queenharumiura · 7 years
✍ [ let's focus more on TYE this time, our bento thing and other encounters ]
Send me a ✍ for me to write a small drabble about your muse from my muse’s perspective! (Ohhhhh okay! I accept this challenge!)
Other encounters, huh? Huhuhu... I’m gonna choose some of my favorite meme responses >w> [x] [x] [x] I am the very definition of SORRY NOT SORRY.
She was going to conquer and win this battle! A battle of getting this stubborn guy to eat her bentou, say that it was good and not kill her in the process by scaring her poor heart into ceasing to beat with a single glare.
What? You think that a glare can’t scare anyone? Mister, you surely don’t know what you are talking about. Don’t you know how scary THE Hibari Kyouya is? 
Have you not seen the way he beats people up for being late for class? The way he threatens to bite everyone for crowding around? What about the way that Haru went to the hospital for a visit one time and the doctor was bowing down to Hibari? 
No, that image has never left her and it left a very deep impression on her. 
He didn’t like crowding, he was bad at remembering names (or so she thinks), and he apparently disliked cameras. She for one, was under the impression that he was camera shy. There was once a time she managed a photo with him before, with the help of Reborn-chan. 
Her secondary mission today was to get another picture! She was going to try to get him used to cameras so he no longer feels a murderous rage when he sees one! How dangerous. 
Still, he can’t be all that bad, since his animal friends adore him. You can’t be completely bad if animals love you! That much, she was sure of!
She was going to be sure to assert her name to be Haru Miura. She’s seen him call other people herbivores and such like it’s some kind of intimate(?) nickname. Unless the herbivore is a cute Usagi-san, she doesn’t want to hear it! Call her by her real name. 
He asked her once if she had a name or would it be okay if he called her his and at first she thought he was suffering from memory loss but she soon learned that wasn’t the case and she swiftly got dragged away by Tsuna who just so happened to witness her speaking her way to her doom. 
It was later that night when she finally went: “Hahi! Haru understands now! He was requesting that he can call Haru by a nickname, right” Oh little confused, naive Haru. 
With his nicknaming sense, she’ll have to respectfully decline. She’d rather just be called by her name, thank you very much. 
Anyways, going back to the topic at hand, she made a bento! Not any plain old bento... but a ... CHARA BENTO! She’s been into making cute things since Lambo seemed to really like them. 
The bento had a lot of meat in it like some tako-weiners, hamburger steak, and a small tonkatsu covered with an egg like a donburi. 
The hamburger steak was made in the image of Roll, the little hedgehog, and the tonkatsu covered with an egg like a donburi was made to look like Hibird! The Tako-weiners she added because who didn’t like them? They were cute little octopuses! Details on the animals were done with finely cut out vegetables. 
Though he really liked meat he had to have other things in the bento as well, right? So she added in some riceballs, one of them looking vaguely like Hibari. Why not? He had his animal friends in food form, so why not add him as well? They were always together so just having the two animals didn’t sit right with her. 
She worked hard on this, and she wasn’t going to sit quietly if he refused to eat it. At least take a bite, tell her it was good, and then comment on the cute animals at least! She wasn’t asking for much! (yes you are, don’t lie).
For the fun of it, she also cut out some carrots shaped like flowers, added bamboo shoots, and also some cherry tomatoes! 
A masterpiece if she were to say so herself. 
Talking things over with Kusakabe first, she found out that Hibari was on the rooftop of Namimori, likely taking a nap. She’d heard that he was rather cranky when woken up, but... she was brave! She could do this!
She was confident that no matter how angry he got with her, he wouldn’t harm her! Why? Why else was she wearing this hamster costume for? Can’t hurt a cute animal, riiiiiiiiiight?
Maybe if she was lucky, she’ll catch him at a time when he’s already woken up from his nap! 
Bursting through the door to the rooftop, with a sing-song voice: 
“Hi-ba-ri-saaaaaaan~ Haru has come by once again with another bento! Haru is hoping that you’d try it. This one is very wonderful. Special-desu~!” Expecting eyes as she held it out for him, waiting anxiously for him to curiously look at the contents of the bento she prepared. 
