luckysergeworld · 5 months
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Получил первую выплату с проекта .
Оплата пришла в течении нескольких часов на Faucetpay.
Без сомнения лучший проект в категории зароботка сатош биткойна .
Хит 2023 года .
Просто играя , зарабатывай .
Шикарный проект и насчитывает аж 11 способов заработать Bitcoin.
Только на квестах в день можно заработать до 6000 сатоши .
В "КРИПТО ВЕСТ" инвестиционных планов НЕТ"!
Заработок и сумма заработка каждого участника зависит от его активности в "КРИПТО ВЕСТ".
Проверено , проект платит .
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Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies: Unraveling the Revolution of Digital Gold
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In the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands as the undisputed pioneer, heralding a new era of digital finance and challenging traditional notions of money and value. Since its inception over a decade ago, Bitcoin has captivated the imagination of millions, evolving from a niche experiment to a globally recognized asset class with a market capitalization surpassing that of many Fortune 500 companies. Let's delve into the intricacies of Bitcoin cryptocurrencies and their profound impact on the financial landscape. Check their site to know more details  criptomoedas bitcoin
At its core, Bitcoin represents a decentralized digital currency, free from the control of any central authority or intermediary. Powered by blockchain technology, Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger, immutable and transparent, ensuring trust and security without the need for intermediaries. This groundbreaking innovation not only eliminates the inefficiencies and vulnerabilities inherent in traditional financial systems but also empowers individuals with unparalleled financial sovereignty and autonomy.
One of Bitcoin's most defining features is its scarcity. With a maximum supply capped at 21 million coins, Bitcoin is often likened to digital gold—a store of value immune to inflationary pressures and government manipulation. This scarcity, coupled with increasing global demand and institutional adoption, has propelled Bitcoin's price to unprecedented heights, garnering attention from investors, speculators, and institutions seeking a hedge against economic uncertainty and currency debasement.
Moreover, Bitcoin's decentralized nature makes it resistant to censorship and confiscation, providing a safe haven for individuals in jurisdictions plagued by political instability or oppressive regimes. From remittances and philanthropy to wealth preservation and capital flight, Bitcoin has emerged as a lifeline for those seeking financial freedom and inclusion in an interconnected yet fractured world.
However, Bitcoin is not without its challenges. Scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory scrutiny remain persistent hurdles on its path to mainstream adoption. The debate over Bitcoin's environmental impact, fueled by its energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism, underscores the need for sustainable alternatives and technological innovation to mitigate its carbon footprint.
Furthermore, regulatory uncertainty poses a significant risk to Bitcoin's long-term viability. While some countries have embraced Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class, others have imposed stringent regulations or outright bans, casting a shadow of uncertainty over its future. Clear and coherent regulatory frameworks are essential to fostering investor confidence, encouraging innovation, and ensuring the responsible growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Despite these challenges, the future of Bitcoin cryptocurrencies appears bright. The ongoing development of layer-two solutions, such as the Lightning Network, promises to enhance scalability and efficiency, enabling faster and cheaper transactions on the Bitcoin network. Additionally, advancements in privacy and security features aim to bolster Bitcoin's fungibility and resilience against emerging threats.
Moreover, the convergence of Bitcoin with traditional finance through avenues like exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and institutional-grade custody solutions is paving the way for broader adoption and integration into traditional investment portfolios. As Bitcoin matures and evolves, its role as a global reserve asset and digital gold is poised to solidify, reshaping the financial landscape for generations to come.
In conclusion, Bitcoin cryptocurrencies represent a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and interact with money. As a decentralized, scarce, and censorship-resistant digital asset, Bitcoin transcends borders and ideologies, offering a beacon of hope for financial empowerment and freedom in an increasingly digitized world. While challenges abound, the resilience and innovation of the Bitcoin community continue to propel the revolution of digital gold forward, unlocking new possibilities and redefining the future of finance.
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edsonjnovaes · 2 months
GUIA completo NOSTR
GUIA completo NOSTR: o que é, como surgiu e como usar o protocolo que descentraliza REDES SOCIAIS! Area Bitcoin – 08 ago 2023 PARTES DO VÍDEO: 00:00 – O que é e como surgiu o NOSTR 03:58 – Como NOSTR funciona (relays) 06:58 – NOSTR e Bitcoin: o futuro da internet 08:24 – Como criar uma conta no Damus 11:52 – O que são zaps e como enviar bitcoin via Lighting no NOSTR Nostr é a sigla de…
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BNBuilder - следующий криптопроект 50x 100x? Первый бесплатный конструктор сайтов Web 3, NFTs, Airdrops,... 
