#How would you try to nudge shuichi into discovering the truth of v3 as a tv show sooner
g0nta-g0kuhara · 27 days
Recently been filling time by trying to think what the best possible course of action would be to prevent Kaito and Kokichi's deaths if I was plopped into v3 right at the beginning of chapter 5
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suzu-kun22 · 7 years
Danganronpa V3 Character Rankings
My rankings for each character, plus a little paragraph for why I put them there. Spoilers ahead. 
16. Korekiyo Shinguuji
I hate him. He’s creepy and he freaks me the hell out. Plus he killed two characters who I loved very much. Plus he was a really obvious killer. Even though the seesaw trick was incredibly clever, he was obviously the killer from the start. To add insult to injury, he’s voiced by my favorite English voice actor. He also shows us the unquestionable truth that incest, truly is wincest. 
15. Ryoma Hoshi
I don’t have any problem with Ryoma actually. I’m just incredibly indifferent to him, so everyone who I actually like is above him. I honestly don’t really have an opinion on him except that he’s kind of cute as a ship with Gonta. I liked how he was so willing to give himself up for everyone else at first, and that he let Kirumi kill him, it made him seem like this person who’s already been through so much that he’s just finished with his life. He gave the impression of being just so... tired. And I thought his death was really interesting. 
14. Tsumugi Shirogane
I actually like Tsumugi a lot. I thought she was a really relatable character at first, and then I thought she was a pretty cool mastermind. I hate that she got Kiibo killed and killed both Rantaro and Kaede, which is probably why she’s so low. Also just... her cruelty is so needless. During the sixth trial she’s so horribly cruel to the other survivors up to that point, but, once the jig was up and they knew what was going on, she really didn’t need to be. Unless my theories are right and it’s all a lie anyways! (*nudge nudge*)
13. Gonta Gokuhara
Again, not me disliking a character, just liking others more than them. Gonta is such a pure cinnamon roll who truly did not deserve what happened to him. He was taken advantage of by someone who just wanted someone to do their bidding, but Gonta was such a legitimate sweetheart to everyone. Even Kokichi. He only went with Kokichi and allowed himself to be manipulated because he thought it was the best for both Kokichi and everyone else. He just wanted to protect everyone, and he deserved so much better. 
12. Kaito Momota
I liked Kaito a lot more than I thought I would. I went into the game expecting him to be a Hagakure type character. I thought he’d be loud and annoying and I’d get fed up with him quickly. But he proved himself to be quite likable in the end. His relationships with Shuichi and Maki respectively are what really make him likable. After what happened to Kaede, Kaito really picks Shuichi up by the hat and doesn’t let go until the hat falls off. And he single-handedly got Maki to come out of her shell and start caring about someone. Honestly, without him, neither of them would have any character arc. Which is part of what makes his death so amazing and so tragic at the same time. At least he got to stick it to Monokuma with his death. 
11. Miu Iruma
Oh god Miu. Why do I love Miu. She’s just so damn entertaining I can’t stop loving her. What was Kodaka thinking when he said he made her to be unlikable?? Her death is the biggest turning point of the whole game for me. It does so much for so many characters and just outs Oma as such a truly despicable person (or at least that he’s acting as one) and she herself is just so much fun to watch. And I absolutely adore her relationship with Kiibo. They’re just adorable, whether you choose to interpret them as friends or lovers there’s no denying that they’re a perfect match. 
10.  Tenko Chabashira
Tenko is one of those characters who occasionally gets annoying, but you still just can’t help but love them. Before chapter three I was more neutral towards Tenko, but once she had raised her death flag right before the seance I realized that I really really REALLY did not want her to die. To the point that I almost started crying and was actively shouting at my game for Tenko to NOT go along with the seance. And of course, her ‘unrequited’ love for Himiko was (while slightly creepy) still sweet and something that was relatable for me (I’ll hang around people when I want to be friends with them). Her death was really the booster behind Himiko’s character arc too, which is just another bonus. 
9. Kirumi Tojo
I’m honestly not sure why I like Kirumi so much. She’s just such a good person, even if she does murder someone she only does so because she honest-to-god believes with all of her heart that doing so will save the lives of so many other people in the outside world. She treats everyone with the utmost respect, and she’s an incredibly intelligent person too. I mean, you need to be smart to come up with and carry out a murder plan like the one she had. She created what would have been the perfect crime if not for the inner tube and the black gloves that she only had to leave in the pool because she would have died if she tried to retrieve them. I love her reserved calmness and how she just LOSES all of it once she’s discovered. That’s what really set her apart from Peko, she refused to accept her death and even tried to escape her execution, which just added so much. Also it doesn’t hurt that her execution was pretty damn cool. 
