#Anyways sorry about my irrelevant rant. I just wanna let it out I guess.
gothicatti · 3 months
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Some arts from 2019 (I drew those wayyy back in February & April). I uploaded them back in 2019 but I unfortunately deleted the original post so here they are again ..(I guess.).
Can't believe I used to have a unikitty phase 😭.
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Chapter 4 to 100 Promises
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
It's going to start off where chapter... 2? Left off. I think it was chapter 2 anyways.
Warnings: swearing, weapons, and I think that's it. This chapter isn't that bad.
You feel down to the floor, staring out to the person standing on the balcony. 'Why did I have fucking glass see through doors? Oh fuck my taste in aesthetics!' You thought, looking around a bit panicked, looking for any type of solutions. You quickly crawled besides the bed, hoping they didn't see you. They did. It was to dark out without any lights, so you couldn't see any specific features, other than they were tall, and had some sort of weapon. "Please be locked please be locked please be locked," you muttered, grabbing the dagger you had from the game. The person turned the doorknob from the outside, opening the door. "Oh, fuck me!" You shouted standing up, pointing the dagger at them. "Try me bitch, see what happens! I am not afraid to stab you!"
"Woah there. Didn't think you'd hate me that much," they said, laughing. You recognized that voice. That laugh. You'd know it from anywhere, although it sounded a bit more... confident.
"Niragi?" You asked, hopeful in his answer. "That's me," he said, finally stepping into the part of your room that had enough light from the moon to see. You dropped the dagger, your eyes widening. "You're not? You're not dead," you whispered, walking over to him. "Dead? Why would I be-" he started, before you hugged him tightly. He could feel the shaky breaths you were taking, and decided now wasn't the time. "You stupid fuck, I thought you were dead!" You suddenly shouted, pushing him away. "Yeah? Well, I thought you were safe back home you dumb bitch!" He shouted back. You two looked at each other with a straight face for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.(that's how you know you're best friends UwU)
"I'm so glad I found you! Well... you found me? I don't know, I don't care. How did you find me?" You asked, watching as he walked around your old room. "An educated guess," he said. You laughed watching as he walked around. "I'm guessing all your stuff is at our apartment?" He guessed. You nodded. "Not like I would need it. Also, what's with the gun? And how did you find out I was even here?" You asked, it suddenly dawning on you there was no possible way he could've known. "To your first question, I'll answer in a bit.  To your second question, a... Cheshire cat of sort, I guess you could say," he answered with a smirk. "Cheshire cat? The only person who I've even talked to is- wait... that little! Does he have really blonde, almost white hair and a very condescending look all the time? Pretty short?" You asked, getting a bit angry at the thought that someone had lied to you, and you hadn't caught on. "Uh.. yeah? Wait, do you know him?" It was Niragi's turn to be confused. "That little bitch! He told me- hmph! I'm going to kick his ass off a roof next time I see him!" You yelled in anger. Niragi knew when you got angry to let you rant. You were scary when you were angry. He learned that pretty early on, and learned to stay out of your way when you want to deal with someone. "Yeah, he has that effect on people. He pisses me off. Chishiya... he's well, Chishiya. Thinks he's better than everyone sometimes, I swear," Niragi said. You stopped your rant with a sigh. "Sorry. This is kind of a new situation. Don't know how to deal with it," you muttered sitting on the edge of your bed. Another thing Niragi noticed early on was that you didn't do exceptional with change. "It's human nature to adapt to new things. Just takes you a bit longer. And from what I heard, you did great for your first game," Niragi said as he sat next to you. "Who- oh... Chishiya... Where have you been staying since the games started?" You asked, looking at him curiously. "That's actually what I came here to talk about. Basically, it's a 'safe haven' called the Beach. Players go there, we all play the games when assigned, collect the cards, and give them to Hatter, the leader. Basically communism," he explained. "The fuck?" Were your only words. He laughed. "The more games you play, the more cards you collect, or the more useful you are to the Beach, the higher you wristband number. Right now, we think that if we collect a complete deck of cards, a person can leave. The number 1 leaves first, then we all go up a number," he kept explaining, showing you his wrist band. "4? What did you do to get up that high?" You asked, amazed at his high ranking. "Played the games. Oh, and I guess I'm part of the milital sect, so there's that," he said. He found it cute how you were so excited about something so... irrelevant to him. He had always found it interesting how your emotions could go like the flip of a switch. You could be a total badass one second and the next be curled up under blankets acting cute.
"You're so mean to me!" You pouted, crossing your arms over your chest. He could only laugh in response. "Jerk! I'll lock you out!" You shouted, stomping your foot. He knew you were lying, and you wouldn't. Or, at least he thought so.
"(Y/N), it's been 3 hours, come on I'm sorry," he apologized for what seemed to be the hundredth time to him. You really had locked him out on the balcony. You sat in front of the glass doors, sticking your tongue out at him. "(Y/N), you're 17, not 5 for God's sake, let me in already! You're being really annoying right now!" He shouted, getting angry at you now. Not something that happened very often. You tilted your head to the side, and frowned. You unlocked the door and opened it. He came into the room, and you went and sat on your bed. "Fucking finally..." he whispered to himself. He heard you say something under your breath.
