#Koji Iwazumi
sunnyskies1626 · 2 years
Weekly Headcanons: Haikyuu!!
Hinata, Koji, and Izumi called themselves the three musketeers and remain close friends despite going to different high schools
Izumi is the “nerd” between the two, the scholar, the one who’s abnormally ahead of the class in like every subject.
Koji is all action. He gets good grades but he mainly focuses all his energy in anything active. He’s played basketball, football, volleyball, soccer, you name it, he’s probably played it at least once. 
Aside from sports, he is the first one to always use action as a form of a solution for most problems. Especially due to his anger issues.
Hinata has the big heart between the two of them, he’s what lightens up the mood, what keeps everyone having hope and drive in moments where things aren’t looking good. Though he is also a very action based person similar to Koji. 
Koji and Hinata are the most alike when it comes to playing sports. Both put their all into what they need to do and won’t stop until they’ve won. When they’re playing against each other in any way, they both get very competitive, one bouncing off of the other and making the other more and more riled up. 
Though both can get very passionate, they both don’t let it get to their heads though, remembering that what they’re participating in is just a game.
Koji really only shows this behavior with Hinata though, it’s most common he’ll lose his cool with people who he doesn’t know or doesn’t like. (Like I said, anger issues ^^; )
Izumi and Koji mainly help Hinata when it comes to school and learning how to pay attention. Koji being very grounded when he wants to be and Izumi knowing him the best out of the two of them to know how to properly teach him in a way he’ll understand.
Though all three are extremely close and loyal, if it had to be decided who was closest out of all three, it would be Hinata and Izumi.
Koji at times can be very detached when it comes to emotions and may not always have the patience when it comes to dealing with Hinata not really responding well to the way he wants to help him. 
Izumi is very versatile in his teaching ability in terms of being able to have multiple different ways to try and help Hinata understand something. That and Izumi has the most patience between Hinata and Koji. 
That being said, Hinata and Koji help teach Izumi how to speak up for himself. Both being very action oriented and self assured, they know when to stand up for themselves and not take bullshit from other people. Izumi is the people pleaser between the two, not knowing how to say no and letting his boundaries be pushed or crossed for the sake of someone else's comfort. So Koji and Hinata have both had times where they’ve stood up for mainly Izumi in early childhood. 
Hinata and Izumi help keep Koji grounded when he gets too fired up and is about to fly off the fucking hinges. Though it doesn’t seem like Hinata does at first glance, both have really good balance with their emotions and know when not to let it take control when it comes to serious situations. Koji having Hinata and Izumi is important since when Koji gets livid (not mad, livid) he sees red and it is extremely difficult to calm down. Both bring him back down to earth and remind him where he is in moments like that. 
This mainly being successful with only them since Koji’s care for them is so strong that even in moments where he doesn’t feel in control of himself, he physically can’t bring himself to show that same behavior or anger to his two closest friends
All three bring balance to the other and make up for the other’s weaknesses. Hence, despite their chaotic nature, they are able to work so well.
These are just my thoughts and opinions and I would love to hear yours! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed your weekly headcanon! ^v^
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 6 years
i’m still haunted by the fact that i mistook iwazumi as hinata’s friend from ep 1 when i first watched haikyuu
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sunnyskies1626 · 2 years
Weekly Headcanons: Haikyuu!!
Koji and Iwa are brothers
Koji is the 2nd oldest sibling (as they have a younger sibling, more on her later ;3) and Iwa being the eldest. 
Koji is a sweetie, but is a little shit that is not afraid to hurt your feelings if you’re asking for it. He overall is very closed off and to himself in appearance. He is very much a kid that (similar to Hinata) will speak up and say something if he feels it’s something he needs to do. However, he also knows when to keep his mouth shut and keep information to himself when he deems necessary. 
Similar to his brother, can be very…rough with his friends and those close to him. However, this seems to really only apply to Hinata. 
Koji is always up to rough house with his brother. Like they all just finished breakfast and Koji’s about to make his way out the door, but will punch the shit out of Iwa before he does and act like it’s the most casual thing in the world. All because he felt like it. 
And, to make things clear, Koji is not scrawny or slim, he’s pretty built like his brother for his age. This being due to their father being a personal trainer. So his punches and kicks fucking hurt. 
But as I said he’s a sweetie, so even though the two are bickering a lot of the time or rough housing, both Koji and Iwa are insanely loyal and protective over each other. (Really just the family in general). If Koji ever heard someone saying something about his brother he would cuss them the fuck out without a second thought and wouldn’t feel the slightest regret. Iwa, of course, the same. 
Koji was there for all of Iwa’s games. He’ll say it was because they were in the same school and play it off like he had no choice, but both he and Koji know that even if that kid was 150 miles away, Koji would still do whatever he could to support his brother and be there for him. 
Iwa takes every single opportunity he can to brag about his brother. Koji does this, but makes sure the person he is bragging to won’t say anything to Iwa and deny that he ever did at all costs. 
Koji is extremely quick witted. Everything Iwa says, Koji always has something to say back. And oftentimes, Koji ends up winning most arguments due to this. 
Koji is not just there for Iwa with his career, but emotionally as well. Whenever Iwa and Oikawa kind of get into it at times and Iwa gets really depressed or sad, Koji is right there with his favorite food and has already done all of his chores for the day. 
Iwa the same. Whenever Koji is struggling with his anger or gets into an argument with Hinata or Izumi that leaves him feeling not so good, Iwa is right there to give his younger brother the same support. 
These are just my thoughts and opinions and I would love to hear yours! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed your weekly headcanon! ^v^
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