#Jwas (bond)
spockvarietyhour · 18 days
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Richard Kiel as Jaws in "The Spy Who Loved Me" (1977)
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luna-ainsworth · 3 years
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Thank you @yoonkangsstuff for the inspiration 👏🙏
I'm a sucker for angsty past-life motif so I'm trying to develop one for Gahan, either as a fanfic, gifset or FMV (given that I can find the HD materials). I've just finished Ji Sung's Fengshui and I realize it has more similarity to The Devil Judge than I thought. I haven't watched Jinyoung in Legend Of The Blue Sea tho but I have some ideas:
- Kang Yo Han's previous life is a man living in Joseon period named Lee Heung Sun, who was the uncle of the current king. His brother - the deceased crown prince - was murdered by Kim Jwa Geun - head of the Kim Clan, who at the moment was having the absolute power in court.
- Kim Ga On's past life had the same name as him. He was a son of Kim Jwa Geun. Back then, the Kim Clan was the right hand of the previous kings, until Kim Jwa Geun was blinded by power and fortune.
- Young Heung Sun and Ga On went to the same school since they both belonged to the noble class. Heung Sun was 18, Ga On was 16 when they first met.
- They fought over a piece of jewelry in the market that they planned to give their crushes.
- They met again in school. Bad impression made them hate each other at first but during a school field trip, they got really lost and had to depend on each other to survive. Then they realized they had more in common than they thought and they bonded overtime. They would spend time studying together, having lunch and drinking wine and talking about anything in the world. Love started to blossom between them but they didn't realize it.
- One day, rumors started to grow in the palace. The Kim Clan was holding to much power and some feared a coup d'etat would happen soon. Heung Sun and Ga On brushed it off until it did happen. The Kim Clan murdered Heung Sun's brother and put a toddler on the throne as a tool to control the court. Heung Sun and Ga On's relationship fell apart.
- A short time later, Ga On fell ill. A deadly cancer that was impossible to cure back then. He tried to sent Heung Sun one last letter as a goodbye but Heung Sun burnt it without reading, only to regret it when he found out about Ga On's death some time later. He tried to forget Ga On, the son of the person who killed his brother. Moreover, the sad memories were one of his weaknesses. However, Ga On was also his happiest memories, and he found himself not being able to forget Ga On no matter how much he tried.
- 13 years later, Heung Sun planned to help the current king regain power. His right hand person ((a she but to him she was the same as K to Yo Han)) killed herself while being confronted by his rivals. He later fell into darkness as he attempted to make his son king. It turned out that helping the current king was just a step to achieve his final goal.
- The gods said that Heung Sun and Ga On were made for each other. But Heung Sun, in his lifetime, committed the sin of betrayal, contaminating sacred ground and destroying the Gaya temple. As a result, they decided that they would put him through almost the same hardship again in his next life as a test and if he passed, they would bless him with a happy ending with Ga On.
- Once again, Heung Sun, now Yo Han, had to mourn his brother and right hand person's death again and this time, he was betrayed by Ga On himself. But also this time, he didn't succumb to power and darkness, thanks to the two people he considers to be his world, Elijah and Ga On. And thus, Yo Han passed the test of the gods.
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momentsatmydesk · 3 years
'Mr. Queen’ Taught Me “Be You. The World Will Adjust.”
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I have no shame in proclaiming this so early into this year but… 'Mr. Queen' or ‘Queen Cheorin’ is my favorite drama watch of 2021.
Quite honestly, I don't know where to start with this show. There is so much happening in it, right from the very first scene and yet, it doesn't overwhelm or addle you (well done, team TVN).
A time-travel story, prominent Korean chef Jang-Bong Hwan's spirit suddenly transports back to the Joseon Dynasty and settles into Queen Kim So-Yong's body. Strangely, it is exactly at the same time when the Queen decides to jump into a palatial lake.
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So what does a man from the 21st century do trapped in a woman's body from a couple of 100 years ago? Of course, he tries every possible trick in the book to swap back to his own physical being.
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But the deities have other plans and we then see how Bong Hwan's spirit decides to own his role as a Queen until the heavens deem it right for him to return to present times.
I shall pause here and applaud the absolute brilliancy of actress Shin Hye-Sun who's done such a fantastic job portraying a narcissistic male spirit in a feminine form. She's a complete rock-star, our Queen Cheorin. She has zero hoots to give, she damns patriarchy in the face, she teaches the king a thing or two about how to run a goddamn country, she leads the creation of ramen as we know it today, she's bold, selfish and hellish funny.
