin Guppies: Dive into the Allure and Essential Insights
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Discovering Blue Snakeskin Guppies: Unveiling Their Aesthetic Charm
Blue Snakeskin Guppies flaunt a unique and enchanting appearance, showcasing vibrant colors and intricate patterns reminiscent of snake scales. These captivating patterns, resembling the scales of a snake, run vertically along their bodies, creating a visual spectacle that adds charm to any aquarium.
Beyond Looks: A Peek into Their Character
Beyond their stunning aesthetics, Blue Snakeskin Guppies exhibit a friendly and inquisitive nature. Their active swimming habits, constant exploration, and engaging interactions with other tank mates make them a delightful addition to any aquarium community.
Meet the Marvels: Azure Serpent and Emerald Python
Azure Serpent:
The Azure Serpent variety enchants with its deep blue hue and intricate dark blue snakeskin patterns. The contrast between the vibrant body color and the detailed patterns creates a visually striking display, making them a highlight in any aquarium.
Emerald Python:
Featuring rich green shades with emerald-like scales, the Emerald Python Guppies bring an enchanting and regal presence to aquariums, adding a touch of natural beauty to the underwater environment.
Essential Information about Blue Snakeskin Guppies: Origin, Size, and Varied Appearances
Origin and Size
Believed to originate from selective breeding efforts in South America, particularly Venezuela and Brazil, these guppies reach an average size of 1.5 to 2.5 inches when fully grown. Understanding their origin provides insights into their natural characteristics and care requirements.
Lifespan and Temperament
With proper care, Blue Snakeskin Guppies can thrive for approximately 2 to 3 years. Renowned for their peaceful and sociable disposition, they make ideal candidates for community tanks, fostering a harmonious aquatic environment.
Varied Appearances and Pricing
These guppies exhibit a diverse range of colors and patterns, including varieties like "Royal Serpent," "Crimson Cobra," and "Golden Viper." Prices range from $5 to $20 per fish, influenced by factors such as coloration, pattern quality, and the breeder's reputation.
Creating the Perfect Habitat: Native Environment and Tank Setup
Native Habitat and Tank Requirements
In their native habitat, Blue Snakeskin Guppies thrive in slow-moving freshwater bodies with abundant aquatic vegetation. To replicate their natural environment, consider a minimum 10-gallon tank with slightly alkaline water conditions (pH 7.0 to 7.5) and temperatures between 72°F to 82°F.
Tank Setup and Decor
Craft an aquatic paradise for your Blue Snakeskin Guppies by incorporating live or artificial plants, driftwood, and smooth substrates. Hiding spots, provided by decorations or dense plantings, mimic their natural habitat and contribute to their well-being.
Nourishing Your Blue Snakeskin Guppies: Diet and Feeding Habits
Omnivorous Diet
As omnivores, Blue Snakeskin Guppies enjoy a diet that includes high-quality flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried foods. Regular feeding, supplemented with live or frozen treats like brine shrimp, ensures their vibrancy and overall health.
Feeding Habits
These guppies are enthusiastic eaters, eagerly swimming to the water's surface during feeding time. To maintain optimal condition, feed them small, frequent meals, ensuring they consume all the food within a few minutes.
Breeding Insights: Reproduction and Breeding Requirements
Livebearers and Breeding Requirements
Being livebearers, female guppies give birth to live fry. To encourage breeding, maintain optimal water conditions, a higher female-to-male ratio, and provide hiding places for fry survival. Separating pregnant females into a breeding tank can enhance fry survival rates.
Ensuring Health and Addressing Common Issues: Health Considerations and Preventive Measures
Common Health Issues
Like any aquarium fish, Blue Snakeskin Guppies may be susceptible to fungal infections, parasitic infestations, bacterial diseases, and issues related to poor water quality, stress, or overcrowding.
Preventive Methods
Prevent health issues by maintaining a clean and well-filtered aquarium, conducting regular water tests, and promptly addressing any water quality concerns. Quarantine new fish before introducing them to your tank to prevent the spread of diseases. Avoid overfeeding and monitor fish behavior for signs of illness.
