#I’d change prim back to her MC self
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
I found my notes from the Haven Raised AU I had (Havenfall MC raised Harry Potter and its from years ago and sucked and I keep wanting to rewrite) and wow I was going to go places here.
I still like the idea of ‘wizards wanting power so they dabbled with things they shouldn’t’ which caused the different types of werewolves/vampires/whatever. And Hufflepuff Harry who wants to be a dragon tamer. That was fun.
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
tbh I think eisuke is better than Taki because he has more of a character development, wouldn't you agree?
Hey there, anon! Lmao that’s a kind of a controversial question you’ve asked me haha
Disclaimer: What’s written below is my own humble opinion, it’s not meant to hate on, or disregard, or disrespect anyone intentionally.
I’m going to have to say I disagree. And by saying I disagree, I am not, in the least bit, trying to state the counter: that Taki is better than Eisuke. If someone said that, I’d disagree then too. And that’s because of one simple reason, that Taki and Eisuke are two separate individuals with very, very different personalities and it’s wrong to compare them on the basis of character development, according to me. 
Here’s why:
1. Statue vs Rust Now, here’s a way to look at it. Eisuke’s character development is like making a statue, whereas Taki’s is like removing the rust. When it comes to Eisuke, his character development starts at a point where he doesn’t even know half the human emotions that exist, like love, care, affection, et cetera. He doesn’t invest his time in them because he’s never felt much of them, and the MC, over a period of time, has to make him understand what those emotions mean and how important they are. He gets introduced to a world he never knew, in a sense. That’s precisely why Eisuke has so much scope for development, too. In a metaphorical sense, it’s like the KBTBB MC meets a stone Eisuke and over a period of time, and after putting in tonnes of affection, hard work, and care, sculpts him into a beautiful statue. She slowly works on the intricate details and makes him into who he is now. Now, if you look at Taki, the scope for his character development is limited in this sense (I’ll elaborate on that in a bit). With him, it’s like polishing the rust off of something. When it comes to his story line, he is very different in terms of knowing emotions as compared to Eisuke because he has already felt emotions like love, care, affection, et cetera. In his teenage years, he was a very charming and kind individual who knew those feelings well. But, due to the misunderstanding with MC and the debt situation, he felt like those emotions aren’t meant to be felt, that they are a hindrance. He purposefully chose to mask over what he felt because he knew the price of letting them out. Here, MC’s task was to remove that facade, and she made him realise it’s okay to feel those feelings. It was like removing a thick layer of rust to allow his inner self to shine through. In simpler terms, it’s like letting something which was already there come up to the surface, instead of shaping it from scratch, like what happens with Eisuke.
Even if you look at their MS’, you’ll notice that Eisuke, by the end of his MS is still pretty bland whereas Taki has more of a feel to him. He smiles more, he’s more honest, and it’s like bringing a teenage Taki back.
2. Varying Scopes Eisuke’s stories are more about him coming to terms with his emotions and realizing he feels things which he didn’t even know he felt. More like, Eisuke’s story line’s central theme, in most cases, is working on his character development from an emotional point of view. It focuses on how Eisuke feels, and grows that into something more. Whereas with Taki, his stories aren’t about his character development with respect to feeling new emotions and dealing with them. His character development is linked to coming to terms with his past and allowing himself to feel what he denied feeling for so many years. That’s one reason why you won’t find a lot with Taki in terms of his emotional development with respect to feeling new things.
3. History does repeat itself With Eisuke and MC, it’s important to note that they didn’t know each other at all prior to that fateful meeting at the hotel lobby. They probably hadn’t even talked much and their relationship started from square one. So it’s kind of understandable why Eisuke would still keep his walls up for a LONG time. It takes a while for Eisuke and MC to work through obstacles and establish a degree of trust between them with respect to each other. Whereas with Taki, MC and him already share a history. They were high school sweethearts and Taki and MC both know what the other person was like, and can decipher from a mere few moments that neither of them has changed much over the years, except for having a higher wall around them, owing to their experiences with life in the past. Once Taki and MC realise who the other is, it’s a little bit of awkwardness before they both allow themselves to settle in and be comfortable around each other (even banter a lot lol), because they essentially do know the other person well. Because of that, there’s already a certain degree of trust established between Taki and MC right from the middle of his MS Season 1. That, in turn, leaves less of character development in terms of his relationship with MC when it comes to Taki.