 Следите за нами, чтобы увидеть больше видео о BNBuilder и других перспективных криптопроектах с низкой капитализацией 
 Информация о проекте
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Telegram t.me/bnbuilder 
Ставочный сайт https://bnbuilder.web3stake.app/ 
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 Twitter https://twitter.com/bnbuilderbsc 
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ВИДЕО Текст BNBuilder - это первый бесплатный конструктор сайтов, предназначенный для криптовалютных проектов. Команда kyc и doxxed собирается интегрировать функциональные возможности web 3 в свой конструктор сайтов. Его текущая рыночная капитализация составляет около $25000, так что она очень низкая, но с большим потенциалом и возможностями для роста. График показывает нам, что это может быть предстоящий проект, который делает 50x 100x. Его конструктор сайтов запущен, а его система drag-and-drop очень проста в использовании. Просто зарегистрируйтесь, указав свою электронную почту, и вы сможете войти в приложение. Затем вы можете выбрать шаблон или создать свой сайт с нуля, изменить каждую из его частей и опубликовать его. Публикация сайта на собственном домене имеет очень небольшую стоимость, но вы также можете опубликовать свой сайт на поддомене bnbuilder. Вы также можете сделать ставку на свой токен BUILD, чтобы получать пассивный доход от #busd   Команда очень активна и отзывчива, у нее много планов на ближайшее будущее. Они создают экосистему под названием Build Connect, где другие проекты могут поделиться своим видением и идеями с сообществом на Telegram и в социальных сетях. Ваши полезные NFT теперь доступны на сайте Air N F T S dot com. Покупая их, держатели N F T S будут получать еженедельные выпуски токенов, шанс выиграть в ежедневном колесе токенов B N B и BUILD, приглашение в свою закрытую группу, где они будут делиться звонками из других интересных проектов, а также получат 50% от всех поступлений, которые будут использованы для ��ыкупа и стакинга. Экосистема BUILD растет с каждым днем, Крупные имена начинают следить за проектом Всегда проводите собственные исследования, это видео предназначено только для образовательных и развлекательных целей. Следите за нами и подписывайтесь, нажав на колокольчик уведомления, чтобы получать все обновления и больше видео о экосистеме BUILD и более перспективных криптовалютах с малой капитализацией. Хорошего дня #инстаграм #инстаграманет #инстаграмнедели #инстаграм_порусски #инста #инстатаг #улыбка #селфи #красота #супер #день #ночь #природа #друзья #дружба #лайки #фото #фотография #любовь #любовьмоя #жизнь #жизньпрекрасна #небо #животные #семья #дети #я #инстаграм_порусски #подпишись #мы #море #ростовскоеморе #море2022 #criptomonedas #bitcoin #ethereum #binance #bitcoin #exmo #yobit #blockchain #bitcoin #ethereum #investment #btc #trading #eth #cryptocurrency #hitbtc #news #blockchain #cryptopia #mining #cex #cryptocurrency #livecoin #poloniex #crypto #fichas #cripto #bitcoinplanet #cripto #dinero #криптовалюты #биткоин #эфириум #binance #биткойн #exmo #yobit #блокчейн #bitcoin #ethereum #инвестиции #btc #трейдинг #eth #криптовалюта #hitbtc #новости #blockchain #cryptopia #майнинг #cex #cryptocurrency #livecoin #poloniex #крипта #tokens #крипто #bitcoinplanet #crypto #деньги #криптовалюты #криптовалютырф #криптовалюты2018 #криптовалюта #криптовалютаобучение #криптовалютаалматы #криптовалюта_бизнес_будущего #криптовалюта2018 #криптовалютами #криптовалютасочи #криптовалюта2017 #криптовалюту #криптовалютакакзаработать #криптовалютах #криптовалютой #криптовалютановости #криптовалютасибирь #криптовалют #криптовалютакурс #криптовалюте #криптовалютадаш #криптовалютныйрынок #криптовалютановогопоколения #криптовалютауфа #криптовалютабиткоин #криптовалютапризм #криптовалютныйбизнес #криптовалюта #инвестиции #блокчейн #майнинг #крипта #биткоин #криптовалюты #бизнес #капитал #стартап #инвестор #криптовалютакурс #криптовалютаобучение #криптовалюта2020 #криптовалютабиткоин #крипта #биткоин #инвестируй #крипта #бизнес #будущего #дивиденды #Майнинг #криптовалюта #биткоин #брокеры #криптовалютаdash #заработать #надежныйпродавец #майнерывналичии #криптовалютапризм #инвестиция #криптовалюта2017 #finiko #криптовалютакакзаработать #криптарастет #предприниматель #инвестирование #криптовалютабудущего #биток #прибыль #деньгинепроблема #cryptocurrencynews #заработатьденьги #финансоваясвобода #банк #фондовыйрынок #доллар #крипто #биткойн #призм #сетевик #курсвалюты #бизнесподключ #компания #бизнесдома #работавинстаграм #своедело #работаудаленно #кризис #кредиты #инвестициивсебя #инвесторы #консалтинг #маркетолог #финансоваяграмотность #вложения #форекс
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Brazil central bank director terms Bitcoin a financial innovation
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Fabio Araujo, the director of the Central Bank of Brazil, has praised Bitcoin’s (BTC) technological properties terming the asset as a financial innovation that has given rise to new critical products. 
