#jill dillard
one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
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f*ck Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, they have so much to answer for
imagine treating your daughter, who was a victim of your disgusting abuser son, worse than said disgusting abuser son, just because she dares to call you out and has a nose ring
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spurgie-cousin · 2 months
I was listening to a podcast with Jill Dillard and something about that situation bugs me. Obviously it was wrong for JB to not pay them for their time on the show, but they always "forget" to mention that Derick had a good paying job that he quit to become a fake missionary. Yes the job he had sucked, but it was a job and it would have paid the bills, especially since they were living in that first house for free. It's an unfortunate fact of life that in the US if you want money you have to work at least a little bit. I wish they would take a little responsibility for their own financial issues that were not a direct result of JB being a stingy bastard.
I kind of get what you're saying, but in the interviews I've heard it's less about their financial situation and more about just the principal of the thing. Maybe the interview you heard was different, but the impression I got was that it was more about exposing Jim Bob's control over the kids and how he used his belief system for his own financial gain.
I mean Jill didn't even know she was supposed to be getting regular compensation for being on an internationally aired tv show for a long time, so it's not like they were just sitting around not making money bc they were waiting on a check. They had income, but they were also cutting into their earning potential by filming for hours a day for free, something that was insisted upon by JB and that Jill was afraid to question bc of her upbringing. Jim Bob was also falsifying his tax documents and lying about paying them too, so.....
Also I don't think Derick's choice to be a missionary has much to do with anything really. It's a really, really respected position in that corner of evangelicism that he would've seen as an investment in his and his family's future. and it's not like he wasn't getting paid for it, he would've gone into it expecting to be supported financially by a church or missionary organization, as would Jill when she eventually traveled with him.
Also just to reiterate, JB wasn't just being stingy, he was stealing money from his kids because he was greedy and literally lying to the US government about it. They weren't not getting paid for their thousands of hours of work because he wanted to save money or something, he was making them sign contracts he didn't give them time to read because he knew under the belief system he raised them in they wouldn't question him. And he did this with the express purpose of hoarding the money that was meant to be paid to his adult children for his own financial gain, and I don't think Jill and Derick are wrong for exposing that behavior from a guy that acts morally superior to everyone. Even if it was just to get a paycheck, because they were owed it anyway (to my knowledge they haven't gotten even like 1/4 of what they're owed though, and it sounds like they expected that to happen).
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19fundiesandcounting · 8 months
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credit to xopersephoneox on reddit
This is so disturbing.
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duggarsetal · 11 months
fundie facebook is real weird
one post, talking about the documentary (!!!) has loads of comments talking about how they hate that the Dillards are taking part
people saying "I'm not gonna watch it" because they're involved
And I don't get it?
a) its not explicitly about the duggars, but about iblp - and you know who tends to have the best insight into a cult? the former members of that cult
b) there's other former members of iblp talking as well, so if the Dillards view doesn't match up with them, then it'll be quite clear
c) you do get that any journalist worth their salt is gonna cast as wide a net as possible? Of course, they would want to speak to one of the duggars
d) THE GROWTH. jill has shown an exceptional amount of growth over the past ten years.
This is jill around 10 years ago (2014)
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Gearing up to release a Gothard-approved book, alongside her sisters, all about the IBLP way to live your life
For her to change so much that she's now actively speaking out against both IBLP and her family's involvement in it, why the hell would you not be interested in what she has to say?
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fundiefuntimes · 7 months
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Finished. I have lots of thoughts. Mostly I am proud of Jill, this book took so much courage.
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The bottom two are fine. The top two are 🤢. I HATE that "Boys are less drama, I could never have girls" is such a mantra with "Boy Moms" (tell me you want girls without telling me you want girls) And I really don't like the idea that boys are always wildly out of control, that's just bad parenting babes.
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prayerclosetdropout · 8 months
Huge TW birth trauma on Jill's book
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fundiebabynamebible · 2 years
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Jill’s baby shower. Looks better than anything the rest of the family ever did for her! The bit about several family members not being there broke my heart 💔.
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oh-my-fundie · 11 months
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Jill Dillard is releasing a book!
Via Jill’s Instagram
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duggarbatesfan · 2 years
Duggar Family Birthdays May 2022
Truett Oliver Duggar: May 2nd 2022: Newborn
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Jill Michelle Dillard (nee Duggar): May 17th 1991: 31 years old
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Lauren Milagro Duggar: May 18th 1999: 23 years old
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Benjamin Michael "Ben" Seewald: May 19th 1995: 27 years old
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Jackson Levi Duggar: May 23rd 2004: 18 years old
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Ivy Jane Seewald: May 26th 2019: 3 years old
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rubydolly · 5 months
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Yes I bought two books in one day yesterday After The Forest - a 17th century retelling of Hansel and Gretel with a twist by Kell In The Woods Counting The Cost - A memoir by cult survivor and reality star Jill Dillard
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I actually like how Jill and Derick waited until after 7/7 to announce their son’s birth, being British with the historical events that happened on that day.
