#Dating advice from Isla Nublar
jurrasicworldcc · 1 year
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
Corrupt Darius AU idea
Warning: This AU idea is mostly focused on Darius and a more corrupt and insane version of him. I also apologize if I offend any fans of this character.
Basically, the story is that Darius would start to lose his interest/love in dinosaurs following his dad’s death and start obsessing over making friends to help him cope and also gaining symptoms of Apathy Syndrome.
That was in December, 2015, he would discover the Jurassic World video game that started his journey to Camp Cretaceous. He eventually won and got to the camp on Isla Nublar.
There, he met emo athlete, Yasmina Fadoula; Bratty internet girl, Brooklynn; Rich boy, Kenji Kon; Farm girl, Sammy Gutierrez; and germaphobe, Ben Pincus.
The days that passed, the campers started becoming best friends, with Yasmina asking Kenji for dating advice thanks to her crush on Sammy, and Brooklynn teaching Darius how to make the Windsor Knot. That was…until the Indominus Rex attacked.
When the camp was destroyed, Darius’s mental health began to deteriorate due to everyone starting to argue, dinosaurs breaking loose, and also Sammy revealed to be an assassin/spy for Mantah Corp.
The events of the show following “Welcome to Jurassic World” still happen except for in Season 2, when Darius, Sammy, and Brooklynn were getting food and freeing dinosaurs…Two baryonyxes, Chaos and Limbo, attacked and when Brooklynn attempted to climb up the cage that Darius and Sammy were on, her hand slipped out of Darius’s and she is killed by Chaos. The campers mourn Brooklynn and then discover two campers, Mitch and Tiff, and also Ben is alive. After Darius finds out the two adults are poachers, Tiff shoots Sammy and kills her. During the dinosaur stampede, Yasmina dies since she couldn’t get out of her jeep in time and was crushed. In a fit of rage, Darius kills both Mitch and Tiff, and also lights their boat on fire.
With all the girls dead, the boys head back home to camp to mourn. Weeks later in March, 2016, Ben discovers Darius strangling Kenji and is too late. Ben is horrified but Darius only smiles seeing how it’s only him and Ben standing.
He then reveals that most of the deaths that they witnessed were caused by him. He reveals that he dropped Brooklynn on purpose because “she was a bitch,” and also sent a compy to eat the gas cords on Yasmina’s jeep since he believed that no one would care that he “shaved a few years off a stressed athlete’s existence and also Yaz and Sammy are together in Heaven,” and also he had plans to kill Sammy but Mitch and Tiff ruined those plans.
Ben realizes that Darius is insane from his obsession to make his Camp Cretaceous experience perfect, have life-lasting friends, and also his dad’s death. Ben calls Darius a psychopath and then fights him…but Darius wins the fight by snapping Ben’s neck. He also killed Bumpy some point later on.
However, there was still a part of him that values his friends, so he took parts of his friends so they could be part of him, literally. The parts that he gained from them were Ben’s Fanny pack, Kenji’s watch, Brooklynn’s jacket (that he wears), Yaz’s shoe that he used one of his shoelaces to tie the shoe to Ben’s Fanny pack, and also Sammy’s headband that he now wears.
Months later in June, Darius is revealed to have gone completely insane and also the items of his friends show to have some decay to them. It was that he was in the genetics lab, getting ready to get some more food until he discovered a forbidden project that Dr. Wu was originally going to use: Project Janus.
Project Janus was a project that allowed the scientists to travel through time and space to other dimensions. Wu originally intended to use this to travel through a multiverse and find dinosaurs to bring to his dimension, but Claire shut the project down and fired Wu but not before letting him finish the Indominus Rex.
Darius, now learning about the concept of alternate universes, abandons the universe that this AU takes place in and is learning how to make his own universe…
“I told you…I’M YOUR BEST FRIEND!!” Corrupt Darius to a currently unknown person.