For instance, Araujo singled out Bitcoin’s role in giving rise to the Web3 concept alongside triggering most jurisdictions to start researching central bank digital currencies (CBDC),” Livecoins reported on August 4. 
Interestingly, the director revealed that the bank began looking into Bitcoin’s properties over a decade ago.
However, Araujo ruled out the possibility of Bitcoin being used as a currency citing the asset’s volatility as a major drawback. In this case, the director explained that there is a need for CBDC since it eliminates the volatility case and works as a payment solution. 
Continue reading.
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btcmasterpro · 2 months
Stay Ahead with BTCMaster: Live coins news
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Explore livecoins news updates with BTCMaster. They deliver a user-friendly platform that offers in-depth insights into Bitcoin's price movements. They are dedicated to providing users with accurate and real-time updates on the ever-fluctuating value of Bitcoin.
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crynotifier · 8 months
Brazilian Police to Freeze ‘Fraudsters’’ Crypto
Brazilian Police to Freeze ‘Fraudsters’’ Crypto
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Source: Joa Souza/Adobe
Brazilian police have asked courts to freeze the crypto holdings of suspected electronics-trading fraudsters as part of a “mega operation.”
The Brazilian media outlet Livecoins reported that officers took part in an operation codenamed Spin-Off.
The operation involves the Federal Police and the Receita Federal (the Special Department of Federal Revenue).
Officers raided properties in the states of São Paulo, Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul.
Some 180 federal police officers and 74 tax auditors swooped, as courts granted the officers 50 “search and seize” warrants in the cities of Cuiabá, Várzea Grande, Sinop, Alta Floresta, Rondonópolis, Ribeirão Preto, and Ponta Porã.
The investigators were granted freezing orders for crypto wallets by a branch of the Federal Criminal Court.
This would appear to indicate that the wallets in question are hosted on domestic crypto exchange platforms.
But the police did not divulge any information about which platforms had been asked to cooperate.
Nor did officers disclose the value of the holdings or the type of coins it had asked the court to freeze.
The police said that the “objective” of their operation was to “dismantle” what it called a “criminal organization” that investigators think masterminded a “complex financial scheme.”
Officers claimed that the organization purchased electronics items from overseas buyers and sold them to domestic buyers.
And the police added that they suspected the group of “moving high amounts” of cash and/or crypto received from electronics buyers into accounts belonging to “paper” companies.
These firms, the police think, were “fronts” and were registered in the name of intermediaries.
Officers said they thought the companies were used in a bid to throw investigators off the scent and “disguise the origin and purpose” of the money and/or crypto they were sending to overseas vendors.
Brazilian Police Freeze ‘Criminals’ Crypto’
Investigators said they thought the ring had sold some $24.3 million worth of goods in this manner, without declaring any of their operations to customs officials, tax bodies, or the police.
Search warrants were also issued for “addresses related to” traders and suppliers who may also have taken part in the “scheme.”
Prosecutors may look to indict the suspects on charges of embezzlement, tax evasion, and money laundering.
If found guilty, the suspected perpetrators could be handed jail terms of up to 20 years.
Last month, police raided multiple addresses linked to Braiscompany, a high-profile suspected crypto pyramid.
