#Hugsss from mom or just a friend whatever you need right now because I know I need all the hugsss I can get ٩(๑•◡-๑)۶ⒽⓤⒼ❤💜💙💚💛❤️💗💕💖
dewitty1 · 4 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
I'd been feeling severely anxious and depressed about my business being dead, and the thought of having to talk to my parents and ask for help again, but luckily my whinging (an Ad) on Facebook seems to have worked, and I got a nice little customer job. Plus some stuff from my BFF and her family (possibly).( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈ॢ)・*♡
Plus I'm getting weird customer messages. Always a good time.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
Leeloo is a cute kitten, but she is seriously a little bit of a terrorist. When I say she gets into everything I mean it. (^・ω・^ )
I do not like having this sinus crud that's going around.(*`へ´*)
I know both options for the USA presidency are terrible. But one (CHUMP) is more terrible. I'm tired of the argument. I'm gonna stick with the slightly better Grandpa Joe. Not because I love him, because I don't. But because he's the one that'll get us closer to where we need to go. We may take three steps forward and two steps back, but at least we're going in the right direction. Whereas the other guy has no idea where he's going. Maybe towards Vladimir. More likely than you think.( •̀ω•́ )σ
I can't believe I'm going to be five and a half decades old in a little over a month. Jfc. I don't feel that old. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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chickenfetus · 7 years
rules: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to write a post with eighty-two truths and then tag twenty-five people (has anyone actually tagged that many thats wild)
tagged by: @softshouyous​ thank u faln love u
name: megan!!! blood type: im type A too!!!!! buds nickname(s): moonshine (falen), egg, nut (irl ppl bc of my ig being nutfucker69) r/s: im in a r/s with denki atm do not distrub zodiac sign: capricorn!! pronouns: she/her favorite tv shows: spongebob squarepants OR the fairly oddparents but i just realized these r cartoons..whatever…. i havent watched a proper tv show in years lmao long or short hair: like preference or rn bc if its rn its longish?? above my chest still but not above my shoulders height: 154 cm (i grew one cm ha) / i think its still 5′0 LOL do you have a crush on someone: heck.. idk if its a crush or just me being delusional and obsessive but iw ant it gonE what do you like about yourself: i get motivated when ppl do better @ smth im supposed to b good :-) right or left handed: right!!!! list of three favourite colors: sky blue, mint green (wow) and uhM, yellow the pastel kind 
right now: eating: my saliva  drinking: waht r the odds of drinking something right as u see this qn i’m about to: idk i gotta do hw but we’ll see listening to: anywhere but here by mayday parade kids: i have enough fictional ones thanks get married: but i already have lnace? career: tbh im just hoping i mysteriously die b4 i have 2 think abt this
most recent:
drink: water.,, i deadass dont drink anything else phone call: no one,,, i delet my chats + calll history a lot but i dont think ive actually had a conversation on the phone with someone this year lmao song you listened to: the one i said above but right now im listening to this by haniwa its good i promise
have you ever: dated someone twice: i havent even dated once lol been cheated on: no?? kissed someone and regretted it: listn ei am young  lost someone special: literally or just?? friendship wise because friendship wise ya… but if u mean like someone special died then no been depressed: the feeling or the actual thing  been drunk and thrown up: alcohol is not 4 me kissed a stranger: n o had glasses or contacts: ive had glasses since i was 6 lmao wild had sex on the first date: gee i hope not broken someone’s heart: who knows turned someone down: no cried when someone died: im actually p heartless fallen for a friend: who hasnt
in the last year have you: made a new friend: yeah,,,  fallen out of love: i actually ahve no idea what this means laughed until you cried: have i?? probably met someone who changed you: mmm mm found out who your true friends were: im still skeptical  found out someone was talking about you: i hate the end of last year + the start of this year kissed someone on your fb list: i dont even use fb anymore
which is better: lips or eyes: eyes? if i had 2 choose  hugs or kisses: huGSss  shorter or taller: i also prefer taller but shorter is fine too  romantic or spontaneous: ?????? sensitive or loud: anything???? hookup or relationship: relationship  troublemaker or hesitant: thes questions make no snese to me im laughning
first: best friend: jana ruined my life but she was a good friend  surgery: never had one sport i joined: either golf (fucking golf can u believe) or swimming im praying it was the latter vacation: probs 2 malaysia
do you believe in: yourself: lol no im so negative god i need 2 stop bc i think more and more ppl r leaving me bc of that, which is like understandable?? but i wanna change w/o becoming someone im not uHHGHHh hh  miracles: sometimes,, gotta see it 2 believe it love at first sight: nah heaven: maybe
