#I think you should be able to toggle auto battle on and off for your whole party
yampidimp · 1 year
I fucking love miitopia literally my favorite video game
not even for the character customization because I play the 3DS version more lol I just love it so much because of the everything
I do have MAJOR complaints but the good far outweighs the bad for me
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bearpillowmonster · 3 years
FF6 Review (Overall)
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I'm going to rate similar to the way I did FF7 Remake, but in only 2 parts, so there will be an overall review then a separate deep dive into the characters.
I played this game using an emulator and I'm not ashamed of it because I used the FF6 Relocalization project which I'll link
Basically nerd talk and explanation of what that means: It's basically a retranslation of the original SNES script using the GBA port as a base and mixing and matching some of the best parts so there you go. They have a way to mod the PC version to have the OG sprite work because sheesh is that thing ugly and they also have a way to resprite and resound the GBA version but this is the easiest and logical solution to get the best of all worlds. There's also "Anthology" which is the PS1 port that adds some CG custscenes which I just watched off of YouTube because it's only a few of the major scenes.
Anyways, yeah, I'm glad I emulated it especially because of the fast forward function. That first chunk would've been rough without it because you're left just waiting for one of your party's commands to be ready but it eases up as the game goes on because you get pretty busy with the combat.
I'm not a fan of turn-based RPGs which was the main reason I haven't touched a 2D FF game until now so this is my first and oh boy, what a first!
Could you just watch a playthrough or read the story then? I wouldn't recommend it. There are certain things that I feel are better experienced.
Gameplay actually wasn't all that gruesome, as I mentioned, it got better thoughout but I know for a fact that I didn't do everything it had to offer because I see other people doing it online and I just had no idea how. That's not to say it's not newcomer friendly though, I mean I beat the game, didn't I? I think it would've just gotten complicated and made me confused if I learned how to do everything in the game anyway.
I found myself liking some of the mechanics and recognizing some of the systems from games as late as today (I'm not sure if this is where they started but I wouldn't be surprised). The random encounters weren't all bad because of the emulator's speed up function but there were definitely times where it felt a little out of hand with the amount I was getting. (I'm looking at you Cave to the Sealed Gate!) So it's all pretty familiar, though there are "Relics" which are kind of like Materia but each member has 2 each where it gives you an ability, f.e. Reflect, every attack hits, extra power, auto cast protect, heal with every step, etc.
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One of the drawbacks of using BSNES though was that there was no toggle for a L or R shoulder button, just turbo and while that's not a big problem, that is the button to Flee a battle, so I just never fled. There is an item that lets you escape any dungeon or battle but I didn't really use it, same with the permanent item that Mog has in the cave (pretty late in the game). I'd rather there be a repel than the warp stone, but I figured that if I just fought whenever the opp arrived then I wouldn't have to grind, which is another thing I hate about RPGs! Luckily, I didn't really feel the need to grind other than for the ending.
Difficulty wasn't really a grind but make sure once you get to the floating island, that you know what you're doing because that level was annoying and I felt a very stong spike in difficulty as soon as I landed on it. Another thing is that sometimes it'd glitch and an enemy would have infinite health so I'd just sit there on fast forward, watching and watching then finally use Libra and no damage was made, might be an emulator thing, might be a game thing and although rare, it still happened.
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There are these sections called scenarios where the game branches off into multiple different paths and you can choose which order to follow the specific sets of characters. I really like that aspect and makes it seem less linear and interactive because it's letting you choose how to tell the story. I have a thing for games that let me interact with it (That opera scene is pretty interactive too).
For a 2D sprite game, it has quite a personality with its cutscenes. They can be very cinematic and defintely makes the characters just that more engaging with some of their mannerisms.
Ok, I get it now. The music is bomb. If anything, that would be worth doing a remake for, to get orchestral and updated versions of some of the themes. (I'd probably cry at that opera scene) But Celes' theme is probably my favorite. The PC port has pretty good remixes for the most part though.