Also in July this year, officers said they had “dismantled” two separate crypto-powered money laundering operations.
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New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/brazilian-police-freeze-suspected-fraudsters-crypto-holdings-htm/
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worldspotlightnews · 1 year
Brazil Police Swoop on ‘Crypto ‘Sex-tortion’ Ring
Source: Dwiangga/Adobe Brazilian police have swooped on what they believe is a sex-themed crypto extortion ring that saw victims blackmailed into handing over tokens. The Brazilian media outlet Livecoins reported that the probe was codenamed Operation Sextorsion, and was carried out by the Civil Police in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais. Three unnamed suspects, thought to be members “of a criminal…
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letscollectnft · 1 year
Crypto Boost in Brazil as Samsung Wallet Set to Launch
Source: Tobias Arhelger/Adobe Samsung has announced the rollout of its crypto wallet-linkable mobile payments solution – Samsung Wallet – in Brazil, India, Malaysia, and five other countries. Per an official Samsung release and a report from Brazil’s Livecoins, the firm will also unveil the service to users in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. In the United States, Samsung…
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mycryptoposts · 2 years
Brazilian city with 1.5 million citizens includes 'Bitcoin Pizza Day' to its celebrations calendar #cryptoposts #crypto #usa #business #money #success #cryptomarket #money #bitcoin #forex #investment #millionaire #wealth #invest #trading #cryptocurrency #investing #finance #forextrader #financialfreedom #crypto #investor #blockchain
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machadop2p · 2 years
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Bitcoin é comunista?! Qual a sua opinião? Via: @livecoins https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_mrzgJ1A-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
Brazilian Crypto Investment Platform Bluebenx Backpedals on Hack Reports, States It Was Victim of a Listing Scam
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Bluebenx, a Brazilian crypto company that recently stopped customer withdrawals, has changed its story regarding the causes which took it to take that measure. While the exchange issued an email statement informing customers it had been the victim of a vicious hack, now the company states the liquidity problems were the consequence of a listing scam.
Bluebenx Switches Versions Regarding Liquidity Issues
Brazilian crypto investment company Bluebenx changed the version on the recent liquidity issues it is facing, having stopped the withdrawals for some customers last week. The first explanation of this resolution included allegations of the exchange being the victim of an “extremely aggressive hack,” with the operations halt being part of the security protocol to handle the aftermath of the event. However, now it has backpedaled on this explanation, offering a very different take on the issue. Bluebenx explained that the incident was the consequence of a listing scam, in which the company had agreed to pay for listing its own currency, BENX, on another platform. According to a note sent by the company to Livecoins, a local source, Bluebenx had to pay $200,000 and 25 million Benx for this listing opportunity to a third party acquainted with the unnamed listing exchange. However, the alleged representative scammed and deprived the company of these funds. Also, the attacker took the 25 million BENX paid and exchanged it for USDT using the liquidity pools of the exchange, depriving it of all of its stablecoin liquidity. The company stated: BlueBenx also clarifies that among its more than 25,000 customers, only 2,500 were affected by the blow. The recovery plan provides that these customers will be able to redeem their applications from 2023 onwards. The company did not explain the reasons for this change in its explanation.
Massive Layoffs Explanation
The company also gave an explanation for the layoffs that it executed on the same day that this incident happen, which caused some customers to believe they were being victims part of a Ponzi scheme scam. The company explained: Bluebenx took unpopular measures and, in order to ensure safety and guarantees for our investors, fired part of the employees and suppliers with privileged access, as a way of limiting access to the accounts. While the company did not specify the number of employees that were fired, it did report that, for the time being, only 11 people remained on the company’s payroll, and that it had abandoned its headquarters and other assets to “comply with its legal and contractual obligations with its customers.” What do you think about Bluebenx changing the explanation about its liquidity problems? Tell us in the comments section below. Read the full article
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DAOMERGE Этому блокчейну нужно всего $15k, чтобы сделать 50x или $30k в покупках для 100x
Этот блокчейн требует всего $15k, чтобы сделать 50x или $30k в покупках для 100 x - это проект с высоким риском и высокой наградой.
 Информация о проекте: 
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 Текст видео: 
Блокчейн DAOMerge будет оптимизирован для децентрализованных финансов, обеспечит беспрепятственную связь между суверенными блокчейнами, будет иметь высокую степень безопасности, масштабируемость, очень низкую комиссию и опытную, отзывчивую и активную команду. 
