#I honestly don't know what I added in dr fox's ear. I think it's a headphone?? Don't know. It's kinda confusing.
gothicatti · 3 months
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Some arts from 2019 (I drew those wayyy back in February & April). I uploaded them back in 2019 but I unfortunately deleted the original post so here they are again ..(I guess.).
Can't believe I used to have a unikitty phase 😭.
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linettefox · 3 months
NOTE: All info about my fan series is subject to change as I am writing it. More details may be added or altered in the future.
New Fan series ideas & info dump:
I made a logo for my most recent fan series Konfy Earth Precure. Here it is in Japanese and English:
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The themes for this series are foxes and nature. Honestly as soon as I saw we're letting regular dogs and cats become Precure now my brain immediately went "So I can have a Precure that is literally just a fox" and so planing for this fan series began with ideas of making it fit Wonderful's vibe just with some more fights considering writing action is my favorite part of making fan series.
The Name Meaning:
Kon Kon is the Japanese fox sound. I knew I wanted the main cure's name to be punt like Wonderful and Nyammy's are so I went with Konfy which is a pun on the word comfy and kon.
I research foxes in my spare time, I just love googling random facts and trivia about them. Recently I learned what a group of foxes is called there were three names given. Skulk, leash, and earth. No one knows what a skulk is and Konfy Leash Precure sounds weird so I went with Earth which also happened to fit the environmental themes I was going for.
The Cures:
They have not been designed yet and are in very early stages of development but I will share what I got so far for this duo.
Moribe Sierra/Cure Earth - She/her - 14 - A human girl who can become a fox. Outgoing, compassionate, loves animals, friendly.
Sume/Cure Konfy - She/her - A fox kit that can become a human. Feisty, honest, protective, naive, loves food, adventurous.
The only design elements I know for a fact is that Sume is a silver fox and Sierra will have hair the color of a red one. (Note: Both silver and red foxes are variants of the common fox) In their cure forms they will be humans with fox ears and tails being in between human and fox forms.
Moribe (森部) etymology: (Origin: Japanese)
Mori (森) - "forest, woods."
Be (部) - "section, department, category."
Sierra etymology: (Origin: Spanish)
Saw or mountain range.
I named her after the Sierra Nevada fox which is the one Google says is unfortunately most endangered. I thought it fit with the environmental themes. Also I know Cure Earth is already a thing but the name was too fitting not to use.
Sume (スメ) etymology: (Origin: Unknown)
I took the word "kitsune" which is Japanese for fox and shortened it to Sune before deciding I liked Sume best.
The Location:
I am still debating which town should base mine on, all I know is I want it to be near a big forest of some kind. Maybe they'd even have a nature park to explore. Of course I don't know Japan that well but I do like loosely basing my locations off of real places since Precure is set there.
Ideas for Villains:
The generals will be based on a wolf, cougar, bear, eagle and snake respectively they will be known as the Feral Five.
The monsters will be robotic and the Feral Five may end up becoming robots when they can't fulfill their duties. The reason for this is I don't want to show any animals as true villains because even though they hunt foxes it's all just for survival.
The big bad will probably be like a scientist trying to take over the forest with his robotic army or something. Think Dr. Eggman inspired I guess although completely different design.
Since I do not plan to have a mid season at the moment aside from the mascots I will be creating a Yui/Seiju type character from Sierra's class that will know their identities. For now here's all I have for allies though.
● Spinosa - She/her - A seed fairy that came to find the help of the Precure, Spike’s sister. Strict, worried, brave, hard worker.
● Spike - He/him - A seed fairy that came to find the help of the Precure, Spinosa’s brother. Laid back, calm, brave, lazy but well-meaning.
● Reynard (Or just Rey) - He/him - A kitsune mentor-type character, gave the cures their powers and sent Spinosa and Spike to find them. Mysterious, wise, fun, caring.
For the mascots I thought it'd be weird to have a normal fairy alongside realistic animals so I looked for other things to base them on. I looked up what were symbiotic to foxes and spiky seeds came up because they often hitch a ride in their tails. So I made mascots based on seeds. Rey isn't really a mascot more of a Rosemary type character.
Miscellaneous Ideas:
For the transformation I thought it'd be cute if they high fives to start them. No transformation device necessary they just high five while saying the phrase and the transformation starts. I imagine it being playful and upbeat with some Elegance mixed in.
That is all I have for now, will this is ever be finished and released? Idk! Anyways bye! Thoughts welcome.
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