#((Muse; Hibari))
queenharumiura · 2 months
Continued from: [x] || @ukigumos
Haru had visited the others and she thought to check in on how the bir- a certain prefect who owned many birds was doing. Her main reason for visiting the office wasn’t to see the birds, no sir. It was to feed them and coddle them.
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It seemed she came in at the right time considering she was told to keep the little ones entertained. “Hahi? Ah… yes. Sleep well, Hibari-san.” She mentally sheds a tear. She was going to drop off a few treats for the birds and then go and visit Tsuna-san, but… who knew how long she’d have to birdsit for.
Well, she could probably stick around for a couple of hours before she’d have to go. Haru Miura, the ever busy bean, had places to go. She sits down and watches as all the tiny birds flock over to her. She whispers for them to be quiet before she starts laying out the bird seeds she prepared for them on a towel. That shouldn’t make too much noise to wake him up?
Well, the birds were cute, at least. She can always visit Tsuna-san another day. Another (dramatic) mental sniff.
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fightingthetides · 1 year
Send me 2 truths and a lie about your muse and my muse will try to guess which is the lie. 
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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I-is it her? Miss Mocha back again!? You don’t know how unreasonably happy this makes me. You are a gem Miss Mocha and I wish all the best for you. That’s a very pretty new dress. If nothing else, seeing this makes me feel pretty damn certain we’re still in a sort of ketsu conclusion for not just Wano but the entire saga. Definitely not seeing a long arc out of Egghead. Think about it though, it works just as well for both. Punk Hazard is our Ki, Dressrosa-Totland is Sho (usually the longest), Wano our Ten, and now we’re tying it off! Great stuff right? Still on funky time too, not just “Land of the Future” but the one here of children growing smaller fits as well. You’re perfect at any size though Mocha.
Tashigi being present also gives me a lot of hope Kiku will still have at least a little relevance going forward. If only because she had so much story with Zoro and makes such a beautiful foil for Kuina. Can all happen in flashback even, but anything around the idea that something Marimo learned through meeting our favorite samurai flows into a scene with Tashigi works. Hopefully sorting out some of our lingering mysteries for Miss Lingering Snow along the way. That said...
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The fuck is this? Oda, the fuck is this? Besides an obvious new love of course. I’m trying to move on here, wanting to resign my hopes for some truly wacky nonsense using my favorite side character in the series to a “what could have been” and you do this? Y’all know what I’m talking about, right? Check what I said about 1058. Short version, (maybe) blonde with bangs named Hibari? Potential reference to another one of WSJ’s most famous trans faces. We’ll talk a little Stop!! Hibari-kun tomorrow. The side shot after makes this a tricky call, but don’t count that out as a possibility for this Hibari. The sash could be tricking you into thinking there’s a fuller chest than in reality and it does seem like her lashes are coming from eye makeup. Not even factoring in all the other wonderful things that could’ve happened to her. Either way, Koby has an adorable kohai who is barely doing anything and still making me like that little wiener kid more.
Innocent enough on its own, but when her scene’s also dangling this thing about Drake (X Marks the Tenth stays pinned) and she has this old fashioned speech quirk/heart motif combo? Dropping that idea she owes Koby, maybe wanting to “return a favor” of some sort? Yeah, I’m intrigued.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
‘  you deserve to feel good. and beautiful, and loved, and wanted, and young, and respected, and wild, and complex, and adored, and so on.  ’ ( from hibari )
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             the maine sentence starters. » still accepting!
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     “Hibari-san, please... must you keep tacking on so many positive, affirming adjectives? It’s embarrassing,” he sheepishly states. Of course, Ryuto is aware he had a face that girls found appealing and he was accustomed to being called ‘pretty’, but beautiful? If nothing else, he feels that term better suited Hibari than it did him.
    “But thank you for aggressively supporting me, I suppose. If I were to be especially frank, however, I’m perfectly content with only being adored by you... in fact, what others nay-sayers have to say about me is purely inconsequential, as the opinions of fools aren’t exactly worth wasting my breath over.” For once, he’s bringing himself to be sweet, but at the same time, Ryuto would be lying if he said he was particularly used to returning compliments or responding back with kindness when someone expresses their fondness towards him.
                        Still, he’ll try his best, because he actually liked Hibari...
