#LM 1.6.1
cliozaur · 3 months
The title of Book Six is "Javert," but interestingly, Javert is only briefly mentioned in the first chapter. However, a seemingly minor detail about him sending a mysterious letter to Chabouillet holds more significance than one might initially think.
In the meantime, Valjean attempts to resolve the issue with Cosette by sending Thénardier more money than Fantine owed him. Unfortunately, this proves to be a BIG mistake, as the Thénardiers now have the leverage to keep Cosette as a hostage, demanding further payments.
Hugo presents one of his peculiar medical explanations here (with more to come): "That handful of snow applied to her bare skin between her shoulder-blades had brought about a sudden suppression of perspiration, resulting in the malady that had been smouldering within her for many years now violently surfacing." Surprisingly, it's not the exhaustion, malnutrition, stress, alcoholism, and likely tuberculosis, but a handful of snow that is now deemed responsible for causing harm to Fantine.
And this conclusion is just so profoundly wrong! “The ancient scorn of the vestals for the ambubajæ is one of the most profound instincts of feminine dignity.”
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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LES MIS LETTERS IN ADAPTATION - The Beginning of Repose, LM 1.6.1 (Les Miserables 1925)
That same night, Javert wrote a letter. The next morning be posted it himself at the office of M. sur M. It was addressed to Paris, and the superscription ran: To Monsieur Chabouillet, Secretary of Monsieur le Préfet of Police. As the affair in the station-house had been bruited about, the post-mistress and some other persons who saw the letter before it was sent off, and who recognized Javert’s handwriting on the cover, thought that he was sending in his resignation.
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Personally, I’m too sad about the Thénardiers doing all they can to scam Madeleine and Fantine as Fantine herself weakens by the day, so instead, I’m going to talk about Javert’s letter:
“That same night, Javert wrote a letter. The next morning he posted it himself at the office of M. sur M. It was addressed to Paris, and the superscription ran: To Monsieur Chabouillet, Secretary of Monsieur le Préfet of Police. As the affair in the station-house had been bruited about, the post-mistress and some other persons who saw the letter before it was sent off, and who recognized Javert’s handwriting on the cover, thought that he was sending in his resignation.”
Letters seem to serve two functions in this novel: 1) as documentary evidence (Baptistine’s letter, for instance; Hugo quotes the piece in its entirety) and 2) as cause for gossip. Javert’s letter falls into the latter. It’s interesting to compare this obsession with his letter to Fantine’s own messages. Both of them are the subject of conversation because of their sending of letters, but while the contents of Fantine’s mail could be discovered by finding the person who wrote them (since she couldn’t write them herself), Javert’s literacy gives him privacy. As he wrote it himself, no one can directly discuss the contents of his message, only what was “thought” to be in it. 
The details of what they recognize also add to the small-town feeling of Montreuil-sur-Mer. The curiosity over the letter begins when Javert’s handwriting is recognized. While Javert (as an inspector) is a prominent figure in the town and it thus isn’t surprising that people can identify him so readily, it still suggests that there aren’t so many policemen that it would be difficult to know all of their writing styles. 
However, the detail that he’s sending this to the Prefect of Police in Paris highlights how the French government was more centralized than we’ve previously been given reason to believe. For the most part, Montreuil-sur-Mer has seemed pretty independent. M. Madeleine has received messages from outside of the town (awards and the like), but he refused many of them, and it seems like most of the day-to-day administration discussed so far is ultimately connected to him: his factory, his schools, his hospital, etc. We know he devolves a lot of his powers from how Fantine got fired, but we don’t really see the influence of the central government in Paris on the town. We just see the mayor and the people under him. Here, however, we have a reference to Javert’s tie to the central government (through the police as a nation-wide institution). It’s especially interesting in light of his crisis in the last chapter, where his faith in the mayor’s authority was deeply shaken and he even went as far as to say that he wanted to question an order for the first time in his life. While we, too, don’t know the content of the letter, for now it’s clear that Javert’s issue with this local authority has pushed him to consult a higher authority - the central government - to try to deal with the issue somehow.
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meta-squash · 3 years
Brick Club 1.6.1 “Now, Rest”
The infirmary is in Madeleine’s own house. I’m a little confused by this, but the Hapgood translation seems to imply not that there’s a hospital in his house, just that he set up a room for Fantine in his own house, to use as an infirmary. Either way, in her illness Fantine suddenly moves drastically from her bare attic quarters to a room in Madeleine’s house.