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femmociraptor · 6 years
Hey so I'm 27 and refer to myself as "not straight", mainly because I struggle to define demisexuality that I think puts me in trouble to interact with girls I like. Also even if I try to enter lgbt spaces I always end up in a place full of guys and in other activities more guys and straight girls. So I really don't know what to do because dating apps don't work either. And there's of course this demi stuff that I see as a barrier because I realize I like someone way too late. So Idk what to do!
I've read this several times over and still don't quite know what you're asking, but I'll give it a shot.
So, I think you’re overthinking this one a bit.
Online apps are certainly not the only way to meet women (see this post for suggestions), but they can be a great way to present yourself in a cool, calm, and collected package without worrying about getting tongue tied or making the mistake of hitting on a straight girl (most of the time). Yes, gay men definitely do tend to dominate gay spaces, but there are plenty of women out there if you know where to look.
Dating profiles are all about being succinct, interesting, and a little flirty. Have fun with it! Work out first what the heck it is you want and figure out a way to convey that in as few words as possible.
I tend to loosely employ a 3 x 3 rule when it comes to dating profiles. Try to give them 3 things about you, at least 3 things you like (aka interests), and 3 things you’re looking for. It gives them enough to go on and start a conversation with (especially if they’ve employed it on theirs as well) but doesn’t overwhelm them with too much information too soon.
So, for example, your profile might look something like:
Local lesbian grad student extraordinaire looking for the Tara to my Willow.
Into: spelunking, cheesy sci fi marathons, baking, and Norman style architecture.
Looking for friends first with the possibility for more. Attracted to Butch cowbois, especially ones with really big… belt buckles. ;-) You should know I have a weakness for brown eyes. If you have a cat, definitely message me.
And that’s it.
Keep it light. Keep it easy. Keep it fun. If you can’t, then you shouldn’t be on a dating app at this point in your life anyway.  
It doesn’t matter how hot someone may be in their pictures. If they sound like they’re exhausting to be around or that they don’t have their internal house in order, personally, I’m going to swipe left (or keep scrolling, whatever).
Remember, you can only meet people as deeply as you’ve met yourself. If you don’t know who and what you are yet, then they won’t either, and they also won’t be able to tell what they’d be signing up for if they went out with you (and the ones for whom that wouldn’t matter [read: desperate] are really not the ones you want to be going out with in the first place…).
Really take some time and think about what you’re offering to the people who date you. Ask yourself what you bring to the table and how their life would be bettered by having you in it, and if you don’t like the answers you’ve come up with, take a break, work on yourself for a bit, and try again. People respond to the energy you’re putting out there and if you’re feeling confused or disorganized or a little off your game, they’re going to pick up on that and respond in kind (or not at all, in the case of online dating).
If you’re not getting the response you want, I’d wager a guess that it’s less because of who you are (I firmly believe there is at least one lid for every pot) and more to do with how you’re presenting it. Being angsty or apologetic about yourself is death in the dating world. People want to feel like they’re getting a catch… and they are! You just have to help them see that.
After you take stock of what you offer to someone in the big picture sense, get out a pen and notepad and write down everything you can think of that is good about you. You’re using pen and not pencil, paper and not a computer because I want you to really think long and hard before you scratch something out, and if you do, you should still see evidence of it and see how ugly it is that you don’t think it’s worth listing. Put every stupid little thing down you can think of, especially if it makes you embarrassed. Then sit with that list for a while and think it over. Then keep adding. And adding. And add some more. You should have a minimum of 100 things on your list within a week and if you don't, it's because you're talking yourself out of them, not because those things don't exist. Then keep that list somewhere private but accessible to you and never stop adding to it. Try adding at least one thing a day and at the end of a year, look back at that list and see how different your approach to dating and all of your other relationships has become.
Keep going until you stop seeing any one aspect of who you are as a barrier and start seeing it as just one of the many, many things that make you exactly who you are. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the core of who you are and if, for whatever reason, you don't like some of the changeable things, just remember that you are always evolving, even when you can't feel it. And when the timing is right and your phase of evolution matches up with someone else's, you'll see then why it never worked with all the others who came before.
