#I also have a crochet among us crewmate plush that I’ve been using to bring down my anxiety lately I’ve been carrying him everywhere
plugnuts · 4 years
🌈 Did you have imaginary friends when you were a kid?
I actually didn’t! But I would normally think a lot to myself when alone and think up possible scenarios and just be off in my own world
No imaginary friend tho, unfortunately, I think young me missed out on something really cool
🍀 Do you have any good luck charms or amulets?
Okayokayokay!! When I was younger I went to this Wiccan store that was filled with such amazing things (sadly it’s not around anymore but I still think about it) and I found this stone and my gosh is it a good ass stone!! I got this lol stone years ago and I forget what kind it is but it’s what I kept in my pocket during tests and exams in High School!! I’d rub it for good luck and it would also help my social anxiety and gave me a reason to smile! I mean nowadays I wear a lil piece of a stag horn on a necklace all the time to quell my anxiety but I occasionally hold my lil stone for memories!!
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It has a very smooth side and a cracked side which is SO nice to the touch!! It is a beautiful lil stone!!! My lucky stone!!
🌻 Share a random fact about yourself
Okay anon you had me battle with myself to choose something interesting about me, and I don’t find myself interesting but here’s a fact I guess?
Back in primary school I had a best friend called Erin and me and her were connected at the hip like our birthdays were a week apart and we would share birthday parties and everything! We were SUPER close, always spending time together and everything, like I mean Close! And to celebrate our birthdays one year our mums decided to get us a matching ty beanie baby and beanie buddy plush set each in light of their dog Maisie! I still have the beanie baby named after that dog!! (The original ty is called Fitz but we don’t mention that)
She’s a very well loved toy and I’ve had her for at least 12 years!!
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