prabodhjamwal · 1 month
When The Marathas Came To Jammu?
Avtar Mota* A book on Maratha wars briefly introduced me to an event in the 18th century and mentioned the migration of some Marathas to Jammu during Ahmed Shah Abdali’s invasion. The story goes like this: Ahmed Shah Abdali invaded India eight times between 1748 and 1767, following the collapse of the Mughal Empire. To maintain his huge army created by Nadir Shah for invasions, Ahmed Shah Abdali…
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jknewstoday1 · 1 year
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Thank you for being a PSA conduit regarding 7 Brew coffee. I live in Duggarland too and was unaware of the bigotry and Jimmy Johns connection. I will make sure to avoid their locations even though they have been popping up everywhere.
I found an interview they did with Christian website called iwork4Him. It has less-polished Megachurch/prosperity gospel vibes with random 90’s morning radio show sound effects. It was only 12 minutes, but enough to convince me the 7 Brew owners are not only drinking the kool-aid, but hoping to subtly serve the kool-aid too.
I'll have to look up that article! They do have a LOT of locations in Arkansas and it looks like they're planning to spread out even more, which should be pretty easy to do since they're just a drive-thru and not a big restaurant like Starbucks or something. I'm also glad I mentioned it and the other anon provided some context because it's totally something I could see popping up in my neck of the woods also.
Hannah Duggar and Esther Bates never responded to the "do y'all own a 7 Brews" question so I'm still unsure why every one of them was in a t-shirt the other day lol. It could be just to support them like they do with Chick Fil A but it seems a little much, I don't think I've ever seen a big group of Duggars dressed in Chick Fil A or Hobby Lobby merch like that before so idk. We'll keep an eye on it.
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tacos4teenbrides · 5 years
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I had a weird urge today at the grocery store to dress up like a Duggar in ill-fitting extra large dresses with ~modesty~ shirts underneath. The pregnant belly is just rolled-up clothes. I imagined the yellow dress as something Lauren would wear, and the t-shirt and skirt as a Joy or Jessa outfit, complete with awkward diagonally-angled belly selfies. Bare feet because that’s totally Joy. How did I do?
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
Jason posted a video about paragliding. Austin posted the same yesterday. Maybe Jason is living with Joy after he shared Jeremy‘s comment? JB must have thrown him out of the house after that.
The Forsyths and Jason seem close. If you look on their Instagrams you can see they've hung out together a few times. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Medic Crap. From what I've found out today though; things are not so well in Duggarland.
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I know Jessa is probably in labor but, I hope baby waited until today to be born. I much rather they share a birthday with Felicity than with Jimbob. We finally get a shared birthday in Duggarland and its with...Jimbob
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duggarland · 3 years
♡ (re) introduction ♡
hi, i’m angelina and i’m not technically new to fundie tumblr, i just made a new blog! (i was @duggarlanded!)
i’m really looking forward to continuing to chat, analyze and snark with y’all ♡
here are a few fun facts about me  —
i’m 20 years old!
i first tuned in to the duggar family around season 2 when i was 9 years old. (i’d watch 19KAC whenever i was home sick from school hehe)
i research cults + true crime and love literary analysis!
i have a background (am i  even old enough to have an academic background in something?) in Literary Criticism
i talk a lot and i’m very childlike so beware!!
i’m Mexican-American and speak fluent Spanish so sometimes my commentary is founded on my Latin culture
i voluntarily joined a cultish, fundie-esque church when i was 12. i was dealing with mental health issues and seeking God again after growing up Catholic and being greatly involved in the Catholic church from ages 7-11. i left the fundie church when i was 14-15 and am still recovering from the damage its ideologies caused.
i am HIGHLY sympathetic/empathetic towards fundies because of it. i witnessed first hand the brainwashing children go through and grow up with and i wish more people realized this damage doesn’t disappear once someone turns 18. for that reason, i don’t snark a lot towards them, where many see ridiculousness and ignorance i see a child that was raised with hatred and abuse.
i’m a romeo and juliet enthusiast!
my “faves” are Lauren, Kendra, Jeremiah, Jana, Joy, Kaylee Rodrigues, and sometimes Jessa. (i’m partial to Nurie too, i just want to protect all the Rodrigues kids!)
i have this pipedream of rescuing my king Jer and falling in love bc i have a thing for white boys :/
i admin a fundie/duggar discussion discord server! (would anyone like to join?)
some of my favorite blogs are: @duggardata, @tacos4teenbrides, @duggar-fun-facts, @totallyrobophobic , @spurgie-cousin , literally every fundie blog!
please feel free to send me asks on various topics! i’m super excited to do some analyses and make friends!!
