#Eira means snow so hence white
gomzdrawfr · 2 months
so my good friends asked:
"What if Price and Raven swap outfits?"
and i answer it with this
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funky lookin Price screenie from mw2 LMAO I needed references-
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amewinterswriting · 9 months
Name Meaning Tag
I've been tagged by both @winterandwords and @ahordeofwasps! Thanks! My character names are either really carefully thought out for hours (with multiple dictionaries, google translate and enough baby name websites open that advertisers think that I, a committed childfree lesbian on birth control is pregnant...) or I give them a quick placeholder name that somehow sticks. Some highlights from Magic's Servant:
A common Welsh name, so I didn't research much when I named her - I was aiming for a name that wouldn't raise any eyebrows to a Welsh audience. According to some sources, it means: “shining brow” or “shining forehead” (from “tal” = forehead/brow + “iesin” = shining). Unfortunately, as someone with just enough Welsh to be dangerous, I'm pretty sure that's entirely made up, given that tall = tal and shining = disgleirio. In my humble opinion, it's probably a modernised version of the name Taliesin, who was an early Brittonic poet of Sub-Roman Britain whose work has possibly survived in a Middle Welsh manuscript, the Book of Taliesin.
Obviously named for the Greek three-headed dog guarding the underworld. He's a cat. That does get pointed out. Even Talli doesn't take his name at face value. It's almost as if he's deliberately chosen an ill-fitting name, but why?
Welsh for snow. She's a white dove, and there is a significance to the idea of white feathers falling like snow in her name. That's about as much as I can say there...
Short for Aderyn, which is bird in Welsh. This one would raise eyebrows to a Welsh audience - it's not really a name, it's a noun. That's intentional - she has hippie parents who liked the sound of a nature name in a language they don't speak. Kinda the cultural equivalent of getting a tattoo you believe says 'courage' but actually says 'chicken fried rice'. Hence why she prefers to shorten it.
Actually short for Violet, which is fairly obvious in terms of meaning. In universe, she has a very solid reason for disliking her given name and preferring her nickname, namely: [redacted for spoilers].
Amato and Desidero
Beloved and wish/desire in Italian, respectively. Similarly, not actual names, but they do tell a heck of a story just by close proximity to each other, huh?
Original form of Merlin. So fun fact, we can pretty much trace the name change in Arthurian myth to one Geoffrey of Monmouth, who was a cleric who wrote down and embellished a lot of the original myths and legends, mostly to sell on the continent. France was particularly into chivalrous romances at the time so a lot of his changes were made for a French audience and apparently Myrddin sounds a little too close to merde...hence the name changed to Merlin. But since this is a story steeped in Welsh culture and experiences, I'm deliberately using Myrddin.
Tagging: @red-pen-ally, @jay-avian, @sam-glade and OPEN for anyone who read this far and wants to give it a go!
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