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itsashowtime · 2 months
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Muse for Hibari has been strong recently but Shou Muse got touch starved and won his fist fight so here's the aftermath of that
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ukigumos · 2 months
« ooc / meluna -
Hey, hello. It has been (checks calendar) about 10 whole years since I last actively wrote in the KHR fandom, so I will probably appear quite fresh. But it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Figured it'd be a good idea to break the ice with an introduction of sorts. My name is Meluna. I'm an illustrator/animator from Japan and I enjoy writing/rping on the side as a hobby. Long story short, the khr brain demons grabbed me and the Hibari muse that was napping for a few years woke up and has been causing problems on purpose. I'm not sure if I will be around too often, but I look forward to writing with the people here. Do not be afraid to start plotting with me or just throwing your muses at me! I also write for TWEWY over at @moduloxii (although that is low activity too)
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Khr for the 20 questions meme (you can choose the numbers if that’s a lot) Thank You!
Thank you for the request, my lovely anon! I didn't really manage to do all of them, though I explained why I couldn't do particular ones while answering and I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on the ones I did do!
which muse is the easiest to write?
Honestly, I think I've answered this a couple times on this blog. But for those who might have missed those answers, the honest truth is that there isn't a single character left in KHR that I consider 'hard' to write about anymore. I don't think I write the best Reborn, Hibari, or Mukuro, but I do try my best. I will say, I do find Gokudera always naturally flows pretty well for me but overall, KHR is the easiest fandom for me to write about and I enjoy all the characters, in their own way.
which muse is most likely to go to jail?
Well, let's see. Mukuro, Ken, Chikusa, M.M., Birds, and the Bloody Twins are all canonically either currently in jail or they have been in jail. But if that's too much of a cop-out answer, Naito would definitely spend at least a night or two in jail here and there because he's an idiot and a loud one and gets himself into silly situations or causes a public disturbance. If it wasn't for the fact that they're protected by the Mafia and have so many resources at their disposal, the Varia should also be spending time in prison for multiple murders.
which muse would be the best parent?
That's a really hard one because, honestly, this cast is so huge, and there's a lot of characters I think would make excellent parents. There's no way to settle into best either, since I think they'd all have vastly different parenting styles. I will say, out of Tsuna's family, I think neither Gokudera nor Hibari want children, nor would either of them being particularly great parents, each for their own reasons. The only person in the Varia I see wanting their own children is Levi, though I also think Squalo could be a good parent if it did become a thing for him. Out of Mukuro's gang, I don't think Mukuro nor Chrome want their own biological children. They could all potentially be good parents, but out of them all, I do think Fran would make the worst parent, though even he has moments of being a really good parent.
what would your muses be the deities of? what are your favorite icons for each muse? what song do you associate with each muse? what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
Okay, this is just an absolutely huge cast of characters, so I hope you don't mind that I skipped these questions, my dear. The resulting post, if I was to do the entirety of the cast, would take hours upon hours to write (and like I said, these prompts are supposed to be fun and fast in between the more serious waiting requests), and would be extremely long for any of these questions, though I'd be happy to do these with a narrower group of characters in KHR.
which muse would you most like to meet irl?
Oh, there's so, so many characters from KHR I do wish were real and were in my life. Shouichi, Spanner, Byakuran after the future arc, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Haru, Kyoko, Chikusa, Shamal, YamaPapa, Squalo, Skull, Enma…the list is literally too long to count.
which muse would be the MOM friend? DAD friend?
Mom friend? Both Bianchi and Kyoko definitely show signs of being mom friends to those in their lives, though each in their unique ways. I also do think Luce, Aria, and Yuni all are or were 'mom friends' and that, even before she became a mom, Nana was a 'mom friend' to those she was friends with. Now, I'll show myself as dumb here but I didn't really know what a 'dad friend' really meant, so I had to google it. I think Yamamoto and Reborn both have some 'dad friend' energy, as does Kusakabe and Romario, right off the top of my head. Of course, YamaPapa has the most daddest of dad energies though, just saying and is a father, so maybe that helps. I also think Timoteo was always a 'dad friend' to people, from the time he was a kid all the way until he becomes an old man, when he gains 'grand-dad friend' vibes.
which muses are cat people? which are dog people?