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King Cheoljung is another interesting entity. Sporting a façade as a 'puppet king', he's actually the mastermind behind the revolt brewing up among the masses. He was never really into Kim So-Yong because his heart is already tied to Jo Hwa-Jin. His marriage to So-Yong is nothing but an extension of court politics and this infuriates our very handsome but clearly-a-bit-twisted second lead, Kim Byeong-in.
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In Byeong-in's defense, he's loved So-Yong ever since they were children and he's aware of her being despondent in finding no comfort or companionship in Cheoljong.
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We then have two classic bitches-of-the-first-order in Queen Sunwon (great grandmother-in-law) and Queen Dowager Jo (mother-in-law). The former is supported by the slyest villain in the history of Joseon dynasty Kim Jwa-Guen and is evil enough on her own, mind you. Topped up with Queen Dowager's crappy antiques, the trio deserve an ovation for the amount of times they can piss you off.
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The story follows the survival of Jang-Bong Hwan as Kim So-Yong amidst political intrigues and secrets that compose the palace and its people.
The show is hilarious. The comic timing, is absolutely woot-worthy and it just keeps wanting you to sit your ass down and move on to the next episode and then the next. Even through the darkest moments of storytelling, the show finds a way to make you laugh. And this, more than anything else (exception: Shin-Hye Sun's stellar performance) is the reason why I simply LOVE and adore the show.
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I cannot not talk about Court Lady Choi-Hwa, a sensational, traditional mother-figure who's about to lose her shit thanks to the baffling antiques of our Mr. Queen. From walking with her skirt held up to her knees, from burping in your face, from taking over the Royal Kitchen and to dancing in the rain, So-Yong's sudden change of character causes Lady Choi to almost faint.
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So-Yong, Lady Choi and Hong Yeon's femme bonding is one of my favorite parts of this entire tale, hands down.
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There are so many sensational and cute side characters in the show but I'm going to list down some key learnings I picked up:
1. Have the courage to love yourself first.
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Often, it is easier to love another before loving ourselves first. But to sit down with yourself and give yourself the love you crave for is a no-bargain deal, even if it means not having the space to love others.
2. Celebrate your weird, your crazy and your wild.
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Life's really, really rather short to be anything but the whole of you. I love that about So-Yong: her ability to be radically herself and celebrate it.
3. You are only defeated when you think yourself to be.
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No matter what life throws at you or if time has your back or not, you cannot be defeated until you allow yourself to be. I think this is one of my favorite qualities of King Cheoljung.
I'd like to rewatch this drama, at a slower pace, with large bowls of chili popcorn, now that the suspense is over and I know how it ends. My last words: So-Yong eating ramen. ❤
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GIF Credits: GIF 1 & 13 - Tumbex | GIF 2: Choi Jin-Hyuk y Dramas, Tumblr | GIF 3: @labelledejour​ | GIF 4: Aghasewatchtv | GIF 5: MyDramaList | GIF 5: Kenh 14 a | GIF 11: Dramabeans | GIF 12: Bitches Over Dramas | GIF 14: Tenor | GIF 15: @thingskateknows​ | 
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ogrentech · 5 years
Performance and Behavior - Part 2
Last month we considered the idea that investor behavior accounts for far more of the real-life returns in an investment portfolio than investment performance. In fact, we showed how the Dalbar Corporation in their annual Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior, indicates that the average stock fund over the past 20 years had an average return of over 4 percent more - per year - than the average stock fund investor. If this premise of "behavior trumps performance" is really true, then how can we explain the investing world as it has existed for decades? There are billions of dollars spent on advertising, analysts and infrastructure in this behemoth system of financial services that communicates and supports this message: "We can help you time the market just right. We can help you choose the best stocks to beat the market. Your investing troubles are over. We can be your guru." How do they make investors believe this? Basically, they baffle them, charm them and appeal to their emotions. They use every psychological fallacy, influence technique and emotional entreaty "in the book" to enact their plan of compliance. And it undoubtedly works with great efficiency and effectiveness. I wish we could take the time and space here to talk about all of the techniques they use. JWA University has featured several books over the years that would explain many of them (such as Paradox of Choice, Economic Facts and Fallacies and Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes). But let's focus on just three emotional compliance techniques to make the point. 