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bluebirdofusa · 4 years
┏━ ॢ:🌱:ॢʚ   ҉ɞ ミღᘛ❪ ะ:t_rex: ะ ी❫ᘚღミʚ  ┇𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓣𝓸 𝓙𝓾𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓵𝓭┇ʚ:🦖 :ɞ ┗━ ॢ:🌱:ॢʚ   ҉ɞ ミღᘛ❪ ि ะ:💙:ะ ी❫ᘚღミʚ   ҉ɞ ॢ:🌱:ॢ┈┛                   ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙                    ✧  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ︙  ✧                        :🌹 :   ︙  ︙  ︙  :💗 :                                           ✧  ︙  ✧
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〔:🐉:〕 ɞೋ✧▭▭▭✦ -ˎˊ The Park is loading  ̗̀✧ु•ʚ◌๑ ๑◌ɞ•✧ुˎˊ˗ ✦▭▭▭✧◦ೋʚ〔:🐉:〕ɞೋ✧▭▭▭✦
¸.  :💛:  ¸. 💎 .  :👑: ° :   ﹢     ˖ .Loading Completed! Enjoy the ride • . ﹢˖:👻 : · . 。 :💜: ゚ *  ¸ .    :💥:˖      ° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:💫:
*Welcome to Blue's Paddock! Please be careful & proceed with caution. Keep hands & feet in vehicle at all times to avoid getting eaten or worse. She will be arriving soon so be on the look out for her & her sisters. Enjoy your ride at Jurassic World! See ya soon*
╭───»°•*๑◦:🚧 :❞ೃೀ:🦖: ೃೀ ❝:🚧 :◦๑*•°«───╮ ✧೫̥͙ೃೀ【Rules of the Paddock】๑ ╰───»°•*๑◦:🚧 :❞ೃೀl:t_rex:  ೃೀ❝:🚧 :◦๑*•°«───╯
#1: No harassment, bullying, childish insults, hacking, unnecessary name calls, insulting religion, LGBT insults, no judging I don't care if its the internet or not that's no excuse! No judging or insulting those who DO NOT support LGBT its uncalled for, rude & disrespectful. I don't judge you so don't judge me.
#2: Criticism must be spoken wisely without the need to be harsh or cruel. Its not that hard you just make it seem hard. Dont use the excuse of freedom of speech or opinion either. That's called abusing your rights to freedom by massive insults and unnecessary bullying so think before you speak words hurt. So unless you wanna be responsible for a suicide or death of someone REFRAIN from this please.
#3: Negativity is not welcomed either. I love everybody for who they are & I want to see them blossom & express themselves idc if they don't like me or hate me. My love for everyone is powerful than hatred. So i will spread positivity and conquer your negativity.
#4: LGBT; i do not hate you for being LGBT but I don't want you to judge me for not supporting because I really don't care for your gender. Your personality & talents mean alot to me & I love how understanding & friendly LGBT people are. I have friends who are LGBT and I care for them alot & try my best to be there for them. I give them advice, comfort, & lots of care because its who I am. So anyone who shows hatred, resentment, negativity for them get off my page!
#5: Be respectful, kind, caring, loving, & other things
#6: DO NOT ASK THE ADMIN OUT. I am not into online dating idc if you beg, whine, cry, fuss I will say no until you stop bothering me. Trusting people online is hard especially if you don't know what what they look like, what they are doing, and they can pretty much lie & tell you things about themselves that aren't true & I'm not having that. So find someone else.