Again we get the image of Valjean in compassionate suffering. He’s “full of compassionate, prayerful agony” in a similar way that he had an expression of “joyous and celestial suffering” after rescuing Fauchelevent. This countenance changes Fantine’s opinion of Valjean; she recognizes his rescuing act the same way Fauchelevent’s  opinion was changed by Valjean rescuing him.
This is one of the few instances of Valjean praying directly to god, rather than experiencing god through other means. The comparison of the “martyr on high” and the “martyr here below” is also an indication of how he will view Fantine in the future, after her death, when he finds it hard to talk about or even think about her, because she has become a sort of sacred phantom to him.
Valjean spent the entire time learning about Fantine. But, like, how? Did he go interrogate Victurnien and find Marguerite and stuff? She was a grisette in Paris, one of many, I’m sure no one remembered her from there. Like, what does he know and what does he not know about her? Hugo says he knew “her past history in all its poignant details” but....how? More magic, I suppose. Valjean knows all and sees all?
In order to be good, Fantine has to go through this terrible misery. I dislike that whole concept but it’s definitely a Thing in Christianity and in Catholicism specifically. Because of her suffering, she’s on her way to holiness. In Valjean’s view, she’s practically a saint, or at least on her way there. I’m sure there are Mary Magdalene parallels that I’m not catching because I don’t know the story well enough.
The letter exchange between Thenardier and Valjean must take about a week or two? And Fantine is still sick. This is Hugo kind of hinting to us that Fantine probably isn’t going to get better.
The sisters’ at first feel repugnance towards Fantine. The “wise/foolish” virgin reference isn’t something I understand exactly, and I understand the vestal virgin reference only slightly. As far as I know, the vestal virgins were priestesses considered fundamental to the continuation of Rome. I could understand these vestal virgins looking down on other women, since vestal virgins didn’t have the same social obligations as regular women. But I don’t know, it seems very non-Christian to judge a person who needs help. Although I suppose that’s kind of Hugo’s entire point, that there are so many people who profess to be “christian” but act in ways that are opposite to the teachings of the bible. But then Fantine is so sweet and gentle that they love her anyway. Hugo sort of implies that they don’t start to warm to her until she talks about believing that she was a sinner and that now she wants to be good.
It’s interesting that Fantine thinks that once she is good, she will have Cosette beside her. In her eyes, the reason she could not have Cosette with her was because she was “doing evil.” She believes that she was a sinner, but because god has pardoned her, she’ll be allowed to see her daughter again. What I think is interesting is that it never actually happens. She dies without Cosette, but believes Cosette is there, until the very last second. Does she die feeling unpardoned by god, because her daughter is not there?
Rene Laennec was the inventor of the stethoscope (around 1819) and created a lot of the clinical terms and practices of examining the chest. He also studied TB and melanoma and other lung problems. Hugo never actually says what malady Fantine is suffering from, although I always assumed it was tuberculosis?
Fantine still somehow doesn’t understand why the Thenardiers are keeping Cosette. She definitely understands that they’re overcharging her and swindling her, but I don’t think she ever suspects the abuse they are bringing on Cosette herself. She doesn’t like or trust them, but I think a few shards of those rose-colored glasses are still there, hoping that they’re treating her daughter well.
“Though we chisel away as best we can at the mysterious block from which our life is made, the black vein of destiny continually reappears.”
I feel like this line is so important to the book, because both halves of the phrase are such massive parts of this novel. All of the characters in this book are just trying to survive, trying to defy the miseries the world has in store for them, or get around or through them if they can’t defy them. Most of the major moments in this book come from a character being presented with a choice. Only a few events in this book are completely out of a character’s hands. Nothing that Fantine does is in her control. But nearly every major event for Valjean is because he is presented with two huge, looming choices, and he picks the right one each time, even if it causes him more suffering on the way. The two looming choices are destiny, the decision that gets made is that attempt at chiseling some sort of form out of the mystery of life. But that’s the thing about sculpture like this: once you make a decision to chip away a piece, you can’t put it back. If there’s some blemish, some vein of darkness you’re trying to avoid, it might just be inevitable that you hit it, and you have to figure out how to work it into your form rather than reject the project altogether. (Rejection of the project is something we see embodied in Javert at the end of the novel. I’ll probably come back to this then.)
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everyonewasabird · 3 years
Brickclub 1.6.1 ‘Now, rest’
“I have been a sinner” (Fantine says), “but when I have my child with me, that will mean God has forgiven me.”