extras: how many people from your fb list do you know irl: uh all probs except for my first online friend  do you have any pets: i want  a d og or cat. .. . do you want to change your name: yeah do u guys think its possible 2 chnage it to nutfcuker69 what did you do for your last birthday: chilled at home, panicked abt holiday hw since.. my birthday is on fcuking 26 decemeber what time did you wake up today: 7:42 am kinda disappointed it wasnt earlier but wtv at least its not as bad as falen’s what were you doing last night at midnight: sleepiing like the good child i am something you can’t wait for: MAKI’S BIRHDAY SO I CAN FINALLY SCOUT i currently have 420 gems saved last time you saw your mom: half an hour ago what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: boy howdy there r alot of things.. maybe my attitude towards my irl friends??  have you ever talked to a person named tom: no i go to a girls school but im surprised there wasnt anybody named tom in my old primary school what’s getting on your nerves: atm its my inability to focus and how im such a sucker for this one person who i ? shoudlnt be thinking abt//? and yet!!! when willi ufckign rEALIZE its embarrassing how mcuh effort i put lmao 
tagging: lena, kacchan, andy, and anyone else (not gonna tag them rly bc idw yknow b a bother sO.. ….) (ps yall dont have to do it, if u somehow manage 2 see this and get this far lmao) 
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dewitty1 · 3 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
It's been a busy, busy week. Work is picking up. It not really a complaint, even if I do like things more relaxed. The only real thing I don't like is my parents' voice in my head "you need money though!" whenever I want to vent about being too busy.( ಠ ಠ )
The joys of being old - I get to get a brace for my knee.ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
When you have a child going through transition, and they aren't out to everyone, and don't plan to be, sometimes it's difficult to keep track of which pronouns to use where. I'm trying my best to keep it all together.(’-’*)
I just got over some kind of sinus thing, and now it feel like my body might want to be sick again. I hate March.( •̀ω•́ )σ
Less than a Month until I'm five and a half decades old.(๑•́ ω •̀๑)
We spring forward tonight in the USA. It effs me up more than falling back. (.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
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dewitty1 · 23 days
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Hi, hi! I haven't rambled here in a while because there hasn't been a whole lot to talk about really. But here we are.♡(•ི̛ᴗ•̛)ྀ
The Dudette and I have been having issues, mainly I think due to hormones on her part, and stress about life on my part. Probably I do need to get back into therapy buuuut, I'm dragging my feet.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
Finally we're getting the patio put up this weekend. I've throw some wildflower seeds out, and some were already growing from last year. I just need to get my hanging baskets going. And I got Tow-maters from the market last week. Cucumbers are on special order from a lady at the market to be picked up this weekend.ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
The brother is in town. Hopefully I'll give him a miss.(’-’*)
One of my annoying neighbors got sick and the family moved him out. Now if my actual next door annoying neighbor would leave that would be great.(.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
I put out my humming bird feeders and the birbs are back! Now I just have to get some actual flowers going that they like. ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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dewitty1 · 4 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Haven't done one of these in a while. Just been blah lately. Life is just trucking along. No work really. I've been finishing up tax/accounting stuff. (。-ω-)ノ
Had a huge fight with Dad (the parents, but mom was mostly trying to mediate, ha) about money and jobs. Boomers obviously have no clue about the job market, especially here. You can't just "network" and get a job. And a lot of employers don't want to hire someone who's had/has their own business. Sigh... I'm sofa king tired of life sometimes. (;*´Д`)ノ
Leeloo continues to be a nut, but she's also adorable.o(^・x・^)o
Trying to stay positive in this environment is so hard, especially after this week. And when you're not really a positive person anyway, ugh. Yeah...(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
I really hate that the supportive TV families that I watched growing up messed me up. Because I don't have that.(’-’*)
It's been really rainy here lately. I like it because at least it matches the mood/vibe I've got going on. (︶︹︺)
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dewitty1 · 2 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
The big bday was Thursday and it was pretty OK! Fairly relaxed, nice lunch, good store cake, pretty store flowers, and a funny card.♡(•ི̛ᴗ•̛)ྀ
