#I don’t think imma keep this artstyle sob
simbasomba · 13 days
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
We finished season 4 and I immediately clocked Azure as Elfman from fairytail and then found out his va is also All Might
Gonna put all my thoughts about it in one post under the cut
I’m so happy MK’s past is being touched on as a main plot line and also- Pigsy literally being MK’s adoptive dad made us emotional ;w; HE CALLED HIM SON- MK CALLED HIM DAD I’m fucking sobbing ;;;A;;;
Also I’m about to throw down with this fucking bird- even in the brotherhood he wouldn’t shut the fuck up and kept giving Macaque shit FOR NO REASON- how tf can you call yourself someone’s friend and just keep calling them a coward when Controlling Shadows and Sneaking Around is LITERALLY THEIR STRONG SUIT. Imma make a fucking duck roast out of him
On the topic of Macaque homeboy made a fucking bootleg of wukong’s game XD with the ‘I just picked up a ‘how to draw anime’ book’ artstyle I love him so much and he’s so genuinely nice helping MK out with his issues I’m so happy. He came to cause havoc and slander Wukong and then the moment he saw Mk glitching out and struggling with his power he got serious. *Bangs my fist on the table* THIS MAN!!! *ahem* I am completely normal about this
On the flip side we are DISTRAUGHT over what happened with the demon bull family. I think my mom is gonna kill Azure for trapping Redson- we’ll tag team ‘em XD I love how much they genuinely adore each other. They fought against each other and fell in love enemies to lovers style I swear these are the best characters and they don’t even get touched on half the time It’s A Travesty
Also it annoyed me that Azure immediately blamed Mk for trying to get Wukong back and blamed him for the tablet breaking when HE WAS THE ONE TO SLICE IT- IT LITERALLY WOULDN’T HAVE BROKEN HAD THIS BITCH NOT WHIPPED OUT HIS SWORD. He’s so quick to judge others and is blind to his own hypocrisy, if he stopped for one moment to talk things out before hand things wouldn’t have gone bad but then he gets all sad that others didn’t act according to his plan. I can somewhat understand him but homeboy needs to take a step back and look inwards for a hot sec. I do appreciate that he was trying not to involve the group in the matter since they aren’t their ancestors, and let them choose to involve themselves though. So I kinda like him but his lackeys not so much, especially that fucking bird >:(
Also idk about anyone else but during S3 when Nezha (?)was teamed up with Mk -for like a single fight- my brain went ‘big bro vibes’. Cause I can’t not put everyone into the found family like a buncha dolls in my new lmk doll house XD but I’m excited to see how he’ll fit in the group dynamic and if he’s gonna be a bigger character next season. He seems really cool!
ALSO THE DRAGON- MEI’S DRAGON ANCESTOR- OMFG HE’S SO CUTE. Dude is adorable- they gave him oversized sleeves and he’s so chill XD 10/10 character design he was so nice homie was just chilling in the dungeon unbothered. ‘Just make a new sword? 🙂’ and he was so right- he’s so incredibly based I love his vibe and he was only here for like 5 minutes
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