"What was that?" He asked, looking at you. " 'M sorry... don't be mad. I didn't mean to be annoying," you whispered loud enough for him to hear. He suddenly regretted his choice of words from earlier. Being childish sometimes was how you expressed your feelings. You didn't get to be or act like a child when you were younger, so with him, you felt like you could be. He realized that you trusted him enough to do that, and he had been rude about it. "I'm not mad at you. I shouldn't have used those words, I know it's just you being you," he said, sitting down besides you. "I'm sorry I locked you out..." you muttered an apology as you hugged him. "Apology accepted. And I'm sorry for what I did for you to lock me out, and for what I said," he apologized, hugging you back. "You just... it scared me, I thought you had actually... actually done that," you whispered. "I'm thought you'd left me..."
He had remembered that day more than most because it showed how much he actually mattered to you. Back then, when he thought he was worthless and how no one would miss him if her were gone, you did. You had always cared, since the first day he met you. It was one thing he liked about you. The way you cared about people, even if they didn't deserve to be cared about. Sure, you had trouble accepting apologies from people who had hurt you, but it didn't stop you from being nice when needed.
"Yumi? Are you alright?" You asked, seeing one of your bullies crying. "G-get away from me freaks," she had stuttered, wiping away the tears. Niragi tried to pull you away. He knew what this girl had said to you. She was always making fun of you, how you looked, your weight.(I mean, I didn't make the reader plus sized(I'll keep it as neutral as possible), but the more I write, the more I want to. Niragi gives me vibes of the skinny guys who love chubby/plus size women. Aka, the best kind of guy) Anything to make you feel bad about yourself. "Let's just go..." he whispered, trying to pull you away. You shook his hand off, walking over to her. "Yumi-San, what's wrong?" You asked, reaching in your bag, finding a tissue and handing it to her. She blew her nose into it. "M-my boyfriend broke up with me. But it's none of your concern, freak," she sniffled. You both knew who her boyfriend was. One of the guys who was in your main group of tormentors. "Oh honey... a pretty girl like you shouldn't cry over trash like him. You are a solid 11/10, he doesn't deserve the tears," you said, taking another tissue, and drying her tears. Even though she was always so rude to you, you had to admit she was a beautiful girl. She had short back hair that was just above her shoulders, and beautiful brown eyes. She didn't like makeup, so she never wore it, so it made her beauty natural. She wasn't curvy, and made a lot of girls look up to her, as she was actually pretty flat chested. She was incredibly smart as well. All in all, she was simply a teenage girl that was attractive to most guys. And a part of you liked that she wasn't the normal beauty standard, because it was just so badass to you. She hadn't used her looks to get ahead either. She was just mean. You had always thought she was pretty, even if she was mean. "If he can't see how pretty you are, then he's not the one for you," you said. "W-why are you being so nice to me? I- I'm always so mean to you," she stuttered. You stopped to think for a second, and looked back at Niragi. He walked over to you, and stood besides you. "Ok... mm... 'M being nice to you 'cause... I wanna be. No one deserves to feel unwanted. And besides, my karma stays clean," you smiled. She laughed. Not a mocking laugh, not a rude laugh, not a fake laugh. You  told her some joke to make her feel better, and she started laughing even harder. Her real laugh, not the fake preppy laugh she always did. She snorted, and covered her mouth in embarrassment. "You should laugh like that more often. Your real laugh is so nice," you complemented. Yumi had always hated her laugh, as it wasn't the cute laugh that was described in books. But, then again, neither was yours. "Bye bye Yumi! Hope you feel better soon!" You shouted, waving back at her as you and Niragi left. She smiled to herself, waving back at you.
"I want to take a nap," you muttered as you got closer to your house. "You are something else, you know?"
"If... if I go with you right now, I don't think I'd be that helpful. I've only played in one game after all," you stated. Niragi thought for a moment. He'd talked about you, Chishiya would most certainly talk about you seeing as he would never bring someone from a game up unless they were interesting, and once you showed how you could play, he was sure you'd get a high rank. "I've got my ways. You coming with me, or not?" He asked, getting up.
"Yeah. I don't want to be alone again. Or at least without you again. That's 6 months of my life I didn't have my best friend you asshat."
"That wasn't my fault, I had no say in it!"
"Fuck you."
"This is a personal attack on my hp, you're lowering my health bar with your mean comments."
You two basically walked back to the beach like that. Most of the way, anyways. You two knew you meant none of the words, it was just your way of talking to each other. In a playful way.
