#Graphic design courses in Thane
develeran · 6 months
Graphic Design Courses in Thane - Develearn
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animationcourses-1 · 8 months
Graphic Design Courses in Thane
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Graphic design is considered a powerful medium of visual communication. From brand building and marketing to web design and social media, the demand for skilled graphic designers has skyrocketed. As organizations strive to stand out in the crowded digital terrain, the role of graphic designers has become indispensable. For those seeking to tap into this exciting and rewarding field, e-Drishyam's Graphic Design Course in Thane offers a promising pathway to a bright future for the young generation. 
Graphic design is no longer just about creating aesthetically pleasing visuals. It's about conveying messages, telling stories, and creating memorable experiences. Here's a closer look at why pursuing a graphic designing can benefit your future. 
Learning graphic design from graphic designing institutes in Thane can be beneficial as the digital revolution has transformed how we consume information, with visuals playing a pivotal role. Companies and organizations, big and small, need skilled graphic designers to create captivating visuals that engage their target audience. The job market for graphic designers is predicted to grow significantly, making it an attractive career choice.
Graphic design is a versatile skill set that finds applications across various industries. Whether you're interested in advertising, web design, user experience (UX) design, or even animation, a strong foundation in graphic design can open doors to a wide range of creative careers. Graphic design is a platform for creative expression. It lets you bring your ideas to life and communicate messages effectively through visuals. Whether you're passionate about typography, illustration, or layout design, graphic design offers a canvas for creativity.
Many graphic designers choose to freelance or start their own design studios. With the knowledge and skills gained from a graphic design course, you can take on various freelance projects or even launch your own design business, providing you with independence and flexibility in your career. 
As the world becomes increasingly digital, graphic design skills are essential to digital literacy. Whether you're creating social media posts, designing websites, or developing marketing collateral, a strong foundation in graphic design is invaluable in today's digital landscape.
In an age where attention spans are shrinking, the ability to convey messages through compelling visuals is a valuable asset. Graphic designers excel at visual storytelling, making complex information more accessible and memorable.
Completing a Graphic design course in Thane from a reputable institution like e-Drishyam will give you a competitive edge in the job market. Employers seek candidates with pre-trained and a strong portfolio, and e-Drishyam's courses are designed to equip you with both.
Graphic design is a global profession, and skills acquired through a course in Thane can be applied anywhere in the world. The ability to work on international projects or collaborate with clients from different cultures can be incredibly rewarding.
In conclusion, the Graphic design courses in Thane offered by e-Drishyam are not just a gateway to a career; it's a pathway to creativity, innovation, and personal growth. As the requirement for graphic designers continues to soar in the digital age, investing in a graphic design course can be one of the smartest decisions for your future. With the proper training and a passion for design, you can become a visual storyteller, a problem solver, and a sought-after professional in this exciting field. Unlock your potential with e-Drishyam's Graphic Design Course and start a journey towards a bright and fulfilling future in graphic design. 
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Graphic designing courses in Thane | e-Drishyam
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annalyticall · 1 year
Thoughts on Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect Trilogy
Well. It's over.
I'll keep it real with you chief, Mass Effect 3 was by far my favorite of the three games. That might be controversial given what I know about the divisive endings (basically the only thing I knew before I started these games), but as a newcomer to the series, Mass Effect 3 had a lot of what I was looking for from the previous entries. I also realized that fundamentally I can't compare these games to Dragon Age because the truth is I still like the Dragon Age games more individually but I do like Mass Effect more as a unified trilogy.
Again, I played Shiv Shepard, colonist Sole Survivor, Sentinel, and Paragon. I played her with survivor's guilt in ME1, with a burning hatred of Cerberus for bringing her back from the dead (and for the Akuze thing) in ME2, and a mix of burning hatred of Cerberus and a survivor's guilt over Earth in ME3. I don't think I ever mentioned this but I intended Shiv to be Irish/Korean, full first name is Siobhan
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You see that bit of red? Those are renegade points I got every time I talked to the Illusive Man.
Major Story Decisions: Continued relationship with Kaidan, let Mordin cure the genophage, killed Councilor Udina myself with Kaidan on my side, secured peace between the geth and quarians, killed the Illusive Man myself, and chose the Destroy ending (which I'll get into later). I entered the war with 8000 war assets and the only character deaths I saw were the scripted ones (Mordin, Thane, Legion, Anderson, presumably EDI). I also beat James' 182 pull-up record.
The Pros and Cons lists are a little tricky for this one since I found a lot of the good came with some bad and a lot of the bad came with some good, but I'll try to keep it all in neat bullet points.
Satisfying Ends. From Mordin curing the genocidal disease he helped perfect to the control-hungry Illusive Man driven crazy by the same control he sought to have, everyone gets a nice and neat bow on their character arcs that had been set up since the beginning, or at least since Mass Effect 2. Honestly, playing ME3 made me like ME2 more than I had before since I could now see the consequences of my actions on the characters I grew close with in the previous game. Speaking of...
Consequences. Moreso than Dragon Age, it's fun to see how much my choices from previous games impacted my experience throughout the trilogy following a single character and her friend group. Of course, it's not going to be perfect - I AM miffed that my major game-ending decisions of ME1 and ME2 like saving the council, rewriting the geth, and destroying the collector base ultimately resulted in very little change in the story. Weirdly, it was the lesser decisions that mattered most - keeping Wrex alive, preserving the cure data in Mordin's loyalty mission, not cheating on my ME1 love interest, resolving Legion's and Tali's hostility, and reuniting Thane with his son were all very effecting choices on my story since they all add up into a pool of possible outcomes rather than dichotomous decisions (it makes sense Kaidan might trust me a little less in an armed standoff if I cheated on him I guess lol). And I appreciate that even the minimal choices were at least represented as war assets.
Gameplay. ME3 had the best gameplay of all games by far. I think it's telling when I could spend over 3 hours in the combat center just trying out different modes. Unlike in ME2, I didn't feel as restricted in playstyle with the introduction of a bonus power and a healthier shield. My favorite bonus power was Aria T'Lok's Flare, a large biotic blast critical in any fight with bunched-up enemies. I'm glad I got that one early on because it helped me survive so much of the game.
It looks good. Not that I hated the graphics in the last two games, but this one had some nice cinematic angles, richer colors, and grander set designs that made it more immersive for me to get into.
Pace and Scope. ME3 really pulled off the feeling of scale in a galaxy-wide conflict. It didn't hold back with its bang of an opening as we survive the reapers attacking Earth within the first 10 minutes, then slowly we see these behemoth machines devastate every other alien homeworld and invade more of the map in each story arc until it culminates in a grand final stand. I was worried the game would, in a sense, "nerf" the reapers since it took so much to take down just one reaper in ME1 and a single half-built reaper in ME2, but although we kill many more reapers in ME3, each one is an earned spectacle that requires either a lot of combined firepower or a giant thresher maw to do the job. Side note, I do like the irony of my sole survivor Shepard getting saved by the thing that killed her whole squad in the past.