The poor prefect didn’t know what a bento was shiku shiku and Haru then vowed to herself that she was going to teach him! Surely he knew WHAT a bento was, but it didn’t seem like he understood what it really was. It was a meal prepared for you by someone else who worked very hard to make you happy! It was full of all kinds of affection! 
Happiness, love, kindness, the desire to make you finally admit she’s a good cook, warmth, and of course the feeling of hoping you’ll eat well and be healthy!
“Haru hopes that she isn’t being too much of a bother... she just wanted to make you happy with a bento she made...” She admitted her honest feelings with a small pout. 
‘She also wants to play with your animal friends while you eat’
Hey, stop that Haru. Stop thinking like that. Wait until after he accepts to start thinking that way. Geez!
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serxinus · 8 years
😤, ✌, ☯
😤 : Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
Someone who kept pestering me to reply faster even though it was barely a day since I have answered. The only advice I could give is to explain to the other party properly, and if they still refuses to respect your privacy and the fact that you have a personal life outside of rping and continues to disturb you, then block them. 
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
I don’t have any particular fond rp memory, but when my muse really get along with the other muse, every interaction I have with them is fond. 
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
Trying to understand what makes my own character tick. What makes him happy? Or sad? Or what would pisses him so much to trigger a violent reaction? It’s always interesting (and a challenge) to figure out how a – or any character, really – works with how complex a human brain is. 
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queenharumiura · 7 years
♛ be gentle with me—
Please let this be the last one. My arms/hands are actually dying. I won’t accept any more after I post this. OTL||||||||||| //have pity on me please
my opinion on;
character in general: //breaths in deep I LOVE HIBARI KYOUYA!!!!!!!!! Honestly, let’s not get me started on how much I love him like... just don’t. It’s a rough ride, yo. Seriously though, Hibari is a fun character. I also really like his design like hello gorgeous piece of man //pet pet pets the screen ahahahahahaahah. I also love the gap moe kinda thing with how he loves his animals and they all love him back. It breaks my heart all the time like omg. NEVER FORGET THE REGENT HIBIRD. NEVER FORGET ROLL FREAKING OUT AS HE’S FALLING AND HIBARI JUST SMILES AT HIM LIKE ALKJSDFLAJSF HELLO 911? I NEED HELP.
Basically: My love for Hibari cannot truly be described with words and I’d need a readmore from the very first question if I were to go all out so let’s not. 
how they play them: Google voice-Did you mean: How does Hibari torment Haru? lolol okay jokes aside, the mun puts a lot of effort into rp’ing as Hibari. Whenever I see him on my dash I like to take a moment to read. I like the way that he uses a lot of vocabulary and a lot of descriptions. I make a point to note this because I personally struggle with that. My style is more simplistic and I sometimes forget to use descriptions. Therefore I really like his writing style. Aside from that, I feel as though the style greatly reflects Hibari as a character. It suits him. 
He takes RP’ing seriously and that is very commendable. You can tell this is true with how much effort he puts into not only his threads but also his meme answers. The ones that ask about HC things, they are really long and indepth so I really respect that. I often go short on those bc lazy. I’m too lazy for my own good and yet for ‘truthful memes’ I’m like okay. //sits down and cracks neck. I’M READY. The Hibari played exhibits a lot of traits that I also believe him to have. Like though he is a rough guy to be around, he understands that one must at least be civil to the ladies. He understands that when there is no animosity being shown, he can try to be civil back. 