Fantine states here the terms of her penance: we know the end point of her suffering, and we know how we (and she herself) will know when God has forgiven her.
That’s what success looks like for Fantine’s story arc. The doctor tells us in this chapter (though Valjean deliberately misstates it) that Fantine’s death is inevitable. That’s not the question anymore.
The question is, will Valjean bring Cosette in time? And there’s a decent chance he can--or that he could have.
When Javert kills Fantine, he doesn’t simply hasten her inevitable death, he cuts her off from the sign of God’s forgiveness. She dies in the absence of grace because of Javert’s spite.
No wonder everything about Javert darkens after that moment.
And Cosette showing up at the end means God forgives Valjean.
In less adulatory notes about this chapter, Hugo’s claim that one of the deepest instincts of women is disdaining less virtuous women sure is some bullshit, huh?
After all Fantine’s grit and ferocity in surviving, the regression to being so childlike is strange, and I don’t entirely know what to make of it. It puts me in mind of @unsoundasleep​‘s addition to this post, saying that the “wise” in Fantine’s introduction is also the word used to describe a well-behaved child.
It reminds me of Cosette at the end of the novel, prattling cheerfully because she’s trying to get Marius and Valjean to tell her what’s going on. It feels incredibly spot-on in both cases for a person play-acting cheerfulness out of powerlessness and desperation because there’s no other way to get what they need but.... fuck, I have no idea whether Hugo knows it isn’t a good thing when women do that.
And someone (Valjean) finally asks Fantine how she feels. That still feels extremely new to me--in the “happy” part of her life, no one ever asked her that.
“Very well. I slept,” she said. “I think I’m getting better--this will be nothing.”
She’s so used to trying to be a good girl and not take up people’s time that it feels like she’s trying not to bother him with her inconvenient dying. It feels like a mark of the social divide between them--Fantine may have learned to admire and venerate a man, but she’s not going to bother one with things like her health. There may be something about gender here, but I kind of suspect she’s similar with the nuns: she’s not going to complain to higher-status people who are condescending to be so kind to her.
Fuck. In my heartcanon, somebody thinks to send for Marguerite. Fantine was always really honest with Marguerite, and I want them to get to see each other again.
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fremedon · 3 years
Brickclub I.6.1, “Now, Rest”
Just scattershot impressions of this one:
--It’s utterly bizarre that the better-fed, better-clothed Thenardier girls were both seriously ill and Cosette, who lives under the same roof, was not.
--I love the aside that the doctor sounding (=auscultating) Fantine’s chest was cutting-edge medical practice in 1823.
--I’m not sure what to think of Valjean telling Fantine that her suffering is a necessary first step in attaining heaven. I can see it being a helpful frame for Fantine--no one wants to admit that their suffering was pointless--but it’s still a very transactional view of morality. And one that kind of lets Valjean off the hook for his role in that suffering.
--Someone on here--I think @everyonewasabird?--pointed out that, while Fantine’s telling the nuns that she’ll know God forgives her when she’s reunited with Cosette, who couldn’t be with her while she was living ‘a bad life,’ while it’s uncomfortably self-judgemental and suggests that she’s telling the nuns what they want to hear, it also sets out a very clear parameter--and that Javert’s hastening of her death robs her of that concrete sign of grace.
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fusion-kunal · 3 years
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Part III North American Gingival Retraction Kits Industry (The Report Company Including the Below Listed But Not All)
Part VI Global Gingival Retraction Kits Industry Conclusions …
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Brickclub, 1.6.1
...you know , I just consciously realized that every adaptation that’s made Valjean/Fantine a Thing is following the same “logic” as the Thenardiers.  Way to go!
okay two things get me about the nuns’ attitude to Fantine--or anyway the way it’s written here.  One is this:
Those who have seen the bas-reliefs of Rheims will recall the inflation of the lower lip of the wise virgins as they survey the foolish virgins
The wise virgins/ foolish virgins bit is actually a reference to a bit of carving in a specific chapel! I mean it’s obviously a reference to a general concept too, but this is to a specific iteration of that concept. Hugo wants us to be picturing something very precise. This is like...someone now saying “his eyes seemed to be saying “Then Perish”.”  Except you have to travel to Reims to see the image macro.