He had taken you up to a room that had a table with chairs around. In there had been 5 people. One with long ish hair, sunglasses, and a colorful robe, another with tattoos covering his body, a woman with a white, sleeveless button up shirt with black shorts, a man dressed in a black tank top and what you would call 'drill Sargeant pants', and well, you knew the last one. "You little bastard!" You shouted, seeing his smirk. "Everyone, this is (L/N) (Y/N), the girl I told you about,'' Chishiya introduced you, ignoring your words. Niragi held your arm to keep you back from hurting Chishiya. He wanted to see it, but he also didn't want you to die. "Ah, lovely! We've heard about you. All good things, all good things," the man in the robe exclaimed. You smiled a bit, seeing as he seemed to be a person who was a fan of the theatrics. He seemed fun. "That's Hatter. The leader, as I told you earlier," Niragi whispered to you. You nodded. "That's the dissection freak, or Ann," he whispered again, nodding his head over to the woman with black hair."That's Aguni. He's the leader of the milital sect. So, basically, my boss," Niragi whispered again, pointing at him. "And that's Last Boss. We're sort of friends?" He whispered making a gesture to the man with tattoos.  "Ah... ok. So, these are all members of the militals?" You asked him quietly. "No, Ann and Chishiya are part of the executives. Aguni is leader of the militals. If you want to work with weapons, that's who you have to impress," Niragi explained. Chishiya had walked over in the time you'd been talking, and only got your attention by tapping your shoulder. You glared down at him. He looked you up and down. "Are you wearing heels, or are you just that tall?" He questioned. You stared down at him. "I'm just this tall?" You said confused. He hummed walking away. Niragi tried to keep his laughter in, and you immediately noticed. You flipped him off, and he acted offended. "So are you two... together?" Hatter asked, noticing you two were standing closely, you went knocked out or trying to kill Niragi. "Together? Like... a relationship? No. Friends? Yes," you said, grabbing his arm. 'Mhm... friends for now.' Ann thought. "We've heard from both Chishiya and Niragi that you're good with weapons?" Ann asked, keeping everyone on track. You nodded. "Which ones?" She asked
You took a big breath, beginning your list, "Knives, swords, bow and arrow, mace, guns I could go into which type if you would like, daggers, throwing knives, crossbow, and many many more but I don't want to bore you."
The room went quiet. "Well... um... that's quite the list. What games have you played in?" Hatter questioned. "Just one... the game with Chishiya," you said, looking down, playing with your- well, technically it was Niragi's, but you thought he was dead, so in your defense, you thought you would never feel the comfort of your best friend's hugs. "Ah, the five of spades, correct?" Hatter asked, more towards Chishiya than you. You both nodded. "Well, before anything, you must know the rules of the Beach. 1, you must wear a swimsuit," he started. "Woah, Woah woah, sorry to interrupt you, but um... why? And uh... he's not wearing one," you stated, pointing at Niragi. "Oi, don't throw me under the bus you dumb whore," he insulted with a smile. You know he didn't mean it in a rude way. Again, you two were best friends. "Sir, I have more blackmail on you than you can think of don't go there with me. For instance I caught you m-" you started, before Niragi put a hand over your mouth. "And that's enough from you. You were saying?" He said, directing his attention back to Hatter. "Uh... what was I saying? Oh yes, he's a milital and carries that gun around so he can't hide weapons. He has access to them, 2 all the cards you collect get handed into me, and 3 Death to the traitors," he finished. You licked Niragi's hand which was still over your mouth. He immediately took his hand off. "Ew! Disgusting!" He shouted, wiping his hand off. You laughed, and everyone else in the room smiled. Especially Hatter. He liked you already. Not in a creepy way, but he enjoyed that you weren't scared. "Anywho, alright. Swimsuit,cards to you, death to the traitors," you repeated. "Good girl," Chishiya said, a teasing tone obvious in his voice. "Tomorrow, you'll be going to a game with Aguni and An. They will decide your skills so we know where to put you. For know, I'm sure that Niragi wouldn't mind showing you to an empty room, and getting you changed into our 'uniform'," Hatter said. "By empty room, you mean she's staying with me until she gets her number, right?" Niragi asked. That's what he wanted, for you to stay with him. You two had almost 6 months of talking to catch up on. "Oki! Come on bubs, lead the way!" You shouted, grabbing his hand. He rolled his eyes, leading you out.
"I bet you guys anything they'll get together," Hatter stated after you two left. "Oh thank the gods I wasn't the only one who thought so," Ann breathed. You two had quite the overwhelming personalities. "I'm sure. She's a smart girl though. From what I saw, she's a potentially strong player for diamonds and hearts," Chishiya stated, watching the spot you had just stood at. "Oh, I think so too. Aguni, what do you think?" Hatter asked, turning his attention to his stoic friend. "We'll have to wait and see for tomorrow," he responded.
Anyways, this is on Wattpad and AO3 as well, I hope you're all having a lovely day/evening
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d-n-battle · 4 years
You know... it’s not so much that I hate Naruhina and Sasusaku...
It’s more like I just really don’t get how anyone can really like these pairings?? Like I really just don’t understand the appeal???
Like did I really watch the same series as all you Naruhina and Sasusaku shippers????