Harmonious Tank Mates and Identifying Gender Differences: Compatibility and Care Tips
Compatible Tank Mates
Choose tank mates with similar temperaments and water preferences, such as Neon Tetras, Platies, or Corydoras Catfish. Providing stable conditions, a balanced diet, and suitable hiding spots for fry contribute to a harmonious tank environment.
Distinctive Gender Characteristics
Distinguishing between male and female Blue Snakeskin Guppies is relatively straightforward. Males are generally smaller with vibrant and colorful fins, while females are slightly larger with less colorful fins. A gravid spot near the anal fin in females becomes more prominent during pregnancy.
Understanding Blue Snakeskin Guppies in Comparison: Similarities and Differences with Other Guppy Varieties
Common Traits with Other Guppies
Blue Snakeskin Guppies share fundamental characteristics with other guppy varieties, including species, size, reproductive strategy, and omnivorous diet.
Distinctive Feature: The Snakeskin Pattern
Their standout feature is the intricate snakeskin pattern, setting them apart from other guppy strains with different color patterns. This unique pattern adds to their visual appeal and makes them a sought-after variety among guppy enthusiasts.
Embark on your journey with Blue Snakeskin Guppies, blending aesthetics and care for an enriching aquarium experience. Dive into the allure of these aquatic marvels and create a harmonious underwater haven.
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fishbreedsblog · 4 months
Blue Snakeskin Guppies: Unveiling the Allure and Facts You Must Know
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Discovering Blue Snakeskin Guppies
Unveiling Their Aesthetic Charm
Blue Snakeskin Guppies boast a distinctive and enchanting appearance with vibrant colors and intricate patterns reminiscent of snake scales. These patterns, resembling a snake's scales, run vertically along their bodies, creating a captivating visual spectacle.
Beyond Looks: A Peek into Their Character
Apart from their striking aesthetics, these guppies exhibit a friendly and inquisitive nature. Their active swimming habits, constant exploration, and interaction with other tank mates make them a delightful addition to any aquarium.
Meet the Marvels: Azure Serpent and Emerald Python
Azure Serpent:
The Azure Serpent variety dazzles with a deep blue hue adorned with intricate dark blue snakeskin patterns. The contrast between the vibrant body color and the intricate patterns creates a visually striking display.
Emerald Python:
Featuring rich green shades with emerald-like scales, the Emerald Python Guppies bring an enchanting and regal presence to any aquarium.
Essential Information about Blue Snakeskin Guppies
Origin and Size
Believed to originate from selective breeding efforts in South America, particularly Venezuela and Brazil, these guppies reach an average size of 1.5 to 2.5 inches when fully grown.
Lifespan and Temperament
With proper care, Blue Snakeskin Guppies can live for approximately 2 to 3 years. Known for their peaceful and sociable disposition, they make excellent candidates for community tanks.
Varied Appearances and Pricing
These guppies come in various colors and patterns, including "Royal Serpent," "Crimson Cobra," and "Golden Viper." Prices range between $5 to $20 per fish, depending on coloration, pattern quality, and breeder reputation.
Creating the Perfect Habitat
Native Habitat and Tank Requirements
Blue Snakeskin Guppies thrive in slow-moving freshwater bodies with abundant aquatic vegetation. For aquariums, a minimum 10-gallon tank is recommended, with slightly alkaline water conditions (pH 7.0 to 7.5) and temperatures between 72°F to 82°F.
Tank Setup and Decor
Craft an aquatic paradise with live or artificial plants, driftwood, and smooth substrates. Hiding spots, provided by decorations or dense plantings, mimic their natural habitat.
Nourishing Your Blue Snakeskin Guppies
Diet and Feeding Habits
As omnivores, they relish a diet including high-quality flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried foods. Regular feeding, supplemented with live or frozen treats like brine shrimp, ensures their vibrancy and overall health.
Breeding Insights
Reproduction and Breeding Requirements
Being livebearers, female guppies give birth to live fry. To encourage breeding, maintain optimal water conditions, higher female-to-male ratios, and provide hiding places for fry survival.