 Текущее предложение в обращении очень низкое из-за ставок, ликвидность заблокирована, исходный код контракта проверен, и команда недавно провела второй тестнет. И она обратилась в компанию TechRait для проведения аудита контракта. 
 Среди прочего они создадут Blockchain Explorer, Bridge Multichain, Farming, собственный кошелек. 
Очень скоро вы сможете запустить узел на своем компьютере и запускать протоколы на их блокчейне. Сообщество очень активно, как и разработчики, они отвечают на все вопросы и ежедневно сообщают о ходе работы. 
Текущая рыночная капитализация составляет около $40000 и крупные имена начинают следить за ними в Twitter. Не упустите возможность войти в блокчейн-проект с малой капитализацией, они дают невероятную прибыль ранним инвесторам. Это видео предназначено только для образовательных и развлекательных целей. Следите за нами, чтобы увидеть больше видео о DAOMerge и других перспективных криптопроектах с малой капитализацией. 
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wakgenk · 2 years
I Own Revenue Coin
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Revenue Coin's in-house experts and investors have identified a clear gap in the funding ecosystem between angel and venture capital levels. Revenue Coin is part of an ecosystem that will fill this gap. Revenue Coin provides a cost effective way for high tech startups to rapidly scale, providing resources and expertise to help aim for rapid growth.
Revenue Coin holders can grow their investment by allocating a portion of the revenues from these startups to systematically purchasing RVC from the open market. Revenue Coin holders are rewarded with increased value due to reduced supply.
The Revenue Coin Platform also offers new revenue models for startups which can increase the value of RVC even further for holders.
The Revenue Coin (RVC) is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain that was developed as a utility token with multiple uses. One of its main features is to provide a means of investment into high-tech startups and empower the community to fund innovative companies. The startup will receive the RVC tokens in return for equity in the company, giving investors a stake in the future success of early-stage companies.
The team behind Revenue Coin (RVC) has already raised enough funds to purchase the first batch of RVC tokens, which they will allocate to startups that have committed to use a percentage of their revenues to buy RVC from the market. This will encourage companies to prioritize the systematic purchase of RVC, reducing supply and increasing demand, which in turn will increase the value of each token.
The more businesses join this program, the greater the demand for RVC will be and thus also its value. Together with a growing community and increased user base, this might lead to exponential growth and success for Revenue Coin (RVC).
The story behind Revenue Coin (RVC) is as exciting as the vision it has for the future. The coin, which launched in 2015, is a cryptocurrency that enables companies to harness the power of blockchain technology to scale their business and increase profitability.
the vision is backed by a team who believe that Blockchain is the next evolution of technology and it will change the world. The team believes that blockchain technology will be used to run businesses and financial institutions all over the world and believes that there will be a strong demand for RVC tokens. The team has already created over 13 million RVC coins and all are already up for sale on exchanges such as YoBit, Cryptopia, Qryptos, HitBTC, Livecoin, Mercatox, Coinexchange and many others. Unlike other cryptocurrencies that have been developed since 2013, Revenue Coin (RVC) was created with emphasis on using blockchain technology to solve real-world problems.
The main goal of the coin is to help fund high-tech companies with an aim of scaling their businesses. The company provides these startups with free consulting services, training and marketing support before they launch into the market. The startups receive funding from private investors, institutional investors or from revenue coin (RVC) holders. The startups allocate
Revenue Coin is a digital currency that can be used to purchase products and services from high-tech companies. It's holding a steady position in the top 50 market cap cryptocurrencies, but it's got the potential to leap into the top 20. Why? One of its main features is that it's deflationary. This means that each time a company gains revenue, they have to buy Revenue Coin on the open market with whatever fiat currency they receive from their customers. The more companies using RVC, the more valuable each RVC becomes. This means that Revenue Coin holders are funding cutting-edge technologies and receiving money back as part of those projects' revenue.
The concept behind Revenue Coin is similar to a stock split: if you had $1 and bought 100 shares at $10 each, you'd have $1,000 in your brokerage account and 1,000 shares of stock worth $10 each. If your broker then announced that every 10 stocks would now be worth $100 each, you'd suddenly be sitting on $100,000 for only a fraction of the amount of money you put in. And when your broker buys back those same shares at $100 each, you get your original $1 back out of the deal. That's what happens with RVC—
Imagine a world where the future of business is funded by the people who believe in its potential the most. Where a new idea is dreamt up by a teenager in his basement, and that idea becomes a reality because thousands of people around the globe hold enough faith in it to put their money where their mouth is.