Y’all: aaawww look at all of these Naruto and Hinata scenes, he clearly loves her sooo much <3 <3 <3🥰😍😌
Me: bitch where????😂😂😂
(Literally, I could make the exact same joke about Sasusaku)
Like, is it just me, or are these two ships literally just about the girls’ feelings???
I mean I’d be totally fine with these two couples, if they didn’t put this emphasis on the girls, and completely ignore the guys...
I mean ok - serious time now - can the Sasusaku shippers and Naruhina shippers show me any evidence from the anime (or manga if you’re a reader) of Naruto and Sasuke returning Hinata and Sakura’s feelings respectively???
Again, I want to reiterate that this is a genuine request, I’m not trying to poke fun with this one. I’m just genuinely curious as to what you guys can dig up. (But also, side note - please refrain from using the films or Boruto as I haven’t watched them yet. I honestly don’t think I’m even gonna watch Boruto, cause I’m not a big fan of like spin off series, so yeah...But anything from the 720 anime episodes, or any of the manga chapters is fine.)
Anyway, back to my point.
Relationships are about two or more people coming together because they recognise that they have romantic feelings towards each other.
Which is exactly why I, like I’ve said already, don’t understand how Naruhina and Sasusaku are supposed to work???
Like yeah, Sakura and Hinata both like/love Sasuke and Naruto.
But when have Sasuka and Naruto expressed that they like them back in that way???
I mean as a whole the show was never even about romance, sure there were hints at possible relationships throughout, but that was never the point of the show.
I mean I feel like this all harkens back to some points I’ve already seen made by other people, but like why is romance necessary in this situation???
Because what else are female characters for??? If not to fawn over the male character then really what are they for??? I mean it’s not like they’re meant to represent real life people just like the male characters right??? It’s not like they’re meant to actually have well fleshed out characters with goals that don’t revolve around getting the guy of their dreams to notice them right??? Nooo, of course not, don’t be ridiculous....
I am seriously just soooo done with this bullshit. Like I’ll be the first to admit that Hinata and Sakura are not my favourite characters, but I mean it’s not like that’s really their fault now is it??? I mean they honestly both had a lot of potential. Like, seriously, soooooo much potential. I’m being completely honest here, I was well and truly so disappointed by how these two girls’ character potential was squandered 😔😔😔
And all for the sake of fullfilling their ‘true’ purpose in the show....
And don’t even try to give me the excuse that because Naruto is a shounen anime aimed at a primarily male audience, female characters can’t be feutured as anything besides the love interst. Like what kind of shit is that - so guys can’t even enjoy female characters unless they’re lusting after the male characters they like to insert themselves into???? I mean if you really think that then you must really hate guys.
Like I’m sorry but that just makes men sound like shit. It makes them sound like they only view women as people who belong to them, and are only relevant when it comes to how they are connected to men.
Women are their own goddamm people!!! They don’t exist solely to appease men!!!
As I woman, I have had to put up with this shit for years, and I am so done with it. If guys get to have characters that represent them in almost every piece of media out there, then why don’t women get to have the same treatment??? We make up a whole half of the entire goddamn population!!!
Honeslty, a bitch is soooooo mad about this 😡😡😡(thag bitch being me of course)
And what I’m also super mad about is that these two relationships imply that the guys feelings are completely irrelevant. Like I’m sorry but no amount of Sakura liking/loving Sasuke makes it okay for her to end up with him - if he doesn’t feel anywhere near the same amount of love or appreciation for her. And the same can be applied to Hinata and Naruto.
This outcome also forces everyone to just completely ignore/forget the fact that Naruto and Sasuke are completely unready to be in a relationship with anyone.
Like, yeah I’m gonna admit here that I am indeed a Narusasu shipper, but I’ll also admit that I dead ass don’t think they’d even be ready for a relationship with each other.
I mean the war and everything else just completely messed them both up, so they would both probably need some time to heal. And knowing those two, it would most likely take quite a while before they’re anywhere near healed enough to date - let alone fucking marry - anyone.
And, also (so that I’m not accused of favouritism towards the boys) - what about Sakura and Himata and the shit that they themselves experienced??? I mean Hinata had to watch her cousin die in front of her - that’s gotta mess you up. And Sakura was a medic - there’s no imagining the shit she must have seen.
War messes people up for a long time, and bassed off of what I’ve heard of Boruto - the timeline implies that these two couples got married and had kids pretty soon after the war.
That. Does. Not. Add. Up. Sis!!!!!
Honestly, the series should have just had what I like to call an ‘open ending’. This is where pretty much everything is left (you guessed it) out in the open. By everything I mean like the final relationships and stuff like the minutiae of the story. Unless, your story is a romance story in which case the romance is the most important thing, but as we’ve established- this is not the case with Naruto.
If you don’t explicitly state that characters X and Y are married with 2.5 kids, everyone who would dislike that as an outcome is free to think that they didn’t.
Like seriously, the whole point of using the line “and they lived happily ever after”, is so that you can leave the ending open to the interpretation of the audience. That’s why I’ve never liked being told how they lived happily ever after.