4. Family Backgrounds It’s also important to look at how different their backgrounds are. Eisuke hails from a reputable family, and was adopted into a super rich family as a kid too. He has always dealt with two-faced people and has always had a much more luxurious life from the start. What I’m trying to say is, Eisuke’s not bothered to concern himself with emotions from the very beginning because that’s what’s been ingrained into him from his childhood. Also, because he’s been ultra rich from the start, the MC has more work to do when it comes to making him realise money ain’t everything, my guy. Now with Taki, he has very humble origins. He came from a very normal family, and knows what it’s like to live with just enough money (not being ultra rich, I mean). He was a very normal guy in high school with a very warm group of friends, an incredible girlfriend who he was in love with and a very humble life. His attachment to money came with the debt, when he realised as long as you have money, you have power and as long as you have power, you have everything. MC’s task here was to take him back to his teenage days and make him understand that sometimes, it’s the less expensive things which give you more happiness. 
5. Old Habits Die Hard Now, let’s look at their interactions with the MC. If you’ve noticed, Eisuke is very... hm, how should I put it... non-slangy + formal in the way he speaks. To make more sense of this, Eisuke is very proper when he speaks, and he doesn’t use a lot of phrases like “Man, you’re...” or “God, that was....”. And that’s because it’s been ingrained into him. Eisuke’s vocabulary is very prim and proper and non-slangy because that’s what he’s been taught since childhood. It makes him seem more like a robot, in a sense in the very beginning, in my opinion. Gives him a less relatable vibe, basically (and I mean no hate). Whereas if you look at Taki’s stories, he often uses a lot of phrases like, “God, you’re cute.” or “Man, that was something.” and that’s mainly just his high school, boy next door self showing its form. It makes him more relatable and human in my opinion, and those slangs are what show the reader that yes, the Teenage Taki still exists in there.
6. Won’t Lose You As stated previously, Eisuke hadn’t even known the MC exists till they met in the hotel lobby in the prologue. So when Eisuke and MC start dating, it’s with a perspective of “Okay, now she is my girlfriend.”, which doesn’t allow Eisuke to be very open about his feelings from the start. In case you’re confused, hang in there and let me explain Taki’s side to help you understand better. Now, Taki is MC’s ex. Someone who was very in love with her. Still is. He knows what it’s like to lose the MC, for he had already lost her once, and would do anything and everything to NOT lose her again. Thus, he is relatively more open with his emotions. He let’s her know how much he loves her, values her, cares for her, because he doesn’t want to let her go again, ever.
7. Okay, Let’s Be Direct Eisuke is a very “actions speak louder than words” person. He isn’t very open with his emotions, heck he doesn’t even say “i love you” till MC demands it out of him lmao. He is very indirect in terms of expressing what he feels for the MC, even in his later stories, and it takes time for him to come to terms with the word “love”, in general. If you look at Taki, he has been very direct from the start. Even in high school when he confessed to MC he went “I like you.” and in his MS when MC asked him why he kissed her, he said “Because I love you.” right on her face. He has always been direct with expressing himself, so that leaves a much smaller scope when it comes to him coming to terms with feelings like love and care, et cetera.