Okay, so again, this is a question that if I listed all the characters from the wide cast of characters that fit into both categories, the post would be very long and would take a very long time to write, so I'm just going to go with the first ones that popped into my head. Hibari would definitely be a cat over dog kind of person. While animals really love Hibari in general and he tends to get along best with animals rather than people, he's not really a fan of dogs, to be honest. They're too clingy and require too much attention. Gokudera, Chikusa, Julie, and Kikyo are all very much cat people too. However, Yamamoto, Skull, and Colonello to me are all very much dog people.
which muse would you want to have a sleepover with?
Of course, a sleepover with the girls (Chrome, Kyoko, Haru, Hana, Bianchi, and I-Pin) would be so much fun. I also think sleepovers with Byakuran would be a blast and though I know he's really unpopular, sleepovers with Naito would be hilarious and full of crazy stories for the ages.
which muse would try to befriend the others? which two muses would get along the best if they met? which two muses would immediately fight each other if they met?
Now, I'm treating all of these questions in terms of how I write the various characters in my crossovers and AU's. Again, if I was to write this thinking of all the characters, I could make each question a very long, thorough, time-consuming post, so I went with just my first thoughts. I would happily answer these questions more thoroughly, if anyone would like, with a narrower group of characters. In terms of the crossovers/multiverse AU's though, Tsuna is always the most accepting and the one to make the most friends. While not as outwardly extroverted and friendly as Yamamoto, there's this charisma to Tsuna that does draw people to him. Hibari, Byakuran, Mukuro, Gokudera, Bel, and Xanxus get into the most fights in these stories though.
which muse is physically the strongest? which muse would win in a fist fight against the others?
So, keeping this strictly in universe, the Varia are all considered elite assassins and fighters and I think most of them would survive a fist fight with any of the other characters to at least a draw. It's canon that Hibari is the strongest, battle-wise, of all Tsuna's Guardians, and the Arcobaleno are the absolute best of the best, with Skull in particular actually being known for his strength, something a lot of people seem to forget because honestly, canon and fandom does him a little dirty. In just plain out hand to hand combat, I think Skull can hold his own against anyone, even Hibari, if push came to shove. I'm also adding Knuckle and Ryohei to this category, as fist-fights are their specialities and something both really excel at.
what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for [muse name]?
I mentioned this to a friend the other day in messages, but I honestly, if I had the time and artistic ability, would love to write light novel spin-off series for KHR, something that would never happen as those have to be approved, I'm pretty sure, by the original creator. But I would love to do light novels exploring so much - the Arcobaleno's individual pasts, how they each came to chosen, their experiences with the occasion that turned them into Arcobalenos, and the immediate aftermath of being turned into infants and how they adapt to life after that. I'd love to do light novels exploring all the prior generations of the Vongola Bosses and their Guardians. I'd love to do one exploring YamaPapa's past, especially his relationship with his sibling disciple of Shigure Soen and the creation of Shinotsuku Ame.
which muse would spend a night in a haunted place for $20?
Gokudera will do it for free. No kidding, legit, he might even pay for the privilege. I honestly do think Bianchi actually does share some of her brother's passion for ghosts and she would be interested in spending the night in a haunted house as well. Byakuran and Mukuro would both do it, just because it would amuse them, and both are enough of skeptics to not even be scared.
which muse would you not let into your house, under any circumstance?
Honestly, it's Kikyo. I do see him as being really judgmental, especially with anything aesthetic, and I do think he'd read my interior decorating skills and aesthetic to filth, despite how much I love my apartment and how it looks. I also don't think I'd much like Bel in my apartment…too much chance of me being murdered for my comfort, thanks.
which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
Again, this is one where if I really focused on the full cast, putting them into the groups, I could create a post that would be very long, thorough, and would take quite a while to write, so I just went with my first thoughts. Lambo, Tsuna, Shouichi, Enma would all hide. Basil, Gokudera, Spanner, Byakuran, Mukuro, Hibari, Adelheid, Shitt. P, and Reborn would all investigate, some with less fear than the others.
