#I’m not even into rc9gn but this is very cool
maxinkress · 3 years
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Hooray, Max got his hands on the Secret Santa!!! I was very pleased to draw this thing because I love a RC9GN myself, and in general I haven't drawn on this fendom for a long time, so it was one-digit cool. This is my first art in the coming 2021 and I'm glad that it became such.) 0) I had plans to still sketch them, but we’ll see, and then the debts are squeezed and grabbed by the ass already.
For all who do not understand what is happening in the picture, I will explain how I even conceived it.
Randy points a finger in Howard's face because he lost to him in "grave cracker" (which I couldn't draw and I'm sad for that), and Howard is like, "Oh no, take your finger off, I'm going to show you all my power." AND TAKE IT ANY WAY YOU WANT, OKAY.
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tsuukichan · 3 years
Hello Rosa! 😊💖 I have few questions for you. Q#1: Do you like Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja? Q#2: What are your favorite RC9GN characters you admire? Mine is Randy Cunningham! 🥰😍💖 Q#3: Can you accept requests about Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja x female reader scenarios, headcanons and oneshots? Please answer my questions I appreciate. 😊💖
Hey, dear anon! ❤️
Thanks for the ask and I will try to answer to your questions! 😊
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So for the question n°1 :
Honestly, I didn't even knew that show existed. 😅
That show is not very popular in my country but that show seems to be interesting! 😊(I wish to have Disney + account to watch that show. 😭)
Questions n°2 :
As I said I don't know what the show is but after searching in Google I can understand why you like Randy Cunningham ! 🙂
He seems to be a very interesting character and he's the only one who grabed my attention with the villain. (because he looks like an asparagus. A bad asparagus! 😨)
Well maybe I will be able to watch that show but it's hard to judge with just pictures. 😅
But yeah Randy Cunningham seem to be very cool and great!
Questions 3 :
Sorry, but I can't do a Randy Cunningham x Female Reader. 😥
I don't know anything about the show and I will be very OCC and I am a little uncomfortable about writing about a character that I don't know anything about!
I'm so sorry! 😨🙏
Please take care of yourself! And thanks again for the ask!
~ Mod Rosa ~
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ladylynse · 7 years
1 - We really need more interaction between Randy and First Ninja. Like, First really need to give Randy a pat on the back and say "thank you" (or something) after what Randy did. 2 - Remember that rc9gn - dp crossover? Got any snippets for a possible aftermath? 3 - That Debbie ficlet you got here on tumblr. "Debbie's Pronouncment" I think it's called. Got anything more for it? (these are the cookies I'm throwing you, so feel free to pick one. I'm happy with whichever you chose!)
Thanks for the request in response to this post! I’ll do more of them, but for nowhere’s Option 1, post season two finale. (I watched it again and tried to build on a thread I thought the show might have taken.)
Aftermath: [FF | AO3]Randy didn’t reallythink the NinjaNomicon would mind wipe him now that he’d defeated the Sorcerer—well,he’d hoped not—but he definitely didn’t expect what he got once he finallyopened it again.
Randy was so psyched about not only not moving out ofNorrisville but also moving next door to Howard that he didn’t even look at theNomicon for a week.
In his defence, he didn’t need to.
He’d done what no other Ninja before him could: he’ddefeated the Sorcerer. The honkin’Sorcerer. Eight hundred years, and hewas the one to free Norrisville from the Sorcerer’s evil. He’d definitelyearned bragging rights, even if Howard had shut him down after an hour ofgloating. Well, he’d tried to, but Randy kept bringing it up because he could.Howard knew, after all, and no one else did.
Not that everyone else was praising the Ninja like theyshould. Some of the kids at school had actually taken Doug’s side and wonderedwhy the Ninja hadn’t told them that there was an evil sorcerer living undertheir school, but really. They had no honkin’ clue how wonked things would’vebeen if they’d discovered the truth and the Sorcerer had been able to use theirfear against them. Even kids he was pretty sure got that idea now, despite notreally linking stanking to negative emotions, weren’t entirely happy. Debbie,for instance, was still intent on unmasking him. Even more so now, sincearguably he didn’t have any good reason to hide.
As if the lack of the Sorcerer under the school meant hedidn’t have to answer for anything in the past. McFist knew that his deal withthe Sorcerer was dust, but the man wasn’t a complete shoob. He probably wouldn’ttake too kindly to the fact that a teenager had outsmarted him—well, sorta—and cheatedhim out of his reward. And without the entire school unquestionably on his sideabout the whole Sorcerer thing, it was kinda better to lay low.
Julian seemed cool with the whole ‘being split into two andtrapped in the Land of Shadows by his evil half’ thing, but it was Julian, sothat didn’t amount to much.
And, anyway, it was easy to lay low when he didn’t have toworry about robots or monsters and he could just marathon Grave Puncher with Howard.
If something came up, he could totally Ninja out again, butit wouldn’t, and he surely didn’t have to mind wipe himself yet, because why would he want to forgethow bruce he’d been in this last battle?