#6: No stealing my edits or screenshot them. If you borrow or request an edit from me BE SURE TO CREDIT ME otherwise I won't make you any more
#7: Last but not least HAVE FUN
ೃೀ ू:🍇:ुೃೀ ┋ ७ू ◌ಾಿʚૂ( Things You'll See Posted )ૂɞ◌ಾಿ७ू:🌴: ೃೀ ू:🍇:ुೃೀ
Raptor Squad
Blue Speaks
Raptor Edits
Jurassic World
Admin Marianne
Shout outs (maybe depends)
Rp Stories
Blue x Owen
┋೫ ʚ:🌴:ɞ ೫⋮ ღThings You Wont Seeღ:🔥: ೃೀ ू:🍇 :ुೃೀ ┋*:🔥:- ̗̀
Name calling
Childish insults
And many other things
┋*:🌹 :- ̗̀ೃೀʚ❪Beta Raptor Blue❫ɞೃ*:🌸 : ೃೀ:🍇:ुೃೀ ┋*- ̗̀ ॢ〖:🍁:〗 ॢ ೃೀ❥ リンドゥラ.* ¸.      ¸ .    .   :❄️ :️° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:👻 : · . 。 :🎗: ゚*¸ .     :🌹 :˖      ° :   ﹢     ˖ . • . ﹢˖:🤠: ╭
*The names Blue as you've guessed I'm a velciraptor but in human form, please don't ask how is too long a story & I'm not gonna waste my breath explaining so you'll find out eventually. I am the beta raptor meaning the female leader of the Squad the male leader is known as an Alpha. My Alpha is human but he had the talent & skills of a leader which is why I made him Alpha. I have three siblings they are Delta she is a teal raptor with navy blue on her eyes, Echo she's a brown raptor with black stripes, and then there's Charlie she's an olive green raptor with black stripes. I'm the eldest of the three, Delta the second eldest, Echo the third eldest, & the youngest is Charlie. We used to live on Isla Nublar but we were taken somewhere else due the volcano erupting we fled to Isla Sorna where a woman by the name of Alina takes care of us. (This is different from how the movie went so don't judge) that's it about me on to the admin.*
╭ೃೀ๑˚₊‧✩ੈੈੈੈ∙─⊰┊❪:🌈:❫┊⊱─∙ੈੈੈੈ✩‧₊˚๑ೃೀ╮          :🌹:➾ ๑°ღ:.◦❀Admin Marianne❀  ╰ೃೀ๑˚₊‧✩ੈੈੈੈ∙─⊰┊❪:🌈:❫┊⊱─∙ੈੈੈੈ✩‧₊˚๑ೃೀ╯ 〔:💐:〕➯┇ (゚ε^):🌸 : ───°•°❮:🕊 :❯・゚•◦۪۪̥ै:👑 :੭ु ゚•・❮:🤠 :❯°•°───       ೃೀ೫ stalk time ೫ೃೀ     ───°•°❮:💋 :❯・゚•◦۪۪̥ै:💥 :੭ु ゚•・❮:💙:❯°•°───                       ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙            :💗 : ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙ ︙:💫:                 :🐬: ︙ ︙ ︙ :🐊:                      :🐉 : ︙ 🌹                           💐
Hey y'all my name is Marian I am a 24 year old special needs woman that has Severe Borderline Anxiety & Hearing Impairment. I was born in South Carolina with a great outgoing, devilish, kind, friendly, & loving personality but I'm a hot tempered firey redhead who don't take sh** from nobody. I'm a down to the bone country girl that has a strong bond with Jesus & I'm proud of it too. Don't like me? You can kiss my country a**.
Other than that I'm actually a sweetheart with a kind forgiving soul so you make a mistake I'll forgive you for it but that don't mean I won't forget it tho. I have many people who see me as a mother/sister figure so I'll treat everybody as if they are my own children even if they aren't related to me or I don't know them cause its who I am. I love everybody for who they are not what they aren't. You are who YOU are & that's what truly matters. Its the heart that counts not what's on the outside
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this profile and y'all have a nice day
\`·.:💖: ✎... ❝ ʟᴏsᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴇsɴᴛ ᴇxɪsᴛ.❞:🌙:
༴.       ༚   :🕊 :         .     ༚  :🌫 :️. I•˚̣̣̣͙     ❍。
•:💗 :•̩̩͙         :🌹 :         .     ༚        ·  •.   ✶˚  .