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duggarlanded · 3 years
new blog >>> @duggarland
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New to these parts.
Been lurking off and on in Duggarland/Batestopia since approximately 2013/2014 but really dove into it about a month ago. Primary focus of this blog’s going to be the Duggar and Bates families, but I’m definitely not gonna shy away from pulling in the Rodrigues clan (esp. JRod) or Plath crew on occasion.
It’s been about two years since my last big dive in, tbh, but I’ve been by once in a blue moon which is why and how I know about the train wreck that’s Jill on top of the more “household names” in the community.
Wasn’t all that interested in trying to keep up regularly til I stumbled on the more...interesting corners of Reddit’s snark communities and found them a tad harsh in a lot of cases, but also having a “wait, who the hell is Kendra?” moment, and seeing the premiere of Welcome to Plathville recently confirmed my gut instinct to start this blog.
So yeah. Here I am. And now I’ll stop talking and go back to posting what happens when my last two brain cells fixate on fundamentalist Christianity.
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dfnews · 5 years
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A late episode recap of "A Bachelor No More"
Season 9, Episode 12  March 29, 2019
"John and Abbie's wedding is finally here and everyone is in full wedding-mode as they get ready for the big day. At the altar, the bride and groom share their first kiss in an unexpected way. Later, a family member has a very special announcement."
I'm going to go full Jill Rodrigues on this recap and ALL CAPS random words for your utter confusion. ENJOY!
1. John and Abbie are making UNITY candles in the Duggar guest house that Turdanna now live in. They recall how they met, the engagement, and how they are marrying after only SIX months after they met. And somehow this all led up to them making their own unity candle. Jenni brings old crayons to melt and suggests they use the fragrance of "laundry" in the candles. Would that be the smell of Tide or STAINED tighty whities? The producers give Duggar couples a SMELL challenge. I love how Ben just repeats everything Jessa says and Jed doesn't know what anchovies are and none of them recognizes cinnamon. Now why didn't they DO a pickle scent? They all would have gotten that one. That would also be the perfect smell for Jobbie's unity candle. John uses a BLOW torch to clean crayons out of a pot and Abbie sarcastically refers to John as her "genius fiance" and hopes he doesn't lose his eye BROWS.
2. Jana and Laura, Janaura, lead the packing of the tour bus for the wedding. They are determined to NOT forget anything probably because they fear being fired from the family if they do...hmmmm, good plan. They even packed two scissor lifts. I guess just in case one decides to not lift they have another GASSED up with VIAGRA to go. Jana feels a little in over her DIY head with such a huge hangar to decorate but they all enjoy talking about redneck ENGINEERING. Basically redneck engineering is fixing things with duct tape OR barbed wire or chewing gum, y'all. It's also what drives everyone's medical insurance premiums up.  
3. Lauriah practice singing a song for the wedding at home and then AGAIN talk about the miscarriage. Jessa chimes in as well about the miscarriage and grief. Tears ARE shed again. Are they going to recap this loss on every episode next season? We know it happened. What's the point of bringing it UP repeatedly?
4. At the Ada Baptist Church venue Janaura's cast of REDNECK engineers begin work on the stage. It's wedding rehearsal day. After some bickering about how to assemble the arbor...on stage...Jobbie arrive to check things out. They decide to go through with the wedding anyway.
5. People start arriving at the church. It's go day! Abbie doesn't want a first look THINGY. She wants JOHN to wait until she's walking the aisle til he sees her. Rebel! Jana is still working and looking stressed. Now she's trying to organize the FLOWERS and how to successfully hide Jill and Derick and Josh and Anna from the CAMERAS. This woman needs a vacation after this insanity. Jeremy offers to help and Laura gives him the job of vacuuming the processional aisle carpet. The vacuum leaves grease stains and Jinger tells Jeremy Laura is going to have him on his knees scrubbing that mess. How about Josh LICKS the grease stains off?