Oh also the wise/foolish virgins bit is apparently a parable about, on the one hand, being ready for the apocalypse?? maybe??  but more literally and directly about women who HAVE ENOUGH OIL FOR THEIR LAMPS and those who do not.   Hugo’s bringing in the light symbolism AND a dose of Apocalyptic Imagery. Slick! 
...Unfortunately he’s also bringing the repeated framing of women being judgemental and opposed to each other.  I think the Madame Victurnien chapter is one of the best about this (there are  reasons and patterns to the ways some women do  treat each other as enemies, and that chapter touches on a lot of them) but this is one of the worst-- these are nuns who are supposed to be serving as nurses and agents of charity, and it’s neither helpful nor charitable for them to be standing in judgement on their patients. Fantine wins them over with her meekness and her shame and her devotion to Cosette; here’s hoping that getting to know Fantine prompts them to be less judgey towards future patients who may not be quite such ideal martyrs.
(side note : Amusingly on-the-nose as the Fantine-Jesus comparison is, I know many initial Respectable and Clearheaded readers of Les Mis thought it was just ghastly that Hugo makes a direct comparison between, gasp, a common prostitute and Jesus Christ On The Cross, Gasp. So I suppose it really did  have to be that blatant and direct to make sure that the people who most needed to get the point would get it.) 
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pilferingapples · 9 years
Les Mis 365 retroblogging1.6.1, 1.6.2
Oh hey these chapters are VERY NEARLY not awful!:..Less awful. At least someone is being nice to Fantine! THREE WHOLE SOMEONES it is a high mark in her life and this is the WORST BOOK. 
-Okay, I am cracking up about Madeleine being BATHED IN SYMBOLIC LIGHT now that he's stepping in to save Fantine, but I'm also kind of heart-clutching that he's clearly inheriting the Bishop's Divine Light of Doing Good, here, but without any of the Bishop's internal peace. 
- Moderate amusement at Hugo's whole "this was before OUR enlightened medical science about Lung Conditions" thing. I mean, of all things, I really can't and don't want to fault Hugo for his inability to know what FUTURE SCIENCE would uncover, but the sheer level of Lungs Do Not Work Like That is still mildly amusing. I WILL TAKE ALL THE HUMOR I CAN GET HERE. 
-Not even a little funny-- the Thenardiers refusing to send Cosette because they figure they've got a fish on their line. This is so obviously horrible and manipulative and vicious on the face of it that I somehow missed the point in the invoice where the apothecary and doctor's bills for about THREE HUNDRED FRANCS EACH?!? are in fact COMPLETELY REAL BILLS, although for the care of Eponine and Azelma. I am kind of stunned. 600 francs, that's about half a fair worker's YEARLY WAGES. Madame T really is laying out some cash on her daughters (the Thenardiers can't have KNOWN they would get this Cosette-related windfall) and whoa, working families or poor families were just utterly doomed on the medical bill front. Please take my outrage at this being still so ridiculously relevant for many people including myself as a given. 
Also: oh gad, Eponine and Azelma. Here and now their parents are willing, to whatever respective extent, to spend hundreds of francs on them to keep them well. In a few years their health and safety won't be worth postage. THIS BOOK. 
1.6.2 SO MANY LEAPS OF LOGIC by our...hee..."Virgin Detective". But I think my favorite is his impression of Jean Valjean-- in his convict days!-- as some sort of DIABOLICALLY CLEVER MASTERMIND. Only Valjean would think to deny his Valjean-ness!  SO CUNNING. SO CLEVER. Not at all a guy whose escapes sometimes lasted as long as a Vine and whose most profitable criminal scheme was "steal HIGHLY IDENTIFIABLE SILVER and run clanking down the main street"!  That aside-- I totally get that this chapter is where a lot of people get really interested in Javert, and I think the integrity he shows in trying to get himself dismissed is essential for keeping him from being a dull  cardboard villain or antagonist. I think it does a lot for giving him depth, but at the same time it leaves me feeling near-complete antipathy for him. His stated life philosophy, the core of his understanding of the world, his whole idea of virtue, is explicitly built on Punching Down--and he knows it.  There is definitely something in Javert that could have been fantastic, and I can be sorry for the character that that's been so horribly misused as to make him how he is here. But I can't  like him, at any point in the story, and he spells out why pretty directly here. 
...Which he would of course not care about at all. 
Random side note: oooh, I'd forgotten Champmathieu's daughter was a laundress in Paris! Now I'm going to be on the lookout to see if she worked on one of those boats. :D 
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