༴.                          .     ༚:🌷:
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reureuby · 5 years
// Jurassic Park AU //
oh no Ray your love for Jurassic Park kicked in again time to shove Raye and Martin into a Jurassic Park AU
Basically, Raye and Martin replace the roles of Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler in the Jurassic Park series. However, there are a couple of differences to their relationships and so on. 
Below the tab details their time before the events of Jurassic Park and all the way to the end of Jurassic Park III! This is all kinda jokey and more to sate my current love for Jurassic Park but this is also partially inspired by the modern au I have for em as well so!!
Anything from here on out to do with this AU will be tagged with #JPAU
Life Before Jurassic Park (1985 - 1993)
> Raye is a paleontologist, while Martin is a researcher on dinosaurs. They both work together to piece together research
> She lived in a caravan which she’d often drag between her digging sites. Martin would often stay over night with her to discuss her findings
> Martin ended up sticking with her on all her digs, offering his own knowledge and theories to her as she found new things
> On quieter days, Martin would often be found sitting in the caravan reading papers on various types of dinosaurs and theories related to them. Raye would often spend her time catching up on sleep since she regularly sat up late working
> It took them a little bit, but they both realised they had feelings for each other, acknowledged these feelings to each other... and left it at that. Both were pretty confused by it all (both are pretty dorky and dunno how dating works)
Isla Nublar / Jurassic Park (1993) 
> Raye and Martin are initially put off by Dr Ian Malcolm when they first meet in the helicopter to Isla Nublar, but Raye soon finds him interesting
> The first time they see dinosaurs, Raye literally starts jumping for joy while Martin has to take the time to realise he isn’t actually dreaming
> When Martin volunteered to stay with triceratops, Raye suggested that she should continue on the tour with Malcolm. Martin reluctantly left Raye alone with Malcolm, but knew it was necessary
> Raye knew she had to keep calm and quiet when the tyrannosaurus rex broke out of its enclosure, but she completely freaked out and actually had to have Malcolm settle her.
> With Malcolm having sacrificed himself to help both Raye and the Hammond grandchildren, Raye was now stuck with these two children and it drove her insane. However, she slowly came to enjoy their company and learned to keep them safe
> Martin knew he had to do something if he were to save themselves, and volunteered to restart the power generators. He was guided by Malcolm, only to his annoyance
> On the helicopter back to civilisation, Raye ends up keeping the two children comforted and calmed. Martin tiredly watches on, softly smiling at Raye 
After Jurassic Park
> Raye and Martin choose to settle back into their little caravan to continue their own work with newer understandings. Neither of them wanted to talk or think about what had actually happened on the island
> Raye and Martin end up meeting up with Malcolm every now and then. Raye is still quite interested in his Chaos theory, while Martin is still unsure of him
> Early 1995, Raye and Martin end up getting married together. They had a quiet wedding with only family and friends involved
> 1996, they had a child together named Matielle. Raye was pretty nervous by this whole thing... but seeing how Martin acted around Matielle, she knew they’d be good parents 
> 1997, Malcolm is caught up in the San Diego events. Raye and Martin watch on through the news... in complete horror.
> Raye and Martin, along with their child, continue to work on digs and research. They’re both offered the chance to talk about Jurassic Park and their experiences there, but they always decline 
Isla Sorna / Jurassic Park III (2001)
> Raye is offered the task to be a tour guide for the Isla Sorna expedition (run by those two parents). She accepts, only after a large sum of money is promised
> She tells Martin she’s requested to travel interstate for a short visit to a friend, he believes her and promises to take good care of Matielle
> The group get stuck on Isla Sorna, everything slowly starts to feel she’s been trapped in hell again
> Martin, having not heard from Raye in days and totally unaware of Raye’s actual whereabouts, ends up trying to track down all her friends. They all tell him that Raye’s not with them and he ends up panicking looking for her
> Although Raye was tired and pretty pissed off to be in this situation, she was secretly enjoying the ability to see these creatures once again.
> When Raye finds the missing child, she’s fascinated by the way he survived the last 8 weeks. She also finds his understanding of dinosaurs quite incredible.