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ravarui · 6 months
Mains & Exclusive List
A list of people with whom I've written a lot by now and we build a connection. Being mains means they get prioritized when it comes to replies sometimes. Exclusives is something I rarely do and there are certain execptions to them, but those have been long established
@alyafae - blog wide
@isutoburu - blog wide
@aamaranthiine - blog wide
@winterexinferna - Bucky to Tony
@fortislumen - Several muses to Tony
@rcmancedawn - Hibari to Shanks
@heavens-sin - Doflamingo to Shanks
@herztakt - Law to Shanks
@mistrdctr - Stephen to Tony
@alyafae - Pepper & Tony (Exceptions are @ppctts and @fortislumen )
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nxvola · 6 months
sometimes, you need to pick up an old muse and start writing them again to realize how much you've actually missed them. hibari is exactly that muse for me. my precious son. ahh. and i feel very lucky to have you guys who love the same series i do. like, wow we are still active. and simply having fun. if this isn't a blessing idk what is.
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queenharumiura · 1 month
Leaves a tiny Hibird plush on her desk on his way out. There's a little note sitting next to it : Happy belated birthday.
[Haru Bday 2k24 Ask] ||Accepting|| @nxvola
Haru was going over some paperwork at her desk when she notices that her boss had left something on her desk. She was half expecting it to be more work but instead there is a cute bird plush on her desk with a small note.
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"How cute~" She giggles quietly, petting the top of the plush birds head. It was going to be her new little mascot! "What shall Haru name you? Hm... how about Kii-chan?" Yes, Kii from 'Kiiro' because it's yellow.
Such a shame that her boss walked out before she could thank him for the gift. Well, she can tell him next time when she drops by his office with his morning tea.
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fightingthetides · 10 months
Closed starter for @parallelroutes
《𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓵𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓭》
Hours prior, an incident happened on a normally peaceful street in Namimori, which involved a young woman being shot. The victim's name is Haru Miura, and with the incident, it lit a figurative fire underneath the normally pacifistic 'herbivore' into action. Albeit amusing to see Sawada Tsunayoshi become serious, it was more vexing that a friend of the yellow avians had to be harmed in the process.
As loathe as he'd be to consider the notion, the two got along amicably on most occasions, assuming she could keep her wits about her. He'd received word that a patient Kusakabe was tasked with overseeing had woken up, so he'd left his quarters to pay a 'visit'.
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【Your throat wasn't injured, so your ability to talk should be fine. 】
No pleasant greetings nor a question about his well-being as the Cloudian quite frankly didn't care for it. The crux of the matter was to gain insight on the events that have transpired to lead up to an innocent person being shot in broad daylight, impacting the peace of Namimori, a criminal offense by all means.
【Tell me what you know about the vermin. 】
Need he specify who he referred to?
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whiskeysmulti · 4 months
❤️ + Musessinabag
Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog!- accepting!
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You write one hell of an awesome variety of characters. Some from fandoms I'm not familiar with, but for the ones that I do recognize (mainly your KHR) you do a wonderful job. Mukuro, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Aoba, Asari, Lampo, Knuckle, Giotto, Cavallone Primo, are all written beautifully. Of all of them I think I've written the most with your Yamamoto and I like that you keep in mind that while he is always so up beat and happy, he's also got those moments where he can be very serious about a fight. That's something I often see neglected in fics of him but I like that you keep that in mind and incorporate it in the writing. I also love your Mukuro. You bring out his snarky comments and it can be so funny sometimes to see what he has to say, (I am a big fan of him trolling Haru in dash games a lot, that's actually what I mentioned to Neo when you followed I was so excited and had to ask her "Is this the Mukuro that's always trolling Haru because he keeps scoring higher?" ) I love how he and Hibari get on each other's nerves, very on brand/in character for him. Ryohei is so funny in canon and you keep that in mind when portraying him. He's the Sun, the one who hypes everyone else up. He's also a comic relief character sometimes but that's also part of the Sun's job to motivate the family. You keep his humor very in character and also remember that when he has to be serious, Ryohei can get serious. He's a big brother, a friend, a bit of an airhead sometimes, but very protective as well and you bring that out beautifully. I want my Tsuna to interact with him soon enough. On to the Primo gen muses. I love how you portray Cavallone Primo as well, we know nothing about him from the anime except that by Mafia basics he's somehow related distantly to Dino and he was the founder of the family. So to see your take on him is wonderful, and pretty much how I had envisioned him as well, very caring and strong, doting on his descendants/successor and just a proud Boss in general. Characters like that are always fun to write because there is so much you can fill in with headcanons, and you're doing great with it.
Sticking with the Primo gen, on to Asari, Lampo, Knuckle and Giotto.