Romance and Friendships. Listen, I don't think I've praised a Bioware game on its romance since Dragon Age Origins (Alistair my beloved) and while this game is still a little sparse in the romance department, the DLCs more than make up for it with a lot of great content for the love interests. I enjoyed the flirty, lively banter and the cute domestic scene in the Citadel DLC (Kaidan my beloved), and how worried he was about Shepard's safety in the Leviathan DLC. But even outside those addons, I liked the quiet moment shared before the final Cerberus mission, and while I typically cringe at Bioware sex scenes, I found this one to be, uh... tolerable. The romance in ME3 felt like an oasis after the lonely desert I suffered through in the last game lol. As for friendships, I loved the little platonic dates you get to go on with your squadmates both in the base game and the Citadel DLC. I never felt closer to these characters than I have here.
Contrived Means. Although I enjoyed the satisfying ends to many subplots and character arcs, I didn't enjoy the somewhat forced means it took to get there. I can forgive the last-minute sabotage that doomed Mordin to die since ultimately the end it led to was most fitting for Mordin's story. However, I took issue with a lot of the geth/quarian buildup, mostly involving Legion and the reaper codes. To be honest, I LIKED the geth being a completely alien hivemind and existing as a neutral anomaly that takes effort to understand and accept in ME2. The focus of becoming an individual (the original question the geth asked was actually "do these units have a soul", not "does this unit have a soul" as ME3 claims) undermined what I thought was compelling about Legion and the geth in the first place. Also, Legion's sacrifice felt unnecessary, especially when the reason for the reaper code upload not working was flimsy. And don't even get me started on the Citadel...
The Citadel. Holy shit, what happened there? I'm not talking about the Citadel as a location - I liked exploring the Citadel more in this game than any of the other games - I mean the Citadel as a plot device. For one, I was very surprised to learn the Citadel was the Catalyst when it was already an important plot device in ME1, where it was revealed to be a secret reaper mass relay. Now it's the key to a giant super weapon against the reapers whose original designers are never specified? Okay? But my biggest issue was that it was inexplicably "moved" by the reapers in the last mission despite millions of people living on it, then we can use it to blow up the reapers, destroying the Citadel and I assume most people still on there, so we're basically condemning millions of people to die and never get to see the impact of that decision. Granted, this is not much different than the weird 300K Batarian mass murder Shepard commits in ME2, but the difference is that these people are people we knew and spent a good amount of time helping and building relationships with throughout the game. What happened to Captain Bailey? What happened to Kolyat? The game never bothers to address that.
Kai Leng. Now, I don't expect every character to be wonderfully fleshed out. I accepted Kai Leng was just a plot device to stand in the way of Shepard and her goals, but his presence still left a bad taste in my mouth. He's never mentioned in any of the previous games, then he's introduced here as having a badass reputation despite his best move being a shield. He is so painfully one-dimensional compared to literally any other character that killing him didn't even feel good. I think it would have been cool if Kai Leng was someone else, maybe a character scorned by Shepard in the past who wanted revenge. Or, he could have been another character revived by Cerberus and abandoned in favor of Shepard, which was hinted at in his video logs but wasn't completely followed through on. I guess maybe I just wanted it to be Evil Clone Shepard from the Citadel DLC because even she was more compelling. What a waste of Troy Baker.
Let Me Speak. It's complicated because I do think ME3 has some of the strongest dialogue in the series (I didn't have the same jarring Talk No Jutsu problem as I did in ME1 because even when you're talking down a literal war, the dialogue feels earned and natural). However, the cutscenes went on noticeably longer without any input from the player character. It was frustrating since I felt like sometimes Shepard was railroaded into saying or doing something I wouldn't have chosen to do otherwise, but so is the burden of being a finale, I suppose.
Femshep Romance. Listen. I like Kaidan's romance. I like Garrus' romance. I like Liara's romance. If you chose to romance any of them in your playthrough like I did, that's great! You get a good romance. But if you're playing femshep and don't choose those 3 options... you don't. Thane dies early-ish in ME3 (which, I mean, I guess that could be good if you like inevitable tragedy) and Jacob cheats on you (which is terrible and I have NEVER seen in a video game romance before). And if you want to romance a girl? You get Liara or some minor side character, and that's it. You don't get Tali, Ashley, Jack, Miranda, or any of the several other female options that male Shepard has access to. Even in ME3, a male Shepard can romance Kaidan if they want a male companion to romance. Ashley doesn't get the same bi treatment. It's kinda sad just how limited femshep's options are for romance compared to their male counterpart.
The Synthesis Ending. Yes, I chose the Destroy Ending for rather complicated reasons that I will get into, but after watching the outcome of the other endings, I have a bone to pick with Synthesis. I discuss my opinion on the endings in a later section if you want to skip to that.
Omega. It was fun. Not much more I can really say. I liked Nyreen as a character (and it was nice to finally meet a female turian) but I also felt her sacrifice was rather hollow. Aria grew on me and I was able to get her to spare Oleg at the end, but really, the shining star of this DLC was earning her Flare ability.
Leviathan. It's a double-edged sword because while I liked the expansion of reaper lore (and the extra dialogue with the LI and EDI) I also think that overexplaining the reaper backstory ruined a bit of their mystique. It also had strange implications for the ending, as the reaper AI explains its purpose in a more convoluted and obfuscated way than the Leviathan does, so it adds to the frustration of the limited ending dialogue choices given to call the reaper AI out on its vague statements.
Citadel. This is possibly the best DLC of any game I have ever played, I'm serious. With the exception of maybe Trespasser from Dragon Age Inquisition, never have I thought a DLC was so perfect for the story it was accompanying. Granted, I think the idea of taking forced shore leave is a little laughable when the fate of the galaxy is at stake, but I digress, the DLC was near perfect otherwise. It had fun in-jokes, meaningful time to spend with squadmates past and present, great scenes with the love interest, and, yes, I did spend 3 hours in the combat simulator just to get the rare One and Only achievement. And that pistol? It was the only thing keeping me from dying to brutes and banshees during the last Earth mission. I am not exaggerating when I say most of my enjoyment of this game actually comes from this DLC, and I consider its bittersweet ending to be the real ending for Mass Effect.
The Squad (including past Squad members)
Kaidan. Once again, I am listing the squadmates in relative order of how much I liked them, and Kaidan skyrocketed to the top within the last 30% of the game. I mean, I had to like him enough to romance him in ME1, but ME2 made me sour toward him, and even at the beginning of this game I was a little bitter that he was still so prickly about Shepard's forced involvement with Cerberus. However, after the hospital and the initial awkwardness of rekindling a strained relationship, I fell in love with his character all over again. He's not quite as deep as the other characters, true, but his human and down-to-earth presence is SO needed in a cast of complicated and eccentric aliens, and the random things he says are some of the only things I ever laugh at in this game. It almost makes me grateful for the mid-series break, because, for all the frustration, the relationship feels earned by the end. He might not surpass Alistair for top Bioware romance for me, but he comes close. Also, the unconditional reassurance he gives once realizing Shepard had actually been clinically dead and may not have been completely the same when she was rebuilt by Cerberus was so nice to get after the accusatory headache that was the Horizon mission in ME2.