> When the spinosaurus came for them as they sailed down the river. Raye was afraid that these were her final moments alive, and she instantly calls Martin. He ends up realising where she is and sends help. He tags along with the rescue team to offer them advice on handling the dinosaurs.
> When the two meet again on the beach, Raye is overjoyed by his presence and instantly pulls herself into a hug with him. 
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Bryce Dallas Howard on Fertility Struggles and How a New Zealand Healer Helped Her Conceive (Exclusive)
Bryce Dallas Howard was just 5 when she awoke in Queenstown, New Zealand, and gazed out enormous windows into a stunning, awe-inspiring vista. Accompanying her father, director Ron Howard, while he filmed Willow, she was wowed by her first glimpse into a world outside her American homeland, and the powerful moment would stay with her for years to come. But little did the wide-eyed youngster realize that the nation would one day have a profound impact on her journey into motherhood.
In a revealing new interview with ET, the Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom star is opening up about the health struggles she faced in her 20s and how the country helped her start a family, find solace and make a life-changing decision to leave Hollywood.
Born in Los Angeles to director Ron Howard and writer Cheryl Alley, Howard was educated on the East Coast, going to school in Connecticut and New York and later attending New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. She eventually returned to Los Angeles after her film career took off following her debut in 2004’s The Village.
It was at New York University where she met actor Seth Gabel, whom she would date for five years before the two got married in 2006. Soon after getting engaged, the couple found themselves facing major hurdles with their family dreams. “I was really struggling and having some challenges,” Howard says. “I learned that I was going to need minor surgery in order to conceive. Then my friend had an appointment with a New Zealand man, Papa Joe, who would come over once a year and stay in this incredible house in Topanga Canyon, where he and his folks would heal people. I was sharing my woes with my friend and she said, ‘They’re leaving tomorrow, you should take my appointment!’”
The late Maori elder was a well-respected healer who traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe helping people and released a book in 2006 about his spiritual methods. Howard took the opportunity, but walked in with doubts about how much his practices could help her. Yet, within seconds of arriving, she recalls feeling the “powerful” nature of his practice.
“Instantly, without me saying anything, he saw what was going on and explained the situation,” Howard recalls. “He did very physical, rigorous body work, and there was a midwife there who helped me breathe through the experience.”
Howard and Gabel married on June 17, and seven days later, Howard learned she was pregnant. “We weren’t even trying! His session healed me completely,” she says.
Shortly afterward, Howard attended her first midwife appointment and noticed a photo of Papa Joe on the wall, only to find out that he had died six months earlier. “I was so grateful that I got to be a part of that last group of people who were treated by him. I’ve always felt a great amount of indebtedness and thankfulness,” Howard says, revealing that when she returned to New Zealand 30 years after her first visit to film Pete’s Dragon, “I kept thinking, ‘I would love to visit the group to say thank you, even though Papa Joe is gone.’”
While staying at the Treetops Lodge in Rotorua for her 34th birthday, Howard, now a mother of two, signed up to get a Romiromi massage, a holistic Maori body treatment. “I was telling the Maori gentleman my story, and as soon as I said, ‘Papa Joe,’ he just lit up and went, ‘My teacher!’” she recalls. It turned out that Papa Joe had trained him. “It’s funny how I was 24 when he treated me and this encounter was on my 34th birthday, 10 years later.”
While Howard is eternally grateful for the healing rituals of the country’s native Maori people, her joy was temporarily jolted to a halt with the unexpected turbulence that swept through her life after welcoming her son, Theo, in 2007. The Black Mirror star has openly discussed her battle with severe post-natal depression and, in a blog written for Goop  in 2010, she shared how she “heaved uncontrollable sobs,” referred to her newborn as “it,” greeted Gabel with expletive-filled outbursts and frequently broke down in the shower during her first 18 months of motherhood.
