#I want to do a series of metas on the Riddle memories in book 6 bc boy oh boy does my interpretation differ from Dumbledore's in a lot of
iamnmbr3 · 2 months
Dumbledore implies Tom Riddle was a habitual thief who stole things all the time at random just because he could or as trophies of cruel and violent acts but then he also suggests everything he is known to have stolen post orphanage was taken specifically to be turned into a Horcrux...which is not random and not habitual. Can't be both my guy.
I stg if Dumbledore ran a fandom blog he'd be that person who spins headcanons out of thin air with no basis in the text but then absolutely insists that they are canon and bashes anyone who dares to have a different interpretation or point out there's no actual support in text for what he's saying.
He really is absolutely unhinged about Riddle. Like legitimately he has such a bizarre fixation.
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captainkirkmccoy · 5 years
*side eye emoji* Do you have any good sci-fi or fantasy book recs? I'm running outttt
Oh, have you come to the right place, my friend. I work in publishing so the top 4 are authors I’ve worked on. Just a little list to get you started. 
1. Catherynne Valente’s SPACE OPERA. Eurovision in space. Queer broken band must compete for Earth’s existence in an intergalatic music competition. 
2. Theodora Goss’ THE STRANGE CASE OF THE ALCHEMIST’S DAUGHTER. A lady detective monster mashup full of found families and mysteries and meta writing. 
3. Rebecca Roanhorse’s TRAIL OF LIGHTNING. A monster hunter must battle her own demonic tendencies and the memory of a past betrayal in the post-apocalyptic Navajo Nation.
4. Meg Elison’s THE ROAD TO NOWHERE SERIES. This is bleak af but it is also well-written and powerful. A queer dystopian series and it must be read. 
5. Sarah Rees Brennan’s IN OTHER LANDS. This was written for fandom. I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. Hilarious, heart-wrenching and gorgeous written. 
6. Jessica Townsend’s THE TRIALS OF MORRIGAN CROW is the only comp to Harry Potter that deserves to be labeled as such. A fantasy book I wanted to dive into and never stop reading about, this book is super endearing and lovely. 
7. Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner’s THESE BROKEN STARS. This is the launch of a series about space politics and rebellion and love and omg just read it. 
8. Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff’s ILLUMINAE FILES. EPIC SPACE THRILLER. READ IT. 
9. Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff’s AURORA RISING. Another epic space thriller but this time told by a bunch of ragtag space soliders who are my new best friends and I would die for them all. 
10. Laura Ruby’s THE BONE GAP. This is more realistic fantasy but holy moly is it gorgeously written. A Persephone retelling. 
11. Laura Ruby’s YORK: THE SHADOW CIPER. This is a middle-grade riddle thriller and it was so fun and wonderful. Amazing anxiety rep. 
12. Leigh Bardugo’s SIX OF CROWS-Do you like heists? Do you like found families? DO YOU LIKE  AMAZING WRITTEN BOOKS? (Also, some people prefer to read her other series first, Shadow and Bone.)
13. Marie Rutkoski’s THE WINNER’S CURSE. Forbidden love, much? Political fantasy thriller. Writing that takes your breath away?
14. Melissa Grey’s THE GIRL AT MIDNIGHT. I have a thing for found families and amazing world building and thieves with hearts of gold, okay? I love this book so so much. 
15. Laini Taylor’s DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE- Also amazing worldbuilding, set in Prague, really really awesome.
16. V.E. Schwab–I’ve only actually read one book by her but I love her style. A Darker Shade of Magic is her super popular series. 
17. Mary Robinette Kowal–just won a HUGE sci-fi award but I have never had the pleasure of reading her books. Yet. 
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