Got the hairs on my head whacked off, and now I'm back to my butch looking self.(•̀⌄•́)
My BFF paid a lot of money to send a "best friend" cake that was cutely boxed with fake flowers and candy. She paid extra to have it delivered on my birthday. It didn't happen. When I did get it and try it, it was probably the worst cake I've ever had in my entire life. The cake was very dry. The frosting had melted and was really weird tasting. And the candies on top of the cake were super glued on there. It was just all over not nice tasting. The concept was really cute, and fun though. The Dudette said the cheap gummy bear on top was OK. And the caramels were chewey but fine too. I had fun opening it, at least.(๑•́ ω •̀๑)
I've been trying out a lot of new recipes lately. Some from tiktok and some just from recipe sites. Many of them have been incorporated into our regular menu calendar rotation.(っ˘ڡ˘ς)
I went with a friend (my local best friend? Idk lol) to put up business flyers, and just mosey around. The weather cooperated, and gave us a nice morning for it, and we had a delicioso taco truck lunch. I gotta say, today was a good day.(;-◞౪◟-)
I am not in the path of the eclipse and I'm kinda bummed about it. (.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
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dewitty1 · 3 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Work is going well. The customer was happy with this. Only bad thing is, one of my sewing machines scrapped out again. It never wants to stay in time for very long. It's quite annoying when you have to pay hundreds of dollars to get it fixed, and drive hundred of miles on top of that to get to the repair place.Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
It's going to be warm this weekend! I'm so ready for spring!(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
We're doing a spot of spring cleaning due to the Dudette's gf coming to visit.ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
I still wish customers respected the fact that I'm not their friend, I have set business hours, I know what I'm doing even though I'm a woman, and regardless of if I've made something before or not, I have a visual mind and I can make the thing you want. Idk, stuff like this just annoys me. I've been told to just get over it since I'm in customer service. Ha. Good one.(.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)
The kittehs are all well. Leeloo has been on a very big gremlin streak lately. Reggie has been a bit jealous and decided he's a baby too. Boots is just Boots. (=^-ω-^=)
It's was the one year of Socks' passing yesterday. We miss that guy. (♡ᵉ̷͈ัॢωᵉ̷͈ัॢ )‧₊°♡
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dewitty1 · 6 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Been busy working on a craft project for mom's Xmas, and I'm finally close to getting it done. I hope she'll be surprised.(•̀⌄•́)
My BFF was surprised and emotional when she got this in the mail. I'm still pissed that her roommate opened it and threw away the card though.(。-ω-)ノ
Leeloo got spayed this week but it hasn't calmed her down much. (^・ω・^ )
It has stressed me out at how much it cost.(;*´Д`)ノ
I really hate winter because my finances go down the drain since I have no business to speak of.ヾ(´A`)ノ゚
The dude (@super-ultra-mega-kami-guru-blog) leaves for Colorado this week and will be gone until just after New Year's day. I would say it will be very quiet here, but no, I plan on blasting movies really loud lol. (;-◞౪◟-)
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dewitty1 · 4 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Cats woke me up too dang early. It was mostly Reggie, of course, so I chucked him out (don't @ me about it - he's and indoor/outdoor Boi) because that's what he wanted anyway. I didn't realize it was that cold until later, when I actually got up, thanks to Leeloo. So, I went out and called Reggie several times, with no luck. He decided to wait to come back after three + hours of being outside (not too unusual, but random enough) and I give him the Molly Weasley "Where *HAVE* you been?!" he just looks at me and gives a "maow" like "Whassup mom? Wassall the hubbub?" Crazy damn cat. Gotta love em. (^・ω・^ )
I'm really getting upset about the business situation. Idk what to do. It's bad, bad. And I've looked at jobs. Nothing much but nursing really. Ugh.(;*´Д`)ノ
I find it funny that I identify as aromantic, but I love reading romance novels (not as much as I used to, but I have some old faves), Drarry fic of course, and I love RomComs, and shows like Love is Blind and Indian Matchmaking lolololololol. I guess I just don't feel it for myself. Idk, it's weird, to me anyway.(*´▽`*)
I really hate asking people for help. It really feels like failing to me. I guess I have my parents to thank for that one. But I've been asking people to share my business posts. Mostly on Fb because that's where the old people with money are. I don't love it, but this is the world we live in.(o;TωT)o
As if things weren't bad enough, I also got a jury duty summons in the mail for my birth month. But at least it wasn't for my actual birthday.