The fact that though he’s very aloof and seemingly uncaring, he does. He’s attentive in his own way and understands social customs. I just feel as though I can identify the Hibari to fitting with how I see Hibari so that really pleases me. He also is a bit different from how I’ve seen some other Hibari muses being played and again, VARIIIIEEEETTTYYY. GOTTA LOVE IT. Pretty sure I’ve talked about variety in like each and every single one of these memes. lolthe mun: FRRIIIIIIEEEEEND!! Since this meme requires brutal honesty, I will admit that I always struggle to remember the nickname. It’s Kiril/Kirill right? In my heart I call you both Lan and Hibari. Yes, much like I am Haru to you, you are Hibari to me. YEEUUUUP. I love talking to you on tumblr and on skype (when I can remember to log on lol). I always find it cute when you offer things like truffles and such. It makes me feel like i’m being spoiled a bit and that’s always a fun time. ^^ 
Whenever I reblog anything that looks like fun I know that I can expect to see you there in my ask eventually. (I was actually waiting for you to come in for this one XD) If I reblog anything that requires me to write out a drabble of any kind, I know for a fact with like 90% certainty that you’ll request one like you say often ‘because you are a greedy dragon’. I actually enjoy that since I love writing, particularly drabbles. I absolutely adore the ones that I write for your Hibari so it brings me much joy to write them. 
I particularly really like the way that you are affectionate, and you openly state that you love my Haru (and my extension myself) and to me that’s high praise. Anyone who loves my Haru just deserves all my love to be honest. So being told that I remind you of Haru just means so much to me like wow. Is this the Emmies? Where is my trophy? Of course, I always thought of you as Hibari as well so ironically we both remind each other of muses. 
do i;
follow them: HEEEEELLLL YEAAAHH!!!!rp with them: That I dowant to rp with them: If that is to mean would I like to rp with all kinds of threads including on other blogs? Sure sure! I’m always willing to try something new!ship their character with mine: //sweats bullets Okay, the mun himself knows that I absolutely love 1886, and every once in a while I get linked art and it just gives me life. Like yes. This is my legacy. Offer me tributes of 1886 art. Yes please. Good stuff. I’m pleased. 
Now in terms of shipping with his Hibari (which i’m sure that is what this question is really referring to) then I’m honestly kind of on the fence with it. I could see it happening, but at the same time-- I’m not too sure how well it would work out. For me, I need to like the character, get along with the mun, and feel a connection between the characters. So far, we have 2/3 of the criteria. I get along very well with the mun and I love Hibari. The way he’s portrayed in this blog also has a special place in my heart. Since these two are still kind of in the acquaintance stage I can’t really tell if they have a connection or not so I’d have to say that while I ship 1886, I don’t particularly ship our two muses together. If it were to happen, then I’m all for it. If not, i’m more than happy to just bug Hibari or allow Hibari to bug Haru. XD
what is my;
overall opinion: This is is kinda long isn’t it? Let’s use a cut this time: 
AHHHH my good friend Hibari who plays Hibari. //laughs
Really though, thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you and to interact with your Hibari. I don’t think I told you this ever, but since this a meme telling me to be ‘brutally’ honest, I gotta let everything I can think of out. 
Did you know that I originally thought that you hated me and I was just like ‘but whyyyyyyyyyy? QAQ’ The reason for this is because you did follow me, but then unfollowed me and followed again. To ONLY UNFOLLOW ONCE MORE. I was like ‘DUDE???? LIKE DECIDE PLEASE? MY POOR  HEART??????’ You did contact me later saying that you were having issues and then after that I was like: “Oh okay you’re not doing this on purpose? I can live.” I seriously thought you hated me to be unfollowing me so often. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL So yeah, I actually was very very afraid of you in the beginning like you don’t understand. 
Then as I got to know you, I was like ‘yo did person is like hella nice and hella affectionate? Hell yeah I’ll take truffles. Hell yes i’ll take bear hugs!!’ 
Hugs= instantly you raise up in the ranks of friendship. No joke.
I always find it a very comforting thing when people give out hugs, primarily if they are the ones to give out hugs first. It just makes me think: “wow this person likes me enough to initiate the hugging instead of me asking for one? 80!!!!!!!”
It’s always wonderful to see you enjoying the different meme responses I give. Either you laugh at things or you just find things really cute. I write things usually hoping for a particular reaction. Some answers I write looking for laughter, some I write hoping you’ll find them cute, etc. You always seem to zoom in on what I’m going for so I really appreciate that. 
We’ve also done a lot of talking in ask and on skype of various things and we feel the same way about various things so I trust you a lot as an RP’er to be fair to people. 