Reflecting on the emotional roller coaster and irony of having struggled on her path to having a baby, only to plunge into depression once she did, Howard says she frequently felt like her mind was playing tricks on her. “It was the worst! You think the one thing you’re going to be able to control in life, to a certain extent, is your own feelings, especially when it’s so obvious what you should feel. But all of a sudden, I went through this experience, which was truly chemical. It absolutely changed everything, and it’s just horrifying. It’s like your heart, your body and your mind are ripped apart and it takes a while to piece it back together.”
Eventually, a homeopathic treatment plan, a mothers’ group and Brooke Shields’ memoir Down Came the Rain: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression helped her recover. “It’s been a journey, but I’m really lucky because I had a second pregnancy [with daughter, Beatrice] where I didn’t experience that, so that was also very healing for me,” Howard says.
The biggest lesson from the ordeal has been to give herself timeouts. “When I think back about what I would have done differently [while suffering with PND], I would have given myself time and space to be alone and process and have some perspective, whether that’s 10 minutes in the bathroom -- well, it shouldn’t just be 10 minutes in the bathroom, but that’s what it ends up being!” Howard says.
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Bryce Dallas Howard seen in front of the Tāne Mahuta, a giant kauri tree in the Waipoua Forest of New Zealand.
Julian Apse
“In a way, that’s what New Zealand has felt like for me and for a lot of people I talk to,” continues the actress, who was named New Zealand Tourism Ambassador to the United States and Canada in 2017. “You get that moment to step out of the fray, good or bad, and be in a place where you’re nurtured, replenished and brought back to your center. Every single time I’ve gone there, I’ve felt totally restored. It’s a very healing part of the world and there’s just a lot of people who live there who are very happy -- and that’s infectious!”
It was while living in dreamy spots like Mount Maunganui, during filming of Pete’s Dragon, that Howard started noticing a shift in her children, which instigated her and Gabel’s recent decision to leave Hollywood. Theo was almost 7 and Beatrice was 3 when the family left behind a Californian winter to wake up to summer in the South Pacific. “Right off the bat, the kids were like, ‘What kind of magic is happening here?’”
Quickly becoming immersed in Kiwi life, the impact of their new environment became evident as the family settled into their new seaside home, where the children soaked up “tropical summer living,” and attended a local school. The family relocated to a farm in the South Island town of Tapanui, near Dunedin, where they reveled in country life and relished every inch of expansive open spaces.
Having spent her childhood running around the woods of Connecticut, Howard was frequently sentimental about her own youth. “Both environments we lived in were very different, yet the similarity was that connection to nature and that sense of being in a sanctuary. They just became wild, happy, fulfilled kids, who were tired and dirty at the end of the day. It sounds overly simplistic, but I felt that they were safe -- so then they felt safe. And that feeling really empowered them as young people to explore, have adventures, walk a little further out of the yard than they normally would, climb a tree and follow through with curiosity.”
With her kids being closer to nature than they had ever been before, Howard encouraged them to be free. “It woke them up and made them excited to go outside,” she says. “That’s something they haven’t let go of, and seeing them in that environment hugely inspired us to move out into the country, because I saw how much they blossomed.” Now back in the United States, the family left Los Angeles for upstate New York, where they’re now living in the countryside.
Of course, it’s the dinosaurs stomping into theaters in June that many fans are most excited about, and having reprised her role as Claire in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Howard promises the film will wow in a way the franchise never has before. “There’s something happening on Isla Nublar putting all the dinosaurs’ lives in jeopardy and Claire and Owen go to save them. The story really goes in a direction where the franchise has never gone before -- ultimately, taking these dinosaurs off the island.”
While she's tight-lipped about plot details, Howard did admit that Claire is sporting more appropriate footwear in the new installment, which is even better for outrunning dinosaurs. But what really prepared the actress for all that intense filming and dino-chasing were extensive hikes in New Zealand. “My favorite active thing to do is to hike. It’s not just about keeping fit and preparing for the film; for me, it’s also about de-stressing. When I’m hiking, it gets me back to a very grounded, healthy, centered place,” Howard says.