Could this use a remake? It's a trivial matter because I think a good majority of fans want it to be remade and I understand why but at the same time I understand the other side of the argument as well. This was the last 2D FF game and that's special, in a way, the story kind of reflects that. And I think with all the personality comes a bit of caution because you might see something in these characters or scenes that may be misinterpreted or done differently in a remake, similar to how you read a book and just imagine how it's playing out. I think it lays enough ground so that you don't "have to interpret" like with most NES games (how the Super Mario Movie was born) from an outsider's point of view, it may first seem that way though. (myself included (yes, I know this was SNES era. Shut up!))
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What would I want out of a remake? I would want the airship to return and be able to move around freely but keep the towns pretty faithful (which makes for more linear opportunities). I could see Edgar's tools being used similar to Barrett's but we have "First Soldier" now which is a 3PS Battle Royale, why not have his tools play similar to that? Then actually give him story opportunities to pick up his tools rather than "just because you bought them" It would be a nice natural progression. I would suggest the same with Sabin and Cyan, have them learn their Blitz and Bushido moves by being taught by Duncan, you do learn one move from Duncan in the vanilla game but I'd see it as more opportunity to build your characters and make it feel rewarded. So, in those aspects, I would like to see FF6 remade or improved but as for everything else, they should keep it a lot similar to the original than FF7R did. I think that's where a lot of the criticism with FF7R came from (as well as what I mentioned in the previous paragraph) While I'd prefer a gameplay overhaul similar to what they did with R, I'd rather keep the essence. There aren't sequels or spinoffs or anything of this game so this is all it has (unless you count the ports but that's minimal).
In the CHARACTERS section, I compliment the side-quest system but I would like there to be a better indication as to "what" you're doing, rather than just looking up the next steps or be left to travel around until the goal is clear. They have the quest completion menu as well as waypoints in FF7R, I could see that being put to good use in a game like this. It would also be cool to actually "visibly" wear the gear that you equip to your character but I understand why that isn't utilized in most of the games (probably makes for better character models) especially considering most of these characters' costumes could use an update. You didn't get to use the Magitek suits nearly as much as I thought you would from the marketing and even the dang cover and logo, so a remake could improve on that as well. Another small complaint is that it doesn't tell you what the items do WHILE you're in battle, only when you're in the menu, sorting them and while some are staples like Phoenix Down, I still don't remember what the heck a 'Gold Needle' does.
Overall I'd probably rate the FF games that I've played (but maybe not finished all of) as such: FF7 > FF13 > FF6 > CRISIS CORE > FF15 > FF12 but I think 6 and 13 are kind of interchangeable because if you said one over the other, I wouldn't really argue.
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pantheon-god-of-war · 7 years
I am curious to hear your opinions on this. But what would you change in Pantheon's character/abilities if you had the chance? Maybe change his E to something else? A different Ult? What are your thoughts?
This one is a tough one actually. We need to figure out a certain few factors before we get into the actual skills. 
First off, do they want to keep him as this awkward assassin burster he is? Or do they want to take a more juggernaut approach with him? I would have to know what riot intends to do with him and in what category they want to stuff him. I see Pantheon as someone who would WANT to get into team fights, but also someone who is a terribly good duellist (I know that sounds op but well, he is the god of war)
What always kinda bugged me about Pantheon is that he is supposed to be this mighty paragon of battle with no peer in the art of combat, a celestial aspect of war that augments his host to the super human levels, but then in game you jump in and get insta clapped. 
If I were to rework Pantheon I would try to get away from the assassin builds even though I am guilty of rushing full lethality on him. Thematic wise he should be a warrior, something as durable as maybe Darius, Olaf and the sorts. By no means a full on tank, but certainly someone who cant take a licking and keep on ticking. 
