#If this was modern au pink///ie pie and rain///bow dash would be his favorite
starry-nights12 · 3 years
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Prince Lu Ten!
He's 6 years old and the baby of the family!
He loves his parents but is more closer to Katara.
Strawberries are his favorite fruit so sometimes he'll pick them off the bush and sit outside while he eats or have his parents slice them to feed to the turtleducks.
They're also his favorite animal like Zuko and has a turtleduck plushie he had since he was 2 years old.
Zuko doesn't like how the dandelions look in his garden but leaves them for Lu because they're his favorite 'flower'.
Since they wake up early than the rest of the family he likes to eat breakfast with him and Iroh II in the garden.
In his free time loves playing with his family and telling them jokes. He also loves drawing and painting with Azusa!
He found out he was a firebender when he was 8 years old and was eating dinner with his his family. They all exclaimed when Lu Ten loudly sneezed setting the food and table on fire.
"Holy hippo-cows! Did you see that?!"He shouted as Katara and Iroh II doused the flames with water.
Iroh II
Art belongs to @a-hams-art and we share custody of these steambabies!
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