Anyway, I'm just trying breathe. And I keep hoping that something will come through. I'm still swimming, even though life is trying to drown me. p(*^-^*)q
BONUS - Mom tested positive for covid! So life keeps giving! (•̀o•́)ง
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dewitty1 · 4 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
It seems weird but I've been doing yoga for 2.5 years now. I never thought I'd be a yoga person. But here we are. I was lucky to find a place, and a person who isn't a stereotypical "yoga snob" and it's been great. I definitely recommend trying it for relaxation, if you can find a place, or YouTube has some great videos, I've heard.೭੧(❛〜❛✿)੭೨
On the same vein, we've lived here (in this state of the USA) for almost 10 years now. Damn. What a long, strange trip it's been. (Thanks Grateful Dead)٩(⌯꒦ິ̆ᵔ꒦ິ)۶ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ
After seeing a "news" thing about how often you should be changing the sheets on your bed (every week!!!) I have to admit, that even though doing that task really kills me (oof my back), and my kitten thinks she absolutely HAS TO "help", I do really like nice clean sheets every week lol...꒰♡ˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈꒱.⑅*♡
The sun is coming out!!! Yeah, I do love the sunshiney days, buuuut, I still love me them rainy days. I do wish it was warmer already though.ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
I put up flyers in a few places in town, and some in the little town north of the parent's. Here's hoping it does some good. I don't know if people actually look at bulliten boards anymore, or not.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
I'm definitely trying not to sink here, but those waves are crashing hard. I'm still swimming though. It's hard not to just give up when you're so damn tired. I'm still going though. Sigh... ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
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dewitty1 · 16 days
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Another market day, and kind of slow again. Though apparently some hill folk thought they could come down and sell some junk(you're only supposed to sell something you actually made or grew), and let their kid dig holes in the park, and then they got thrown out for smoking. Which, thank goodness, because they were right next to me, and they had a nasty funk. 「(=>o≦=)ノ
The park we use for the Farmer's Market has a no animals on the grass policy. Basically because there's no one who has time to pick up the poop. But what happens every market day? People continue to bring their dang dogs. As if there isn't a big sign that says "NO ANIMALS ON THE GRASS." Wayyyyy to many dogs there today. s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ
I decided this morning to get slightly spruced up and wear a little eyeshadow and mascara. I was talking to my yoga instructor/friend, who happened to be at the market this morning, and she was very excited that I was wearing makeup, as in "OH MY GOD, ARE YOU WEARING MAKEUP?!" L(・o・)」 and I'm just like wow, could you not act so surprised? Like, do I look like some kind of hag the rest of the time or what? Geez...(´_`)
Yesterday Reggie (#RegulusArcturusBlackKitteh) was mrrp-ing from outside the screen door, so I went to see what's up, and he had brought a fresh rodent as a gift. He was very confused when I put his gift in the dumpster. (^._.^)ノ
Just a bit ago as I was being nosy about what they had torn down at my neighbor's, (who's all moved out & the landlord is cleaning the place up) & Reggie & I watched a raccoon saunter by and check the place out too. Yep, in broad daylight.ฅ ̳͒•ˑ̫• ̳͒ฅ
I got a new refrigerator on Monday and somehow it's larger on the outside, but smaller on the inside than my old refrigerator. The math isn't mathing here. ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ”
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dewitty1 · 30 days
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Mother's Day in the USA tomorrow and I get to work. A customer called and said they're bringing a tent by. Ummm, ooookaaayy? Yeah, I need money, but geez people.(¬д¬。)
Got Mom's yearly flower basket made up. I also got some veggie plants from the market today. (★^O^★)
Farmer's Market started today with a "Hmm, here again, huh..." yeah not super busy.(。-ω-)ノ