So he just left the Nomicon in his room, and that was that.
He might’ve looked at it earlier if it hadn’t gotten buriedunder a bag of clothes, actually, or if he hadn’t had the flickering TV screenon for most hours of the night. Judging by the frequency and intensity of thepulsing light when he did finallynotice it around midnight a week after the Sorcerer’s defeat, it wasn’t too happywith him for being ignored.
“Aw, c’mon, Nomicon,” he groaned. Now that the clothes thathad covered it were in a heap on the floor instead, the Nomicon’s glow lookedextra bright in the dark of his bedroom. Somehow, that made it look angrier. “You’vegotta admit I was the absolute cheese out there. And it’s not like I’ve beenabusing the mask since! I’ve been verygood about that. I even refilled the smoke bombs!”
Naturally, the book admitted nothing, so Randy reached outand opened it, hoping this wasn’t the last time he was going to do that.
He fell through the dizzying symbols and wound up face firston what felt like hard ground. That was better than being instantly mind wiped,but it was still painful. He sat up and rubbed his head, but it didn’t take himlong to realize where he was: the grand temple where he’d last spoken withFirst Ninja, the one which proudly displayed a mural of the two of them. Heglanced around, but no words materialized, even after he’d gotten to his feet.
“What?” he finally called. “Am I waiting for a lecture inperson now or something? You can’t tell me I’m neglecting my Ninja duties whenI don’t have any anymore!” He didn’t want to bring up the Ultimate Lesson; itmight give the Nomicon ideas.
“A battle won,” a quiet voice said behind him, making himjump, “does not always secure the war.”
Randy turned to face First Ninja, who looked exactly as hehad the last time Randy had met him here. He had stepped out of the muralagain, and from the sounds of it, it was for a lecture. In his opinion, Randydid not deserve a lecture. He deserved a giant thank you for doing what noNinja before him had managed to do, includingFirst Ninja. “What the juice are you talking about? Beating the Sorcerer was winning the war! That’s what thewhole war was! And I defeated him, soyou’re welcome.”
To Randy’s surprise, First Ninja bowed to him—deeply—and said,“Such an achievement deserves the gratitude of all the Norisu Nine, but youmost especially have mine. You have ensured that the sacrifice of my brotherswas not made in vain. May you forever have the swiftness of the river, thestrength of the mountain, and the acumen of the Great Dragon.” He straightened,looked Randy in the eye, and added, “All will be needed in the future.”
Randy held up one finger. “Okay, see, you started out reallywell. I liked the first bit. I don’t know what acumen means, but it soundsgood. But that ending? That sounds bad.And it shouldn’t sound bad. I defeated the honkin’ Sorcerer. What more do youwant from me?”
“Evil begets evil, and the duty of—”
“Nononono, hold on. I’m gonna say this one more time. TheSorcerer is gone. He was like the evil half of this other dude that had beentrapped in the Land of Shadows, and they merged, and he thanked me—properly—and then he dissolved. There’sno way he’s coming back. You got that now? I don’t have the worry about himanymore. No one does. Ever. Because I defeated him. Because I’m the brucestNinja ever.” He blinked, remembered who he was talking to, and added quickly, “Um,no offence, but you get my drift. I mean, I stopped him. You just trapped him.”
“The ripples of the dropped pebble are not stopped byplucking it from the water.”
Randy stared at him blankly. “Why would I pick up a stone ifI threw it into the water in the first place?”
First Ninja took a deep breath, released it, and said, “TheSorcerer was but one evil. A door once known cannot be unknown, and even themost ancient of enemies can have allies.”
Randy waited, but First Ninja didn’t add anything to makehis meaning any clearer. Randy decided to wait a moment more.
Still nothing.
“The time has not come for the Ninja to lay down his sword.”
For the first time since winding up in the Nomicon, Randyrelaxed. “Great. Because I didn’t really want to mind wipe myself yet. I mean,that’s a pretty big achievement to just forget.Now, be honest, once things settle down out there and people get over the factthat I never told them about the Sorcerer, do you think I can get them todeclare it Ninja Week in my honour? A day’s not really enough recognition forall of that, y’know? Because it was pretty bruce. Admit it. You know it was.”
First Ninja sighed. “It was bruce,” he allowed, and Randy knew he was smiling even if he couldn’tsee it. “You did well.”
“And you can’t thank me enough.”
“Yes, but—”
“Right, because after what I did, I deserve more than just athank you and a pat on the back.” He smirked. “Even though you haven’t given methat pat on the back yet.”
First Ninja took the hint. “You did well,” he repeated,giving Randy a hearty thump on the back that nearly sent him sprawling into thedirt, “but you must know that all is not done.”
“How the cheese is it not all done?” Randy exclaimed. “We’vebeen over this! The Sorcerer is gone.”
