#I will not put wingu in the hole and I will get him out of the hole if someone else does
draayder · 3 years
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putting this on the calendar: the hole is empty of me and the bots, finally
now I’m going to choose violence and start putting people in the hole again
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libartz · 6 years
Wingus story
After months of psyching myself up, I’ve decided to post my gasters’ backstories. Here goes. Prepare for sad.
This is my first one, so it has some other people’s characters in it.
Lassus inspired by MWSIH (plus the laser thing)
Hermann from AFAC
I headcanon that Lassus comes from underbeats by Phaunicier
His mother Lassus left when he was young to go back to underbeats. She had originally met his father due to getting lost, and since she was of some importance there, when she was found she had to go back. She left without saying goodbye. He, his dad and little brother didn't know about this or why she left. He still retains some of her language, gnostasse, from when he was young and she spoke it to him. This looks like music notes when written, so he often gets sad when observing sheet music.
His mother was from underbeats so possessed great musical ability. She taught them to play the piano.
His father could shoot lasers from his eyes, and passed this onto the children. Vj, the younger brother, fired them from his feet, and was accused of cheating at soccer. They could function like rocket boots. Wingding fired them from his hands, leaving them with holes where the palms should be.
Semi married a ghost woman who didn't like the kids, as she saw them as obstacles to getting what she wanted as semi put them first. She was from a somewhat rich family, but was never respected, and she was cast out. She always thought she deserved more, and really hated being ‘disrespected’, even over minor things. She had a daughter already, who was older than the kids. Ruby had been sheltered from others, and her mother would often get mad at her, she thought this was normal and played down her mothers outbursts. The stepmother was frustrated with other people, as she had a hard life and believed she deserved too much from others. She took this out on semi, vj and wd, they responded differently. Vj had previously been very bubbly and positive, but grew to blame others for his problems. This was somewhat justified, as his mother moving out and his stepmothers violence were out of his control. He became uptight, standoffish and in the future grew to despise wd for moving out to be with his wife.
Wd had low self esteem, since he didn't know what he had done wrong (nothing) and was told he was worthless and selfish. He was shy, didn't have many friends except for grillby, and was often bullied for being chubby. They would call him Wingdingus, which eventually evolved into wingus. He didn't speak English very well, and was teased for this as well. The name followed him home, and became an insult that he would bear whenever he faced his mother's ire. In high school he met Herman, who was encouraging, positive and loved languages. They bonded over learning to speak windings, and him learning to speak Spanish and wd helping her with science which she previously hated. He loved science, as it made sense to him unlike his home, and people in general. The nickname Wingus came to remind him of his insecurities, whatever he had done wrong. Herman was an only child, and he was struck by how nice her parents were. He would stay over at her house to escape, and then when he came back his step mum would be mad and vj would resent him for leaving him to her wrath. She got worse. She suspected he was trying to escape the punishment he deserved. She wanted him gone, but this felt too easy. He came to school battered, and Herman was very upset. Wing dings said he slipped and fell. Herman called him a wingus in kidding, and said he should be more careful. The tears started to fall. She didn't know what this nickname meant for him, and was very confused. Wing dings said it was just a stupid hangup from a while ago, and she shouldn't worry. She did though, and refused to call him it again, even if he did something stupid. Wingdings was a bit emotional about this, and she decided she didn't understand and to just move on.
In college they conceiveded the sans, a great surprise to Hermans parents. They were supportive, and wanted to meet wds parents to discuss marrying arrangements. He only brought semi, who was very nervous and shocked. He almost didn't want wd to move out with her, he felt he failed and didn't want to be left alone to be attacked, but decided to allow it. Wd felt bad, but Herman didn't understand why they were always so upset, and why wd didn't want her to meet his family. His stepmother attacked him when he tried to leave, cracking his face.