Garrus. Admittedly, I don't think Garrus adds much to the narrative of ME3. Even when helping me cure the turian-ordered genophage he doesn't have much stake in the story, and then he has almost none after the genophage is cured. But that doesn't really matter when his purpose is actually just to be Shepard's rock. He is such a good friend and his presence is so comforting that I wish I could take him on every mission even if he's got nothing relevant to say. His farewell to Shepard at the end was the only other farewell besides Kaidan's that made me tear up. Shepard said it best: there is no Shepard without Vakarian.
Tali. I still love Tali, but she was shafted a bit by the lack of screen time she had in this game. It's a shame that she comes to the crew so late, although I guess it's understandable given that she's an admiral now. Still, I loved seeing her wistfulness as she dreamed of her new home on Rannoch, and her time in the Citadel DLC was very fun.
Mordin. Despite his fourth-place ranking on the list, I think Mordin is THE best-written character in Mass Effect. He has one of if not the best character arcs, and he's so likable that I can't not love Professor War Crimes. His singing as the building was falling down around him... it was so sad but a perfect way for him to go.
EDI. Her earnest and heartfelt quest to understand what it means to be human was endearing to me, and her relationship with Joker was great. I brought her along most times if Garrus or Kaidan didn't make sense to take. I am heartbroken that my chosen ending means her death, but it was a sacrifice I still decided to make, especially after she said she was willing to give her life to save the person she loved.
Liara. While I like Liara, I still feel like there's something missing in her character that I can't quite put my finger on. That said, I like the friendship she has with Shepard. There's an implication to their interactions that suggest she never stopped having romantic feelings for Shepard even after I turned her down in ME1, but I like how she still wants to be a close friend to her rather than be bitter about it.
Thane. I think the story did him justice, giving him a pivotal role to play in the amount of time he had left. The prayer read as he was dying sincerely touched me. He wasn't my favorite in ME2 but ME3 gave him a boost for me.
Legion. Despite some inconsistencies I noticed in his writing, I still like my little robot guy. RIP, buddy, sorry your sacrifice was kind of for nothing.
Grunt. Similar to Thane, ME3 (and especially the Citadel DLC) made me like Grunt more than I did upon his introduction to the series. He wasn't as important, but his enthusiastic welcome and his "last stand" made me feel like a proud mama.
Samara. I liked Samara enough in ME2 to try to flirt with her, so I was excited to see her again in this game, but unfortunately, she didn't have much to do. Then again, she doesn't really need to, given that her arc is to accept being a mother to her remaining child rather than her jailor. I still felt like there was lingering unspoken sexual tension between her and Shepard though...
Wrex. It was good to see Wrex again, and I sincerely love how the game portrays his openness to cooperation as the key to saving his people.
James. I feel like James fulfilled the Krogan Companion role for me in this game, which is: I like him, but not enough to bring him anywhere. His flirting was rather alarming to me at first since I had every intention of reuniting with Kaidan and didn't want to turn James down so early, but when it became clear that he wasn't serious about any of it, I liked playing along, though really femshep doesn't have a choice in the matter.
Javik. Don't get me wrong, Javik is incredibly interesting and I think he's a critical companion to take on a lot of missions because the Prothean perspective is so unique and necessary in some instances (seriously, how did Liara not realize her goddess looked suspiciously similar to Javik). As a person, though, my Paragon Shepard didn't really gel with him. Also, my Shepard is rather sentimental and values memories, so I may have accidentally doomed Javik to a tragic post-game death with that memory shard. Oops.
Kasumi. Speaking of dooming people with memories! I told Kasumi to keep her lover's memories last game, which felt meaningful to my Shepard at the time since it happened before Horizon and I was still playing a lovesick Shepard who missed Kaidan and could empathize with her situation. That was, uh, maybe not the right call to make, and I'm a little sad that I basically condemned Kasumi to waste away her life reliving the past.
Miranda. I don't really have a lot to say about Miranda. She lived in my game, and I thought it was a good end for her character to finally fight back against her father. But she is rather bland to me, and I almost wish they kept her the cold-hearted bitch she was introduced as, just more sympathetic. You know, kinda like...
Jack. I like Jack A LOT more in this game than in ME2. I think putting her in a teacher role was a perfect decision that displays her impressive growth as a person and her ability to overcome her traumatic past to give future generations of biotics a better life. However, she is still Jack, and her inherent abrasiveness meant I always felt like I was walking on eggshells picking dialogue options with her.
Jacob. Unlike almost everyone else on this list, I downgraded Jacob. I didn't mind him so much when I was playing, really - I liked that he was having a baby and that meant he would get the chance to be a better father than his own was, and I liked the little get-together I had with him in the Citadel DLC. I thought he was still a little boring but nothing offended me. After learning he can cheat on femshep though? Yikes, dude.
Zaeed. I wouldn't say I hated him as I did in ME2. He was just... there.
Miscellaneous. I liked Samantha Traynor MUCH more than I liked Kelly Chambers, so I was glad to see her fill the role. She was resourceful and a bit awkward but not annoyingly so. Let's just say, if I was actually in the ME universe, I'd probably be Traynor. Steve Cortez was also a great addition. I grew to care about him a lot, and I'm glad Bioware gave us a face for the person driving our shuttle around lol. Diane Allures is, uh... there. Dr. Chakwas and Joker are great as always. That goes without saying.
I want to preface this by saying I thought the ending before the ending, aka the Illusive Man standoff, was well done. I was a renegade every time I talked to him, meaning for my last action I was able to shoot him point blank and he was able to give an ending speech about how he wished Shepard saw the Earth as he did. I thought this was an interesting angle for my Shepard to take since she was so Paragon in ME1 that she was able to talk Saren down. Having the ability to do the same with the Illusive Man and not taking it gave me the chance to show some growth in my Shepard, finally willing to put her foot down and abandon the moral high ground when dealing with the person who both resurrected and ruined her life.
Now to the final endings. I will not be discussing the Control ending, as I immediately dismissed it as a possibility. It was what the Illusive Man wanted, and if my Shepard was anything, she was staunchly contrarian to Illusive Man's ideology. That's to say nothing of what I think of it, which is - eh. I think it's a good ending for a renegade Shepard, and possibly a paragon Shepard that wasn't as anti-Illusive Man as mine was. Still, the other two endings are what I want to talk about.
I will also not be calling the reaper AI the Star Child because I think it's misleading. To me, the child-like appearance seemed like a ploy to appeal to Shepard, and I didn't want to forget that this is essentially the same AI that appeared on the Arrival DLC asteroid I hurtled into a mass relay just to tell me he was going to destroy me. With that in mind, when he gave me my options and explained what synthesis would mean, I took a long, long time deliberating on what to do. The game presents this option as the unquestioningly best one to take. After all, it's the hardest ending to obtain, it's the option the reaper AI clearly favors, and it's the default platform you're standing on when it comes time to choose.
But here's the problem: if I were Shepard, even a paragon Shepard, even a Shepard who loves EDI and respects the geth, as mine did, I would not choose Synthesis. Because I can't trust that what he says would happen. I asked him why it would work this time around when all their other attempts at synthesis were horrific failures, and all he said was "they were not ready. You are ready." Even for a seemingly all-knowing AI, that's not enough to convince me to fling my body into a particle beam and potentially give up on this one and only chance to stop the reapers for good. Of course, as a player, I can use context clues to know that it WOULD happen. I'm playing a video game after all, and this choice is presented honestly to the player. But I decided to think as Shepard at that moment, not as myself.