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femmociraptor · 6 years
Hi, so I'm in need of some dating advice... please? I'm a 20 year lesbian and there's this person (they're bi gender) who I like. They say the dont want a relationship but they dont act like it. For example they'll hold my hand and kiss me and we've had the "sexy times", and whenever they reply through text they end it with hearts. I'm just confused like do I keep trying? Asking them on dates, talking to them? When should I stop trying and chasing? Should I even continue. Thank you 💕
Ahhh, the joys of mixed signals. 
So, I can think of potentially three main reasons why your sexy times friend may be telling you they don’t want a relationship. 
1) They’re only able to have or they only want something casual right now. None of the things you mentioned are necessarily incompatible with a casual or primarily physical relationship. Attraction does not = committed relationship. 
2) Some part of them enjoys being chased (and does not feel you are entitled to know this information so that you’re able to choose to consent to this dynamic or not) and if that’s so, they’re not emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship with you. 
3) They’re working through some things (their attraction to you, a previous relationship, their sexuality, gender, or just general things in their personal life) which are not where they’d need to be in order for them to feel comfortable pursuing a relationship with you. 
None of these possibilities are things you can fix for them. Sorry, but you know it’s true, no matter how valiantly you try. Whatever their reasons, they’ve said no and you have to respect that. 
Let’s change focus here and talk about you, though. If we were friends sitting together in a coffee shop and you had told me about all this in person, the one thing I would ask you as your friend is “don’t you think you deserve someone who wants to be in a relationship with you? Someone who can be emotionally available and mature enough to communicate what they want to you, clearly and respectfully?” Really ask yourself if you believe that… And know that whichever way you answer, the end result is the same. Either you know you deserve someone who can do all those things for you (which means you need to bow out of this situation) or you don’t think you deserve it, in which case you are not really ready for a committed relationship anyway. 
I am telling you from experience: don’t lower yourself to point where you’re trying to convince someone to be with you. It’s degrading to you and you’re better than that. Even if you get them in the end, there’s going to be a part of you that is always wondering if they’re genuinely attracted to you and it’s going to feed into any insecurities you may have about your own worth and desirability. Don’t put yourself through that. No matter how sexy someone may be, they’re not worth that.
Look, you deserve someone who wants to be in a relationship with you! Don’t go chasing after crumbs. It won’t satisfy you and it’s a waste of your time and your energies. You deserve better than that. 
Going forward, my advice would be to drastically cut back the time you spend with them (if not altogether) and then make a point to surround yourself with people who think you’re great. If you don’t know any or the ones you have aren’t available, find some new ones and build your network. The time and energy it takes to do that will provide the necessary distraction from your feelings for them and give the two of you the space you need to cool it a bit. Plus, it will help to remind you about all the great parts of you when you see yourself through the eyes of someone new. Focus on your school or work or friends or pick up a new hobby that’s really obscure and has a steep learning curve. If this person texts you to ask why they haven’t seen much of you lately, your answer is you’re busy. Your answer is you’ve been doing New Hobby and it’s so much fun! Your answer is a nonchalant acknowledgement that you know they don’t want a relationship so you’ve been doing Other Things and then a friendly “what have you been up to?” subject change.  
And then stop rewarding them with your time and attention. 
Set (and tell them!) the terms under which you’ll engage with them and set them at points you can handle, ones which leave you feeling good, desired, and respected. People will generally rise to meet the standards you set if they really want you in their life (and if they don’t, you don’t want them either. Trust me.).
Maybe in the interim things will change with your special friend and maybe they won’t, but you need to focus your attention elsewhere regardless for your own self worth, because if this situation hasn’t started eating away at it yet, I promise you it will. 
And if in time they find that they do want to be in a relationship, let them come to you (they already know your feelings). Then you’ll know it’s for real. And if for whatever reason they never do, you’ll have saved yourself the heartache of this whole situation and in the meantime will have freed yourself up for fun, consensual sexy times with someone who actually deserves you. They are out there. Good luck. 
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