Of course I got the usual question - "Are you Carey?" Well let me think. I was when I got up this morning. Not sure who I am now.ヾ(*´ー`)ノ
Nothing much interesting or unusual at the market, but I did see a kitteh!₍˄ุ.͡˳̫.˄ุ₎ฅ˒˒
Got my plane tickets to Wales for a wedding in September! Much excite! (´∇ノ`*)ノ
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dewitty1 · 1 month
Saturday Six (Stuff)
I haven't blathered here in a bit so -
Work is work, which is good and I should be content, but me being me, I'm bleh. The cushion slip covers I'm working on are actually going well, but I'm letting myself get too distracted, and I need to focus better this week... Sigh. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
I found out from a customer that the Thursday market has some financial bs, and now I don't think I'm going this summer. It's a real bummer, because I got a lot more business there than I did at my normal Saturday. I don't really want to go to the Tuesday market here in town, but maybe?(。-ω-)ノ
My accountant still hasn't got my taxes done. This is causing me a lot of stress.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
The weather has been getting nice lately and I really want my outdoor plants.(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
Speaking of outdoor plants, some of my decorative trees (in pots because I rent) died over the winter. We moved them to the side of the house so the snow wouldn't crush them, and I think they weren't warm enough.・゜・(ノД`)
I'm waiting for the military stickers to hurry up and get here, so I can really be a weirdo with all the contrasting stuff on my car. (•̀⌄•́)
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dewitty1 · 3 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
I was talking to my customer (M, late 60s),saying that I'm pretty visual about making things. He said "wow, that's pretty unusual, for a woman." 🤔 ummm, sorry guy I think lots of other people can be visual about projects, whether they have dicks or not... 凸(`0´)凸
Dudette has her girlfriend over this weekend. It's been work trying to keep the pronouns straight because dudette isn't out to all of my family (aka my parents).(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
Didn't think I was going to be busy, but I got a call from a previous customer, and I may be doing more restaurant benches.٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ
Slept like shite the other night and got a wicked muscle knot in my neck. Bleh(*`へ´*)
Bestie may want me to go with her to Scotland. Idk.(。-ω-)ノ
I am looking forward to going to Wales in September.(*´▽`*)
BONUS - My birthday is only 12 days away. I don't feel like I'm going to be five and a half decades old. And I guess I don't look it either. Probably time to stop dyeing my hair... (⁎⁍̴ڡ⁍̴⁎)
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dewitty1 · 5 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Having to deal with going up to my parent's house the past few weeks has been a huge pain. What with shoveling snow (granted @astutesnow did most of that) and then dealing with the furnace going out this week, plus all the cold days of being outside and feeding the (wild) birds. Ugh. I think what's most irksome is my parents always choose to leave in the coldest parts of Winter and leave me to deal.(¬д¬。)
Money is a huge stressor for me rn. Mainly, not having it. Business needs to pick up ASAP.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
Leeloo is six months old and she's amazing and goofy! She has major zoomies, and gets into everything! It's got to be the Siamese, and just plain old kitten curiosity. (=^-ω-^=)
My BFF got me what I thought was going to be a sweater from a Fb advertised site. Haha, nope it was made out weird fabric with the design just printed on and you can hardly tell what it is.(;*´Д`)ノ
I'm kind of getting tired of the American Association or Retired Persons trying to get me to join. I'm old but not THAT old, Ok? Plus I'll never be able to retire. Not unless I'm too disabled to work, which even then I'll just have to deal with it like I do now.(’-’*)
Got all my accounting and inventory caught up last week, so I'm ahead of schedule for the accountant! One of my goals this year is to keep getting better with that stuff. Oh and my sales taxes too, eep. I messed that up this year. Gonna do better. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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