He's also... wrong. He says conflict with synthetic life is inevitable, but it isn't. My Shepard knows this. She obtained peace between the quarians and the geth, and she's watched as EDI grew into her own kind and compassionate human consciousness. So while it sucks that they will have to die in the destroy ending, I ultimately chose it because 1) my Shepard can actually see it happen and know that she sacrificed her life for something real, not just a promise of what could happen, 2) destroying the reapers was what the whole galaxy unified to do and they didn't agree to anything else, and 3) destroying the reapers gives organic life a second chance to live and learn from their mistakes and to do better by synthetic life in the future. Maybe, in the wake of Shepard's sacrifice, the galaxy would see that they can work together, and ensure any future synthetic life will never be abused as the geth were.
But there was another reason I didn't choose Synthesis: it didn't make sense. I'm not talking about its practical application, although the space magic it takes to imbue technology into the DNA of every living organism in the galaxy is a little hard to stomach even by Mass Effect standards. I'm talking about its thematic purpose. Throughout all of Mass Effect, the main message has been that working together and sympathizing with people fundamentally different from you is critical to making positive change in the universe, DESPITE the differences. Synthesis, as a solution, is suggesting that conflict is inevitable until you ERASE the differences. This isn't letting people take the time and effort necessary to truly learn about and understand others, this is a no-effort solution that negates that very core theme. It's like saying there would be no conflict in the world if everyone on Earth were of the same race and nationality, because, one, that isn't true, and two, that solution erases so many beautifully diverse cultures that would have existed otherwise. To me, the Destroy ending allows the galaxy to rebuild what was lost while preserving most of the diversity that is so important to keep, especially since the diversity that was lost, namely the geth, theoretically CAN be rebuilt.
There's also another thematic problem: the conflict between synthetics and organics was not the main conflict in Mass Effect. Sure, it took up a lot of screen time in ME1, but it always felt secondary to the conflict between all other organics. There were tensions between the alien council species and the humans, there was tension between the krogan and the turians and salarians, there was tension between humans and humans, there was tension everywhere you looked. Your role was to be a mediator, a shepherd. You guided the people toward a better understanding of themselves and others, and by doing that, you were able to achieve impossible things together. Synthetic life was only a piece of that puzzle. But by making the conflict ONLY about synthetics and organics, it undermines the things we learned about other organics. If this solution was only meant for the quarians and humans, maybe it would make sense - these species have already achieved AIs that they could come into conflict with. But WHY should I make this decision for the krogan, an alien species not even close to developing AI advanced enough to go to war with? Why is it fair to them that I'm rewriting their DNA to ensure they never see a war that they might have never seen anyway? Haven't they already seen enough outside meddling in their bodily autonomy?
So I chose Destroy. And since I had enough war assets, I was able to avoid mass devastation, and somehow Kaidan seems to think Shepard is still alive. Oh, look, I guess she is. Not sure how that's possible, but I'll take slim hope. Overall, I was satisfied with my ending, although I was sad that I had to deny life to the synthetics that wanted it.
Then I watched the Synthesis ending and saw that it was basically perfect. Besides Shepard dying, everything is just better. Everyone understands each other now, there's no more disease, no more death, EDI is alive, and apparently, everyone is just cool with their new DNA. It was a utopia. And I thought that kinda went against everything I saw in Mass Effect. Sure, there are good choices, and some are definitely better than others, but rarely should there be perfect or easy choices. I'm not saying Synthesis should be a bad ending, by all means, make it a good one. Make it the best one, even. But it shouldn't be perfect. Maybe some people are upset that they were genetically altered against their will (hell, my Shepard had an existential crisis about this after learning how she was resurrected by Cerberus, and it's not a fate she would have imposed on anyone anyway). Maybe the husks and other synthetics that were once organics live a hellish existence in between existences and can never reconcile with their living loved ones. I dunno, something. Like I said before: thematically, it doesn't follow what was learned in the narrative, and therefore should not be the perfect solution to problems that the solution had nothing to do with.
I want to stress that I'm not judging anyone who chose the Synthesis ending. I deliberated it a long time for a reason: it is a promising conclusion if you want to avoid Control and you want to save EDI and the geth. I totally understand that. I just think the way that choice is presented and executed by Bioware is clunky and counterproductive to the narrative. I've also seen people dismiss the Destroy ending as genocide, and I won't argue that. It IS genocide, if you consider synthetics a valid form of life in this game, as I did. But I chose it anyway because doing so would stop the reapers who were the Ultimate Genocide Machines, and if there was any situation where genocide could be justified to stop genocide, uh, I guess that would be it. Sure, Synthesis would finally give organics a chance to understand and cooperate with the reapers, but that is only on the basis that everyone fundamentally change themselves at the request of the reapers under threat of mutual annihilation. The reapers had made no effort to truly understand and sympathize with organics outside of their one-sided conversations with Shepard until this point, so I didn't really feel bad I was killing them all, to be honest with you.
Okay, so, those were my thoughts on Mass Effect. This took a whole day to write. As frustrated as some parts of the game made me, I loved the rest, and I'm very glad I played it. Giving it a score like the other parts feels wrong, since I know now it's all part of a whole, but if I had to give it one, I'd say 8.5/10. I'll be missing my crew for some time, I think. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my thoughts on this franchise!
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Now onto Andromeda...
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Content Marketing Course
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Master Content Marketing: Learn How to Create Content That Ranks on Google with Digital Infinite!
Want to improve your content writing skills? Want to craft compelling content that grabs attention and drives results? Look no further! Digital Infinite has the perfect solution for you. Our Content Marketing Course is designed to teach you everything from generating ideas to promoting your content effectively.
What is Content Marketing?
Before we dive into the details of our Content Marketing Course, let’s understand what Content Marketing is all about. Content Marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content to attract and retain a specific audience. The aim? To encourage profitable actions like lead generation and sales.
Why is Content Marketing Important?
In today’s digital world, Content Marketing is crucial. With so much noise online, standing out is key. Effective Content Marketing helps build trust, establish authority, and drive business results.
What will you learn in our Content Marketing Course?
Our course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to create and execute a successful Content Marketing strategy. Here are some of the topics we cover:
Content Ideation: Learn how to generate ideas for content that connects with your target audience and matches your business goals.
Content Creation: Understand the fundamentals of creating effective content, including writing for different platforms and styles.
Content Optimization: Discover how to optimize your content for search engines and social media to boost traffic and engagement.
Content Promotion: Learn how to promote your content across various channels, such as email, social media, and through influencers.
Content Measurement: Gain insights into measuring the impact of your Content Marketing efforts and adapting your strategy accordingly.
Who should enroll in our Content Marketing Course?
Our Content Marketing Course is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their content writing and creation abilities. This includes:
Digital Marketers
Content Writers
Social Media Managers
Small Business Owners
Whether you aim to develop content for your own business or for clients, our course equips you with the essential knowledge and skills for success.
Why Choose Digital Infinite?
Digital Infinite stands out as a premier Content Marketing Institute, offering top-notch content writing courses online. Our instructors boast extensive industry expertise, having crafted and executed successful content marketing strategies for years.