6. Renee Bleached Blonde Bridal is there to...I don't know why she's there, but the girls GET ready for photos. The guys have their photos done as well with the TURD kept on the far end so the camera could cut him out. I guess the sun glare effect costs too much to do it again. The photographer tells John to use his best Zoolander look and of course all the Duggars are BAFFLED by that pop culture reference. Jeremy is aware of the movie and Ben Stiller though. I hope he's catching Jinger up on pop culture. Her form of POP "dad" culture has made her ignorant in so many ways.  Some of the guys are preparing the DRONE to fly in during the ceremony as a PRANK. The drone will deliver the ring to best man Joe. They better HOPE God has a sense of humor with all the disrespect they show in a house of God.
7. The wedding begins and you know what happens here. There are songs, lame speeches, candles lit, a drone trying not to DECAPITATE anyone and a very creepy first kiss. The personally written vows were sweet and Abbie ended hers by calling John "SUGAR MUFFIN". The producer asks the other married couple to reenact Jobbie's first multiple kiss and they all seem very embarrassed. Benessa was fun to watch though as Jessa tried to BEAT Ben off of her.
8. The hangar recepTION is next up. They ate cake and breakfast foods and fought off the wind and FALLING decorations. Abbie thanks Jana before they get in the plane to fly away to wherever. Jana BEGS to go with them. That might have only happened in a dream though.
9. Now for the big SURPRISE in which the show has been teasing since the new season started. Actually, it isn't a surprise. Jessa's pregnant again. Wow. Who'd a THUNK. Maybe some people didn't read the headlines about this weeks ago. Anyway, Jessa told Jinger and Jeremy but the producers told the rest of the family. Now that is a surprise to see the announcement done for the family through a PRODUCER. Things are getting impersonal in Duggarland.
10. The Duggar couples are asked what they are looking forward to in the coming year. Joken says building a house and having NUMBER two. I guess they want to get AWAY from Duggarland. Lauriah also wants to expand their family. Joystin wants another one soon and see Gideon start walking. JinJer just wants to watch their current baby grow. In other words, pretty much the same OLD SHIT.  
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minifundie · 3 years
All is quiet in Duggarland
Honestly thought something would be announced this week. There probably won't be much content for next season of CO at this rate? Though I'm probably forgetting lots.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
I continue to be baffled by how warm and loving and open Jim Boob and J’Chelle are to a man who molested their own daughters and cheated on his wife but simultaneously ostracize Jill for expressing some individuality and showing growth. Just goes to show that their love is 100% conditional. Atrocious.
In Duggarland, anything you do can be absolved as long as you follow the rules to do so to a T. The difference between Josh and Jill is that after his scandals, Josh was given a laundry list of things to do before he could be forgiven and he did them, and Jill won’t. It feels dumb to compare their situations because one was so gross and the other was just Jill disagreeing with her parents, but that’s what it really comes down to, is that she refuses to go through the pre-determined steps to redemption like Josh did.
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tacos4teenbrides · 5 years
Keeping Up with the Pregnashians, 2019 edition
Just a reminder of how crazy the last 8 months in Duggarland have been, let’s take a look back at how many major life announcements have happened in the course of 2019.
January 2019
9th: Jessa and Ben announce 3rd pregnancy
11th: Josiah and Lauren share news of their October miscarriage
25th: Jeremy and Jinger Vuolo announce their plans to move to Los Angeles
11th: Joe and Kendra announce 2nd pregnancy
21st: Amy Duggar King announces 1st pregnancy
26th: Josh and Anna announce 6th pregnancy
1st: Joy and Austin announce 2nd pregnancy
20th: Josiah and Lauren announce pregnancy with Duggar 1
26th: Ivy Jane Seewald born
2nd: Amy King announces that her baby is a boy
9th: Mary (Grandma) Duggar dies of drowning
~ mid June: the Vuolos arrive in Los Angeles
20th: Anna Duggar announces that baby #6 is a girl
25th: Kendra and Lauren announce their double gender reveal; both are having girls
3rd: Joy and Austin share news of Joy’s 20-week miscarriage (Annabell Elise)
20th: Amy King announces that her son will be named Daxton Ryan
1st: John and Abbie Duggar announce 1st pregnancy
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themduggars · 7 years
I’m going on holiday tomorrow so I hope nothing too exciting happens in Duggarland in the next week!
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Me impatiently waiting for the Jason Duggar courtship exclusive. I'm sorry but, Instagram + Flipping and selling a house usually means Courtship in Duggarland
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
Do you care for Jana and Stephen Wissman courting?
From the like 2 sentences worth of information that I know about him he seems alright? As much as I'm all for Jana being single as long as she wants I also know that in Duggarland it sucks to be a single girl over a certain age so if it makes her happy why not
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