8. Different Premises Now, this might be the last point I touch upon. The thing is, both KBTBB and KoP are set in VERY different themes. In KBTBB, the MC is a normal person with a fulfilling life, she gets sold in the auctions, meets the auction managers and her journey starts from there. In KBTBB, MC has to mainly deal with the stress that comes with throwing herself into the dangerous life Eisuke and the other lead, and apart from that her life doesn’t really have much of an angst. In the sense, that none of the action managers have to actually deal with the MC and her emotions, per say. In KoP, the MC goes through a divorce which basically leaves her mentally shattered. She self-doubts and and constantly keeps worrying about what did she do wrong which made things end up the way they did. Here, while the KoP guy and and MC fall in love, it’s also about helping MC realise what happened was not her fault entirely. It’s about connecting deeper, much deeper, on an emotional level with the MC, which gives Taki a sort of a head start when it comes to character development in terms of bonding with the MC. ... I hope that made sense lol
That was a LONG response, not gonna lie, and I’m so sorry for being late with this! But, I hope I was successful in showing you my side of things on this debate. 
Thanks a lot for the ask! <3
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kitsumiekat · 6 years
For Kingdom, For Her - Liam x OC, Maxwell x MC (TRR Fanfic) (9/?)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x OC (Kina)
Rating: NSFW
Summary:  In the aftermath of the attack, the Unity Tour starts off at Fydelia. But Madeleine still nurses a deep grudge not only to the royal family, but to the new Duchess Riley, and point blank refuses to step in to help. Help comes in a different form… and one that absolutely distracts Liam in ways he never expected.
A/N: That ending to TRR was perfect! And... ah, gives me so many ideas for the ending of Kina and Liam. <3
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The whole way back, Kina couldn't help but keep an eye on Liam. Gone was the warm, laughing prince who had made slow, sweet love to her the night before. In place was a worried looking man who stood by the window as the rest of their friends sat silently in their carriage. 
To make matters worse, because Kina did not want to push matters between them, she could not even go up to him to offer any words of comfort.
It was not until the gang had seen Constantine in the hospital, did Liam's shoulders relax when the previous King insisted on attending the Costume Gala. The whole time the monarchs and Liam conversed, Kina did her best to inch her way behind Drake, fully aware of Regina’s careful stare on her, especially after the events of the night before.
"Surprise! It's your favorite press secretary!" A sudden voice interrupted, as the door swung open.
"Justin! You're alive!" Riley exclaimed.
"From what I've seen in the news, you've been in good hands." 
To Kina's surprise, the dashing bespectacled male she now knew to be her predecessor to Riley walked up to her, caught her fingers before she could protest, and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of her hand. She froze, her gaze instinctively darting to Liam's face. His features were chiseled hard, eyes zeroing in on the lips that lingered on the back of her hand.
Quickly, Kina retracted her hand and offered a small smile when Justin grinned at her. Almost immediately, a sharp voice cut through, breaking the male's eye contact with her to focus on the speaker.
"I heard you were injured in the attack. You're looking well, though." Liam asked in a congenial tone. Yet when Kina looked at him, she sensed a tightness in his voice as he spoke.
"Yeah, I took a nasty shot at the Homecoming Ball, but I'm not kicking the bucket just yet. If you can breathe, you can stand, and if you can stand, you can you can fight." 
Kina blinked, slightly taken aback by how bright and preppy Justin was. 
Watching as he continued speaking, the girl leaned towards Maxwell, whispering "Is he always this bright and early?"
Maxwell chuckled and nodded. "He did great as Riley's press secretary. Although, you're doing just as well."
As Justin and Constantine dissolved into conversation about being discharged, Kina's eyes were quick to spot Regina and Riley speaking with Liam, and the girl frowned when the conversation ended with a distressed looking Liam, as everyone else filed out. Unable to put herself away again, she lingered in the empty room as everyone left, reaching out to take Liam's hands."Is everything alright?"
"The doctor says he doesn't have much time left." 
Her heart broke at the hollowed tone he used, and she tightened her hold, feeling helpless as he returned her grip with a tight one of his own. What could she do? It was not as if she could stop death as it knocked on Liam's father's door, as much as she wanted to.
"I promise you - we'll find some time to tell them, alright? Just... not yet."
Kina scowled and used her free hand to swat at him. He yelped and rubbed at the upper arm with a perplexed look. "What was that for?"
"For being a git. Do you think I would force you to say anything you don't want to?"