Our Content Marketing Course is designed to be practical and hands-on, providing you with opportunities to apply your learning to real-world situations. Throughout the course, you'll receive personalized feedback and guidance from our instructors.
In addition to our Content Marketing Course, we also provide courses in Content Creation and Content Creator, tailored to refine your skills in specific areas like video production and graphic design.
Located in Dombivli, Digital Infinite is the ideal choice for students from various locations seeking Content Marketing courses in the Thane district. Just a 5-minute walk from Dombivli Railway Station, our institute is easily accessible from neighboring stations like Diva, Kalyan, Titwala, Ambernath, Badlapur, Ulhasnagar, Karjat, and Kasara, whether by train or roadways.
In today's digital era, Content Marketing holds more significance than ever. Enrolling in our Content Marketing Course equips you with the know-how to craft and execute effective content marketing strategies that yield tangible business results. Whether you're a digital marketer, content writer, or small business owner, our course equips you with the requisite knowledge and skills for success. Reach out to us today to learn more about our Content Marketing Institute and courses.
Content Marketing Course Curriculum For Digital Infinite
Introduction To Content Marketing:
What is Content Marketing?
Why is Content Marketing important?
Benefits of Content Marketing for businesses
Different types of Content Marketing
Content Strategy:
Developing a Content Strategy
Setting goals and objectives
Analyzing target audience
Creating buyer personas
Conducting keyword research
Content Creation:
Creating high-quality content
Various types of content (blogs, videos, infographics, etc.)
Incorporating storytelling in Content Marketing
Generating ideas and brainstorming for content
Writing content for the web
Content Distribution:
Utilizing content distribution channels
Leveraging social media for Content Marketing
Strategies for email marketing
Content syndication methods
Options for paid promotion
Content Measurement And Optimization:
Understanding key performance indicators (KPIs)
Evaluating Content Marketing ROI
Implementing A/B testing and optimization techniques
Utilizing Google Analytics for Content Marketing analysis
Recommended Content Marketing tools and resources
Advanced Content Marketing Techniques:
Implementing influencer marketing strategies
Creating interactive content for Content Marketing
Utilizing podcasts for content distribution
Hosting webinars and live streaming sessions
Strategies for content localization and internationalization
By the end of the course, you will have a strong understanding of how to create, distribute, and optimize content that drives traffic, engagement, and conversions. You will also gain valuable insights into the latest trends and techniques in Content Marketing, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional results for your clients or business. Enroll in Digital Infinite’s Content Marketing Course today and take the first step towards becoming a Content Marketing expert.
Digital Infinite is an advanced and  dedicated digital marketing training institute. At Digital Infinite, we offer a wide range of advanced digital marketing courses suitable for Students and Entrepreneur and designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the dynamic digital landscape.
Our Course Offerings:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Gain the expertise to make websites rank higher on search engines and drive organic traffic.
Social Media Marketing: Learn how to harness the power of social media platforms to reach and engage your target audience.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Master the art of paid advertising and get your message in front of potential customers effectively.
Website Designing: Acquire the skills to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites, crucial for online success.
Graphic Designing: Learn the art of visual communication, essential for creating eye-catching marketing materials.
Video Marketing: Dive into the world of video content and discover how to captivate your audience through this powerful medium.
Google Business: Understand the intricacies of Google's tools and platforms to boost your online presence.
Content Writing    : Hone your writing skills to create compelling and persuasive content that resonates with your audience.
Why Choose Digital Infinite:
Diploma in Digital Marketing: Our comprehensive program offers more than 30 courses, ensuring you gain a well-rounded education in digital marketing.
Live Projects: Experience real-world scenarios by working on live projects that prepare you for the challenges of the industry.
100% Practical Training: We believe in learning by doing. Our courses emphasize practical training, allowing you to apply your knowledge immediately.
2-Month Internship: Gain valuable experience through our internship program, where you'll work with real clients and projects.
Free Software and Bonuses: Access the tools and resources you need at no extra cost, so you can hit the ground running.
Job Assistance: We're dedicated to your success. Our job assistance program helps you find the right opportunities to kickstart your career in digital marketing.
Digital Infinite is committed to equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to excel in the fast-paced digital marketing landscape. Join us today, and unlock your potential in the world of digital marketing!
Don't miss this opportunity to advance your career and stay ahead of the digital marketing curve. Enroll in one of our courses and take the first step towards a successful digital marketing career with Digital Infinite.
 Our Locations in Thane Distric:
With a presence in multiple locations, we aim to make quality digital marketing education accessible to everyone. You can find us in the following areas:
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Dombivli
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Kalyan
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Badlapur
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Ambernath
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Ulhasnagar
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Titwala
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bhiwandi
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digitaludyog · 5 months
Unlocking Business Success: The Transformative Role of a Premier Social Media Marketing Agency
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In the rapidly evolving digital sphere, a Social Media Marketing Agency like DIZITAL UDYOG stands as a cornerstone, crafting innovative strategies that redefine the very essence of digital marketing success. Amidst the burgeoning digital landscape teeming with a vast audience, the challenge remains in tailoring effective campaigns to target specific audiences, ensuring a substantial return on investment.
Beyond the Giants: Unveiling the Depths of Social Media
While commonly linked with platforms like Twitter and Facebook, digital or social media marketing agencies understand that the realm of social media extends far beyond these titans. Exploring diverse platforms enables businesses to establish a more authentic connection with their audience, a pivotal factor in achieving sustainable success.
Integral to Your Business Blueprint
Social media marketing transcends being an option; it stands as a fundamental pillar in every business's digital strategy. The expertise and proficiency of a leading Social Media Marketing Agency/Social Media Consultancy play a pivotal role in maximizing online presence and engaging potential customers. From crafting content strategies to deciphering platform algorithms, leveraging social media effectively is imperative.
Elevating Your Business with Tailored Strategies
At DIZITAL UDYOG, our approach is meticulously tailored to your unique business needs. Understanding your objectives takes precedence, enabling us to intricately plan and execute campaigns that drive engagement and conversions, harnessing the diverse potential of various social media platforms.
Comprehensive Services for Digital Triumph
Our range of services is designed to cater comprehensively to your digital demands:
Social Consultancy: Conducting research, audits, and managing social presence.
Brand Management: Strategizing social calendars and creating compelling content.
Social PPC: Expertly managing budgets, keywords, and retargeting strategies.
Social PR: Nurturing relationships, managing reputations, and fostering communities.
Reporting & Analysis: Rigorously evaluating KPIs and meticulously measuring ROI.
Cross-Channel Marketing: Seamlessly integrating marketing strategies across diverse platforms.
Accessible Excellence for Entrepreneurs
Strategically positioned in Dombivli, DIZITAL UDYOG emerges as the go-to destination for business owners seeking comprehensive digital marketing services in Thane District. A mere 5-minute walk from Dombivli Railway Station, our accessibility extends seamlessly to neighboring areas like Diva, Kalyan, Titwala, and beyond.
Paste on blog
Digi  tal Infinite is an advanced and  dedicated digital marketing training institute. At Digital Infinite, we offer a wide range of advanced digital marketing courses suitable for Students and Entrepreneur and designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the dynamic digital landscape.