Because, ultimately everyone has different ideas of what happy looks like.
Some people want to get married because that’s what would make them happy, and for some marriage would achieve the opposite. It’s the same case with having children. Or what job you wanna have.
I mean really, there is soooo many different ideas of what happy looks like.
So why limit yourself and more importantly your audience/readers????
I mean think about it like this. The purpose of a main character is basically to give us a point of view of the story through which we can be influenced. That’s why a lot of the time they don’t really have distinct personality traits - so that the reader can project their own onto them. That way the reader/audience member is able to immerse themselves in the story. We are allowed to image that the main character is us. That’s why we get angry when they do something we don’t like, our first thought is - “well, I wouldn’t have done that...”. So image how disconnected you would feel, from a character who makes a big decision that you don’t agree with. Like say, getting married, when you yourself can’t imagine yourself getting married??? Or say, getting married to someone who you yourself wouldn’t want to get married to???
I think that’s the real issues in case of Naruhina and Sasusake. The majority of us - who are clearly of sound minds - would not want to marry Hinata, Sakura, or even Naruto and Sasuke. Most likely because their characters often times feel like caricatures of people, instead of real life people. They feel somehow unfinished, and so we have a harder time seing the bigger picture, and how these big decisions they have made are supposed to make sense.
Okay, I feel like I’ve rambled enough. I leave you with this -
I don’t mean to offend anyone with this post, and so I hope I haven’t/didn’t/won’t. I’m truly just stating my opinion here. If you don’t agree with anything I’ve said here, please do let me know; I’ll always appreciate constructive criticism.
I will always love Naruto. But in order to truly love something you have to also recognise it as flawed. And this was simply me pointing out some of the things which I perceive as flaws of the show/manga.
Please, don’t think of this post, or any others which I might make in the future, as hate posts. As I’ve said, I do love the show/manga - but that doesn’t make me unwilling to crique it.
Alrighty, this is where I actually end the rant.
Thanks for coming y’all,
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speckofglitter · 5 years
get it together - kny
→ word count ; 1.3k
→ genre ; fluff | angst if you squint ??
→ pairings ; artistl!yoshinori x artistl!y/n
everything is an art form. yet you always seemed to have the wrong paintbrushes or a shaky hand.
yoshinori is lying on his bed, watching you paint. he's admiring you, eyebrows furrowed and tongue poking out as you try to mix the right shades together. you've been working on this painting for the past 3 hours and it still doesn't look quite right. you step away from your canvas, observing it at a different angle before giving up.
you sigh, settling down onto the bed next to yoshinori as he gives you an encouraging smile.
'i'm tired.' you sigh out.
'then let's sleep.'
'yoshi?' you mutter.
'hmm?' he responds.
'can you give me a goodnight kiss?' you plead. he widens his eyes in disbelief, making you laugh out loud.
'fine.' he moves closer, placing a quick kiss on your cheek before licking your cheek and running away.
'argh yoshi that's disgusting!' you yell out, running after him.
yoshinori is your best friend and lifeline. he's the only one keeping you sane. you rant to him about your struggles as an art student, the exorbitant prices of art supplies and about how much your art teacher absolutely hates your guts. you sleep over at his apartment anytime you have a big assignment due. he keeps you calm. you still remember the day you met him. you were in the campus art studio, having a panic attack. you looked like a shell of a human being, shoulders hunched over as you cried over your sketchbook. yoshinori had walked in, choosing to sit beside you, softly stroking your hair as you cried and explained your frustrations. if he hadn't been there you probably would have ended up breaking your expensive crayons and brushes in half. he was so approachable and warm. you supposed there were no strangers in yoshinori's world, only new friends. you two quickly became inseparable after that day.
you wake up to an amazing smell. yoshinori's side of the bed is empty so you look around, trying to find him. he always makes your favorite nutella pancakes when you sleep over. it's become a tradition.
'come in.' he says, turning around to find you peeking from behind the kitchen door.
'good morning, thanks for the breakfast.' you smile, giving him a quick hug as he flips another pancake. his hair is still slightly damp from his shower, the smell of his cotton candy shampoo engulfing you.
you settle down onto the table, scrolling through your instagram feed as yoshinori finishes making the pancakes.
'yoshi, do you think i can make it as an artist?' you ask in between bites.
yoshinori looks at you, stunned by your sudden question. you take a huge bite of pancake, nervously waiting for his answer.
'i know you will.' he answers after a moment.
'you do know mr. clent hates me right? i haven't gotten a single grade above a B this whole semester...' you whisper.
'it's not always about the grades, especially in a creative field. when i see your art, i feel like it's going to jump off the canvas and come alive. your art tells stories that no one else can tell. that's your weapon.' he explains.
he smiles at you and it's that smile. the smile that makes you feel like all of your dreams can come true and everything will be okay. you stuff another bite of pancake in your mouth, desperately trying to ignore the way your heart is pounding inside your chest.