Obviously realizing he had managed to irritate her, Liam's eyes widened, and he hurriedly yanked her closer, shaking his head. "I didn't mean it that way. I just feel bad because there are too many things, and that means we can't-"
"You have more important things, Liam. 'We' can wait." she murmured, using her fingers to push at his forehead with a soft laugh. "Now let's go. We need to get back to the capital in time for the ball."
Dressed in a simple black dress, Kina descended the main stairwell of the palace, clipboard in hand. Her mind raced with the many things she had to arrange in place during and after the costume ball for Riley and Maxwell, that she barely noticed and ran into a hard chest. With a small yelp, Kina stumbled backward, almost falling had a strong arm not quickly caught her by the waist.
Having squeezed her eyes closed to prepare for impact, she opened them, her mouth in a small 'O' when Liam's smiling face met her surprised gaze. He chuckled as he helped her up, and then frowned when his eyes took in the rest of her outfit.
"What?" Kina asked, unable to help the slightly defensive tone in her tone as she straightened her black, form-fitting dress. It fit her purpose - she had no wish to stand out.
But Liam obviously had issues with it.
For the first time, however, her eyes took in the regal, red outfit he wore, and she couldn't help the way her heart leaped into her throat. The stark difference in their rank slapped her in her face. Liam could almost see Kina clamming up in the way she straightened up, holding her clipboard all prim and proper like in front of her. He frowned, disliking all of her actions.
"What... are you wearing?"
"A... dress? It is a ball, as much as I'd love to go in my comfy linen pants, I think I may get fired." Kina laughed at her own joke, trying to diffuse the tension she obviously saw gathering in the King's face.
He sighed, raising a tired brow at her. Did she not see herself in any flattering light at all? She made him laugh. Her very presence shone a light in his life, made him forget just for a brief moment, the immense pressure he had on his shoulders now as the King. What did he have to do to make her see that? Looking down at his own outfit, it finally clicked in his mind, just why she had drawn back in her own shell. His gaze flickered back to her again, and it only took a split second for the dark-haired prince to decide.
Before Kina could protest, Liam had grabbed her wrist and all but dragged her to the royal boutique, where he deposited her right in the center before heading to rifle through the hangers. Kina stared at the sight of the regally dressed King rifling through the various outfits. "What are you-"
"Getting you an outfit befitting you, Lady Makeena of Fydelia." he muttered, a strain in his tone. Settling on a midnight blue dress which had a diamond-encrusted bodice, he pushed it in her direction, ignoring her spluttered words as he turned her and shoved her by her shoulders towards the changing room. "Either you change, or I'm stripping you right here, Kina. Your choice." he finally said with a tone of finality when she turned to walk out, only to have Liam blocking her way.
For a long moment, both of them stared at each other in silent mutiny.
And then Liam reached up to cup her cheek, thumb caressing her cheeks in a show of tenderness that immediately had Kina's heart fluttering. "You are worth every bit of attention anyone shows you. Myself included. You have a heart greater than anyone else I've seen... and you will walk into the Costume Ball on my arms tonight." he grinned a wolfish grin that, in any other circumstances, would likely have resulted in Kina jumping on him had they not been in a public area. "Because I'm likely snapping the neck of the next man who shows you attention."
"Where did the everyone else go to, you were saying?"
"Self-defense training."
"In their dresses?!" Kina squeaked in surprise. Liam turned to look at her, and couldn't help the soft chuckle at her large rounded eyes. She looked extra adorable when she allowed her actual emotions to show - and he wanted to always see her actual emotions and not the controlled facade she showed everyone else.
"Mara's logic stands." he shrugged, reaching out to push a tendril of her curled blonde hair, tucking it behind her ears. "You're more likely to be attacked in your ballgown then in proper attire - so she felt it was appropriate." Liam was finding it harder and harder to tear his eyes away from her, even as they now stood right at the entrance of the ballroom, ready to enter at the given notice. She was spectacularly dressed, and his eye for clothes for her proved itself. The extravagant dress Liam had picked out fell to her ankles accentuated her pale skin and blonde locks, the very ones which she had curled and haphazardly tucked into a simple coiffure on top of her head. The dress had a modest neckline, but a plunging back which showed off the curves that she had. The dress itself flowed like water around her legs and was paired off with a pair of glittering silver heels, lending Kina an illusion of height and elegance.