Our Course Offerings:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Gain the expertise to make websites rank higher on search engines and drive organic traffic.
Social Media Marketing: Learn how to harness the power of social media platforms to reach and engage your target audience.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Master the art of paid advertising and get your message in front of potential customers effectively.
Website Designing: Acquire the skills to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites, crucial for online success.
Graphic Designing: Learn the art of visual communication, essential for creating eye-catching marketing materials.
Video Marketing: Dive into the world of video content and discover how to captivate your audience through this powerful medium.
Google Business: Understand the intricacies of Google's tools and platforms to boost your online presence.
Content Writing    : Hone your writing skills to create compelling and persuasive content that resonates with your audience.
Why Choose Digital Infinite:
Diploma in Digital Marketing: Our comprehensive program offers more than 30 courses, ensuring you gain a well-rounded education in digital marketing.
Live Projects: Experience real-world scenarios by working on live projects that prepare you for the challenges of the industry.
100% Practical Training: We believe in learning by doing. Our courses emphasize practical training, allowing you to apply your knowledge immediately.
2-Month Internship: Gain valuable experience through our internship program, where you'll work with real clients and projects.
Free Software and Bonuses: Access the tools and resources you need at no extra cost, so you can hit the ground running.
Job Assistance: We're dedicated to your success. Our job assistance program helps you find the right opportunities to kickstart your career in digital marketing.
Digital Infinite is committed to equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to excel in the fast-paced digital marketing landscape. Join us today, and unlock your potential in the world of digital marketing!
Don't miss this opportunity to advance your career and stay ahead of the digital marketing curve. Enroll in one of our courses and take the first step towards a successful digital marketing career with Digital Infinite.
 Our Locations in Thane Distric:
With a presence in multiple locations, we aim to make quality digital marketing education accessible to everyone. You can find us in the following areas:
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Dombivli
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Kalyan
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Badlapur
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Ambernath
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Ulhasnagar
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Titwala
Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bhiwandi
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artschoolkapurbawadi · 11 months
Beyond the Brush: Diverse Art Classes in Thane for Various Mediums
Introduction: Art is a medium of self-expression that knows no boundaries. It transcends traditional notions and expands into various mediums, offering artists limitless avenues to explore and create. In the vibrant city of Thane, art enthusiasts have the opportunity to dive into a world of diverse art classes that go beyond traditional brushwork. From sculpting to digital art, Thane embraces a rich assortment of mediums, allowing individuals to unleash their creativity in unique and captivating ways. In this article, we will delve into the exciting world of diverse art classes available in Thane and how they inspire artists to think beyond the brush.
Sculpture Classes: Sculpture classes in Thane provide a hands-on experience in shaping and molding three-dimensional forms. Students can work with clay, stone, or other materials to create sculptures that come to life. These classes not only develop technical skills but also foster a deeper understanding of form, texture, and spatial awareness.
Printmaking Workshops: Printmaking is a versatile medium that allows artists to produce multiple copies of their artwork. Thane offers workshops on various printmaking techniques, such as linocut, etching, and screen printing. These classes teach artists how to transfer their designs onto different surfaces, experimenting with texture, color, and layering.
Photography Courses: Photography is an art form that captures moments and stories through the lens. Thane hosts photography courses that cater to both beginners and advanced photographers. Participants learn composition, lighting techniques, and post-processing skills to transform their snapshots into captivating visual narratives.
Mixed Media Workshops: Mixed media art is a fusion of different materials and techniques to create multidimensional artwork. Thane's art classes embrace mixed media, encouraging artists to combine paint, collage, found objects, and other elements to produce stunning pieces. These workshops inspire artists to push the boundaries of traditional art forms and embrace experimentation.
Digital Art Classes: In the digital age, art has expanded into the realm of pixels and screens. Thane offers digital art classes that explore the use of digital tools and software to create stunning illustrations, animations, and graphic designs. These classes teach artists how to manipulate colors, shapes, and textures digitally, opening up a world of endless possibilities.
Ceramics Workshops: Ceramics is an ancient art form that combines the elements of sculpting and pottery. Thane's ceramics workshops provide individuals with the opportunity to work with clay, shaping it into functional or decorative objects. Participants learn various techniques like wheel throwing, hand-building, and glazing, enabling them to create unique ceramic pieces.
Conclusion: Art is a vast and ever-evolving realm that extends far beyond the conventional brush and canvas. Thane, with its vibrant art scene, offers a multitude of diverse art classes that cater to artists seeking to explore various mediums. Whether it's sculpting, printmaking, photography, mixed media, digital art, or ceramics, Thane provides a platform for individuals to dive into their artistic passions and expand their creative horizons. So, if you're an art enthusiast in Thane, don't be afraid to step beyond the brush and embrace the myriad of artistic possibilities that await you.
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penkraft123 · 1 year
The world of calligraphy
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Calligraphy is the art of more than beautiful handwriting technique forming by hands and arranging them well. It is not just about putting text or using letters on paper, it’s about dressed up letters with some form of decoration.
The three fundamental calligraphy tools are:
1. page: the writing surface
2. ink: any liquid color for application
3. nib: (or brush) on a handle
Calligraphy continues to flourish in the forms of wedding and event invitations, font design and typography, original hand-lettered logo design, religious art, announcements, graphic design and commissioned calligraphic art, cut stone inscriptions, and memorial documents.
Everything is possible with practice
Practicing will allow you to gain experience quickly and easily, since this can be done anywhere, with minimal materials and little pre-planning. Simply writing with any instrument on any paper available for practice. The most important thing is that you gain a steady hand and an understanding of how to vary your line widths.
You can also learn by trying to recreate the work of others. Get images of calligraphy, either from the internet or calligraphy books, and cover the image in tracing paper. Write on the tracing paper, trying to recreate the strokes of the original. If you intend to use ink, be aware that it may bleed through the paper and prepare accordingly. If you want to practice a little more formally, you can set up a grid to practice with.
Penkraft gives you the opportunity to learn something that is different and creative. It is one of the leading organisations in Thane and Mumbai which specializes in tutoring the trainers who further train the students. It is ideal for anyone who is looking to learn calligraphy as Penkraft also provides various art & craft courses classes and handwriting improvement courses. Penkraft also provides training for homemakers who are looking for opportunities to work from home with its teacher training centre initiative.
Penkraft conducts classes, course, online courses, live courses, workshops, teachers’ training & online teachers’ training in Handwriting Improvement, Calligraphy, Abacus Maths, Vedic Maths, Phonics and various Craft & Artforms — Madhubani, Mandala, Warli, Gond, Lippan Art, Kalighat, Kalamkari, Pichwai, Cheriyal, Kerala Mural, Pattachitra, Tanjore Painting, One Stroke Painting, Decoupage, Image Transfer, Resin Art, Fluid Art, Alcohol Ink Art, Pop Art, Knife Painting, Scandinavian Art, Water Colors, Coffee Painting, Pencil Shading, Resin Art Advanced etc. at pan-India locations. With our mission to inspire, educate, empower & uplift people through our endeavours, we have trained & operationally supported (and continue to support) 1500+ home-makers to become Penkraft Certified Teachers? in various disciplines.