“His most infamous ally was trapped in the Land of Shadows,”First Ninja explained, finally saying something that resembled sense, “and adoor which was opened once may be opened again.”
“You’re talking about the honkin’ Sorceress? But she can’t get out of the Land of Shadows! That’s thepoint! No one can! The first time was definitely a fluke.”
First Ninja just looked at him, and it finally clicked.
He had gotten outof the Land of Shadows.
Evil Julian didn’t count, in Randy’s opinion. He’d had thereal Julian on this side, and the Sorceress—if she was split like the Sorcererhad been—probably didn’t, since anyone on this side would be long dead if theyweren’t filled with evil magic. Probably. It was hard to tell, consideringJulian appeared to have survived in the Land of Shadows just by eatingstalactites (stalagmites? Randy couldn’t even remember anymore) and the man infancy pants who had been the non-evil part of the Sorcerer had been chained tothe wall of the dark and ominous cave, so he probably hadn’t eaten anything atall. In eight hundred years.
Okay, so maybe the magic worked in such a way that bothparts of the Sorceress would surviveif she had been separated.
Which would actually be good for him, because she wasbasically the Sorcerer, except free and more powerful for that, especially if she got out of the Land of Shadows the sameway he had.
He hadn’t even thought about her. He hadn’t thought aboutanything besides getting back to Norrisville with Howard (and Julian, he supposed)and stopping Evil Julian. But what if the monster with the portal in its mouthwas still stuck? What if anyone couldwalk through to Norrisville just by getting the monster to open its mouth? Justhow badly had he wonked up without realizing it?
“I totally shoobed this, didn’t I?” Randy murmured. He felthis knees buckle, but he didn’t care that he hit the ground hard. He’d…. He’dthought he’d done so…. But all he’d done was….
First Ninja sat down across from him, dropping into across-legged position in one smooth motion. “The great Ninja who defeated theSorcerer is before me,” he said. “Such a legendary deed will not be forgotten. Youhave written a future worthy of a true Ninja of Norrisville by ridding our townof a terrible evil. Despair is but a demon of the mind; the strength to defeatit, though aided by strength from without, must come from within.”
“But I can’t beat the Sorceress! She’s strong enough tostank people without them even being afraid! How the cheese can I fight her? I’mnot ready for that!”
First Ninja stood and held out his hand. “You once told meNinjas do not quit. Were you not right in that belief?”
He hadn’t expected to hear that now, but somehow it made himfeel better. “Ninjas don’t quit,” he agreed, taking First Ninja’s hand and lettingthe other Ninja pull him to his feet. “But I’m not prepared to fight theSorceress. What if I don’t win?”
“Doubt is a poison that assures defeat.”
That didn’t answer his question. “Do you at least know whenshe’s going to attack?”
First Ninja shook his head. “The minds of others are noteasily known, but the best defense begins with preparation.”
Randy swallowed. He didn’t like the sound of that. He’d haveto ask Julian exactly how fast the whispers of news travelled in the Land ofShadows. If he was lucky, Julian would actually answer him in a way he couldunderstand.
But Julian had heard tell of the exit portal after onlybeing the Land of Shadows for…well, Randy wasn’t sure exactly how long. Months,probably, assuming time there went about the same speed as it did here, and ithad seemed to. And the Sorceress had been there for centuries. He kinda doubted she hadn’t looked into everything, andif she caught wind of the fact that something had changed? She was practicallyguaranteed to check it out.
She’d be coming.
And, somehow, he’d have to be ready for her.
“Can you at least teach me your dragon fist move?” he asked.“I’m not gonna lie. That’s the absolute cheese.And the Nomicon keeps refusing to show me.”
“Knowledge shared before its time is not always understoodand withers like a flower after frost,” First Ninja said, which admittedlyRandy didn’t entirely understand. But then he turned to the temple and added, “Thefruit is sweetest once fully ripe, though it is a pale reward for the changesyou have wrought.”
“You’re actually going to teach me?” Randy couldn’t keep theexcitement out of his voice. It soundedlike First Ninja was going to teach him. Finally.He’d asked about that move ever since he’d ended up teaming up with First Ninjaback in 1213, and this was the first time the Nomicon hadn’t ignored him.
“It is but the only way my gratitude may now be shown.”First Ninja gestured to the temple, probably to say Randy should follow him in,but Randy threw himself at the other Ninja in a hug instead.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he exclaimed. “This isgoing to be so honkin’ bruce. Wait till I show Howard!”
Maybe things weren’t over. Maybe he still had to fight theSorceress. But with First Ninja on his side—because he totally had influence overwhat the NinjaNomicon showed Randy and nothing was going to convince Randyotherwise—maybe he could actually do this.
He’d defeated the Sorcerer, after all.
And Ninjas don’t just quit. They had a duty to protect, sohe had a duty to protect Norrisville, just like First Ninja once had.
He’d defeated one great evil; he could defeat another if hehad to.
He wasn’t the Ninja of Norrisville for nothing.
(see more fics)
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