"And I do not need self-defense skills?"
A flare of protectiveness surged through Liam, and he tightened his arms around the hand she had threaded through his elbow. "No. Because you will not stray from my side tonight, Kina. I mean it." He couldn't bear to see a repeat of what had happened to Riley, happen to Kina. Not this small, petite younger sister to Madeleine that he has come to now fiercely appreciate.
Before she could respond, the voices of the rest of the nobles made both of them turn, and Kina's eyes widened when her eyes landed on their friends and their outfits. She found each of their outfits gorgeous, Hana's and Riley's especially outstanding, but... "Maxwell?!" she gasped with a hidden laugh.
Liam chuckled, nodding at their friends. "He insisted," he explained to Kina, as the rest of them approached.
"There you two are."
"We were... delayed by Kina's impeccable fashion sense. I have fixed it."
Drake wore a look that obviously said he did not believe them, but it was Hana and Riley whose sharp eyes saw the way Kina's eyes rested in the crook of Liam's arms and exchanged looks that hid their squeals of delight. Riley especially had been feeling bad ever since she rejected Liam for Maxwell. She knew Liam was a great person, a noble one who deserved someone who whole-heartedly loved him.
"Everyone's so pretty!" Hana exclaimed, drawing Riley back from her silent, solo celebration of the way Liam tenderly and thoughtlessly caressed Kina's hands that he held.
"Only a few others here break a seven on the costume scale." Olivia scathingly remarked.
The call of the new duchess's name made the whole group turn, just in time to see the arrival of Kiara and Penelope, both decked in dresses that represented their house and colors. As everyone complemented each other on their choice of outfit, it was one voice that brought a chill to Kina when she heard it.
"What's this little gathering?"
Liam felt the way Kina froze, and while this was supposed to have been his ex-fiance, he couldn't help the mild irritation that leaped up when they all turned to face Madeleine's icy cold stare. In her dress of ivy leaves that represented her house and her perfectly curled blonde hair, it was obvious to see Kina was like her sister in color and skin. But to Liam, that was where the similarities ended.
Where Madeleine had been conniving, ambitious and cold, Kina was warm, friendly and with a heart that was eager to help others. The difference could not be starker, and Liam revealed in the fact that he had the right sister on his arm, even as Olivia dove right in to antagonize Madeleine.
"Must you really barge into everyone's business?"
"I am checking upon my hapless sister." she breezed past Olivia and then appeared to freeze in shock when she saw just whose arm Kina was on. Madeleine frowned, eyes flickering to Liam's hard gaze, and then back to her sister. Appearing to decide to go ahead anyway, she bowed to Liam, and immediately wore a smile Kina recognized to be that of sly plans - she had seen Madeleine practice that smiles to perfection all her life after all. "I do hope my sister has not embarrassed herself. I see she's at least managed to pick a respectable dress for her charge. Lucky guess?"
“Know your place, Lady Makeena. I’m sure Lord Godfrey has taught you since birth.”
In that one instant, as Madeleine's reprimanding voice brought to mind the disapproving look of the Queen Mother, it was as if walls were closing in on Kina, the drowning in the sea -
Liam tightened his grip on her arm, bringing her back to the brink of reality, surprising her enough to make Kina turn her gaze to him. She saw his hardened features, the steeled gaze he focused on Madeleine who in turn, looked very shocked to be on the receiving end of such a fierce look from her usually gentle ex-fiance.
And she was reminded of everything he's told her. That he would fight for her, that he would choose her, would risk for her.
All prepared to launch into a defense for Kina, Liam was held back when a soft hand and a touch he knew was laid on his chest. Turning down to the owner of the delicate fingers, the King's eyes widened when he saw the determined look on Kina, who faced her sister with a fire he's seeing for the first time.