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Marriage Mod - To Have And To Hold - Download
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Skyrim is such a huge game that it's survived with an active player base for over a decade. This is, in no small part, due to the dedicated modding community that adds both big and small tweaks to update or improve the available content. Though Skyrim isn't available on the latest console, the PlayStation 5, modders have figured out how to solve even that problem! That sense of connection and community factors into the genre of the game itself. Skyrim launched with the ability to marry certain NPCs and, in a later DLC, added the opportunity to adopt children from an orphanage or the streets of Skyrim's major cities. Here are 10 mods to spice up any player's love life, home life, or family life. Bethesda encouraged players to submit their fan art, cosplays, and other content for a chance to be featured in a special upcoming project. There's no better time to return to your Skyrim adventure and say hello to your dear family — with a few mods to improve your experience along the way! Skyrim's longevity can be partially credited to its modding scene, as fans constantly seek to push the game into new directions. Do you love love? Are you frustrated by the monogamous limits placed on you by Vanilla Skyrim? After all, the Dragonborn is an adventurer who is seldom home with their family — who's to say they don't have two or three going at once? The big draw to this mod is the ability for the Dragonborn to marry up to 11 NPCs at once. You don't even need to worry about losing track of them because the Dragonborn will also get a book, entitled 'Mara's Tear,' which lists each spouse and where they are. Other improvements include allowing the player to dictate their spouse's outfit, adding a wedding reception to the marriage event, and the ability to intentionally get divorced. Ever think that the elves, orcs, and other non-human races of Skyrim must be better parents? After all, none of Skyrim's abandoned children — from the streets or Riften's orphanage — are anything other than human. This gorgeous mod has carefully put together the features of each race into children's bodies — even detailing additional mods you can install which make for the most beautiful kids possible. There is no shortage of gorgeous, jaw-dropping player homes in the Skyrim modding community. If fans are looking for a city home with enough beds for a family, Deithwen is an excellent option. A cluttered home reminiscent of any family lifestyle, it's tucked away in Skyrim's capital city: Solitude. The little details are hidden in every nook and cranny and they really make fans fall in love with the home. From chess boards to shoes strewn across the floor to bars of soap and beyond, there's something here for everyone. By the end of the game, Skyrim players have killed hundreds of dragons. They have become the Thane of every city from Whiterun to Timbuktu. They were an unbeatable swordsman and an incomparable magician. What else was there to do? Hug their children, of course. Special settings customize each interaction and, suddenly, players are sharing special moments with their loved ones in no time. Modded player homes are all well and good, but the default settings are only designed to prompt the family to move to an established home. That list includes only the homes that the gamer or their spouse owns - not some dragon cave or palace in the clouds, or whatever other mod a player prefers. Thankfully, that's what the Custom Family Home mod is for. First of all, it allows players to move their family to any place they chose. Then, as icing on the cake, they can customize what their spouse and children interact with and where they spend their time. Loads of the best Skyrim mods are designed to update the beautiful, but undeniably ten-year-old, graphics of the game — especially NPC bodies and faces. Not all are so careful as to update the appearance of children, however. It's less creepy when a child runs up to you begging for money for the market if they don't look like an afterthought from Each child has carefully chosen hairstyles, facial features, and updated clothes. The land of Skyrim is full of dozens of lovely, varied marriage candidates for the player. However, for fans that have been playing Skyrim since its release, they might have exhausted all the options they're interested in. This marriage mod will put some spice back in the romances. More Potential Marriage Candidates will add 36 new men and women for the player to sweep off their feet. This includes some previously unromanceable races like Khajiit — so long as you can handle the fact that they'll sound like an Argonian or a Nord. When Hearthfire released for Skyrim, it provided players with the opportunity to adopt children for the first time. Many fans were overjoyed to finally be able to save the orphans they'd spent so long pitying in Riften. Others were upset that they had to choose only two to take home. The Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod fixes this problem by allowing the player to adopt up to six rugrats to live at home with them. It even includes a list of compatible home mods it works with — since players have to have 6 beds to accommodate everyone! For a game with so many subtleties and small details , the conversations with your chosen spouse are incredibly dull. After you walk down the aisle, the magic in your relationship just disappears! The player can ask for some food, for money, and if their spouse feels like moving — but not much else. The Relationship Dialogue Overhaul mod takes a stab at solving this marriage-gone-stale problem. It adds more than lines of dialogue for spouses and other characters and changes their conversational behaviors. The modder took incredible care — adding lines by the same voice actor in new places where they make sense and even cutting together several lines by one actor to form new phrases. Ever get bored of giving your children the same few gifts every time you return home? Sick of picking up apples because it's one of the few things they'll accept? Enter: the More Gifts For Children mod. This update to Skryim allows you to give hundreds of different times to your children as gifts when you speak to them. There are two versions of this particular mod. While this still adds lots of options for presents as well as removing the gendered restriction on doll gifts , it doesn't allow you to give weapons or other dangerous items to these kids. The original version is no-holds-barred, so the player can gift spells, real weapons, wine, books on any topic, and more! Skyrim: Which Is Better?
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We are masters in the field of graphic design courses in thane. Our brilliant contribution in providing the best quality education for the student who wants to build their career in an animation course, VFX course in thane. Our stupendous graphic design course in thane west will make your career rich and ready to land in the industry to skyrocket your talent.
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animationcourses-1 · 1 month
Enroll in the Finest Graphic Design Course in Thane!
Unlock your creative potential and delve into the vibrant world of graphic design course in Thane. From mastering industry-standard software to honing your artistic flair, our program offers a comprehensive journey into the realm of visual communication.
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Join us and unleash your imagination while learning from seasoned professionals in a dynamic and supportive environment. Elevate your skills, carve your path, and create stunning visuals that leave a lasting impact. Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a graphic design virtuoso in Thane.
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Graphic design course in Thane
Learn from the Leading Industry Experts offers job-oriented courses like Graphics Designing. Contact Us for FREE Online Counselling: https://edrishyam.com/graphic-designing/ 
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actify-9090 · 2 months
Procurement application
Actify Inc., is a full-service IT company offering the below list of services to esteemed organization like yours:
Custom Business Applications and Reporting
Static and Dynamic Websites
Ready to use Business Applications such as
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Human Resource Management System (HRMS),
Learning Management System (LMS),
Procure to Pay (P2P),
Expense Management,
Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting Services
Staffing Services in IT Domain – Interns, Freshers & Experienced
Training related to IT Upskilling on courses such as
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Web Development
Java Development
Python Development
Tableau/Power BI
Data Science
Cloud & DevOps
Customized courses
Value Added Services
Digital Marketing
Graphic Designing
We are an associate company of Dextero Business Solution Private Limited (Dextero), which focuses in the area of digital transformation for enterprise organizations across the globe. Dextero has partnered with leading companies in the space of emerging technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), AI/ML and Data Science.😍
Company Name:- Actify Business
Address:-3rd Floor, Guruprerana,Opp. Jagdish Book Depot,Above Choice Interiors, Naik Wadi, Near Thane Station,Thane (W) 400602.