1. Appeal to Bias (or the Confirmation Bias) X is true because I desperately want to find any possible evidence to confirm my bias and will selectively ignore anything that does not. OR, for example: The financial advisory system is structured so that "experts" can advise which stocks, bonds and other financial instruments can be selected and timed to provide superior returns on a consistent basis. This line of reasoning is fallacious because it has no bearing on whether the belief is true or false. Just because the financial industry has successfully conveyed that this is a true statement does not support that the statement is true. But what a powerful impact this assumptive attitude has had. Ask any man or woman on the street what an investment advisor does and you will get an answer that contains similar components to "they help you pick winning stocks and advise you on when is the right time to invest." Both are exercises in futility. 2. Appeal to Authority (or the Expert Fallacy) Person A is (claims to be) an authority on subject S. Person A makes claim C about subject S. Therefore, claim C is true. This is a sister fallacy that often times simultaneously appeals to the Confirmation Bias and exponentially increases the behavioral influence over its victims. The Financial Industrial Complex will often parade what they claim to be "brilliant economists" who are adept at making the most accurate macroeconomic forecasts. Then they march their Chief Investment Strategist out to all the business talking head shows to convey the market metrics that coincidentally just happen to simultaneously promote his/her fund or fund family. The truth is that no matter what the market or economic topic might be, there will consistently be a healthy balance of "experts" taking either side of the claim made to the investing public. This gives investors ample opportunity to selectively cherry pick the experts willing to defend and deliver a "solution" that caters to his/her biases. These highly educated, highly paid, highly positioned executives make the case compelling. You can begin to easily see the pattern that is emerging with the coercing techniques. You are also catching on quickly I'm sure, that these are transferable to any walk of life in which one might want to make a point. Politics comes to mind... 3. Appeal to Emotion Favorable emotions are associated with X. Therefore, X is true. This one may be the most effective and insidious of the three we have chosen to discuss. It is so simple and immutable. It works in almost any situation concerning any topic. But let me challenge you to do something that you will find intriguing. One evening while watching TV, just do an unscientific survey of the appeals to emotion in the commercials you see. Yes, this means you will actually have to watch them instead of fast forward through them. But within two to three hours, you will be fascinated with what you see. Note the recurring grandparent themes, or "saying goodbye", and the number of ads featuring dogs! (To make it even more fun, make a note concerning financial advertisements only.) I think you would agree that believing something simply because A) you are looking to confirm your biases, B) an "expert" said so, or C) "it makes me feel good"; is NOT how a wise and prudent person makes good decisions. These items speak to the very essence of behavior - which is what we already emphatically stated - is the key to success. So how do you feel when you consider how these and many other compliance techniques are employed on you constantly? Hopefully, by simply being reminded that techniques such as these exist, you may be able to inoculate yourself when they are used against your best interests. Next time we will delve into some more practical applications of proper behavior as we consider the virtues of patience and discipline when it comes to investing. You may be surprised when you learn what these terms really mean to the wisdom based investor. Until then, be on the lookout for compliance techniques in your life - and try to be on your best behavior!
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lucyjoyce-blog · 5 years
JW Anderson Placement - Weeks 7-9
Week 7, first task of the day was sending out lots of fabrics and samples for PD and the knitwear team. I had really got the hang of knowing which information I needed for this kind of thing now, and I felt very organised and trusted for all of the tasks I was being given across a few different teams now. The next day I was sent out on a fabric sourcing trip to search for a black jersey to bond with the new leather skins and had to pick up a few things from one of the factories. During the rest of the week I was sending out more samples and had to make sure that all the leather collection garment topsheets are ready to go.
Week 8, The beginning of this week I was taught how to use the online site ‘Zedonk’. It is an online service that JWA use to categorise and store all the information for all of the garments from each collection. It has everything you need to know about a garment, the cost, how much fabric used to make one garment, type of fabric, CAD etc. I was using this for a couple of days, filling in all the information I had so far for RS19. During the rest of the week I sent out more samples and completed some more tech packs for womenswear. 
Week 9, This week was BUSY. I have been helping Katie put tech packs together for further samples to be sent off all week. It was quite stressful as this was the last load that had been finalised to be sent off, it was a weeks worth!!
So far in my placement I feel I have learnt a ton of new things and I am really enjoying it. I feel like I understand the pressure of the fashion industry and I love the fast paced environment, there is never a dull day. However, I have found it a bit difficult in some ways, from being a bit home sick or tired from the early mornings and late nights but I know I have gained a large amount of trust and this is the reality of the industry!
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