banesberry-anomoly · 5 months
Dr. Alto Clef / Synth Ref Sheet
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kia-kit · 4 years
Mirror Mirror (6)
The group jumped, startled, and as they turned around, they spotted a woman in the distance wearing an outfit similar to Stress', though, her jacket was tied around her waist, with the ends of her sleeves being burnt, and her fingertips were also burnt from using so much magma. She wore a white tank top, and her expression was sharp.
(I wanna make a proper ref sheet of the Mirrors of S6 and maybe S7 later on)
Cleo squinted her eyes towards the new figure "Stress?" She darted her eyes back and forth, looking at Ice Stress and Lava Stress. "There's two of you?" Cleo asks, clearly confused.
"You must be the rumored 'Others' that I heard so much about from Grian(2)" Stress2 says, walking towards them. "Others?" False asked "Oh, you haven't heard?" Stress2 looks at them, surprised at their confused faces.
"Well, a long time ago a bunch of people came through a portal with a wooden frame," Stress2 explains, stopping in her walk "and people who look like us came through it, and at first there was one, then more came. I believe it were copies of Grian, Iskall, Mumbo, Scar, Doc, and for some odd reason, a cat was there too." She continued.
As she explained the story, she invited the guests back into her castle and they discussed at the tables instead of just standing in the heat outside.
"Now that's quite remarkable I must say, who would know that this portal actually leads to a different world." Joe says, a glint of interest in his eyes as he stared at the portal. Stress nodded "Who knew that the portal Iskall was talking about was actually real, I thought he was pranking me!" She said.
"Also, I cannot actually believe you made your base in the nether, that must have been hard!" Stress says to Stress2, "Oh it's been tough making this lovely base of mine. I nearly died to lava, so many times, but it was worth it!" Stress2 grins.
"Ah, It's getting late. Should you not leave now?" Stress2 notified them, referring to the outside "You can tell the time here?" Cleo asked, interested "Ah yes, it's really simple, but it's best for you to leave now." Stress2 smiles warmly at them.
Before they can make a statement to stay, their messaging device vibrated. The girls (and Joe) opened it up, seeing a by Xisuma
<Xisuma> The end of season six ending soon! Everyone, ready your final episodes!
"Oh, it's the end already, I almost forgot." False said, before sighing and standing up straight, stretching as she does so. "Well, I should get on with my final episode, so I'll be going, bye!" False saluted before stepping through the portal.
"Well, I guess we should take our leave too." Stress sighs, before they all stood up.
"Well. I hope we meet again soon!" Stress tells Stress2 before they all left.
Stress2 smiles, before she gets her own message from Xisuma(2), with basically the same message as the others.
Suddenly, she felt a strong wind blowing her towards the portal.
She quickly digs her heels to her floorboards, trying not to be pushed through the portal, when suddenly, the portal lifted itself off the ground and disappeared without a trace, as it fixed the floor on it's way.
Stress2 stumbles back and falls on her bum, staring bewildered at the scene. "What on earth?!"
Meanwhile at the other end, after exiting the portal, they stared at it, before Stress thought 'Hey, I should bring this with me to the next season!'
Well, that would've been the plan if it didn't disappear right before their very eyes.
"What on earth?!"
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lankylunatic · 7 years
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Hey guys Lanky (or Mun I guess?) here! I’m so happy to announce that SW7 the Hyena fursuit is finally complete!
After nearly six months of planning and progress by first ever fullsuit is done! Already I can see a few small mistakes that I would like to fix the first time around but for a first attempt I think I did pretty well?
I’d like to talk to you guys about this character in general though. SW7 means a hell of a lot to me.
He started off as a human actually. About six years ago I joined the Alton Towers fandom and began humanising roller coasters. This is a process I’ve done for all of Alton’s Big Six, but The Smiler was the one that I always loved the most…well Nemesis too but shhh.
Anyway! About two years ago I started making anthropomorphic designs (not actually knowing about furries that much at the time) and eventually asked myself what Smiler, or Sam as I called him, would look like as a hyena? A few messy concept designs later and bam! Furry Sam!
It was from here that I ended up in the fandom thanks to [Jasper|http://aminoapps.com/p/p1k21n] who is the entire reason I got into this! They helped me set up my FurAffinity page with the user name SmilerTheHyena, because he was my main sona at the time. (And I was uncreative with his name!) Through there I also found BeautyoftheBass! Her suit was so beautiful to me and I was so happy to see another person that made a suit from a roller coaster the love!
In a short time I realised I needed a reference sheet for this guy so I went about making my first ever ref! It’s about a year and half years old at this point now, haha! You can see the difference between the first image and first ref right? That’s the start of this design journey.
As time went on and I got more comfortable with this fandom I popped onto this app (Thank Jasper again ❤️) and set up here as LankyLunatic though Smiler the hyena was still my main character to use.
Eventually I realised I needed a better reference sheet and got to work on making a much better one! Smiler 2.0 was born. This was a sheet I could use for better references! Yay!
…but alas that joy turned sour only a month or two later. Sadly I encountered my first art thief. This guy stole my design and impersonated me. It was heartbreaking to have a character that I adored torn from me so easily. Thanks to the support and help of this community though I was able to stop the thief in under 48hrs! (I also learned this guy is notorious for doing this to artists :/ )
After that point I had decided it was time for a design change and went about testing out a few different designs. During this time I nicknamed him SW7 after The Smiler’s prototype name as a sort of stand in until I could think of a better name, but it grew on me and in the end I renamed him SW7~
Now what you see before you is his most recent design and references sheet!
The fursuit itself was brought to life in my design course in college. We were tasked with making a sculpture and I brought up the idea of making a wearable sculpture. My lecturer was intrigued and gave me the go ahead and that’s how the suit construction began!
It took a lot of effort and trial and error, but finally I’ve completed one of my dreams to own a Digigrade suit! While the process was a learning curve, it has helped me understand things I need to work on to better myself in the future.
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