Ensuring Health and Addressing Common Issues
Health Considerations and Preventive Measures
Like any aquarium fish, Blue Snakeskin Guppies may face health issues. Regular maintenance, water quality checks, quarantine for new fish, and monitoring fish behavior help prevent and address potential problems.
Harmonious Tank Mates and Identifying Gender Differences
Compatible Tank Mates and Care Tips
Select tank mates with similar temperaments and water preferences, such as Neon Tetras, Platies, or Corydoras Catfish. Provide stable conditions, a balanced diet, and suitable hiding spots for fry.
Distinctive Gender Characteristics
Distinguish males by their smaller size, vibrant fins, and colorful patterns. Females are slightly larger with less colorful fins, and a gravid spot near the anal fin may indicate pregnancy.
Understanding Blue Snakeskin Guppies in Comparison
Similarities and Differences with Other Guppy Varieties
Share common traits with other guppies, such as size, livebearing, and an omnivorous diet. The distinctive feature lies in their intricate snakeskin pattern, setting them apart from other guppy strains.
Embark on your journey with Blue Snakeskin Guppies, blending aesthetics and care for an enriching aquarium experience. Dive into the allure of these aquatic marvels and create a harmonious underwater haven.
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yallternativve · 1 year
A tank update! It’s currently fully stocked and I added in some more plants when I changed out the water today
I currently have my cory, a powder blue dwarf guarami, and two cobra guppies!
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Bobble the cory cat (not pictured), Bibble the guarami, Wiggle (yellow) and Wobble (orange)
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doggiewoggiez · 1 year
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These are my cobra endlers, all male, 6 of them. There's a definite pecking order but everyone gets fed. They're in my 20g with my ghost shrimp and those two juvie plecos (who will eventually be rehomed as they grow). Eventually when I have my other 10 gallon tanks I'll probably split up the males and put three in another tank, and give each set of boys a half dozen lady guppies to sex up. So if you're in Central Texas and you ever want guppies hit me up in a few months because I'll have way too many.
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glassboxdiaries · 3 months
🐠✨ Journey Through My 12-Gallon Guppy Tank! ✨🌱
Hey Tumblr fam! Today, I'm super excited to take you on a deep dive into my 12-gallon guppy tank. You've seen snippets in my past posts, but now it's time for the full, behind-the-scenes tour!
👀 Inside the Tank:
Meet the stars: Four stunning male guppies, each with their own quirky personalities
A transformation story from battling a fungal infection to flourishing under careful tending
My tank's evolution: From rearranged landscapes to choosing the perfect floating plants, creating a space I'm truly in love with
🐟 Guppy Gossip:
Discover the peaceful life of my male guppies, chosen specifically to avoid overpopulation
The colorful cast includes two yellow cobra guppies and their intriguing tank mates, all stunning yet humble in pedigree
🍽️ Feeding Time:
What's on the menu? From Fluval Bug Bites to their favorite frozen daphnia treats, these guppies have gourmet tastes!
🌿 Plant and Tech Talk:
A glimpse into the lush greenery: Java Moss, Cryptocoryne varieties, and more
Insights on the tank's setup: Lighting, filtration, heating, and more for a perfect aquatic environment
🦐 Invertebrate Friends:
Say hello to the cleanup crew: Horned nerite snails, Amano shrimp, and the adorable yellow cherry shrimp
💧 Maintenance and Musings:
A look into the rarely needed water changes and how the ecosystem almost cares for itself
Future plans? Maybe a move for these guppies to a bigger world, stay tuned!
Join me on this mesmerizing journey and see how even a small tank can be a universe of its own. Can't wait to share every bit of this aquatic love with you all!
🎥 Full video here: [Link]
Stay tuned for more aqua adventures! #AquariumLife #GuppyTank #Fishkeeping #Aquascaping #TropicalFish
This post is designed to be engaging and detailed, capturing the unique spirit of Tumblr's community. Make sure to include your video link for easy access!
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