'you're a really good talker mr. kanemoto' you shake your head, trying to hide your smile.
after a quick shower, you're back to painting. a weak stream of light peers through the small window in yoshinori's room, making you look angelic.
you hear beeping and turn around to see yoshinori on his phone texting. sometimes, you wished yoshinori wasn't so popular. he wasn't only liked by students, he was also mr. clent's favorite student. the promising art prodigy. whenever there was an art exhibition, girls would flock to his side. they would ask irrelevant questions about his artworks, mostly interested in the way he would sip white wine and arch his perfect eyebrows as he talked about technique and color theory. surprisingly, he never worked on his drawings in front of you. he probably didn't want you to have a mental breakdown over how talented he was compared to you. you turn back around, painting more aggressively this time.
is it normal to feel slightly envious?
'wanna get some coffee?' he asks.
'yes please, i feel like i'm going to go insane if i see one more speck of gold' you laugh, grabbing your cardigan from his chair.
you walk towards the campus café, noticing the cold breeze as you wonder how yoshinori can wear ripped jeans in this weather.
yoshinori rests his hand on his chin, staring at you with an endearing look. you're ranting about yet another annoying professor as he swirls his straw around, taking frequent sips of his matcha latte. you talk with your hands, bright eyes twinkling as you get to the key point in your story.
yoshinori thinks about how fitting your drink choice is, a caramel macchiato. you pretend to be a bitter artist yet deep down you're the sweetest person he has ever met. you're always frustrated because you run on hope. hope that the world would be a little better, a little kinder. he memorizes the way your lips purse as you take a sip, planning to make you his next project. for him, it came easily. the lines and the shapes came together in his head as soon as he saw you.
summer is settling in and you no longer have to worry about strict professors and artist statements. it's 9pm when you burst into yoshinori's apartment, a tiny bottle of red wine in your front jean pocket. yoshinori doesn't bother asking questions as he lets you in.
'you know that guy i went on a date with last week? i can't believe that jerk ghosted me.. you know what? fuck him he looked like a noodle anyways.' you yell out, walking past yoshinori to sprawl yourself onto his couch. yoshinori chuckles to himself, watching you drink straight out of the tiny red wine bottle. even during rough times you absolutely refused to drink hard liquor.
you notice that yoshinori is drying his hair with a fluffy looking pink towel as he sits next to you. you try not to stare but he looks really, really good.
'not to put you down when you're having a rough time but could you take some of your skincare products home? your 13 bottles of rosewater and clay masks are taking up all the counter space in my bathroom.' he says, running a hand through his damp hair.
'fine. guess i'll just be bae-less and ugly.' you scoff, placing your legs over his.
'you're neither of those,' he whispers.
'what did you just say?' you raise an eyebrow.
he freezes, pink towel in hand as he realizes his mistake.
'i said... you're neither of those. you're beautiful y/n, i've told you that countless time.' voice not coming out nearly as steady as he would have hoped.
'yeah but i'm still bae-less' you whine.
'i could be your bae...' he mutters.
you picked a horrible time to take a swig of wine because the moment yoshinori says that you spit a mouthful of red wine right into his face.
'oh my god i'm so so sorry' you say as you grab the pink towel in his hands, dabbing onto his skin. you didn't realize you were so close until yoshinori places his hand above yours, taking the towel before kissing you softly. he hooks his hands around the back of your thighs as you wrap your legs tightly around his torso. your palms splay across his chest, pressing into him. you taste a little bitter and a little sour from the wine but yoshinori doesn't mind. you let out a small whine of protest as your lips separate.
'i can't do this anymore.  i can't pretend not to be into you anymore.'
'i like you too yoshi.... we could be together but you know... i should really to get my shit together before i try to be in a relationship...' you mumble.
'i don't need you to get your shit together y/n. but if you need help, i'll always be here for you. as your friend or as your bae. you call the shots.' he winked.
you thought it over for a few days, isolating yourself in your room as you survived on cubes of cheese. yoshinori was beginning to think he had made a huge mistake by confessing to you. maybe you just weren't ready.
yoshinori had always been there for you, a little too generous if you were honest. you weren't scared of him breaking your heart. you were scared that one day he would wake up and realize he could do better. knowing him, he would probably break it to you in the kindest way possible. your mind wandered back to the first day you met him. if he wasn't ready to be in your life, he wouldn't have sat and comforted you for hours. he wouldn't put so much time and effort into making you pancakes every time you were at his apartment. he wouldn't have been the one and only person who motivated you as an artist.
you suddenly get up, putting on your sneakers as you rush to your kitchen cabinet, grabbing a bottle of vodka. you had never run so fast in your entire life. by the time yoshinori opens the door, you're out of breath and glowing with sweat.
'what are you doing here?' he questions.
'you said i could call the shots so i'm here.' you say, walking past him and into his kitchen as you look for shot glasses.