Three years ago, that was just an idea—an idea born from the frustration of seeing such ideas come to nothing more often than not.
The founders of Revenue Coin (RVC) wanted to create a way to invest in businesses on the ground level, to be able to watch the growth of an idea unfold and have some say in what enables it to grow. With RVC, they can do just that. Rather than funding risky projects after they've been developed, RVC holders fund ideas before they've even been realized. The funds given by RVC holders are then used by entrepreneurs to develop their products or services and bring them out into the world. In return for this funding, holders receive a percentage of revenue from the company being funded—a revenue stream that continues indefinitely into perpetuity as long as the company succeeds. This revenue stream is ensured by contracts between companies and RVC holders; if either party violates these terms, they are penalized
Revenue Coin is a cryptocurrency that's designed to be used as a currency, but can also be held as an investment. It's new and promising, with potential for serious growth.
As the name suggests, RVC is intended to be exchanged for goods and services, but it can also be traded on the open market. RVC has all the advantages of other cryptocurrencies - it's secure and resistant to counterfeiting, it's private, and it can't be tracked by third parties. And because it's a blockchain-based currency that records its transactions publicly, nobody can steal your money or fake transactions.
But Revenue Coin adds another level of flexibility: Once you own RVC, you can use the coins from your holdings to pay for products and services, or you can sell them back into the market at any time. This creates a dynamic value since demand is directly related to how much people are using RVC in this way. As adoption grows, so does demand - which also means that the price will increase over time.
And this isn't just theoretical, either; there are already businesses accepting payments in RVC, including some fairly big names like Shopify and Ting Mobile. You can even buy things on Amazon with RVC!
The internet has ushered in a new era of entrepreneurialism, where startups are emerging at an accelerating pace. But with this growth comes a major problem: it's difficult for most companies to scale to the point where they can generate revenue that's high enough to match the amount needed to sustain their operations and development.
RVC is designed to address this problem. It is the currency of a marketplace built on the blockchain. In this marketplace, companies receive funding from investors by selling revenue shares—a percentage of their future profits—in return for upfront capital. This gives them cash on hand to get off the ground and begin generating revenue faster than they would be able to otherwise, before they've had time to raise more capital or develop it themselves.
This marketplace includes everything that could be sold as a revenue share: products and services, patents, software, platforms, apps, etc. With this in mind, RVC is not just about funding startups; it's about cutting out the need for venture capitalists entirely in many cases by giving companies access to capital without them having to cut into their own revenue stream or give someone else control over their profits (with stock). The RVC market will be open 24/7 and include some of the most innovative businesses in the world—all
more information : website : https://revenuecoin.io/ telegram : https://t.me/revenuecoinENG twiter : https://twitter.com/RevenueCoin facebook : https://www.facebook.com/revenuecoin/ istagram : https://www.instagram.com/revenuecoin/ linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/revenuecapital/ youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3VcN35ns7XcGwFuRLKkD5g
author Bitcointalk username: wak genk Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3478457 Smart Chain (BSC) Wallet: 0x911B8ee09db78ddD6f6eB735a2Dab072b0d7A9Ed
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webtintuc24h · 2 years
Tìm hiểu những yếu tố coin rác tiềm năng trong thời đại 4.0 hiện nay
Và hiện nay trên thị trường tiền điện tử các coin rác tiềm năng đang vô cùng được yêu thích, nhưng trong số ấy vẫn có một vài nhà đầu tư chưa hiểu rõ lắm về đồng coin này. Nên bài viết hôm nay sẽ tiếp thị thông tin chi tiết về các loại coin rác tiềm năng, cũng như giải yêu thích lý do tại sao mà khá nhiều trader lại rất thích thú đồng tiền coin này đến như vậy. Tìm hiểu thêm qua bài viết chi tiết của https://coin4share.com/coin-rac-tiem-nang/
Để hiểu rõ thêm mời người dùng Xem thêm ở đây: coin rác tiềm năng
A. Coin Rác là gì?
Coin rác tiềm năng được biết đến là một trong những đồng chi phí mới ra đời và vô cùng ít được nhiều người đầu tư biết tới, do chưa định giá tiền được mức giá trị hay chưa được niêm yết chính thức trên sàn giao dịch hoặc chưa có sự nổi tiếng trong thị trường tiền ảo.