8. Kaede Akamatsu
Honestly she would have made a great protagonist all the way through. I love how she helps Shuichi so much and is just so desperate to save everyone that she resorts to killing the mastermind herself. I love how Kaede’s trick was ultimately what outed Tsumugi as the mastermind and that, even after her death was long over, her absence weighed heavily on the rest of the game. She does so much for Shuichi as a character. She gives him his confidence in the first chapter, but takes it away again with her death, showing that the truth isn’t always the better answer and that, by fining the truth, Shuichi is sometimes just making the situation worse. She makes him doubt himself once again and leaves room for Kokichi to take advantage of this and for Kaito to step into her role as the one to help Shuichi get his confidence back. Of course, her memory doesn’t die as the one who left Shuichi to lose his confidence once again, he heeds her advice and remembers her as someone who believed in him, and that’s what she needed to be.
7. Maki Harukawa
I went in pretty indifferent towards Maki. At first I thought she was going to be a Kyoko type in a game that already had its Kyoko (Shuichi). I was expecting her to be the stereotypical cold girl with a tragic past, and she ended up being so much more. With the twist that ended up forcing Shuichi to step out of Kyoko and Chiaki’s role, Maki really took over in that area. She’s an intelligent and interesting character who is far from being perfect. She makes mistakes, and she lets her emotions get the better of her despite trying to be cold and emotionless most of the time. Even then, she tries to be selfless and protect her friends at the end of the game. And, despite her cold exterior and avoidance of relationships early in the game, she lets herself become close with Kaito and Shucihi. Leading to one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the entire game when she confesses to Kaito, just before he's dragged off to his execution. And, even then, she maintains a strong friendship with Shuichi, who clearly trusts her and is willing to rely on her for good reason. 
6. Himiko Yumeno
I mostly just think that Himiko is really cute and I find the whole ‘always tired’ angle pretty relatable. I love her relationships with both Tenko and Angie and I adored her reaction to their deaths. She had one of the most realistic reactions to losing two friends in all of Danganronpa, and the CG of Gonta carrying her back to her room after she cries herself to sleep is absolutely adorable. 
5. Shuichi Saihara
I don’t think loving Shuichi needs much explanation. He’s incredibly sweet and has severe anxiety and self-esteem issues, which makes him incredibly relatable. And the relationships he forms with Kaito, Maki, and Kaede are truly what help him begin to overcome this. While I often say that I wish Shuichi had been the mastermind or how cool it would have been if there was a twist where he had been a corrupt detective or if he had killed someone, I’m till very happy that none of these were the case and that our precious detective got to live in the end. He’s just a very likable character and someone you really cheer for. He’s so incredibly supportive of all of his friends despite he himself being the one who really needs their support and assurance to have confidence in himself. And I want nothing more than for him to gain this confidence and be happy with himself.
4. Rantaro Amami
I mostly love Rantaro so much because he has so much potential as a character and I have so many specific head canons about him and his relationships with others that just make him so lovable for me. I adore how desperate he was to live at first and how he really trusted himself to figure it out even though that trust is what ultimately got him killed. I love all the subtle hints towards his history at the beginning of the game (the most notable being Monokid shouting ‘he flew through enemy territory just to die like a bitch!’ or something along those lines) and everything about how much he clearly hates himself during his FTEs with Shuichi. His self-blame is incredibly relatable and just makes me want to hug him. And when he called himself the Ultimate Useless Big Brother I almost cried because hell no he is not a useless big brother, he’s doing so much for his sisters and he deserves the world! He truly did die too soon.
3. Angie Yonaga
I know most everyone hates Angie or finds her annoying, and while she can be annoying sometimes, I love her so much that I can basically forgive anything she does to annoy me. She’s basically Ibuki’s personality in Hina’s body, so she’s basically a combination of my favorite girls from both of the previous two games. She’s such a fun free spirited person and I just can’t help but absolutely adore her. 
2. Kokichi Oma
Yeah he’s a terrible person, yeah he kills another three characters who I love, yeah he’s just an all-aroid pretty horrible acting person, but that doesn’t mean I can’t love every second he’s on screen. While I honestly believe that his personality is mostly fabricated, just watching him toy with everyone else is so much fun, especially since for the most part they’re all aware of it but still can’t help but fall into each and every one of his traps. The moment when I truly fell in love with him was during chapter four when he yells at the others that they’re just TERRIBLE AT BEING LIED TO, SERIOUSLY THE WORST! I adore this speech from chapter four so much that I’m going to be performing it as a Dramatic Interpretation piece. He’s jut impossible not to love for me, especially after chapter four. I was certain he was going to die in chapter five, but I certainly didn’t expect that badass trick he pulled and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. While he’s not the most relatable, he certainly is damn entertaining and charming, and he caught me pretty easily. 
1. K1-B0
I love Kiibo. Like obsessively. I have a firm belief that Kiibo would have made a great protagonist and that him being protagonist might have made the game’s social commentary even more relevant. I am planning on writing a post about this at some point in the future. Regardless of this there are just so many things I can’t help but love about this small and precious robot. How he’s so full of hope, even if hop isn’t what they need, how he tries to help everyone no matter what they do or say about him, and how he just doesn’t understand what his best friend (Miu) is even talking about like 95% of the time. He’s just so adorable and pure and I love him. His death was the hardest for me and when he smiles upon seeing that Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko survived it just kills me every time. My baby.
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