Asari is a muse that I personally always loved. He was calm, collected, and really cool and sad we didn't get to see or learn much more about him, so I'm curious what your take on him is like as I've only seen a little in character of him, and if you ever want to write him more, I offer G to write with him in any plot you might want. Lampo was a coward, that's canonically stated and it's known he was lazy too. You portray that really well and I like that you mention in a few in character things that he fears Daemon as I've seen that forgotten sometimes in fics.
Knuckle is an interesting muse in general. A boxer who turned to god when he accidentally killed someone in the ring, that's a hard character to write in general because of all the backstory that could have led up to that. So I'm curious what you see his past like. But as for keeping him in character, you do great! He was the original Sun guardian, and the Sun's job is to pretty much motivate the family, keep them going in their darkest hour.
I know your Giotto is on a separate blog, but I wanted to mention him in this one too because it's still you writing it, and this is my moment to yell about your awesome portrayals. I know I have sent maybe 1 or 2 things to him, but your Giotto is amazing also. A lot of people try to write him as too harsh and too powerful, and forget that he was one of the most caring bosses in Mafia history. You keep that in mind as far as I've seen of your writing and I really love your Giotto. I'll have to send him more stuff from G sometime.
And now for your Forest Guardian! Aoba was such a funny character in the series, but he was also someone who was a very fierce opponent, while being completely stupid outside of fighting. I like how you have him in character and still can make him even funnier in some comments he's made. Because that was the thing with him, he was cocky to Ryohei in battle, but outside of the fancy glasses and his pride in the family, he really is just a martial arts nerd underneath.
I don't see him too much on your blog though if you ever want to write him, I do have some of the Simon muses on my blog, Enma and Cozarto/Primo Shimon are always on the roster and I have Adelheid and Shittopi on request! Feel free to interact with them, I'm curious to see more of your Aoba!
This got a bit long, but I think it gets the general point across. And that point is, Rikku we love you!
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
TYL!Kyoya Hibari x Female!Civilian!Reader: Cut
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Summary: If people think Hibari is frightening in his best mood, just wait until they see him at his worst.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Original Ten Years Later!Universe; Vongola-alligned!Reader; bullying; no honorifics)
Challenge:  “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives. 
Tag list: @imaginesfire​
Kyoya Hibari was not and had never been a patient man. He himself would admit with very little prompting that he didn’t like people, nor did people like him. This suited him just fine, as his frosty reception gave him plenty of leave to avoid the rest of the members of his “family.” Unfortunately, said family, on occasion, expected him to socialize for his keep. Such was the circumstance that landed him bodyguard duty in the middle of a crowded grocery store.
“Oh! Mr. Hibari, could you hand me a carton of milk?”
Though he resented the intrusion into his thoughts, Hibari did you asked. It seemed futile to remind you for the fifteenth time that Tsuna had not sent him along to help you shop. In fact, Tsuna had sent him along because you were one of the several entirely useless women in the employ of the Vongola. You could not leave the base without protection, and, much to Hibari’s increasing chagrin, someone still had to pick up the groceries when none of the Guardians were able or willing.
Oblivious to his growing annoyance, you continued to chatter away: It was so nice to see natural sunlight again. How exciting to see real people doing real people things! Did Hibari think Tsuna would object to you picking up a cake for when Kyoko and Haru arrived?
Hibari thought it didn’t really matter. Forty-five minutes after the two of you entered the store, a veritable mountain of groceries burst from your cart.  Tsuna would undoubtedly for whatever you brought home without complaint, so what was one more item? All Hibari wanted to do was get back to headquarters, preferably before the Millifiore were alerted to his whereabouts. You had a bad habit of screaming whenever he bit someone to death someone in front of you.
“It says here that we’re supposed to pick up a few packs of cigarettes for Mr. Gokudera on our way home,” you mused as you rounded another corner. “I know he’s really stressed out right now, but do you think that’s a good idea? We’re all sharing using recycled air these days.”
Hibari didn’t answer because he didn’t care enough to actively listen. To give himself some relief from the endless prattle spewing from your mouth, he narrowed his eyes in the direction of a young woman buying meat at a counter across the way. She had been looking at him for far too long, but as soon as his eyes met hers, she blushed crimson and looked hurriedly away. 