(yes you can build tank pantheon as well, but its god awful because your willingly making yourself into nothing but a stun bot)
I would take away on his damage (yeah I know crazy right?) And give him more crowd control. I would take away the lock on stun he has. I know its what makes him viable because he can safe stun the carry and so on. But in this day and age its … outdated? Give him instead a leap with a little longer range that has a small area of impact in which he stuns his enemies. That alone will raise his skill cap immensely. People can dodge it, but good Pantheons will also be able to stun multiple targets if applied right. It also gives him more mobility for the jungle or roams. (Yes I know he has an ult) 
On the topic of his heart seeker. I dont know. I have a thousand ideas for Pantheon and his possible skills. I have recently thought about giving him a spartan kick that stuns when hitting enemies into a wall or another champion. a small dash the length of poppies Q with a stun at the end that knocks back. The ability can be recasted into heart seeker or a similar damage spell where he does something fancy with his spear maybe reduce armor/ cool down for number of enemies hit so he can spam his kick or something. Something to make him a viable disruptor in team fights. Pantheon would have to thrive in battle. I thought about things like hecarims aura that heals him for damage taken and dealt or something. Sustain in fights is important for someone like the god of war. Darius excels in long team fights, Pantheon needs to do something similar. I have been for a long time thinking about % damage to combat other warriors and tanks. But seeing as Rhaast is that very definition of tank killing bruiser I doubt they will do the same to Pantheon. For the area of effect I would make it more linear not as much of a cone. But as trade off you can activate the ability and move the line around to redirect the spear thrusts. If you have good tracking you will do immense damage by sticking on one target, if you miss well .. you give away a lot of potential damage. Keep the below 15% 100% crit chance, it makes him intimidating, maybe add some armor pen per hit as well. Because spear were made to pierce through armor. 
His Q is hard to say, people say it should be a skill shot, maybe something he can pick up again, but thats just to much olaf undertow for me. I personally like the lock on spear (obviously lol im a filthy panth main) But with the addition of the skill shot w and the new e where damage is now skill reliant his q could be the one thing that kinda saves it for the more casual players. (TBH I wouldnt care if they made panth all skill shots, I mean I would just sit down and learn the bad boy to perfection) But over all I think the Q will have to face some changers. You cant give him such crazy early game poke and dominance when he then also scales so well into the late game with his new cc and stuff. Another idea I had was make the spear a skill shot, but instead of using a spear Pantheon actually uses lightning (or a lightning spear) He throws the thing down it has a small AOE that gets struck by a thunder bolt a second later or something. (idea here is, throw the spear, jump to them and stun, wait for the lightning bang, then kick and follow up with new hss) Another idea I had which I also really liked is that he throws his spear, but it is attached to a chain wrapped around his arm/body. He gets movement speed while running towards you, you take a dot. Or he can recast the spear to pull you closer which he can then follow up with a stun into kick into new hss
Now to his ult. I have thought so long about this again and again. I think his current ult is a nice idea, but its crap. Smart players will most of the time always manage to get out of the ult unless your team really cooperates with you. Which is (lets face it) not to likely at times. I have thought about making his ult a blood rage where his skills get empowered, to give him more strength in team fights where he can go ham. I have come up with some funny three hit combos where he gets three attacks he can combo together for an instant kill if all three hit (kinda like urgot but thats taken now) Some sort of grounds slam in a cone that stuns and/or knocks up for initiation. Some sort of whirlwind dash attack where he blurs his spear and dishes out damage while shredding armor like fucking crazy. (against tanks)  I also have been contemplating a diana like ult where he dashes to a single target to follow up with his combo, the dash resets after a kill or something (kinda like irelia Q) Then because he is the god of war I thought about something gilgamesh like from fate stay night (or however you call those) Where he summons spears to his side which he hurls at his enemies form a farther range. Skill shot based, but maybe root his enemies as the spears impale them. Ive thought about something like a renekton ult where he grows in size, discards his spear and shield in exchange for two swords, or a sword and an ax where he then does true damage/bleed or something with his auto attacks (something you would want to nope the fuck away from) as last offer before I clog everyones dash I though about keeping the old ult, reducing the range, speeding up the leap to like .5 seconds and the descent as well to make landing faster and more reliable with the smaller ult radius. Something along the lines of Noc ult range. Additionally to the smaller ult radius he gets a larger radius than his old ult in which he and his allies are empowered (more movement speed, attack speed something along the lines of empowerment) because as the god of war, when he lands in all his might he would empower his allies with his presence alone. 
Anyway, I have a ton of ideas with him, some are quite out there, like a warrior who has floating swords that he can hurl at his enemies or do things with, another is where he can toggle between weapons like spear/shield sword and ax for different play styles etc. I just hope Riot puts as much thought into him as I do. (knowing myself and my unhealthy obsession with muscular spartan dudes that have crush on sun waifus that probably not the case, but heres to hoping)
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