So all in all, I’m very VERY happy that I’ve met you and i’m absolutely always grateful that you were willing to give me and Haru a chance. 
//chucks chocolate at you
Never forget, no matter what happens in life, remember that Haru and I are always cheering you on! Do your best, me friend!
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colonelloldier · 8 years
lanuvolasolitaria replied to your post:ooc; ah yeah somehow decided to make this guy join...
[ i lied— and im weak.. we also changed icons and i have tears tbh ]
/ you have made the right choice, sir
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serxinus · 8 years
Frustration and Panic
Send me an emotion and I’ll describe how my muse expresses it non-verbally.
He stalked down the hallways, his expression unusually still like deep water. There was no sign of irritation on his face, just the sharp fall of his chest, vexed, agitated, angry. It was not the kind of anger; cold and sharp and steel that would sent his men and comrades scattering immediately. Still, the sight of him moving silently along the corridor, his unsmiling face – dispersed anyone who unfortunately got in his way instantly. He ignored everyone else, too focused on his rising emotion, on the coiling in his belly, tight and uncomfortable. There was no way for him to release the seething emotion in his chest without destroying something, so he simply let it simmered. 
It was rare of him to display any sort of distress. In fact, some might even call it unnatural, how calm and easy-going he always was. But he doesn’t work the same way as everyone else do in the face of stress. Instead, his mind would settle, his focus sharpened to the point of intensity like a blade. It was no exaggeration when people started to name him as ‘most serene’ amongst the Guardians.
But today, he found himself breaking that so-called famed reputation of his, a shudder of fear, sudden and sour, shooting down his spine when he realized their youngest Guardian was missing after the shower of gunfire. His calm broke, his mind going blank for a moment, alarm and anxiety wavering his concentration. His unshakable composure cracked for just a second, but it was enough for his enemies to falter as his eyes went frigid. After all, what sort of fool would agitate the Rain Guardian of Vongola with the lives of his friends and not expect retribution in return?
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queenharumiura · 7 years
lanuvolasolitaria replied to your post “((The ironic thing is that you may probably find it very difficult to...”
[ you are free to come and try to fight Hibari, and ofc he will bite you... softly lololololol ]
((Haru and I both stare at that with suspicion. Haru is like, ‘What is your definition of ‘softly’ on a scale of the chance of Haru’s survival? I’m sitting here like, ‘softly can mean so many things. Like, are you going to chuck Hibird at Haru? I say yes please.’ ))
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suverbia-blog1 · 8 years
Xanxus has died... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No words came from the Strategy Commander’s lips---not even a sound. There was a silence, a silence that felt louder than anything Squalo had ever heard, and then a buzzing in his ears that wouldn’t go away. In three words Squalo’s entire world had caved in & left him with naught but a faint, coppery taste in his mouth.
It was blood; he had bit his own lip.
Hibari stood there as if he were expecting Squalo to say something---do something---but all Squalo did was let the blood and saliva collect in his mouth. Another moment later and he swallowed.
“I was supposed to die first---” It felt like his lips were sewn shut and he was barely able to utter out the words. Guilt came crashing down onto his shoulders, but the anger had not come yet. Squalo blinked. Another moment passed and his eyes looked hollow---he looked old. 
It only took three words to make Superbi Squalo, now Commander of the Varia, to lose all sense of self within despair.
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icielo · 8 years
☤, ↕, ♬
meme | not accepting
☤ — a memory of death/loss
    He has way more of these than he likes to acknowledge.
    The day had passed in the blink of an eye–much like every day for the past few months since the decision that had led to Elena’s death. Not a day went by that Giotto didn’t regret failing her so sorely, but today made it especially clear that the don had made too many costly mistakes. The price for these errors were so steep that Giotto knew he would never stop paying for them, just as he had today. These were mistakes that he couldn’t undo or fix and that would haunt him–no, haunt the Vongola for centuries to come. Should the organization even last that long.
    Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised that he had lost himself to memories of his youth and the decisions then that led to where he was now. After all, having to bid farewell to Cozart, one of the central forces that prompted the Vongola’s creation, to the hands of one of the Vongola boss’ guardians was reason enough to pause. Yes, Giotto had seen Daemon’s plan coming long enough to prevent Cozart’s death–but it didn’t make it hurt any less to see that the mist was so willing to follow through with such an act of betrayl. It didn’t make it any easier to see that he had truly failed and throughly broken the heart of a friend.
    For months death had been on the Vongola’s door, taking devoted members and friends to forces they had no hope of combating becuase of their leader’s folly. Giotto had lost the light Elena brought to the famiglia. Had lost the loyatly of a guardian and the faith his men had put in his judgement. And today, he lost a dear friend. He’d preserved Cozart’s life, certainly, but they’d never be able to meet again, nor would the Shimon be able to show their face to the world again out of fear for their own safety, and Giotto didn’t know if that was much better for his weary concious.
    Not for the first time, Giotto was faced with the fact that he’d mae a mistake–but this time he wondered if the mistake went as far back as simply creating the Vongola.
    And for once, he couldn’t tell himself that it wasn’t.
↕ — a memory that may or may not have happened
   Also has more of these than he likes to admit, whether due to injury, exhaustion, alcohol, or an unholy mixture of the three.
    Blue eyes blinked open slowly, and it took all of Giotto’s will to not let them slide close once more. HIs head felt like it was breaking in two and he wasn’t sure he wanted to think about why he couldn’t feel his legs. He wasn’t sure he wanted to think about anything, really. Yet, there was still a vaguely functioning part of his mind there telling him that he shouldn’t go back to sleep because sleping with concussions was bad no matter how sleepy one is.
    He didn’t like that vaguely functioning part of his mind very much.
    Though he did spot something interesting–interesting enough that he coudln’t help but wonder if he were dreaming anyway.
    Sitting in the armchair in his room (when had he gotten home? Weren’t they fighting before?) was Elena (Elena was not at that ambush earlier…right? No. No she wasn’t. Probably.). That sight wasn’t very strange, considernig she’d sit vigil over any of them should they be injured or ill. Then there was Daemon, sitting with his back to the woman, head nestled comfortably between her knees as her slender fingers worked through his hair. Again, not a very strange scene. Things got strange when he noticed that G was also present–
    Sitting between Daemon’s outstretched legs as the Mist braided the Storn’s hair, much like Elena was doing to him. G wasn’t cursing, or fighting, or smoking, or making any visible attempt to escape the…the…braiding train. G was letting Daemon braid his hair as if nothign was wrong.
    Giotto fell asleep, blaming his concussion for what had to be a hallucination. And if Daemon and G’s hair were still looking rather wavythe next morning, he blamed that on the concussion too.
♬ — a friend/best friend memory
    “You’re going to get yourself killed. Which will then get me killed by your mother. And maybe mine. She likes you too much.” Giotto had heard the same warning a thousand times that day from G. Really, for such a hot tempered, and ‘apathetic’ teenager, Giotto had never met a bigger worry wart. While the concern was touching, the blond had finally reached that pleasant little place in his head where he could successfully tune out G’s nag–er warnings.
    “He’ll be fine. Besides, I don’t think it’s too bad of an idea–such an etreme power needs equally extreme methods to learn how to control.” And there was the otehr red head in his life, whose views rarely ever aligned with the resident mother hen’s. Again, Giotto very much appreciated Cozart’s support and like mindedness, but sometimes he wondered if Cozart should try at being slightly less reckless or be more concerned with risks. If only for G’s sake. After all–Giotto was stubborn enough without Cozart’s encouragement.
    “You need to shut up and actually out something in his head that’s not liable to get him killed.”
    “I can’t shut up and convince him, G. You’ve gotta make up your mind.”
    “Besides, this was my idea G,” Giotto finally cut in. “Not every stupid thought I have came from Cozart, you know.”
    “So you admit it’s stupid.”
    “Semantics,” the blond hummed. “You don’t have to be here if you’re so against it.”