"I have had the same classes as you had Madeleine, and I single-handedly run Fydelia while everyone is away. I believe I can handle Duchess Riley's reputation just as well as you can."
While soft, there was a quiet determination in Kina's voice that made Liam swell with pride as he watched the subtle shift in her posture. The straightening of her spine, tightening of her hold. "The duchy of Valtoria is represented by the colors red and white - military strength and sincerity. The dove signifies a symbol of peace, but Lady Riley has chosen the Phoenix - just what Cordonia needs, a symbol of beauty reborn from ashes."
The more she spoke, the more the pride grew in his chest as she steadfastly stared at her sister, who seemed surprised at the change that had come over Kina. For once, Madeleine appeared to be at a loss for words. The rest of their group stared in surprise, but Liam practically radiated pride as Kina stepped back, just as the doors opened.
"It's time!" Maxwell's excited exclamation broke the stunned silence.
Olivia's subtle quip to Maxwell was left unheard, as the King squeeze Kina's hands to bring her attention to him. There in his gaze, her breath caught when she saw how his eyes shone for her - with what emotion, Kina was afraid to put a finger on, but it definitely made her heart tighten. "Come on, my lady.
Arm in arm, both of them headed to the front of the line, right in front of the closed ballroom doors where one could hear muffled strains of music playing from the other side.
Looking down at her, his look melted to one of tender affection when he saw her suddenly become a nervous wreck again. Walking in on his arm - it was practically a public declaration. What would his parents think? Regina would probably rip her a new one.
"Are you ready?"
Kina nervously gripped at the material of her dress, biting her lip. Was she? Well, it was either do or never.
Turning to him, she smiled, calling on the faux courage to bolster her till she could make it. "The real question is... whether Cordonia is ready for me."
The walk-in had been... well, nerve wrecking would be saying the least of it. Being announced on the tail of the King was an experience Kina would akin to nothing before, especially when her appearance was met with whispers mixed amongst the fanfare and applause. Throughout the whole time, she kept a firm grip on Liam's arm, and to his credit, he never let her go, always next to her to keep a conversation or steer her in the right direction. Other then that one time where he had to address the crowd upon Constantine's entrance, Liam had never once left her side.
"Your hard work has paid off." Liam murmured, watching the way people spoke to each other, the soft lull of conversation on the background of the string musicians.
Kina raised a brow, her hands nursing her glass of punch. "My hard work? You mean yours and Riley's," she replied with a laugh.
Liam laughed, and affectionately rubbed her back. He ached to press a kiss to her skin, but he knew better than to draw attention to her now. Even with Andy dogging her every step as her new security detail, he was taking no chances. "We've come a long way. You played a big part in it." he paused, letting his gaze linger on Kina for a period of time till she flushed.
"I'm proud of you. You did well, standing up against Madeleine."
His words made her smile turn to one that was more abashed then anything. Just then, Constantine waved across the room at Liam. He frowned, hand still lingering on her waist, but Kina nudged him. "Go. I still have a job to do tonight." she reminded him, a laugh glittering in her eyes.
Looking down at her with obvious worry in his eyes, Liam sighed and looked up to wave Andy over. "Watch over her." he murmured, giving her one last look before he drifted away to where Constantine stood. Her eyes followed his movements as if she couldn't bear to be away from him.
"You aim too high, little sister."
Madeleine's sharp tone caused Kina to look sharp, and her eyes narrowed at the condescending look Madeleine wore. "He is King. I was trained to be the Cordonian Queen since I was a baby."
Kina paused. And then smiled. "But being a Queen requires more than just emulating previous monarchs," Kina said with a straightening of her spine, and a confident smile on her lips. Parroting Liam's words to her, she continued, "It is having the heart to forgive, and wanting to bring others to the top. Have you ever wanted someone else to be on top other than yourself, Madeleine?"
Without waiting for her sister's response, Kina pivoted on her heels and turned to where Hana and Riley were waving her over, content to leave Madeleine to seethe.
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