Và do đó, những coin đều có số nguồn vốn hóa dưới 100 triệu USD và khối lượng giao dịch lại không quá cao hoặc vô cùng nhỏ và không có được ổn định trên thị trường nữa. Cho nên những coin rác tiềm năng này lại có sự phân chia thành ba nhóm coin như sau:
Nhóm coin top 1: Đây đều là những đồng coin đã xuất hiện vô cùng lâu trên thị trường và có tính tin cậy cao hay rất ít biến động và có sự tương đồng như đồng Bitcoin nên nhà đầu tư có thể đào coin rác được với một vài coin thông dụng như sau: ETH, LTC, ETC, XMR,…
Nhóm coin cận top: các đồng coin rác tiềm năng này đều sở hữu số vốn hóa cũng giống như các coin trên và cực kỳ thông dụng trên thị trường cũng như được khá nhiều người biết đến như: XRP, NEM, STR, BTS,….
Nhóm coin rác: phần lớn những loại coin rác có tiềm năng này đều có vốn hóa dưới 100 triệu USD và khối lượng giao dịch lại thấp.
Và đương nhiên những đối tượng ấy phải minh bạch và có độ tín nhiệm cao. Và để kiếm chứng là bạn có thể liên hệ và được bàn luận trực tiếp với đội ngũ ấy. Còn Nếu như là dự án nào đó mà không thông tin, không đội ngũ phát triển hay người đứng sau nó thì việc mọi người hoàn toàn là rác thật.
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B. Và ở sao nên đào coin rác tiềm năng?
Về khá nhiều nhà đầu tư lại lựa chọn những loại coin rác tiềm năng này cũng bởi vì giá cả trị của nó rất thấp và một trong những phần là bị đồng Bitcoin chi phối, cụ thể là Bitcoin giảm xuống thì đồng coin rác lại nâng cao và ngược lại. Do giá thành trị thấp nên lúc nhà đầu tư khai thác coin rác tiềm năng thì không có cần phải có một số vốn lớn, nên khi xảy ra pump thì coin rác sẽ tăng gấp hàng trăm lần nên lợi ích nhuận đầu tư sẽ tăng theo.
Cũng vì điều này mà rất nhiều trader chuyên nghiệp vẫn đầu tư lướt sóng những coin rác tiềm năng này. Ngoài các nền chuyên trade coin nổi tiếng như: Bittrex, Poloniex,…thì một số sàn giao dịch chuyên đào coin nổi bật là CoinExchange, NovaExchange, Livecoin, Cryptopia và Etherdelta. Khách hàng cũng có thể tham khảo thêm về một số loại coin phổ biến khác như Reef coin, Coin Alpha.
Mặc Dù thế, thì cũng không có gì bảo đảm được việc đầu tư vào những coin rác tiềm năng sẽ sinh lời cao hay có thể bị mất trắng hoàn toàn, nên những coin rác sẽ tích hợp với phương thức trade coin ngắn hạn hơn là hold coin trên thị trường.
Như vậy, về bên việc đầu tư các coin rác tiềm năng khác sẽ mang lại những lợi nhuận hấp dẫn, và cũng không thể chắc hẳn được điều gì cả, nên nhà đầu tư cần tính toán cẩn thận và có chiến lược giao dịch thích hợp nữa, mới bảo vệ tài sản được tin cậy
Thực ra đối với coin rác rất khó để đánh giá nó có tiềm năng hoặc không, ngay cả các đồng coin đã lên sàn cũng không có chắc hẳn là nó an toàn và tin cậy và triển vọng, như vậy đối với coin chưa lên nền thì càng phải để ý hơn.
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datutudau · 2 years
Hướng dẫn đăng ký, tạo ví và sắm bán Altcoin trên sàn Livecoin.net
Bài viết mới nhất: Hướng dẫn đăng ký, tạo ví và sắm bán Altcoin trên sàn Livecoin.net
Thị trường tiền ảo năm 2017 đã chứng kiến sự ra đời của rất nhiều loại coin khác nhau, tiêu biểu là những dự án ICO. Với những nhà đầu tư tiền tệ ảo quan tâm tới những coin mới, những coin mà họ cho là tiềm năng trong tương lai và muốn sắm bán …
#Blog DauTuTuDau: https://daututudau.vn/huong-dan-dang-ky-tao-vi-va-mua-ban-altcoin-tren-san-livecoin-net/
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