#I would find it interesting if Touya dies still angry and spiteful though
problemswithbooks · 2 years
Ch. 363 and all I can say is, I do really want Dabi to die at this point. 
Part of it is because I’m not super fond of how Hori has written his character, but also because I don’t want anymore stupid ass pulls with his character anymore. 
I’m hoping the leaks are wrong because it is ridiculous if it’s true that he’s somehow copying Shoto’s last attack. First off he doesn’t even have the duel Quirk that Shoto has so how is what he’s doing anything similar in the first place. Second, it took Shoto a long time to learn that move and was the kind of the culmination of his character arc, so Dabi figuring it out in .02 seconds is both unbelievable and undercuts Shoto. Third it under cuts Dabi character if it suddenly says that he’s made his Quirk his own, sense his entire point was that he only used Enji’s moves because he could only focus on his revenge. 
I know people really expect him to have some sort of Phoenix Quirk but that’s just not a good thing to add to his arc. The point of Dabi is that he wasn’t the perfect heir Enji wanted and so he was tossed aside. If it turns out that he has some regeneration Quirk (which idk where he even would have inherited that from), it sort of implies that Enji shouldn’t have neglected, not because neglect is bad and wrong, but because Touya actually was prefect, and Enji really should have pushed him to his limits instead. It’s just a weird message to send, given all the build up we’ve had toward Touya needing to accept his limits and learn to see his value outside his Quirk, while Enji needs to show that he loves Touya for more then how much awesome his Quirk is. 
Meanwhile, giving Shoto the ability to heal him is also weird because it continues to paint him as perfect, and the savior of his family. It would also make Touya hate him even more because apparently there really wouldn’t be anything Shoto couldn’t do. It would fit in more with the themes Hori has built up then giving regeneration to Touya, but it still would feel forced and a Deus Ex Machina, given it wasn’t ever even hinted at.
And the issue is that unless he does get healed somehow, Dabi won’t have the time/power left for his big show of changing sides like many people think the core LoV will do (aka, helping take down AfO/protect civilians) so they can be “redeemed”. Not only that he seems to be calling on Skeptic, and giving him the signal to have AfO’s spies start killing civilians, while also burning people to death rather brutally, which means he’s really going to have to do something big to make up for that. Yet by the time Touya is convinced to change he’ll be completely burnt out (literally) so how will he even be able to help them?
 Touya’s character is just a mess at this point and I honestly think his death would make the most sense for the story at this point. I expect him to get some closure before he dies so Shoto still technically gets the win, but unless Hori pulls some crap out of his ass, I don’t see how Touya survives and gets to eat dinner which everyone. 
Which is sad for me because that means Enji’s most likely going to die too (it would be weird/shitty for the TodoFam plot if Touya died and Enji lived).   
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