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spurgie-cousin · 11 months
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I'm high and I can't handle any of this
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fundieshaderoom · 6 months
Jeremy Vuolo calls father-in-law Jim Bob Duggar a Playground Bully
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I'm kind of surprised they exposed Jeremy in an interview like this as they have been quite private about where their siblings are at in their religious beliefs and parental relationship. He might have given his blessing?
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keepingupwitht · 5 months
"Counting the Cost" by Jill Duggar Dillard
Last night, I read all of Counting the Cost in one sitting because apparently my fundie fascination is still going strong over a year after we closed down KUWF. I've got a lot of takeaways I want to talk about so I'm going to put a cut and get into it all after the jump.
In the beginning of the book, it struck me how generally correct we were about Jill and growing up as a Duggar. She was a people pleaser and playing the role of “Sweet Jilly Muffin” was so important to her. She loved her childhood and her parents. It’s interesting both from Jinger & Jill that as kids, the Duggar childhood of their memories is an idyllic one. There was a lot of emphasis on their values - no rock music, dancing, movies, etc. but it was a lot of time spent together and fun and games. 
We also saw the shift in the way they grew up - they were always IBLP inspired conservative Christains, but were attending a regular baptist church up until they attended a different church one week that had dancing in the service. Suddenly, they started attending an IBLP only church and getting deeper in. Jill recounts the first time she went to an IBLP conference and realized there were other families like theirs. It was interesting to see their early progression deeper into the cult (which Jill even calls it by the end of the book). 
Jim Bob getting into politics was interesting - Josh’s early interest in it, while Jill preferred to get treats from the other legislators, made a lot of sense. When Josh is sent away, Jill glosses over some of the details (fair enough) but it’s interesting to me to see how she lays out the three things happening around the same time: (1) going deeper into IBLP, (2) her dad getting involved in politics and (3) Josh getting sent away. It lays the groundwork for what TLC is about to walk into and change everything. 
Jim Bob also saying he knew God wanted him to run for Senate, then losing and immediately being noticed by the press and ultimately Discovery - and opening the “window of opportunity” for their family to be on TV was a little wild. The fact that all this happened ultimately because this man flipped a coin three times and got heads all three times - something that has a ⅛ probability of happening - is sorta wild. 
Jill not enjoying filming was something I did not expect - honestly I always thought that she was one of the kids who enjoyed it more. But it makes sense now that she was one of the few who refused to have her honeymoon filmed and refused TLC cameras at her birth, which Jana and Michelle filmed. Those were one of the things that I noticed at the time but didn’t realize what it meant. Good for Jill for standing her ground on both those things - although she wanted to refuse to have her birth filmed at all. 
It was interesting to me that the Duggars were not an IBLP model family UNTIL the show. The show put them in that position - Jill didn’t think they’d be one without it. And the line about Jana being invited to visit headquarters as the only blond to be one of “Gothard’s Girls” just hurts to think about in hindsight. 
It’s interesting how long they propped Josh up as the golden boy while he was in trouble behind the scenes. 
In hindsight, the fact that Jim Bob really set up Jill and Derick is really something, since they would ultimately be the first to really break away. 
Everytime Jill advocates for herself, I am so proud. She pushed for two weeks in Nepal to meet Derick even when they only wanted to film part of the trip, and got the time. They filmed a fake goodbye and then spent another week getting to know each other. 
 I didn’t expect to have my lawyer hat on, but the fact that Jim Bob had Jill sign a contract the day of her rehearsal dinner with everything going on with her MILs health without letting her read it, and her not even realizing what was happening was just atrocious. Just pure and straight abuse. 
The fact that Jill was not paid for any filming and thought she was volunteering at her family ministry for the majority of the time she was filming is just awful. I know she did get perks - her Nepal trip, various other trips, her wedding, groceries, etc. But the fact that she and Derick only had a five day honeymoon because that’s all they could afford when Jim Bob almost certainly made more than $100,000 for their wedding is gross. 
This also doesn’t make TLC look very good, since this kind of abuse was allowed to occur basically under their watch. I get that they likely had a great deal on the Duggars because they were only negotiating with questionable businessman Jim Bob but it does suck to see how little they care about the human cost of their show. 
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heart-strong · 11 months
Jill crying and pointing to derick then he speaks is so sweet
He's still transphobic so I still don't like him but it's sweet how he followed her lead
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