Wd was a teacher for a bit to pay for getting his ph d, and was a good teacher, often playing tricks on the smarty pants students, such as labelling his things with 'stolen from wd gaster' and pretending to enter the projector to fight someone in a trigonometry video who taught wrong, and pretended to get deleted.
Then, war happened! Everyone was trapped underground.
Wd became the royal scientist, and oversaw the building of the core. While doing this, he got pregnant with papyrus, so he ended up acting a bit silly. He was irritable, ate weird food combinations and vomited copiously after. His workers didn't know this, and wondered why he was fat and why he was screwing things up. He didn't like when they made fun of him for these things, as it reminded him of school and he would lash out.
After the birth of papyrus, he started to have symptoms like wheezing and shaking, dizzy spells, blurred vision, tiredness, coughing...
He knew this was falling sickness, often caused by a weakness in magic, sudden or over time. Determination from human souls was a strong magic, known to prevent them from disappearing after the human dying. Eventually, he fell, so he had to inject this into himself to survive. He lived, and from that point could no longer die.
He had been studying human souls to find a way out of the underground, to try and create an analog to break the barrier with. The determination started to warp his mind, so things that he would never try normally, because they were too outlandish or hurt others, suddenly became viable. He lost his sense of right and wrong in pursuit of this goal. That voice in the back of his head that always crushed his ideas because they were stupid, would take too long, too late, wouldn't work etc had manifested almost into a new being that lived in his mind. He lost colour vision in his droopy right eye, and in it he could see everything that had happened in the past in any universe. His dreams were a mishmash of images, and he would often come up with ideas triggered by words in a conversation like 'blue' to blue magic, integrity, new idea etc. He would often lose his train of thought because of this, so his notes became messier. He would have gaps in his memory, where the other controlled him, when he was there but not there, as he wandered through the halls. The visions would sometimes overwhelm him, and he would have breakdowns.
He tried to make a weapon to break the barrier with magic, resulting in the blasters. This was one of the safer ideas, and they became pets. He gave some to his family, as they were intelligent and good pets. They had to be secret, as they were a bit scary. Walking them was a challenge. Sancho was the prototype, and he made one for each magic colour. This didn't work. He then thought that maybe it had to be derived from a soul to work, since human souls break the barrier and many many monsters equal one human.
Those with falling sickness were entrusted to him, for him to,cure after his miraculous recovery. He experimented on them, many died and he created abominations. He would also extract magic from them using the blasters, which also served to extract and manipulate magic. His assistants found out about this, but he would always see them through his eye when they did and capture them, stop them from telling anyone. He had also had the thought of using healthy souls rather than weak ones, so this worked out well.
Sans worked in the lab as well, and he had been suspicious for a while. Wd would often make him do things that were questionable, and made him keep quiet. Later, sand found out what he was really doing, and tried to fight and stop him. Then, wd wakes up and realises what he has done. In trying to break the barrier he forgot why he was doing this, for the good of monsters. Instead, he was hurting them. Nobody in the underground had been untouched by him, they didn't know it though. He wanted to fix it, to undo what had been done, but he knew his sick mind wouldn't let him, and he would only do more damage by staying in this world. Even if he could fix it people wouldn't trust him again, he had become what his stepmother always said he was and he didn't deserve his loving family who he had neglected and used to get to his goal, and failed anyway. He became the problem he had tried to solve. He had become that Wingus the screw up, the selfish, the worthless. He didn't deserve to live.
So he jumped.
He thought he would be incinerated instantly, become just another bit of the magic that fuelled the core. But he kept falling, into the light and then into the dark. He stabbed a bone through his chest. He fell faster and faster. He tore at himself in desperation.
He shatters into a million pieces over the rocky cliffs.
Others just like him, who share his name and nothing else, who have just fallen into the same place like fate meant them to, look up and see the explosion.
They see the shards fall, and gather into two clouds.
The clouds fall far into the distance.
Half of w.d. Gaster blinks open his dark and empty eyes.
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