'let's cheers to us, being baes or whatever the kids say these days' you laugh, pouring him a shot.
as yoshinori watches you down your shot, he silently thanks whatever or whoever guided him to the art room on that day.
masterlist - requests are open !! - ya girl tiyi ❤️
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maple-keenes · 7 years
How To Get A Girlfriend
“Jake, she’s really pretty.” Christine sighed.
“Chrissy, this has got to be the thirteenth time you’ve told me that this conversation.” Jake rolled his eyes.
“But Jake, she is - ”
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Jake interrupted.
Christine gave him a look. “Jake, this is why we broke up. You’re very unobservant.”
“We broke up because you figured out you were a lesbian, Christine.”
“That is irrelevant.”
“Ask her out, dumbass. Do you want some more food? Or another coffee?”
Christine had barely touched her food. “What do you think?”
“Right. No food for the pining girl. She would have to talk to the girl who she’s desperately crushing on. ”
“Jake!” Christine swatted his arm.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll be right back.” He got up, and Christine caught a glimpse of one of the other baristas berating Crush for something. She was laughing, though, and the boy was grinning. The Filipino boy she saw with her that one time Christine saw Crush at the mall had his arm around the other boy. She pulled out her phone, and noticing that Jake was still in line, texted him:
Chrissy C: Can you ask if the two boys are dating?
Jakey D: why
Chrissy C: Cause I want to find out.
Jakey D: why dont u ask
Chrissy C: Oh, I don’t know, because I don’t think I could even make eye contact with her and not be a blushing mess?
Jakey D: while that’s probs true i still think u should come up here and ask
Jakey D: why does it matter anyway
Jakey D: ur girl is literally wearing a pan pride pin i think ur good
Jakey D: i should ask where she got that
Chrissy C: Pfft. If she’s pan, she could still be dating one of them.
Jakey D: if u ask ill get u that super sweet coffee u lov
Chrissy C: Sold.
She wasn’t gonna lie, her heart fluttered a bit when Jake mentioned the pride pin. But Christine had to confirm she was single somehow, and since her best friend wasn’t cooperating, she was gonna have to do it herself. She walked up next to Jake, who was texting someone on his phone. “Hey, Jakey.”
He looked up at her, surprised. “Yo. I didn’t think you would go through with it.”
“You underestimate how much I love that coffee. Besides, I really do need to talk to her.”
They moved closer to the counter, until they were finally at the front of the line. “Hi!” Christine chirped.
The blonde girl glanced at her. “Hi. What can I get for you today?”
Before Christine could embarrass herself, Jake interrupted. “Two iced caramel macchiatos and a side of a quick conversation.”
“Hi. I’m Jake. I was wondering where you got your pride pin.” “Brooke. And my friend Michael over there gave it to me.” She pointed over her shoulder at the Filipino boy. “Yo, Mikey! Where’d you get the pride pin?”
“You know that one shop in the mall that has like, graphic tees and shit like that? I got it there!” He said.
“Oh, I know that one.”Jake smiled. “Christine? You have anything you want to say?”
“Oh, um, I really like your hair. It looks really pretty.” Brooke smiled at the compliment, and Jake rolled his eyes. As they walked away, he said, “Someday, I’m gonna give you lessons on how to flirt.”
“You need to stop be such a smooth asshole. If you had let that conversation go on any longer, I think you would have gotten her number first!” Christine grumbled.
“A, I would haven given it to you, and B, I doubt my boyfriend would have approved of me getting her number for myself.” “Since when do you have a boyfriend?” Christine crossed her arms.
“Since, like, two days ago.”
“Weren’t you out with Rich all day two days ago?” She paused for a second, thinking, then gasped a little. “Are you dating Rich?” Jake smiled sheepishly. “Maaaaaybe?”
“Jake!” Christine punched him lightly on the arm. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t really know why. Sorry?”
“It’s fine, just…” She trailed off. “You finally got him! I was wondering why our crush talk had gotten a little more one-sided.” He blushed a little. “Yeah. I thought you hadn’t noticed.”
“I hadn’t really put the pieces together, I guess.” She grinned. “Congrats! You’ve been after Rich, for what, four years?”
“Fine, fine. Can you give me some of those flirting lessons now?”
Jake smiled. “Of course.”
Brooke watched the girl, Christine, walk away, saying something about her friend needing to back off or something. Since the line had mostly died down, she propped her head up on her hands and watched the two have a conversation.
“Brooke, you’re being a stalker.” Michael teased, setting down a coffee next to her. She rolled her eyes and called out the name.
“I am not, Michael, she’s just very attractive!”
“Stalker.” Brooke stuck her tongue out at him.
Jeremy set the next coffee down next to her, kissing Michael on the cheek. “You should write down your number on Christine’s coffee cup.” “No PDA, you fuckstick.”
“Brooke, lay off, it’s not like we were full on making out.” Brooke glared at him, and Michael laughed a little. “I agree with Jer, though, you should write your number down.”
“And why would I do that?”
Jeremy facepalmed and Michael groaned. “Because. Then she has your number, and you can get to know each other and then date. If you don’t want to do that, her buddy is dating one of Jenna’s friend’s friends. I’m sure I can manage to get the number somehow.” Jeremy said.