    “Yes I do. He may not put all of your stupid thought in your head, but he endorses them. Between the two of you, someone’s gonna wind up dead and–you’re ignoring me again, aren’t you?”
    “I was too, just so you know,” Cozart chirped. G looked absolutely murderous, but Giotto put a stop to the potential bloodbath as they arrived at their destination.
    “We’re here!” Giotto announced. Three pairs of eyes looked upwards at the looming cliffside before them, two with anticipation, and the third with dread. “By the end of the week, I’m gonna reach the top.” That was a reasonable assumption, in the blond’s mind, and Cozart seemed right on board. A glance at his eldest friend showed just about what Giotto expected–complete resignation. G had finally accepted there was no avoiding this one either.
    “…When you fall, I’m not goint to catch you.”
    “Yes you will.”
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hiscloudyeyes · 8 years
a prank of the superior carnivore
          Even after all events that occured, Hibari couldn’t claim for sure what was his exact attitude towards the younger self. Indeed there were things and events that had an immense influence on his future, some of them the Cloud wished to erase both from memory and own life, nevertheless there was no denial of importance of what the young prefect had managed to pull with the rest of the Guardians. However at that time he himself approached Irie with request to perform another test travel with those watches, that would grant sufficient amount of time (even if not for long), allowing them both to dwell in one dimension; the trick might work, but duration remained on minimum. Once he manifested on the roof of the painfully familiar and dear Nami-Chuu, the sought-for figure also was detected, and thus he approached. At leisure, without superflouos sounds, even breathing was almost ceased, he knew how to deceive own senses, taking into consideration that carnivore had ways to grow. Bending lightly, swift movement placed a pitch black box that contained particular items on the chest of the smaller predator, compelling his somnolence to fade away. “You may need a spare ones until your own will grow sharper.” Uncharacteristic tone with shades of merriment spoke, as another pair of slanted eyes stared up at him, even in despite of lack of congratulatory speech, the other had to get a hint and the teasing meaning behind his words. Search for power as in development and appropriate changes should be considered as required, not detestable.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
He had been looking forward to a peaceful birthday on the rooftop of his emptied school; despite slightly missing the usual hustle and bustle that keeps him busy with disciplinary duties on regular days. Nevertheless, it is still better than facing herbivores crowding for his attention, which he deems unnecessary if all merely to receive commemorating gifts. For what purpose? Is it not the same to simply place it in his mailbox that it will eventually reach his hands? Why does his older self act the same way as those underlings?
The scent this young Hibari recognizes from anywhere, and not too favorable in his opinion, even as he finds a small item coming in contact with his chest. Up his upper body rises, an annoyed crease between his brows over his slow detection, otherwise his attention shifts to the box. The appearance of the older carnivore suffices to fill his curiosity, immediately making to open it and see what he is referring to ( in spite of the tone that only sounds irritating ). 
The middle-schooler’s countenance blackens. He nearly so bares his teeth too.
             “… … If you wanted a fight for our day of birth, just say so.”
And out flashes a pair of tonfa, spikes unsheathed, the surface of his feet meeting ground as he lunges forward. He will make his own birthday present.
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smokingdera-blog · 8 years
📖, 📫, 💀
➙ 📖 for what my muse would write about yours in their diary.
〔☠〕 — – ’ That damn Hibari.. . always threatening to bite Juudaime to death. He was chosen as a guardian, so he needs to respect Juudaime more. But he is strong. .. Next time !! Next time he threatens Juudaime, I’ll show him who the stroger one is. ’
➙ 📫 for a letter my muse would write about yours to a third party.
〔☠〕 — – ‘ Hibari is the Vongola Cloud Guardian, but he never comes to any of the meetings. You can trust him— Just don’t get on his bad side, or wake him up if he’s sleeping.. . In fact just keep out of his way period. ’
➙ 💀 for what my muse would say upon hearing about your muse’s death. /// 〔☠〕 — – ‘ Hibari.. . Baka. .. I— I don’t believe it ! I won’t accept this!! Hibari wouldn’t let this happen, that idiot is too stubborn to—- tch. No. ’
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suverbia-blog1 · 8 years
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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