A contented hum lifted briefly from Hibari’s throat. There would be no threat from that direction at least.
“I can’t thank you enough for coming along with me,” you were saying when he returned his attention to you. Like the woman from before, you looked away from him as your cheeks darkened somewhat. “I know you don’t enjoy shopping, but it’s good to have company. All that’s left is to check–” You broke off as you saw what lay before you: The line of checkout counters near the exits had many lines themselves. “…out,” you finished weakly.
A flare of frustration burned in Hibari’s chest, but he pushed it away. It was not your fault that things were as bad as they were. On the other hand, if you hadn’t begged Tsuna to let you out this afternoon, Hibari would have never found himself in such a predicament to begin with.
You must have sensed his train of thought, because you ducked your head as you entered one of the lines. An awkward whistled lifted from your lips. Not being one for conversation, Hibari had to content himself with intimidating the rest of the herd with his presence. This was passingly entertaining–until he heard your nervous voice from behind him.
“Oh! Oh, no. Please don’t do that!”
“And what are you going to do about it, lady?” 
Hibari turned on the spot, quick as a flash. The gentlemen bothering you were quite obviously not of the mafia sort. They were simply rude people, having jammed their cart into the small space between yours and the woman currently being checked out.
“You cut me,” you protested.
“So go to the back of the line!” 
Hibari blinked when you stomped your foot. The gesture might have been childish, but you never stood up for yourself. 
“We want to go home,” you added in as hard a voice as he’d ever heard you use.
“Yeah, and so do we. Survival of the fittest, lady, and you aren’t fit.”
“I’m also not–not a butthole!” you snapped.
This only caused the two men to snicker. “Buttholes, are we? Butt out and grow up.”
They turned their backs toward you and refused to respond further to your objections. Hibari was about to turn away again (having ascertained you were in no real danger) when he noticed you fall silent. A closer inspection showed you to be blinking furiously, as though trying to stem back several tears.
Hibari did not like tears.
Before he knew what he was doing, Hibari had marched forward and grabbed the first man’s shoulder.
“What do you want, buddy?” the man asked, as Hibari had apparently not grabbed hard enough. It occurred to him that he didn’t owe the man an explanation. He did not offer one. All Hibari did was swiftly and forcefully toss the man to the back of the line.
“Hey, what the h–” 
The other man didn’t have time to finish his question. Hibari threw him on top of the other man, then shoved their cart into the resulting mound. The people in front of them muttered, stared, and whispered to each other about calling the police. Without waiting to hear more, Hibari calmly took your cart and pushed it forward.
“Ring us up,” he told the cashier in the resulting silence. 
With a shaky nod, she did as directed. Ten minutes later, and you and Hibari were leaving the store unquestioned and unassaulted.
“Thank you,” you said as you left the parking lot.
“Hn,” Hibari said again–but that time, he might have almost smiled.
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lovelyextreme · 1 month
Different anon! *props chin in hands* So! FMK the other half of the guardians~ Muroku Rokudo, Chrome Dokuro, and Kyoya Hibari! Good luck!
Send my muse "FMK" and three names for them to say which one they'd Fuck, Marry and Kiss.
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More of this?! They wanted a bad rep here. "This is extremely not good at all." Really wanted none of this with them. ESPECIALLY two of them. "Fuck Hibari, kiss Mukuro and marry Chrome..? No wait."
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ukigumos · 29 days
Send me “▼” for your muse to bring mine an umbrella when it’s raining ((ooc: from Yams))
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UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞« fluffy starters.
Kyouya lifted his head when he noticed that there were less droplets trickling down his body. A wake up call was much needed, so he had gone out to hit reset. What he hadn't expected was an interruption.
Without looking over his shoulder, he could guess who it was that dared to catch him in such a state. So he remained still, back turned.
"I don't need it."
The umbrella or sympathy? Perhaps both. A person letting themselves get drenched likely warranted a gentle gesture, but not if you were Hibari Kyouya. Only an idiot would approach him.
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risingshine · 2 months
After all the threads where chiasa nurses someone else back to health, it'd be interesting to see her in that position for a change
And taking chiasa out to karaoke and being suprised how good her singing voice is lol - bonus points if it's a japanese muse: because her singing voice sounds like mirosa hibari, which they could've heard thanks to their parents when they were young and just go 'wait a minute'-
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