“How do you know that?”
“Have you met Jen? As soon as she was told, she told… a lot of people. Rich was pretty mad.”
“Anyways,” Michael interrupted, “Jeremy, you are not allowed to get the number for her. I’ll write it down on the cup if I must.” He handed her Jake and Christine’s drinks.
Brooke took the one on the left and scribbled down Jake’s name. “Knowing you, you’d write something inappropriate and she’d never text me.”
“So write it!” Jeremy said. Brooke rolled her eyes and wrote down Christine’s name. She paused for a bit, and then decided to write down her number and “text me!”.
“I knew you’d do it!” Michael said.
Brooke laughed. “Two iced caramel macchiatos for Jake and Christine?”
She watched the two have a mini-argument, which ended up, evidently, in Jake having to go get the drinks. Brooke grinned and handed him the two cups. “Make sure your friend Christine sees what I wrote on her cup, okay?”
Jake looked confused, and turned the coffee around to face him. Seeing the message, he grinned. “Don’t worry. She’ll see it.”
Jake handed her her drink and sat down. “Did she get your name right?”
Christine rolled her eyes and turned the drink around. “Seriously, it can’t be that hard to spell “Christine” - holy shit.”
“Don’t play innocent, I watched you look at it and smile, so I know you - why would she give me her number?!”
“Probably because she likes you and would like to get to know you.” Jake said slowly, dragging it out for effect.
Christine glared at him. “Oh, wow, really?”
“Mutual pining, Chrissy C.”
“Shut up! Just cause your crush likes you back -” 
“Oh, that doesn’t affect your chances with Brooke whatsoever.” Jake rolled his eyes. “Just tell her to text you when she gets off work or something.”
“Alright, fine. Can we talk about something else now?”
“Just as long as you don’t rant about musicals or something.”
“Jake, that’s like, literally all I know how to do.”
“I’m serious! Jake, we need to find something we both like that isn’t our respective crushes. Oh, wait, hold on, Brooke just texted me back.”
He groaned. “Does our relationship even pass the Bechdel test?”
“Jake, there’s no Bechdel test, you’re a guy.”
“Pfft. What’d Brooke say?”
“She says she can get someone to cover her shift if I want to go out to lunch.”
Jake stood up and grabbed his jacket. “Bye!”
“Why are you leaving? I haven’t said yes yet!”
“Then hit send. I’m leaving cause this coffee shop is boring without friends. Bye, Chrissy.”
Christine laughed. “Bye, Jakey.”
He turned around and waved, nearly running into the door. Christine was still laughing when Brooke joined her at the table.
“Hey!” Brooke smiled.
“Hey.” Christine said.
“Do you want a ride? To lunch, I mean.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I think Jake took the car…”
She laughed. “Well then. Where do you want to go?”
“Um, I’m not super hungry for lunch…” Brooke brightened. “Then we can go to Pinkberry!”
Christine cocked her head to the side. “What’s Pinkberry?” “The frozen yogurt shop right around here!” She mock-gaasped. “Have you never been?’
“Then it’s settled, Chris. We’re going to Pinkberry.” Her face turned red. “Is it okay if I call you Chris?”
Christine waved it off. “You’re all good.”
“Okay, good, cause it’d be really awkward if I called you something that you didn’t like, and then we’d just have that little cloud of awkwardness hanging over us during our date and I’m just rambling now, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but I thought it was cute.” Both girls blushed as Christine said that.
Brooke sighed. “We’re really bad at this.”
“No kidding. Wanna head out now?”
They got in Brooke’s car, and sat in awkward silence for a bit. Christine eventually spoke up. “So, um… the weather’s been nice?”
Brooke started laughing. “Oh my god.”
“I’m sorry! I’ve never been in this situation before!” “Try: “Hey, Brooke, you’re really pretty, I’m glad I went out on a date with you?””
Christine laughed. “I’m not gonna say that! Here: Hey, Brooke, you’re hot, but I’m not sure if it’s acceptable to kiss on the first date?”
Brooke turned furiously red. “That’s not fair!”
“All’s fair in love and war, Brooke.”
Brooke parked the car. “Alright. At this point, I don’t even want to go into Pinkberry, because i know you can get kicked out for PDA, so… wanna find out if it’s acceptable to kiss on the first date?”
“Hell yeah.”
Brooke kissed her, and Christine just kind of let it happen, never having been kissed before. (She had never really wanted Jake to kiss her when they dated.) Eventually, the “you should probably kiss her back” part of her brain kicked in and… for a first kiss, it was pretty damn good.
Brooke pulled away, and laughed. “Well?”
“Definitely acceptable. Best first kiss ever.”
Brooke gasped, and then laughed. “I was your first kiss? Sorry, Chris.”
“No! That was… that was amazing!”
“I’m glad.” Both girls sat there, smiling like idiots.
Christine can say she’s definitely an expert on how to get a girlfriend.
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