Contact No:-9867 476 400
Email ID:- [email protected]
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tanadrin · 6 years
I think I’m starting to understand the difference in philosophies that underlies the two kinds of video game RPG better. I think of them as the Bethesda and the BioWare RPG, but more accurate terms would be the simulationist and the character-driven RPG. Which is not to say that the two categories are exclusive--they’re different points on a spectrum. The extreme simulationist RPG would be Dwarf Fortress’s Adventure Mode, where the entire world is procedurally generated ex nihilo, including attempts to procedurally generate things like history and politics and whole systems of magic. I’m not sure what the opposite would be--maybe something like the original Mass Effect, whose levels are quite cloistered, or the first Deus Ex, where you’re playing a character who is extremely defined as a person, but you still get to choose how the plot unfolds.
Each has aspects I like. I like that in character-driven games I have a strong narrative I get to operate within, and I get to make choices which affect the emotional outcome of the game. Bethesda games lack that, because for all the influence that in theory you have over the world, the ultimate outcome is usually always the same: Mehrunes Dagon is defeated, Alduin is killed, you’re sitting on a pile of treasure. What outcomes you do control tend to be binary yes/no levers (did you do the College of Winterhold quests? Congrats, you can add “Archmage” to your extremely long list of titles an honors), and moving through the game’s programmatic implementation of the plot feels more lack racking up Steam achievements than anything else.
Buuuut the price you pay for actually feeling like you inhabit these worlds is feeling like the worlds themselves are pretty two-dimensional. Skyrim was the first RPG I played where I felt a strong sense of place, like even though the experience was mediated by a computer screen and a mouse and keyboard, I could imagine what it would be like to stand on the road outside Riverwood and feel the cool breeze and look up and the foggy mountains. At the time I thought it was just the (then) shiny new graphics, but I bought Morrowind the other day just for fun, and I don’t think it is--I think placeness is just a thing Bethesda excels at in their games, because they pay close attention to it like BioWare does to characters. Morrowind’s graphics are much more primitive than Skyrim’s, but Vvardenfell definitely still has many of the same qualities Skyrim does in that respect, even with its blocky character models and super-short draw distance.
(Also, playing a little Morrowind has made me appreciate just how much the Dragonborn DLC is a love letter to Morrowind fans, which is neat.)
Are the two approaches compatible? Like, is one side of the spectrum necessarily exclusive of the other? I think they might be. The problem with the simulationist world (and this is a problem STA:GOB2:DF(AM) has in spades) is that you run the risk of a world a million miles wide and a millimeter deep (see also Elite: Dangerous, and No Man’s Sky reportedly but I haven’t played it myself), but Tarn Adams’ extreme fetish for procedural generation simply throws into relief the problem of a lot of these games, which is that random is not actually a substitute for complex, and even conceptually sophisticated Perlin noise is still just... noise. Utterly interchangeable. You can generate a million Dwarf Fortress worlds, and they’ll all be superficially identical.
Even a world like Daggerfall’s, which is the size of Great Britain, is mostly nothing. And it turns out (as fast travel and compass markers have shown us) that for most people, working your way over miles of empty country road and hunting for quest objectives is not the fun part of epic fantasy narratives, which is why most epic fantasy narratives... skip those parts.
(Tangent 1: I understand the impulse to huge fantasy worlds in video games, and I think it’s a positive one, mostly. Theme parks don’t feel real, which is why Azeroth has no sense of place. It could--it has some wonderfully atmospheric zones--but everything about the placement of NPCs and the way you interact with the world screams animatronic Presidents, Disneyland with the Burning Legion, so it lacks... worldlikeness. The problem with big, detailed, simulationist worlds is that if you’re inhabiting them from a pedestrian’s viewpoint, 99.5% of all that is going to go to waste. Either you will fast-travel past it or it will be Desert Bus With Dragons, but honestly, you don’t need to simulate weather fronts and biomes and a realistic medieval economy if all you’re doing is trying to assemble the Staff of Chaos so you can whack Jagar Tharn over the head with it. As soon as your viewpoint becomes even a little bit more elevated, though, that stuff is interesting, and even important. The fact that every merchant in Spira will buy your stuff for exactly one half the price you sell it for is an irrelevant triviality if all you ever see is one merchant’s storefront at a time. But as soon as you begin to piece together anything like a bigger picture, the world needs to make sense. I would combine this observation with the fact that no matter how important you become to the world of Skyrim, you never actually wield any political or administrative authority. Sure, nobody wants to play Dean of the College of Winterhold or have to spend half their time playing Skyrim marking freshers’ essays on the elementary principles of transmutation, but it’s also weird that you can be one of Skyrim’s foremost property owners, thane of nine holds, political counselor of the High King, and you can’t get a guard to so much as hold your horse for you while you pop into the blacksmith’s. A game where accomplishment actually translates into political authority is a game where the worldbuilder’s urge to detail every element of the life-cycle of the lesser mana stoat becomes a little more important, if, say, you need to manage the mana stoat farmers. Although that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate nods towards believability--Skyrim’s tiny-ass farms that couldn’t feed a family of four in a wintry climate, much less a tenth of a goddamn continent, are a major failure on that point. Visual believability is important. Noteworthy here also is landscape architecture: one reason Skyrim does well at placeness is that it feels reasonable, even though it’s a geographical absurdity. Something like the world of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, where even the “plains” regions are wacky moonscapes designed to maximize walking time, so as to substitute boredom for size, are failures in level design.)
(Tangent 2: I once had the idea for a fantasy film or comic book that involved all the usual players: a Scheming Villain, a Terrible Macguffin of Power, a band of Plucky Heroes, romance, war, intrigue, excitement, etc. Except all the big, exciting moments would be entirely implied; the actual story told would be of all the quiet moments between the battles and confrontations and tragic death scenes. The sitting around the campfire singing songs. The tossing and turning on hard ground or in lumpy, unfamiliar beds. The quiet conversation or the anxious exchange of looks before a battle. The moments of reflection or subtle self-doubt before committing to a course of action that could save or doom the world. I don’t actually know if it would make for an interesting story, but I think it would be a lot of fun to write.)
Bethesda for its part is firmly committed to the tabula rasa silent protagonist, and I think that’s a mistake. I don’t think you increase player agency in a world where your protagonist must remain mute, I think you only highlight the disconnect. I may be unusual here, but one of the things I love most about BioWare games, and which makes me feel most embedded in their plots and connected to their characters, is the fact I get to hear both sides of the conversation, and how I choose to respond has a lasting effect on the kind of person the other characters seem to understand me to be. That feels much more interesting to me that the cipher that moves through Bethesda worlds, about which little can be known, because little can be specified. Yes, such a cipher can have any history you want, but only because such a cipher can have no substantive history--so, like the details of a procedurally generated world, the history of such a protagonist, their motivations and intent, is rendered trivial. And for escapist fantasy, where part of the goal is to not be trivial, but to be important, vital even, I think that’s a failure. Unless your goal is to, like, RP a cabbage merchant, in which case--success!
What I really want, what I really feel is a seriously under-appreciated possibility in video game RPGs, is an open world with some of the simulationist aspects, but built around, or laid on top of, a strong central plot skeleton. One with rich character interaction and consequential, emotional choices (and no, Dawnguard does not qualify), and I think the payoff would be that we are so used to vast worlds that are ultimately quite shallow that even a few substantive concessions in this direction would feel like we had suddenly discovered benthic depths.
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