#I personally prefer the start (when luffy is 17 - comes after chapter 1 in the manga) of the anime over the manga's
capisback · 2 years
Any tips on starting OP? It's one of those shows that's like SO LONG idk where to even begin
I first watched One Piece when I was 11 and somehow had the mental fortitude to watch one piece in its entirety about 3 times, so I don't know what I'd do if I started it now for the first time. However! I do want to try and help, and I hope the few tips I have will help you.
Decide what you want to do: Do you want to read it? Or do you want to watch it? Which is your favorite way to consume media, and/or which do you think you could put a better long-time investment into? Start with the one you think will fit best. If that isn't working for you, you can always try the other instead.
One Piece is long, yes, but that doesn't mean you have to watch/read it in one sitting. You can watch just one episode a week or every two weeks if that's what works for you. There's absolutely no rush to finish it, you just have to enjoy the ride at your own pace. I personally prefer manga for this, since you go chapter per chapter and it's easier to let it lie for a little bit, while an anime episode does have a certain time investment you are required to put into it, since most are about 20 or so minutes. You could, of course, watch only half an episode instead of a full one.
One Piece is a fairly straight-forward series to start! Not like the Fate series, which when I heard about it for the first time I instantly gave up on watching. You start from the beginning and work your way to the end, at any speed you want. There are spin-off stories, but those are mostly gags or things that happened before the series, so you don't have to worry about reading those at all, since it won't impact your experience reading/watching the series.
The anime does, in my opinion, suffer from some pacing issues. If you'd prefer to watch instead of reading, but the pacing bothers you, you could always watch One Pace. It's made by fans who try to fix the pacing a bit by making it as close to the manga as possible. They don't have all the arcs done and some aren't finished yet, though, so if you want to go that route, feel free to ask me where you should jump into the official anime and where to jump back into One Pace
Here's a small tip: if you think the Syrup Village arc (where they meet the character Usopp) is too long, you should skip it. It does drag on for a while too long, and that's where my family lost interest in watching one piece, though they did enjoy what came before
To finish, Yes, One Piece is long, and yes, this might seem daunting, but trust me when I say that once you get into it, you completely forget about its length. It's absolutely worth putting time into, since it's an incredible series, and it's brought me a great amount of joy over the past 8 to 9 months that I've been back into it
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